Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Lost & Bound .|. [Req. Shizue & Himeko]


New Ninja
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
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In one of the few remaining sordid avenues of Kumogakure...

Kaiden’s footsteps echoed through the damp alley, the flickering glow of broken hanging lights illuminating a desolate row of boarded-up homes. The slums had changed over the years. Some districts rose up with new development, and most of the city was vibrant and gentrified, but the indentured policeman's daily beat never quite improved. Broken glass and bits of rubbish crunched under his heavy boots, reminders of the quiet desperation that lingered here. The man himself was no better. Kaiden's brawny and bedraggled appearance reflected his surroundings, his long disheveled hair tied in a loose ponytail, his officer's outfit askew enough to look sloppy, and the faint scent of strong liquor mingling with his sweat. He exhaled a weary breath. This place, these people… they all deserved better help than one shackled policeman on his last frayed nerve. And yet, week after week, Kaiden was assigned to the worst parts of town. The little pockets of Kumogakure that the renovation and gentrification forgot or hasn't gotten to yet. Places where petty crimes and hopelessness thrived. Where no other officer wanted to go. Usually, it was tragic stuff: a family evicted, a drunk stumbling into a fight, or a hungry thief stealing scraps. Nothing he could truly fix.

But tonight was different.

A young girl, barely five years old, had gone missing almost two days prior from one of the cramped tenements at the end of this very street. Her father, gaunt and trembling, had pleaded for help. His rasped words still echoed in Kaiden’s mind: “Please… she’s all I have.” The city’s authorities almost wrote it off as another domestic tragedy, until rumors spread that the abductor somehow kept evading the civilian police. That was enough to raise eyebrows. But still not enough to send a team of shinobi. Instead, they sent him. Kaiden paused at a dimly lit intersection, the wind strong enough to still provide some bite through the thick cloth of his uniform. A tingle skittered down the towering man's spine, but he shook it off. Kaiden had felt uneasy since stepping into the neighborhood. He wanted to help—genuinely help—and the drive to protect a child sparked a hint of purpose he barely recognized in himself anymore. Even so, his heart thumped with a heavier burden, one that he felt in every one of those fleeting moments that he saw that cerulean shape hovering just out of sight. “Daddy, it’s so dark here…” Came that soft, familiar voice. Kaiden reflexively tensed. Even now, after years of grieving, the sound of his daughter speaking caught him off guard like a chill breeze on bare skin. It was a reminder of what he's lost, a testament to his insanity, and a balm on his cracked and broken soul all at once. Runa’s spirit drifted at the edge of his vision, her small spectral form giving no real light to the alley. "Not now," he begged silently, hoping his daughter’s spirit, his biggest source of torment and his only comfort outside a bottle, wouldn’t appear at the worst time. He didn’t have the energy to face her grief-stricken smile when his mind needed to stay sharp. "I can’t... I have a job to do." Somewhere in this dark sprawl of forgotten alleys and broken lives, a child was missing, and time was running out. With a resigned breath, the unwitting Ghostwalker continued on.

However, Kaiden's usually-bubbly daughter wouldn't be silenced by a mere thought. “I’m scared, Daddy,” Runa’s spectral voice pressed on, a tinge of sorrow lacing her sweet tone, “But not for me. For you.” Her words, like a blade to Kaiden’s conscience, cut deeper than the cold air around him. He wanted to tell her he’d be fine, but the words refused to form on his tongue. "I can’t. No, I won’t lose another kid," he told himself in silence. With a firm grip on the worn spear he carries, Kaiden turned the corner. The cramped apartment complex he’d been searching for loomed ahead, windows shattered and doors crudely boarded.

He clenched his jaw. "No more empty regrets."

Kaiden’s breath fogged in the cold air as he stepped through a sagging doorway into the dilapidated apartment building. Years of neglect had left its corridors in shambles: peeling paint, shattered light fixtures, and a stale reek of mildew. Each hollow footstep drummed against the crumbling floor, and despite his imposing frame, Kaiden felt more like a trespasser than an enforcer of the law. “Daddy,” came a whisper to his right. Runa’s faint voice was like that of a child sheepishly wanting to ask a question. "Stay focused, stay focused," he told himself. Sometimes he responded to her out loud, and sometimes it helped… but not here, not now. They'd just received reports matching the abductor's description, and the missing child could be close. Trying to calm his racing heart, he reminded himself of the father’s trembling voice when he'd first questioned him. “They took her from our home… please, sir, you’ve got to help me find my little girl.” The man’s eyes had been rimmed with the same despair Kaiden saw in the mirror for years after losing Runa. That memory fueled his resolve, even while dread coiled in his chest. The father’s final frantic pleas still echoed in Kaiden’s memory, “She’s all I have…” The devastation in his expression had reminded Kaiden of himself, kneeling in the wreckage of a war camp, holding his wife and child for the last time.

A sudden noise, like a muffled thump, echoed from deeper down the corridor. Kaiden pressed himself against the wall, spear in hand. “Police,” he called out, low but firm. “If anyone’s there, come out with your hands raised.” The Ghostwalker's voice sounded stronger than he felt. He waited, the silence broken only by the drip of water through the broken ceiling. No response. Runa appeared to drift closer, as though drawn by the tension. Kaiden risked a glance her way, and instantly regretted it. She looked terrified, little glowing blue hands raised to her face. He bit down the wave of grief that threatened to surface. "Get it together," he chided himself. Stepping forward, he crouched near a series of toppled crates. Shards of pottery and scraps of cloth littered the floor—signs of a struggle, or someone searching for something. He gently pushed a wooden crate aside, scanning the gloom. “Hey, if you’re hurt or lost…” Kaiden’s voice called out, deep, reassuring, and strong despite his racing heart. “I’m here to help.”

Nothing. Just silence. Damn. He eased forward again. Maybe the kidnapper had taken the child into one of the vacant apartments on the upper floors. The musty staircase at the far end of the corridor seemed the only route left. “Daddy,” Runa’s voice quivered with concern, “it’s a trap.” He heard her words so clearly that it made his stomach flip, but he couldn’t be certain it wasn’t his own frantic thoughts. “Trap or not,” he muttered under his breath, “If that child’s in danger, I can’t walk away.” He rose to his full height, spear held tight, boots crunching over debris as he approached the first step. A faint noise, maybe a child’s muffled cry, floated down from above. Kaiden's pulse thundered in his ears. "I’m coming..."

“Hold on,” he said, louder this time, hoping the frightened little girl could hear him. His voice echoed through the dilapidated flat, carrying the sincerity of a man who’d lost everything once before. “I promise, I’m not leaving without you.” That was when he felt it: a subtle pressure in the air, like static before a storm, raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Chakra. He might’ve been no shinobi, but he knew that faint, electric tingle all too well. It was burned into his memory the night his life fell apart. Kaiden froze at the landing, uncertain if he was about to face an onslaught of ninjutsu or just paranoia run wild. Whatever lay beyond that dark second floor, it wasn’t something he was equipped to handle alone. After all, anything involving chakra use was out of the Civilian Police's jurisdiction. Still, the ex-mercenary and ex-father couldn’t turn back. Not when someone’s child, someone’s Runa, needed saving. Casting one lingering look at the anxious shade of his daughter, Kaiden swallowed hard and started up the stairs.

As the Ghostwalker reached the top of the stairs, shreds of moonlight peeked through a gap in the rotted ceiling, casting jagged shadows across the corridor. A shift of movement, the rustling of cloth, came from behind some stacked crates, shadowed and barely visible in an unlit section of the dark attic. “Who's there?" he called out, stepping into the gloom. The indentured officer's voice echoed with unexpected resonance in the narrow corridor. “Police. Show yourself." Kaiden approached, slowly and cautiously, one hand gripping his spear tightly. No response.

Then, once again, the former father thought he heard a child’s muffled cry, a short squeak that was so brief he couldn’t be sure it was real. Kaiden’s breath caught in his throat. “I’m coming to get you,” he shouted, forcing authority into his tone. Spear in hand, he pushed deeper, ignoring Runa’s frantic tug on his sleeve. He heard another scrape, then a sudden clatter of metal from behind. A shape bolted down the stairs, a blur in his vision as it knocked down some of the debris scattered around the messy attic. Whoever they were, they were too quick, too silent. “Stop!” he roared, dashing down the stairs and out into the dark alleyway. At that moment, he caught a glimpse, just for a fraction of a second, of what looked like swirling shadows around the fleeing figure, as though the darkness itself clung to them. Kaiden blinked, shaken. I’m losing it, he thought grimly, and yet he couldn’t abandon the chase. There was a child at stake.

He gripped his spear tighter, adrenaline surging. This was one of those precious moments where he could do something right, not just shuffle the broken pieces of other people’s tragedies. Despite all the ghosts and guilt weighing on his soul, Kaiden braced himself for the chase, for the fight—whatever it took to bring that little girl home. He could almost feel Runa’s small ethereal hand on his wrist, her voice trembling, “Daddy, be careful…” Maybe it was her presence, real or imagined, that fueled the spark inside him. He took off at a sprint, boots falling heavy on the city street, eyes locked on the figure vanishing into the shadows ahead, the walls of the alleyway seeming to extend unnaturally as he fled. He ignored the strange sensation, pushing his body as hard as he could as he chased the unknown figure through the dark alleys of the places that Kumogakure forgot.

"Just this once," Kaiden told himself, ignoring every doubt and fear and warning from Runa that screamed at him to stop. "Just this once, do something right."

[MFT .|. 1827 Words]
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Shizue stood before the gilded mirror in her bedroom, adjusting the intricate folds of her outer kimono. The deep indigo fabric shimmered with embroidered silver clouds—an opulent choice for a mission, but practicality had never been her strongest suit. Her iridescent eyes flickered as she leaned in, scrutinizing the delicate fuuinjutsu tattoos along her forearm, hidden beneath layers of silken sleeves.

A mission. A real one. Not another errand, not another humiliating assignment that could have been given to a courier.

A man was on the run, a criminal evading the law, wielding chakra he had no right to possess. The gravity of it sent an excited shiver up her spine. This wasn’t some trivial guard duty—this was a direct confrontation with something forbidden. And she was meant to stop him. Or, at the very least, aid in his capture.

Shizue pulled a golden hairpin from its lacquered case, its filigree edges catching the warm light of the paper lanterns in her room. Deft fingers twisted her red hair up into an elegant bun, leaving only a few loose strands to frame her sharp features. Satisfied, she slid the pin into place with a decisive motion.

Across the room, her travel pack sat neatly prepared, arranged with methodical precision. Medical supplies, rations, a compact survival kit, and a sealed scroll containing an emergency array of ninja tools—every one had its place, every item meticulously chosen. Unlike the frugality of some shinobi she had encountered, Shizue did not believe in minimalism when it came to preparation. Luxury and readiness could coexist.

A sudden gust of wind rattled the shoji screens of her window. She turned her gaze to the moonlit cityscape of Kumogakure beyond, its winding alleys and towering structures casting elongated shadows against the mist-laden streets. Somewhere in those depths, a fugitive lurked. A man desperate enough to break the law, to wield chakra without the discipline of a shinobi. A reckless use of chakra could level an entire block if unaided by the training that a shinobi underwent. And yet, despite the crime, she wondered—was he just another unfortunate soul caught in forces beyond his control? The village was not always kind to those without power. She had seen this first hand.

A dull thud echoed through the house as a servant knocked lightly on her door. “Lady Shizue, your escort has arrived.”

“Thank you.”

She reached for her pack, slinging it over one shoulder before stepping towards the door. One last glance in the mirror—poise, elegance, readiness. If she was to carve her legacy into the annals of Kumogakure, it would begin here. She made sure that her clothing was tight enough to keep on her body, while being loose enough to move easily in. She wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.

With a measured breath, Shizue slid the door open and stepped into the dimly lit corridor, ready to meet fate head-on.

The hall was hushed, the glow of paper lanterns casting flickering shadows along the wooden panels. The servant led her through the estate, the rhythmic tap of her sandals the only sound accompanying their steps. Outside, the night air was crisp, carrying the distant murmurs of the city—late-night merchants closing shop, the occasional echo of laughter from unseen corners.
At the gate, a lone figure waited, standing with the rigid posture of a shinobi accustomed to discipline. The moment she stepped closer, they turned, their sharp gaze assessing her with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity.

“So, you’re the one they sent,” the escort said, arms crossed. He was appraising her, calculating her worth to the mission at hand. Was she even ready for this? Was it too late to say no to the mission? Steady on, it was going to be alright. The man spoke again, his appraising green eyes locking with her iridescent ones, “You ready for this?”

Shizue tilted her chin slightly, a glint of defiance in her multicolored eyes. “I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” She hoped that her voice didn’t sound as uncertain as she felt. That the tremor in her knees and her hands hadn’t made it to her voice just yet. She had no idea who else would be on this impromptu mission, but knew that there was something very akin to setting out to battle in the command she had been given by her superiors.

The escort smirked, motioning for her to follow. “Let’s see if you can keep up, then.”

Without another word, he vanished into the night, leaving nary a whisper of his presence, probably a shinobi of some skill. Would he be there to assess how she did? Shizue followed, her heart pounding with the thrill of what was to come and the dread of messing up.

She landed in the alley a half hour later, the place smelling like refuse, desperation, and body-sweat. She couldn’t tell whether or not this was close to the pleasure district, but could smell the sickly sweet smells of it wafting around corners.

The sickly sweet cloying scent slid its way into the scents of garbage and produced a smell that could turn even her escort’s stomach, he coughed to cover a gag. “You’re on your own from here on Princess Shizue.” He teased, “You’ll be visited by another Genin, but remember it’s your responsibility to make sure that this doesn’t get out of hand.”

Himeko Hyuga
Himeko didn't much understand the threat of an untrained chakra user. Sure there was the possibility that he could level an entire block with some wild technique, but that was an extremely rare case. There was a reason genin- regardless of their drive, passion, and goals- were much weaker than any other rank. This user would likely fizzle out before he did anything worth noting. Perhaps he would spontaneously combust at the worst. That was just natural selection at work.

When she had been approached by the Tsuchimikado, and briefed, she projected a pixelated thumbs down onto her mask, then replaced it with a lopping GIF of a stick figure flopping over dramatically. They were unimpressed. Himeko didn't bother replying to their frowns, her fingers already fiddling with her bracelet on her wrist. She tapped a button, and a robotic voice flatly announced, "Mission declined. PLease consult another ninja."

They had not accepted that answer, and now she sat on the edge of a rooftop. Her legs dangled lazily as she idly flicked through different images on her mask. She wondered briefly if the cats had at least opened the door for all her various other pets to enter and take their sleeping positions. Some of them might stay up a couple more hours in hopes of her returning, but she had the sneaking suspicion that she would be out longer than expected with this mission.

She didn't bother turning her head to look at Shizue and her escort as they came. Shizue might see her, the other might sense her, but she was already working. Her Byakugan quietly mapped every chakra source in the vicinity. She scanned through the layers of buildings, tracking the faint, erratic flow of energy from their target. as he had stumbled into the building earlier. Weak. Untrained. Absolutely not worth her time. Now she was too far away to see anything, but at least she had a clue of what she was getting herself into.

There was a sale going on, perhaps if she landed behind this man, striking him in the stem of his spine she could still make it? But then Shizue might yell at her, and she had learned that her "Do not yell at me" coupons often served only to annoy people rather than kick in.

She slid easily from the building, landing a couple feet ahead of Shizue and her escort with an agility reminiscent of a cat. A trail of Z's was projected on her mask, communicating her immediate boredom of her waiting. And possibly this mission.

She didn't spare a glance at the escort; whirling and proceeding deeper into the alleyway towards where she could sense a different fluctuation of chakra. The politics and antics of the Tsuchimikado didn't effect her, nor did she care about them. Such was the Hyuga way. Arrive, get done to business, leave to sort out their own affairs. Interaction was unnecessary.

(WC: 460)
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Kaiden’s heavy boots pounded the pavement, echoing against the cramped buildings of Kumogakure’s neglected slums. Memories of another child from when he'd first joined the force, broken and bleeding on a bed, flickered through his mind. That night had begun like so many others: his unit dispatched to handle a deranged father holding his daughter captive, threatening to kill anyone who intervened. Kaiden dove through a shattered window, wrestled the knife away, and saved the dying girl. The moments that followed were the first time he'd seen his daughter in years, Runa, a tiny translucent version of herself glowing faintly in his hand. He had passed it off as grief or madness. Tonight, as he pursued yet another child’s abductor, he prayed he could hold on to that same spark of resolve.

A faint shriek drifted through the twisting alley, and Kaiden gritted his teeth. The figure he chased had slipped away with uncanny speed, always dancing at the edges of his vision. Perhaps it was just adrenaline, he told himself, a trick of his own tired brain. He was no shinobi and knew very little about chakra. All he knew was that he could not let the kidnapper escape. A flash of motion across a broken rooftop made his heart lurch. He skidded to a stop, craning his neck to see if it was real or another hallucination. Too many nights ended with him questioning what was real and what was the product of his frayed psyche.

"Stop running!" he roared into the gloom, voice echoing like thunder. When no response came, Kaiden forced himself forward, trying to ignore the subtle tremor in his hands. That trembling had begun years ago, after he saw the little girl’s bloodstained sheets and realized that child so closely resembled Runa. Even now, he sometimes felt his own chest tighten at the memory of how close she had come to death. He had done his job that day, but the cost was a renewed onslaught of ghosts in his head. He turned a corner and nearly slipped on a slick patch of refuse, cursing under his breath as he caught himself against a battered wall. A dull ache flared in the scar on his forearm, a reminder of that father’s wild blade. Shaking it off, he strained to peer down a trash-strewn alley. There it was again, a vanishing form at the far end, too fast to be normal. Kaiden’s breath quickened. Could it be real? Or was he simply seeing illusions again?

A surge of static flickered at the edge of his vision. He stiffened, expecting to see the kidnapper, but instead, he glimpsed a tiny shape glowing cerulean. Runa’s spirit hovered for only a moment, her eyes brimming with concern. "Daddy, please be careful, he's not the only one," she whispered, her soft voice echoing like a distant bell. He clenched his jaw, tears threatening to blur his sight. "I... I'm fine," he mumbled shakily, forcing himself not to think about the impossibility of her presence. "Maybe I really am losing it..." The grizzled ex-mercenary thought, determined not to let that break him now.

The flicker of Runa disappeared as quickly as it came, replaced by a mocking laugh from somewhere ahead. Kaiden’s anger flared, fueling his weary legs to push faster. If this unknown captor had something to do with his hallucinations, he would make them answer for it. Beyond the alley lay a wider lane, bathed in the faint glow of distant lanterns. Kaiden caught a glimpse of the figure rounding a corner, and he pounded after them with single-minded resolve.

Bursting onto the street, he felt a sudden sense of vulnerability, as though watchful eyes had locked on him from above. A tingle prickled the back of his neck. His gut told him he was not alone. Somewhere high on a rooftop or hidden in the shadows, people were observing. The swirling anxiety in his chest grew, but he did not stop. He sprinted after the stranger, his muscles burning, ignoring the visions in his periphery. Pushing forward, Kaiden heard another faint cry, or maybe it was Runa’s voice again. He refused to slow, determination blazing in his eyes. He would not fail another child. With a final burst of speed, he cleared a stack of broken crates and barreled down a narrow alleyway that opened into a broader courtyard. Unbeknownst to Kaiden, the vantage was almost perfect for Himeko’s Byakugan, and the unmistakable ripple of his daughter's frantic spiritual presence could be sensed by Shizue’s refined senses. Though he knew nothing of the kunoichi who had been ordered to bring him in, Kaiden’s relentless pursuit of the kidnapper now drew him within their line of sight.

Unaware of who might be watching, the well-muscled and highly trained ex-soldier gripped his spear and pressed on, relentlessly running with the stride of a hardened warrior, his heart pounding like thunder in his ears. Each step brought him closer to a collision that could change everything in his life. But for now, he cared only about the likely-terrified kidnapped child, desperate to prevent another tragedy, regardless of the dangers lurking in the dark. "I can still save her..."

[MFT .|. 863 Words]
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Shizue landed lightly beside Himeko, the whisper of her steps nearly lost beneath the heavy pounding of Kaiden’s pursuit. Unlike the ex-mercenary’s raw determination, she moved like a specter, blending into the shifting gloom of Kumogakure’s forgotten alleys. Her iridescent eyes flickered, catching stray lantern light as she followed the erratic trail of chakra ahead, she didn't quite know how to explain it, her Tsuchimikado bloodline was following something odd.

She didn’t need the Hyūga’s Byakugan to sense it—Kaiden’s chakra flared wild and untrained, an unchecked surge of energy bleeding into the night air. Reckless. Inefficient. Wasteful. The man wasn’t a shinobi, but he was using chakra like one, and that made him a threat. A danger the village elders had deemed worth handling before it spiraled beyond control.

That was the mission.

She was just supposed to be an extra set of hands, following the Tsuchimikado’s orders as her escort made sure she didn’t screw it up. Detain the rogue. Bring him in. Simple.

Or at least it should have been. Something about this was wrong. Shizue’s steps faltered for half a breath as another presence brushed the edges of her senses—faint, unstable. A chakra signature not quite attached to flesh and bone, flickering between the living and the unseen. A thread of energy, pulsing like a dying ember, following in Kaiden’s wake.

Her jaw tensed. A spirit?

Himeko had undoubtedly noticed too, though the Hyūga’s silence was as unwavering as ever. The shifting icons on her mask betrayed little beyond her obvious boredom, but Shizue knew better than to assume she wasn’t paying attention.

Shizue’s gaze darted to the man sprinting ahead, breath ragged, body a coiled storm of intent. He doesn’t even know what he’s running into.

That should have been a good thing. Let him rush headfirst into a mistake—it would only make their job easier. And yet, watching him charge forward, blind to the danger twisting through the alley with him, made something twist in her gut.

She should leave this to the Hyūga, or better yet, let the prey being chased burn itself out. But the sheer desperation in Kaiden’s movements gnawed at her, the wild, frantic energy of someone who wasn’t just running—he was chasing something.

And the whisper—just a flicker of a voice, barely brushing against her senses—only made it worse.

Shizue exhaled sharply. Damn it.

She picked up speed, slipping into the winding alley like a shadow trailing Kaiden’s wake. The escort beside her kept pace, watchful, waiting for the right moment to strike. Her fingers twitched toward the inked seals along her wrist, ready to weave a subtle interference if Kaiden got too close too fast. Slow down, idiot. You’re not the only one here.

This wasn’t about saving him. But if whatever was out there turned on him first she’d make sure he didn’t get himself killed before she finished the mission.

