Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Medical uses of SONAR technology [Tutor w/Yomi]

Apr 25, 2017
Kaori adjusted the fitted headband around her waist, flashing it off with pride. She cleared her throat and walked through the hospital and waved 'hi' to everyone as she passed before eventually making her way towards Yomi's office. Kaori stopped for a moment and looked down the hall where Mikasa's office was and remembered how awkward it was when she walked into the office to have Mikasa pre-rehearsing her greeting. Strange bird, that one. Kaori walked up to the door and noticed it was closed. With a single knock, Kaori turned the knob and opened the door to see Yomi's usual office.

Another day, another thing learned. Funny how the learning process will never end, thus causing Kaori to be a responsible Medical Ninja in Training and get the proper sleep, exercise and nutrition to not only nourish her brain with the proper conditions for learning, but so that the reaper of aging doesn't strike her, making her look 40 by the time she turned 25. She enjoyed her youth too much and was a bit rambunctious and irresponsible until now. The fact that she finally became a ninja was still fresh in her mind and she knew that, now that she had the title and rank of a ninja, she should act appropriately.

Kaori gave her usual combo, a smile and a wave, towards Yomi and closed the door behind her. She took a seat at the desk right across from her and cleared her throat, sitting patiently. "So, what are we going to learn today, Sensei?" she stated. Her lesson from the meeting with the Hokage taught her to respect a person's rank when in the proper capacity; and some to respect their rank regardless of the capacity. Not that Kaori would treat Yomi any different due to their time spent, but she was a Medical Ninja in Training now so she should act the part when participating in Medical practices. Wouldn't want the other medics getting the wrong idea.​

Posts: 1/5
WC: 331
WC Total: 331 / 1500
This was a lesson in practicality. Yomi needed Kaori to know how to do certain things specifically for her. In her 'special condition' she needed everyone to have some knowledge on how to do basic things that she wouldn't be able to do herself. Surely, her fiance could, but, he was just out of the loop as everyone else. For now, she would use this to segueway into telling the both of them. Kaori bopped her way into the office, proudly donning her white lab coat. She was literally to cute. Yomi stood up as Kaori entered and eyed the time.

"Right on time." Yomi moved from behind her desk and pushed Kaori out of the door. "No no, you're a MiT now, you get to be all out on the floor. No more lessons in the office!" Yomi smoothed out her own crisp labcoat that laid over her black and white striped two-piece ensemble. A little casual for the hospital, but, she had a good reason today. Her orange colored pumps clicked across the freshly buffed and waxed floors, announcing her arrival to the elevator. Pressing the button, she answered Kaori's question, whether preemptively or not.

"Today we are going to the Neonatal Unit! We're going to give some news to one of my patients. She's with child and we're going to have a look and see how the baby is progressing. How does that sound?" It probably sounded terrifying to Kaori, Yomi truly didn't know. It was much nicer introduction to the floor than she had. Everyone was dying or dead when she became an MiT. She was making things up as she went along that day, hoping no one blamed her for the mistakes she inevitably made. But alas, that was many moons ago, way before her arrival in Konoha.

The elevator showed up and they rode it to the top floor. Upon exiting there were double doors that led straight to the neonatal unit. Pushing through those double doors the passed the many folks rushing too and fro from the rooms, doctor's and terrified husbands alike. Women could be heard screaming bloody murder through their doctor's insistence that it was okay. Yomi said hello to those who greeted her and signed documents that were shoved in front of her face from the people who knew it was easiest to get the thing signed right then and there.

The Medical Sennin finally stopped in front of the room and took a look back at Kaori. "Be sure to say hello and introduce yourself when you enter okay?"

WC: 431
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As quickly as Kaori entered, she turned around and moved out of the revolving door that was recently installed into Yomi's office. It was true, now that Kaori was a Medic in Training, she wouldn't need to do lessons in Yomi's office. Now she would be hanging out with the big boys out in the hospital to perform training now. There was a loud thumping noise coming from her chest as anxiety started to envelope her. This was the first time she was here as a practitioner and not as a patient. It was then that Kaori paused at the mouth of the iron coffin in front of her. Like the horse before, she didn't know what this box was, nor did she know what it did.

However, since Yomi entered the iron coffin of hell, Kaori closed her eyes and entered the death box of ascending and descending. There was a soothing music coming from the elevator. While she wouldn't go out of her way to listen to this noise that the box of doom had been spewing out, it did help calm her nerves a bit as the elevator started to move towards the main floor. It was then that her anxiety and fear of this metal sarcophagus melted away when Yomi mentioned something about children. Her eyes lit up as she turned to look towards her and she nodded furiously. Something like the miracle of life interested Kaori and giving someone news of new life was right up her alley. Hopefully, the news was good!

With a 'ding' the Box to Hell came to a stop and it's mouth opened, looking on towards the medical floor. In anticipation, Kaori pushed out of the elevator and opened up the double doors to witness something amazing. Kaori stepped out onto the medical floor and her mouth drew open, causing her jaw to hang loosely. It was a spectacle to view from the other side. While it was an impressive display in the eyes of a patient, it was a whole new world while viewing this as a medical professional-to-be. Her awe was instantly struck down upon hearing the sounds of bloody-murder and the shrill screams of women in pain. This caused Kaori to pale a bit before turning to look towards Yomi.

"Is it really THAT painful to have a baby?" Kaori asked. While she would, one day, want to have a child, the prospects of the pain to come had her on edge. It was then that Kaori was told to introduce herself. Kaori cleared her throat and smiled after a moment and waved to those in attendance. "Hello, my name is Tenkawa Kaori and I'm a new Medic-in-Training. Thanks for having me," she said as she up-righted her posture and bowed to everyone there. Afterward, she turned to look towards Yomi.

"Don't we have medicine to stop women from shouting like they are getting tortured?" she asked due to her naivete.​

Posts: 2/5
WC: 493
WC Total: 824 / 1500
"Pain is relative. I cannot say that it is more or less painful than stubbing your toe when I don't know your threshold."

Yomi replied to Kaori in a matter of fact way as she pushed open the door into the patient's room. A young woman, no more than 25 years old sat upon the bed draped in her hospital gown. Her skin was paler than alabaster with eyes the color of a deep crimson. Her hair was a matte black color cut into an angular bob. She smiled at the entrance of Yomi and greeted her kindly.

"Hello, Sano-san." Yomi said. "I'd like you to meet our newest trainee, Tenkawa Kaori. She is here to observe today, if you're okay with that?" The Medical Sennin waited for the woman to give her approval for Kaori too observe her today, before she would continue. She would also wait for Kaori to properly introduce herself to woman. Once she did, she turned to ask Yomi a question.

"Of course we do. Some don't want to take it, others it does nothing for and oft times it is a mental thing. People are crying out due to the overall experience rather than just the pain" The Physician turned to her patient to address her as well.

"So, I see that we have here today for a check up, yes? How have you been feeling?" Yomi asked as she picked up the woman's file from the side table, noting that the nurse had already taken her vitals. The woman sighed heavily and stated that she's been okay, just getting more and more uncomfortable. Yomi nodded and looked to Kaori.

"Sano-san is here to find out the sex of her baby. We're going to give her an ultrasound. We use high-frequency waves on her belly to produce a picture of her baby. The picture that is produced is the sonogram. We do this at least twice during a pregnancy. Once in the early stages just to give an estimate of the due date based on the size of the fetus and again around the 18 week mark to determine sex while making sure everything is developing properly." Yomi made a very "Price is Right" girl gesture to the machine for the ultrasound. The woman awaiting the procedure announced how excited she was and only wished that her husband could be here, but, he had been called away on a mission. He told her not to wait on him for the good news just in case the mission went awry. Sound yet solemn advice from a ninja.

"Alright, let's get started shall we? Kaori, please wash your hands and place on some gloves. Sano-san. can you lay down for me?" Yomi motioned to the sink waiting to be utilized.

WC: 468
TWC: 899
Post 2 of 5
Threshold of pain, hm? Well, that's probably true but accidentally kicking a wall with a single toe versus squeezing a small watermelon out of a hole smaller than a fist for hours and hours on end probably isn't quite the same. Kaori turned towards Yomi and gave her an inquisitive look before another howling scream could be heard in the background. While it does hurt for a moment to stub your toe, she doesn't remember screaming like THAT. However, Kaori shrugged it off and regained a neutral expression as the two continued forward to see a patient of about 25 years of age.

She was introduced to the patient and Kaori gave her a little wave with a smile. "Hello, Sano-san," she said in an even tone, keeping her voice down so to not scare the patient. It was then that the answer to the anesthetic question was answered. It boggled her mind that some people would turn down anesthetic. Anesthetic SHOULDN'T do anything against the child being born so maybe the mother is a masochist? Something about that just didn't process into her mind.

Her attention was returned to the patient and out of her own thoughts as Yomi started to address her. She kept a mental note of everything being performed before Yomi addressed her once again. Kaori nodded her head as acknowledgement to what Yomi said, the fact that the woman was here to see what sex the baby will be born as. She tried her best to hide her excitement. So this woman already received her first sonogram and is now here for the second one after 18 weeks.

Kaori's eyes shifted towards the machine and looked at it. It was smaller than Kaori had expected. There was some reassurance given to the woman as Kaori was instructed to wash up. Kaori nodded her head. "Yes, Doctor," she said as she looked around to go find herself the sink and turned on the water with her bare hand. She knew that sanitation and cleanliness was important when dealing with medical procedures. She washed her hands thoroughly, even going half-way up her arm and covered her washed surface in soap, scrubbing everything thoroughly before rinsing her hands. She reached for the paper towels to dry her hands and turned off the faucet with the paper towel in her grasp so she didn't pick up any more germs from the faucet handle.

Kaori them picked up another paper towel and finished drying before putting on the latex gloves and looked over towards Yomi with a smile upon her face. "Okay, I'm ready, Doctor. Are you ready, Sano-san?" she said as she turned to look towards the woman with a bright and reassuring smile.​

Posts: 3/5
WC: 453
WC Total: 1277 / 1500
Yomi followed behind Kaori, washing her hands in the sink. Snapping on her gloves she wondered who she would ask to perform her first ultrasound for her. She very well couldn't do it herself, but, the thought of her asking someone else to do it seemed so intrusive. She sighed and shook the thought from her mind, it was about her patient right now and not so much about her own situation. Turning to her patient she wanted to remain upbeat by giving her some good news.

"Sano-san please lift up your gown so that I may place the gel. " Yomi picked up the coupling gel and squeezed a bit on the stomach. The woman remarked that it was cold, causing Yomi to apologize for that. She then fiddled the machine, before utilizing the wand like transducer on the woman's stomach.

"Kaori come." The Medical Sennin insisted. "Hold this here, like I am. No extra pressure required." Yomi would hold the transducer and only release it once Kaori took it from her. Yomi looked over the screen and pressed a button here or there before she would speak again. She asked Kaori to move the 'wand' a little to the left or right, pushing more buttons.

"Well, everything looks perfect so far" Yomi stated. "I see nothing that gives me pause. Would you like to know the sex?" The Doctor asked this question to ensure that her patient was sure she wanted to know. In life, there were very few surprises and she didn't want to ruin it without double checking. The patient seemed to be weighing the question over in her mind before she gave her final answer as yes.

"Well, it looks like you're having a girl. Congratulations!" Sano covered her face and began to cry tears of joy. Yomi went to get her a tissue to clean her face as well as help her clean the gel from her stomach. Yomi mentioned that her sonograms would be ready in a moment, in the mean time, she should get dressed. Yomi pulled off her gloves and tossed them in the trash before departing from the room with Kaori in tow. Flagging down the nurse on the floor, she informed of what happened and the nurse would take it over from there. Looking down at Kaori, she gave her small smile.

"What do you think? Not too traumatic, right?"

WC: 400
TWC: 1299
Post 3 of 5
Kaori witnessed the woman lifting up her gown for Yomi to place the gel upon the woman's stomach.
She then turned to look towards Yomi as she took the strange instrument, having a smooth metallic surface on it. She looked over the instrument for a brief second before placing it upon the woman's belly, not adding any kind of pressure and held it exactly where Yomi specified. As prompted, she moved the wand from right to left in a relatively slow movement, keeping her movements fluid and not jerky as the wand slid over the gel. She didn't know the purpose of this gel nor did she know what was going on--at all.

Kaori turned to look towards the screen while performing the slow, sweeping movements only for her eyes to open wide at what she was seeing. If this wasn't some form of technology, she'd swear that she was made to witness some kind of jutsu or even some kind of magic. Her mind was completely blown, trying to hide the excitement she was feeling deep within so to give off the professional facade. This was quite exciting to actually SEE the baby from the outside. It was also fairly non-intrusive as it didn't really bother the mother nor did it require a painful medical procedure to determine what Yomi determined. While Kaori could make out the generic stuff like the baby's head and hands, she didn't know what Yomi was looking for. Yes, she knows the difference between males and females, but her inability to really grasp or interpret the image she was seeing on the screen made it that much more difficult to discern what she was looking for.

Kaori held the device at the announcement that the woman was having a girl and smiled to Sano-san. "Congratulations, Sano-san," she said simply. She had no need to say much else as Yomi was the acting doctor in this case. Also, because Kaori doesn't know a thing about taking care of babies so she didn't have anything to say afterward. After telling the woman the results, the gel was cleaned off of the woman's stomach and she simply held the wand in her hand, still having questions on what just happened.

Yomi threw off her gloves and quickly looked around, looking for something to clean off the wand with, threw off her gloves and followed quickly behind Yomi. Kaori didn't mention anything until after Yomi did. "No! That was so cool! You put on some weird jelly on the woman and put a device on her and BAM an image on the screen," Kaori said with excitement. She didn't catch every button she pressed or what happened nor the reason why each thing had to be done, but the basic procedure was simple enough to remember. She'll just need further training on what to press,
why the gel was used and other minor things. But for now, she learned the basic procedure which should suffice for now. "It's easy as pie, so I should be alright to do it myself one-day," she said. But she would need to read the manual for the device to know what setting to use.

"To think that we could see the baby and know it's sex just by looking at it from the outside. Science is amazing!" she said with a big and bright smile.​

Posts: 4/5
WC: 559
WC Total: 1836 / 1500
Yomi smiled at Kaori's innocence and wonder at the exam. "The 'jelly' is called coupling gel. It acts as conductor agent so the transducer can work. To be honest, I don't know all the science behind it, but, it works." Yomi began to walk off from in front of the patient's door.

"Come." Yomi insisted. They walked towards the opposite end of the floor towards the nursery. Once in front of the nursery, on the windowed side where people could look in at all the newborns within Konoha.

"Did you ever want siblings, Just Kaori?" Yomi looked in at all the pale faces wrinkly. Some with their eyes opened, some with their eyes closed. Most squirming trying to seek comfort in this new world. But Yomi knew that the comfort they had they would never be able to again find now that they were in the world. She hoped that the baby that she could make a better more comforting world for the child she carried now. She never thought of it in that way before, her motives, not entirely selfish yet they weren't this selfless either. Yomi listened to the Priestess' answer before she continued.

"As a kunoichi, this is what you're protecting at the end of the day. The future. You fight to provide a spectacular future for them. While you may have things you want to personally protect, never lose sight of the bigger picture. Like you would give your life to protect your friends and family, the future is deserving of your protection too." Yomi was feeling very emotive and placed and arm around Kaori.

"I'm hungry, care to grab a bite?" Yomi asked as if it randomly popped in her head.

WC: 286
TWC: 1585
Post 4 of 5
So the gel was used to create conductance between the cathode and the stomach so that it would work.
That's interesting to know! She nodded at the information given to her as she followed Yomi into the room to see all of the newborns. Her eyes lit up as if she saw a basket of kittens or puppies. "Those babies are so adorable!" she squealed just a moment. She was then asked about wanting siblings, still a sore subject for her. "I'm the youngest of 7 children and we still don't really get along well," she said as if to shut that subject down. It wasn't exactly something she wanted to go into.

Yomi gave her speech that this is what she was protecting. On the other side of the coin, she knew that these people would also be used as instruments of murder and chaos as she was used in missions. However, Kaori's cognitive dissonance kicked in as she thought that everything she did was for the greater good, even justifying murder to be the means-to-an-end. Her thoughts were changed as Yomi put an arm around her. She quickly changed her demeanor and smiled at Yomi. "Yeah, sure. I'm famished," she said as she turned to look at the babies once more, almost pitying them; knowing the future they have would be one of servitude--a life of a type of slavery where one is brainwashed with things like nationalism and to praise the one in power. She kept all of those thoughts to herself before walking out with Yomi to go get a bite to eat.​

Posts: 5/5
WC: 265
WC Total: 2101 / 1500

"Seven? I had no idea." The thought of Kaori being one of seven children baffled the Medical Sennin. In all of the time that she had known horned girl, Kaori NEVER mentioned that she had siblings. Yomi smiled and shrugged noticing the way that Kaori tried to deflect from that conversation. It was a conversation for another day if ever. She was sure that there was a long convoluted story as to why Kaori never talked about her brothers and sisters. Yomi still wondered what Kaori would think about being a new, older sister. It would certainly be a new role for her and perhaps it would help her mature a bit. Only time would really tell on that one.

"Well, I'm in the mood for some ramen."

WC: 128
TWC: 1714
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Current Ninpocho Time:
