Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Mikki makes friends and enemies!


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Feb 19, 2024
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The sunset in the land of Wind was always a spectacular sight, the shifting oranges of the sands blending with the brightness of the sun, until it cast its purple hues over the dusk sky. The mountainous range system here, in what was often called ‘Godsfall’ due to some ancient conflict, jut out from the sands in irregular jagged fingers, as if something from far below the ground was trying to reach upwards. Or to escape.

A small fire burned, casting shadows around the medium-sized adobe enclosure. Mikki assumed that it once had been a tavern of some type, judging by the bar and broken furniture, but neglect and time had done its level best to wear it away. Forgotten to time it seemed, it had been the best place for a bandit encampment to weather the storm and plot their nefarious needs.

Despite the protective and almost homely nature of the inn, the normally cheerful Mikki was in a bit of a slump. He had been told off by someone he actually cared about and the next moment he had been sent away on a mission to find the very person who had told him that he was an idiot. For a former tsukomgami it was all getting a bit too emotional for his liking. Since Kiko’s departure, chasing after the idiots who had attacked Suna’s gates, Mikki had been in hot pursuit. She was notoriously difficult to track if she didn't want to be, and the poor puppet had struggled to stay directly on her trail. There were simply too many side-quests for him to enjoy.

For one, he had come across a really-really scary guy that decided that he was apparently a ‘good mark’. Mikki had hoped that meant an A+ but apparently that meant something completely different. He had been travelling in his old lady costume, Nana dangly-bits, but apparently that had not dissuaded the man from trying to kill him for money. What a rude creature! After attacking the old woman, and finding out that the woman was quite capable of fighting back, the man had managed to retreat, running towards this particular building.

Now, Mikki wasn't the wisest of creatures despite his age, but every now and then experience won over his bloodlust. He saw the strange man enter this building, and noticed that several horses had been tied up. This clearly indicated that there were more people inside - perhaps even the group that had caused the slaughter at the gates of Suna.

With a little bit of concentration, Mikki ‘slipped’ out of Nana Danglybits and emerged in all of his 35cm glory, placing the large puppet into a storage scroll. Now was the time for being quiet and stealthy, not for being a smelly old woman. He slowly walked around the building, ensuring that he couldn't be seen by use of a camouflage jutsu taught to him by Yong. The building was two stories tall, but looked like it hadn't been maintained in quite some time. If it were not for the horses, and what smelled like roasting beef wafting from inside, one could guess it had been long abandoned. He moved closer.

“You got beaten… by an old lady?”, someone chuckled, albeit in a restrained manner.

“Hey! She turned out to be a water user… and you know I don’t do well against them”, the man, whose voice Mikki recognised, responded.

“So did you need help beating up this old lady?”, a female voice purred, clearly enjoying teasing the man.

“Bah! Shut up or Ill burn your face off!”.

“If you could find it.” the other man’s voice chuckled quietly. “I do not like you threatening the lady though”.

“I saw how she ran that man through the other day - the one begging for mercy. She ain’t no lady”.

The woman’s chuckle added to the perverse mirth of the trio.

So… it seemed there were three of them. One of them, the fire guy, seemed to be the weaker of the trio, something Mikki knew as he had engaged the man. He used a tonne of fire jutsu, but Nana Dangly bits was a water-type and had easily extinguished him. Still, Mikki knew it would be dumb to fight all three of them at once. This would take, what did Migoya call it?

Strategy. Divide and conquer.


Mortals always tended to have to, well, defecate and they always found out of the way places to do it. Normally, they would have a special room in their homes to do this, or at least somewhere close by, but it seemed the inn hadnt been modernised in quite some time. It wasnt long after the conversation that Mikki overheard that one of the figures venturing out.

Modesty was also something mortals cared a lot about and so when this man, not the one he had fought previously, walked out he went towards the closest area that provided a measure of privacy. Just like Mikki had expected. Mortals were so predicable when it came to weeing and pooping.

The man’s face had been priceless as he started to wee, before a deadly amount of electricity arched up his, well, ‘bits’ and shocking him prone. Mikki had quickly jammed several poisoned senbon into his stunned form, noting how effective his traps had been. Perhaps Migoya’s insistence on strategy was worthwhile.

The man seemed to struggle a bit, as if fighting off the poison. Mikki clambered up the mans shoulder, noting that he seemed to be dressed as some sort of religious type. Mikki HATED religious people after his experiences in Moon country, and being tortured by Raiden fanatics in Cloud country. Not to mention, this one was clearly a bandit or baddie, and hypocrites were next to Hokage’s on Mikki’s to kill list.

Oh, he would have spent some time savouring the man’s form as he stayed electrocuted and poisoned, but… strategy. The last thing the monk would see was a razor-sharp blade coming out from a 35cm tall puppet and being plunged through his eye socket into his brain.


The sound of a horse whining as it reared up greeted the final two baddies not long after, causing one of them, the strange red-headed man Mikki had fought previously, to rush out of the inn. The sight of the three horses bolting into the desert gave the man pause for a second, before he shouted back into the inn.

“Ryomi! The fucking horses are loose! Wheres Hyo - still taking a dump. Fuck’s sake!”

Turning towards the horse, the man started to run, boosted it seemed by chakra. Soon the other ‘baddie’ would appear, a stunningly beautiful woman dressed in tight-fitting leathers. She seemed rather cool about the situation, but looked carefully at where the horses had been tethered. Moving over to inspect the ropes, she clearly had figured out that they had been cut. She looked upwards, seemingly to try and stop her companion who was now running into the desert after the horses.

She chuckled, coming to an obvious conclusion.

“You can come out now. You might as well after all. If you are a skilled warrior, let us fight honourably… or maybe I could convince you to warm yourself by my fire if you are handsome”.

Now, normally a person, especially of the male persuasion, might be dumb enough to fall for such obvious tricks, but Mikki wasn’t exactly… equipped to deal with that scenario. All he knew is this woman was a baddie, and needed to die. But she might be more powerful than he was… so a direct assault would be stupid. And he had already been really stupid lately and really couldn’t upset Kiko or Migoya again.

So he tried to be smart.

A very handsome man (err puppet… but it wasnt obvious) would appear from around the corner, invisibly puppeteered by the master puppet himself.

“Well. Who could say no to an offer like that pretty lady.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself”, the woman cooed, moving sensually, ‘timelessly’ towards the man. “So… setting free my horses. That was naughty”.

“Oh… naughty is my middle name.” the man flirted, moving closer.

Without a seconds breath, the woman appeared behind the man, plunging a poisoned tipped kunai into his back. She was impossibly fast, and Mikki hadnt gotten the time to react. Her beautiful face smiled evilly, distorting slowly though as she realised that the man she had stabbed was in fact… wooden.

Mikki would have smirked if he had a mouth. He twitched a little finger.

The explosion was intense, pushing the woman backwards and slamming her into a nearby wall. The sickening crunch of broken bones was heard shortly afterwards, and, to her credit, the woman tried to get back onto her feet. But Mikki was quicker, surprisingly, and once again his poisons did their deadly task.


“Where is everyone? I couldn’t get the horses… whatever spooked them did a good jo…”

The man’s face paled, as he looked at the scene before him. His two comrades now hung lifelessly, suspended by what appeared to be ninja wire, making them look strangely enough like puppets dancing on a string. The old woman who he had seen before, was sharpening what seemed to be two big butcher knives, her old, wrinkly face beaming with pleasure.

“Ah… you took longer than I thought. Oh well, the more the marinade, the sweeter the taste.”

The man, so often a hot head, paled and turned to run through the door. The door slammed in his face, pulled by what appeared to be another of the strings which then started to wrap around him. Concentrating, the man erupted into a plume of flame.

“If Im going down devil woman, you are too!”

The old hag laughed evilly before opening up her dress. The sight would have scared anyone, let alone a poor tied up flaming man, but his fears were only compounded as a torrent of water gushed forward, dampening his flame. He turned once again to escape this ultimate evil, hoping beyond hope to flee this nightmare!

The buzzsaws began.


It had been a twinge in the back of his mind, a calling that he knew all too well. The Myakashi seal had been activated and Kiko was close. He would call to her now, as he had news to tell her, and he also hoped to beg for forgiveness for his stupidity.

Also, he now had three bodies hanging from the roof and he wanted her expert opinion on… transforming them. And there was some more cooked meat over the fire. Perhaps there was some beer!

It was an old fashioned cook out!

Something, somewhere, was making Mikki feeling better.

[WC: 1792]


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Oct 23, 2012
Kiko had known Mikki forever, the little wooden marionette had been a playmate in infancy, her friend as a child and a partner in pranks and shenanigans as a young teenager within the safe confines of the village hidden in Leaves. But then she had to grow up quickly, her family branded traitor by Konoha, her father in a coma from an engagement with multiple sennin within Konoha's walls, her mother terrified and her older brothers angry. Overnight her world changed to one of blood and fear... The Shinobi way... She became a soldier in a war not of her creation. Many years had come and gone since then, so many scars gained and lessons learned. She, her father's daughter, walked with the goddess, put on her mantel... She threw in her lot with the devil to topple gods and men, to bring about the end of an age and dawn another...

Somewhere in all that she had accidentally grown up.

Mikki had not.

Moving into the circle of light cast by the flickering fire Mikki would be able to see Kiko's eyes despite the shadows of her great good due to a slight glow as chakra coursed through her corrupted dojutsu. Her stare was directly towards Mikki, though it was not a hostile one, more a look of appraisal or assessment like a doctor looking at a patient or a butcher looking at a carcass. If the puppet began to talk she would raise a hand to signal silence. Finally, after what would feel like an eternity for the small puppet Kiko's eyes would return to normal as her dojutsu deactivated, the flickering light reflecting off the black fluid running down Kiko's cheeks from her eyes, the chimera dojutsu had a cost.

"Your soul burns brightly..."

It was not a question but a statement. It would have even possibly sounded like a compliment if not for the look of concern on Kiko's face as she lowered her hood to reveal her porcelain white face. She moved to kneel before the small wooden puppet, grasping his tiny 'hands' in her own regular sized ones like she had done a million times in her childhood as they had played. A tear involuntarily formed only a moment before it was wiped away with the back of her hand as if to hide it's existence. She would give him a smile now, trying to hide a sadness at the realisation. She knew now why Migoya felt hollow when she had spoken with him. At the time Kiko had wondered if it was the stresses of the war effort that had been weighing so heavily on her Kage's shoulders, but now she knew better. To make an immortal mortal... Migoya had broken the cycle... Mikki would die... Letting go of the small puppet, the robed Kunoichi would stand once more, placing her hands on her hips she would give a cheeky grin to the small puppet as she looked at the grisly wall hangings behind.

"We will worry about that bright soul of your later though Mikki but for now there are two things I just have to know, number one, you planning on doing something with these or is this just your way of letting me know your still a shit interior decorator? And number two, what did Migoya say?"
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Feb 19, 2024
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Her arrival had been, as always, a bit of a shock to the poor puppet who had been rather focused on preparing the meatbags for transformation. They had been very naughty people in life, so it only seemed fitting that they would be very naughty in death… a very long, protracted death. His concentration was broken when he heard Kiko say that his soul burned brightly… eh, why would she say that? She was weird sometimes.

Turning away from one of the corpses, Mikki jumped from what appeared to be the bar table and walked towards the Demon-princess of doom. He sheathed his buzzing chainsaw hand, flicking the remnants of blood onto the bar table.

“Hi… Kiko-sensei”. Mikki’s imparted words would echo in Kiko’s head… the gravity of what he had just said. The normal ‘childishness’ of Mikki wasnt present - it was as if he had come to some sort of realisation… at least for this moment of time. It was short lived as he responded to Kiko’s questions with his normal childish enthusiasm.

“First - I’ve never been a ‘shit’ decorator. That was Shin… bloody clown of a man. Anyways… I’m making them into vessels for my glorious self. This one is fast, that one is sneaky, and that one’s a monk. I know you know about how to make these great so please, feel free to give a hint on how to make these worthwhile. I mean… Migoya’s zombies seem a bit more powerful than these… I must be making them wrong. I do like my Nana one - gets me in all sorts of places.”

His enthusiasm for making these victims into puppets was almost… catchy. It would have been cute if it didn't require bonding a persons soul essence into a wooden puppet for time immemorial. Mikki however saw the darkness in Kiko’s eyes - this wasnt really a time for frivolity.

“Oh yeah, Migoya. He said to tell you that ‘Operation Adumbrate’ is a go. I have no idea what that means. And you are to be my new sensei now that your dad has gone away AGAIN - he wants you to teach me how to be more… I guess ‘Myakashi’ or something because of the mess I made at the gates. I’ve killed these guys, but did you find the other ones?”

Mikki’s earnestness and lack of understanding of what actually happened would be rather evident to the expert who was Kiko. Something had been done to the puppet, something… unusual for Mikki to have such a strange recollection of what had happened at the gate.

“So what's Operations Adumbrate, and how can I help! I hope there are lots of explosions!”

[WC: 443]


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Oct 23, 2012
'Kiko Sensei'... It was a name that was unfamiliar to the Kunoichi, and it told her all she needed to know. It would seem that Migoya had accepted her request... Her Kage had also given her the 'go' on her next mission but she had anticipated as much the moment she had fled the gates. She had been forced to kill those at the Sunan gates to maintain her anonymity, in that moment she knew her part of the proceedings within Sunagakure were over. In all honesty she was relieved at being able to skip the diplomatic negotiations and 'pleasantries', after all she was a Demon of the Myakashi, her place was in the wilds...

The Myakashi clan seal tattooed on the back of her neck activated as she channeled chakra into the small seal just like she had been taught to when she was a child. As she did so a telepathic connection linked her directly to her puppet companion's mind, from this point on she would not say a single word out loud, what was to follow was only between them now.

'Please place your new puppets in a scroll for now Mikki, it will keep them fresh and I will definitely help you with them later. For now though, come sit with me, we must talk for a moment...'

She would wait patiently until Mikki had done what he needed too before he would join her. Once he had taken a seat she would continue.

'...If Migoya has seen to send you to me then our Kage means for you to become a Demon too. I see now why he has what he has done now...

'Yours was the nature of Guardian my friend Miksurendo, for longer than living memory you have watched over, protected, given strength to those who were the lowest, to generations past you have been this Guardian... You are old my friend, and I think sometimes Migoya forgets this, sometimes Yong forgets this... They think of you as an eternal younger brother, holding you close, hiding the nature of the world to preserve this innocence. Ironically I think you remind them of what it is to be human...'

The Kunoichi would lean forward towards the small wooden marionette sitting in front of her, reaching her hands out and taking hold of his small 'hands' in her own, she would give him a small smile before she continued.

'Now Migoya sends you to me... He knows what he is asking... The Demons of the Myakashi hold one truth above all others, we are free. None may be forced, nore deceived or ordered to join my ANBU... one must choose freely...'

Her grip on the small puppets hands tightened so he could not pull away. Cursed chakra flowed from her hands to his, coiling though Mikki's incredibly complex chakra system like fire along a spiderweb. It did not move without purpose however, it's course instead lay directly though the many seals and barriers placed by Migoya over the years. With a practiced control Kiko shattered the seals all at once before letting go of the puppets hands and letting him pull away. His mind would flood with memories unknown to him including the incident at the gates. The Kunoichi did not know what else had been hidden from him over the years but what she did know is Migoya wouldn't have finally sent Mikki to her unless the Yamikage thought he could handle it.

'Now... Ancient of the Myakashi clan... Knowing what you know... Do you still wish for me to show
you what it means to be a Demon?'


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Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
With his normal enthusiasm, Mikki unfurled one of the many storage scrolls he had hidden around his very small form. He was only half-listening to what Kiko said as he transferred the fresh corpses into the scrolls for later use. Kiko would teach him how to make better ones, he knew it.

Turning to face the demon of the Myakashi he was surprised when she sat down and asked him to join her. She was more… serious than normal. She spoke about how he was a guardian or something, and that Migoya and Yong had thought that he made them remember to be human… what was she on about?

Letting her take his small wooden hands in hers he looked up at her eyes, so dark now and full of seriousness. Her hands grabbed his, and he instinctively tried to pull away, but her grip was too tight.

“Kiko-kun… you are hurting me!”

The words were useless as chakra, cursed in nature that burned his spiritual leanings, erupted throughout his small form. He spasmed in pain, his voice silenced as he felt cursed chakra travel down his own chakra pathways. They reached his heart, the only point of which was still ‘human’, and buried in deep.


“Well, they deserved it!”.

A small, albino boy looked down at horror at him. “Mikki! They were lumberjacks - it is their job to cut down trees!”

Mikki looked down at his ‘hands’, the blood of the woodsmen soaking into the wood. “Trees have feelings too, you know.”


He saw Kiko for who she was - a murderer. She had slaughtered every person that could have heard him call her Kiko… to cover her tracks and it was his fault. The false memory disappeared… why did Migoya do that?


Flames licked the side of the building as two young men, Migoya and Yong it seemed, watched in horror as people tried to escape the building, only to be cut down by a small puppet in the midst of rage.

He had found out what those people had done to the young pair, and it was not fair.

Wave after wave of memories started to flood back into the puppets mind. Instances where he had slaughtered, maimed or hurt others who had dared insult or harm his family. Memories that he had forgotten.

No. Had been suppressed by Migoya.

He had been betrayed.

Even Kiko for all her strength, could not react fast enough to Mikki pulling his hands free of her. The remnants of cursed chakra now danced over his small form, coming off of him like flames of a sintering fire. If Mikki could breathe he would be panting as he walked up and down the bar table, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Why did the person he trusted the most steal away his memories? Why!

They were all the same type of memory - times where Miksurendo unleashed his anger on mortals. Revenge, anger, fun…

The small puppet fell to his knees, the weight of centuries of memories and suffering pulling him down into depths the tsukumogami had not experienced in all that time. Perhaps Migoya was protecting him… in a stupid, stupid way.

Kiko’s voice pulled him from his moment of weakness.

'Now... Ancient of the Myakashi clan... Knowing what you know... Do you still wish for me to show you what it means to be a Demon?'

The puppets face rose as he stood, looking directly at this girl… no, woman… that he had killed to protect. The memories came flooding back. So Migoya now knew he was ready to remember, and it was time that he became more than what he was. It was time he became a Demon.

Miksurendo, ancient of the Myakashi clan, tsukumogami and cast off, took a knee.

“Please show me the truth Kiko-sensei”.

[WC: 620]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
