Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Let's Make a Deal [Requesting Entrance]

Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi pulled his sled-like cart behind him as he approached what was considered the gates of Sunagakure. Last he'd been when he acquired his apprentice he had passed through these very halls as a guest. Now, it seemed to the be the way one got in and out of their village. Slightly confused, Sarunishi felt it prudent to post himself up on his cart with chain in hand. He retained some of his old appearance, but given the exceptionally invasive procedure with a destroyer hive of beetles, things had become a fair bit different with him. Licking his lips he would wait and hope that his old friend Kuro would wander by and find him as he had last time. Truly he had no idea what had happened since he had been gone and that was a scarier notion that never even crossed his mind.

Lifting his free hand to his chin, Sarunishi sat and thought. Absent mindedly, small fire beetles skittered here and there. They were all over the cart in various places. It was less of a blanket and more that if you looked you'd see one or two of them durdling about before potentially hissing at you and exploding into a tiny fiery gas ball. They weren't a smart lot. They were just aggressive and as such Sarunishi was their unwanted host.

[Request to you, shut ins]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
To Sarunishi he would see devastation. A battle had occurred here. A vicious battle, that seemed to have occurred not long ago. The Steward was working on the dojo to try and at least get some of the walls back in place, or at least something to keep the place from falling down altogether. The Steward raised a wall of emerald and had it set in for a moment. His concentration broken momentarily as Sarunishi approached. It seemed as if for a moment he was going to be flattened by the wall, but surprisingly the Steward had with him some measure of strength with him that seemed contradictory with his small body. "A traveler? Fascinating. Ah... my apologies. I will be with you in a moment. This wall is ... not adhering to my structural placement..."<i></i> The Steward shifted forward and the wall seemed to set into place.

Suna had been under siege for several months and locked out and in. The Steward inspected Sarunishi. A strange and curious man. Did he carry with himself one of those cursed rings that the Cabal had? He handled himself well enough, and as if he had been here before. The Steward's interest was piqued as his fire beetles scurried about. "You must be thirsty Stranger. I am uncertain as to the fate of my brother's supply cupboard, but I am certain we can at least break our fast with some scraps or some fresh water. I would think it may be room temperature, which is tolerable... but not exceptional."<i></i> The Steward would gesture the strange to come with him and to bring his cart. The dojo was a mess, but even a host could still attend a guest, one that was fascinating.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"That sounds quite delightful. I was here ages ago and entreated by an individual who seemed to own this place. At least, last I recall. I am not thirsty, however I would sit and break with you. I was hoping to discover what I knew of Sunagakure, but it seems to have simply vanished. I've brought exceptionally valuable resources from the land of Iwagakure with me in hopes to broker business..."<i></i> His words trailed as he looked about. Things were beyond his simple comprehension. Removing himself from his cart he coiled the chain once more around his arm and pulled it after him towards the other individual. To be fair, if any had recognized Sarunishi before his transformation, they most certainly would not recognize him now. He stroked his chin with his free hand as his tongue tucked out to think. Beetles scurried across his body and cart as they did.

"So what did...happen here? I'm accustomed to conflict, but have not seen anything quite like this which, truly, says little..."<i></i>

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Ah. Yes my that would be my brother Kuro. He is far better at entertaining than I am... although I am attempting to be better at it."<i></i> The main hall was still a mess. Katuso's storm had really done a number. They would pass by a black spot where Urufuu had been blasted by photonic lightning. The two would pass by the Steward's bleeding Axe known as Skull Splitter. The weapon had yet to be retrieved from the battle with Magnetica. It stood there still stuck in the floor. "Suna has been underground as per the past few decades. It was the natural way to combat the diamond storms. Granted our underground domain is ... not what it used to be due to .."<i></i> Terrorist? Yes terrorist was the best way to describe the Cabal. They remained a mystery to him still. "A very unfortunate war with a group of mercenaries."<i></i> The word terrorist was dependent on the other party. One's freedom fighter they called terrorists, but then the people who said that weren't observant to those who were being hurt and had nothing to do with a political struggle.

