Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search Making the rounds (dual contract search)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had found herself in the Heartland of Kaminari no Kuni. She hasn't been out this way before. But she has had one of her operatives here once. Hon. He had fought a mutated lycan here a while back, along with a pack of those things. Hon was honest in his own reports, how it had went. Though it had troubled Yuna to think that the Lycans, or at least this new mutated strain of lycans, can possess the speed of when they were humans. Still, unsettling to think of monsters that are able to react to the speed of a jounin rank ninja.

Today, she was out in her apparel that she uses to not look like an Anbu Sennin. Meaning no mask, no cloak. Not Abyss, but rather Yuna. She wore her usual armor and cape that goes with it. Being out here alone, she had read all about these Lycans and would be ready for such a fight. But it's been years since there has been any large lycan sightings. There has only been either small sightings, or ones in which they have been killed already by some unknown person.

She is confident in her own abilities to handle such threats as they show up, especially since she can hear blood flows, so that she won't be caught unawares by anyone or anything that would have blood in it. Her eyes scanned the forest as she would walk around.
High above the forest floor, nestled within the sturdy branches of an ancient Yakusugi Cedar tree, Shizue Tsuchimikado sat cross-legged, the world below seeming distant and insignificant. The tree was old, its bark thick with age, and its limbs stretched wide as if embracing the sky. The leaves whispered around her as a gentle breeze filtered through the canopy, rustling with a soothing cadence. Dappled sunlight flickered over her closed eyes, tracing warm patterns across her sun-kissed skin.

She was at peace. Inner peace

This was a rare thing, she mused. Peace never lasted long in her life, but in this moment, with the steady rise and fall of her breath, she allowed herself to embrace it. The air smelled of damp earth, the dew from the nearby water, and fresh foliage, a comforting reminder of the natural world’s quiet persistence. The village, her responsibilities, her worries—everything felt distant up here, suspended between heaven and earth.

She focused on the rhythm of her breathing. Inhale. Exhale. “Om namo Bagavate Vasu Devaya.”

Her body felt weightless, as though she had melted into the tree itself. The fuuinjutsu etched onto her skin tingled faintly, reacting to her steady pulse. These seals, painstakingly inked in hidden places, were a promise to herself—a step towards mastery, towards something greater. Shizue had spent too long as an overlooked Genin, drifting through life without purpose. She would not fade into obscurity. She refused. They were to balance her out, make her more focused on tasks, and a little bit of hidden chakra wasn’t too bad either.

For now, however, she would simply exist. A smirk curled her lips, exposing her straight white teeth, painstakingly maintained by a family dentist.

A bird chirped somewhere above her, its voice cutting through the rustling leaves. A light wind brushed against her cheek, carrying the distant scent of rain. She let her senses stretch outward, absorbing the subtle shifts in the air, the faint hum of unseen insects, the tiny vibrations of life moving all around her. The forest breathed with her, alive and patient.
Her thoughts drifted.

Shizue had always struggled to find her place. Born to a wealthy banker, she had been afforded every luxury, yet she had chosen a path of hardship, of endless training, of bruises and exhaustion. It had not been an easy road, nor a successful one, but she could not imagine any other life for herself. She was not like the others who rose through the ranks with ease, gifted with overwhelming talent. Her progress was slow, frustratingly so, but she had come to accept it. Her journey was her own. She had dreams. Grand, untouchable dreams.

She would be a healer of legend, a name spoken with reverence. The kind of person whose hands could pull the dying back from the brink, whose knowledge could defy the impossible. There was a power in that—a power that didn’t rely on brute strength or bloodshed. A power of creation, rather than destruction.
The thought settled within her like a steady flame.

A particularly strong gust of wind rocked the branches, and she instinctively tightened her grip with her knees, maintaining her balance. She allowed herself another small smirk. Ten years as a Genin, and she had at least perfected the art of not falling out of trees.

Her meditation continued. Time passed in that fluid, dreamlike way it always did when she was deep in a trans-like state. Minutes, perhaps hours. She didn’t bother keeping track. She felt no urgency, no need to return to the world below just yet.

And then—

Something tickled her arm.

A single, small sensation, light as a feather. Her nose twitched. The sensation repeated, just above her elbow. A tiny crawling thing.

Shizue cracked one eye open, glancing down. A tiny spider, no larger than a grain of rice, was making its slow and determined way up her arm. Its delicate legs moved with eerie precision, each step a whisper against her skin.

She inhaled sharply.

Now, Shizue was not afraid of many things. She had seen blood, had stitched wounds, had faced danger with as much dignity as one could muster. But spiders—spiders were another matter entirely. The spider reached her shoulder. Shizue’s breath hitched. It skittered closer to her neck.

Panic struck.

In one swift, utterly graceless motion, she jerked sideways, flailing wildly. The sudden movement unbalanced her, and in that split second of horrifying realization, she knew—she knew—what was about to happen. Gravity took hold of her and dragged her inexorably toward the ground. Limbs flailed. A strangled yelp tore from her lips. The once-serene forest blurred around her as she tumbled down, branches whipping at her as she fell. Leaves exploded into the air in a flurry of green as she bounced off one limb, then another, slowing her descent, but bruising her, pride, body, and soul.


She landed in a graceless heap on the forest floor, flat on her back, eyes wide with stunned disbelief. A single leaf drifted gently downward, coming to rest atop her forehead, as if mocking her. Silence. The world seemed at peace, she lay there, not taking a breath in or out, laying in a dazed state, the pain not settling in anywhere except a light buzzing at the back of her head and at the corners of her hearing.

Then, a groan.

Shizue lay there, staring up at the tree canopy, contemplating her life choices. Her moment of tranquility, of enlightenment, had been shattered in the most humiliating fashion imaginable.
A tiny, triumphant-looking spider rappelled down from a nearby branch, as if reveling in its victory.

Shizue exhaled, closing her eyes again.

“…I hate spiders.”

Walking around, Yuna would not hear much blood flows, at least that would belong to any large creature that would resemble a Lycan. Well, not for long. On her path, she would come across a gruesome scene. Large hairy humanoids that lay in a viscera of blood and guts. By the looks of it, these were once lycans. And thankfully, upon further inspection, she didn't see any human bodies among the carnage. The Anbu Sennin would let out a sigh before she checked the clothing of the lycans, to see if they are old or newer. A couple with cloud headbands... And a couple in civilian clothes.

What she knew of the Revolutionists was that they had factions. And the draconian faction, a very radicalized group, experimented and then made these monstrosities. On the reports that she has read on the lycans, it can be assumed that these things can be thought of as a disease, if one bites you, you can expect that you would turn. The lycans in civilian clothes could be reason enough to assume, such that the revolutionists only targeted shinobi, but left the main population of Lightning Country alone. It is always a mess to deal with this, but... Their families need to know.

When Yuna was new to the Anbu Sennin position, she had poured over the reports of all the missing ninja during this whole revolutionist event that had taken place. It wouldn't matter who you were, or what branch you were in. Almost all of them had been accounted as turned. Those who haven't been accounted for are still missing. Either they have been killed, turned into one of these monsters, or worst... She shook the thought out of her head as she tapped on her headset, connecting with a recovery team to get the bodies. Once the bodies are back in Cloud, they would be able to get people to identify them and contact any loved ones.

As Yuna waited, she needed to make sure that the surrounding area was safe for the recovery team to arrive. Walking around, about fifty feet from the area where she found the lycans, she heard a blood flow up in a tree. Could it be that one of these things are planning on ambushing her? She had blood come out of her hand and solidify into a sword. Crimson.

And much to her surprise, something, or rather, someone fell out of the tree with a crash. "Shizue?" Yuna asked as she cocked her head to the side and retracted her blood sword back into her hand. The Anbu Sennin approached the other woman, holding out her hand to help her up. "What brings you so far out of here? It's not exactly close to much civilization."

(total wc: 702/1500)
Shizue Tsuchimikado lay sprawled on the forest floor, her breath knocked out of her from the unexpected fall. The ancient Yakusugi cedar, her chosen perch for meditation, now loomed above her, its branches swaying gently as if mocking her misstep. She winced, feeling the sting of bruises forming beneath her skin, but before she could fully assess her condition, the soft crunch of approaching footsteps caught her attention. It seemed like they were iron-clad, some sort of battle boot or something like it.

Turning her head, Shizue's iridescent eyes met the discerning gaze of Chigokai Yuna, the esteemed Anbu Sennin. Yuna's armor gleamed subtly in the dappled sunlight, her cape flowing gracefully behind her. There was an air of authority about her, a presence that commanded respect. Shizue, not being a fool, tried to give as much respect as someone who had just fallen out of a tree onto their back could give, tugging out a stray twig from her hair as she blinked in greeting to Yuna.

Suppressing a groan, Shizue attempted to sit up, her movements hindered by the lingering pain from her fall. Yuna's eyes, sharp and observant, took in the scene with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Shizue took the hand up and started to dust herself off.

"Shizue," Yuna addressed her, her voice calm yet authoritative. "What brings... much civilization."

Shizue managed a wry smile, brushing leaves and a small clump of dirt from her hair as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, finding one of her thighs bruised from her arboreal escapade. "Just bruising my pride, Yuna-sama." She dusted off her cloak, her cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. "I was seeking a moment of peace among the trees. My father is on a rampage, making sure that everyone is doing their proper job and going about micromanaging. Apparently there was a sum of 50,0000 yen that was unaccounted for and so he's trying to sniff it out rather than letting the branch manager do it." She rolled her eyes and sighed, puffing out her cheeks as she did so. Yuna was someone that Shizue found friendly, and had wanted to extend a branch of friendship to, even though Yuna was far more experienced in the Shinobi world.

Yuna's purple hair was a stark contrast to the red of Shizue's own, and while Shizue was someone who had a dancer's build, Yuna seemed to have a warrior's build. Shizue found herself suddenly subconsciously nitpicking her own faults in comparison to Yuna.

As they stood amidst the towering trees, the forest seemed to close in around them, its whispers growing louder as if sharing secrets only they could hear. In that moment, an unspoken bond formed between the two kunoichi, forged in the heart of the ancient woods. Or at least it seemed so to Shizue.

"You know, if you like peaceful perches, then up that particular tree is a good one. Though you'll have to check yourself for spiders once in a while." She looked around, "What are you doing out this far?" She couldn't help but have a healthy dollop of curiosity herself. usually people like Yuna didn't just wander out into the middle of the wilderness did they? She was far too high profile, having made a name for herself rather than riding on her father's coat tails like Shizue herself had. Shizue smiled brightly at Yuna.

((WC: 946+569=1515))
Yuna listened to what Shizue had to say about why she was so far out. So her own father, who seems to be some type of business guru, had lost 50 thousand yen. It didn't sound much to Yuna as she had her father's wealth of always going out on high risk missions along with her own wealth from doing the same. But she knows to the average person, or even a business that could mean a lot. To try and take in more than you put out. The Sennin doesn't have to worry much about spending her own money often other than for essential housing things and groceries, so her money usually just piles on.

"Well, maybe he just cares that much about the business. From my understanding of the business world, that you always have to take in more than you put out. My father was similar, but on a different mindset." She wondered if Shizue had picked up on her saying 'was', instead of 'is'. "He was just a combat medic, and that's what he knew best. To heal others but to be on the frontlines. He believed in the good of people even if he shouldn't. Though don't call him naive as he is able to tell if people are trying to take advantage of him." She took a deep breath and exhaled, "I started my own journey as a ninja later than everyone else. I was fine and happy without being a ninja, but there were times that my father would come home after a mission completely hurt or changed... I made a deal with him. He stops going out on missions and retires so that I can take up his mantle to help bring the world to a better place." She paused, thinking about what Kitsune had told her, how she poured over days turned into weeks looking at the same reports over and over again detailing his death. How she spent countless days at his grave, countless nights lying awake, unable to sleep... All with dealing with Anbu Sennin duties along with picking up extra work with the shortage on other Sennin and other high ranking type of people.

Yuna has only recently been able to talk about her father without having an emotional breakdown... But it still hurts to think about. She looked out into the distance as she took another deep breath, "There was one last mission that he did. To catch one of the remaining Tenouzans that had attacked Cloud years prior. But the mission went wrong as a different group targeted both ninja and Tenouzans." She had read all about the Revolutionists, heck, there were plenty of newspaper headlines about what had happened. And then there was that radio broadcast that covered everything soon after the leader was imprisoned. "He sacrificed his life to get the location of where the revolutionists were so that Cloud can uncover the truth behind them. Him and so many others had lost their lives fighting the revolutionists, or maybe even worst." She was aware that the media had talked about the lycans, a byproduct of what the revolutionists have done. All past Cloud ninja, along with Hon's reports on the matter, showing that this disease can be contagious, presumably through a bite, as he had noted newer looking lycans in civilian clothes.

"You don't like spiders?" She asked, even though they are all ninja, they are all also humans. Yuna has only seen too many horrors, mainly in Water Country, to even be fazed by spiders. However, when she asked, it was in no demeaning way, but one of empathy. Then she was asked what she was doing out this far. Yuna, being the Anbu Sennin, can look someone in the face and lie without any problems. When it comes to anything Anbu business, she tend to lie to those who isn't in the know how, even if it is just following breadcrumbs about recent lycan sightings. Even then, there would be no way to connect her as an anbu, much less the Anbu Sennin, "I was out training. Out here, connecting with nature, with less humans around helps me be able to concentrate and listen to more different types of blood flows, something that Chigokai's use that is paramount for their combat prowess."

She would hear a blood flow before she would see it. Turning to a nearby bush, she would point at it, "My father was my only teacher when it came to learning the Chigokai arts. He was much better than I am when it comes to doing a full analysis of an individual just by listening to their blood flow. Me? I only know when someone, or something is near, how big or small it is, and if there is adrenaline rushing through the target. Such as that... Is a small creature that is calm." And just as she said that, a rabbit would hop out of the bushes, sniff the air around it, and hop away.


(using discovery of contract of my choice to gain Plant contract)

Current Ninpocho Time:
