Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Let the Strings of music play (open)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

There was a certain melody playing throughout the Village. If one were to get curious and venture out to find the one playing the instrument in an almost professional like way, they would have made a trip up to Hokage Rock, and sitting on one of the stone heads was a man. He wore a black shirt with blue jeans, his eye glasses making his look in his eyes more prominent. Of if one to were to look closely enough, they would see just blood swirling around in his eyes and no irises. Blue hair covered his ears as the wind softly moved through the Village.

The instrument, a guitar, was a bit charred here and there, one of his possessions that had survived a fire that his evil brother had made that destroyed his old home. The strings were ruined, so he had to get new ones and string them up. And now, it sounds as good as new. The man didn't sing, for he knows his voice is terrible when it comes to hitting notes and whatnot, so he instead, went with just playing the guitar.

The song, reflected him, in a way. Of all the things that had come to past, and whatnot. Even though he has beaten his inner demons, he still feels like there is more that he should do. Of course, as the Combat Medic Head Medical Chief, he does try to help others. Make sure they are combat ready for when they go out to missions and fight actual people who want them dead. Ziren stopped playing, and looked out to the horizon.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka had finished her rounds around the village, apparently she was done for the day and could finally get some rest but she decided on another plan, it was getting quite late and the sun was about to set. She decided to go to one of the first places she went to once she arrived to leaf, the view from there was quite amazing and with the sunset it was simply beautiful. Like her usual style of traveling long distances, she stepped into a wall almost immediately coming out out of thin air on top of the Hokage Rock. Unfortunately.... someone was there already.

With a sigh she didn't even bother to look at Ziren and the music, although rather pleasant, defeated the purpose on what she was doing here. A few ideas came to her head on how to deal with the situation some wouldn't end on a happy note and she was to tired to start a fight. With a sigh she sat down and looked at Leaf, her village.... memories flooded in but in the end it didn't seem much had changed, more like... she had changed. But that's neither here or there. Without looking at Ziren she spoke loud enough for him to hear. "Would you mind stopping the music." She said "I came here for some peace and quiet." Although she would've avoided talking entirely she slowly sat on the ground in a particular way where her Kimono wouldn't get damaged. Whether he decided to stop or not, it wouldn't matter.... the purpose of her being here was accomplished.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren stopped, upon hearing the blood flow of someone nearing him, in fact, kind of came out of nowhere near him. From the sound of the blood flow, he could tell that it was Asuka. He turned his face a little to look at her, before going back to his guitar, playing a few strings at random until she told him to stop.

He did, and set the guitar by his side, making sure that it won't fall down. The Chigokai leaned back and watched the sunset. There was an awkward pause of silence between the two shinobi.

Their last meeting didn't go well, and he thinks he might be partially to blame for that, of being kind of rough, and maybe a bit mean, but it didn't help with her not wanting to listen to a single thing he has said.

His mind worked, thinking of what to say to the Uchiha. Finally, the Medical Chief let out a sigh, "I suppose that neither of us will probably ever see eye to eye again. But if there is a chance, to fix it all. I just want to say sorry. I may have been too harsh on you on our last meeting. Looking back, I realized that I could have done things a bit differently. To help you out. And now here we are again." His eyes fixated on the sunset. "Now. Let's try to work together, instead of bashing heads. No need to yell at each other and prove who is right and who is wrong. As we both know that we are both firm on what we believe in. So tell me, Asuka. How can I help you?"

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka didn't have an expression on her face one Ziren started to talk... this is what she feared... talking. Specially talking about what had happened before, to her that was nothing more than a nuisance in her memory and she hoped to forget it after a while. Apparently it wasn't possible it seemed as though someone would always be reminding her of things she did not want to remember.

"The difference between you and me is simple." She spoke, deadpan expression. "You care, I don't. The little argument is nothing more than a nuisance to me. To help me out.... don't be ridicoulous." She sighed, this seemed like it was going on the long hall. "One thing I hate more than people lying to me is lying to themselves we both know that wasn't to help me out. It was an argument based to get on a decision.

Asuka scratched the back of her head.... this guy was an idiot. "Help me on what exactly? You can't help me because there's nothing I need help with." She sighed "We haven't talked in 10 years and you come back as if things going to change, sorry to break it to you but things haven't changed. You don't care. I don't care." She didn't look at him once. "If you're going to go all loving and mushy with me tell me now and I'll go somewhere else."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren waited until Asuka was done talking. After so long, she still was being hard headed, and refuses to listen.

With a sigh, the Medical Chief stared out at the horizon, not speaking for a while. "Well for first thing, I can help you grow up. Even though you have aged year by year, you still are set in a simple mindset to think of me as an idiot. Not wanting to listen and only thinking if yourself as being right over anything I say. Isn't that right?" He brought his guitar back to him and started to play a few strings at random. "Maybe I gave you time to see if you were really going to grow up and let the past be the past. As for what you said about me not caring, you kind of contradicted yourself there. Wasn't it just a few moments before that, that you told me that the difference between you and me is that I care and that you don't?"

He let that sink in for a moment, before speaking up once again, "As for speaking all 'mushy and loving' as you have said, I won't. But I will speak to you as an equal, as long as you won't belittle me. So you tell me you don't care about me. Tell me, why is that? Do you hate me? Do you think I am the bad guy in your own little story?" He kept softly playing his guitar, staring out into the sunset. It was beautiful, calming.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"You're right about one thing. I do think of you as an idiot." She spoke with a deadpan expression, she didn't have the time or the will to answer his whole thing. It was simply to much of a waste. And it was evident that he did not get what she was or how she worked Blabbering up and down without knowledge is a mask for stupidity. Instead of asking, he talked. "If you listened, it meant. You cared about the "fight" I don't. The next statement was something different." She sighed, this was going for the long hall.

She laughed, oh this guy had the as much knowledge of he mind as a pickle. "Bad guy of the story.... couldn't you have said anything more stupid?" She asked with another big sigh. "I don't hate you, I can't hate just because for the heck of it, my philosophy is simple. Everyones and enemy until proven otherwise. Which simply translates to, I do not care about you. I don't care what you do, or what you are. Live your life, do whatever it is that you do and just leave me the hell alone."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
He kept playing his guitar as she kept on talking, insulting him even more and more, thinking that she is always right.

"It seems that you need to remember how to play nice with others. I didn't want it to come down to this, but you leave me with little choice. Seeming as you think of yourself as so high and mighty."

He set his guitar down and brought out a piece of paper and pen. On it, he wrote:
Would you mind dropping by the Hokage Rock? Talking to someone of your branch. She seems to have lost what it means to be a Leaf Shinobi.
Here is some words that she has said to me:
"I don't hate you, I can't hate just because for the heck of it, my philosophy is simple. Everyones and enemy until proven otherwise. Which simply translates to, I do not care about you. I don't care what you do, or what you are. Live your life, do whatever it is that you do and just leave me the hell alone."

Was hoping you could help me out and talk to her about reminding her what it means to be aeaf Shinobi.
From, Ziren

He folded the letter and made some hand seals. Hotaka Brōlu poofed with some smoke.


"What do you want human? This better not be a waste of my time." Brōlu had said.

Ziren gave the plant the folded piece of paper. "Give this to Yuu Kenshin. You'll either find him in the Hokage Mansion, or at his residence."

With a sigh, the plant contract took the piece of paper and jumped down off of the rocky head.

Ziren took his guitar back into his hands and started to play it again. "Might as well get all of your insults out at me while you can. But maybe this will help you learn." His eyes focused on his guitar.

(Summoning Yuu Kenshin)

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"High and mighty?!" Asuka repeated kind of surprised. "Are you kidding me, I think of my-" She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You know what, I'm not even gonna try and argue, it's not going to get anywhere." Asuka stood up and cleaned her Kimono of any dirt residue.

She finally turned to look at Ziren. "I'm gonna tell you one thing. You think you know how my mind works, you don't. If you need any insight. Ask Yukio." Her Eternal Mangekyou activated as she turned away. "Talk to Kenshin if you want, I'm not staying here any longer listening to your stupidity." She one last time. "I used to think of you as just another citizen in leaf. Now you're an annoyance. Goodbye Ziren."

[Topic Left]

With that she simply walked into the air and dissapeared, leaving Ziren alone with his guitar.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin was having a relaxing day. It was paperwork but boring.

Then he received a letter from Ziren concerning someone in his branch mouthing off. If those words were true, that would be a problem. Ziren was not a liar so why would he lie about this?

Kenshin put on his sennin robes over his black training gear and took off to the Hokage rock.

He would arrive just as someone was leaving... wait Asuka?

"Wait a moment Asuka. Were you the one that said those things? Report to me Asuka what you said and why." Kenshin would look between Asuka and Ziren his brow furrowed with a frown on his face. He wanted answers to this. This was not the time to be fighting among ourselves with an enemy literally at our gates.

[topic entered]
[Stopped Asuka from leaving]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren stopped playing his guitar upon hearing the blood flow of the Main Branch Sennin. Once he was done talking, Ziren spoke up. "I'll be honest with you. My last meeting with Asuka wasn't well, as in the end both me and her ended up arguing over who was right or wrong. That, I accept as responsibility on my part, of things I should have said differently so it won't come to this."

He waited, then spoke again. "Today, I was playing my guitar, and Asuka came. Told her that I was sorry for my past behavior to her, and she responded that she didn't even care about the past argument. And when I asked her if she needs help, and she responded with first, she doesn't need help because there is nothing for me to help her with, secondly, me coming to her, 'as if things were going to change' when they won't. After that, she said that I don't care and she doesn't care."

He then looked at Asuka and said, "I do care, you know? Thought by giving time yourself to actually think of who you are will help. I guess I was wrong to do that, seeming as you don't care, as you would put it."

Ziren then looked at the horizon. "You know, how are we going to work together if we keep fighting each other? I've read once that some great empires have fallen due to not their enemies. But because their own people fight amongst themselves. And honestly, I'm tired of fighting you, some of the academy students that are all trouble, or anyone else in this Village. We all need to start working together before we all lose the things that are the most precious to us."

He then let out a sigh, "You say that I don't know how your mind works, you're right about that. But same could be said about me. You don't know of what I've done. My own trials that I have gone through. Well, except of course this." Ziren brought his right hand up to his left arm. In a single pull, the metal arm came off. He has a single memory from this metal arm. Not good at all, really.

He used his Hemonancers gift to form blood arm, right where his left arm used to be. Ziren looked at the crimson limb. "I am someone who once wore many masks. I wouldn't be surprised of anything you told me, Asuka." He stopped speaking, waiting to see what both Asuka and Kenshin would say.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka clinched her teeth as she heard Kenshin's voice. So he did actually call him.... just fucking great. Even more things to be annoyed at him for. Asuka turned around, taking her already vanished foot back to this dimension. She kneeled in front of Kenshin like she usually did out of the people she respected. "As Ziren stated Kenshin sama, that's what I said." Asuka repeated with a bit of venom in her voice, she was quite annoyed. "I don't care about the argument, I don't care about Ziren, I came here to seek peace and quiet."

Asuka sighed, her head still down. "For some reason peace and quiet doesn't relay to him and instead he wants to make me admit something which I really do not know or care about. So excuse me Kenshin-sama for my rudeness but I really do not see the point of this." She looked up at him, ignoring the rest of Ziren's small speech. "I thought we could've been two people sitting on this damn rock without speaking, instead I'm interrogated about stuff I really do not care about which in the end, just turns the interrogator into someone quite annoying. So before you were called here by him, I was on my way to find another place where I didn't have to talk to anyone."

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would look at the two of them his grey eyes scanning them hard.

Kenshin would sigh all the tension gone from his voice and shoulders. He would sit down, cross legged. He would not ask them to sit. If they wanted to he would let them.

"I sometimes forget how young you both are. Pardon this older man's words and allow me to talk a moment. Life is hard. Shinobi life is harder. At the very end of the day we are are only as strong as a village as we are united. Asuka you clearly have something on your mind. I will not require you to explain yourself. You will do it on your own but know that my door is always open. We all carry wounds from the past or the present..." Kenshin would sigh and remove his Sennin robes and remove his black tank top.

Kenshin's body was almost pure muscle and as thick as a trunk but was noticeable was that there were scars over his body. Some were tiny. Where his right ribs are, there was a long scar that stretched almost from collarbone to hip. On his left chest , near the armpit, was a small hole where it looked like something has been scooped out.

"This is the result of pushing yourself to protect everyone. And these are just he physical scars. This long one was given to me by a jealous cousin who tried to kill some genin in front of me. The hole here is from a punch so hard the muscle was destroyed and I was at risk of developing an infection so near my heart it could kill me. I did that when I punched my former friend who, due to his ineptitude, caused me the love of my life. The rest of these are what happens when you put others before yourself but I would never trade them for anything. Each one is a testament to putting someone above myself. And it is this I must stress to the both of you. You do not have to be friends but such words Asuka are unbecoming. You are one of my Jounin. You are potentially one of my future successors should the worst happen and make no mistake that could happen in the near future. These Frost shinobi... their eleite are truly elite. If I am being honest with myself, I could not take any of them 1 on 1. Asuka you have felt a portion of my power. Any one of their sennin or their Kage could kill me. This is how dangerous this situation is. I ask a lot of you. I know. But I ask only what I know you can handle. Ziren do not pressure her anymore about it. Know that we are in this together. Everyone in this village needs to work together if we are going to survive this. Treating each other as the enemy is going to get everyone killed. It may even get me killed for this body of mine is getting older. Who knows when I push myself too hard and it changes everything. Who knows if I die saving one of you, something that would not bother me in the slightest so don't give me that look."

Kenshin would pull his Sennin robes back on, bare chest still visible.

"All I ask is you trust each other. Trust that when it comes down to it, you will help each other. Without this, we are doomed." and KEnshin would go silent his eyes no longer looking at the two but looking past them.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened as both spoke, he didn't start talking until it was all done. The Medical Chief took a deep breath and said, "Alright. I won't." He leaned back and looked up at the sky.

What's done is done, he won't make it a big deal anymore, just leave it in the past. Then a thought came to him, a memory. "Hey Asuka. I still owe you that ice cream. You know, from our battle and making you bleed from my water shark bombs. What's say we put the past in the past. I'll get you some ice cream. Cookies and cream sound good?"

The Chigokai brought out his wallet to see how much yen he has with him.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka listened to Kenshin's words. She turned her back to them... seeing her pained face wasn't an option. His story and lesson was appreciated and respected but... unfortunately she had to disagree. Trust was something that didn't come easy to her. But out of respect, she gladly, and vaguely, explain herself.

"Kenshin..." She sighed trying to find the words to express herself, this segment wasn't going to be boss to underling.... but one person to another. "If I'm ordered to work with someone, I will always do it to the best of my ability. Listen to their plans, make changes were changes need to be made based on experience. Make a plan if I'm the leader of the group, listen to the team if they think something is wrong. Teamwork is an aspect I don't mind doing when it's needed. But I won't let my guard down around them."

She turned back around with a deadpan expression. "I can't trust easily." She said "I got people to come back to, people to protect. Blindly trusting someone places a risk on me not coming back to keep the promises, and that's not happening." She was dead serious on this... and would probably not budge. She wasn't going to go into detail... but it deserved a bit of explanation. "I've been betrayed like you, my best friend, my protector got literally erased from exsistance by someone that had my trust. I lost someone I cared about thanks to my stupidity." She clinched her teeth. "Worst part is, I knew who that bastard truly was. But my trust blinded me, I let my guard down. After that, I vowed never to let my guard down avoid the same situation to happen twice. In retrospect, I can work with a team... but I won't let my guard down again."

Asuka looked at Ziren and sighed once more. "Don't take out your wallet Ziren." She said "Offer appreciated but denied."

Asuka decided to just.... go. She had said a lot more than she wanted to share.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would let Asuka go without stopping her or speaking again. He would stand and grab his shirt as he did so.

"Leave her be Ziren. When she is ready to talk she will come to us. We must do all we can and trust each other including trust Asuka to come around. She is strong. She will overcome this as she has overcome other things. In the meantime I may call on you for a special mission of sorts. The leaders of the Frost village as I have said could easily kill me one on one. If I engage with one of them I want you at my side. I am asking a lot of you as if we do end up fighting one of them, the chance of death is high. I will be assembling more members of this team but I wanted to ask you. I can ask Mikasa but I know she... well she doesn't like me much. So think about it. Talk it out with others including Mikasa. Kenshin would begin to walk away.

[topic left unless stopped]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened as Asuka talked, he didn't bother trying to stop her. He knows what it feels like to be betrayed. Someone that was supposed to have his trust the most, had wanted him dead for so long. He killed off his own brother. His own blood brother for the wrongdoings that he has done. To save the lives of not just his own, but all others too.

After Asuka left, Kenshin told Ziren that she'll eventually come around, but until that time comes, he has a different topic in mind. One that involves going out to kill the leaders of Frost. His fists tightened, thinking back when Soku told him that she got hurt by one of these Frost leaders. The Main Branch Sennin left Ziren there, to think about it.

Ziren looked at his wallet, picking something out of it. A picture of his brother. And then, he talked, to himself, as no one was around. "I know what it's like to lose trust. Lost trust in my bigger brother for a long time. Ended up killing him in the end. Heck, I believed that Maru was once trying to change for the better, to help Leaf out. Lost that trust real quick when I seen him walk through those gates to never come back. And the current Hokage..." Ziren didn't even want to talk about that, all the things that has happened. Stabbed his wife, made him cut his own arm off. Even once labeled him just like Maru. The trust he has for the current Hokage has long been gone, even before the war has started. Ziren shook his head, right now, he will need to focus on the immediate threat, the Frost.

"I'll get all these damned Frost Ninja that has hurt my little sister Soku. By the time I'm done with them, they'll be wishing they haven't decided to mess with Leaf."

The Medical Chief took up his guitar, and jumped down off the Head, down on to a building with ease, he jumped to the next building, and building after that, until he was at his house. Empty, as his family had already made their way to the bunkers long ago.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
