Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Memories of a time past [Open]

Sep 27, 2017
Looking down from the hill the young boy with the long blonde hair sighed silently before pushing his wild strands back into the black hoodie he was wearing. Then, he yawned and with a slow and almost involuntarily looking movement his head tilted back until his eyes stared upwards into the blue sky. Aaaghhh.... i wonder... His eyes slowly closed as he took in the light wind brushing over him. I wonder... why is it that life feals bleak these days... when did it become so grim... Yawning again he scratched his chin and started to pluck at the green grass that was growing on the small hill across the student academy. The big building seemed to familiar to him and yet, he hadnt been here for quite some time now. Training as an anbu isnt nearly as exciting as i imagined it to be... i wonder, are Shinzo, Suyashi and all of them others doing the same stuff as me? And where the hell... Juko's brows furrowed. that annoying Maru again. He kept disappearing before we became trainees and now i see him even less than before. A frustrated grunt escaped his lips and with a swift move Juko rose from his sitting position. Gnarrrrghh! Look at me! Fucking shit, im so annoyed i even start to worry about that stupid puppet kisser! Juko, your a fool!
Arghh! Dusting himself off he slowly started to walk down towards the academy, with his hands in his pockets he looked almost like a random passerby. His headprotector was still hidden in his room at hoom, where he had left it until he himself deemed himself ready to wear it and actually show his allegiance to the village hidden behind leafs.
From behind the wall he could hear the shouts of younger kids, probably exercising or practicing the early basics that would at some point make them successfull ninjas. Walking next to the wall he continued to think. He had spent quite some time in this location despite his young age and as he put one foot in front of the other, what could be considered his past life passed before his eyes.
He saw pictures of his meeting with the other genins, he saw his first fight with Shinzo and his lessons. More quickly followed, filling his memory with all the years he had spent in this building until at last, both his walk and his memories stopped.
Right... Jukos eyes lowered down to his hands and looked at his open palms. There wasnt much before, was there? Like... fath... them. The..the house? And... i dont know... something else... Slowly he turned around.
Yes yes... the only thing... is that weird power that i have... that.. Karma. With a swift turn on his heel he faced the entrance of the academy again. And i am not the only one....

WC: 479​
’Another day, another training session complete.’ Shinzo thought to himself while slightly fatigued from the last few hours. The young boy had spent so much time training since the student tournament, to his knowledge he was one of the only students left out of those who participated in the tournament. A light sigh escaped his lips as he walked along the main corridor towards the academy doors leading to the front courtyard. His mind wandered, contemplating the reasons as to why he had been left in the dust of his peers despite all the hard work he had put in before and after the event. Yet again, another sigh escaped his lips. With yes closed in partial defeat, Shinzo pushed open the academy doors and stepped out into the day. He weaved his way through some of the students that filled the area before him, his physical form grew intangible on brief occasions as he zipped between the students he had no time for. Their focus was not on practice but rather play, and Shinzo wasn’t quite in the mood for play.

For a time, his eyes remained on the floor in order for the Seikon to passively practice his sensory awareness of those in his near proximity. On child sprinted across his path, on a clear collision course, to which Shinzo instinctively warped forwards a few paces in order to avoid the impact. Yet again a sigh escaped his lips. His windswept hair swayed from side to side while the boy shook his head. ’What was I missing then? Was it spirit or skill? Or just the chances to fight?’ He glanced down towards the championship belt that clung to his waist, such a showy item which really symbolised a lack of achievement in the tournament. His only ‘win’ was by decision but he knew the outcome could have been easily different. After that all his other opponents just dropped out. The memories were bittersweet, back then all his friends were on an equal level but now things had changed.

His gaze raised up from his ‘trophy’ quickly spotting a familiar face, one that the boy hadn’t seen in quite some time. Immediately his mood rose from the pit of self-doubt that it had been occupying during his introspection. Immediately he raised his right hand to wave at Juko. “Juko!” He called out in unrivalled enthusiasm. “It’s been a while, how have you been doing? Haven’t seen you around the academy much so I can assume you’ve moved on right?” Shinzo’s paces increased in speed as he narrowed the gap between himself and his friend. It had been some time since the two had spoken, and in truth it had been some time since Shinzo had taken the time out of training to socialise but given he was now in a rest period, he decided now would be the best time to catch up. There was a slightly faded burn mark present on his right shoulder, a reminder to Shinzo of his inability to avoid all that was thrown his way in the tournament. A reminder that he still wasn’t fast enough, something to improve on. He had grown accustomed to it now, but knew that there was a possibility that Juko, being the one who inflicted the injury, would recognise it.

WC: 554
As if the universe itself had listened in on Juko's Thoughts a very familiar voice suddenly called out out to the young blonde seikon from behind him. Juko stopped and for a moment contemplated to pretend he didnt hear Shinzo. However as the voice was getting louder Juko realized that the boy was coming straight for him and would thus not be easily dissuaded from talking to him. As much as i like you Shinzo, right now... ugh.. i was having a dramatic moment here damnit.... The thought made him laugh and with a big smile he decided to surprise the younger shinobi. One of Juko's eyes closed as he concentrated for a moment , gathering karma in his entire body. Hehe, just wait for it ill surprise you! He heard Shinzo's steps on the ground behind him as he turned around, managing to catch a single glance at the other seikon as at almost the same time he dissolved in what seemed to be pure transparency, only his edges turning a dark hue. When the boy reappeared again he was once more facing away from Shinzo.
Okay. The "lets turn around as cool as possible" trick didnt work. What now. Juko could feel Shinzo's presence behind him, as he coughed, ashamed and feeling betrayed by his own ability. Thats right Juko, you idiot, turning around twice means you keep looking where youve looked before, regardless of how cool you are. You... are probably wondering, what i just did there... Think Juko, think! We need a good idea, like, right NOW! Shinzo... He turned around, keeping his head low so that the hoodie and his hair hid his red face. Shit. I have no idea how to get out of this now...Im sorry, but this was a highclass Jutsu that i cant tell you about... Juko raised his arms and pointed both fingerpistols at the other boy. Haha....haaa... Jokes aside, how are you, its true we havent met since... last time was the class with Kenshin-sama i believe?
The anbu in training scratched his head as he smiled, this time a pure smile. I havent actually been up to much haha. Been looking around here and there, but so far i havent really found a place for me where i fit in. I guess im still hoping to catch proper promotion to genin or maybe even chunnin, eh? haha
WC: 399​
Shinzo’s green eyes levelled on Juko as he continued his journey towards the familiar face. For some reason though, the blonde-haired boy didn’t turn round to greet him. Shinzo’s brows furrowed as he approached, unsure of what exactly was causing this extremely dramatic moment. He reached out to place his hand on his rival’s shoulder only to watch as the figure faded from view, dark hued edges were all that remained for a moment before they too faded.

Once more Shinzo’s brows furrowed once more at the sudden disappearance. ’Genjutsu maybe? No it wouldn’t have felt quite like that.’ His hands moved to rest on his chest, feeling a ripple in reality pulse through his body. Though a moment later Juko reappeared with his face still looking away from Shinzo. ”What exactly was that? I’m not so sure it was some secret high level jutsu though.” He flashed a knowing wink before suddenly his face dropped in realisation. He opened his mouth to speak of this sudden truth that became known to him but soon he was faced with the classing finger-guns pointed in his direction followed by a few questions.

“Yeah I’m alright I guess but you’re right it has been a while but I have something to tell you about what happened after the lesson with Kenshin-sensei. He sent for me because I was denied a final fight in the student tournament and… erm.. well I fought Kenshin sensei. And, well, he is going to put my name forward as a potential Hokage guard but first he has to meet with the Hokage to discuss it.” There was a slight atmosphere of pride that came with the words of the brown-haired boy shared. “But yeah, I am still here at the academy for the time being. I just want to get out there y’know. I feel like everyone is moving on without me.” Shinzo placed his hands into the pockets of his shorts, scuffing his feet on the dusty ground. It did seem as though the student was pained to admit that he hadn’t advanced alongside his peers, for all he knew some could be chuunin by now.

“But yeah what was that jutsu? I might be a student but I’m not dumb, I think you know that it was something a little closer to home, right?” He began to scan Juko from top to bottom, but his main focus was on making sure he could pinpoint any changes in the structure of reality within his rival.

WC: 419
So much for bragging rights... Juko's face expressed pure shock when his friend told him about the potential future promotion. You haev WHAT? Why have you been denied the final fight in the student tournament? Did they stop it the same like when we were fighting?? Jukos face turned into a grimace. First their fight had been stopped and now Shinzo's finale had been halted aswell? And he really said you could become Hokage Guard? Just... like that? I always thought one had to train in all the branches before a possible promotion to Hokage Guard could be achieved...
His fingers rubbed his chin. I mean your fast and all but... Hokage Guard? I mean, i dont know about you but I for my part, havent even been promoted to a genin yet... The blonde boy stopped and suspicion rose in his mind like a leaf that was being carried upwards by the winds of his thoughts. Shinzo. Have you been promoted? Without telling us anything? And you dare speak of everyone "moving ahead" of you? Awww shit, and here i thought i could make a great impression with my own promotion and all that... seems like im still behind you Shinzo...
Only when Shinzo asked him about his mysterious jutsu Juko brightened up a bit. Thats right, haha, THAT was a very special Jutsu that only few of my family could ever use! Leaning forward towards Shinzo the taller boy continued in a hushed voice. It is said that only one in a few thousand members could ever manifest it, cool ey? Haha
A single finger-gun pointed towards Shinzo almost as if Juko was about to poke him in the chest. I bet even the Hokage Guards cant do that haha!
Two to One, Shinzo! You cant one-up me in all things it seems!
Dont worry, i could probably try and teach it to you at some point eh? Haha. So, where have you been on the way to? Turning on the heel Juko put an arm on Shinzo's shoulder and turned the both of them towards the street. I was actually considering going to Shoku-Shuriken... With the other outstretched arm the anbu in training pointed towards a small cafe-like establishement that bore a shuriken with a bowl of noodles in its middlehole on its sign. A hungry ninja is a loosing ninja as they say right? Its not porridge, but its great, trust me! And we can see the Academy campus from their, meaning its a great place to watch the training! Juko grinned broadly. I wonder if i could get Shinzo to recommend me to Kenshin too, if he can do it surely i can become a Hokage Guard too?
WC: 453​
Shinzo’s thoughts drifted back to the student tournament, in his minds eye he could see the staging for the final. All had gathered to watch and the battleground itself was remarkably shaped in order to provide a unique experience for the participants and spectators alike. A sigh escaped the young Seikon’s lips as he remembered how he stood in the centre, alone for hours on end after he had been proclaimed the victor in the hope that his fellow finalists would appear at some point. He remembered the rain of that night that he endured to continue to wait for them to no avail.

“Yeah the fight wasn’t stopped in the middle like ours was. Instead, I was the only one that showed up.” He hung his head as the scenes of the tournament continually played out in his mind. “Thankfully Kenshin-sensei let me fight him for a little while. But yeah he said I could become a Hokage guard, but not just like instantly, he will have to train me specifically for it though. So, you could say that I will be a Hokage guard in training. Do you get what I mean?” The boy chuckled before rubbing his right hand against the back of his head. “But if you haven’t been promoted then it looks like we are in the same boat. I wouldn’t keep my promotion a secret, don’t worry, I’ll let you know when I finally leave the academy.”

The topic of conversation moved swiftly onwards, back to the jutsu that Juko demonstrated. “Can you tell me more about your family then?” His eyes narrowed towards the blonde haired boy, the subject at hand had indeed piqued his interest. Though the pair soon turned to make their way into the street. “I’m sure we can teach each other a few things!” As the final word of that sentence escaped his lips his physical form seemed to flicker. If Juko, or anyone else, were to look around they might catch the occasional glimpse of Shinzo appearing and then disappearing. But, despite this he was still present and walking alongside Juko. “Have you been doing much recently? We’ve talked about what I’ve been doing but what have you been up to? And how haven’t you been promoted yet? I assumed you had been after the tournament because of how little I saw you. Then again you did go to Kenshin’s lesson so maybe you just took some time out? Either way I am looking forward to seeing what you have learnt.”

WC: 423
OOC: Used Synchronised Multipresence
Ooooh, with Kenshin? Oh my, i wouldnt want to fight him even on a good day... I still remember the classes we had with him, really crazy... Juko raised his hand and made waving motions next to his neck to show how quickly hed probably be decapitated. But man, a Hokage guard, boy that is really awesome! Slapping Shinzo's back lightly with his hand Juko grinned. His smile only then fell flat on his face when Shinzo returned to the topic of his failed jutsu. At this point Juko was less afraid of talking out about his abilities and more embaressed that the conversation could reach a point where he would have to admit failing the same jutsu. My... family? Uuuh, there isnt really much to say there, er, i... i have a mother? And, er, a father? And i think some sort of relatively relative relatives?...Haha Towarsd the end of his sentence Juko was getting silent enough to consider him whispering before he finally laughed out loud. About to push Shinzo into the small cafe Juko stopped in the middle of his motion when he noticed Shinzo's unstable physical form. From the corners of his eyes he could see multiple images of Shinzo appearing and disappearing through the crowd and the closer area. This alone was not as surprising as the fact that Juko could feel the boy was using something else but his chakra to create that effect. Is that.. really Karma? How is he doing... wait, he did that at the tournament already! He did that before!!
His eyes narrowed on the boy and for the first time he took a close look at his academy rival and apparent soon superior. In rank maybe, but not in age! Hah, ill always be superior there! That aside though... his eyes seem dark enough but.. not black enough to be that of an Uchiha... and he has never actually showed the Sharingan to me but... Do you now, eh? Look forward to seeing more that is... Before we enter here, Juko stopped both himself and Shinzo at the entrance of the Shoku-Shuriken. How did you do that? You did that... thingy thing before, in the tournament when we were fighting too! What was that?
WC: 375​
“You know me, I’ll take on any challenge if it’s to help me improve!” The boy paused for a moment, “but yeah, you’re right the classes were pretty testing but good!” Shinzo took his attention off the road for a few seconds to glance up towards the faces cared into the cliffs that towered over the village. ’Wow, no matter how many times I see the faces, it never ceases to impress me.’ For that moment Shinzo stopped paying attention, looking back to Juko to catch the end of his sentence. “Yeah, it is pretty awesome I guess. But I dunno, I still have my doubts as to if I will be accepted or now. I guess either way I will just keep working my hardest, being a Hokage guard isn’t my final goal anyway.” The boy chuckled to himself as he glanced back towards the cliff faces.

The boy listened on as he walked with Juko, something didn’t seem quite right when his companion began to speak about his family. Though Shinzo did not wish to seem rude, he was intrigued. “Are you alright? Or do you want to just leave that topic?” The two boys strode on towards the café. “I have a family too,” he laughed for a split second “parents and a younger brother. We aren’t really allowed to talk to our extended family, my parents weren’t even pleased when I joined the academy, they don’t see the life of a shinobi as very interesting. Not compared to their art anyway.”

“Huh?” The brown haired boy turned to face Juko with a look of slight confusion upon his face. “The tournament?” Shinzo brought his right hand up to his chin, stroking a non-existent beard gently in thought. “Oh! You mean the quicksilver step? That is a super secret jutsu that only my family can learn you see. Well my extended family, my parents have no interest in training their bloodline skills you see. But yeah, that’s kinda how I do most things really.” Shinzo lifted both hands over the top of his head and looked up to the café again after flashing a quick wink towards Juko. “Did you want to go in and get some food?”

WC: 371
Upon hearing Shinzo talk so carefree about his special ability Juko stopped immediately and faced the other boy. He had never heard the name of the technique before, but the fact that Shinzo not only had used something so similar to Juko's own special energy AND had a set name for it greatly disturbed the blonde anbu in training. Q...quicksilver Step? He managed to stammer before he closed off his eyes with the cupped palms of his hands for a moment. You mean to say, each one of you can do that? Each one of you can use... He hesitated to openly admit to not only use something so similar but also to have given it a random name, just to be able to train it properly. Chances are they know it by a different name? If it is the same at the end but... even now...
Juko eyed the shadowy after-images Shinzo was creating. Even now, i can feel him producing the same energy as myself... this is so weird, he couldnt be... part of my family, could he? Once more the boy eyed his friend. They had known each other for quite a while now but even then Juko was unable to see any kind of resemblance between the two of them. ...can use that.. Quicksilver Step? He finished his sentence from before, albeit exchanging the name for his energy, karma, for the name of the technique. Then he decided to test the boys knowledge and skill some more.
Does that mean ya family and you can also do... this? Stretching both hands before him and concentrating Juko first send a ripple through reality before concentrating his karma on a single spot. For a moment all color seemed to be drained from the small spot between his hands before it suddenly ruptured, leaving hundreds of small crack-like fissures seemingly floaring midair. The perspective of anyone looking through this would be severaly disturbed and with some pride Juko noticed that the effect had turned out stronger than last time when he had merely practiced it.
WC: 346​
Shinzo turned to face his friend, he had a single eyebrow raised as his gaze once more met with Juko’s. To Shinzo the boy appeared to be rather shocked, in truth that fact was surprising enough for the younger of the pair. He had always grown up knowing about the abilities thanks to his uncle and eldest cousin, but he hadn’t quite thought that it was such a rarity. “Well yeah.” He said with a smile followed by a light chuckle. “Though I don’t know if my parents can, they chose to get away from their ties to the clan. They’re artists you see, they don’t have time to live lives as shinobi. They’re as supportive as they can be though, just they often don’t put time aside to show interest in what I do.” A sigh escaped his lips as he clasped both hands behind his head and looked up toward the sky.

His eyes widened as Juko created a distortion in reality. Shinzo snapped his attention back to his comrade with his mouth gaping, the jaw-dropping performance was something he had only expected that his family would be able to do. “Wow, yes! They can do that! Where did you learn it? Have you been studying my family or something?” ’How could he have done that? I thought the technique was unique to us because of our energy, has he unlocked a secret or something? Wait. Our history is vague, and I really don’t know anyone outside of my immediate family that has this ability. In all honesty I don’t know anyone else in my family. This is so strange…’

“Can you do anything else like that Juko? I’ve had my suspicions for a little while now but clearly you haven’t shown me that you have this much skill in this area before! Where did you learn to do all that?”

Shinzo paused for a moment before levelling his eyes to stare directly into Juko’s. He opened his mouth to speak in an extremely serious tone. “Are we both members of the same clan?”

WC: 346
Juko jumped back a step from his friend. Uwoooaaahh? They can do that too?? His surprise quickly changed into resistance. No, of course i havent watched your family or anything... how creepy would THAT be? I have always been able to do that... although... Altough... i dont know about my family... its been a few weeks since the last time ive seen mother or father... The latest yellow sticky came to his mind and he clenched his teeth.
He was quickly distracted from his thoughts when Shinzo asked him about further skills. What suspicions, what are you talking about... Of course i havent shown anymore of this to anyone, this is not exactly something that everyone has to know. Bringing up a finger to his lips Juko shushed at Shinzo and winked. Gotta have some secrets, no?
Despite his confident exterior Juko felt vastly shaken by Shinzo's revelation.
Its not like i didnt know that we had family, but i always assumed it would be where we had come from and not... here. Especially not right next to me and basically almost the same age! There must be more to it than this, i doubt were really from the same clan...
Eeeh.. the same clan? I dont.. think so.. i think we just had the same idea? From the corner of his eye the boy could see that some other civilians were looking over to the two young ninja. Only then he realized that they were still standing in front of the small shop, quite obviously displaying more than just unusual ninja techniques. Crap, that wasnt supposed to happen.
Yknow what? lets move this to a somewhat less public place, eh?
Juko smiled awkwardly and patted Shinzo on the back while pointing at a corner in the back of the establishement.
WC: 303​

Current Ninpocho Time:
