[topic entered with npc Taisen Yuki]
Suddenly, in time to hear the teacher’s response to the questions, there was yet another student at the door panting heavily. She was an interesting looking one to say the least. She was young with short black hair with triangular ears popping out of the top of her head and around her waist was what seems to be a fur belt but in actuality was her tail. She huffs and puffs and in between heavy breathes she spoke, “Sorry… for my lateness… Lirin came down with a cold… Had to run here from the hospital.” Lirin was her canine companion. Though Yuki was not your traditional Inuzuka. Yuki was part of a family of Yamanaka and as a family of Yamanaka they sook enlightenment, however the path to such a goal varies from person to person. Each of her siblings took a different path. Yuki believed there had to be a short cut to enlightenment. She did not want to spend years in search of it so she decided to make a pack with a demon. She bound her soul to an Okami, a wolf demon, and sacrificed her powers as a Yamanaka for what she believes is enlightenment.
From the sounds of it the class did not go very far as the teacher was only just now going on about chakra control. The young girl walks over to a desk and collapses into the chair. After a few moments she catches her second wind. “I have a question. Why does chakra have different colors in the first place?” Yuki was a bold one as she is not afraid to enter the class tardy and participate like she was always there.