Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Looking for potential [Tutor]

May 7, 2017
It was that time again, the Hyuuga did this every so often, time to wander to the academy and see what caught his eye taking time to look through the files on each new student to see what he made of them and one had caught his eye. It wasn't a matter of getting them to join his branch more a matter of making sure they didn't miss out on any potential they may or may not have waiting patiently for the student to arrive as Chinatsu grew from the man's shoulder twisting his head to face the Sennin.

"Seems this one may have potential in the future, time to see what we can make of them in the hear and now wouldn't you agree." The man did not speak seated quite comfortably on a tree branch looking down on the training field, it was a habit of his to have lessons in the open air finding them to have a greater sense of freedom than what could be experienced in the classroom. Though he would usually be seen in rather casual clothing this time he was much more serious the mask covering his eyes hood raised up letting all who spotted him know exactly which branch he resided from as his companion stretched out looking around to see if the student would arrive soon.

"Now, now old friend they will turn up a summons from a Sennin is no small thing and to ignore it would be rather disrespectful I have a feeling they will be here momentarily and from there we can see what kind of path will suit them to draw out their latent power." The man lived by a code that no Ninja who came to train was a waste of time each one of them could achieve something somewhere and to that end if they found themselves struggling the fault lay with the teacher rather than the student.

[WC: 323]
[Post 1/5]
Receiving a summons from a sennin was very uncommon for such a new student such as Akemi. Having been summoned meant a great deal to her and she didn't take it lightly either. Making her way to the training field she noticed a man in a tree looking down at the training and she thought to herself. "Was the the sennin who summoned me here and why had he done so." The message was very unclear to her and all she could feel was excitement and a rush of happiness thinking it must be a good thing right?

There was a pause in her motion as she got close enough to realize he was in full Anbu uniform and he had something coming off of his shoulder staring at him. It seemed as if it was speaking to him? "No that can't be right can it? Does he have something else that is attached to him that can speak and act on its own?" Brushing the though off she walked a bit further until she was completely below the tree seeing the man fully and the being that resided from his shoulder clearly now.

Bowing to the man in the tree she stared up before beginning to speak to him. "Hello my name is Akemi and I was summoned here presumably by you. Thank you for your summons I am very grateful to be here with you." Finishing that sentence she stared up in the tree wondering if she was to begin climbing up the tree to join him in it or would he come down to meet her. Not wanting to make a bad impression she simply waited patiently for him to respond smiling a big smile as she did her white hair flowing in the breeze that swept across the training grounds.

Looking down to the girl there was a moments pause from the Hyuuga as he observed her mannerisms and actions she seemed rather professional carrying herself in a manner expected of a young student. "That would be me yes, at least we know you are capable of putting two and two together." Jumping out the tree Chinatsu latched on behind him bringing the man to a stop before he hit the ground hovering a brief moment before landing with a quiet thud the being spinning around to look at the girl pondering for a moment before speaking a rather loud and uncaring tone leaving the creature.

"Well it's better than what we see sometimes at least this one knows some respect, though what skills you may or may not have has yet to be seen." It spoke its mind without much care, quite happily letting her know his views to some extent. "True my friend however I question for you young one." He turned his attention to her without much warning making her think on her feet and on the spot. "Tell me about yourself where do you see yourself going within this village, what do you want to do, why do you train as a Kunoichi."

The questions came in quick succession the Sennin not taking a breath until he finished speaking wondering how she would respond to being put on the spot so suddenly as Chinatsu hovered around. "Quick now we don't have all the time in the world think hard and fast you should have some idea of what you want to do." The being spoke in a taunting tone not really wishing for her to think that quickly simply adding more pressure on the situation seeing how far her calm and composed demeanor would hold out after the bombardment of questions.

[WC: 305]
[Post 2/5]
Watching the man jump down from the tree and hover above a bit showing off his strength a bit she smiles greatly happy that her greeting was received well by the two. As the creature before her quickly eyed her and seemed to be judging her with his eyes she was ready for whatever he was to do except he didn't do anything. Rather he talked in a very monotone and uncaring voice that showed he didn't seem to really care how he spoke to her. Smiling at the both of them she listened intently as the man himself began to speak asking her quite a few questions all at once without stopping for a single second to breathe until the very end.

As she began to think of how she would respond her thoughts were interrupted by the creature urging her to hurry up and give an answer already acting as if there wasn't plenty of time to answer the questions that were asked. Ignoring the urgency that seemed to be in the air for her to answer she thought for a moment flashing a bright smile showing her teeth to the both of them with still seeming quite calm. Despite the rush that was put on her by the creature she continued to think of each question individually before opening her mouth to speak.

"Well considering you summoned me here I am to assume that you already know what my file says so there is no reason for pleasantries to be exchanged here now are there? As for what my goals are and where I see my self going in this village. Honestly I don't expect to be here forever as others would say. Rather I would like to bring back the Mist Village. Yes I understand that it is very improbable that someone such as me would do anything like that but that is my goal. I will bring back the mist village and become the Mizukage. My sole goal of training as a Kunoichi is to bring back the village that once was thriving and exciting to be a part of and be the leader of that village under the title of Mizukage. It will be a place much like the leaf village and prosperous for all who wish to join me there. So I must thank both of you for inviting me here to learn from you as it is again a great honor to be in your presence, Yukio Hyuuga and forgive me but I don't know your name." She says politely pointing towards the creature on Yukio's shoulder her calm and confident demeanor never once wavering as she speaks to both of them.

[WC: 450/TWC: 755]
[Post: 2/5]
He listened to the students words being somewhat surprised at what she wanted to achieve with her life though her answer was straight forward and to the point even if the goal seemed somewhat far-fetched. There was a moment of silence as he processed that information Chinatsu moving away from the girl as the man spoke slamming his foot into the ground as a rock rose behind him giving the Sennin a place to sit. "Well at least you have passion that's a start to say the least, though your dream may seem like something of a losing battle to some at least you have something to work towards however."

Taking his seat he stamped his foot once more another rock appearing before the student presumably for her to sit on as well. "My duty is the same as your teachers here, to prepare you for your life in this village and with a goal as lofty as yours there is a long road ahead for instance." He held his hands together forming a fast series of handseals before taking a breath a pool of lava forming between them as the golem rose from the pool taking a few steps to join the Hyuuga at his side.

"How much do you know of the chakra elements? that's a place to start better to learn about them now rather than later." He waited for her to answer the golem simply staring into the distance remaining stationary until told to do otherwise. "Do you know the difference between the base and advanced elements or could you name them off the top of your head. I'm curious how much you have learned up until this point." Had they not been in a lesson this may have felt like more of an interrogation by the man rather than a lesson given his neutral features and monotone voice.

[WC: 313]
[Post: 3/5]
Taking a seat upon the newly sprouted rock facing the man she gave him a warm smile as he spoke to her in a much smoother and nicer tone than the creature and even he had previously. Watching intently as the man made a bunch of handseals very rapidly to suddenly find lava between them and a golem growing up out of it. Casually the golem walked over standing next to the man and he asked her another series of questions almost as if it was an interrogation.

As he finished asking her those questions followed by a few statements about them she pondered in her head for a moment what she really did know about. She knew of all the basic elements but she only knew of a few advanced ones herself having seen them personally. "Well for basic elements there are as follows Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Non-elemental. Now as for any advanced elements for that can be made by combining two or more of the base elements the only ones I know about are Vapor and Lava which you just used to create that golem. As for the ones I currently know justu from. I know some Water, Fire, Non-elemental, and Lightning."

Feeling confident her answer was at least close or maybe even better than he would expect she flashed a smile at him happy to know at least some of what he was asking her about. The golem seemed to be staring off into space doing absolutely nothing which presumably would be because it hasn't been given any commands. The heat from the justu was a bit overwhelming but she didn't let it show too much on her face. It was just a bit warmer than she would like as if it was a slightly hotter temperature in your house than you would like.

[WC: 310 TWC: 1,065]
[Post: 3/5]
Listening to her speak it seemed she knew her stuff when it came to the matter of elements even being able to name a few. "It seems you have done your studies on the matter, I'm impressed but on top of that did you know that with enough experience in an element you are able to change its properties by a certain degree, making attacks stronger, learning to move quickly from one Jutsu to the next or even using them to block incoming attacks." Looking up to the golem he flicked his fingers down letting the golem fall into a lifeless state after all at the end of the day he didn't have all the chakra in the world to maintain it.

"In terms of what there is in the beginning it may seem hard to gain such abilities but given enough time and training I think you are more than capable of mastering such elements." Leaning forward Chinatsu remained silent throughout the explanation knowing his time in the lesson had come to pass. "Though this is only scratching the surface, beyond Vapor and Lava there are other examples such as Mirror or Photon these would be what i think of as defensive elements, then things such as scorch focus on the offensive side of things."

He wanted to explain the versatility of elements to broaden her horizon's and open those options so the student could think on what she needed to learn. "What i recommend is develop your abilities see what you lack and see what you can use to your advantage from there you can see what elements will serve you well, what could be a hindrance and what could be an unexpected tool at your side when things seem dire. Of course i am not able to tell you this as you have only just begun to walk down the path of the Ninja."

[WC: 317]
[Post 4/5]
Listening intently as the man spoke she smiled brightly having successfully impressed the sennin. He seemed to be very happy with all of her answers thus far and quite impressed by them for the most part adding in new information as he saw fit due to what she already told him she knew. As he finished one of his sentences he let the golem fall back into the ground and the lava began ti dissipate at a very rapid rate. Happy with how things were turning out she simply smiled as he continued speaking about more of the advanced elements she didn't know about.

Having learned that not only are some of the advanced elements have different fighting styles such as defensive versus offensive explaining that there was actually quite a bit of versatility between all the elements especially within the advanced elements themselves. With all of this new knowledge being poured out to her she began thinking for a moment about what she would try to develop about herself first within her abilities as he suggested so that she could figure out what elements may or may not benefit her the most out of all of the available ones.

"Thank you so much for all of this new information. It has been very enlightening listening to everything and learning about even more advanced elements besides the two I already knew about. I must also I thank you for the demonstration of that Lava Justu you used as it was quite eye opening for me. I do realize that my goals as a ninja are really far fetched as you say but I will try harder than any other student you have ever seen and that is a promise I will keep no matter what." With that she stood up from the rock flashing a bright smile towards the sennin and pointed to the creature on your shoulder. Do you have anything to add? Please forgive me but I never got your name?"

[WC: 333 TWC: 1398]
[Post: 4/5]
It was a pleasant experience for the man to see a student so enthusiastic about a lesson such as this one, sometimes the more informational based lessons could teach much more than the practical. "No need for thanks in this matter, we all need to learn sooner or later it's what you do with that information that truly makes the difference so from this point onward it is up to you to test yourself and see what you can discover just remember you are not alone in this. You have your fellow students and teachers to give you a hand should you need it."

Chinatsu stretched over to the Student a wide grin on his face one that had been much the same throughout the lesson. "I have nothing to add to this little one, as for my name Chinatsu is what i am refereed to at this moment in time." With that it retracted returning to Yukio's side as the man spoke once more. "That should wrap up our short lesson here, what i suggest is visiting your main branch Sennin, Asuka, She is quite capable of helping you through the next steps should you feel you need it and always remember it is a wise Ninja who seeks assistance when training."

With that the man rose to his feet stamping on the floor as the two rocks they had been using as seats sunk back into the floor the man waiting to see if the young student had anything left to say on the matter before he took his leave, after all the branch still needed his attention even now regardless of the fact he had two captains there to look over it while he was away.

[WC: 289]
[WT: 1500+]
[Post: 5/5]
[Claiming rewards for us now]
Hearing the man speak once more she paid more attention to the creature's movements rather than the mans face and features that she couldn't even see through his mask and upright hood that he never once offered or made any motion or shown any intention of removing. The creature was quite a sight to look at and even offered her a smile which warmed her heart. As the creature began to offer his input there wasn't much but she did learn the name of the creature was in fact was Chinatsu which was quite an interesting name to her.

"I think it only polite to say thank you for taking your time to give me this short fulfilling and very knowledgeable lesson. I will go meet with Asuka as soon as I can though as you are I am sure she is quite busy as well. I may seek you out again as you sought after me for more lessons in the future. For now I would like to bid you adieu." Bowing once more to the man she simply turned around and left the training grounds walking casually away from the man her hair flowing in the nice cool breeze coming from across the training grounds.

[WC: 207 TWC: 1,600]
[Post: 5/5]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
