Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Medic 102: Teacher’s Pet or Assistant? [Class]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Shin would be resting in his normal classroom with a freshly brewed pot of tea for his students today. He was informed that his class was going to be smaller than standard since many of his students had recently promoted to Genin, though Shin had requested for at least one Genin to arrive to act as a Teacher’s Assistant for his class. The topic would be rather easy, or at least for those who understood the basics of human anatomy.

With a quick look at the room Shin would note that there were far fewer tables than ordinarily available, which further ensured that his class would be small. The wall opposing the door would house a table with multiple clear glass containers with various herbs from the Arboretum which he had harvested and hand dried himself. Additionally, various treats would be resting on a three tier glass display. From pastries to candies there were many options the students could claim. He let out a sigh as he set his cup of tea down before stepping up to the board.

’Good Morning, I am Chikamatsu Shin and I will be your instructor today. Please feel free to make yourself a cup of tea and grab a snack if you feel so inclined. Today’s class will begin shortly.‘

As he finished writing he would return to his seat with a smile. It was almost time.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko entered into the classroom, clipboard in hand and ready to help how she could. She smiled and took a cup of tea at Shin Sensei's offer, "Thank you Shin Sensei, I'll be helping with your class today if that is alright. Been a long time, maybe I shouldn't trust the tea?" She said half heartedly, a joke about how things had started off in her Genin exam. She looked down at the clip board reviewing the notes on the course as she stepped off to the side to allow other students time to enter and speak with Shin as they did.

She was well dressed for the occasion, though almost always was dressed up now that she had a bit of money to walk around with. She made note that she'd have to sign up for a taijutsu or ninjutsu course if she wanted to see the other Chikamatsu, as she well knew that was more her specialty. But, it was refreshing to be back in the classroom where it all started. Seeing the teacher who had been such a pivotal influence on her development, hell he was the entire reason she was a Genjutsu specialist.

She'd sip her tea, after putting a cube of sugar in and some milk naturally, thinking of what it would be like to be seeing this room, these courses, for the first time again. It brought a genuine smile to her face to think about such things, knowing that someone very likely was about to do just that. She hoped that she not only could help Shin with his course, but also one of these new blossoming students find their passion for what would be their future. Then she'd really feel that she was making a difference, even if it was on such a small scale.

[wc 303]

Shikabane Ryo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
OOC Rank
The opportunity for social status. That's all Shiki could see this class as. He had no interest in the medical arts, save the event he could leverage it to enthrall some peasant to his will. The thought of having to grovel to some teacher made his stomach twist, but it was a means to an end he would have to swallow - no matter how bitter. Shiki slides open the door, the trumpets ringing to herald his arrival. He's greeted with the sweet aroma of herbal tea and delightful confectionaries. The air felt... elegant. His scowl lightens a tad, scanning the room to see two figures. The first was a man with blonde hair, with a refined sense of fashion. The aura of nobility flowing off of him with every little movement. Hmm... A rival? The other was a girl, somewhere close to his own age by his estimation, despite her somewhat diminutive stature. She... was a bit harder to gauge. She certainly looked the part but there was just something a little off.

"My name is Akizuki Shiki." A regal declaration, with an overwhelming blast of conceit. He had no interest on elaborating further, believing he had said all that was necessary, at least until he was properly addressed. Shiki struts to the aforementioned delicacies, perusing for the most splendid of offerings. He would take what he evaluated as the best from the table - his kingly privilege. Mm. The tea was absolutely delectable! His estimation of this, Chikamatsu Shin, shot up immensely. He sits at his table, leg crossed with his elbow planted on solid wood to prop his chin up, glaring at the girl with attentive eyes to decode a puzzle.

Post: 1/5
WC: 283

Komorebi Rin

New Member
Nov 19, 2023
OOC Rank
She sat silently at the foot of her bed in the Chikamatsu clan complex. Her bed, her room. Her window with its little shaft of light from the mid-morning sun, peeking just enough through to crown her visage in soft light and add further to the shading of her face. One sock on, one off. Hair a mess in uneven sections. She stalled in this complete disarray, within a turgid stillness of air that settled around her, and she made no sound. Her little world of contemplation, beholden to the graces of another. There was an unreadable, almost uncharacteristic flex to the muscles in her arm. It pushed into her spilt sheets, edging them ever so slightly off the bed to the floor below.

She hadn't taken a class in six years.

No effort greater than alley crawling and dumpster diving had been given to any of her 'duties' since her graduation from the Academy, and her interactions with others could be summed in purpose for trite entertainment she'd quickly grow bored of. When was the last time she sat in a room with peers? When was the last time she had peers? Shin Chikamatsu - the head of the clan and her personal invitee to its folds - would be the one teaching, as he so often and prominently seemed to. A tightness to her jaw. Something within - or around - her teeth, that drove them to clench so tightly. He was a fairly kind man. She would be dead on the streets if she hadn't been prey to his adoption; prey, only, because she was no longer the predator. Not while 'family' would be around.

Moreso, not when surrounded. How did you ... her first movement in what seemed like ages was the toss of a hand mirror across the room. A trinket she had picked up mere days ago with pocket change, reduced to splintering glass after its shatter rung out from impact with the wall. Shards scattered across the floor and she was left in the center of its fan, panting, all exertion internal save for the remain of her arm trembling in the air. It didn't matter. It didn't matter. She didn't care. What was a few people? What was one big person? She was still in control. She'd still always get exactly what she wanted.

- - - - - - - -

The scene shifts over tens of minutes, her appearance to the others proper and sharp - a short jacket hanging off bare shoulders and the tight cloth that wound across her chest beneath. Tights beneath shorts and the click-click-clack of heels as needled as teeth, announcing her presence not with a trumpet but a rattle; a hunter's warning. She slipped inside the classroom. Her eyes, a curious hazel, met Shin's - and she smiled. They seemed both half-open and half-shut at all times, like nothing had occurred to demand her full attention. "Chikamatsu-san," she purred, ever so grateful, ever with respect. A hand of thin fingers played along the rim of her ear, goading black tresses from her gaze to allow its beam on the other participants. A girl - the assistant for this class - with a fair amount of experience behind her natural gait. This thought trailed to note every exit in the room. Entrances had already been recorded. The board was set - if necessary, she could pull off a game.

Oh, but, oh, the stray was not alone in her abyssal coil. A powerful shift to attention. A roll of her tongue, slant to her walk. The stride of a panther. "My lord," she spoke low, so soft, to Akizuki Shiki. It did not beget a conversation - only an acknowledgement. A sidelong glance, and a smile in half-light. Every movement so controlled beneath its veneer of venom.

She slipped again, this time into a seat. No food or tea. Nothing but hands clasped gently around each other on her desk, face lifted to focus on the board ahead. A tease of her tail, curling and uncurling along the back of her chair, as if it too was waiting to strike. "Thank you for having me. Chikamatsu Nanaka, at attention, honorable Sensei. Senpai."

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
”I am glad to have you three here attending class today. The reason why I asked Neko-Sama to be an aide today is because I do not plan on moving from my seat, you are all Genin after all.“

He took another sip of tea.

”Today is a Medical class for two simple reasonings, honestly The first of which is straight forward. Knowledge of the human body and how it works will be required, which I suppose can be used in all of our branches, but the second reasoning will be explained shortly.“

He chuckled softly before gesturing to the table of treats.

”Nanaka, are you sure you do not want any refreshments?“

Shin would grab his tea and swirl it some to give the girl some time to see if she would take any drink or sweets.

A few moments passed. At this point the Teas and Snacks provided would have been tasted, even if slightly.

”I think it is time for the second reasoning why this class is considered a Medical Class.“

His grin grew devilish.

”Everything on that table has been subtly poisoned, each item with a different type of toxin, which at this point should be entering your bloodstream!“

Shin would let out a hearty chuckle.

”To pass this class you have things to do. First, identify which poison is in your personal system. Second, find a way to neutralize the toxins. And finally, survive to the end of the class, which is about an hours time from now.”

“Good luck.“

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko finished her tea calmly and placed it down back onto the table with a big sigh. She had jokingly said should she avoid the tea and now it was the reality. She should have assumed as much, tea and candy was always a trap. But, she was in for the ride at this point, so why not at least enjoy it.

She waited a moment before looking to the class and turning to face them, "alright let's talk about the concept of poisoning then. Let's address taste, I for instance note that mine had a slight bitterness to it, hence the sugar being a decision I made. However when I gave it the first whiff, there were no signs of tampering so the toxin is orderless in mine. Now, Shin-Sensei had said our own, implying each was different. Taste and smell are great indicators of toxins. Any notes on your toxins? Smells, taste, chalkiness, etcetera. Anything that was off please make note of it then share it with the rest of the class. A big point that was made, is subtly.. meaning you are not going to die, but the side effects may begin shortly. Think fast kids."

Neko laughed and sat on the desk leaning back with a smile and whispering to Shin "seriously, again with the tea party surprise? This is why I asked to hang out and haven't offered to help before now.." her smile never left her face as she spoke frustratedly through her teeth in a soft whisper.

[WC 254]
[Twc 557/1000]

Shikabane Ryo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
OOC Rank
The click of pointed claws tapping onto the ballroom floor, a kindred aficionado for flair and dramatics, no matter how subtle they may be. The stray was anything but subtle. He diverts his gazes, tracing her movements with biting eyes awaiting due obedience. Ah and what a beastly smirk he displays. Another compelling actor had joined the performance and it was sure to be interesting. "Hello, stray~" A rumbly tenor coating his voice, a playful bite as a reward. The teacher stands, revealing the twist to the lesson. Everyone that had tea and snacks were now poisoned... He audibly groans, rolling his eyes at how trite it all was. It would seem his estimation of the gentlemen was ironically improper. He hadn't noticed any symptoms yet, maybe as a result of his childhood? No matter. He rises from his makeshift throne and parades himself to Nanaka, toxic confections in hand.

"Are you sure you don't want a snack, little stray? Surely it's better than picking through the garbage." Nonchalantly sliding tainted food across her table with a wry grin, eyebrows furrowed. "This is all quite boring, yes? Quite disappointed in your sibling, actually.." He lingers a moment, appraising her body language for any potential insights of her feelings, a rare luxury awarded to her. He beckons over the -mostly- unintriguing girl. This whole thing felt so beneath him so he decided to try and gleam the answers from one of the simpletons in the room. Her assistance in the lesson an obvious indicator that she'd been through this whole ordeal before. It is at this moment he feels the shallow wave of fatigue looming to drag him down into murky depths. Tck. Now that the girl mentioned it, the tea itself had no aroma, He was too caught up in the alluring atmosphere.

Hmm. Maybe Shiki would be forced to take this seriously after all. They did just poison a king.

Post: 2/5
WC: 320
TWC: 603

Komorebi Rin

New Member
Nov 19, 2023
OOC Rank
No glimmer of recognition or consideration. Nanaka had watched Shin carefully, pomp and circumstance and all, but there had been nothing for her to grasp onto. Wiry, sharp claws left empty of needed prey. No surprise. No disappointment. No excitement. No warmth. A general sense of calm and nobility, given in equal waves to every drifter and rabble in the room? Her face betrayed nothing but the slow turn of light in a deep hazel down, and inside - inside - inside, how she seethed. How cracks had already formed along this macabre stained glass spiderweb that so carefully and peerlessly composed her image. It didn't matter. She didn't care. Very well, very well. Scurry along.

His only words for her were in thought for her to eat his confections, and the follow to this when she didn't so much as move was - well, within dark expectations. Of course, the treats were poisoned. Of course - and the kicker - this consideration was meant to trick her. It seemed the wayward apple didn't fall far from this tree of grace. There was something of glee - the most biting, feral, starving type of glee, a beast in concert with its own will. She had somehow not expected more yet still experienced this crushing mania - carefully locked behind the white of fang. Very well. Very well.

The barking of a dog. She didn't have time for him right now. All benevolence above the diatribe, she turned to share with Shiki a smile - both conspiratorial, and somewhat menaced. "A gracious offer, young lord. I seemed to have missed the party favor. Events are only boring on the outside, yes?" She stared over Shiki. Through him. A disgraciousness in such soft, half-lidded eyes, upturned in a pleasant expression. "It would be rude not to accept what was prepared for me. Allow me." A hand, bathed partially in strapping dark up her forearm, lifted to slip carressing fingers around a single treat. She lifted it to her mouth, and without a word, popped it between cherry-red lips until devoured. The poison indulged by her own will. A continued smile. An address to the class. "Thank you kindly. My, that burns."

