Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Maple Ham <Open>


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Golden light of the dawn sun peeled into the small studio apartment. The rays traced down the walls slowly as the sun began to climb higher into the air, their incandescent beams refracting from the glass of Otami’s windows and landing on nothing. The apartment was incredibly bare. A small kitchen range with two burners held one dirty pot and one clean. Her half open cabinets filled to the brim with cheap ramen and bags of hard candies. The kitchen sink was half filled with dirty bowls, and dust motes played around in the air as the ceiling fan whipped up the ever growing dust endlessly. In a far corner, beneath the window of which the sun was beaming in, laid a blond girl on her futon trying to avoid the early morning and catch a few more z’s; as she did every morning. Nothing else, not even a tv, resided in her apartment.

At first glance one might protest that she was incredibly lazy for a Genin, but the truth was she just didn’t have a reason to keep her apartment in tip-top except purely for the enjoyment of a clean space - and she really couldn’t care less about that. Shelter was shelter, and this place at least had running water. No, her lack of cleaning really fell down to pure apathy. No one came to visit, thus, she felt no need to clean. It wasn’t anything emotional either, just sheer logic. Would she regret the moment someone came to visit? Yes, but that was a problem for tomorrow Otami.

Or, perhaps instead, it'd be a problem this morning.

A loud thump beneath her woke her from the blissful blank that was her dreamstate. She waited for a few moments, her heart pounding slightly at whatever woke her up but, eventually started to fall back to sleep. Then there was a second thump, louder than before, followed by a shout, a plate crashing against a wall, and thus the downstairs neighbors began their morning rituals about a full hour ahead of schedule. The look of annoyance was plainly written on the teen’s face as she sighed and finally decided to sit up; a mistake that momentarily blinded her as her peripherals were flashbanged by the sun. After regaining her sight, Otami tossed the blanket off and padded soundlessly across the small apartment and into the bathroom, her loose kimono hanging comically on her skinny six-foot frame. Twenty minutes later Otami reappeared dressed in a bikini-top, short-shorts made from a sturdy khaki-colored fabric, and a large street kimono that covered up her modesty; since going without attracted too many cat-callers.

She began to walk towards the kitchen with intention of pouring a bowl of hard candies with cream but second-guessed herself. Another thump beneath her floors told her the neighbors were really going at it today and that generally set her mood too far off to enjoy the normal breakfast of champions. Instead she undid the lock on her door, slid open the screen and stepped out into Konoha. A delicious smell of someone pan-frying maple ham instantly hit her nose, and a quick look over that direction lead her eyes to the Oak District; no doubt Red Oak street. Leaping up onto a phone wire above, then to another, and finally a roof, Otami plotted out the fastest route before heading back down to the street and making her way downtown.

Ten minutes later and she padded barefoot up to the shop with the smells. It was a normal stand like the rest and inside they were serving traditional breakfast but with maple ham instead of fish. She ordered a full breakfast of rice, the ham, and a bowl of miso and waited at the counter with her feet kicking, her long legs causing them to drag against the ground slightly as she did so. She didn't speak much and exchanged no looks with anyone as she tried to keep to herself as much as possible, even going as far as to sit at the end of the bar away from at least three others enjoying their ham. Her finger gently made circles on the wood, little bits of dust following it as Otami waited for her breakfast to be ready.

[Topic Entered | MFT]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Another blistering day for Keniwa as he awoke to his mother's gentle sobs instantly, leaping out of his futon straight in to the dining room in which he was displayed to the tragic vision of his mother sitting hunched over, as she wept, her hand quivering whilst raising the ice pack towards her cheek. Immediately he knelt beside her and gentle placed his palm on the top of her free hand before the two of them would almost tremble as the front door slammed shut. 'The house is spotless... and mother is looking as radiant as ever... I swear i'll... i'll...' Keniwa's blood began to boil as veins would slowly begin to pop from out of his forehead, his teeth creating a saw like noise whilst the young Kyoujouran would seethe with rage. Bringing his hand away from his mother as he stood clenching his fists so tight that a trickle of blood would ooze downwards, with a splodge landing right on the previously stainless floor.

His eyes widened as soon as he gazed downwards, without a moment's notice, crouching down as he began to erratically wipe it as soon as possible with his own green scarf, leaving a deep maroonish spot which violated the calm green colour. Suniwa's sob began to calmly fade as she slightly titled her head downwards to gaze upon her own son who she had been so proud of as of recent, using her free hand to playfully ruffle his scruffy hair, much to his own embarrassment and surprise. His deep red cheeks of anger and hatred would then shift to a shy scattered blush. "Keni, my little man, you are growing so fast. I had recognised change but just to look at you now, it makes my heart soar" Her tone endearing and paternally loving would almost hold and comfort her son. Yet he still had to know.

"Mother... are you-" Jumping straight to the point in an attempt to understand what transpired he was he was met with a gentle yet prominent voice. "My handsome son, I have some friends which are going to visit me today however it is just boring adult stuff! So why don't I give you some yen and you go have a yummy breakfast! I heard there is many stands which have tasty food in the Oak district! And keep any yen you don't use my darling. I love you Keni have a great day." Gently kissing his cheek as she would somberly arise from her seat with a small yet present frown hidden by hair as she passed Keniwa from the side, making her way with hands clasped in front of her in to his parents bedroom. It exuded a dark painful aura one which the young child had never stepped foot in.

Keniwa's admiration for his father, even with his brutal teachings had quickly faded from since Ikari had begun to take out his drunken unwarranted rage on Suniwa, yet for now all he could do was stand ideally by as he knew of what transpired in that demonic household. Although with the help of Akio Keniwa could learn to enjoy the nature and peace of the village of Konoha, what happened to his mother did cloud the majority of his mind, yet he couldn't help but think of the delicious breakfast he was soon to attain. Once he had made his way in to the Oak district he had found himself captivated by a unique smell coming from the Red Oak district. Drool almost overflowing in an attempt to escape from his mouth he had found a traditional breakfast stand with a smell which captivated his hungry nostrils like no other stand quite could. Yet he wasn't quite aware of what to get or even how to order, having never been to a stand without his mother practically doing the whole order for him. So in an attempt not to grab any attention but also gain some information on any orders he would listen in on what others ordered picking up on one in particular.

'Rice, ham, and a bowl of miso. That sounds good enough...' Five minutes had passed since he overheard this tall young girl who's hair and skin practically glistened in the sun in this time he had finally worked up the courage to order what he had just heard, almost word for word. Before sitting down two seats away from anyone else in between three other customers and the girl who's order he had basically copied. Almost a minute later what he had just ordered had been placed in between him and this lanky woman, his stubby arms slowly began to reach for what he believed to be his meal, not exactly aware of how these things worked,with drool almost gushing out of his mouth, about to make contact with the food.

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio sat within the walls of one of the many food shops that lied within the Red Oak District of Konohagakure. Breakfast was particularly difficult for the adolescent Senju. So much of what people ate was filled with meats of all sort, but having grown up with more animal friends than human ones, something about eating them didn't sit right with the nature-loving teen. Even the Senju's clan complex rarely had something that fit his particular appetites. Still, he'd been out enough times that he had his go-to's when it came to food, and this place served one of the best of them: a big bowl of mixed rice, veggies, and miso soup spiced to absolute perfection.

As he enjoyed the bowl, watching the morning sun climb up above the wall of trees that seemingly framed every Leaf Village scene, he noticed two others walk through the door. The first was a very tall and slightly lanky girl who looked to be a year or two his elder. He hadn't seen her around, but he could tell by the way that she moved that she was a shinobi just like he was. The girl had a unique aura for a shinobi though, one that seemed relaxed and carefree. Akio usually had plenty of carefree to go around himself, but these days, with Grandpa Itsuki's condition worsening, the young man's usually overflowing positive energy had been a little dulled. The second customer was a face that Akio had seen many times, and that of one of his best friends within the village, Kyoujouran Keniwa.

Bringing the bowl to his lips to finish the last of his soup, he rose from his seat at a nearby table and walked over to his soon-to-be-teammate. "Hey Keni! I didn't know you ate breakfast here. They've got some great food huh?" Akio said with a smile as he looked towards his friend, however even before he finished talking he had found himself looking back over towards Otami. He'd noticed that Keni had done the same when he'd walked in as well and figured they might know each other. "You know her?" Akio asked innocently, then continued before receiving an answer, assuming with his usual airheadedness that Keni was just slow to approach people as usual. "Let's all eat together! I wanna grab a dango before I go anyway." He said with a genuine smile that emphasized his absent-mindedness.

As Keni went up to take what he thought was his food, the sunny Senju proceeded to grab a bundle of three dango that had been placed at the front a-la-carte, and shoved some yen across the counter to the shop's proprietor before heading over to the table where the teen girl had sat. "Heya! I'm Akio! I hadn't met ya, so I figured maybe you wanted to share some dango. I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you graduate before I started at the academy?" Akio asked with a smile, assuming her status as a shinobi before being told. He shot the girl an infectious smile and took a seat as he offered one of the three sticks over, then looked back toward Keni, waving the dango stick towards him in a beckoning gesture that implied he should join them. "Ya know my friend Keni?" Akio asked in a slightly rhetorical tone, but with an innocent smile that made his honest mistake clear.

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha felt groggy. She slept good, yes, but she had to wipe some drool off of her face and cleaned herself up. Finally, exiting her room, she faced with a dilemma, wait for her butler to get to the mansion and make some food, or scrounge around for something to eat. She finally came up with the decision to go into the kitchen to see if there was anything she can make up, but then remembered that she doesn't know how to cook.

She bit the bottom of her lip and was thinking. Today was her free day, she can go out to a restaurant and get some food. But then she'll have to deal with people... She shook her head, eventually, she needs to overcome this hurdle, to prove that woman, Asuka, wrong.

Getting dressed in her usual attire, she went and told her parents that she'll be out in town and walked out of her mansion. Of course, she had brought a bag with her to include various manga for her to read. But... that will be a last resort, as she had to remind herself that she needs to train herself socially as much as she does physically.

Finally, she found a place to eat, an out of the way type of restaurant. Walking in, her heart dropped. The place seemed real busy. Along with that, she sees two people who vaguely look familiar to her. She went ahead and sat at a table by herself all the while thoughts running through her head, mainly, Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me. A server had walked right up to Mitsuha and asked her what she'd like to have. You got this. Just act natural. She told her thoughts, but her body betrayed her. She felt her face go red and she quite literally, face planted into the table to hide her face. "Just gimme your head cooks choice." She said, muffled into the table.

(topic entered)


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Otami patiently waited for her food, distracted by the mindless mumbling of the bits of dust that followed her finger in circles. Someone sat close to her and immediatly she stiffened a little before glancing to her left. Her nose tweaked a few times as he caught the male’s scent intermingled with smells of clean house and…blood? It was unmistakable, that coppery taste in her mouth that reminded her instantly of the flavor of raw meat. Otami’s eyes turned back away from Keniwa, trying to distract her mind from a now ravenous hunger. Thankfully her order was placed down very soon after…unfortunately the boy next to her thought it was his.

Unfortunate for him, anyways.

The skinny girl slammed her palms down on the table, causing the plate to bounce a little and the miso to slosh out of its bowl just slightly. Immediately following slam came an incredibly believable wolf growl, to a point that even an Inuzuka might do a double-take. Her pupils were pin-points, and she bared her overly large canines at the boy until she was sure he backed off her food. With unflinching eyes she put her arm around the edge of the bowl of soup and pulled it back until it clinked against the plate; both dragged slowly ever closer to the girl.
Otami’s….” She growled one more time at Keni before hunching over the food and devouring it. She ate with such an abandon you’d think she was starving. When Akio openly decided to join the table, she was working on draining the miso. About the time he sat down and offered food, she was nearly half way through it. Her first instinct was to try and growl again, which of course caught her up in this “acting tough” thing she was desperately trying to imitate. The growl caused the soup to pour into the wrong tube and suddenly miso sprayed across the entire table followed by loud coughing as Otami tried catch her breath. Any offered assistance was met with that same false bravado in the form of a glare. It quickly became aware that while she seemed all big and angry, there was shake in her eye through the pain of coughing that just said ‘oh please don’t take my food.’

Even though her miso was pretty much everywhere else but the bowl.

After a moment of regaining some composure, she reached out and took some dango from the plate instead of the offered one; as that one was currently covered miso and her spit,
Um…thank,” she replied shyly before finally taking a bite. The sweet flavors washed over her mouth and went right to her head. She took a deep breath in through her nose, a smile creeping up her cheeks despite trying to keep up with that tough persona around the two males as she had been taught by her mother. It was so hard to resist though, and immediatly she felt herself began to calm down. As if the sugar itself was some kind of medicinal aid that did the exact opposite of what it did to most people. She was done with the entire stick before she realized it though, and finally snapped back into reality.

It was then she realized the mess she had created. Otami’s sun-kissed skin instantly went red as she tried to shuffle her messy bangs to hide her face better. She sat stunned, not really sure if she needed to apologize, pay for everything, or make a quick break for it. Lessons from three different conflicting peers ran through her head as she tried to make a choice.
Am sorry! Will pay!” she said suddenly as she stood up, threw way more money than everything cost onto the table, and then tried to dart out of the diner. She ran straight into another table, flipping over it with a squeak, table contents flying into the air as she laid there on the ground now slightly covered in food. Eyes were all on her then and she stiffened into the likeness of a 2x4...and began to roll, like a log. Right out of the eatery.

She chose all three.
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa was so excited to finally chow down on his delicious meal he had a lot of his mind that could have been drowned out by a warm comforting miso soup, however he could feel a lingering presence watching him for a few seconds, curiously glancing around though there was no one to be seen looking at him. As he was about to grab his dish he was interrupted by the lanky girl slamming her palms on the table. His face was riddled with confusion however not really any shock, with one eye brow raised, but as she gritted her teeth and let out an animalistic growl... From all the work he had done getting chubby raccoons out of the trash and peckish birds away from any crops, he knew exactly what that growl meant. She was a ravenous beast scavenging for her next meal. A pinkish blush would spread across his face, with a slightly gaped mouth and droopy eyes he would longingly gaze as she devoured what he previously believed to be his breakfast.

Hunger wasn't a problem for Keniwa, not right now, he couldn't take his eyes off of her as he watched her scoff down the food, an array of burps, several close calls to choking and loud grotesque chewing. He was left speechless as his mind began to drift as he pictured the two of them running through a meadow, whilst holding hands, joyfully giggling and laughing as they stared at each other. 'Otami...' That's all that filled Keniwa's mind as of right now. Yet this thought cloud was quickly dispersed by his best friend's arrival. "Ota.. O- OH oh uhm... Hello! Akio. Uhm yes the food is good, I have not received mine yet." He was caught off guard and responded panicked and flustered to Akio whilst trying to peer his head past him to once again see Otami engulfing her breakfast. "Otami..." He would half heartedly respond to Akio's question not paying much mind to him in this moment being transfixed. Almost subconsciously taking a dango in to his hand to hold as the syrup would drip on to his clenched fist he paid no mind to it.

Although upon seeing Otami practically throw up her miso soup all over the table the eager Kyoujouran would unleash his signature green scarf all over the mess wiping it clean as he stared in to her eyes. Yet this stare back at him, unknowing to the boy was not one of reciprocated feelings but territorial, however he was completely un-phased as he small gape began to turn in to a small open smile. However as she got up Keniwa would panic in fear of not being able to ever actually speak to her. "
Wait! My name is Keniwa and this is my frie-" His small speech was postponed by the sun kissed goldilocks crash in to another table as all of its contents rained down in an array of delicious goodness. He managed to catch most of the plates and utensils leaving no one seriously harmed yet the food had covered the tall girl. Not dampening his image of the girl at all however, maybe actually even growing it.

Spinning round to Akio he would say
"Come on we need to help her! That's what shinobi do? Right!?" Chasing after the rolling log of a girl, overtaking her with the use of his own take on the step-in-flash taijutsu and reaching round her arms side of the log like roll, he would grab her hands and pull her upwards back to getting her feet solid on the ground. Whilst his intentions of being a shinobi weren't exactly the reason he wanted to help her, some about her gave him a sense of homeliness which he usually would only feel radiate from his mother, intriguing and captivating him in to wanting to get to know her more. Slowly but surely rising out of his turtle shell. "Are you okay? My name is Keniwa. Is yours Otami?"

Uchiha Seto

New Member
May 27, 2023
OOC Rank



And that was the end of the clock's beeping. Glaring angrily, he reached forward to hurl the stupid plastic crap but paused just as his fingertips brushed against its cool surface. His firey rage extinguished as his father came to mind.

He sighed, retracting his hand, but not before shooting the machine a dark glare, "You get to live for now." He spat with words lathered in venom. Didn't that stupid piece of plastic crap know that today was his rest day? Even though it was a decision made by his father, the thing still should have known. Didn't it have any danger instincts? Machines were supposed to be superior, weren't they? His gaze shifted briefly to the red alarm clock while it ticked smugly; he supposed not.

The boy prepared to move when his muscles wailed in protest. Seto winced. His body still ached from last night's training. Ever since he showed his father his crimson eyes, the older Uchiha decided it was time to step up his training, which was both exciting and terrifying. His lips curled into a grimace as his hand traveled south to his aching ribs; Dad really didn't know how to hold back. Sometimes he thought the man really was trying to kill him. The thought drew his brows together, contorting his face into a frown. It's probably because he was so weak, he reasoned; if he were stronger, then his father wouldn't have to go so hard.

That settles it. Seto
rolled out of bed and begrudgingly made his way through the mountains of clothing scattered across his room and into the bathroom. He needed to get stronger; rest day be damn. He didn't have time to lose.

When he returned, he briefly eyed the articles of clothing, searching for anything that remotely looked clean before eventually giving up and trudging through as if traveling through a sea of mud.

He eventually reached his closet on the opposite side of his room and slid the door to the side. His closet held several identical outfits, clean, hung, and organized.

Seto stripped a black shirt ,with the Uchiha clan symbol proudly stitched into the back, and a pair of baggy white pants from a hanger before returning the hangers to the bar. He threw on the shirt and slipped on his pants before heading to the door.

Exiting the Uchiha compound, Seto made his way to the Oak district. There was a quaint little shop with the most delicious tasting pastries that he ever tasted. Probably not the best way to break his fast, but the young Uchiha could think of worst ways to spend his ryo. Plus, you only live once, right?

Seto entered the quaint little shop to quite the sight. Just as he stepped through its doors, getting a nose full of all the mouthwatering smells, he saw something he didn't even know how to describe. And quite honestly, he didn't even care. Stepping around Blondie and Spiky, he approached an empty booth and sat down.

While he waited, his fingers tapped rhythmically while blue-steel orbs wandered aimlessely until they fell on a head full of green. Her hair and eyes drew a grimace from the boy's lips as he stared intensely for several, long seconds.

[Topic Entered]​

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The waiter had brought her the most exquisite type of breakfast food. She figured that the restaurant had gotten a heads up that the daughter of famous people was visiting the place. She was about to dig in when a whole big commotion stopped her in her tracks. Another girl came barreling her way as she tried to hide her face.

CRASH!!! In an instant, the girl was upside down food all over the place and the table itself was flipped over. Everything happened so fast that the young Kaguya was still processing what exactly was happening. She looked around in a daze as she would see one of the boys that looked familiar to her, Keniwa, was the boy's name as he introduced himself to the other girl which he had called Otami. In all honesty, she was a little bit mad. Her clothes were ruined beyond even a deep clean. But then she felt someone looking in her way. A boy, slightly older than her, gave her a disapproving look.

This reminded her that she was in a very public place, and in that public place she is now at the center of attention as she was now part of the mess that was thrust upon her. She tried getting up, but slipped in some food that was on the ground. Falling down, she thought instinctively to tuck her head in and bring her hands up to cover her head. What everyone would see is that her arms were covered in bones in less than a second and dampened the blow to the ground. There would be a loud crack, but it would mainly be from the Kaguya's exterior bones. Finally getting up, she realized what had happened. Her face turned red as an apple and she would grab her bag and start to walk out.

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio stood shell-shocked with a look of bewilderment upon his face at the unexpected scene that played out in front of his eyes. Within seconds he was sprayed with miso, dango was devoured, a table was flipped, and two girls hastily exited the establishment, one even rolling like a log straight out the door. He blinked with a blank expression for a moment before wiping his soup-covered face and breaking out in a peal of laughter. "Well, that's one way to start your day off!" He said, still half-laughing as he stepped towards the door behind the two fleeing kunoichi as well as his Kyoujouran friend. With a couple hand seals, a whip of the wind blew in the door of the restaurant and encircled him, dying up a bit of the remaining miso just as he watched the young Kaguya clanswoman slip on a stray piece of food and come crashing to the ground with a loud crack. It seemed Keni was helping smooth things over with the seemingly bestial Otami, so the sunny adolescent Senju quickly jogged forward and offered a hand to help Mitsuha back to her feet.

"Hey, you okay? It was Mitsuha right?" Akio asked, his characteristic bright smile adorning his face. He paid not even a second of mind to the cracking sound or the fact that the girl had bones literally jutting out of her arms. To him, it was similar to his meeting Kiriyomi. While the young insect-loving boy had been self-conscious about his kekkei genkai, Akio just found it to be cool. The qualities that made his fellow shinobi and kunoichi unique were the same ones that made them beautiful as people. So instead, he simply treated her like a friend he didn't get to know yet. "I know we didn't really get to talk much at the academy, but I've seen you a few times in class! You really gonna leave before eatin' breakfast? I saw your meal got cut a little short!" He started, his genuine tone flavored with a light-hearted laugh. "If ya want, I can share some of what I brought for lunch!" Akio added with a jubilant cadence to his voice, opening the top of a small box that contained some triangle-shaped onigiri then holding it toward her with a kind-hearted smile.


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Otami was mortified. If she had even remotely thought that the morning would go in this direction, she would have just put up with angry down-stair neighbors. Now she was covered in food, had made a fool of herself publicly, and the worst of all; ruined someone’s meal. She closed her eyes tight and tucked in her core, prepared to roll away in embarrassment until she hit the ocean and then drown - praying no one would remember today. Instead, she found herself rolling up into the arms of someone. The poor blond opened one eye hesitantly to see that it was the boy who was trying to steal her food originally doing the scooping.

A ray of sunlight beamed in as if on cue, while a gust of wind blew Otami’s golden strands into the air around them, framing her face and big eyes in a scene reminisce of some trashy romance novel. Otami reached a hand up to touch the back of Keniwa’s neck, pull herself up…and bite the ever loving crap out of his shoulder.

Her eyes had gotten big when the poor boy scooped her because, well, she was in full panic mode. She had just embarrassed herself to the limit in which her poor, mostly canine set, mind could handle. Now some guy was scooping her up? That was how her parents fell in love, and everyone knows how that worked out! What was unfortunate for Otami was that the would be hostile target she was panic biting happened to be of the folk who had rock-like skin. Her fangs, not to be trifled with, did nothing against the skin she bit down into. In fact, she heard a gut-twisting crunch from her left fang with a sharp pain shooting straight to her brain that told the poor girl she had just chipped that tooth. Her hands pushed against the boy’s chest, quickly darting away from him as she covered her mouth; blood was already showing through her fingers.

The poor blond’s eyes welled with pain tears, shame tears, and all kinds of emotions. Fear. Respect. Paranoia. Her blue eyes darted towards the poor girl who’s meal she had sundered to find Mitshua on the ground with her bones sticking out everywhere. Confusion and worry turned right into panic when the girl with what was clearly broken bones stabbing out of her flesh, to Otami, get up and just start running away. It was way too much. Momma always said that Konoha was full of all kinds of people. A veritable garden of personality and talent, but it all overwhelmed the poor teen. She was used to wide open spaces, dirt as far as the eye could see, a furry family, and only the weather to cage them. Being a ‘normal person’ was beyond impossible for Otami; hard as she tried. Her brain tried to remember what she was supposed to do in embarrassing situations like this, and all at once she was supposed to apologize, beg forgiveness, slap someone, and pay…she guessed everyone? Pop claimed money made every problem go away, but throwing it on a table didn’t do squat. Then there was the guy she sprayed soup all over…

By the kami, the guy she spit all over…​

Too much. Her brain short-circuited and the Wildling’s legs folded. The world spun as she felt her head heave backwards to fall against the ground. A blessed darkness descended onto her panicked mind and she gratefully accepted the fainting spell.

[MFT = 500+]
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Things seemed to be looking up as Akio helped the poor girl who had been knocked over by Otami's well... failed exit attempt, taking the entire table down with her when she fell. Gazing down at her with his cheeks blushing a bright pink and a somewhat awkward smile Keniwa with his absolute amazing confidence would say "Hey." using a slightly deeper tone than he would usually in a poor attempt at making conversation. The boy's cringeworthy greeting was met with a ray of sunshine lighting the two of them, as if they had just been put on a spotlight on stage. Her hair flowing in the wind encapsulating the two in this one moment, he didn't really know what to do in this moment at all his mind almost completely full of panic.

As she leaned in towards him with her hand on the back of his neck he closed his eyes as sweat began to leak down his head. 'This is all happening so fast! What do i do?!' Bracing himself for whatever came next he would feel a light solid feeling touch his shoulder. Her beastial jaw would rest there for a split second as he could see a chip off one of her fangs fly off. She pushed the boy, he didn't move anywhere yet she would run off a small trickle of blood following her seconds before she would smack down in the road. His guilt was immense and his day was ruined, he instantly rushed over about to attempt to help her again. However his last attempted ended in this what would happen next?! In fear and anxiety instead of stopping at Otami's unconscious body he just kept running. Dashing away far far away, it was too overwhelming shenanigans and the young boy had hit a side of puberty which would be considered a large shame if to be witnessed in public. His stomach unsatisfied.

(Topic Left)

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Her clothing was ruined! She froze in fear as a boy came right up to her and started to talk to her. Jeez, he even knows her name?! He even started to talk to her even more and more! The young Kaguya could feel her ears turn beat red. Her stomach grumbled in protest when the boy produced a box of onigiri. But her own shyness and slight anger over his comment over her meal being cut short, she simply said, "I don't know you." With that said, she would turn around and start walking out.

That would be too easy. But her luck was not with her today as she tripped over another girl who seemed to be passed out? She was quick this time to soften her blow by crashing into a nearby table with her bone arms to not accidentally cut the sleeping damsel. The result was more food flying up and raining down on anyone that was nearby. She was really having enough of this, and wanted nothing more than to find someplace dark and quiet to hide forever.

Senju Akio

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Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio stood there blinking for a moment, confusion written on his bright-eyed face. He certainly wasn't expecting the cold response that he'd received from Mitsuha, but more than that, the young Senju was empathetic. He could see that she was a little annoyed by his comment, but even more clearly he could see that she was just scared. To him, it seemed just like the interactions he'd had with the forest animals he'd slowly befriended all throughout his childhood. They lived so long fending for themselves, relying on nothing but what they had alone, and defending from predators and danger, that seeing anyone approach, even as a friend, brought an instinctual fear and discomfort. So he decided that he'd do the same thing he did when he'd befriended those woodland creatures: 'Jus' keep bein' kind and never give up trying!' The thought wasn't even a conscious one. Instead, it was an instinct for young Akio.

Jogging forward he saw the girl nearly take another tumble, this time protecting her crash into a nearby table with those same bony protrusions that she'd used to stop her earlier fall. "Whoa! Careful! I gotcha!" He said as he ran forward, attempting to make sure she didn't fall again, but he only got there in time to be splashed with the left-over breakfast of whoever had formerly eaten at the table that Mitsuha had crashed into. Forming a couple simple seals, the boy misted off the spots of debris on his clothing with a tiny water jutsu and quickly dried it by following that up with a minimized wind element ninjutsu. He could see the frustration and discomfort on the young Kaguya's face, but pressed on nonetheless. "No worries! See? All good now!" The boy said, putting his hands to the side to display his now-mostly-clean clothing. "And I know we don't really know each other... But now we can get to! That's how friends are made!" The boy continued in his usual effervescent and positive tone, a genuine smile painted on his kind-hearted face. Finally, he cocked an eyebrow to accompany that smile and finished by saying, "I know you didn't come all the way out to a Red Oak District restaurant to not eat! We ate together at lunch once. So come on! Share some food with me again. I promise I won't bite." The boy simply spoke in the only language of kindness he knew, the comedy of how that must've sounded considering what had just transpired between Otami and Keniwa completely lost on the young Senju, and he once again proffered forward the box of onigiri.


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The hungry darkness that swallowed Otami in the first place finally released its grip on her mind. The light and smells of breakfast slowly awoke her senses enough that she found no one was paying attention anymore. The taste of blood in her mouth was heavy but the boy she tried to bite was no longer on the scene. She couldn’t see the guy she had spat the soup on, and all together, it felt like this was the best time to make an exit. With a quick flip she landed on her stomach, perched up on all fours, and began to slink her way out towards an alley to pull herself up with the wall and breathe.

Well, that happened today.

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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The girl can never catch a break! It seems as if the boy wasn't giving up on trying to talk to her. She was really coming to her capacity of dealing with people. Mitsuha would finally get up and bolt for the door, making sure that she won't crash into anything else.

She heard the boy talk, and her stomach grumbled in protest, but frankly, she needed to get away and reset her social timer of dealing with people. She would finally make it out and far away from that embarrassing moment. Getting home with a few looks from passerby's on the way back, the girl was glad to be alone now, away from anyone seeing her.

(topic left)

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio knew better than to chase a scared animal when it ran away, and resolved to put those same instincts to use when it came to Mitsuha as well. So as she dashed off, he simply tilted his head and blinked, that smile never leaving his face. Looking around the streets and back to the restaurant, the boy quickly realized that everyone was gone! "Wait... Where'd everybody go!?" He wondered aloud. Akio took a big bite of the onigiri he had with him. Then, shrugging his shoulders, he put on his characteristic smile and headed down the street. "Oh well! Maybe I'll meet 'em next time!"

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
