Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Maru's Punishment: Normal Maid work! [Solo]

Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Awesome theme made by Sturfall!
Maru stood at the entrance of a mansion-sized complex in The Seki District. His first customer was a weird pig for a man that was too lazy, or not having enough time to clean up their own home he simply decided to hire a shinobi to thoroughly clean his home. The fox believed that he should stop here first before getting to the others, mostly because the rich guy just might have some booze he could get into while he's gone. Deciding to not stall anymore he forced a smile, beat on the door hard enough to perhaps startle the rich bastard then he stood back and waited…It only took a few moments for the door to open revealing a horrendous short blob of a man who was sporting a short bowl cut and silver rimmed glasses. What was probably worse was how deathly pale the man is, the dark rings around his eyes which had no pupils or sclera; just crazed white eyes surrounded by clearly visible red veins that seemed to move around in his eyes like a pit of snakes. The whites of his eyes trained onto Maru then he grinned revealing that he only had the top front of his teeth. 'Whyyy… you must be the help then huh?' he spoke mostly with tongue or at least that what it sounded like, just wet and heavy. 'Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ton Horikiri. You're services… the flyer said you were doing missions for free yesssss…' he hissed the last word, his tongue flopping around like a fish with his final words.

Maru straightened up then pointed his fingers upwards. "Yes you low-level freak of skin and fat. I'm offering my missions 100% for free, no charge though I do need the hours I worked. It's a… community service dealio yanno." Maru waved around some sheets his companions had made to keep track of the number of hours. It also showed how much each mission was worth which Maru didn't realize read he just placed the thing in his tail then went off to start taking these missions already. The fox put the paper back into his tail, he gestured his hand outward before puckering his lips and spoke in a tone that almost sounded as if he was teasing the man. "So are you gonna let me in? It's getting a little chilly out here." the man moved back then allowed Maru to enter. It was pitch black, a weird smell coming from his place that smelled a little bit familiar. As Maru walked into the man's home, he stepped on something wet… and thick like oil. He looked around the house and saw that every inch of the house was covered in INK! INK!!!!

Ink dripping from the ceilings, ink all over the walls, the furniture, the windows. Everyone in the house looked like it was covered in the black liquid. Maru looked back at Ton unamused, wanting to hear his explanations for this mess along with word for word instructions on HOW the hell was he supposed to clean this shit. 'Oh! We had a party last night, we really loved those ink blasters! Well I'll leave you to it then alrighty then!' with that he went off to god knows where, leaving Maru with the mess that he alone had to clean up. Maru stared into space, looking straight at whoever was reading this knowing that they would understand. Not even caring he was starting to break the fourth wall right now because someone out there must know what he's thinking right now. "This is some bull…" Maru stated but he knew what had to be done. Without anymore stalling, he pulled off his robes to reveal the French maid outfit that he wore underneath his clothing for this occasion, placed a little hat on his head, neatly folded up his robes so he could push them back up his mask, and once his robes were safe from any ink stains he pulled from under his skirt a bottle of bleach along with a mop so he could just get down to business already.


The cleaning was more of a headache than he anticipated. He literally needed to use the gardening hose and batheg the place in bleach for stuff to come out! Whatever didn't get clean fast enough for Maru, he just ripped off by turning leaves and rocks into money to pay for new stuff for the house. It feels more like he was redoctordating than actually cleaning anything but it did the trick in making the house look better. It didn't take long for Maru to get lazy, cleaning only what he could, repainting only what he thought was important, and replacing everything else with counterfeit money. He even called on his elemental powers to produce cleanliness winds to scrub everything down with the force of a hurricane but not damaging anything in the process. Maru was now cleaning the floors of the upstairs bathroom, complaining the whole time however while he was ranting to himself as he scrubbed away he heard undecipherable whispers coming from behind him. He already knew for certain that the whispers were coming from the toilet behind him but he decided to just ignore whatever it was hoping that it would just be quiet on its own.

Unfortunately the whispers only became louder and when Maru couldn't take the ruckus that the toilet creature was making no more. He slammed the brush down, turned around, marched right over to the whispering toilet and opened the lid to look whatever it was in it's eyes to yell at it. "WHISPER ONE MORE TIME AND I'M THROWING YOU IN THE SEWER!' Maru screamed into the bowl. Just as Maru thought the toilet was completely normal, instead of water it had a big humanoid mouth that seemed to be smiling which was weird since it didn't have lips in the toilet bowl, just gums, palate's, teeth, uvula, and a tongue but no lips. The toilet laughed in a booming voice, the tank playing some epic classical music as the toilet then proceeded to speak.

Toilet King: the Reward Giver


Maru reeled back in suprise, so this toilet was a wish granting toilet. Well shit here Maru was about to chuck it out of the window, however though the wish granting toilet's offer was inticing he knew there had to be a catch to the wish he would wanted. "What's the catch toilet…. Uhhh… genie? Fairy?" he asked, seriously having no idea what to call the thing. "I AM A KING! YOU ARE THE MOST PRETTIEST WOMAN TO EVER COME WITHIN THIS BATHROOM. THE MAN WHO INSTALLED ME FAILED TO OPEN ME UP BECAUSE HE LACKED BEAUTY." the toilet monarch explained. "HE TRIED OPENING ME BY FORCE, WANTING TO USE ME LIKE THE PEASANT TOILETS SO I FLOODED THE HOUSE WITH INK TO HOPEFULLY TEACH HIM A LESSON. HOWEVER WHAT I DIDN'T COUNT ON WAS HIM HIRING A MAID! A BEAUTIFUL ONE AT THAT! I CAN ONLY GRANT REWARD THOSE WHO'S BEAUTY I ADMIRE. NO TRICKS. NO STRINGS. JUST GRANTING YOUR COMMAND.

Welp made sense to Maru, if it couldn't tell the difference between a guy cross dressing he wasn't going to explain to it that he wasn't even a she. Besides he could gender bend anyway, it didn't hurt to just to make a small wish since after all he wasn't getting paid for this. "Alright King Toilet, now that we got everything straight I wish for–"


"W-w-what!? I had a wish granting toilet that only grants wishes to beautiful people?!" Toh was shocked to hear as he looked around at his now spotless home. It was no wonder why he had trouble opening that seat every time he went into that bathroom.

Maru nodded, wagging his tails in excitement of his discovery. "Yup. If the clean house wasn't proof enough for ya I don't know what is." he said as he crossed his fingers behind his back. Toh happy to learn why the toilet in his possession went haywire was happy to know what had caused it, surprisingly the man was looney enough to believe that the Toilet did grant wishes for did the impossible task of cleaning the house proved it? Maru's work here was done, so the fox simply handed him the mission paper for the guy to sign and date. Ton did just that, gave the paper back, than sent Maru on his marry way with a finally thank you; knowing now he should either start loosing weight or hire a pretty maid. Maru after leaving the premises checked how many hours was that whole ordeal with the house and their wish granting toilet added up to. Needless to say he was shocked when Maru saw that the mission was only worth 2 hours!

"NANI?!!!!" Maru screamed. He began to read through what his Youkai companions put as the total hours for each mission and basically it read:
Well at least he got a wish out of it, Maru looked at his foxy Nine-Tails photo book which had all of the images of his fox girl magazine from the beginning of it's production till now. He kissed the book then went ahead and left to see what the hot springs had before he started looking through his new book given to him by the toilet king himself!

WC: 1633
Ooc: First community service mission completed! +2 Hours
Ooc: Granted a giant photo book of the Foxy-ninetails
Ooc: left topic

Community Service Progress

Current Ninpocho Time:
