Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Meet the Raikage

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Upon entering the central tower of the Torre Empirea, I was immediately reminded of why I habitually avoided venturing out before dark. The scene that unfolded before me was a tableau of unnerving artificiality; the people who populated the tower were more plastic than human, it was difficult to distinguish which of us was the human puppet. Their excessive cheerfulness and unwavering happiness struck me as deeply unsettling, reminiscent of those unfortunate souls taken over by body snatchers in the old horror tales.

The word "welcome" echoed around me, repeated incessantly by these peculiar inhabitants, and I was inundated with offers to assist me in navigating the labyrinthine corridors of this grand Arts Décoratifs structure. For someone who has made a lifelong practice of maintaining social distance, this relentless barrage of forced cordiality was nothing short of a nightmare. With a stoic composure, I maneuvered through the central tower, which felt more like a descent into one of Dante’s infernal circles than a passage through a modern building.

My purpose in this disconcerting place was to meet with the Raikage. The invitation was no ordinary one; it bore the weight of a personal summons. However, it was not mere obligation that propelled me forward, but a gnawing curiosity. What could be the reason for my audience with the 12th Raikage? This question lingered in my mind, adding a layer of intrigue to the already surreal experience. As punctual as ever, I arrived 20mins early to meet the Raikage at the location she chose. Now… the waiting.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had requested the presence of Orochi Sakura due to her recent actions for the village. With Rei's decision to step down for the time being, Kitsune was without a Sennin for the Main Branch, and she was without notable (in work terms, not personality terms) Jounin for the role, so she had to look elsewhere.

Luckily for Kitsune, Sakura had performed admirably for a while now, and as an ANBU Captain, she was already Jounin equivalent. So she had called her to the office to discuss the matter. And apparently she'd shown up 20 minutes before the set time. Good. Good. Kitsune liked punctuality. She let the secretary know to just send her in, as it'd be a waste of time to let her sit and wait for 20 minutes when Kitsune had time now.

"Come on in, Orochi-san. Please, take a seat." Kitsune said, gesturing to one of the leather chairs across from her desk. "I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here today." she said, leaning back in her chair, her hands folded in her lap. "It's quite simple, actually. I have a staffing issue, and I think you could resolve it." she added, her eyes meeting Sakuras, "I need a Sennin for the Main Branch, and I think you could fill that role quite well. It wouldn't be the first time an ANBU Captain becomes Main Branch Sennin, either." she said, her eyes still locked on Sakura's. "What do you think of it?" she asked, a small smile on her face.

Kitsune leaned forward slightly, her expression serious but encouraging. "Your leadership in the ANBU has been exemplary. The way you've handled your missions, and the strategic insight you've shown have all been noted. The Main Branch needs someone with your skills and dedication." She paused for a moment, allowing Sakura to absorb the information. "I understand that transitioning from ANBU to Main Branch Sennin is a significant change. However, I believe you possess the versatility and capability to adapt quickly and effectively."

[MFT; WC: 335]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
Another promotion. That was the big reveal. Don’t misinterpret my tone; I’m not ungrateful. It’s just that I savor the macabre allure of a mystery. Once the enigmatic becomes mundane, a dark cloud of melancholy tends to settle over me. However, it is undeniably intriguing that my name has drifted into the consciousness of the Raikage.

To think that she would extend to me the prestigious mantle of main branch Sennin is indeed notable. This position demands more than mere intellect, physical prowess, or leadership qualities—areas where I, of course, exceed expectations. It signifies that I have garnered the Raikage’s trust and confidence to act as her right hand. Flattery was never my weakness, but her words of praise were not unmerited. Top of my class, flawless mission record, impeccable leadership. Truth be told, I was over qualified.

Indeed I surpass the qualifications for the role. Yet, there is one minor detail—my glaring flaw. I am unliked, particularly by those in authority. I question the status quo and my social skills, coupled with my demeanor, have always sown discord. I derive a peculiar satisfaction from unsettling those around me. Naturally, all of this was documented in my file—authored by none other than myself. Who better to psychoanalyze me than me?

Yet, the offer lay on the table, a tantalizing proposition. As I sat across from the Raikage, arms folded and a cold, penetrating stare fixed on her, I pondered her offer.
"I would like to choose my own office from the available spaces in this building. Is the basement vacant?"

[I Accept the role as Main Branch Sennin]


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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune leaned back in her chair and chuckled. "I'm sure we can work something out regarding that." she said, still with a smirk on her lips, as Sakura was genuinely amusing, in a good way of course. "It isn't like the branch itself needs direct access to you via an office on the same floor anyways. I think we've got half a floor from you to pick an office from in the basement, though you'll have to deal with a little noise sometimes, as I've got a mechanics workshop down there for my tinkering."

She typed a few things into her terminal to authorize the bump in authority for Sakura, and then slid a keycard, as well as a little handheld computer terminal (commonly referred to as a smartphone) across the table. "The keycard will, once you channel your chakra into it, be keyed to your chakra and then allow access to normally restricted areas in the towers, given your new authority level. With only a few exceptions, like my workshop, my office, and so on." she explained, before continuing on about the smartphone. "The smarphone here, is a terminal with heavily beefed up security precautions and access to certain secure channels not available to the general military, or general public."

Finally, she ran a hand through her red mane of hair and shifted her position in the chair, "And that'd be that, unless you've got any questions...?" she inquired, as otherwise, she'd consider the meeting ended and Sakura would be free to go about her new Sennin business.

[MFT; WC: 257]

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
I took a moment to scrutinize the key card in my hand, letting its significance sink in. This card symbolized the formalization of my new role as the main branch Sennin, a responsibility that now weighed heavily on my shoulders. Following the instructions provided, I carefully channeled my chakra into the card before tucking it away. Finally came the Q and A of the conversation ritual. I would abruptly respond as if I were waiting patiently the whole time for her to ask me if I had questions, "I have several inquiries regarding Sunagakure, the Myakashi Clan, and Akkuma," I said, pausing to acknowledge the gravity of my questions. Despite my composed and nonchalant demeanor, I couldn't ignore the surreal feeling of being appointed to such a prestigious position. My stoic expression was a carefully crafted facade, designed to mask the internal conflict I was experiencing. The honor of this appointment didn't bring me the conventional happiness one might expect. I did not feel joy, however. At least not in the conventional sense like when you are arranging your own funeral. I felt… unsure. Such a feeling I was not accustomed too. I welcomed this rare and unsettling sensation. The responsibilities and expectations associated with my new role were immense, and I needed to ensure I was fully informed before taking any decisive actions. "I need a comprehensive understanding of the situation," I continued. "Who exactly is Akkuma? What are his connections to Kumogakure, Konoha, and the Myakashi Clan? These questions are crucial for me to grasp the full scope of the challenges we face." I understood that acting in the best interest of our village required a deep and nuanced understanding of the various forces at play. The political and social dynamics between Sunagakure, the Myakashi Clan, and the enigmatic figure of Akkuma were complex and potentially volatile. To navigate these waters effectively, I needed all the information available. Only then could I make informed decisions that would protect and advance the interests of our village. Also, I was curious…


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
