Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Requesting Entry Let Me In.

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
The journey home had been a long one indeed, but the experiences and knowledge gained along the way had proven useful. Both Skully and Pudge's had joined him along the way, and their friendship and tutelage was something he would heavly lean upon in the coming days. Instinctively, he made his way back to the village he called home. He had some news to share, and perhaps even a request to make. His mind was no longer clouded, and a decision had been made. But First, he'd share what all he had learned about Sand while traveling. As he walked the Dragon tooth Pass, with Pudge's firmed perched upon his right shoulder, his face would lite up upon reaching the entrance to the village.

Unlike Sand, Cloud's gates were guarded at all times. Who cares if it was the Anbu Sennin, or a lowly Anbu in training? It didn't matter. Order was just. "Hey!" He shouted while looking about. He knew someone was there. The odd feeling that he was being watched assured him of that. "I've come home! I got news for the Kage and Sennin... or The Sennin anyway." He shouted, before quieting down and waiting.

[Let me in >=/ ]
Hisako, being on gate duty, was the first to notice the arrival of the large male with a bird of some kind on his shoulder. From the logs she had access to, and had scanned into her internal databases, she knew that the man was Akira Kazan, and from the destination logged, he'd returned from Sand. She gestured from the gatehouse as Kazan approached the building. "Welcome back, Kazan-san. I trust your trip was pleasant?" she asked, her voice calm and polite.

Given her wholly artificial nature, her voice never wavered in pitch or amplitude. She was always calm and collected, and her movements were always precise and measured. She was a machine, after all, and she was programmed to be as efficient as possible. "I am Hisako, the gatekeeper on duty." she informed, introducing herself, "Please, present your papers, so I can log your return, and request an immediate meeting with Mistress Shinrya." she finished, referring to the Raikage, Shinrya Kitsune, as Mistress, given that she was the woman that created Hisako after all.
Suddenly, his attention was caught as someone greeted him by name. His left eye brow raised, in confusion, before settling back down. Holding out his hand, a puff of white smoke appeared and quickly dispersed, revealing a scroll; his passport documents were tightly rolled within it. "Unfortunately not, seeing as I had to cut my pilgrimage short." He stated as he handed over the scroll. "Robot's, huh? Will our science division ever slow down." He asked himself, as Pudge's pecked the side of his head. "Pudges! Stop it." He'd say, towards the bird perched upon his shoulder.

Refocusing his attention, he continued by adding a little more information as to why he needed to speak with the Raikage. "If a reason is needed for an audience with Lady Kitsune, please note that it's about the state of the Hidden Sand." He told Hisako.
She scanned the documents with superhuman speed, saving it to her internal databases, in addition to adding it to the written log while also sending a message off to the office of the Raikage, so a meeting could be booked immediately. Ah, the wonders of multiple processing cores. Once that was done, she added a stamp to the passport, granting access to Kazan. "Welcome back to Kumogakure, Kazan-san." she said, handing the documents back, "I have notified the Raikage that you've got word about Sunagakure, she will be expecting you shortly." she finished, pressing a button to signal the gate to open, so Kazan could enter.

[Entry granted]
"Thank you." Kazan said, as he took his documents back. As Hisoka welcomed him back, and then spoke about the Raikage now waiting on him, Kazan took the Initiative to go ahead and enter. Glancing as Pudge's for a second, Kazan Whispered. "Pudge's, please be on your best behavior. We're going to see someone very important." He whispered to his faithful friend as he headed straight to the Raikage's Tower.

[Village Entered]

Current Ninpocho Time:
