Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor] [Rated: Dark]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Warning! This Thread is Rated: Dark.
This means that this thread contains material not suitable for all audiences and may contain themes such as torture, gore and other mature themes. If you are uncomfortable with these, please turn back. You have been warned.


"Maa~" I vocalized in contemplation. Granting my moment to gaze furtively at the youngster that strolled aside me; Shizuka namely. I wasn't entirely certain where Siu ran off to this time. Thinking back, it had been some days ago since they had gone through their little skirmish with the guerrillas. With little more to off of than their brooch that was attached to a number of the persons; we had decided it was best to continue forth and let the strings of fate decide our next turning point.
Without delaying my walking, both my hands receded into their respective pant pockets. Allowing the brisk wind to gently teeter my various pouches, and trinkets that adorned my persons. The faint chitter of the scaled armor I make-shifted sometime ago kept my mind alert and listening. I knew I had to give the young girl an answer sooner rather than later; but I grew accustomed to making things fester and bid my time a little longer. Inhaling deeply, I took in the fresh scent of grass, the aromas of nearby flowers and trees and allowed my eyes to close for a moments respite. Inevitably I drew them back open, to avoid tripping. Then continued, "I s'pose I can humor the request to aid you in Genjutsu... It's not like we've not had sufficient rest since the attack. Our wounds healed, and any residual forces seemed to have retreated or never existed." Withdrawing my hands, I rested them atop my hips. Stopping in my tracks and looked over my shoulder to the youth. I knew I was wearing my typical dour-eyed expression, I struggled to do anything but. Though, I suspect those close to me have slowly come to know that it didn't always mean displeasure or anything wrong, it's just how I looked. Or at-least, that's what I tell myself. I mused the thought, granting myself a moment of humor.

I turned, and crouched down ever so slightly to equalize our heights and viewing levels. "Well. To avoid dallying any; I s'pose we can begin with the basics. It's not like we've got any special hide-out to do this sort of thing in." Drawing both my hands upwards and at my own chest-level. "Before we get into anything knitty-gritty. The essentials, first off we need to actuate the tool of cancelling Genjutsu. Simple in action, but a fundamental in both understanding how a Genjutsu functions; and how to stop it in it's tracks if you know it's coming." As I spoke, I made an effort to guide her eyes to my hands. And slowly manuevered them into a simple hand-seal; one I'm certain she has seen and used before. "While I'm sure you've used this seal in the past, it's a valuable tool in casting Cancel, it's a wide-spread seal since it can flow the chakra in ones body almost everywhere, which is crucial in combating Genjutsu. The reason is due to how Genjutsu ails people, when we aim to use one such technique. It affects a person's chakra namely how they perceive things, we control this through manipulating the chakra within'; the same kind that reaches the eyes, the ears, their nervous system and their mind. Now place your hands in the same seal."


My eyes peered downwards to her own, expecting the young one to be following along as a part of the course. "Now, this is where things become a bit different than your usual Ninjutsu. While you're wielding this seal, you need to focus on your chakra-network as you would normally. However instead of guiding it to create a jutsu, the goal is to halt the chakra in your system. Dam the flow. Essentially." I gave her a few moments to feel for the flow of her chakra, and the seals placement. Perhaps a bit of the concept. "Now, for the most part this is only effective if you know you're under a Genjutsu, given the matter that it might just be a waste of time. Or the Genjutsuist has tools employed to counter-act this method. But once you're ready, I'll be placing you under something minor. And it will be your job to break it."

I counted about five seconds, afore I began to weave the genjutsu in my mind; focusing on her eyes. The illusion passed through and latched into her system, my chakra had gripped within' her own. And started to tinker with how her system perceived the world around her. Minor was adequate, I figured. Having only aimed to contort the way she heard around her. What was once peaceful and blossomed with wind and the songs of birds was rudely- and immediately interrupted with the clamor of a gong- it didn't have any central point; but it began clanging relentlessly all around her.

While allowing her to experiment, and test. I awaited her success; or perhaps failure. Once whichever came, I stood up and rested my hands atop my hips once more. "Once you feel confident in that, you will have to experience how a Genjutsu you can't so easily escape is like. After-all, we wouldn't have specialists, if all Genjutsu were so easily broken. Ne'."

[Post 1/5 | 864/1,500 WC]

Senju Shizuka

Dec 17, 2017
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

After the battle, she’s had the time to think about the way she’s handled things. While everything appeared to have gone well this time, she knew that it could have ended badly should one of the enemies would have used a jutsu she couldn’t stop. More specifically, Shizuka was worried about Genjutsu. In the Academy, they had learned the basics, but the Ninjutsu they had practices was nothing compared to what things looked like when on the battlefield, so she assumed that same would go for Genjutsu. And that could become a problem somewhere in the future. That’s why she had decided to bother Shieo a little - the memory of their first training together was still quite alive, she had been trapped in the Genjutsu without even knowing. If he had been the enemy then she would have been dead.

“I would appreciate your help.” She nodded while following him. Her eyes studied the arm that’s been injured during the fight. The burn had been dealt with the same day, and now her limb looked like new. Most of her chakra reserves were restored as well, so training a little wouldn’t harm her in any way. She was glad that Shieo thought so too.

Attentively listening to his instructions she mimicked him. Her hands formed the necessary seal, waiting for what he wanted her to do next. From class, she knew about a way to cancel Genjutsu but it didn’t always work. Another thing was her being unable to quickly realize when she was being influenced by someone else’s chakra.

Frowning a little she carefully followed the flow of energy running through her body. It coiled and curled through her chest and limbs, firmly tugged at her mind, and rushed forward like a stream in the Spring. She found it hard to get a hold onto the chakra, well, it was easy enough to guide it but hard to actually stop the flow. Like water, it ran through her mental fingers whenever she wanted to grasp it firmly.

While still concentrating on the chakra flow she suddenly heard gonging noises flooding the area. They came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time and buried her. If she wasn’t to escape this nightmare soon then she would end up with a severe headache.

The energy circled through her veins. And instead of trying to grab it she decided to minimize the amount of chakra she was throwing in to feel it. Instead of letting it burn brightly so it would be easy to grasp, she lessened the stream in hopes of it being easier to stop. Even a brief moment would be enough to feel out any foreign movement, right? Right!

And then, there it was. A warmth that didn’t belong to herself clung to her like a band-aid. His energy that curled on the side of her head, covering her ears and hanging in strands at the back of her head. Knowing that was what she needed, she still wasn’t sure how exactly to break free from it. Trying to cover it with her own energy didn’t work. When she heard him speak through the incredible gonging she figured to concentrate on the seal, from there the stream headed upwards and clashed with the foreign chakra. Now that she had managed to redirect the flow in its full power, the gonging stopped.

“Alright.. so.. stop the chakra flow, locate the source of the Genjutsu, then.. break it with your flow back to full power.” Making notes while taking in a couple of deep breaths. Then, slightly widened eyes met Shieo’s.

“Is it through other means that I have to get out then? Or.. hmm? How will I get out of it?”

The slight change in her tone as it went up made it clear that she was a little worried about being stuck in the man’s spell. Of course, she trusted him to let her out, eventually. But Genjutsu had always been something foreign and creepy to the young Senju. Unlike with usual training, she didn’t feel comfortable about this. But! That was the very reason she had to do it. She knew that much for sure.

Besides, Shizuka told herself, think about the tree-walking training.

Everything had gone well back then.

[714/1,500 || 1/5]


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

After watching in momentary silence as Shizuka started to get a grasp on a means that allowed her to overcome the tribulation in her mind and inevitably solve the problem with the sounds crashing into her senses.

"Hm... Well, allow me to rephrase; it's not that you're completely in-capable of escaping. But sometimes they're subtle, or so overwhelming in the heat of the battle that you're not given enough time to deal with them." I pressed my elbows into my crouched knees. Offering as support in order to aid me to stand-up straight. "You'll find that these circumstances can be from any number of reasons, a Genjutsuist with adequate preparation, or optimal skill can interweave their chakra with your own to be nearly unidentifiable. Or even if you know it's there, you may not be prepared to overcome the hurdle of casting it aside. Unfortunately, these are often Genjutsu that with enough time can prove fatal. While a Genjutsu is designed to toy with senses, if you toy with those senses... Too much a body and mind may just shut down-- And in some cases, permanently." I let out a breath through pursed lips, diverting my gaze to the lush and gorgeous lands that spanned for hundreds of kilometers that the eye could see.

"As for how. Sometimes you need to overcome the illusion; or suffer through it." I returned my gaze down to Shizuka, who was now several heads lower than me. I reminded myself, We shall see how she gets through-- But I still think it's best they get through and experience this with someone who intends no ill fortune to them, they can get through it. And then recover comfortably-- Right? Closing my eyes a moment, I stepped back and re-opened them. A wave of vile and sinister chakra coursed through the air invisible to the eye, and caressed into her mind, reaching into the brain and begun to carefully and sequentially twisting the way her eyes, ears, smell, thoughts and senses all interpreted the world around her...

Shizuka begun to feel a cold darkness coalescing around her eyes, like she were about to black out- Her stance was destabilized and everything started to chill to the bone. And in the darkness slowly revealed a room; it was ambiguous, something always changing like a mirage as it swerved waved and contorted. It was grasping into her mind, the world of her cognitive reality was slowly shifting and taking hold. Her gut wrenched and it felt nauseated as if all was lost-- Something was wrong. The last thing she could sense, was that ever-lingering dread one acquires when something they truly fear lays before them, but she couldn't see, hear or feeling anything of the sort... Until she turned around.

What is she to face?

[Post 2/5 | 1,331/1,500 WC]

Senju Shizuka

Dec 17, 2017
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

Of how one was supposed to overcome an illusion without breaking it she wasn’t sure. Did it mean that you had to mentally shut yourself for whatever was going on? Simply ignore the Genjutsu cast on you? It sounded simpler than it was, she was sure of that. Certainly, if you were seeing your leg being cut off, and your body telling you that it was the truth, how in the world could you overcome that? Suffering through it appeared to be the option here like Shioe’s said, but there was no guarantee you would come out of it doing fine.

Oh, there it was again. Even if she trusted Shieo she grew nervous at the idea of suffering. An illusion was only that, but when trapped in one it was so real you had no choice but to believe it. And with the hint he’s given her just a minute ago, breaking out of this one would probably prove to be impossible.

Overcome or suffer

The darkness swept in. Cold like the fingers of the dead it wrapped itself around her in a tight cocoon of blindness and eerie silence. A gasp escaped her lips before she was drowning in the Genjutsu with arms hanging limply next to her sides.

Out of nothing came a faint light. Gray, cold. She stared at the ash covered ground of cobblestone. Her steps were harsh against the hardness of the stone. The ‘ash’ soon turned into frost. Or perhaps it’s always been frost, but didn’t feel slippery due to some mysterious reason. She didn’t know and probably never would. By now her feet had carried her across the little court and into the maw of a building. Down, down it went. Until the dancing orange of a torch on the side of the room was the only source of light left.

Elegant white fingers picked up one of the tools in the corner of the room. Pliers, she realized when the metal glimmered from the light cast by the flame. Unsure why she had them she knew that holding them was the only option. Her fingers were glued to the thing. Were they even her fingers? Right now she wasn’t sure, but her eyes were very convincing.
There was a strong sense of duty that had her move forward to the other corner of the room. Chains, rags, the same cobblestones but slippery with water, blood? Or was it something else? She didn’t pay it a lot of attention. Kneeling close to the figure hanging close to the ground she reached out to pick up one of the bloody hands.

She ought to be nauseous by now. Her mind was spinning but it didn’t stop the hands from working. The art created resulted in more blood, and lots of screaming of the one held down by the iron woven around their body. Shizuka tried to stop and pull back, but nothing happened. Forcing herself up didn’t work either. Stuck in there, waiting for another nail to come out, she mentally screamed. Then, when she got what she wanted and looked up after an unholy amount of time, things only got worse.

“Why? Shizuka-chan? Why?”


The pain from the betrayal and the torture was written all over her friend’s face. Eyes sad, but not judging, disappointed - yes. No, no, no, Shizuka slammed her fists against a translucent wall that kept her from operating her body. Every nerve in her system seemed to burn yet her fingers found Siu’s hand. The next thing she knew both of them were screaming.

[1,312/1,500 || 2/5]


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

Akin to an outsider looking in, the world contorted and melded into what Shizuka held dearly inside her heart and mind. Unfortunately, such things that are cared for and nurtured by a being are also rather quickly and easily grasped when one is understanding of where to look into the mind; and how to draw the strings to bring such things to play-- And then warp them.
As darkness enveloped the young Senju, drawing her into the wreathes of her rotted mind. Down to the clack of each step and the cold, nigh suffocating breaths she took entering and following into the darkest depths; for an orchestrater of fear had too much to work with.

Each step grew heavy, each breath heavier. The sounds around her as she came too painfully aware of were deafening in their silence, upon entering the chamber. A wrenching of her heart and mind began, a racing of blood. One could only assume horror to ensue, with each step towards the bound victim. Shizuka heard and echoed into a sensation of lull from the dangling chains that rest from the ceiling, their purpose unexplored, however easily known. The distraught clamor was almost a dance in sound and breath, each motion made was that of a set-piece in a play. Each however, was coveted as her own decisions, her own actions- Despite a blood-curdling screams in the back of her mind, they each and every-time felt a dampening on them. As if, even herself slowly came to believe that what she was doing, was of her own volition; and that the blood that pooled from the finger-tips of her victim added to a delightful sensation that swelled in her chest.

“Why? Shizuka-chan? Why?”

Whilst soaking in the sorrow that drug through the burrows of her exhausted eyes, Shizuka couldn't help but come to notice the details of her own designs. The sloven youth that weighed down by bindings had wounds strewn about all over. Lashings, gouges by scalpels, burn marks, bruises... And each one flashed through her mind, each scenario, each scene, all of which played out in vile detail.
And even so, the feelings of delight; as each passing memory came through only elevated into a state of near ecstasy. Yet, in the burrows of the deepest burrows of her mind, it felt wrong- As her gut, mind, heart and spirit all clashes with one another . . She found herself reaching ever so towards nails- the flavor of the week, so to say. And in her screams, contrasted that of the blood curdling of her victim-- They were surely.. Not what the youth had intended.

But it felt right.

In the passing hours, the young girl had found herself exhausted of the work to the nails; as it became something of drudgery. And thus, she yanked on a chain that jingled vociferously; as if calling out to Shizuka. In doing so, the victim had been lifted just barely above ground. And Shizuka found her hand reaching for something new.

And the eyes that bore into her soul, were in abject horror. A quivering slobber of her lips, a shrieking cry that bound forever through the stonework of this personal torture-ground. Her body shook, tore and dug out new fresh wounds in her wrists and ankles-

Yet, it only brought a smile to Shizuka. Whatever did she have planned?

[Post 3/5 | 1,895/1,500 WC]

Senju Shizuka

Dec 17, 2017
Her body was a prison of flesh and blood. Unable to stop herself from acting and unable to turn away, Shizuka felt the strength being drained from her. Physically she was fine, moving and using the pliers to twist and pull, but her mind was gradually turning into a wreck. A crying, nervous blob of a child full of regret. Going further she took the pliers to her friend’s once beautiful face. Slowly the teeth would come out and join the nails spread on the bloodied ground. For all the hard work she did she didn’t feel any satisfaction or relief. There was no information to be gained here. Siu was practically drowning in her own blood when Shizuka took a step back to admire her handiwork. The thrill of a hunt, of being the predator was enticing, it was curling throughout her body while her mind refused to accept it as the truth. If she didn’t want to slip into that monster then she had to find a way to stop this sickening display.

With all her might she tried to run, and it worked! But not the way she had intended it to. Because the moment she was out of the door she found herself in another room of the same design. That’s where her eyes saw the image of another friend. A close friend whose maimed body hung on hooks that descended from the ceiling. The rusty tips came out of his chest. One on each side. That wasn’t all, though. She knew that Oushi’s missing feet were her work. She knew that Siu would have the same fate as the dark haired boy. It’s why she took the saw from the metallic table near the hanging body. It’s why she had to stop herself from sinking deeper into this darkness that already clung to her like honey.

While she walked back to unchain her dying friend - Siu, she struggled with the crushing wall of desire to finish her work. Duty, some deep voice told her, but she didn’t truly think that this was an adequate interrogation. Besides, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. They were friends. The chains clanked against the walls. Siu fell on the ground like a piece of meat.

Her hands reached out. Hands she hated by now. And as they tried to take a hold of Siu’s hanging shoulders; she rushed through the barrier that kept her trapped against her will. Slamming herself into the wall behind the older girl. A loud crack indicated her nose being broken. Blood ran down her chin in streams. The pain shot through her body like lightning.

Wobbling she took a step back. Unable to breathe properly she spat out the blood and gasped for breath. The pain was a sort of heavy throbbing now. Then, as her right arm reached out to take a hold of Siu, she found the willpower to slam it into the wall, pinning it down with her other arm.

Tskk, what a hassle this was.

[1,820/1,500 || 3/5]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

"F-... Focus Shizuka."

Came the words lingering through the raptures of her mind. The body that lie on the ground, replicating the appearances of Siu had turned it's weary head towards the struggling youth. And once more, a voice unlike her own slowly lulled out into the air of the creaking and dreary chamber. "... Focus--" Came from the youth's mouth henceforth; eyes narrowing in desperation as the tone wore two tones- Shifting in and out from Siu's voice and Shieo's.

Where she stood, Shizuka was adamantly restraining an arm from acting out of her own will. Endurance waning under the pressure of a force unlike her own, and the wounds inflicted by herself in order to seize control through pain. A quivering heat was drawing in the core of her chest as she kept her mind and focus in-on herself; "T-ch... Remember-- The seal." still the voice fractured and toggled between the duality that existed within' the visual of her anguish.
Henceforth the form of Siu had collapsed from the strained efforts to look and speak at Shizuka. With clear signs of bloodloss and injury having inundated the mind and spirit of the young-girl. The tormenting spirits that possessed within' the mind and heart of Shizuka had not left, nor did it refrain from haunting the youth endlessly.

How will she fair? The illusion persisted; but she found some semblance of control being returned to her.

I stared at her form standing in a listless daze, we still occupied the landscape of Marsh Country. She stood nearly like a board while her mind underwent a vile scene that sadly, is a situation I would not wish upon anyone unwilling; even an enemy. I found my chest expanding lightly as I inhaled a fresh breath- something she could not, not right now. And exhaled; a sense of relief was brought to my system. Looking around my feet, I confirmed some space to sit. No later, did I find myself rested down; with my legs crossed and my fingers caressing the fresh grass of Spring.
Returning my attention to her stiff form, I allowed my mind to split and continue the torment. Giving her lapses of advice, help and ultimately playing the tunes of good and bad that existed in the realm that she did. Without any doubt, I figured; she would be escaping soon- Not that much time has passed for me out here... Only about a minute I'd wager. For her- Well, I suspect we're closing in on an hour or more.

Drawing my left hand to my chin, I scratched and continued my observation.

[Post 4/5 | 2,330/1,500 WC]

Senju Shizuka

Dec 17, 2017

The echo lingered. She gritted her teeth while desperately searching for a way out without having to cut off her own arm. And then, the voice told her what she had forgotten. The seal. She had to perform the necessary seal and then everything would stop. Because this wasn’t real. No matter how much it looked like the reality it was not.

That realization gave her power. A surge of energy which brought her breathing to a normal level. She let her hand go allowing it to hang next to her side. The less she fought now the easier it became to actually control her body. Like a fog the need to hurt her friend lifted. Slowly as she fumbled with the seal she knew she had to make, the world blurred. Mentally stepping on the pieces of the chain that’s been holding her, she tried to tear it apart. Her chakra flow violently halted before coming to life in an attempt to break free from anything foreign.

It worked, but only half. Floating in an odd translucent realm she knew that this had to be something between the dream and reality. Hence, with effort and the stubbornness that mostly got her in all types of trouble whenever it reared its ugly head, she concentrated on repeating the seal. Again, and again. Until her chakra stopped the moment she decided it to. Then, with careful precision, she could identify bits and pieces that belonged to someone else. The energy that shouldn’t be there was interrupting her body’s and mind’s workings.

Only then did she fall again. Tumbling until her mind slammed into the here and now. Breathing heavily from the experience she opened her eyes and slid into the grass. Shieo was sitting nearby, apparently, he hadn’t fallen asleep yet.


Her hands were shaking a bit. Studying her fingers she noticed that there was no blood. Touching her nose convinced her that nothing she had been through was real. However, it didn’t really help. Like an awful dream, it clung to her. She felt haunted. Knowing that there was no reason for panic she couldn’t help but stress and look around as if the dungeon would wrap itself around her any second now.

Siu! Oushi!

Her mind moved like the ocean during a storm. Focusing cost her a lot of effort. There was an upcoming headache that was making its future arrival known through a soft throbbing at the back of her head.

With fists grabbing firmly onto the long grass, she looked up at Shieo. “What the hell?”

[2,251/1,500 || 4/5]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Re: [Marsh Country] Focus [Tutor]

“What the hell?"

Having only finished scratching my chin, dour-eyes already set and watching the young-Senju go through her traumas and strains both physically and mentally. Inherent to the exhaustion, she had collapsed before me, gripping and questioning the matter in which she just experienced. The rasp in her voice only confirmed to me that she had been affected enough by the Genjutsu for the lesson to have carried some degree of weight.

"Hm... Well, I must admit you have some rather interesting terrors for someone your age." I commented with the typical, unphased droll in my voice; I did it in such a way that implicated that I knew of what she went through, and that it were something of a commonplace. "S'pose you have been affected by the profession that you were brought into, more than you let-on at least.." Inhaling a sniff, my attention drifted to the rolling hills and fields that spanned once more. I found my attention continued to set onto the path ahead-- Besides, the scenery was quite pleasant to take in. "And that, is a Genjutsu that you can't always escape; one of many- And one of thousands of equally or more gut-wrenching and terrifying experiences you will have to inevitably endure, given you're faced with a Genjutsu-ist of any sort. And to fathom, that all in which you experienced-" Pausing. I took a breath, and angled myself enough to stand up casually. Drawing my hands to my hips and returning my eyes to Shizuka. "Happened in real-time for give or take a minute. So, as a mentor and practitioner of Genjutsu. I advise you work on tools, habits, cognitive control and the will to recognize, adapt and overcome the mental warfare of our roles... After-all, the mind is fragile. A lot more so than a body; and a lot harder to build defenses for."

Having closed my eyes, I allowed the words to drift in the air for a moment. Carried and held by the gentle breeze that cast through our position. Re-opening them, I walked over to Shizuka. Reaching out one of my hands to aid in her getting to her feet. "Nevertheless, you did good for someone who hadn't had to experience it frequently. Now you and Siu have a shared experience in common; hers was rather ... Traumatizing too. -- Otherwise, we should go catch up with her. Can't travel the lands by sitting around after-all."

[Post 5/5 | 2,732/1,500 WC]

Senju Shizuka

Dec 17, 2017
Interesting? How in the world did one call that interesting?!

If she hadn’t been so exhausted from the ordeal she might have bristled in indignation. As it was, however, she only glared at him briefly. Though, soon, she understood that there was no ill will coming from him. Shieo had simply tried to help, tried to teach her in a safe situation what a real Genjutsu could be like. It wasn’t his fault that she was such a mess now. So, after a brief moment of despair and anger, she nodded. There was only one thing she could do, after processing the images she’s just been through; build her defenses to her best abilities.

Get used to it, some part of her told her - the scariest thing was that it was probably true.

“I.. I understand.” she whispered still sitting in the grass. Because of the trial her mind had been through her body had grown weak. She felt so tired that she thought to be able to sleep for a week. The heaviness in her limbs became quite evident when she tried to get up. Luckily Shieo was there to give her a hand.

Allowing him to pull her up to her feet she stumbled a little. There was an odd desire to hold onto him for a little bit longer, but she knew that it would come across as childish, so she let go. Being a future kunochi meant that there were hardships she had to deal with on her own. He was there to guide her and that was it.

“Yeah, I .. Siu-” she breathed carefully as if the memories would be brought to life if she thought about them again. Unfortunately, they were tightly connected to the older girl. She hoped that it would fade.

“Let’s catch up with Siu!”

Shizuka really wanted to hug her friend.

[2,564/1,500 || 5/5]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