She mulled it over as the plexistim seeped through her system, burning in a candlewax dribble down the circuitry of her chakra. Her complexion weakened - her muscles tight at her jaw and arms - and she continued to speak as if nothing had changed. "Quite the kick to start off our little class, no? Was I meant to be the pinata? You're so funny, everyone. Worry not. I'm not one to disappoint." She moved in a bow, seated but increasingly unsecurely. "It has something of a waxy aftertaste. My condolences to the chef. Not their best work."

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin’s eyes would flicker to a golden yellow hue as Seishinko spoke through his form.

”Well, young Neko-Chan, as you know Shin has a proclivity towards herbal use, and with my suggestion we dipped into the clan’s stash of Nightshade Extract and Ninja Wolfsbane.“

Her golden eyes shifted from Neko to the two students, one she recognized as Shin’s newest stray. A devilish grin stretched across her face as she wore Shin’s body.

”Joining into the fray? How exciting. It appears the Overseer may have a third child perish under his tutelage. Truly thrilling. Almost as if he was cursed to have his children rot and decay before his eyes. It’s a shame his Charity cases always perish so quickly after being accepted.“

She would shift up and out of the seat. Almost as if skipping through space to stand next to Shiki. Her devilish grin stretched across Shin’s face.

”If this is beneath you, then why don’t you sit still and simply die? If you don’t think you need to know how to identify and cure poisoned food when you are on missions then do us all a favour now and let me use your carcass as fertilizer. It would feed the spirits of the Aboretum wonderfully.“

She would lean in to whisper in his ear.

”They would dance in the arrogance that would seep out of your veins.“

As she leaned back, Shiki would see a spirit form around Shin’s form. The face of a Shinigami would meet the boy’s causing his body to simply lock in place and freeze. Stepping away from the boy Seishinko would continue.

”If anyone else thinks this is beneath them, I welcome you to join the fertilizer.“

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko chuckled watching the shift and knowing now this was going to be a much more interesting class. She kept giggling as things around her warped and shifted, creating a weird loopy space around her. She felt a rush of euphoria, an overwhelming sense of joy, and even a little general sense of warmth. All symptoms she remembered from the one time she drank the wrong water bottle in the orphanage. She knew what hers was, but communicating it was going to be hard.

"Alri..alright.." she burst into laughter for a minute, "okay okay.. whooo.. oh thats a fun mouth feel. WhoOOooOo is.. having.. having.." the laughter continued as she fell back onto the ground rolling into it.

She slammed her fist down and sat up trying to hold back the hysterics for a moment, she needed to be serious, she was proving herself to the kids.. but her mind was scrambling faster than she could keep up with. "Okay.. symptoms" she giggled, "symptoms are obvious on me.. wow it's warm are you warm? Oh come on.. this is.. how am I.. ahhhhhhh!" Her anger was clear underneath the laughing to the point of tears. She was letting herself down but she couldn't exactly stop it from happening. She needed to ride it out at this moment and allow the students to see the effects of this poison. She knew make believe was on hell of a psychedelic experience, but it was knocking her on her ass.

"Seishinko sensei, this is ..." She roared out in laughter once again, "it's... Make-believe am I .. " she laughed and fell over again.

She was embarrassed, ashamed, and angry but her outward expressions and reactions were anything but that. She was about to make it far worse for herself though. "What's next Kohana Gunna come out and make fun of us? Oooo scary teachers going to make students shiver and worry so they get it wrong" her mocking tone was ever clear. "Join the fertilizer, like that sounds so scaryyyy" she belted out in laughter once more, grabbing her gut and laying down.

[WC 348]
[Twc 905/1000]
Last edited:

Shikabane Ryo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
OOC Rank
A heinous grin creases Shiki's magnanimous mask. He was curious on what the stray would do when offered knowingly tainted trash and he was not disappointed. Obviously there were no real stakes to this test, but the earsplitting defiance of a child who desperately wanted to be seen. He glares at her with brazenly scornful eyes, the glint of treasure reflected in his ruby eyes. Don't worry, little stray I see you. He laughs at the carefully pointed mockery of the lesson, just as blatant and audacious as the feline's barbed, venomous jabs. "Be a dear and try my tea, too, yes? A well-earned treat." As boring as the whole assignment was, it'd be fun to at least manipulate one of the others to do the work for him and the stray was nothing if not dutiful.

A shift in the air as a new voice joins the cacophony. Even Shiki can't help be astounded at the cruelty of it all. It's so reminiscent of his own father. A twinge of pity and genuine sympathy would be granted. And in a blink the specter was upon him, spewing malice with a smile. He can't help but laugh again. "Apologies, I seem to have misspoke... You're be-" His body is stricken in paralysis, caught in a fang-bared scowl as he came face to face with death once more.

Frozen completely, but completely aware of his surroundings. Hmm. Annoying. This Chikamatsu would have to pay for this one day. A sleight against royalty cannot go unpunished. If he could groan, he would have. God, everything in him wanted to explode, but he was simply stuck in this humiliating position. Listening to boring one giddily ramble on like a drunkard. He couldn't even order her to hand over the cure anymore. All he could do now is sit and wait for the effects to wear off as the poison flows through his immobile body. He could feel his heart struggle, excruciating pain shooting through his veins. Tck. A mental tongue click at the realization that its Black Lotus. Fitting tool for the rotten flower masked beneath its elegant veneer.

Post: 3/5
WC: 354
TWC: 957/1000

Komorebi Rin

New Member
Nov 19, 2023
OOC Rank
She had little chance to accept the King's second generous offer. She wouldn't have, of course, because the careful turn of her lips was so slightly beginning to crack under the pain from poison imbibed - but she would have at least danced around it. Their play pretend was her most enjoyed habit since rejoining society. It was so cleverly dripping between malice and venom both; and yet, they were now facing something far more insidious, and toxins that truly pumped through mocking systems.

Oh. Very well. Very well. She had heard - if not been told, even, in what little difference that mattered to her - of the Chikamatsu Overseer's Inner Court and the baseline knowledge necessary for clan interaction. She hadn't met them - she had barely met Shin, at this point - but she knew of an existence enough to not meddle. What was this one's name? She couldn't recall. She could feel, however. A natural, primalistic fear almost as numbing as the contamination. Survival of the fittest, little cat? Survival of the fastest. So run.

Even this common sense was beneath her splintering psyche. It was a bit over the edge for the young Nanaka. Outwardly, the barbs of this - aunts? - dismissal drew no response. A glint within a thought. A redness beneath the ultraviolet. Haha. Very well, very well. "I imagine it's all the same, Chikamatsu-san." I'm not a real member of any family, anyway.

The problem came from the succeeding events to the third Chikamatsu's 'arrival' - their teaching assistant reduced to a poisonous fit, and her favored plaything reduced to a statue amidst his attempt at edict. Was she the only one remaining in the world with a lick of sense? Apparently not, because her next actions were far more daring than she'd attempt in any usual case. Stress had already found her bones. A blight had already settled in her veins. She wasn't going to be toyed with - not to this extent. Chikamatsu Nanaka left her seat in a flash, appearing instead behind the young Akizuki. She was crouched over, in profile, with one arm twisted afore her and the other curved up behind her back.

Threads of chakra spilled from all points of her fingertips, curving in a brief freeze-frame around Shiki's paralyzed form and then settling in a snap to dig at his skin. Any self-respecting Yamanaka knew the first thing about freeing themselves or another from a fetter, especially Genjutsu. She would offer Shiki little thought, of course, but the biting strings would draw thin lines of blood across his arms - just enough to all but free him from the illusion, physically if not in mental strain. Her wires would lax, enough to not pierce deeper into his flesh, and then form a hammock of a web to catch him so he might not fall from the sudden freedom. She glanced over his shoulder at the others as she sloped into a stand, smiling shaded. Some kind of foul butleress? Blood spilled from her lips from the strain of venom that attacked her in response to her use of energy, dribbling down a composed chin - she couldn't help but to speak with a slight of venom. "Now, couldn't we all be on our best behavior? It's unbecoming of all parties, Chikamatsu-san. Senpai," she addressed the girl in fits, something of sympathy if closer to pity, "might you join the students? Our various ailments aren't too difficulty solved if we're able to work en concert."

It was becoming too difficult to speak if she was also going to stay collected. Fuck.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Shin’s eyes would shift to a violet hue at the statements that the young Chikamatsu would make.

”Now now Nanaka, don’t act like this class is a dinner party. There are real world threats that you will be facing as Genin, and they will arrive sooner rather than later. It is important for you to see through the intentions and the statements made by your enemies. If you expect the enemies of Sunagakure to be polite to you after they have poisoned you, you are sorely mistaken. They would most likely take this opportunity to strike, right about…“

As Seikatsu spoke through Shin’s body he would walk towards the paralyzed Genin and placing his fingers just shy of the boy’s Carotid Artery.

”here. Severing the flow of blood needed to go to your brain, causing your brain to fail before your heart would die from the poison. Speaking of using your brains, I am sorry Shiki-kun, let me fix this.“

Seikatsu would snap his fingers, causing the Genjutsu to drop from the boy. The man would pat the child on his shoulder before letting out a chuckle.

”Seishinko has some issues with people, she rarely comes out to say hello unless the spirits are about. So we apologize.“

Seikatsu would then look to Neko-Chan.

”And to be honest, Tea and baked goods are always the easiest ways to hide poisons. The tannins in the various herbs cover most of the tastes associated with the most common poisons. Keep a mental note of that in case your find yourself on the other end of this situation.“

Seikatsu would chuckle and look at the class before clapping once loudly to get everyone’s attention.

”I am sure you all know what is coursing through your veins now, but knowing is half the battle! How do you all plan on saving your lives?“

He looked to Neko again.

”What would Shin do?“

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko looked up still in a giggling fit from the poison, she was trying her best to maintain composure as she stood. "S.. Shin Sensei, would us..use" she couldn't stop the giggling at this point but at least it was only just giggling now. "He would.. either make.. make an antidote with herbs.. or flush his system.. as we don't have herbs.." She looked around the room for a moment, "unless.."

Her eyes would focus on her bag as she would walk over and start digging through it. Weak sedatives and poisons mainly could be worked out through kidneys or through blood loss of directly injected. Meaning in the case of ingestion one must either flush with eight times as much liquid, give or take, or remove the source. She grabbed her canteen and went to the trash bin. She immediately caused herself to vomit, with a little effort on her part, before she began downing water. While some would definitely remain in her system for a bit, the majority would leave with the contents of her stomach into the waste bin.

"Fu.. okay.. okay well.. "

[WC 186]
[Twc 1091/1000]

Shikabane Ryo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
OOC Rank
The spider's web needles into his frozen frame, the twinge of pain from the lacerations that drew blood allowing him a slight release from bondage. His blood was boiling, the humiliation of it all. Still, he was grateful to the stray for her assistance however unneeded it was. The insolence from the would-be assassin would pay for this in due time. A vendetta signed in blood. "You have my gratitude, little stray~" Another shift in the aura surrounding the ingrate who forcibly restrained nobility. He's approaching, slowly but surely to use Shiki as a mere prop - a toy. Same as his father. He glares, eyes flickering with passionate enmity as his skin bristles in anticipation. He wants to bite. A beast king who's lost all his inhibitions, any pretense of decorum after so many slights. His fingers dig into Shiki's neck, releasing the remaining effects from the spectral reaper. I don't need your charity, cur. My servant had already fulfilled their duties.

He shows restraint, silent and as passive as he could be with his fangs laid bare. Then a hand would fall upon his shoulder. His unpleasant barbed fingers sticking into his skin like thorns. Does his brazenness know no bounds? He would not stand for this discomfort. "I did not grant you permission to lay your hand on me , mongrel!" He snarls, slapping the hand away from his shoulder as if it were an insect or leaf that happened to settle there. He turns around, crossed arms as he struts towards the first aid box, not letting himself falter in spite of the increasingly sharp throbs of pain with each step. He would not make a fool of himself like the girl vomiting her guts out. Charcoal Powder - A simple solution that should work on its own to combat the Black Lotus flowing through his veins. Dilute it and simply conquer it. He returns to the stray, sliding the kit to kit, as he opens the container and dumps the appropriate dosage into a small cup. "Feel free to help yourself, stray. Try not to be too stubborn, yes? That's an order" He doesn't even feel like poking his stray any longer, simply raising his cup as if it were a goblet fit for kings. "Bottoms up." He downs the pitch-black powder, its coarse texture causing a wave of nausea to assault his senses. He swallows it down, bites his tongue and resigns himself to overcome any lingering effects.

Post: 4/5
WC: 410
TWC: 1367/1000

Komorebi Rin

New Member
Nov 19, 2023
OOC Rank
You have to do something.

She once more recounted all the exits. Two doors and a handful of windows - one by the teacher's section, one by Neko's sickness, one to her right and behind -- that was a strategy. It was no good, however. This class was an obligation. If she left, she'd have another to do; and it would repeat ad infinitum until it was less of a presentation and she'd never get to where she needed to be. It wasn't, exactly, anyone's fault here: Shiki's arrogance, the Chikamatsu Overseer's many responses, or the capable yet victimized Tanatsu, but Nanaka was not handling the group environment terribly well. Actually, it was all of their faults. Why couldn't these people just be easy? Did she always have to do everything? A fracture. She was not managing her temperament as well as she was desperately trying to appear to. Any more of this - any more of the poison biting at her system - she'd snap entirely.

A grotesque beast in a hall of mirrors for her thoughts and feelings. Misshapen just a bit more through every reflection. How many more? How much deeper did the funhouse go before it collapsed? Was she recognizable by the end of it? Breathe. You can't run from this, you can't claw through it, so breathe.

"Chikamatsu-sans," she spoke with veneration. She spoke with effort. Shiki would have to forgive her; her hand had found the two, both Seikatsu and Shiki's, before the impact could be made between them.
You have to do something. She mulled this exhausting thought again.
It was something of a flash-in-the-pan counter, gently nudging Shiki's out of the way while guiding their teacher's from his body. Her movements had subtly but quickly shifted her forward, almost between the two, and she spoke through heavy lids and soft tones. Dulcet in its brush with the air, tense in the creation of her throat. A web only worked when every spindle held together. "Akizuki Shiki isn't aware of your status', and he knows very little of our family. We wouldn't want to give the impression that we are less than examples." She emphasized the 'our'. Was it shameful, pleading to familial ties in a shinobi environment? Was it really worth it for Shiki? Yes to the former, no the latter. Not at all. It was worth it, however, to get through today without everything crumbling down.

She felt her own level of a twinge. Was this what it would be like? She had almost believed what she said - the idea that they should set an appropriate example for the name. If nothing else, she needed that to be true - or what was she doing here? Incredibly stupid sentiment, but she wasn't in her most right - or stable - of minds. She stifled that away, unexaminable. "Chikamatsu-san apologized, young lord. I daresay we have more important matters to attend to. Tanatsu-senpai has the right of it." She gambled - on some level, both teacher and student had to know better than to push this issue in a class completely unrelated. Respect needed to be earned by both parties. Anything to shut them up so she could get this fucking toxin out of her system and relax again.

She wanted to be Tanatsu Neko. Vomiting felt better than prostration. "A tea party this isn't." Everyone's heads would be gone if that was the case. "An important lesson on boundaries. Never accept food you didn't make." Did this count as a joke? It was delivered with the slyest tone of whimsy. "You never know what comes from fae." She would stride away as Shiki did, just as unwilling to go their Senpai's practical - but disgusting - route. For her merit she pulled out a ninja scroll from the pack at the back of her waist, prying it out onto the table and lining it across so the summoning symbol was wholly visible. She worked her mouth with her tongue - pushing out infected spittle and dripping it onto the page, some kind of weak metaphor for licking her own wounds. Chakra verved from her fingers like a perfume, trudging forward and enveloping it before the right item bubbled up from its pocket-dimensional surface. A little antidote. Someone who worked, themselves, so closely with poison wouldn't be caught dead without the option. Or they would be, if they were idiots.

She was not. Bottoms up, indeed.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Shin's face would stretch into a smile as the child called him a mongrel. The violet hue of his eyes would shift to a crimson red. Kohana was now piloting her brother, the worst outcome the students could have encountered. A chuckle slipped from her lips.

"Oh by all means, you fucking twat, die."

She would look over to Neko-chan.

"I trust you can make sure the newest member of the Chikamatsu Clan can leave here today. Fill out the completion paperwork for whoever is alive by the time you are back to your old self again. It seems Shin is preoccupied, and I have a few errands to run underground."

She chuckled before placing a hand on the way and blowing a hole through it with a single strike large enough for an elephant to pass through.

((OoC: 1 more post and class is complete! This isn't the direction I was expecting this class to go, but dang was it fun!))

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko heard the voice and immediately her focus snapped back. This was in all actuality due to the poison leaving her system, but Kohana 's voice still did have an effect of Neko, surprising only to her. Her cheeks were flush perhaps from the vomiting, or maybe not.

"Y.. yes ma'am, I can handle that.. Th.. this."

She'd clear her throat and rinse out her mouth one more time before turning back to face the classroom, the two students in their seats looking like they were already on their way back to healthy, if not there already.

"Okay, well.. let me start with a congratulations on the courses success. It was an honor to meet you all and I look forward to speaking with you all again next time without the theatrics I'm sure. If I may, Nanaka I'd love to speak with you sometime about other options in your future. If you need anything else," her expression would drop to the cold and shut off face she wore on a regular, "don't. I'll stay here until you're good to go, don't get proud and leave before you should got it?"

She sat behind the desk and waited patiently, trying to just relax. She marked her clip board scratching out one name and circling another. Seems she'd made a selection on today's class, maybe at least one would show some promise for a different sort of career.

[Topic left once others leave]
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Shikabane Ryo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
OOC Rank
His body felt like it was on fire. A calmly lit flame that burned away all of his strength and defiance, even as the mongrel bared its fangs. It was too troublesome at this point. Too exhausted to lash out to meet the barbaric display. The petty king was too consumed by his duty to stand tall to bother anymore. The poison's effects were weakening, if not still persistent. A testament to the expertise and prowess of the Chikamatsu clan as loathe as he is to admit it. Perhaps Nanaka could prove herself even more useful than anticipated.

On his way out Shiki glares at the assistant girl, thumbing at his chin as he scoffs. "I enjoyed your amusing little carnival. Be sure to pass on my highest regards to your master, yes? I do quite adore their preference for theatrics... and the remodeling." He passes a quick glance towards Nanaka, toothy grin complimenting his opulent ruby eyes. "See you around, stray~" He parades himself through the giant hole so graciously demolished as if it was rolled out specifically for him and exits with flair befitting a king.

[Thread left]

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WC: 188
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Komorebi Rin

New Member
Nov 19, 2023
OOC Rank

Always. Dismissed.

Very well, very well. Her body lurched. It fell like a marionette back into place, dropping every thread from her curved fingerpoints until they, too, were dismissed. She needled a heel against the floor, rebalancing herself with a small smile - tight around her canines - and flit a single ear back. Up. Perched. Listening, of course. "Enjoy your evening, Chikamatsu-sans." She spoke with a slur under her tongue, primed but muted - the shock of a gun's barrel carefully tucked away in its case, muffled by velvet. She offered a final graceful bow, then turned to address the remainders as her Overseer made off into the day in ... well, a fairly respectable, if messy, show of destruction. Disregard. This one might be worth something to her. Nanaka might --

She didn't so much register the other two as force herself to remember they were still here, framing both Shiki and Tanatsu in a quiet passing moment. The antidote had spread through greying veins until they pumped vivid again, color back to her skin and a languid dip to her eyes. She hummed a beat of a limerick to herself, packing away her scroll with a gentle tuck. Her tail flicked out. Uncoiled, alert. Twitching once as if a rattlesnake's, and then falling to brush above the floor. "My lord, one moment. I'll accompany you out. I have just the thing to ... light a fire back under our days. Tanatsu-senpai, I trust you're well enough to close up?" A half-glance. A side eye of unamused lavender, burning incensed until it could mock appreciation. Shin had treated her ceremonially There seemed to be a protocol to this drama. "The Chikamatsu owe you gratitude for helping us out today. Stay safe."

The turn of her head until that gaze blinked out of frame, striding out the door with only a clenched hand trailing at her hip.

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