"We've survived wars like this before, be it mercenaries or cataclysmic enities."<i></i> Suna would rebuild. Several operations were unfolding as were other plans. "We usually have trade with Soon's Sanctuary, but we haven't heard from them in a while. I suspect the mercenary force that attacked us has spread to them."<i></i> The Steward in time made his way to Kuro's supply line. He opened the doors to it expecting nothing, only to find ... well quite a large about of food. The small Steward acquired a ladder and scaled it retrieving various small food items. "Trade with another nation would be favourable. We're artisans, and most of our natural products are ... manufactured. Chakra crystals, martial weaponry, to name a few items. We haven't had exported raw materials for an age... well Fire-forged steel requires production, so it's not necessarily raw material per say."<i></i>
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Then I've come at the right time. Nothing beats raw materials. Using magic to make things is nice, but it's never permanent. A supplement to the real deal. I've got a couple tons of materials in that cart from Iwagakure's deepest reaches. Untouched by man for...well I don't know. Likely as long as I've been around. I am glad he is still around, I take it?"<i></i> Sarunishi chuckled at his own statements as he often did. His beetles made their way into the stores and scuttled about before lifting up some thing or another and flying it back to Sarunishi. He sniffed it and ushered them to return it to its proper location. He took note of the various etchings of war that were about him, but he cared little. He too had seen his fair share of combat and war and it was simply the way of things.

"I'd have expected the Iwagakurians to spend more time underground than yourselves, but that does make sense. How things have changed. I am sure that I could conduct trade between our two fine countries regularly. Might even help you with the mercenaries myself, depending on the situation, pay, and otherwise. That said, I can assure trade at least with myself as an independent on behalf of Stone. They're simply where I reside, not whom I banner under. My name is Tsuchi Sarunishi. It's a pleasure."<i></i> He grinned his sharp teeth, but in truth they were a remnant of his last form. He was flesh and blood once more opposed to stone and blood. His family was Kyoujouran, but he was merely a host and it felt...better than it had before.

"Do tell me more..."<i></i>

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"I have to agree, summoned materials never feel quite right in the hands of a producer."<i></i> Sousuke looked on the shelf. Nothing seemingly good there. He scaled the ladder again. "Kuro is still very much around. Married. No children yet... well no children by his wife that is."<i></i> Anything good on this shelf. Sousuke narrowed his eyes as he continued his search. "Is there anything you don't like? I see a crate of tea here, and maybe some biscuits."<i></i> Sousuke turned around to see a cart move on its own. His eyes widened slightly. He couldn't help but stare. Was this man a psionic? No... he was using those insects again. They must have been several of them to move these crates... or they could be very strong. It was also probable that they were both.

"You are the first Iwagakure resident I have encountered."<i></i> Sousuke said as he grabbed the crate of tea. "I had visitors from Mist back maybe a year ago now since Mist was frozen in crystals. I had a visitor or two from Leaf country, which has been embroiled in civil war."<i></i> Once he had the crate he reached out once more and grabbed the biscuits. The small Steward worked his way down the ladder. Upon time the stranger revealed his identity being Tsuchi Sarunishi. "I was named by the Mother Suna Pilgrims as Takahashi Sousuke, the third. The pleasure is mutual."<i></i> Sousuke would next lead Sarunishi to a table. Surely Kuro wouldn't mind. He only had fifteen of them in various places. The small man acquire two cushions and placed them down. "An independent. Resident of Stone."<i></i> Sousuke repeated more for himself than Sarunishi. What a fascinating position this man held. Residency did not mean he was not sworn to service. He merely had a claim to an ownership of land. "Mercenary work is always up for debate. Fees. Danger levels. Understandable of course."<i></i> The mention of untouched raw resources though. There seemed to be almost a childish glint of wonder in the Steward's eye. What Sarunishi said in terms of their age though.. that took him a moment to process. The riddle before Sousuke, how old was Sarunishi? Given how he worded his sentence, being that these materials had not been touched for an age... Sarunishi had to have been ... quite old. Older than his father Judori who was approaching his sixtieth year perhaps? "Tea? Biscuit?"
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Please. That means we won't try and kill each other I am told. That's the idea."<i></i> Sarunishi would chain his cart to the nearest, strongest thing he could and lock with a heavy padlock accompanying a very hefty key. He smiled and looked about the space. It was a bit humorous if one were to observe the scene. Sarunishi stood to six and one half feet tall. If this man was so small, it'd be entertaining for onlookers. "Independent. I was originally from Stone then essentially sold into slavery to Leaf for a peace treaty before finding my way back to Stone to negotiate terms. Then, some events occurred with the Tsuchikage and some foul mouthed imbeciles and I hid for...I don't even know how long. Then, I packed up all this and left. This all, of course, happened in the infancy of such countries...except the current stuff. So. Let's eat."<i></i>

Sarunishi would take a biscuit despite whatever state it meant to exist and stuff it into his face. This would, under most circumstances, mean that Sarunishi did not intend to kill his host just yet. "So, business then. What needs killed? How many need killed and how many do you wish to keep around? I assume if it caused this much damage then the danger level is the highest which means for a man of my distinction...the highest pay?"<i></i> Sarunishi would reach into some folds in his hakama and remove a pamphlet for his business. ~Sarunishi's Wondrous Mystery Shack! Whatever you may need, he'll get it done!<i></i> It was a flyer for his business out in nowhere. It wasn't exactly flashy or exciting. It simply had a place to contact him and that his services were negotiable.
"No kids. Don't eat em, won't kill em."<i></i> His showed absolute sincerity, but the more disturbing fact was the mention of consumption. "We have a contract in the works?"<i></i> Sarunishi's hand would extend and perhaps, at this point, it'd be obvious that his voice changed ever so slightly from concept to concept as if something else were weighing in.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro's six fold soul drifted between pain and rage as he thought over and over about how he literally burned the blood limits of three of his avatars for power to save Suna and its people. He could distinctly recall each moment of how it felt as his Sanryoukyougan side and his Mouko side fell in battle. He literally transformed his giant form into a crystallized titan and was slowly freeing his Ogre avatar from the fate of becoming living Carmot. His greatest fear realized was when Sousuke was burning his own body and the remnants of his soul for power as well, he could not let his little brother die. Akuma Kuro walked into the remnants of the hall where the battle had taken place to find a familiar lord visiting but somehow he too had changed as well. “Sarunishi-sama! It is good to have you grace our home once more, despite its present condition. I do wish you had been around earlier there was a great deal of work available, even so it is better to have your presence now. How fares your apprentice in mastering your lessons?”<i></i>

Akuma stepped forward into the chamber a worried look quickly flickered and was just as suddenly pushed aside as his eyes locked upon Sousuke and then the terrible axe he had managed to find before he regained his composure to speak normally.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke was a mere 5 foot 10. He watched as Sarunishi chained his cart to a secure location. It seemed that he was taking his treasures very seriously, and that they were very precious. The large man explained his origins. The Steward's eyes widened as he mentioned that he was sold into slavery for leaf country. Slave trading was very much illegal in sand, and one would think that ... it would be illegal in most parts. Apparently not. Sarunishi didn't seem all that bitter about these events. He very much wanted to eat. The Steward would pull out another box of biscuits from the crate and placed it on the table. For a man of his size, he must be starving.

The tune would change quickly from origins stories to business. "Most mercenary forces have been detained or killed. Still though with an organization capable of such a feat... I suspect that their numbers are larger than the force they deployed. Killing them is unfavourable as we require information from them... but if you think they're far too dangerous to keep alive, then do what is required for self-maintenance. Given your experiences ... I would think that you can survive quite a bit. Some of them are proving more difficult to crack than others in terms of gaining information."<i></i> Sousuke was given the pamphlet from Sarusinishi. His eyes looked over the document. "Given the difficulties ... high pay would be agreeable. Do you take yen or gem stones?"<i></i> Sousuke would inquire as he continued to look over the document. "What's a mystery shack?"<i></i> He would inquire as he was not used to slang.

"No children. Most of these mercenaries were in their late twenties or fifties. They age themselves well and have the capacity to corrupt summoning contracts. They enslave them and drain their power."<i></i> He elaborated. Sousuke was a man of technology and science. The Cabal's technology was not desirable. He had in fact tried to reprogram the ring Shouki had left for him. The frog summons were surprised he had acquired the ring, and were fearful of what became of the House Takahashi. It took quite discussion to calm down the great toads. "I've heard in some cultures eatting your foe is the highest honour you can pay to them, as it ... suggested that you have acquired their power set by eating them."<i></i> The conversation shifted back and forth. It made Sousuke wonder if Sarunishi had suffered mental damage. It was possible given his experience.

Kuro would then enter the room. As he passed by Skull Splitter, the bleeding weapon did nothing. It remained stuck in the floor. Yet while nothing was spoken, the weapon did not respond to Kuro. The weapon seemed to emanate a sense of superiority over Kuro and his bloodline. "Ah. Big Brother."<i></i> Sousuke greeted him. "I was trying to replace your wall with an emerald layering. Come join us for tea and biscuits. I may have ... raided your store room and acquired a few crates without asking. Sorry about that."<i></i> To Kuro, Sousuke would seem well humored, and less mechanical from before. He seemed to have some sort of cheer about him.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi was both surprised and excited that Kuro had made his appearance. While Sarunishi was not long the same on the outside and since resembled an exceptionally tan man with various etchings running throughout his body like mineral veins would through the earth."We're favouring either. Gems and yen both trade well in any culture. A mystery shack is like it sounds. It's an exceptionally shambled exterior with exquisite interior. My apprentice is tending it in my stead. She is taking to loneliness and work quite well. All the beginning, old friend. I am glad you're alive and well."<i></i> His hands idly fiddled with whatever may be before him before consuming some of the food before him.

"I eat them because people taste far better than most things. Spending my years becoming one with what people call a demon has widened my appetites and allowed me to consume most things given enough time. People just happen to have the most complex flavour profiles. It's no honour."<i></i> It would become very apparent if it hadn't been that there were in fact two different personalities coming forth. More often than not, Sarunishi's demon was nameless and far from different than himself. However, depending on the conversation piece, its words would mirror Sarunishi's on a different range.

"Sounds like they're a handful. I'm exceptionally excited to get my hands around their necks and begin trade with your lovely country on behalf of...myself and whomever may run things whenever I return. Leaders are always getting themselves killed, it seems."<i></i> His sarcasm was thick, but sincere at the same time. It seemed like he expected leadership to always change hands, but knew it was an inevitability.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro's main worries faded quite a bit as he noted Sousuke seemed far livelier and more comfortable. Sousuke's speech and movement were far less mechanical. His fears slowly leaving him as he noted potential improvements. "Sousuke san it is good to see you in better spirits and better health, we both strained ourselves excessively in battle. Sarunishi-sama is one of the legendary stone warriors and since I have excess prisoners awaiting judgement and execution, in lieu of Mikaboshi-sama's methods I would barter half of the prisoners for their potential worth as sustenance to Sarunishi-sama along with assorted carmot supplies, gems, and leathers. I am uncertain whether or not either of you are free for a more serious discussion as I would like to offer a more substantial and permanent position to him as a hunter/executioner for special cases."<i></i> Kuro was no longer as happy a person as he used to be and it showed in his tone, there was a dark rage flowing through his spirit like blood through veins.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Kuro was not one executions. It surprised the Steward as his eyes widened slightly. Yes. It seemed that the Cabal had brought out the worst in Kuro. Perhaps the end of diplomacy was at hand for Kuro who handled with care. "I would be agreeable to that... granted I would want him to be comfortable with his operation parameters. "<i></i> The Steward reached forward for his cup of tea. The Steward sipped his tea as he listened to Sarunishi speak of how he was a part demon. Like Kuro in a way, but not by birth it would seem. Furthermore Sarunishi elaborated on the shack. The Steward paused for a moment to picture it in his head. A humble but excellent abode. "Fascinating."<i></i> The Steward had no idea that people had such complex tastes. Sousuke never did taste human flesh. Though there was his surprise attack on Kaito when he was shadow-weaving. He drew out Kaito's life force to restore his own.

"Disaster seems to be commonplace these days."<i></i> He would frown slightly as he finished his tea before pouring himself another one. Sousuke promptly poured tea for Kuro and passed it along for him. Given Kuro's great size it was probable that he would drink it all in one great gulp.Noticing how grumpy Kuro seemed to be, the Steward poured another two mugs for Kuro to drink. His appetite was quite frightening... and something Sousuke himself could not easily handle if he were cooking. Thankfully he was not the one cooking at this moment. "Aside from your apprentice, is there anyone else in your business? It would seem that you're a two man operation. Quite admirable... considering most companies in Suna require a host of individuals ... most of them incapable of balancing their books ... a shame really."<i></i> Sousuke eyed the cart. "Do you have any Ebonite or Noiron in your cart?"<i></i>
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi simply smiled all the more as he extended his hand towards the steward. They were strong, tanned hands that appeared calloused and worn. It had been a long, long time since Sarunishi had a semblance for his original form and this was it. It was akin to a farmer being tarnished by the sun and fortified by the earth he worked. It was quite the interesting situation he found himself in. He had only wanted to make trade for himself and here he was talking with what he could only assume to be important individuals at this point. "I suppose it prudent that I meet with the officials in charge of such conduct. I wouldn't want to step on any toes...though, I would be delighted once over and a half to be nominated as a scourge. But yes. It is just the two of us for now, as I have no real need for others yet. My work is modest, but necessary do I say it? It cannot be copied?"<i></i>

It seemed as if Sarunishi was having some difficulty with his words as his hands did their own things. The one would still be extended if it hadn't been shaken yet, but his other seemed to gesticulate without any real correlation to what he was saying. At times the motions might match his words, but it seemed the only occupied themselves with nonsense."One of a kind. Anyway. I know not what you'd called the materials in the cart. Various unprocessed metals, gemstones of various qualities and form be it jade or or malachite. Given the tonnage, it's impossible to say what all I have under your tongues. Take a look. Find what you need or take it all. I feel we've got ourselves a partnership, barring the higher ups disagreeing."<i></i> So full of words. So full of promise.

In truth, Sarunishi had no idea what he contained within his cart. It was too much to actually count, but it was sorted appropriately for himself. Gemstones and ore were separated and they were sorted by the depths they had been found. "Disaster is our lives. We make the best of what we can."<i></i>


Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro nodded to Sarunishi as he took a well timed sip of tea and set his next two cups aside before speaking again. "Truer words have seldom been spoken Sarunishi-sama, but unless a Kazekage takes the reins from the two of us our deals stand. I would be honored to bring this accord to written formality but you are both right. I must investigate the rumor that we have reclaimed a Sunahoshi. If the rumor is true then the long wait for our return to the surface proper is over and the punishment of our criminals will be his to decide." Kuro remembered the golden wrath that struck down Urufuu and wondered if it was true because that would mean the Masashi warrior whom had aided him was the true Kazekage. He didn't want to believe that this issue might be decided in his lifetime but if it was then he could have a different life as well.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke said nothing as Kuro spoke of the Sunahoshi. It was a delicate matter, as Katuso did not want to have a throne, and more importantly it was still ... up for debate if Katuso had attained the powerset. Sousuke chewed his lip a bit before speaking. "Kuro and I are amongst the officials in charge of such conduct. I guess the tiger is out of the bag... so to speak."<i></i> The Steward paused for a moment. He shook Sarunishi's hand and shook it appropriately. The Steward was still in a place of social awkwardness. He did not adhere to the social norms.

Kuro spoke of going back to the surface. Yes. That was part of the plan. Yes the terrorists would have their punishment and fate decided. "It's a bit more than that Kuro. This force of mercenaries had an employer. I don't think this was random, or calculated. They were certainly not like Magentica who merely wanted a crown on her because this place, in her mind, is a place of power. Their campaign and endgame seemed ... off. Very strange ... and given the fact that in the end they were fighting amongst themselves."<i></i> He turned his head from Kuro back to Sarunishi. Sousuke sank into his chair. He knitted his fingers together and for a moment seemed to blank out as he was thinking about the Cabal. They were certainly a strange crew of individuals. An exiled Inuzuka. A survivor and veteran of the plague war. A purity zealot. An amphibious Akamichi. A morally and criminally insane reptilian lady. It took Sousuke a moment to realize he was momentarility ignoring his company. It was not very good of him to do so. "My apologies."<i></i> He shook his head as he was annoyed with himself. "As you know Kuro is of House Toraono, I am of the Takahashi line, we are the Stewards of the realm. I don't know how much of our cultural history travels outside our boarders as we mainly keep to ourselves due to the predicament of the storms. What you will find aside from your agreement with us, and the disaster that befell us Lord Sarusnishi is a goodly host, a place to rest, and good food."<i></i> Sousuke paused for a moment. "Should we be expecting a Lady-wife Sarunishi to be coming in time?"<i></i>
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Seems no matter where I go I'm always met by the most important of people. The Kage of Stone. Major officials here. The Kage of leaf saw to my release. Such an odd world of happenstance. Anyway, yes. I've learned little of your structure in my time left dormant. I knew of Takahashis I am sure in the past, but that'd have been too long gone and most would likely be dead lest they were in the same set of circumstances as my self. Roughly."<i></i> Sarunishi prattled for a moment as his hands did as they were prone to doing. After his hand had been shaken it would meander off to do other things with its time. It was as if he wasn't entirely in control of things. He listened carefully to what was being said, but likely would forget it all at some other point and need reminded if it mattered at all. "Since I've been hired their endgame has already been decided. It will be failure and death. Given that, I am no lord. I am simply a man that is very good at his occupation."<i></i>

Sarunishi would lift himself from his sitting position. All was proper. He would not kill his hosts (for now nor the foreseeable future). For now he had work that he'd do happily and with gusto. As he did so he was taken back for a moment by the comment on his nature. "No family. No wives. I was born impotent as the last of my line, as far as I know, or perhaps rendered such. I've no care for such things. I delight in my work and that is enough."<i></i>

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro regained a moderate sense of himself as he downed his second cup of tea, "This is true Sousuke chan, they obviously had a plan, backers, and a purpose beyond taking away our lives. That is a vengeance I reserve for a time where we can slowly, truly inflict a form of pain, and righteous suffering upon those that would bring terror and pain into the lives of our innocents. I know I have earned some form of retribution from the acts I have had to perpetrate in order to exist. I expect to perform some rite of compensation to select parties but what has happened to our village may have been brought on by our existence but the lives of innocents can no longer be retrieved. I will see the worst of those that did us harm suffer in ways that they could never imagine and Sarunishi can insure that the justice Suna deserves is handed down in the grimmest most essential fashion available. Save for children being present I will make their executions a public spectacle and array their bodies from the dojo to the deep desert. I will encase their heads in amber so that their dying expressions will be immortalized. Such is my rage and what I know to be necessary. Now unto bitter business, do we truly now have a Kazekage because if we do it is necessary for the palace to be rebuilt and our homeland to be reclaimed from the eternal storm."<i></i>

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
(I seem to have ... lost my mind and didn't realize it was my turn)

"Perhaps you are just lucky then Sarunishi. Perhaps greatness merely ... follows you wherever you go."<i></i> Sarunishi had heard of his clan. He perhaps knew his father or maybe his grandfather, or his aunt. Sousuke never knew his grandfather or his Aunt who was Steward prior to his father. The other side of Sarunishi began speaking. Little hints offered who was speaking. When he spoke of not having family, or more importantly the fact he was impotent, the Steward seemed to frown slightly. To Suna, this was the greatest tragedy. Being the last of a line with no heir, or no one to carry on the family line. "Well then. Perhaps Sarunishi, you will live forever then. I wish you good health then... as growing old often brings ailments of the most bothering sort."<i></i>

Kuro spoke of how to deal with the Cabal. The Steward fell silent for a moment. His eyes shifted from Sarunishi to Kuro. "That remains for discussion for when all parties are ready. Not everything is in its proper ... place."<i></i> He spoke referring to Katuso. While he was of that fabled line. He did not wish to be recognized as a Sunahoshi, or as King. Kuro's tastes in executions were ... a bit much. Excessive. Sousuke preferred keeping it a very private matter. Such displays may prove ... damaging really. Suna endured alot. Doing this would call attention unto itself. "Cooler heads prevail brother. Rage calls unto rage. What was done to us was wrong, but ... it would not do well to publically villiainize yourself."<i></i> Sousuke coughed. "I think the amber is a bit much anyways... bear in mind Urufuu and Nagasani ... changed the game in very strange ways. Kaito remained true to their cause ... and encasing his head in amber may ... gain you the ire of an aforementioned party."<i></i> Sousuke didn't think that Katuso would approve of Kaito's head being encased in amber and sitting there. Kaito was a skilled foe. Necromancery was of course possible. Did Sousuke want to deal with a reanimated Kaito? Not really.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi listened closely to what was said as he often did. It was all quite fascinating what trouble the world was always getting itself. He licked his lips slightly as the bugs skittered from his being in whatever fashions they went. He raised a hand to his head and with his index finger scratched his eyebrow ever so slightly. "It's what I'm here to do. Make me your villain so that you've no one to blame but a crazy outsider. I take care of them. I make a spectacle like some sort of vigilante justice. You just sit pretty, running things as you should, while I do what has to be done. Rage is an ever ending cycle until things burn themselves out..."<i></i> Sarunishi's words drifted from him as he knew this to be true. He'd been so mad about so many things and now he simply had no heart to care. He simply wished to find solace in his work and perhaps, with any luck, actually help other people. Meanwhile, his hands idly danced about the air as he thought and spoke.

"Truth is, I'll do whatever you want, but I think letting me do all the wetwork will get you a lot further than doing it yourselves. In some cases. Point is, you can't undo what's been done. Just take it in and don't hold your breath. All I've known to be true is the bottom is all I've ever known. You can't get any higher than this when you're on the long way down."<i></i> Sarunishi reached into his hakama and seemed to pull a cigarette from nothing. Licking the end of his thumb, the smell of burning flesh could be noticed even if briefly before he pushed it to the end of the stick. Igniting and burning away, he pulled it to his lips and suffered in the smoke. His body would purge all the toxins rapidly, but he liked the taste. He exhaled an ashen cloud of smoke unlike what one would expect before he lifted his laughter from deep within his belly. "I think I'd like to see your home. Light some fires. Get things moving."<i></i> Sarunishi winked before removing himself from the table. "We've got business to get to, gentlemen."<i></i>

[Marked. Some concepts taken from music. Ask if ya care]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro smiled at Sarunishi's dual nature and understanding, "Exactly, Sarunishi-sama, even if the executions are not public there must be lives spent in compensation. We tried rehabilitation of the mind and the soul and the Cabal twisted our methods and made fools of us. Now they shall be made to look the ultimate fools, as many of the dishonored dead are. They shall never know rest; I will personally curse their souls for all eternity or until the families of the dead, dismembered and loss decide they forgive them because I cannot and will not. Sarunishi has witnessed Toraono Clan justice before, we are held to a higher standard here and as such when a Toraono Clan member commits some heinous act he or she suffers an equally or greater heinous form of retribution. Sarunishi is just such a literal living form of retribution. If the Kazekage by lineage does not take his throne then I will suggest that council approve my request to name Sarunishi Executioner and ally to Suna."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
