Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Keen eyes. (Req Seto and Aria)

Kimari Bōmu

Active Ninja
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
His days at the academy were numbered so the young boy, feeling a bit nostalgic decided to go to the training grounds to get a breath of fresh air, it was there where he met two of his closest friends Akio and Kiriyomi. Despite their initial meeting being quiet dramatic the two others had become highly beneficial allies and friends, well Kiriyomi sometimes. The sun beamed down on the grounds, almost as if it was a calm aura surrounding the students and keeping them safe, clearly meant to be a non chaotic and fun day. Akio had helped grow the Kyoujouran's confidence in talking to others and meeting new people, with him gaining... well at least over 3 friends. The peace and tranquillity of the day, was too perfect to pass on the opportunity of making some friends, and perhaps finding other taijutsu users like Jinzo and Keiyaku!

He kept a watchful eye over other students sitting atop a tree stump he watched carefully as he would begin to notice a few students catch his eye. A somewhat proud small smile would slightly illuminate his chiseled rock like face, he could see just a few practicing their taijutsu. Giving him a warm and delighted feeling in his heart, his exterior may have been stone but his interior certainly was mush. Whilst he wasn't qualified to teach any other academy students, his raw strength and capabilities of him and two friends soared above most others. Perhaps he could give a few others a couple tips and tricks to what they'd need to know about taijutsu, whilst it was one of the lesser focused on subjects Keniwa believed it was just important as the two other types of jutsu.

However his hands appearance may strike some what fear and disgust in the eyes of the children, quickly covering it with hand wraps in case he did decide to engage with any of them. Whilst his hands still stung he was getting more used to the pain, they surely were a useful augment but not for anyone to see. Especially not kids. 'That one there is using a sword... where as that one is using their fists... That's not the most important thing though. Whilst their taijutsu skills exceed any expectations I would have of most other kids. They seem to both be transfixed on themselves.' Keniwa knew through his past and recent experiences that no matter how strong he was alone, he was far stronger in a team. He may have a few things to teach these two but first things first.

Standing up as he would begin to confidently walk over to the two other students he would wave in their direction. "Hey you two! Come over here i've seen what you can do and I want to show you somethings!" He was far more well built than other academy students, his height being... a little under average, but his muscles were clearly defined for his age. Hopefully his attempt at making some friends wouldn't be so dramatic, yet this thought could spiral in to being the unfortunate truth. He'd seen one of them before but hadn't really gotten to know him so much... and the other one well. Today alone she certainly had... personality.
Aria was frustrated. No more than frustrated, Aria felt like she was going to tear her hair out at this point, you see Aria had been at the academy for two years now and soon the genin exam was going to hit and she would be permitted to go out in to the world to find fights more stimulating than what she had been experiencing up until this point but that didn't help with the fact that some of the other students at the academy weren't really meant for this life. The young Senju was currently in a Taijutsu class that the academy did as per the curriculum and honestly this was one of Aria's favourite classes, she got to train under Konoha's wonderful weather while getting to punch someone in the face so life was great. Aria's current opponent however had been a slacker throughout the year leaving him with sluggish moves that just irked the Senju with how easy they were to avoid. 'Is this kid really going to fight stronger ninja. He's going to die.' Aria mused to herself as she titled her head to the left to dodge a weak punch to the face before moving to counter but the boy panicked and back peddled out of striking range, upsetting Aria further with every cowering movement.

"Hey you two! Come over here I've seen what you can do and I want to show you somethings!"

A shout rang across the grounds causing Aria to cock her head in direction of the voice only to be surprised to see a boy a year older than her standing at the edge of the training field. The kid had spikey black hair with dark skin but the things that caught Aria's interested the most was the guy hands which were wrapped in bandages and that his skin that she could see above the wraps almost seemed like rock as if he had been training them to a ridiculous extent which caught the white haired girls interest immediately as she sensed a more interesting fight here. Her opponent sensed Aria's lack of attention at that moment and tried to capitalise on it but Aria pivoted away from his sloppy punch and ruthlessly ploughed him into the ground with a blow to the top of his head before almost skipping over to the new boy as if she hadn't just bashed someone's brains in.

Aria Walked straight up to Keniwa until she standing just a few inches away from him as she squared up to him while looking up and down as if she checking her stature and condition. Despite his smaller stature in comparison to the taller girl Keni had quite a lot of muscle for someone of his age which made Aria want to fight him immediately but before that impulse took over she slowly raised a fist and pressed it gently into Keniwa chest before staring at him in the eyes as if searching for something. After a moment she burst into a huge grin as her cheeks seemed to redden in response to how happy she was.
"Ha your strong! Really strong." After speaking and finding whatever it was she looking for in Keniwa she turned away from him and took a couple of steps back before turning and pointing at Keni dramatically. "Fight me!"
On the other side of the yard, the song of blades echoed. His first month at the academy was quickly ending, and Seto was greatly disappointed. When his father told him of his time at the academy, he spoke of it as a place for young warriors to hone and master their craft. Standing before him was a great, fat oaf with short-cropped hair and a pig's face. It didn't take long to realize his imagination got the best of him. They let just about anyone in these days.

"I'm going to cave your skull in for what you did to me last time, Uchiha." The oaf boasted.

Seto blinked. "You are going to have to catch me first, dumbass." He voiced with an edge of steel.

When the Instructor signaled for the match to begin, Seto raised his blade into a high guard and charged forward. His sword came downward in a swift arc but was intercepted by the oaf's blade, causing him to buckle beneath the weight of his blow. By the surprise in his beady, black eyes, it was evident that he wasn't expecting such strength behind the blow, especially from a boy he dwarfed in size.

The song of steel was music to his ears as the blades clashed against blades. Seto's lips quirked, revealing a hint of a smile while he parried and blocked his opponent's sloppy strikes before returning in stride. Seto couldn't help but feel a sense of rightness over the entire situation. Too long... he lamented.

The screaming of steel.

The rush of blood.


The thrill of battle flowed through the Blood of all the Sons and Daughters of Fire, and Seto was no different. Twisting back from the stab, Seto spun his weapon out and caught the other, deftly moving it along a different trajectory before tilting in and lashing out with his clenched fist. Seto's fist smashed into the boy's face; the force of the blow staggered the boy.

"Hey, that's cheating," He yelped, holding his nose. "No such thing," The Uchiha returned cooly; "A shinobi is to use every tool they have available." The boy looked to their Instructor for help, but the man responded with a nod—so the bout continued.

The clanless boy's face darkened with anger. He wasted no time, leaping forward like a shark out for blood. Slashing his blade horizontally at Seto's chest, Seto moved to intercept it, only to realize that his opponent's slash had changed into a thrust mid-swing.

Unable to defend against it, Seto threw himself out of reach, his training kicking in as he rolled across the floor in a tangle of cloth and skin. He came to his knees, his opponent already charging him.

Catching the man in the eyes, Seto channeled his chakra through his gaze, creating two bloody orbs. The boy flinched. Sharingan blazing, Seto swept aside his blade and slammed his forearm into his chest. His opponent lost his footing and sat down hard in the dirt. Seto knocked his sword from his finger with a slash to his wrist that brought a cry of pain. The oaf was lucky the blades were dulled.

"Enough," the Instructor commanded.

The boy cradled his hand. "The Uchicha broke my wrist."

"You lost, Gindoro. " the Instructor said bluntly, "Head to the infirmary. And Uchicha," His gaze shifted to Seto. "Don't be so rough with your classmates; you're acting like a bully."

Seto's brow raised. A bully? The accusation sounded foolish. It wasn't his fault; he was simply better.

"I watched you for some time now, and when we spar, it isn't training for you. If you used a real sword, they'd be dead meat. You know it. I know it. And they know it."

"And that's supposed to be my fault," Seto snapped. He could no longer sit by and allow this man to attack him unjustly. He spent hours spending his blood, sweat, and tears to improve himself, and now he was being ridiculed for it. He wasn't going to lower himself just because his classmates didn't want to put in the time. It was unfair.

The Instructor leaned forward so close that the Uchicha could practically taste the tobacco on his breath. "Now think on this, Uchiha. Most of your classmates never participated in combat before. Gindoro hardly knows how to grip a sword. Never mind, swing it. Unlike you clan born, most who attend the academy are green as grass." His look was grim. "So, how do you feel about your victory now, Uchiha?"

His face was a block of ice, but his steel-blue orbs burned with rage. He still didn't see why it was his responsibility just because his classmates didn't know how to fight.

The Instructor sighed. It was obvious his words weren't getting through."You don't have to like them, but they are your comrades. And they'll be the ones watching over you in the field. You're done for the day; hand in your blade."

Seto seethed, tossing his practice blade to the ground before storming off. He was just about to leave when a voice garnered his attention.

"Hey you two! Come over here I've seen what you can do, and I want to show you somethings!"

The boy blinked, looking around to see who Spiky was referring to. He had never seen the boy in his life. But alas, his curiosity won, and before he knew it, he was standing across from the dark-skinned boy and another teen that looked to be around his age. He looked between the two before settling on Spiky.

"What do you have to show me?" Blunt and to the point, as always. Seto waited expectedly while his brows knitted together, fully expecting this to be a waste of time.
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He watched as the young girl first began to walk up to him, the poor boy in which she had fought had been royally demolished by her, even whilst it looked like she was paying very little attention, the boy looked as if he was being dug out of the ground, upon closer inspection he may have even had a dent lodged in to the top of his head. She approached him watching her fist slowly begin to approach his chest, it gently touched him as if it was a sturdy leaf just having fallen from the tree of it's own will. Staring her in the eyes with no sense of confusion but a small smile began to protrude on his face, he was confident that this girl had a strong energy around her, her knuckles not being soft of any sort realising her strength especially for an academy student. "Ha your strong! Really strong." Watching as the tall girl would spin round pointing her finger dramatically at Keniwa. "Fight me!" She was not to be trifled with however if they were to fight... The smile faded from his face as a serious expression would take over.

Shaking his head calmly looking downwards "No not yet... but soon. Hello to you both" He would say as the droopy haired boy would begin to approach him a slightly annoyed ambiance floating around him. "What do you have to show me?" He approached the boy with a calm aura yet somewhat concentrated face focusing on the boys chest. Softly placing his bandaged wrapped fist on the torso of this boy. However the boy may have realised upon contact that his fist's actual structure was slightly larger and more jagged than a regular one. Using his tremor sense he would copy Aria's technique yet enhancing it with his Kyoujouran capabilities. He could feel the boys heart beat and sensed his strength. 'Not as strong... but he was a bit younger than Aria his body wasn't as developed.' He took his metallic fist away, being able to tell he wasn't so happy with rock skin's approach to testing the boys strength. "A lot. But first we'll start with this, try to keep up with me, we're getting out of here this is little league. We'll go somewhere where we can really practice. And to help you two..." Taking his green scarf off of his neck, swiftly tying it tightly around his eyes. "I'll do it blindfolded." He speeds through the academy training grounds, grabbing a practice katana which had been yet to have been taken away. Running straight up the academy's fence without any hesitation. Looking away from the two he would let out a "The winner will learn the most." Taking a step forward off the top down the fence in to the forest surrounding the academy.

Dropping the Katana right as he landed before rapidly sprinting through the forest, using his tremor sense he could sense everything around him as long as he remained on the ground. A large grin on his face, excitement filling his body however he wanted to practice as well. As he would easily dodge the trees and branches around him every now and again he would jump and weave through the branches to go faster, small momentary moments of pure darkness exhilarated him, the sound of the wind gushing around him as the branches he would leap off of would snap from the sheer force. Going deeper and deeper the sudden flashes of senses and the void pushed him deeper and deeper in to the forest, he could feel the two of their footsteps switching between the branches and the ground, smiling whilst he continued to dash through. Feeling one of them, unaware of which it was begin to close in on him he decided it was finally time. "Alright you two we're almost there! Now here's the final test to see if you are worthy."

Swiftly dropping to the floor in a halt he would clench his fists as a singular knuckle covered by his bandages would appear to move up and down like a piston before returning
to normal. "Opening." Smoke would begin to spray off of his body like a burning furnace, his skin beginning to glow a scolding hot orange in several muscles, subtle hissing noises protruding from his whereabouts. As his bandages would burn away revealing his fist's true nature. Two steaming metallic gloves would appear from underneath the previous wrapping, 8 buttons one on each knuckle, stirring wires indented in to his skin coming out of the back of the robotic enhancements and piercing straight up in to his arms. Blitzing forward through the forest ground with breakneck speed, there was no way the two could keep up with him at their level. He weaved and leapt past any obstacle without a second thought. 'Perhaps they'll at least be able to track where I've gone' Clenching his teeth as he dashed, the burning boy would leap out in to a familiar clearing which he had once battled his now friend Kiriyomi, the remnants of their battle still remaining, trees indented, dried up small splashes of poison, a few dead kikai insects. However only Keniwa would notice this as they were insignificant details to the others, a remnant of the past. It's ending... less than desirable for the both of the participants. However that was inconsequential to the topic at hand.

Perhaps his scorching shoes would have led the other two to his locations. He wasn't quite aware of their tracking capabilities though and he was eager to find out if anyone else would appear in the clearing. More importantly who would appear first. Crossing his arms as the smoke and steam would dissipate waiting in intrigue to see if the two would arrive or be swept away by the forest's might. Somewhat proud of himself, at his first controlled use of his new augments, an approving smile would form almost as if he was giving himself a pat on the back.
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Arias just continued to smile at the dark skinned boy as he postponed their fight but didn't outright reject her desire to battle, like a lot of the other ninja she had met had instead she looked over at the other boy that had walked over to join them. Her first impression of him was meh in the simplest of terms. His build was athletic so he looked like he at least trained to fight, but in her past experience, people with pretty boy faces tended to not have much substance to them, so she decided to just focus on the more interesting fighter who was currently looking away from them and moving to grab a training katana.

The older boy challenged both of the students to keep up with him as they headed for a better battle ground, so as he prepared to leave, Aria went dead still and closed her eyes as if she was focusing on something that either student would struggle to detect, before red markings began to form around the entirety of Aria's eyes. On her forehead the outline, another red circle would appear as well before streaks of red, which would then intersperse themselves throughout the girl's white locks, until three thick red bands had formed around her head. Opening her eyes revealed that the yellow was now glowing vibrantly as her hair seemed to almost glow with the energy now flowing through her chakra network. She began to lean forward as her transformation was completed, and for a moment nothing happened as Keni sped off into the distance, but then the floor exploded under Aria leaving behind a small crater as she disappeared in a burst of speed thanks to the strengthen effects of sage mode. Taking to the trees, Aria almost flew through as the natural energy guided her through the tree tops, her bloodline allowing her to move the plant life that got in the way with a simple flick of her hand. Despite these advantages Aria couldn't seem to keep up with the now smoking Keni since he seemed to have done something to his body that had expanded his physical abilities to a large extent. Instead she was only able to train behind him, always a few feet away to make the chase tantalising
but never enough for the Senju to be able to draw level with the older boy. Instead of being put off by this Aria just got more excited as she swung, spun and leapt off the trees that kept moving to stop her from touching the floor; she wouldn't be able to keep up with the dark skinned boys raw speed otherwise. Eventually the forest became more and more toxic, the natural energy of the area feeling almost polluted as Aria avoided a spot of poison on the branch, dying the branches disgusting colours as Keni finally came to a stop in a clearing. Landing in a tree on the edge of the clearing, Aria back flipped from her last perch and launched herself into the clearing, slamming into the ground with some force as she stood up with her arms above her head and whooped.

"Whooo! What a rush! Hey what was that smokey trick you were doing? Made it feel like you were going faster somehow," Aria said with a huge grin splitting her face as the colours of Sage Mode faded from her skin and hair, as she allowed the energy to flow away before her balance was disrupted trying to maintain in a resting state.
The Uchicha didn't bother to return the greeting. Instead, his gaze shifted to the side. The girl seemed to be just as clueless as he was, interesting. He had expected some form of recognition from the older academy students, but it seemed as if his expectations were unfounded.

But still, Seto's brows knit together in a frown. Why did he call them, and who were these people? He had never seen them before; if he did, he would have recognized someone with such strong yet calming energy. The boy made his confusion known with the flashes of curiosity coming from his cold orbs.

Seto winced as the bandaged hand pressed against his chest. His eyes narrowed. Was this some trick? A freshman initiation of sorts? He had heard rumors of such things before, but Seto typically kept his head down regarding things that didn't involve training. The boy's teeth ground together while his eyes flashed fiercely. If the older teen did try something, he would soon find out he wouldn't get his way so easily.

The Uchiha's form tensed beneath the contact, but he remained still. His curiosity won over. Beneath those bandages was an irregularity. Was this man even human? Almost instinctively, his Sharingan roared to life, his single tomo rounding furiously as he eyed the chakra flowing through his veins. Equal parts astounded and infuriated him. His fist clenched until his knuckles grew white as snow. He needed to grow; no, he will grow stronger no matter what it took.

Seto echoed. "Little league, huh?" He liked the sound of that. Spiky seemed pretty interesting, so he supposed he would bite for now. And the winner learns the most, huh? The Uchiha eyed the girl to his right; guess he just had to win then.

When Spiky left, The Uchiha turned to his opponent, "I'm winning." He declared. But the girl didn't respond as red markings appeared over her skin. Seto blinked. What the hell are those? He could have sworn they weren't there a second ago. As the Uchicha was scratching his head, the girl was already on the move, and Seto was scrambling to catch up and cursing all along the way.

Nothing could escape his Sharingan, yet the same couldn't be said about his body. The boy was still young, and despite his best efforts, he was still weak. The Uchiha was an arrow shooting through the treeline, his form a black blur. But no matter how much charka he channeled to his feet or how fast he urged his legs forward, he was no match against the other two. Thankfully he was still able to track their chakra.

By the time the tattooed tree hunger appeared, Seto had appeared five minutes after. His face twisted into a scowl as he eyed the girl with a look of annoyance. "What the hell was that? Where did those tattoos come from, and how could you move away the branches like they were nothing? Are you a Tree Hugger or something?" The Uchiha gasped between breaths.
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Current Ninpocho Time:
