Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Land of the Buried Bones [Private]

Aug 24, 2012


Frigid zephyrs course across the normally dry and humid desert, Mikasa tucks her frame against the warmth of the behemoth, Jerfu. Fortunately Suyashi and his companions had been granted the liberty of mounting the creature, "You are members of my pack, henceforth, I shall be your alpha." his words ring in the ears of the maiden when the canine initially rejected the notion of allowing multiple creatures upon his back; however with much convincing as they traversed the lands the brute gave in. "You didn't state the journey would take us so far from the village." the medical kunoichi comments sleepily, burying her face against the fluff, wrapping her arms around the neck of the creature - exhausted from her daily activities as is. "Every creature has their own specific gateway, unless summoned directly by Lord Kimijun."

Despite her best efforts to dress appropriately, the maiden had been fortunate enough to have a burly companion as opposed to a thin air hair one, quite attached to Jerfu, despite their time together being the span of a few months. "You are a wonderful Alpha, you have my thanks for allowing myself and student into the passage. I hope he grows stronger this experience due to your guidance." she whispers gently against the beasts ear, Jerfu hastens his stride in turn through the sands, scattering the grains against the moonlight and stars. Truth to be told, the pooch wasn't willing to take the duo to the sacred grounds, but her words coursed through his mind and reaffirmed his disposition of longing to lead the entirety of his kind and what better way than to practice with the newer pups seeking guidance?

"We are drawing near, Girf." his monotone voice booms with an unusual tone of excitement, halting after a few hundred meters to stare directly against the moon. Raising his maw upwards the creature bellows upwards, howling loudly into the night as if awaiting for another to respond. No such response would ever occur, his paw scratches faintly at the sands below. "Aki and Tadashi, assist young Suyashi. We have a long way to dig, but you will have to forgive me, I require a brief rest." the canine awaits for the party to dismount, minus MIkasa who refuses to leave the warmth of the pooch. "I believe in you three!" her muffled voice can be heard against the fur.​


In a distant future, it would seem to be that Suyashi had finally gotten Mikasa out of the village, and out of the hospital. The trip they took would be long. And with Jerfu leading the way they would learn all about the next level of Suyashi, Aki and Tadashii's training. They all seemed to be rolling on one accord. Aki and Tadashii were alot stronger than before, but they were still young and small as Sushi was. And as they rode tightly clinging to Jerfu's coat, it would seem that they were to be apart of the pack and Sushi's Pack was a Sub pack of Jerfu's Pack. Right. That would work out in the end of course... and Sushi trusted Jerfu... he was the son of Kimijun. Why wouldnt he trust him.

"Jerfu-sama, How much further! I'm even getting cold with my fur dude!", causing Aki to turn, her fur more bushy now but she was shivering as well, though she took it better, "Oh be quiet! Just nuzzle into Jerfu's Fur and quit ya whining!", Sushi on the other hand had his immolation Armor on as he clung to Jerfu, keeping him warm but the heat dispersed into the air too quick for it to heat anyone else. It was fine though Suyashi felt like he had learned alot from Jerfu before they embarked on this adventure. And Suyashi was ready, because to grow meant to further yourself to become the best.

As they came to the place... which seemed to be sand... sand and more sand. You're think they were in Sunagakure. At any pace Sushi, Aki and Tadashi would leap from the mount... then standing next to Jerfu... who seemed to still be taller than Sushi. How big was this beast. 'Hm... Maybe Aki will get that big one day? Naaah.' looking to Tsukasa, The Minamoto Boy would frown, she was still atop Jerfu. To which he would begin his rest as the trio would look to each other and smirk.
"SUSHI! Go!"
And all at once they would pick a spot in the ground and begin to dig, Sushi however would think about it for a second, "Oioi! Jarfiki-sama! Can I use Jutsu to dig? Or... Do I.. just claw at the ground?!" his question and concern was legitimate at least he didnt wanna break any doors or portal ways. At the very lease Suyashi was being obedient? But he was also not getting anyone's name right.. It came down to the silence under the dead of night, and the length of travel that took them far away from Konoha for this training. Would it be worth the risk of him failing? Maybe... but at the very least he would learn something about the canines he worked with. Maybe he could be a better leader to them and with them as he would learn about them and himself. All of life was a story to be told through the eyes of a dying man, and the story of Suyashi would be told for years, maybe he should write something about that...


Lowering his ocean gaze, the canine merely finds humor in the odd formation the trio perform, although he would not visibly showcase the emotion. Upon hearing the miss pronunciation of his name, the beasts maw parts to release a wisp, a heavy sigh, "That name is far more complicated than my own, Suyashi-kun." he grumbles, pawing at the sand below in a disheveled manner. Tenderly Mikasa scratches behind the ear of the beast, lifting her head upwards from the warmth, "Clawing at the ground would take a significant amount of time, safe to assume any means will do?" she inquires to only receive a nod from her compatriot. "Most will . . ." he responds.

Adjusting herself upon the behemoth, the medical chief swings her legs to swing daintily from the pooch, her hands glasping together to weave a set of handseals. "Its far too cold for this, Jerf." she murmurs, despite the attire she wears, the maidens frame still shivers violently. The sand beneath them begins to fluctuate, rippling beneath them as if they were standing above a pond. A considerable amount of the grain about them begins to slope downwards, Antlion Sinkhole<i></i>.

Pivoting her body to clutch against the bulk of the pup of Lord Kimijun, Mikasa lifts her hands upwards, "Here we go!" she yells against the night sky, her breath showcasing vibrantly against the moon. In turn the prestigious source of warmth tilts his head upwards to bellow a low howl, "Howl, Jirf!" Mikasa calls out in amusement, allowing herself to be carefree from the restraints of the village, not having to portray the role of a branch leader. Sharing in her joy the creatures tone grows in volume as the group slowly descend into a quicksand-like substance.

A few moments would pass, the duo taking notice of their eerily slow decent, the technique catered towards solid terrain after all. Mikasa deadpan stares at her failure, muttering inaudibly to herself. At this particular stage, they hadn't descended more than a few meters at best, "Show me your strength, Suyashi-kun, I am sure you have a combination attack to speed this along?" Jerfu inquires, still resting in place as they sink into the sands of time.​


Chuckling to himself at Jar jar Binks Suyashi would find himself looking down at the soil beneath him. As he would nod off, looking to Tsukasa and the rest of them as he looked to the ground with Aki and Tadashii connected by the seams and working together as a unit. So with that he would call out to the Duo, "You're doing good! Keep it up You two!", getting down he would take Cracka-Jack Jackson's word as he would think about the faster pace of digging. They would have to show they would work as a unit. This was his trial, as Suyashi thought of it. Something that he wanted to do. Something that he had to accomplish with the help of his Sub Pack.

Tsukasa was not build for the cold, she was shaking quite honestly, she couldnt conceal this type of shiver. And she chose a jutsu that would not give them alot of Momentum. And as they slowly made their descent downwards Suyashi shook his head, yelled, "Clear the way! I dont want ot hurt anyone!", nodding again he would roll his shoulders, Jacknife gave him the go ahead! And that was all he needed to try out a new technique he was going to use. A Jutsu that he'd been working on for quite sometime. Tadashii and Aki knew and they leapt behind Jerfu, "Sushi-chan... I dont think you should use that here last time you blew managed to hurt yourself." smirking Tadashii would step from behind Jerfu, "I believe in you! If you do it! I'll give you one of my Treats! Hehe!", a Tadashii snack! Suyashi would await for everyone else to clear for a bit. Huffing out and seeing his breath in the wind he would realize that his coat he had gave him alot of protection against the cold... more than he thought to consider.

Bringing his hands back to his side, His eyes lowering to a single point, and he would begin to build his chakra up. Raw Chakra as static would build around him. "Yoton: Cha-ku-ra Bakuha!" - Chakra Blast - And a quickl flash of light would be produced from his hands but not before he forced more chakra into it creating a tremor at it connected with the point on the ground he targetted which caused sand and dirt to fly into the air, burning the chakra on the surface of what he used it on. Even upchurning a but of the land but the smoke was still present so he wouldnt know how well it'd worked until could see through it.


Debris heaves upwards, grains of sand rain down upon the group and Mikasa makes a hasty shelter by clasping tightly against the large brute, "Suyashi!" she yells against the violent winds, clearly not happy with the method of choice. In order to protect herself from the downpour of particles, the medical chief inhales deeply to release a violent zephyr of her own, Wind Release. Fortunately a majority of the up-heave would not bog down the maiden, taking notice of Jerfu leaping out of the pit to the safety of the flat dunes.

Whistling, Mikasa peers over the edge to examine the depth the Minamoto child created, "Not bad." she comments with a sly grin, ignoring the frigid air she stands tall on the broad back of the beast. Raising her palm upwards, the kunoichi begins to accumulate chakra within the palm of her hand, her kaleidoscope gaze twinkling against the moonlight. A rift phases into existence, showcasing a variety of interstellar beauties, and further illuminating her figure and the canine's. "Jerfu!" she kneels upon the shoulder blades of the creature, her palm flattening itself upon the skull of the behemoth, "Yoton: Hoshi Akari no Shinsei!" - Starlight Nova<i></i>. Lifting his maw into the sky the creature unleashes a vibrant howl, jagged minerals jet forward from the void to crash into the crater to aid her pupil.

The barrage would linger for a mere moment in time, the terrain heaving grains into the sky ways once more before vanishing. Against the moonlight she stood, her arms crossed, Mikasa's platinum mane flowing outwards, allowing the winds to do what they did best and the pooch proudly gazing against the soil. "Our combination." she calls out in an excited tone, allowing for the sands to settle to examine the dent. "Still, we haven't quite reached the gateway." Jerfu responds, turning his attention to the youngsters. "Place your palms upon their heads, channel your chakra through them. Show me what you three can do." he bellows in a baritone.​


Suyashi couldnt help but feel played! He'd been working his behind off and his attack barely did anything! However, Mikasa would have a plan. After complimenting him, the one true girf would find her way into a pool of chakra that Suyashi had not tapped into before, and probably wouldnt for quite a while. It was that upper echelon of techniques that he didnt have access to learning... or using because of the chakra usage on his small system of chakra. He didnt have a way around it. He only had a way to end fights quickly. It didnt matter at all though, Suyashi would watch the handseals, taking note to every one of them before smelling the saturated air of the chakra that Mikasa filled. 'Wow..' he would speak within himself but the other two would bork loudly! "Woah! Mikasa! You're Awesome!" "Noice! Totes!", shaking his head Sushi boy found himself looking down at the hole but not seeing any doorways or anything of that sort.

"Welp, we tried.", Suyashi would turn around to look at the Beast of the middle east... Cause thats where they were right now right? At any pace it didnt matter becaus as quickly as Suyashi turned, the Jerfu seemed to speak. And when he spoke the deepness of his voice seemed to vibrate Suyashi's innards. "You want our combo attack? We only have one so far... So I guess here goes?!", looking to Tadashi then Aki, Sushi boy would find himself forming handseals before placing a hand on Aki's and Tadashii's head

"Raiton Dan: Ibuki!"
"Raiton Dan: Ibuki!"
Ranton: Arashi no danmaku!"

All at once a surge of chakra would beam out from the trio into one spot, More chakra than before, and all together they released a howl into the sky once the dust would cover the area. It seemed like the Lasers and Canons from AKi and Tadashii woudl swirl around one another making a larger beam for a moment until they broke apart into their own three separate entities. Smirking at their work Suyashi would stand up, "How was that Jerky Chicken Boss!", smiling until Aki leapt unto Sushi's head effectively whapping him a good one before landing back into her original spot. "AH! What was that for!", the blond boy would rub his head as he spoke...


Particles of sand downpour about them, the medical kunoichi utilizing the behemoth as an active shield, "I would give that at least a B, in regards of ranking." she grins, patting the over sized pooch, Jerfu shaking his frame to dislodge the specks staining his fur. Widening his maw, the canine began to speak, "Agreed, most impressive.." he comments before flicking his massive tail to deliver a well deserved blow to the rear of the head of the youngster, "Jerky boss? Now you are just doing it on purpose." Jerfu rolls his eyes before fixating against the hole the trio created.

Grasping upon the rear of Mikasa's attire, hoisting the maiden upwards as if nothing more than a puppy, she lands with a thud on the shoulders of the creature, "What is it, Jerfu?" she inquires, unsure of the sudden need to maneuver her about as if nothing more than a rag doll. Never the least the creature raises a paw upwards to forcefully land upon the sand below, exposing an ivory object, a single bone. "Don't tell me that we traveled this far to only locate a bone you buried." she scoffs, crossing her arms as the beast replies hastily, "Silence, you take me for a fool?" he inquires with the kunoichi tenderly burying her face into the warmth of Jerfu's fur.

"Don't blink or you will miss everything." he remarks sarcastically, gripping upon the bone to unearth an unnaturally large piece, nearly the size of Suyashi. In that moment the air about them would shift, the one frigid night transfixing into that of warmth, rays of sunlight raining upon them and instantly Mikasa lifts her head upwards to free herself from the shelter of the beast. The world about them had suddenly shifted, green grass fields surround them, foliage providing shade in particular spots and distant howls about them indicate they no longer are in Fire Country.

In the distance, above the tree line a rugged mountain sticks out like a sore thumb, the summit unable to be seen and the clouds guising a majority of the monstrosity. "This is the entrance to the canine realm, my father is on the summit of that mountain, but we will be unable to go past a certain point." Jerfu begins, "Mystical powers stopping us?" Mikasa inquires curiously, "No, humans are just not allowed past the middle ground." he remarks, "Take notice of the air about you, Suyashi-kun, it is far richer than what you are used to. Don't breathe too much of it or . . . . well you'll see."

Mikasa inhales deeply, genuinely intrigued of the outcome.​


The trio would find themselves looking around as Jerfu would critique their combination attack, but it didnt matter honestly as Suyashi would look with a glazed eye at the small bone in the crater, following with Mikasa's sentiments that Jerfu had brought them out here for just the simple buried bone of his youth? Suyashi was t-minus five seconds from blowing up but Jerfu would pull the bone out. Pulling out something that was quite as big if not bigger than he, Suyashi's mouth woulf drop before Aki would push it back up to the top of his mouth before he'd shake his head, and feel the air around them change... shift...

"Woah what is this?", He was suddenly... filled with the warmth and Aki and Tadashii would howl at the sights of their home. "Hooo! Nothing like the warmth! And yeah Lord Kimijun-sama-san lives up there Big Bro Sushi. You gotta get some SPECIAL permissions to meet up with The Kimijun Boss man!", "Indeed, And they'll eat you if you try something stupid Sushi-boy... That or you'll lose summoning Privledges! And you dont want that!", nodding Suyashi would feel the weight of the situation, he couldnt go against Kimijun, he could smell the power radiating from the top of that mountain all the way here. Then he'd listen to Jerfu, before noticing his breathing had grown tight and heavy. Or rather, the air was thick... Rich with something. He couldnt tell what it was... but as he took in breaths he could feel it weighing on him. Something within him stirred.

"Grand Master Jerk Bone Senpai, what do you... mean? It feels weird to breath in... but I want to learn this technique you we-...", something about this air shook him. He didnt know what was going on with him, but everything felt weird the deeper he would breath in.


Despite the warning from Jerfu, Mikasa continues to inhale and exhale rapidly, certainly making a mockery of herself. The massive creatures ears begin to flatten, his stern gaze showcasing not the slightest inkling of amusement, "I expected a dramatic action to occur, Jerfu." the medical chief remarks, not wishing to allow anyone but herself to be the initial victim to better analyze potential research. A bit perplexed about the entirety of the situation, Mikasa settles against the pact canine, her back resting against his own. Extending her hand upwards does the kunoichi realize the potential dangers of the air about them, a thick coating of coral fur begins to overtake her arm and naturally the woman's eyes widen in astonishment.

If one were to take a closer inspection, the maidens ears would begin to draw to a point, "What is this . . . ?" she inquires aloud, the tail of the beast smacking downwards upon her head and her form reverting instantly. "I warned you, do not breathe in unnecessarily. Idiot." he scoffs, raising his gaze upwards towards the middle grounds of the summit, the air no doubt thicker and heavier if they were to climb; the opposite of a normal climb in which the air thins. Despite the actual physical change, Mikasa dismounts to parade herself before Sushi, inhaling over and over to reveal the rapid developing fur, "This is amazing! I've never heard of inhaling such thick chakra in the air transforming the user!" she turns about, swiftly slapping her hands against her rear - an odd object projects upwards, no doubt a tail forming.

Jerfu's paw raises to smack against Mikasa, nearly toppling her over as she reverts back to her natural state, "What did I just tell you!?" he barks, butting his massive maw against her features, the two arguing aloud. "I need to understand what this is!" she remarks, "There is nothing to understand at this moment, we have to climb. Do as I say and breathe in as least as possible!" Jerfu responds, "But why is this happening? Did you breathe too much yourself? Answers, I need answers!" Curiosity kills the cat, yet in the instance too much rain makes a muddy puppy.

Nudging Mikasa forward, she begins to trudge forward to take notice of jagged rocks, not a natural trail, but enough for them to leap from point to point. "Suyashi-kun, take a deep breath! I want to see how it looks from a different perspective!" she urges, furiously nodding her head. Jerfu swishing his tail in the Minamoto's direction, bringing it down upon the blonde youth on the off chance . . .​
It was astounding just looking around at everything around them, Tadashii seemed to be especially happy to be home. Looking around and howling about as he spent alot of time with Sushi and Aki so he didnt see home or his Ma or Pa at all while he was out on missions with Sushi. The air was thick, congested and heavy, looking to Mikasa as she transformed a bit his eyes widened with anxiety and anticipation. Was this the place were Humanity became the hounds of justice? Was he being brought here to become a Pooch? No, Jerfu was very direct with how he explained things... he was learning a technique, or more over he was learning a technique that would enhance all of his current abilities. Though he halted his breaths altogether, covering his mouth a bit but he saw her get whapped by Jerfu before turning back into her real self.

'Mikasa is a child at heart, heh...' shaking his head, it was weird to see such a thick woman, or rather a thick hipped and strong lower bodied woman such as MIkasa running around acting like a goof. However, Sushi didnt turn away... there was something he got from watching her, but of course he was a growing boy himself and he liked the sight of a good looking woman. Though, Mikasa was not his direct type, she was still good to look at. Alas, enough of that, Jerfu was explaining that they would have to climb? Nodding Aki and Tadashii would leap unto Sushi's Shoulders weighing him down, causing him to exert more energy as they giggled looking at one another then back to Suyashi, he was beginning to grow fur and his nose turned into a semi snout.

"ACK! JET JACKSON BOSS! I NEED YOU TO TURN ME BACK!" shaking his head he would begin freaking out alittle bit as he stopped on one of the ledges looking up to Jerfu and Mikasa. Aki and Tadashii leapt off of his shoulder and back before chuckling amongst each other, prompting Sushi to snarl, "Hey! Did you both do this on purpose?!" taking his hands and clasping them to his mouth again he would let the beads of sweat drop from his brow as he began taking in breaths again, heavy... deeper, but against his will. Was he going to continue to change?


Astonishment, Mikasa swiftly leaps from crest to crest to halt before the Minamoto child, "You look just like Jerfu!" she exclaims, clasping her hand upon the shoulder of the shinobi, "Amazing! If you intake too much, you begin to become a canine?" she inquires aloud, caressing the fur face of Suyashi without a care in the world. All the while, the massive personal summon continues to trail close behind, aiming his tail to swing against the rear of the medical chiefs head to prevent any sort of transformation. "This is what I aim to teach you, Suyashi-kun, there is great power, but if you can't control it you will end up as a canine with no cure." Jerfu speaks in a baritone vocal.

Deciding to demonstrate, the beast eyes his contract partner - allowing her to inhale gulps of air to experiment further. After a passing moments, Mikasa's features begin to adjust, a thick coral fur overtakes her visage and ears breech through her platinum locks, "Girf, focus your chakra outwards and aim towards the distance." he calmly orders, "As a medical kunoichi this should be an easy feat." Jirfu further feels the need to address. Merely nodding her head, the maiden rears her arm back to lurch forward with a clenched fist; initially nothing were to occur and a disappointed expression surfaces, "That was certainly anticlimactic." she murmurs prior to an enormous gale of chakra bursts forth, scattering zephrys about. Debris collect in the distance, the woman's locks frolic in the wind and little to no surprise silenced.

Surely Suyashi would take notice of Mikasa's figure and there being no possible explanation how one of her stature able to produce such raw strength. With a mere flick of the tail, the tanned fur boss reverts the pair, "Now that you understand, we must climb. Keep your breathing to a minimum...." Mikasa rubbing the back of her head, uncertain if this truly were the only method to remedy the transformation.​


As it would seem, this would be the form that he would learn as Jerfu Boss said, though Suyashi couldnt help but stand in astonishment in his form. He felt like he had endless amounts of chakra here. Though he also felt nothing like his normal self, His sensory depth was vast, he could smell things he didnt before... his eyesight was keen but discolored. The Vivid scenery that he took in, it was all slightly overwhelming to the senses. It took will to even not succumb to the form and alloow it to take hold. Though it was incomplete but Suyashi did not know quite yet. It took quite a bit to understand the scenario to be fair, but Suyashi took the whap to the back of the head before looking to the sky and then Jerfu, "Jerfu... You're going to teach me how to use this form?", nodding he would continue the trudge as he scaled the side of this mountain.

Suyashi felt like he was more of an adult than Mikasa, but he watched just moments before as she exuded an amount of power that seemed to be able to send ripples into the mind of the Sushi boy. His Honey dew locks blew in silence as the climate winds blew from the east, leaping again and again with Aki and Tadashi he found that his silence had culminated in their collective lack of even the slightest meeps. 'I've got to get serious... but how badass is it to be the only one of my generation that can pull this off?' chuckling to himself he would look to Aki before nodding, "Aki... Tadashi, We gotta get serious... because this is only going to get us into more high profile missions if I can master this...", tilting his head, axis leaning again as he continued to the top.

Keeping his breathing halted and only taking small shallow breaths he'd realized that sweat would protrude from his scalp more now, his body was seeking a reprieve to the normal breathing he would intake from such a work out. He had stamina for days but with his breathing this shallow and modest, he would look to take in more of the thickly dense air. It was almost like gravity here was weighed differently because of the air's thickness. Though, he continued to keep to what Jerfu said, in his seriousness he'd sigh slightly before continuing, not knowing that he would intake a bit of air, but not enough to change him... or so he'd hoped. "How much further to the top!?"


Nonchalantly the medical chief scratches at her nose, noticing the determination of her student; Mikasa couldn't afford to be acting in a silly state in a serious scenario. Uncipping her spectacles, which hung from her collar, the maiden gently settles them upon her features, indicating she were to take their adventure and tutoring with the mentality of one within a high ranking position. A scoff emits from the maw of the behemoth, taking the lead before his pact partner, "About time you took this serious. While it is fine to behave in a childish manner, you need locate a bala-" the canine is cut off abruptly, "I understand, there is no need to further elaborate. The purpose of this venture is to ensure the development of Suyashi-kun." the maiden responds in a calm tone, if Jerfu could grin then in this moment he surely would.

Occasionally the trek would cause the platinum mane woman to take deeper breathes than intended, climbing vertically often causes one to breathe far more than necessary - the air about the group thinning dramatically as they scale. This was becoming far more of a trial than initially anticipated, the altitude left one short of breath and the objective was to not breathe, truly bothersome. Random intervals would cause from the features of Mikasa to transfix into a maw, Jerfu keeping her in check, silently grumbling about the method of choice to revert and little to no surprise the massive pooch would arrive at the side of Suyashi when needed, "Around this bend, Suyashi-kun, we are nearly there." he comments in the usual baritone. Rounding about the final jagged path, leaping to and fro, Mikasa and her loyal companion find a flat top - shaded in the grander shadow of the mountain peak.

In the recessives of the flats, from the shadows, a cavern could be made out and on cue the illumination of optics of several colors roar into existence, the bellows of growls of different sized creatures echo. Bearing his fangs, Jerfu unleashes a powerful roar, causing the closest pack of canines to silence themselves, accepting the outsiders, "This is it. The highest peak one can traverse unless summoned directly by Lord Kimijun." he announces, Mikasa leaning upon the beast for support, doing her utmost to not inhale too deeply. Truth to be told, she looked a bit pale, though none could blame her for the task not an easy feat for any shinobi or kunoichi alike.

Trotting forward their guide presses forward into the darkness, various species of canine sniff at them, some the size of Jerfu, some towering above, those the height of Suyashi, and finally to the size of Aki.

"A human? What is this nonsense?"
"Have you lost your mind?"
"Did they come to play!?"
"Do they really taste like chicken!?!"
"How did they manage to make it this far? Strong will only goes so far.."
"How will our lord react to this?"
"Do they taste like chicken!?"

A light would blaze abruptly, causing the kunoichi to shield her gaze and ultimately she revels in the sight before her. Luscious grasslands, forestry, and an odd lake in the middle where many canine ran amuck. "Dog paradise?" she frowns at the thought, a pack of pups circle the group prior to dispersing into the distance, reminding her of Shida. "Don't be foolish. We are to bathe in the waters." Jerfu bellows.​


Smirking at the back and forth between Jerfu and Mikasa, Suyashi found the tone shift would change a bit. As he grew more serious, so did his mentor and pact leader respectively. This was a culmination of nearly a year of training, he was a master thus far with working along side the Canines. Even some others that he came in contact with. Inuzuka pets alike, they all seemed to have a sense of outstanding loyalty and goofiness about them. Except Jerfu and higher up Wolves and Canines. Very stout leaders and mentors almost like Generals in a royal army, they carried themselves with pride and dignity. Suyashi learned alot in the time he had them. He learned alot in the time that he was able to venture from the academy, being able to take with him the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to help groom himself and others that came behind and after him.

'Just one more bend? Awesome...' finally as he would continue to control his breathing, the form would seem to settle out of him, and he could sense that he got the right amount of breathing down to prevent the transformation. Though, soon he would want to induce the transformation... 'I wonder what its called...I'll ask later.' though whatever it was called didnt matter, he knew its power and the things that came with it would ultimately help him in his quest to be the best. Once they reached the top Sushi boy's eyes would burn bright with exhuberance. This was exactly how MIkasa said, a Canine Paradise... Everything was catered and groomed for their race. Jerfu's roar seemed to gut the malice that the fang bearing beasts in their tracks all seemingly to shift their gaze to the group as they arrived.

Canines of all shapes and sizes even some that Suyashi would want to sit down and talk to later in regards to looking like his fallen comrade... Shida. 'I will never forget you', though looking again, there were dogs and wolves vastly bigger than Jerfu. Enormous pups that towered him, ranged almost ot the sizeof Kimijun, and some maybe even bigger than that. Aki and Tadashi didnt seem to mind but they kept quiet as they headed over to the waters Jerfu would lead them to. There was one doggo that seemed to be thinking Suyashi and Mikasa might taste like chicken, and Sushi boy was already named after a wrapped goodie, so maybe he'd respond?

"Heh, if I taste like chicken, you'd never find out! I'm Minamoto Suyashi! And dont you forget that name!", he would state as Aki would stick her tongue out playfully before Tadashii followed up behind the group. It did seem like there was alot going on but he couldnt let it shake him, Suyashi that is... At any pace, Suyashi finally made his way to the small body of water atop the plateau on this peak. The air shifted, his breathing controlled but it was thicker here. Dense. Maybe because they werent climbing anymore and the air here seemed to settle? Who knew but it made it hard not to take too much in. Thanks to alot of Cardio training Suyashi seemed to be able to sigure out most of what he would need to do with this, almost as if sipping on an air cocktail he closed his mouth to only allow shots of this heavy oxygen into him.

"You want me to get in the water? With all that fur clodded in it?", Suyashi looked around the waters it seemed like you could make a fur coat from the amount of fur floating near the surface of the small lake front. Hell one could possibly make enough coats to warm all the Who down in Whoville for christmas, shaking his head for a moment Tadashii would bark out, "If you dont get in there, I'll make ya get in. C'mon... Ya got to learn, and to learn means to get in Brah.", nodding with him Aki would chime in, "He's right yanno... We're a team I thought Sushi! And in order for you ever to be a pact leader you have to learn this..." and with a deep thrust of air outwardly Sushi would drop his shoulders before taking off his boots and he'd begin to dip in the pool below awaiting the next instructions!


"Did they come to play...?"
"They really taste like fish!?!"
"From the ocean?"
"How will our lord react to offering?"

Disgruntlement, Jerfu's initial emotional state, exposing his fangs the behemoth unleashes another powerful roar and cause the various pack members to settle down and to leave them be. Fortunately, a majority would go back to perform the tasks prior to groups arrival, while a pack of pups curious settle down by the waters edge to observe the Minamoto child. Mikasa merely pokes her head from behind the massive creature, "It pains me to enlighten you that I can not swim on any level." she murmurs in a fearful tone, more or less towards the abundance of tuffs of fur littering the water; the medical chief perfectly capable of swimming.

Without a moments hesitation, the beast nods his maw slightly, "It is fine, merely touch your index against the surface." maneuvering about to nudge the kunoichi along and in time she settles upon her knees searching for clear sign of reflection, hesitatingly her digit prods against the furry waters, before Jerfu pushes the maiden forward and causes her to crash into the waters. The attention of several pooch's swivel towards their location, not understand the action and considering it play, eagerly their tails swish to and fro. "You are no exception, wet fur and dry fur are not that different." he comments, awaiting for the platinum mane woman to surface.

Upon breaching the waters surface, Mikasa appeared very disgruntled, her oceanic optics sending daggers towards her pact companion. Wet fur sticks heavily to her attire and her exposed flesh, doing her best to settle down beside Suyashi she closes her eyes, not wishing to speak any further out of fear it would not be appropriate words. "Good, now both of you, relax. These waters are a lesser version of the air we breathe, mixed in with the same nature chakra. It won't overwhelm you quite so much." Jerfu explains, "You yourself are a river, the energy flows through you and outwards, never collecting. If you try to harness the power within your chakra pool and allow it to settle it will overcome you."

At that very moment Mikasa's teeth become far sharper in appearance, a few attempting to expose themselves to the world and the behemoths tail pressing against the rear of her head to revert her, "River flowing..." a brief pause, Suyashi-kun give me a signal if you feel yourself faltering."


Well is would come at no surprise that the first order of business for Jerfu was to Roar like some sort of lion... but then again the roar had a bit of an animalistic charm to it. He was the leader of a pack. Felines had Prides. Which seemed a bit off, they were so very lazy while canines seemed to work through troubles and issues through various puzzle and problem solving skills, and they always seemed to be able to work together to figure out the answers to issues needing solved. Harking back to when he met Aki and Shida, he would find it weird that so many of the canines wanted to eat him, because Shida didnt seem like any of them? Alas, this was something he didnt worry about being that the issues what would arise thus far hadnt prevented him from... Well, from anything.

"Mikasa-senpai? You cant swim? Why not... Then again I learned from my failed attempts of trying to walk on water.", in essence every Shinobi that could do this became Shinobi Jesus, that was neither here nor there, a moot point to be honest, 'So the Water is a lesser form of the air? Essentially I have to fight against both while molding my chakra around me? I... I dont get it.", thinking to himself for a moment he found himself alone in the waters until a woman would come crashing down next to him with matted fur stuck to her clothing, and the wetness of her damp attire seemingly clinging to her body in all the right places, 'This is NOT THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THIS SUSHI!' shaking his head and attempting to think pure thoughts, he'd huff out and chuckle to himself as he'd listen. Wait, the world seemingly happened in reverse for him, he was explaining something that he'd thought he'd heard? Was this the chakra speaking to him? Or was it something else? Maybe it had something to do with the writer of this reading and then going off of memory... not wanting to go back and change the order, so he made something up to make it make sense for him. Yup, we'll go with that one.

Closing his eyes again Suyashi would continue thinking on what Jerfu was saying. 'I am... the river... the energy flows...' a valiant attempt to be serene caused Suyashi to begin mixing the chakra with his form causing his body to rapidly change! Snout forming and fur beginning to protrude from his skin, he'd yelp as a signal for Jerfu! "JERKY BOSS! HELP!", he'd scream out before awaiting the swift whap of Jerfu!


Several intervals of bombardment were enough to deter the medical chief, she no longer longed to remain in the clouded waters any longer. Gradually she rises, the behemoth quick to use his massive tail to guise Mikasa's disposition, the woman thinking nothing of notion. Truth to be told Mikasa lacked an hour glass figure, not every individual was blessed with a pear shape, yet she were quite pleased with her hips and legs. Never the least Jirfu allows her to wander off, not to attempt to utilize futon and katon ninjutsu to relieve the cool liquid and do her utmost to remove the fur from her attire.

Within a notices moment, Suyashi's plead for aid would not fall on deaf ears, the right paw of the massive pooch finds home upon his shoulders many a time, "A river, always flowing..." he repeats. Unsure of the amount of attempts, the creature loses track of time, certainly berating the poor lad with blow after blow until the maiden returns. Little to no surprise, her attire was mended to the best of her abilities, still an abundance of fur cloud the surface and her hair in a trifling state. Jirfu is unable to stomach a laugh and receives a foul look in response, taking notice of the silent communication between the two.

"Fear not Suyashi-kun, we will return in the future. I believe this is a good introduction to the chakra we canines utilize." he explains, Mikasa settling to her knees to allow a water bottle, no bigger than the average, to fill the top. Holding the bottle outwards towards her student she smiles gently, "In case of an emergency." she murmurs sheepishly, the canine unable to find logic in denying the fact nods his head before kneeling and allowing the platinum mane woman to nestle upon his back. Instinctively the woman's face buries into the tan fluffy texture of the beast. "Come, we are returning for now."

[OOC: Topic Left, unless stopped]​


It seemed to be that he would get a minor hang of his transformation. He still didnt have it down but the flow of his chakra and the flow of his body with the outside chakra it would seem that he would be able to get this with enough sufficient training with the water to help ease the transition to learning how to properly transform and push his body to the next level. Though swimming through the fur matted waters it would definitely seem to be the nasty to some, but he was with his people. Comrades in arms. Suyashi, Aki and Tadashii would train, Aki taking in the ideas and helping Suyashi get te training down and Tadashii drawing in the chakra for Suyashi and transferring it to the boy when needed.

So this would be the course of events that led him to the moments before he set out to become the best of his group. He was going to be the strongest and most developed of all the people around him. Though he knew it was impossible, there were always gonna be people stronger, but he would have to use everything in his power to outsmart those around him. Thinking and maneuvering around battles, using his... Inu Kotai or better known as Canine Shift. This would help him, and the training he would get... would go into perfecting his ways to save and protect people...

Thats what a Canine did, they were loyal. Humble. Stout. And fought for what they believed in.

Taking the bottle Suyashi would nod and pack it in his satchel, before bowing to Mikasa, "Hopefully I can learn to now need this after a while... but Alas, I will do my best to prove Im worth learning this... Jerky-Jeff Boss... Thank you.", and with that they would head back to the village... And he would continue learning about his abilities and a chance to make his body more prone to higher levels of this chakra, maybe this would be the best thing he could have ever asked for. Who knew...

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Current Ninpocho Time:
