A rather petite and unimposing young man came up to the door of the shop and knocked three times in a moderate fashion. "Hello!? I have a message for Tanaka Ai... Hello?" he called, unsure if anyone was there. "I'll just leave it right here and leave..." he mumbled, and pulled the letter from his satchel.
Welcome to Titan Corporation. You a hereby summoned to the Titan Offices of Kumogakure to commence placement testing. Be prepared to be challenge, and bring whatever gear you might feel in necessary. There will be physical tests administered as well as written exams.
Thank you,
Address: http://www.ninpocho.com/viewtopic.php?f=236&t=9333 Time: XX:XX A.M.
Welcome to Titan Corporation. You a hereby summoned to the Titan Offices of Kumogakure to commence placement testing. Be prepared to be challenge, and bring whatever gear you might feel in necessary. There will be physical tests administered as well as written exams.
Thank you,
Address: http://www.ninpocho.com/viewtopic.php?f=236&t=9333 Time: XX:XX A.M.