Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Medical Studies [SMM]

Aug 24, 2012
Staring directly into the mirror, the medical chief tugs gently against the underside of her left eye to expose the emerald Sharigan, "Nearly flawless." she comments, the three tomoe's sparkles against the illumination of the room. Curiously Mikasa deactivates the Uchiha trademark to only reactivate, to witness her azure hues swirling into a forest green were quite amusing. With recent events and training, the maiden was finding ease in no longer noticing the natural drain of chakra, a load of her mind as she wished to dive deeper into the mysterious of her powers.

Fortunately the woman wouldn't have to venture far, traveling through the medical facility towards the depths of the underground; only in recent times did she come to understand the purpose of this particular location - experiments not meant to be supervised. Parting the doors apart, the platinum hair female enters fairly void room in the center with large drawers on the side walls, those deceased in body bags. Allowing her mind to wander for far too long, the medical chief holds her hand outwards, the very same hand that shook with Haku Yuki, direct contact. Lately the flesh of her hand felt chilly, ice cold to the touch. Allowing a flow of chakra to course through her arm to the hand, the maidens eyes come to a close, envisioning a different power, a storm of snow, hail, or even icicles. Regrettably only that of powder snow begins to expunge outwards, lapping against the ivory tile floor and nearly blending against the surroundings.

Releasing a hefty sigh, the woman takes notice of her breath wafting upwards, curiously she tilts her head to the side. Under normal circumstances the environment of the facilities bottom floor would be fairly warm, yet in this instance it was far from it. Once more her left hand thrusts outwards, ice begins to coat her fingertips, an oddity and her azure optics fixate on the digits, "Repercussions of utilizing that which is not mine?" she inquires aloud, forcing chakra to flow through her hand once more and resulting in a lump of snow cascading downwards to plop against the previous petite pile. "Apparently, nothing note worthy. I was hoping that Yuki-san had given me something worthwhile, but even I didn't mean to make her unique my own." Mikasa begins to shake the frail ice from her digits.

In that moment would she take notice of a thin layer of snow fall, faltering downwards from the ceiling. Instinctively the medical chief reaches outwards to grasp against the snowflakes, only to withdraw her hand, "Ouch!" she exclaims, a thin line of crimson dots the surface of her flesh, "So much for a winter wonderland." she sighs, swiftly retreating to the corner of the room to escape the razor sharp flakes. "More like horror land." she scoffs, taking notice of her reflection against the chrome. Mikasa's eyes were an icy hue, nearly dull of all life, more than likely due to usage of the technique.

The maiden was sure in a matter of time her optics would return to normal, gently she grasps a hold of the handle bar - the main reason for her venture downwards to the deceased subjects. With great effort she pulls out the slab, to reveal a covered corpse - little to no surprise. "Subject B3, a warrior who many an ANBU struggled to take down." she murmurs, having went through the files provided to the medical branch, outside of that not much was allowed due to the secrecy of the matter. Lowering the drape to peer at the face of the warrior was she meant with the horrific state he were last in, all facial features had been removed; if Mikasa had not been in the medical profession, then she was certain her breakfast would have hurled onto the frigid male. "Well, they could have left a cleaner face, not the most beautiful of men, are you?" she asks aloud while shaking her head.

Never the least the medical chief lowers the palm of her hand to rest upon the chest of the subject, her nails digging against the course hardened flesh. Whether or not she could obtain abilities through the dead had yet to be discovered, but no better time to do so in privacy. After a few awkward moments she had given up, not feeling any sort of indication and not wishing to brush against the deceased any longer, Mikasa slides the subject back into the wall, "I suppose it wouldn't be quite that easy now would it?" she inquires rhetorically.

The snowfall had subsided, causing the tile floor to become moist and difficult to walk upon. Not one to become hanged upon a set back, the woman strolls forward, placing her index and thumb against her lips, a loud whistle echoes about. Without a moments notice a thunderous boom cascades down the hallway, Jerfu bounds forward and surely crashing into a variety of objects on his way here. "Jerf!" she races across the room to wrap her arms around the creature, "I told you to only to do if you were in true danger!" he exclaims in annoyance, using his massive snout to bop the kunoichi upon her skull. "Tch tch tch!" she rubs her head tenderly, "I was lonely." she mutters, the massive creature stares with his deep blue gaze, "No you weren't, you were just experimenting with something you shouldn't." he corrects and in turn cause the medical chief to frown, "You know too much..."

Widening the distance between the behemoth, Mikasa stares against his optics, "Do you think I can take abilities from you?" she questions the creature, "No, that wouldn't make me special at all, would it? For someone who prides herself on research, you can be quite dumb, Girf." he replies for MIkasa to flick the nostrils of the creature playfully and in return Jerfu rears his head back. "Next time you do that, it won't end well for you." he growls, not finding the sensation pleasant. "Oh? Tough guy now, are ya?" she leaps back to position herself, taking notice of the canines swishing tail.

Extending her index forward, the woman gives off a coy smirk, "Suiton: Mizudeppō!" firing off rapid concessions of the low level Water Gun technique. Barking loudly the beast opens his massive jaws to lap at the liquid, despite being a gifted contract summon, Jerfu was still a canine at heart. The antics continued to unfold for a few more series of assaults, the beast lurching forward to nudge the woman over with his snout and sending her to crash against the floor. "Are you alright?" he asks in a worried tone, sheepishly Mikasa rubs against her head, "I am, just exhausted is all." she comments, inhaling deeply. In that moment she felt a force surge through her body, the maiden's optics become amber and vibrantly sparkle as if embers.

Lurching forward she looks at her hands, she wasn't fully rested, but felt a considerable amount far better off than previously. "Jerfu, I have more investigating to do." she widens her grin.

[OOC: Topic entered and left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
