Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Leave the Past Behind, Just Walk Away [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
"Raiden be damned..." An irked voiced lazily drifted through one of the dim hallways of the Shima estate. The room before Haruka was bare, the tatami mat was faded in parts where heavily furniture had been placed many years ago. Not a single piece of evidence remained of what existence she had. She crossed her arms, heaving a little sigh. The staff had chucked her belongings out, probably her own fault for so boldly telling her father to get bent. The words fell out despite her better judgement, but his pompous attitude always made her temper flare like no other. She wanted to leave subtly, but it seemed, as always, Haruka was not as quite powerful as her father or quick to tricks. This was his clear message, 'she was nothing just another item that could easily be discarded just like all of her belongings'. After all the effort she had taken to get into the estate without running into someone too.

She supposed it didn't matter. Natsu's apartment was her new home, ever since she moved into to look after all his things. It proved quite useful for the new Spymaster as far as her job was concerned. All his collected information from his little birds, spread over both Lightning and Water country, were kept safe in his office for easy access to the Shima. Haruka lied to herself, dismissing this loss of personal items as nothing. Holding her head high, she turned around to slip out towards the back gate. She turned down the forked hallway, poking her head into the kitchen to see if any staff were around. Fortunately, dinner had been hours ago and the staff had gone back to the servant house to sleep. In the cool moonlight glow, she examined the fully stocked and elaborately designed kitchen. Her hand rested on the isle counter in the center of the room. She brushed off her memories, trying not to get caught up in the nostalgia of her lazy afternoon with Masao making pizza. "You've been getting into my head a lot, Masao..." She heard the faint noise of a door opening back in the hallway and ducked out of the kitchen onto the porch that led to the inner courtyard.

Just a couple more steps through the garden, past the stables, and she'd be home free over the wall.

[Topic Entered. MFT]
She was stationed in Raiden's Eye again, even after formally moving the two to Kumogakure, and now Masaru was alone in an unfamiliar place trying to adjust to his surroundings as best he could. In truth it probably wouldn't take him too long to figure out what was where, especially with the more noticeable landmarks, but even the Shima Estate hadn't taken half a week to memorize. Maybe it was because he was left with so much time to wander, which was what he did, but Masaru was certain that his mother would attribute it to his genius.

The thought got a chuckle out of the kid, although the smile on his face was anything but genuine. Genius was such a funny thing. With just a bit of memorization suddenly you were someone with talent. True he was a bit smarter than average, but most things in life required only a little bit of common sense to figure out a solution. Well, that and a bit of faith. The latter could be attributed to his upbringing at the hands of his father, but even he was no longer around.

“Where should I go tomorrow...” Masaru mused, eyes cast up toward the moon. He was seated beneath a tree in the inner courtyard, not tired enough to go to sleep and yet not eager enough to see the streets of Kumogakure during the night. While thinking of the potential places to visit in such an unfamiliar city he heard the shuffling of feet nearby. He turned slowly, wondering who would be up at such an hour. It couldn't be the for anyone else well Masaru hadn't really gotten to know anyone else at the Estate yet. He watched as a woman exited the Estate with haste, and his eyes widened as he realized she was headed in his direction. Who is she? Masaru wondered before making the quick decision to intercept this mystery guest. She had piqued his curiosity enough to want to confront her...though not directly. She was getting closer, and Masaru decided to stick his foot out just enough as to attempt to trip her.
She slipped by the pond, her eyes focusing on the lapping water disturbed by a family of ducks. The moon's light hit the surface, the water glowed with ethereal white light. Her almond eyes rose upwards at the sky as she walked. It was in this spot that she read Hoshikata's poem. She was his luna, but how certain could she be that he was her sol? What exactly had he brought down upon her? This man who was named Liar, he was the sole reason that she had been distressed. He told her she was not a tool, and she knew that to be true. Even he saw through her lies. It was only a matter of time before she'd cross his path again. What would she do then?

Her thoughts came crashing down as her center of gravity fell away from her in an instant. She felt something tug at her ankle, and then the rest of her body went crumbling with it. Her hands shot outwards to soften the blow. She rolled forward, ending up on her knees. Had someone seen her? She was almost too afraid to face the man that had captured her. Whipping her head around, she rose to full height once more. Her dark eyes cut through the darkness with her usual ice queen glare. However, her assailant was hardly formidable in size. He was just some kid. A kid she did not recognize, but still something about his features nagged at her to remember. "Why did you trip me? Isn't past your bedtime, little boy?" She mused with a condescending smirk.

Brushing off the bits of dirt on her jounin uniform, she crossed her arms. Haruka had made this place her home for many years and she could hardly recall any children younger than her playing in the halls. He was a boy, something precious to the Shima, yet there hadn't been a boy born to the Shima in many years. She recalled the elders stress when the years slipped through their fingers without producing an heir. In this highly patriarchal clan, a lack of male heirs caused a certain panic. The Shima name was facing extinction, and Haruka would only sing about the miracle in that. Perhaps the family was being cursed for their cruelty and lack of respect for woman. Masaru could not have been a Shima, but he certainly looked like one. Those dark eyes that drew in the light around them and a crown of deeply colored hair of brown. Why did he look so familiar?
Masaru's dark eyes widened in surprise when the woman actually tripped. He hadn't really expected her to, especially after catching a glimpse of her uniform. A Jounin vest. He recalled the vest his mother wore as a kunoichi part of Kumogakure's military forces. He wouldn't so easily forget the garb that he'd seen his mother in, and as such he unconsciously rose to his feet at attention. He'd learned from his mother than shinobi were a breed apart, that they were stronger than the average citizen and garnered a type of respect; however, at the sight of the woman who had tumbled from his mere attempt at a trip...he wondered if his mother's words were only meant to frighten him.

He loosened his stiff stance, but flinched when the woman spoke to him. Bedtime...little boy? Masaru's gaze narrowed as he looked at the shinobi. “Awfully smug for a kunoichi who just got tripped by this little boy,” Masaru fired back. He realized he was partly at fault for tripping her, but she was belittling him.

Yet his mother's words came back in his mind, and he realized this kind of attitude was less than attractive. He still didn't know who this woman was, and he was supposed to give her respect because of her uniform. Unconsciously his hand rose to grip the cross at his neck, a habit he would most likely not be able to shake. “You're suspicious. Coming out of the Shima Estate through the back like that,” Masaru answered briefly.

“Your name?”
She raised an eyebrow with intrigue. For such a mischievous prankster, he had a lot of discipline. He was tight in attention as his muscle flexed involuntarily at Haruka's gaze. He caught on quickly that she was of elevated rank among the shinobi army. But, no one would ever know just how high she was. Who ever raised him, had trained him like a soldier and instilled the kind of respect that a Shima highly valued. She liked the fire behind his glare as she threw out her insult. He was awfully quick to return the blow though. Witty little bastard. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. She didn't retort back though, seeing that there really was no excuse for her ungraceful actions.

The glint of gold dragged her stiff gaze towards his necklace that he so gingerly clutched to. Involuntarily, Haruka too grabbed at her necklace for a moment, reminded of her annoying habit that she shared with this stranger, but then she moved her pale hand to adjust her jacket. "You ask too many questions for someone who is nothing more than academy student." She took that hunch, noting there was no headband or Kumogakurian seal on his clothing. All he had was a symbol of the Tenouzans. He was not from here originally, unless he ran with the same breed of ninja that both shared their faith and served Shin. He seemed to be to young for her to group him with them though. All at once, she moved with furious grace and fluidity. She was only inches from his face with a cocky grin painted on her red lips.

"Perhaps I am an assassin that you do not want to cross. Tripping me might have been a mistake, little boy." The flash of steel sparkled in the dark as she pressed a kunai to his throat. Her smirk faded into a disinterested frown. She stepped back, sheathing the weapon. "Fortunately for you, I am not. You might want to think about your actions the next time you set out to do such a foolish thing. I am Shima Haruka, daughter of the head clansmen, Shima Harukaze." Her eyes heavily traced his face. He was so familiar.

"And you, little boy? It's rude to ask for someone's name when you have not given your own."
Masaru took the time between his question and her answer to study the woman. As previously noted she wore a shinobi vest, but there were things he hadn't noticed as he had been preoccupied with their little exchange. He watched the woman grab at a necklace, and realized that he was still gripping his cross. He fought the urge to let go and drop his hand to his side, and was grateful when the urge passed due to the woman dropping her hand first. She was much taller than him, but then again all adults were, and she had pale skin that seemed to glisten like porcelain in the moonlight. All in all Masaru determined that, while pretty, the woman before him was obviously dangerous. She reminds me of mother.

Her remark at his rank didn't phase him. It was true that he was nothing more than an Academy Student, yet her words were deeper than that. Masaru was playing with the cross now, the only hint of nervousness about him as his face remained stoic. He knew immediately when the woman tripped on his foot that he had made a mistake. When he saw the vest fear coursed through him. He was nothing more than a mere Academy Student after all, and anyone who donned such a vest was skilled enough to take him out instantly.

The boy merely swallowed, trying to drown out the thoughts with something else when suddenly her face was just inches from his own. His grip tightened on the cross, and he held his breath. He wanted to take a step back and create some distance from the woman, but he knew that would be unwise. She could easily close the gap, and he would appear weak. He definitely didn't want to look weak in front of this smug woman.

He saw a glint out of the corner of his eye, but that was about the only way he was able to react. The moonlight gleamed off the dagger that was positioned at his throat, and Masaru grit his teeth as the cold steel made contact with his skin. The realization of his mistake was more obvious than ever, even if he'd admitted it just moments earlier. There was a difference between a stranger who was belittling you with words and one who held a kunai at your throat.

Thankfully she sheathed the kunai and stepped back. Masaru wondered if he was more grateful for the personal space or the lack of a weapon at his throat. She spoke then, and the boy closed his eyes with a frown. Shima Haruka. Daughter to the man who was letting him so graciously live in this Estate. Brown eyes reopened to look up on the woman, Shima Haruka. He'd made too many mistakes tonight it seemed, and once his mother heard of this she'd most likely tan his hide.

Masaru bowed in response, realizing that despite her irritating use of little boy she was still his higher up in more ways than one. Besides, he didn't want to make any more mistakes. “My apologizes. I am Shinomiya Masaru.”

He was immovable, facing the edge of death like a true shinobi. She could still sense his fear, but it was courage enough to yell at one's fears and act like the death was an oncoming event to embrace. She was further impressed at the act of humility he displayed in bowing to her upon finding out just who she was. She had misjudged him, it seemed. He wasn't the awful punk she thought him to be. She smirked, watching him bow with such perfect grace. Everything was meticulous, just like an Shima might bow. She was intrigued then, turning her full attention at him now. But, it wasn't until he spoke his name did Masaru have a captivated audience. "Raiden be damned..." She muttered, eyes going wide.

Of course. He was a picture perfect replica of her. How could she forget about the one Shima woman she ever held respect for? Long ago, when she was just a lonely child, she had but one person she looked up to. Her older cousin, Setsuko, had always been a rebellious girl. She fought against the ideals of the Shima. Everyone thought her impertinent and unruly, but she was determined to show them her strength as a shinobi. She was much older than Haruka, but the dark haired daughter of Harukaze spent quiet afternoons watching Setsuko train and loud nights under the stars as Setsuko challenged the men of their clan. The Crow had become Setsuko in so many ways. A challenger of the Shima tradition. A feared woman of her own right. Spymaster of Cloud, entrusted with missions of the utmost importance. Now, he was here. The son of Setsuko. No mistake. She had married that Shinomiya Tenounzan against the orders of the elders. It all clicked together. His eyes, that grim stare, the cross around his neck...It all pointed to her and to his father.

At first she didn't know what to say. His being here, did it mean that Setsuko was dead? What of his father? It had been so long since she heard new of them. "Setsuko, she is alright then? What of your father? Why would she leave her only son here, of all places?" Her dark eyes concentrated deeply on his own. "My apologies, she is my cousin. If you hadn't drawn to that conclusion yourself. We grew up together. We were very close..." She bowed to him. "Forgive my rude introduction." She said, changing her tone to softness. What had she done? He might have lost his parents and she was stirring up trouble.
Masaru wondered what would happen should his mother hear of how he disrespected Shima-sama. It certainly wouldn't be a good conversation, and knowing her it would only be a matter of time before something like this was reported to her. No matter how far away his mother was she always seemed to know what was going on with him. It must have been a mother thing, Masaru thought, because no matter the situation she always seemed to have an idea of what occurred.

He was ready to take any punishment Shima-sama was willing to dish out, but was surprised when instead she shot off a flurry of questions. At first all the boy could do was blink in stunned silence. She knew of his mother? And his father? Well that was a first for anyone in the household to bring him up. He had noticed it early on that they all avoided bringing up his existence, and if they did it was only to mock him. Those moments didn't anger Masaru though, as he was already well used to the disdain those of the Tenouzan faith were given. His mother hadn't said a word about him though, not even to defend him, but he couldn't fault her for it. He hadn't spoken up either.

The answers to her questions were easy enough, and as he was about to speak she spoke up again. Her words resonated more than before this time, as he hadn't been able to connect the dots beforehand. Cousins. Not only had he tripped and rudely spoken to the daughter of the Shima head, he had tripped and rudely spoken to his mother's cousin. His second cousin...Masaru closed his mouth while thinking it over. He hadn't doubted his mother's connection to the Shima family, but he hadn't been interested into looking into it. The boy clenched the gold cross tighter than before. Once again his disinterest in the world had caused him to be ill prepared.

Movement in the edges of his vision caused Masaru to look up, and he was shocked by what he saw. The woman who so reminded him of his mother, the deadly woman who had held a kunai up to his neck only moments ago, was bowing to him. His grip loosened and he bowed again out of habit. “Do not apologize, Shima-sama. It was I who was in the wrong,” Masaru quickly replied.

Even if he didn't say it it was known. She was within her rights to punish him as she saw fit, even if she wasn't the daughter of the Shima family's head her rank alone as a shinobi was enough. Still, he had yet to answer her questions. Straightening himself as his mother had taught him he replied clearly, “My mother is alright. She is currently stationed at Raiden's Eye, as she was previously. My father is dead. As for why I am here, mother wanted me to attend the Academy and determined this as the best place for me to stay for the moment.” He watched her carefully, trying to gauge her reactions to his answers. She seemed to care for his mother a lot, and he wondered why his mother had never mentioned the Shima family in more detail.
He was more a Shima than he'd ever know. The woman smirked at her distant cousin as he repeated his apologies. As she stood, in all her grandstanding glory, she listened to him carefully each of her questions. He didn't miss a beat. Setsuko was alive and well, still taking missions left and right. She worked like a goddamn dog. Haruka silently noted to contact her soon and have her operate as a little bird for the Spymaster. She needed new eyes in Raiden's Eye. The disturbance of the common folk was rising with every day that passed. They still held much contention with the shinobi who had destroyed their holy temple. Haruka knew very well that they walked a fine line with the capital. The string grew taunt by the hour. It was bound to snap. Masao must of known what his children faced in the wake of his death. No doubt he had hopes that they would settle the unrest.

He seemed dull to his emotions, brushing off the subject of his father like a mere passing thought. She knew exactly what kind of being he was. Cold, as she was. Without a mother to be at his side, located to a new surrounding alone, who would be the one to guide him? He was here to be a shinobi. She thought of his potential. She could use a boy like this. Someone to take under her wing and raise up as a shinobi to one day use when it was her turn to serve Hikari as sennin. That was the only future she could see. Of course, it had to be the only possible outcome. Haruka watched him speak, with her usual disinterested gaze. Was he right for her? Useful?

"I am glad to hear your mother is well, Shinomiya-San." Haruka knew better not to brush shoulders with him about his father. If he was like her, then it would only add annoyance. She remembered being young and coolly distant to her surroundings. Anyone who tried to speak to her with significant closeness was often pushed away faster. "Tell me...Have you had a class at the Academy yet? I am Spymaster of the Main Branch, this is true, but perhaps I could give you a class that caters to your needs." She really was reaching here. Teaching a class was far from her list to do. She was swamped with paper work and then there was Hoshikata... However, he interested her. Anyone who managed to catch the interest of Shima Haruka was worthy of her time.
She was quiet for some time. He had long finished his explanation as to his presence at the Shima Estate, and he had answered all of her questions clearly and precisely. There really shouldn't be anything left to think over, or rather to consider, unless he managed to miss something. Of course there were things he couldn't consider. The woman was a Jounin, and a member of the Shima family who knew his mother quite well. The boy wondered if he'd be able to answer everything with such accuracy.

Masaru was still watching her when she responded. He merely nodded his head in response. There was nothing else to say really. If she knew his mother as well as she claimed then there would be no further questions as to why she was away while her only child was here in such an unfamiliar place. Masaru wondered briefly if Shima-sama had bad relations with her family. After all she seemed to be sneaking out of the estate via the back entrance. Truthfully he had no basis for this argument. Maybe it's because he hadn't seen her around the estate since moving in. Being a Jounin must keep her busy after all. She probably was just stopping by before heading back to...whatever mission she was assigned to.

Her next words were a surprise though. She was inquiring about his training, something that he had yet to do. Honestly he was a bit embarrassed by the fact that he had yet to take a single class since moving to Kumogakure, but he was a bit more preoccupied with learning his surroundings. Despite his lacking of motivation, or ambition rather, he did want to become a successful shinobi like his mother. It was his duty after all.

“I have yet to take a class at the Academy,” Masaru began, his unwavering gaze meeting that of Shima-sama's. When she made her rank known to him the boy wanted to turn around and pray to Kenshin for a swift punishment. She wasn't just any old Jounin.. He had managed to get on bad terms with her earlier, but now that she had learned of his parent's identity she seemed...calmer. When she offered to teach him he immediately bowed. “I would be honored, Shima-sama.” He was quick to accept her offer, realizing what an opportunity it was. Training with such a shinobi would greatly increase his chances of graduating from the Academy, and he would be lying if he didn't have an interest in this relative of his.
He practically scraped the ground with his incessant bowing. He seemed so wide eyed at who she was. Honestly, Haruka wasn't adequately adjusted to the attention. She looked at him but truly saw a reflection of herself four years ago. The first time she had ever met Masao. She found herself giving Masaru the same sardonic smirk he often gazed at the Shima girl with. Masao probably found this amusing, but the respect was well earned he would tell her. She gave most of herself in the past years to bring glory to Kumogakure. He had been right to send her to Mist and to set her free to command the ANBU forces on Roenesia. If only he could of saw the results she brought about on that blood washed island. Haruka was the capable human being he hoped her to be. If he watched from Raiden's hall of heroes above, would he be proud of the child he had created?

"Then I will do just so, Shinomiya-San. Two days from now, I will hold a class in the Academy. Do not be late." She broke their exchange of gazes, turning her back to the boy. Shinobi life was an ending cycle. She felt as if she was on repeat, only performing a new role. A role she so desperately wished was not her's. The old Sennin should have been here, but he had given his life for them. Of course it was her turn to carry his burden. She felt the weight was heavier on her than most. Haruka stubbornly believed she carried both the weight of her and Natsu's responsibility to the village. Masao had created them both for different purposes, but Haruka had to adopt Natsu's lessons to properly be Spymaster and one day to be Sennin. The Takaki had given Haruka his kindness and love, something she needed all along. But what he gave Natsu was yet to grasped.

Danger lurked around the gardens for every second she hung around. Someone was bound to hear the commotion and investigate. "Tell no one I was here. Now, if you'll excuse me." She looked over her shoulder once more to give the Tenouzan a nod. Calmly, she left him alone in the garden finding shelter in the dark shadows as she made her escape back over the wall.

[Topic Left]
The dark haired boy wondered briefly if it was by divine fate that he should meet this woman, his relative, in such a way. That their exchange hadn't ended with him being severely reprimanded or worse, kicked out of the Shima Estate. Despite their rough meeting she had offered to give him a lesson at the Academy, something he'd been putting off though not intentionally.

Masaru truly felt honored to be offered a lesson, and briefly thought about all possibilities. He would be fine with anything to be honest, even if it was just a mere history lesson about Kumogakure. He knew little of his mother's home village, and while he wasn't eager to learn more about it he thought that it would be useful information. Perhaps that's just what the Jounin intended to do. History lessons wouldn't take up much of her time, and who knew how many missions she had to do being a Spymaster and all.

He watched as she turned her back to him, and wasn't surprised when she told him to keep her presence here a secret. So she must not be on very good terms with her family...just like mother, Masaru thought as he watched her go with only a slight nod as confirmation to her order. Any sign of her vanished completely, and the boy looked to the moon again. It was getting late, and he should explore more in the days leading up to her lesson. Turning on his heel, Masaru approached the back door, but stopped to take one last look at the spot where he and Shima-sama had spoken before going inside.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
