Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Forced Entry Let’s not be bothered.

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully attempting to enter the village.
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Mojitsu Areomaru, former Sunan, now wanderer slowly approached the village gates of Konoha with his familiar, The Child, at his side. He had no ill will nor malice for the village but he did not care to be bogged down at the gates like many of the people before him. The young man, standing at nearly two meters tall would simply walk through the gates, donning a long flowing cloak which was replicated by the one meter tall automaton standing beside him. He simply wanted to sight see, and that’s exactly he planned on doing.

[Forced Entry: Run Time 1 Hour]
He saw a child walking through, but he ignored the guards.. it was odd for the red haired who watched the kid and jumped in front of him to block its path.

"You know... it is common courtesy to show a passport and give reasons to the guards as to why you are here." He spoke and would uphold his hand to take this moment.

"I rather not paint the place red... not that it would be enough." He threathened the child, he had enough of th le shade of red on the gates and the softer Nao was surely gone.

As masked boy with a dog in tow were stationed on the gate, and turned to find the approaching figure, both of them dropping to all fours at once and getting ready for the attack. It didn't even register that Nao had joined in too.

"Stop right there. You're not coming in until we see some identification."

It seemed that the Head Jounin would be keeping himself busy after all, as he watched the man trying to come inside the gates, it seemed that he didn't care for the paperwork side of things, no instead he wanted to rush in and not follow processes. Well, it seemed that this was Ishi's lucky day, as he moved to where the man was and stopped the movement and entry on the spot, no instead he would follow the processes like everyone else, and that meant getting approved to be inside the village. Ishi looked at them before speaking the familiar words.

"Passports please"

The teenager looked at the man that arrived. ”Don’t have a passport, my village doesn’t really do those.“ He looked over at the masked man that arrived quickly after. ”Don’t have any identification either, I suppose I have my fathers seal. It’s what we use at home.“

He let out a sigh. ”Does this village provide identification to sight seers that visit? It could make be helpful for those of us that don’t come from these great hidden villages. Maybe that way my life isn’t threatened when I am interested in seeing the great sights of Konoha.“
Keiyaku squinted behind his wolf-mask, not having any reason to trust the stranger, but now more senior Shinobi had arrived, including his former captain, he though perhaps better to defer to them on the matter. What was this guy looking for? A tourist visa?

"Where did you come from, kid? Which village?"
It seems like others had the same idea... all asking for the ssme making it feel like he had been parrotted.

Nao thought for a moment... this kid seemed to be too chill for a fact he knew this was a hidden city. He spoke seals so knew this was not just a commoner.
"If you answer which hidden village you come from, we will send a bird with your name to verify who you are. As so it seems you arent a mere commoner but actually know a thing or two regards seals sland stuff." Nao spoke his thoughts out loud.
"Full name and hidden village name..." he spoke and got a scroll ready.
Ishi decided to take a step back, recognizing Keiyaku from his days in the ANBU and the fact that Nao was also present he decided to instead just listen to this situation, and wait to see how it played out, he was actually just here to make sure that backup was around if required, though it seemed everyone else had this under control. He leaned against a nearby post and listened as the conversation went down giving a small nod to Keiyaku that he would be the one doing the talking this time rather than Ishi going first.
The boy let out a sigh and ruffled through his cloak before producing a small wooden stamp with an engraving to be pressed into hot wax to make a seal. ”My name is Tonnou Kaze, I come from a small village on the edge of the Land of Wind, maybe a days trek from Soon’s Haven. The village isn’t much, maybe one hundred people, but it’s not a bad place to grow up, kind of boring. Do other villages not use stamped seals with family crests on them? That’s strange, we all use them back home. I feel like your mail would be easily mixed up without them.“ the boy’s face remained flat and unimpressed.

His eyes looked back to Nao ”I don’t think you have any messenger route there I’m afraid, but if you do they must be before my time. I’ve never seen a courier come to my village before.“
Keiyaku reached out an took the travel document, his eyes scanning over the seal. He looked up, over at Nao, handing him the paper and appealing to him for what to do before lodging his own suggestion.

"Sir, I think you had the right idea. Perhaps we should hold him while we send off a courier or a bird to verify this document, as we've not received any prior notice of his arrival. We cannot be completely sure this seal is legitimate. He has no passport to back it up."

The Shiba dog at his feet gave a bark of agreement, still eyeing the newcomer cautiously.
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He had an anbu operatative here... but something didnt sit right with him. This boy had spoken about hidden villages like it was nothing. His story also didn't sit right with him.

"This guy has a few options... either be williningly detained tilll we can verify with the wind country themselfs. Give them a detailed how this guy looks, name and imprint of the seal. Turn back and be denied entry, he wont get one in the future either or just try to force his way in which I wouldnt recommend."

He spoke and looked at the anbu, seal, back to the anbu and then to the strange child. Ball was in their court now. And he knew anbu jail wasnt that much fun....

[Was allowed to skip ishi]
”So either sit in jail until y’all hear back that the Wind Country doesn’t have a census for every tiny village that doesn’t contribute to Soon’s Haven, Sunagakure no Sato, or Soragakure, or leave and never come back? Damn y’all are fascists huh? Only accept visitors from the large cities huh, what a shame. Guess I’ll never get to see the sights.“

He would look at the masked boy and extend his hand. ”If I could have my father’s seal back I’ll head out and make sure to tell my village to not visit this city because we aren’t fancy enough for you.“
Keiyaku's was reaction was to be offended, to feel affronted that their integrity had been challenged in such a way. Who did this guy think he was? No, he had to stay professional. He pushed it down, still ruminating on the seal the two were examining.

"It is not our fault you've shown up with no Passport to prove your identity. If you return to your village, secure the correct documents bearing your name, along with your date and place of birth, we'll be more than happy to grant you entry," said Keiyaku, handing the boy back his seal, and folding his arms.

"But it's your choice. You can stay here in custody until we have identification for you, or you can come back with the correct travel authorisation."

Moru continued to eye the newcomer, sticking to the side of Keiyaku's leg like a good police dog.
”Like I said before, my village doesn’t do travel papers. We aren’t like these big cities that chase people off with military force. If I must have something I am incapable of having then I guess I will never get to see the famous oak district that is supposed to have the best food in the world because my village is too poor to keep up with your fancy requirements. I hope you have the day you deserve, tool.“

He would take his seal and begin to walk away, back out of the gates. The Child would hesitate for a moment staring at everyone at the scene, taking this opportunity to memorize all of the details about them in his robotic mind before acting startled and running to catch up to Areomaru and reaching for his hand to hold it like a child would hold a parent’s hand.

[Topic Left]
Nao would wave and the kid had struck a nerf. Maybe not the best thing to shout behind a child and everything, but he didnt and couldnt hold back. "Sorry to hear your village isnt as advanced or capable as to provide basic documents my boy! Everyone in our country at least does~" he would turn his back after and still look puzzled. He wondered what he said would be true and figured something maybe of use here... he quickly jotted down a few features of the child just in case for future guards. A note jotting down that the last time he came there was no official document of any kind with him. Still... something was odd.

"I will let you handle it from here Mr. Anbu-san. And you too....erm... " he didnt know the name of the watcher either. "I am Nao...." he muttered and after meeting the other he would move back away from the gates.

[Topic left]
Ishi sighed as he listened to the boy speak, it seemed that he just had to go and run his mouth off, as he sighed to himself wanting nothing but to turn the boy away the attitude was an issue that would run him into trouble, and this time it did just that, he had said to much even if he didn't mean to and right now Ishi wasn't in the mood to play around, let alone watch him just walk off with this little attitude, no in regards to this a few days in a cell would give him a new perspective on life.

"Halt, you could have just apologized, you could have said sorry, you could have just said you are right ill get more paperwork in order, no you had to decide on this approach. So now your words have consequences, you are to relinquish all weapons, forfeit all equipment and will be detained until we can verify your identity from Wind Country. Failure to comply will result in a more uncivilized approach to this matter. After all, you will get to now see some part of the village, the inside of the jail cells, though I hear they can be a bit damp this time of year."

[Stopped Areomaru leaving]
Keiyaku watched as the boy ran through his plans for the day, and then departed with a spiteful last word. He was going to retort, but Nao had already began to serve face in return. Ishi had stepped in at this point, taking Keiyaku back a little, preventing the boy from leaving and pronouncing him under arrest. Was that the best approach? Surely the guy was just trying his luck coming here; did they really need to put him through the wringer like this? Well, Ishi was his former Captain, and he couldn't very well undercut him.

"Sir, if you really want to place him under arrest, I can escort him if need be; I'm almost done with my gate duty shift tonight," he said, standing beside the man, glancing briefly up at Nao to see what his thoughts on the matter might be. He got ready, prepared to fight the guy if he was going to resist, but with two other high ranking officials, he doubted he'd need to.

"I'm happy to take care of him from here."
Areomaru wouldn’t pay much attention to the man telling him to give up his weapons. ”Can’t enter because my village doesn’t do documentation and now you want to imprison me forever because, once again my village doesn’t do documentation so there won’t be any fancy paperwork for me.“ he looked over his shoulder at Ishi. ”See how that doesn’t make sense? To me it sounds like you are trying to start a fight with a wayward travel because if you end up killing him no one would miss him. Good to know this is how the great Hidden Leaf Village treats those who are in awe of the village but aren’t allowed in. May as kill us right? What good are we if we don’t have the correct papers, apparently that’s all you Leaf Shinobi care about, not that I am a person trying to expand my horizons.“

He held tighter onto The Child’s hand. ”I have no weapons on me and the only equipment I have is a small pack where I keep my rations, water bottle, and a bed roll. I’m not giving it over to an overly aggressive attack dog simply because I’m not a cog in your war machine.“

He would look back towards the outer village zone and continued to walk away. ”I get it, I’m not welcome because I don’t come from a fancy village, but I’m not sitting in a prison cell for being born in a poor village.“

[topic left]
It seemed that the boy wanted to ignore the orders he had been given, and in this situation, it seemed that the move would force Ishi's hand, well so be it, if this is what the boy wanted then he would have to face his fate from the actions that he had taken, and that was going to be as simple as the matter was. The gates were a place to be protected and defended, and failing the laws and not listening to the guards would have consequences for them, and right now it seemed the newcomer would be the one to force the cards on the table.

" were just a kid really"

[Stopped Areomaru leaving again]
[Bmod Called]

Current Ninpocho Time:
