Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Making the rounds [open]

Akuma Kira

Jan 11, 2013
It had started to get quiet now as things got back to normal there was still the long term care patients in the hospital from what his boy did but they were all stable and on their way to a full recovery. Not to mention the other student he was suppose to have had been busy with another tutor for some time he was left with little to nothing to do asides from study and work. Training ironically took to the back burner to make way for these other things, which was not normal to say the least. Maybe his heart just wasn't into fighting anymore, or at least the time being. That in on it's own could be a blessing in disguise.

As Akuma made his rounds checking vitals, IV's and if patience were okay; left him in a state which his mind wondered due to the ease of the rounds. He wondered about Fang the Queen of Battle and if she was okay now, or if she harbored some ill will towards the medical shinobi of leaf. He would one day want to fight her again and this time go all out, he didn't really get the chance because he thought it was only a spar but she went all out and it left Akuma feeling slightly guilty. Thankfully his training in the medical arts and natural healing factors saved him from the shocking display of power.

After he finished his rounds he sat down at a table in the staff room and was simply going over charts and some notes he had been making preparing for a student. Maybe he should look outside of the hospital maybe the academy for a student to train?

[MFT - 287]
Akumi arrived at the hospital, she has had a few good weeks of rest since getting out of jail. She wanted to test out a new skill she had required, but in order to do so, she needed a body. The Hospital was probably the best place to get an unclaimed body, but she doubted it'd be easy convincing someone to give her a body. She wouldn't know unless she tried.

Akumi was a short girl, standing at 5'3'', and had an average build. Her skin was fair, and she had barely any noticeable scars. Her hair was a raven color, she had it up in a half ponytail in order keep her hair mostly out of the way. Her eyes were green, and rippled, Rengaingen. She had on makeup to make herself at least look her own age, most assumed she was a child at first glance. Akumi wore a long-sleeved green top that cut off right at her belly. She had a matching skort, half shorts half skirt. the skirt was green, and covered her bottom, it opened in the front to show her black shorts. She had black shoes that went to her knees, and black socks that went to her mid thighs. On her sides were two ninja pouches, carrying clay, and a few ninja tools.

Akumi entered the building, and looked around. She thought it'd be a bad idea to ask a citizen what she wanted to ask, they'd probably freak out. So she walked up to the check-in desk. "Where can I find a Mednin?" She asked with a smile, the nurse seemed to get a lot of these questions, or she was too busy to actually call one in, she just simply told akumi to look around. Guess she was only interested in real patients.

Akumi shrugged, and walked further in. As long as she didn't enter restricted areas, she'd be fine right? The last thing she wanted was to sit in jail again. Coming from the staff room, which wasn't far from patient rooms, Akumi peeked her head in. She spotted one person in there, he looked like a shinobi, he did have a strong chakra presence. But some civilians had strong chakra too, so she had to ask. "I'm sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't happen to be a Mednin, right?" She questioned in a soft tone of voice.

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Fumbling through papers, while scribbling over his own personal notes, he almost didn't notice the other walking in. He by this point had some lesson plans for a student should he ever get one in the medical arts. Although his ideas where, different to say the least, more graphic and possibly brutal but would serve their purpose.

Akuma would turn his head when she would have spoken to him directly. He couldn't tell if she was very young trying to be older with her make up or simply trying to look her age, not that it mattered someone needing help would receive it from him. Standing as he was over a foot taller than her, his scars very noticeable all over his chest, arms and even some around his neck. Walking over he extended a hand greeting her, "Yes, I'm Akuma Kira. How can I help you Ms.?" Akuma although at work still wore his typical attire, the kimono which showed off most of the scars he bore, the headband sewn into his right sleeve and his combat gloves; which came to about the knuckle in length. The only thing missing from his person was his katana because he did not wish to bring that onto his rounds but it was in his locker in the building.

One thing stood out but Akuma did not wish to bring it to full attention; as it was not his business. The Rinnegan, a rippled dojutsu but her's was a different colour than the others he has seen, maybe this was why she wanted to see him or maybe that was just another mutation of it with the colour of her eyes or chakra? These questions actually began to interest the medical shinobi, this hopefully maybe an interesting situation.

[MFT - 297]
Akumi looked the man over as he stood, with her lineage missing a detail was a rare occasion. Her new dojutsu just made it easier to spot details, which was something she as an artist, wanted this kin. The ability to see things others had trouble seeing. She also had the ability to gain new bodies, so her next step was to obtain the sharigan.

Akumi looked up at him, he made her feel very short. She noted all his scars, so he was an experienced shinobi. "I'm Yumoto, Akumi.
I was woundering of you could help me understand what I'd need to do to obtain a new body?"
Akumi asked, better to get straight to the point. "I am better at learning from hearing it rather than reading it." She explained, she likes to learn through speaking to people rather than spending time in a library.

Amino seemed to hesitate at shaking his hand, but she did so anyways, shaking hands was still a hard thing for her to get over. It was hard with mouths on your hands, and when you're sensitive to tastes.
Seeing the Rinnegan he figured this sort of question would be it, but it was shocking all the same. Mostly because she could have just gone out and got a new body like many others with this ability, she however wanted to do it a more proper way it would seem. Seeing her hesitation to shake his hand was obvious but Akuma believed in the ideal that you get to know a person better from a hand shake. How right he was when he felt something in her palm, taking several moments to figure it out because at first he thought it was just a scar but as they shook the 'scar' felt more alive, Akuma would bow his head slightly as an apology. "Sorry Ms. Yumoto, I hope I don't leave a bad taste." His apology was sincere because he never wished to much discomfort on people.

"But, to obtain a new body without simply going out and taking one by force, you can check the morgues. Or through the hospital possibly, naturally there would be many steps." He said pausing as he gestured over to the table he was sitting at while pulling over another chair before continuing; whether she followed and accepted the invitation or not. "If you're trying to get one from a hospital, you'd have to make sure it was a organ donor, someone who willingly allowed the use of their body after death. Next would be to prove that, in someone in your case that you mean no harm to people or the village with reanimating this new body, in short getting permission. Lastly and this is just my opinion, you'd want to ask their living relatives; if any, that they would be okay with possibly seeing their dead loved one again." Akuma finished wondering if that at all helped her.
Akumi blinked at his comment, he knew? She suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but she shook it off and shook her head 'no' to him. Though she didn't want to say anything at that point. She thought nearly every taste her hands came across tasted gross unless it was food. To a person of medical expertise, it was probably obvious the question made Akumi's face turn red from embarrassment. Though it quickly went away as he started explaining the situation with the bodies.

As he offered for them to sit at the table, Akumi gladly accepted and sat down with him to continue listening to what he had to say. It seemed there were a lot more bounds than she thought there was, but it did seem easier than fighting someone to get their body and then going through the process of explaining how she got the body. In the long run, this would be a lot easier.

"So after I go through that entire process, how will I be able to tell if the body can, in fact, be reanimated? What if it's too damaged to live again, and how could you tell?" Akumi questioned, she didn't want to go through all the process and find out the body she got was too broken to fix.

She didn't understand the how-tos of the jutsu she wanted to use yet, in order to figure out the in's and outs of that she might have to go to the library or find another person with the same eyes as herself.
Seeing her face flush with embarrassment Akuma was nervous he had don't something wrong yet again, but happily saw her face turn back to a normal colour as he spoke. Akumi listened carefully and asked an interesting and hard to answer question, he knew what this was all about but Akuma never really has done anything of the sort. All he knew, he had learned from others talking, or books because these Kinjutsu's where everywhere now and not really forbidden in the long run. He starting to think he was one of the few if not the only one without one.

"Getting the right body, maybe an issue. If you care about what kekkei genkai or inner ability they had in life that is. If not it's a little easier, if you prove that you're no danger to the innocent or this village; I can possibly fix the body up for you so it is suitable." Offering the possibility of his help if she was no danger. Putting a body back together was not to difficult, time consuming, but not to hard.
Akumi nodded to him, she pulled out a small notepad out of one of her ninja tool pouches. She often doodled on it, but today she was taking some notes. She wanted to make sure she wouldn't mess this up. "I plan on reclaiming my spot back in the village with hard work, so I can possibly take you up on that offer if it ever comes to it, Kira." Akumi said with a smile.

She couldn't think of any other questions for the time being, but she was sure he wasn't gonna go far. "I don't have any more questions about the body, If I do, I'll just come back here." Akumi stated, she then looked at her notes, then back at the man. When sitting, they were almost eye-level. One thing Akumi looked forward to was the possibility of getting a body that is taller than herself. What was it like being tall? She would be lucky enough to find that out soon.

"If I am not taking up any of your time, can I ask, what is with all the papers?" Akumi wondered, she didn't want to waste a doctors time, but she was curious about what he was doing before she intruded.
Akuma was happy to see that someone took all things into consideration and still seemed to go with the harder to get idea than the simple way. Which pretty much proved to Akuma that she could be trusted, so nodding when she said she would take him up on that offer, not many people called him by his first name and it was sort of nice to hear.

"I'm usually here, but if you have to just send a messenger or a raven. I - don't really get out to often." He admitted pausing only to chuckle to himself at the truth of the matter. He was not to popular to say the least.

"No, no I am done my rounds for the time being and I'm working on lessons I was going to use for any students I would get. As my last two seemed to be, not worthy of being students of the medical arts, let alone one of the two not even fit shinobi of Leaf." He said with a little hesitation, not having been able to talk much about his adoptive son to anyone; why would he? "That one being my own boy. I don't even know where he is now. The other, just had another teacher and I've yet to hear anything, it's like she too dropped out of the hospital here, or at least I've heard nothing further of the matter and only assume the worse."

"But, on a lighter note. I'll also look into reading up on how to get the bodies ready for reanimation if you so require." Akuma said with a smile.

[MFT: 270]
Akumi listened to him, it was kinda sad to hear that, she didn't understand how he could say something about his own son like that, but she didn't know the story behind it either, so she really couldn't say anything. His other student just left without a word? Now that was just mean. I mean it is very rude to do that. "Well I hope your next students stick around until they are masters themselves." Akumi stated her mind, the village did just have an influx of students. "Once I get settled in, I plan on having my own pupils as well." Akumi admitted, she saw a few she was interested in teaching, but she'd have to get her headband back first.

Akumi looked at the time, then she looked at Kira, "Thank you, when I do get the body, I'll make sure to have all the paperwork required, I guess the longest part is waiting for an eligible body." Akumi said, she then stood, "Anyways, I'll be back again. Thanks for the information, hopefully when I come back I'll be in the position to actually start the process." Akumi said then nodded. "It was nice meeting you, Kira." She said as she left the room.

She walked out of the hospital and started her way back home. She didn't really like doctors, or hospitals, not because she has ever had a bad experience there, but because that her closest friend, Baba's torture. He was missing now, as far as she knew he was probably ten feet under. He was immortal so she wasn't assuming he was dead, just probably caught, or still hiding. He probably wouldn't like to hear she was starting to hang around the hospital, man if he heard she was looking for a body, he'd probably just go out and kill someone without thinking twice. Maybe he had changed now? It had been months since she saw him last.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
