As easy at getting inside, he would summon his contract, the dragon. He would pet the small girl before instructing her. "You do not give anyone this message, that isn't above Genin." He would comment and the girl would nod, place her hand in front of her forehead as a salute and then grin big towards Nao. "That is a good girl... The empty square paper is just a little jutsu of my own... only the one getting to our country is allowed to carry it. I wish them good luck on finding out how to use it if needed... We will know how, as it ain't anything special... But they won't be able to discover it with jutsu."
Nao grinned as he handed her a thick scroll, a letter was inside and a copy of their bingo book and at the most inner part a square paper. "Now please go and be safe." He would comment.
[1 hr run time ]]
Nao grinned as he handed her a thick scroll, a letter was inside and a copy of their bingo book and at the most inner part a square paper. "Now please go and be safe." He would comment.
[1 hr run time ]]