Shizue tightened her stride, matching the cadence of Kaiden’s chase without betraying her presence. He was too focused, too consumed by his pursuit to notice the hunters closing in on him. A man like this—an ex-soldier, trained but not a shinobi—had instincts, but instincts wouldn’t save him against what he didn’t understand. And what he didn’t understand was that his wild, erratic chakra use had painted a target on his back.

Her mission was clear. Detain the rogue. Bring him in.

But watching him run, watching the sheer desperation woven into every movement, made it clear that Kaiden wasn’t thinking about himself. He wasn’t just fleeing. He was hunting something—someone—just as they were hunting him.

And that made things complicated.

Her fingers flexed, grazing the inked seals lining her wrist. She could disrupt his flow of chakra now, drop him before he even realized he was under attack. A well-placed paralysis seal, a surge of binding energy—clean, efficient, no unnecessary struggle.

And yet, something held her back.

Shizue clicked her tongue, forcing the hesitation away. She wasn’t here to understand him. He was a loose variable, a threat to stability. The Tsuchimikado had sent her as a show of control—to prove that even someone like her could handle a rogue with no formal training.

The expectation stung, but she would not fail this.

Up ahead, Kaiden skidded around a corner, vanishing into the next alley. Shizue’s eyes sharpened, a silent signal to her escort and to Himeko. "Now" It said.

She moved, a dagger in the dark, flung from the hands of the shinobi elite to pin the would-be shinobi.

In an instant, she was no longer following—she was closing. Her body flickered through the shifting darkness, her speed sharp, surgical. A twist of her wrist activated the chakra ink beneath her skin, the formula humming to life just as Kaiden entered her range.

One shot. That’s all she’d need.

Shizue exhaled, launching forward—

And the world lurched forward with her.

A pulse, cold and electric, rippled through the air like the shudder of something watching. The moment stretched, elongated. The chakra thread she’d been tracking twisted, knotted around Kaiden’s own energy in an unnatural tangle.

The spirit.

Himeko Hyuga
Himeko and Shizue, for all their youth and the long road of progress still ahead, moved with an effortless precision that set them leagues apart from the man they pursued. He was clumsy, all frantic motion and untrained desperation. They were refined—silent shadows closing in with the inevitable grace of a tightening snare.

They weren’t jonin, not yet, and they lacked the bone-deep menace that came with true mastery, but anyone watching would know they were shinobi on a mission. Their purpose was clear in the way they moved, measured and efficient. Himeko’s pale eyes flickered beneath her mask as her Byakugan tracked the man’s every erratic step, his chakra wild and untamed, leaking from him like a sieve. But something else clung to him, something spiritual—too faint to define, too stubborn to ignore.

Whatever he was chasing, she couldn’t yet see it, even with her sight. But she could see his desperation, the way his body leaned forward like he was being dragged by something just out of reach. Shizue’s eyes sharpened as the Kaiden barreled around a corner, and without a word, the two fell into motion.

Shizue moved with careful intent. Himeko moved with flair.

With a flicker of chakra, she vanished, reappearing in a heartbeat directly in Kaiden’s path, her feet sliding smoothly into position. She could almost hear the screech of mental brakes in his head as he realized what had just happened. A flick of her wrist sent a new image flashing across her mask—a cartoonish roadblock sign, bright yellow with a tiny chibi version of herself smugly crossing her arms underneath it.

She gave him a beat to process. Just one.

Then she sank lower into her stance, the graceful weight of a practiced Gentle Fist user settling into her limbs. No grand theatrics, no wasted movement. Just the silent promise that if he took so much as one more step forward, he wouldn’t be walking away unscathed.​

Kaiden felt the rush of blood pounding in his ears as he lunged forward, desperate to keep the fleeing kidnapper in sight. He almost didn't notice the comparatively small masked girl standing in his way until a soft chime of laughter sounded overhead. "The 'others' Runa warned me about..." His heart lurched at the sight of Runa’s spirit form zooming straight into the face of another shinobi, a slender figure whose gaze was all fierce concentration. It was too dark to see many details, but the motion of her hands made it clear she was about to hurl something large and dangerous. Runa’s sudden appearance threw her off, and Kaiden saw chunks of stone shatter against an alley wall instead of crushing him. Despite the flash of relief, he had no time to spare for gratitude. With the kidnapper disappearing into the labyrinth of Kumogakure’s alleys, he pushed off the ground, fully expecting to slip past the masked kunoichi blocking his path.

In the blink of an eye, he felt a heavy thud slam into his abdomen. Air rushed from his lungs, and the world spun. Though Kaiden tried to keep his feet, a sharp pain told him the girl had turned her open-palm strike into a swift grapple, forcing his spear downward. He heard a crack of splintering wood, and the familiar weight of his weapon vanished from his grip, leaving only a jagged stump where his police-issued spear used to be. Staggering back, he met the masked girl’s gaze and caught the flash of smug confidence in her stance, even if her expression was hidden behind whatever face she displayed on that changing visor. Fury flared in his chest, but all he could do was brace himself, hand pressed where the strike had landed. The fleeting thought of being disarmed so easily enraged him, yet he scarcely had time to process it before Runa’s faint glow pulled his eyes away. The tiny spirit darted back from the other shinobi, who was now scowling in frustration, and zipped into Kaiden’s outstretched palm. In an instant, the faint radiance stretched and solidified into a new spear of ethereal light, weightless yet firm against his calloused hand.

Wheezing in pain, Kaiden whipped the brilliant spear up and just managed to parry the next lightning-fast strike, counterattacking with several impaling stabs with the spear that Runa had become. Sparks of chakra lit the narrow space as the force of the Hyuuga's famed unarmed strikes met the ghostly energy of Kaiden's radiant weapon. He was no stranger to combat, but she was trained in ways he wasn't. Shinobi and soldiers were not the same. Her stances, the fluid turn of her limbs, all spoke of rigorous shinobi discipline. The only thing stopping him from being overwhelmed was pure grit and the unnatural agility Runa provided. “That man took a child!” Kaiden growled between frantic blocks, each blow rattling his arms. “I’m trying to save her, not fight you!” Yet the masked girl showed no sign of relenting. The former father caught a glimpse of the other one, the girl Runa had distracted, moving to circle behind him. He could sense the tension in the alley as more chakra flared. It was clear they were content to subdue him by any means necessary. His mind raced, trying to plan an escape route that would keep himself and Runa safe while still allowing him to chase down the real criminal. Without warning, his foe pressed in with a blistering combination of blows, forcing him to drop low to avoid a strike aimed for his temple. For one breath, all he saw was her foot hooking around his ankle to trap him in place. Runa, still a blade in his hand, screamed into his mind. "Daddy! Watch out!"

Before he could react to his daughter's warning, white-hot agony exploded across the back of his skull. A chunk of rock caught him just above the collar, driving his head straight forward and into a second strike coming from Himeko's lightning-quick palm. The alley pitched sideways, and Kaiden’s vision blurred. The spear of light in his hands flickered and began to leak into ethereal indigo mist, Runa’s voice lost in the roar of blood rushing through his ears. He tried to fight it, tried to cling to consciousness, but the alley sank into darkness. As he collapsed, he felt Runa’s presence fade, the last spark of her spirit-spear form drifting out of his fingers like smoke from a snuffed candle. Dazed and half-aware, Kaiden sensed small hands grabbing him, but he was too far gone to resist. The realization that the kidnapper is still be on the run flitted through his thoughts, burning him with helpless frustration. Then consciousness slipped entirely, leaving him in the darkness of his haunted dreams, and fully at the mercy of shinobi justice.

[Kaiden is Unconscious .|. Topic to be Left with Shizue & Himeko]
[MFT .|. 810 Words]

Current Ninpocho Time:
