Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Medical Mischief [Pvt]

Aug 24, 2012
News often circulates at frightening speeds, Mikasa is made aware of the return of the medical shinobi known as Tachibana Akihiko. Adjusting her attire, a file on the traveler is presented upon her work space, amethyst locks and amber hues, a unique combination. A thin warm smile surfaces on the feature of the Sennin, a perfect candidate to place into the recent researching position, but she would have to bring the young man up to speed with the current hierarchy structure. Never the least, the latter was an easy task to perform.

The Medical Sennin was not a kunoichi who felt the need of utilizing secretaries unnecessary, unless in a meeting, thus she begins to roam through the Konohagakure Byoin to locate the recently returned medical shinobi. Truthfully, there was a strong interest in learning the details of the initial departure and any potential learning's he may or may not have returned with. Each member of the branch, generally had some sort of office, if not a temporary one, thus she begins to peek her head a series of many individual doorways - excusing herself a multitude of times that morning.

Ultimately she were to be defeated, the medical traveler evading her, perhaps not even in the building to begin with. Never the least a letter is left upon the main center where most migrated past in the morning. Upon the ivory desk top a letter addressed to the wanderer.
For the eyes of Tachibana Akihiko-san,

At your earliest convenience, please head to the Medical Sennin's office.

Short and sweet, straight to the point while leaving the subject of the visit in suspense. Adjusting her eye wear, Mikasa allows the door to the office to stay ajar, all the young man would be met with is an abundance of lilies of various types scattered about, a few file cabinets lightly open, and the view of the rehibilitation garden behind the platinum mane woman.
"For the eye's of Tachibana Akihiko only, at your earliest ...." Akihiko was reading the note out loud, he had it in his hands. Was he in trouble? Well, he had not seen the medical sennin... Maybe it is a welcoming back. Most likely was. Akihiko had been home for a little bit now, less than a week, but it felt like he had been home for a while. He picked up his medical journals, she was probably going to ask about his findings so he may as well bring them. These ones that he kept at his desk were copies, of course, the original ones were in a safe place. He didn't want anything to destroy his books, after all, he put years into this.

Akihiko made his way to the sennins office, seeing the door ajar gave him the clue it was free game to enter unless she accidentally left it open. Either way, he knocked lightly on the door before opening it. "Tachibana, Akihiko here, I got your note. Sorry I wasn't in the office earlier." Akihiko said as he entered and stood in front of her desk. He would have been earlier, but he was dealing with family... Again. He was moving into his own place next week, so hopefully, him coming in late due to the family will be no more. "Anyways, I am glad to meet the new Medical Sennin. A lot has changed since I have been gone." He explained, and then he showed her a charming smile.
The medical sennin wasn't one to snoop into the personal matters of the shinobi and kunoichi, but it was quite difficult to not be curious with the sheer size of Akihiko's family; poor mother. Adjusting the obsidian eye wear, Mikasa returns the charming grin with one of her own, the room flooded with a vibrant warmth. Taking notice of the stack of journals, the maiden leisurely gestures for the male to take a seat, curiously the oceanic hues of the kunoichi fixate upon the amber gaze. "Foremost, it is a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance, Akihiko-san." she speaks in a wafer tone, almost melodic.

Bowing her head respectfully, Mikasa continues speaking, "I am Tsukasa Mikasa, current Sennin of the medical branch. Address me as you wish." her vibrant disposition never once wavering. Extending her hand outwards to complete the formality of a shake, the higher ranking medical-nin takes the opportunity to once more speak, "I believe when you left, I was learning under Lady Yomi, but I am far more interested in you." a brief pause, "Your journey and studies." she corrects, leaning forward with far more enthusiasm than Akihiko may wished for.

Truthfully, the maiden was genuinely interested in other bloodlines and abilities of clans, particularly due to her own latent gifts. In any event, she readies herself for a potential story time, the azure hues shimmer with excitement. Nearly forgetting her manners, the sennin rummages about to produce a chipped cup and one that was near perfect condition - pressing forward the nonchipped cup towards the guest. Coming to a stand, the platinum mane woman strolls past the orchid acquaintance, grasping at a glass vase full of orange juice and a petite bowl of fruit; mostly consisting of apples. Presenting to the bowl in the midst of her work space, Mikasa pours the liquid into cups, "I hope you don't mind orange juice." another brief pause, "An apple a day keeps the medical-nin away." taking the opportunity to chuckle, her digits sink into the ruby exterior.​
Akihiko was nervous, but all that melted away when she showed as much warmth as he did. "The pleasure is all mine, Mikasa-sama." He said after she introduced herself. "Beautiful name, it suits you." He stated with a grin. It was a full-hearted compliment, his mother taught him to start every conversation with a lady with a compliment. It works with any higher ranking Shinobi though, not that he was trying to smooch his way to the top, but he wanted to be on their good side. Before he took his seat, he shook her hand.

Akihiko figured she meant his research, but he couldn't help but smile at the thought of her being interested in him. That went away quickly as he went into presentation mode. Well, storytelling mode. Akihiko set his journals on the desk, hopefully, she didn't mind. They were clean and neat, obviously, brand new copies. "I documented all of my notes in these. Which I have made plenty of copies for whoever wants to read them." He explained, there were six books, the size of a school journal. "After I got home, I used a typewriter to rewrite them in a smaller format, since my handwriting is a little sloppy. It came out to be three volumes altogether." He stated as he picked up the book off the top.

Akihiko gladly accepted the orange juice, "Thank you." He stated, then he took a sip and opened his book. "I started my journey by tracing my own Santaru heritage back to a few smaller villages north of here. They had common bloodlines from our village, expectedly. Mostly Hyuuga, but I did meet some of my cousins there, big family. After that, I headed to Kumogakure, the home of the Santaru clan. I found that Kumo has quite a few Uchiha there, born and raised there. And an Uchiha branch off called the Shinrya clan. They are quite unique, eyes of the Uchiha, and all their talent, but They have bright red hair and light eyes."

Akihiko took a break to take a sip of juice. "I interviewed Kitsune, the clan head, she was a very beautiful woman. I wrote most of it down here, but I'll move on." He stated, then he flipped the page. He was very set on telling this story, though he would leave out some details that he already wrote down. "I spent a year in Kumo before I moved on to the great stone village. Most of the Bloodlines there can be found here since a lot of them moved here when they helped rebuild leaf. But the Bloodlines there are very strong, meaning they seem to be more dominant compared to bloodlines from another village. A child born from a Hyuuga and a Touji is more likely to be a Touji, mouth hands and all. Throughout my time there, and in the cloud, I noted that no one had multiple bloodlines, despite being from two different clans. So it's my assumption that the more dominate bloodline is the only one the user can tap into. The other goes dormant." Akihiko paused to flip the page. His tone of voice was full of energy, and he wasn't really stopping to take questions. He seemed to forget that she might have questions in between the pages.

Akihiko looked up at Mikasa finally, once he realized that he was starting to ramble. "Ah, I am sorry, I like telling of my adventures, and my research..." He stated with an awkward smile. His younger siblings were into hearing them too, but his parents didn't want him talking about anything shinobi related to them, so he was kinda pent up on excitement to talk about it.
Foremost the sheer volume of text caught Mikasa off guard, yet her grin never falters, in fact she gently extends her fingertips to caress the bindings. Kumogakure was of particular interest, to the both of them, having sent Suyashi on a mission this greatly was appreciated; intentional or not on the medics part. Being able to have a better insight of the traits unique to each region made the world that more interesting, in the sennin's eyes anyway. Not wishing to interrupt, she allows Akihiko the right for his reporting, occasionally nodding her head to signify the maiden were indeed following his explanations.

"Uchiha with crimson locks and light hue eyes?" she murmurs rhetorically, "I wonder if Sunagakure differs as well?" she inquires loosely, faltering to the cheery shinobi. At the notion of different trait parents powers passing down was a topic she found most intriguing, perking up considerably she does her utmost to silence the sounds of the apply being snacked upon, "That would make quite a bit of sense." the maiden begins, "I personally study the specific traits of bloodlines and oddball abilities other regions generate. I find it most intriguing that their is such a unique difference and variety, I do my utmost to bridge an explanation, but that is a tall task." Mikasa explains, while admitting the difficulty of providing proper answers for questions.

Gesturing towards Santaru, the maiden poses a question, "Let us say your mother is an Uchiha and your father a Santaru. If you were born in the harsher environment of Kumogakure do you genetically adapt Santaru? If born in the lands of Konohagakure in the thickets of brush does your genetic makeup cause Uchiha to become dominant due to the amount of obstacles naturally formed?" The kunoichi had an inkling the two would get along quite well and that their conversation could prove to stretch on-wards to the next sighting of dawn.

The awkward smile catches her attention, priding herself on reading emotional wavelengths, due to her abilities, does she chuckle. Waving her left hand about does the woman ultimately settle upon her own glass to sip from occasionally, "If you are not in a rush, I would enjoy hearing more of your adventures. Unfortunately it is difficult for me to leave the village as much as I wish to." Perhaps in the future would the reveal of her abilities prove enticing to his own particular research. A tale for another time.​
It's amazing how bloodlines differ from place to place, huh? Akihiko commented. "I have yet to visit Sunagakure, Kumo, Iwagakure, and all the smaller villages in between took up almost all my time." He said with a small sigh. He hoped to go and see the nice red sands on his tour too, but he was sure Mikasa would send him out if he asked.

Akihiko blinked at her question then he crossed his arms and put a hand to his chin, he had to ponder for a moment. "I think it's a little more complicated, for instance," He picked up a black piece of paper off her desk and a pen, "I hope you don't mind me borrowing this," He stated, better to ask for forgiveness than permission right?

"There are the factors of grandparents, and great-grandparents in there too, so how potent the Bloodline is. Though bloodlines dominate over the ... let's call it No bloodline gene, NBLG for short. Some cases a child born to an NBLG parent and BL parent have no apparent BL or least the BL goes dormant, but that's a 1 out of 10 chance." Akihiko explained as he drew a diagram. Onc he was finished he lifted it up to show her.

"But I think location might have a factor in it too, but it's not fully studied yet. In my case, my great-great-great grand-papa was a santaru from the santaru clan, then he retired and his kids became merchants, over the generations the Bloodline became dormant, until now. If you don't train your bloodline, you lose it I believe." Akihiko stated, but most of it was speculation, but that's how most discovers start.

Akihiko finished his juice and looked back at his book. "I wrote my thoughts on the matter in here too, I observed many branches of clans during my trip. My family isn't the only one that has a dormant Bloodline, Some bloodlines might seem to dominate in one area because that's where it originated from. I do fully believe that the bloodlines developed based on the area, in order to improve survival. Nowadays its pretty easy to travel back and forth, so the different clans have spread their genes even further." Akihiko explained.

As he turned the page again, he paused for a moment, as if he read something he did not remember. "While I was out I also studied Kinjutsu, I only touched it in my journals, but while I was in a small village, I saw someone, he used more than one bloodline. When I asked about it, he told me it was ... " He paused to read the name. "Chimera... Do you know anything about this? He didn't want to answer any my questions on how he achieved this..." Akihiko said with a sigh. A chimera, it felt like a slap. Maybe it was a one in a million chance to be born with it. Or maybe it was a dark jutsu...
Having an intelligent conversation was a nice turn of events, Mikasa unable to determine the last instance in which she felt she could have fun doing so; although she disagreed with Akihiko on one particular item. Prodding her index finger against her chin, the maiden begins to speak, "I have to disagree, Akihiko-san. I believe one never loses the ability to access genetic traits, but has to go through particular circumstances to trigger them." the medical sennin allows her grin to widen ever so slightly. Truthfully, there wasn't a wide variety of intelligence on the subject, but in the future the kunoichi was sure there would be.

On the notion of particular genetic make up being classified as dominant based on location for survival purposes was difficult to denounce, Mikasa herself believing that theory. Finishing her light drink of orange juice, she nods her head, "Can't say that I disagree with you. I find it more interesting that we have villagers who possess multiple make ups and become one not near their most recent branches of ancestry. Always quite puzzling." her tone gentle, carefully constructing each sentence and yet the shimmer in her oceanic gaze remains. "A recent example is a child of Haku and Uchiha blood, he showcases traits of those most commonly found in a Nara. Admittedly I know not how far back I most go to locate potential commonly shared genes, but these occurrences seem to occur far more often than we like to think." leaning forward, Mikasa falters to silence.

The terminology of Chimera was had always been perceived as a creature constructed of a trio, holding true in most cases, taking notice of the sigh. To be presented with one who defied the rules that medical shinobi followed must have been truly frustrating, a difficult subject to study, "I know of it, but studies are limited as the subjects are far and wide." she answers truthfully, not alluding to herself. Raising a finger into the air, a single one at that, "There is one in the village of Konohagakure, at least that I know of."

Akihiko intrigued her, although she wasn't ready to showcase her abilities at the moment. The potential later in the conversation was still there however.​
Akihiko nodded to Mikasa, not everyone would agree with his beliefs, he knew that. Though her point of view did not change him, he'd have to see it with his own eye, like if one of his many older siblings started to shoot lightning, then he'd believe it. Though they didn't have the will to even try,

Akihiko looked in his book when she mentioned the Nara boy. "In the cloud, one of the Shinrya had a Santaru, despite the very strong Uchiha gene in their blood, a Santaru was born. She didn't really feel like talking about it so I couldn't get any more info on her background." He stated, though it helps the theory that bloodlines come through stronger in their home region. Even if she had one parent as a santaru, then she should have had the Uchiha genes. He had interviewed only the head of the clan, she wasn't willing to talk much about backstory either, just about the abilities of the clan.

"The Nara bloodline is a strange one. Each Nara documented have a high intelligence. Maybe his high IQ triggered the Nara gene?" Akihiko commented although it was strange. There were so many people with mixed bloodlines, it made it hard to study how a single bloodline worked.

Akihiko gave Mikasa a curious look as she said that there was on Chimera in the village. He wondered how many were out there. "I'd like to meet them someday, but I'd like a break from researching bloodlines and Kinjutsu for a little bit. Thinking about one thing for too long isn't good, at least not for me." He said with a nod, usually he starts thinking of things that are impossible, and usually don't make sense, to him they do, but that's just what happens when he overthinks things. Usually, after a break, he realizes his mistakes. It was hard to take a break when he obsessed over something though, it didn't happen often, but when it did, he didn't sleep for days, if not weeks.

"I hope my notes will be helpful to the branch." He stated, then he set the book back on the stack.
Chuckling lightly, the medical sennin nods her head, "I am sure you will, birds of a feather flock together." Mikasa states in a pleasant tone, wispy vocals. To ask for Tachibana to continue with his research was unable to be justified, the kunoichi understood the symptoms and effects burning out could do to one, hastily she shakes her hands to and fro, "I would much rather you take a break to relax as you just returned. Give yourself a couple of weeks to become adjusted to the village once more."

Carefully her digits waltz upon the volumes provided, without a doubt in the mind of the sennin would these not prove to be useful for generations to come. Each passing day the kunoichi was blessed to come across dedicated individuals and those willing to learn. With Tachibana Akihiko's return, potential additional academy classes would take place and the further expansion of the branch could progress. Glancing over her shoulder, the older woman eyes the distant horizon and the position of the sun, "Would you care to join me for dinner? I find it more amusing to probe the minds of my fellow co-workers in different settings." she muses aloud, although Mikasa wouldn't be too disappointed if the shinobi were too busy with his daily regime and family ordeals.

Allowing for the amethyst mane male to toss the idea back and forth, the superior interjects prior, "Not to worry, I wouldn't take it as an insult if you refused." she further explains, "Perhaps ramen at another time?" she offers as a secondary choice. Worst case scenario there would be an Amegakure check, allowing for the medical sennin to make further rounds and detail a bit more paperwork she felt were lacking. Furthermore, potential class ideas would be jotted down, yet a portion of her wishes to hear of the adventures of the explorer.

Adjusting the paper work upon her desk, the medical sennin tenderly pats the information the adventurer inscribed; a valuable tool that Mikasa was certain would aid the branches futures endeavors. Bustling about in the hallway would ensue, the normal evening duties were soon to take place and with the recent addition of a few members, Mikasa had to ensure their overseeing. Giving an apologetic smile, the maiden brings herself to a stand to bow her head respectfully, "It appears I lost track of time with your research. I will have to go with the later, to further discuss with you. I hope you are still willing, Akihiko-san." she murmurs in a tender tone, seeing herself out of her own office. Truthfully, the kunoichi had nothing of value nor importance in the office, so allowing the recent village returnee to dwell for a few extra moments would jeopardize nothing.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
