Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Lazing About [Free RP]

Li smiled slightly as Kaoru finally managed to make her mind up, but his gaze soon dropped to the table. He wasn't one to look directly at people for too long, no not with this mask at least. Had he prepared it would have been a more....interesting encounter for the girl, but hey it was what it was. He had to keep the image up for now at least. What happened at a later time and a different place was a completely different game.

The girls' gasp did surprise him quite a bit. After all weren't anbu supposed to be composed at all times and keep their mind completely clear? Or was she just putting up a better mask than he was? Surprise completely overtook him and he looked up at her wide-eyed for a second before he managed to catch himself and return to a more calm state of mind. 'Relax relax. Keep it easy. Keep it calm' He thought and pulled the sleeve down, covering the little accident he had had earlier. "Again sorry. It completely slipped my mind" Li apologized again, bowing his head ever so slightly. He ignored the girls laughter and dismissed it as not part of the conversation, seeing as how she still kept their distance from them. She really was an interesting one for sure. Was she really a better phantom than him? This really was starting to bug him now. He had to check it out later and unless she had used a fake name he'd find her again and with a more...appropriate appearance at the time. Yes that would take care of that. 'Focus focus!' Takehiko just barely stopped the malicious grin that he wanted to make and replaced it with once of kindness such as what his mask would use.

"Oh this?" He replied casually and looked around the room, making sure it was just them there. They were colleagues and they knew who he was so there was no real point in hiding his occupation. "I had to go retrieve some flower from the spine of the world and I got caught up in a thunderstorm. The lightning bolt hit just above my arm and singed my skin, I lost my grip and fell. That is about it really. Hahaha" Take said as if it was nothing and laughed stupidly. "Oh thank you for your concern, Ayumu-shifu, but I already dealt with that and had to deal with a bit of a nosy MiT. They really need to tell them to respect confidentiality a bit more." He quickly added and smiled at the two. This wasn't something he really wanted to discuss right now and if it hadn't slipped his mind he wouldn't have rolled his sleeve up at all, but hey old habits die really hard.

As if his prayers had been answered miss Aiya came in with his order - a rather large portion of food and it was certainly a lot more than he himself could afford that much was for certain. Before he could stop himself his eyes light up and he was lost in a trance, completely forgetting to thank the woman, then again nobody could blame him. The guy hadn't eaten in a good 24 hours or so with all the trouble he had had. It really wasn't a situation he wanted repeated. Takehiko quickly grabbed the chopsticks and skillfully began annihilating the food in front of him, becoming fully absorbed in it. At the rate at which he was wolfing it down it disappeared not in a matter of minutes but a matter of seconds. Two overfilled plates just disappeared from existence never to be seen again. "I'm sorry I should have waited for you to get your food. Where are my manners.... Now I need to make it up to you as well, Kaoru."
Kaoru leaned in with great interest as Li kun told about his accident with a thunderstorm. He seemed so nonchalant about it, something Kaoru knew she would not be able to do if that had happened to her. She couldn't help but admire her colleague.

Soon after he finished telling his tale, Aiya san had brought Li kun's meal. He immediately began to wolf down the dishes. Kaoru was sure he was going to choke on such a huge meal at the pace he was eating. "Whoa slow down there Li kun" she murmured, but her message barely left her lips before the food had disappeared. He began to apologize for his lack of manners and then addressed Kaoru saying he needed to make it up to her as well.

She was puzzled. What did he need to make up with her? She pondered and thought maybe it was his table manners, but she understood that he had been starving and had no money so it made sense for him to eat his food so rapidly. She waved her hands in front of her and said, "Oh no that's alright Li kun, you don't have to make anything up to me" with her kind smile spreading across her face.

[Sorry the post is so awful. I was doing this with summer homework -_-]
Ayumu waited with interest for Takehiko, but he seemed to be thinking about something for a moment or two. Ayumu assumed he was recalling what happened and preparing to tell the story. As he began to respond, Ayumu noticed Takehiko glance around the room just to be sure they were alone. Ayumu knew they were and trusted Aiya, but he couldn't blame Takehiko for making certain of it. Takehiko didn't know Aiya, so how could he be sure? Ayumu admired a person that wasn't overly trusting, it was just a good way to be in their line of business. The story was a bit short, but the bizarre nature of it made up for that. Ayumu was trying to picture it. Takehiko climbing up the mountain side by hand in the middle of a fierce thunderstorm, rain pouring down on him, spotting that flower and reaching for it just to have lightning strike and knock him loose. Ayumu wasn't sure if it was epic or comical. Part of him wondered why Takehiko hadn't used chakra to stick to the cliff face, but he was sure there was a reason.

His suggestion to visit the Med-nin got an interesting response. 'A nosy MIT?' he wondered. The only MiT he knew of was Kahako, but he was sure there were many others. He doubted that it was her Takehiko was talking about. What was more surprising was that after a visit to the hospital, his arm was still in the state they had just witnessed. "Sheesh, hate to have seen it before the hospital visit," Ayumu commented as Aiya entered the room with a tray of food, placing Takehiko's before him first. Ayumu's eyes widened a bit in awe as the AiT tore into his food, voraciously downing it as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. "Li-kun, you're going to make... yourself... sick," Ayumu tried to tell him, but it was of no use. He was fairly certain the boy couldn't even hear him or Kaoru's warnings at this point. It seemed like by the time Aiya had left the room again, Takehiko had polished off his meal. He apologized for not waiting for them and Ayumu simply shook his head in a bit of disbelief still.

"Hey, when you gotta eat, you gotta eat," he said slowly, staring at the empty dishes. It was then when Aiya returned, this time bearing Ayumu and Kaoru's meals. She placed them in front of their respective owners and bowed. Ayumu thanked her as she left to return to the other patrons. He looked down at his plate, the aroma drawing his attention. The plate was piled on with slices of steak and peppers, just a hint of spiciness reaching Ayumu's nostrils. He actively had to avoid salivating over it. Taking the chopsticks beside his plate, he broke them apart and took a piece of pepper and steak together, dropping them in his mouth. The flavor was delightful, almost making Ayumu want to squeal, but he resisted doing that as well. Instead, he sat respectfully still with a large grin on his face.

"Oh man, it's so good. I can see why you had trouble waiting," Ayumu said before taking another bite from his plate. "This is perfect for a last meal," he said between bites, eating quickly though not nearly as quickly as Takehiko had. "My promotion mission is tomorrow, so I could die! But having had this before it, maybe it'd be okay," he said jokingly. Of course he had no plans to die yet, and this was not the last meal he intended to have at Aiya's. He continued to inhale his food, unable to slow down as it was so delicious. Of course, he was sure to safely chew every bite.
'Ah ah that was an amazing meal! And I didn't have to steal it.' He thought as he just continued to smile stupidly and waited for the others to finish up with their food. ”You'll be fine Ayumu-shifu. I mean I fell off the mountain a day ago and I'm all right, so whats the worst that can happen during a simple mission!” Takehiko attempted to encourage his peer even though he failed completely. It just sounded as if he was boasting and that wasn't his intention at all, but hey he had to keep appearances up. The only thing which would have secured the effect would have been a flex, but he didn't feel like doing that. Well not that he didn't want to, but in his arms condition it was somewhat of a really hard task to complete at this point. Maybe it would be a good idea to wait a bit before he started trying to pull tricks like that. Yes that was for certain.

”So you are getting a promotion mission then Ayumu-shifu? Congratulations. I myself am so very far off of graduating myself.” Take added after a rather long pause and all of a sudden he quickly stood up. How could he forget? This really wasn't like him! Maybe he had actually hit his head on the way down! ”I'm going to get killed..... I completely forgot about that mission.” Takehiko said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear as his face quickly turned pale as all blood drained from it. The AiT quickly bowed to both his companions before excusing myself. ”I'm really sorry, but I completely forgot I had a mission to go to! I will return the favor for sure Ayumu-shifu!” The man quickly ran through the door and out the restaurant. He had to get his gear and go meet the Raikage! How had this slipped his mind

[Topic Left]
Kaoru practically drooled the delicacy in front of her. The thick aroma hit her nose before it even hit the table. Ayumu sempai quickly began eating his meal while making conversation. Kaoru took a cautious first bite. She hadn't expected the potsticker to be so spicy, because of that she immediately took a huge gulp of water. That's when she heard of Ayumu sempai's upcoming mission.

" That's great Ayumu sempai!" she said setting the dumpling back on the plate. "I've been an AiT for awhile but I'm still a little way's off from graduating" Kaoru said with a chuckle. All of a sudden Li kun stood up saying something about a mission. All of the color drained from his face with worry. He quickly bowed and excused himself with a mad dash toward the door.

" B - Be sa.." Kaoru didn't get to finish her sentence before the man was out of the door.

Kaoru turned back to her plate, "Well he sure was in a hurry" she murmured. She then looked over to her sempai, "So what's the objective of your mission." the teen asked out of curiosity.

(I am sorry for the delay and the crappiness DX)
With the congratulations he suddenly received, Ayumu found himself feeling slightly bashful. Fortunately they talked about themselves, drawing the attention away from him. "I'm sure if you two work hard you can meet the requirements soon. Just make sure to attend classes and such," he said, feeling once again like a sempai giving his underclassmen sound advice. As he was just about to take another bite, Li suddenly shot up straight, causing Ayumu to pause with his food raised and mouth slightly ajar. Apparently Li had forgotten about another mission and was running late. He looked almost ill with worry. Ayumu was surprised he even took the time to bow with the speed with which he dashed out of the room. "See ya..." Ayumu said, though Li had already left. He took the bite that had been waiting on him.

"Talk about eat and run," he said with a chuckle after Kaoru commented on Li's hurry. She asked him about the objective of his mission. He wanted to say it was super top secret and that he couldn't tell, but the truth was that he didn't know. He chuckled and shook his head. "They usually don't tell us these things too far ahead of time. All I know is that we're going to Kelmura and need to pack to be there for a while," he said, shrugging his shoulders. There really wasn't much information to go on. He went for another bite of his food only to find that his plate was empty. "Oh. Guess I'm done eating," he said, setting down his utensils and sitting back in his chair.

Soon, Aiya would return to hand him the check. For the time being, he wanted to relax and let his food settle, as well as get to know Kaoru a bit better. "So, random question: Why'd you join our organization?" he asked suddenly. This was a safe place to talk about such things, so he figured this might help him understand his underclassman a bit better. She was free to ask him anything too, of course.
Kaoru giggled at Ayumu sempai's joke about Li kun's speedy exit. She continued to eat the spicy dumplings as her companion finished his plate. As he finished, Ayumu sempai answered Kaoru's earlier question.

"Oh I see" Kaoru responded taking a bite out the last pot sticker. Kaoru had only been on one mission, but they had told her the details before they left so she guessed that every mission was different. Kaoru finished her food as Ayumu sempai leaned back in his seat.

The socially awkward Kaoru didn't know how to further the conversation. She sat there for a few moments twiddling her thumbs and looking down to her empty plate. To her relief, Ayumu sempai spoke, asking about her reason for joining the ANBU. "I -I joined because Santaru sama invited me." she began "I was originally going to be a Med nin, because of my upbrigning, but Santaru sama said I had potential during my Genin exam and convinced me otherwise." Kaoru thought back to that frightening night when she graduated and the strong ANBU telling her she would do better with the ANBU. She looked up to her sempai, "Why did you join the ANBU, Ayumu sempai?" she asked with a curious tilt of her head. Kaoru truly was curious about her co worker's motive for joining the dangerous organization.
Ayumu nodded, listening to Kaoru's reason for joining. He was surprised to hear that the Regent Commander invited Kaoru. "Wow, invited by the Regent Commander herself? That's impressive, you must have shown some promise," he remarked, genuinely impressed. She continued on to say that she had intended to be a Med-nin at first, but was convinced to join the ANBU. Ayumu hadn't been aware there were any strong recruiters like that, usually trainees came to ANBU on their own as far as he knew. 'They must have really wanted her,' he thought, pushing aside his dish as he had finished. Kaoru turned the question he had asked back around on him, leaving him to answer this time. It was only fair.

"My dad was an ANBU until he was injured in the line of duty. He asked me to carry on the mantle, so to speak," he started, explaining the reason which drove him to commit. Of course, it was not the only reason. "I had been considering it for some time, even though I had went through the Main Branch and become a Jounin already. I'd be lying if I said the thought of thrilling missions wasn't alluring to me as well," he said with a smirk. He wondered if it seemed weird to think that way. It was then that Aiya came up to to collect dishes. She put down the check in front of Ayumu and began stacking dishes as Ayumu counted out the money to pay and placed it on top of the check, with a tip.

"Thanks Aiya, it was good as usual," he said as she took the dishes and check on to a tray and left. She smiled and nodded before leaving again. "Well, it was good to have lunch with a fellow trainee," Ayumu said, standing up and stretching. He wouldn't have minded to play around town longer, but he did have a mission to prepare for, and if any mission required preparing, it was this one. "I need to go prepare for this mission now. It was nice meeting you Kaoru, see you soon... if this mission goes well that is!" he said, giving a smile. He left the building with her and said goodbye one last time before heading off to the market for supplies.

[Topic Left - Thanks for the RP, Kaoru!]
"Y - You think so?" the teen lowered her head with a slight blush coloring her cheeks. Kaoru had never asked the other trainees how they joined the ANBU so she thought nothing of the leader's invitation. She looked back up to her partner just in time for him to tell his story. Kaoru found it admirable that her sempai continued his father's work, even though he had an additional motive.

Before long Aiya san returned with the check, Kaoru tried to offer her share but he had already paid. They exited the restaurant with Kaoru saying "Be safe!" as the two trainees parted ways.

(Topic Left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
