Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:39:01

Misty Meeting [Pvt]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
NPC Kasumi Masa

Suyashi would try to find his mother at her apartment but after some insistent knocking, a neighbor came out and told Suyashi that the woman who lived there had been taken way a few months ago.

Rushing to the hospital, Suyashi would be stopped by a former Mist shinobi out of a room that he was told his mother was at. The shinobi blinked taking in who he was talking to and let him enter.

Suyashi will find her Mother, Kasumi Masa, sitting in a chair looking out the window over Leaf. The sunlight was hitting her hair and her hair seemed to be more grey than black now. Her eyes would turn to meet his and a smile would break out on her face.

"You're back! Oh come here. Ow"

She stood suddenly and made to move towards him. She took one step before almost falling. She reached for a cane and this cane was a solid wooden cane not her cane sword. That cane was on the bedside table.

"Ow. Carefully. Got to remember carefully." She would carefully make her way to Suyashi or meet him half way before hugging him attempting to kiss the top of his head.

"Don't worry. I just had a fall. Don't look so worried... Just... just help me to the bed."

She would sit upon the bed after some help and look over to Suyashi.

"What have you learned?" Masa would ask a hint of the old seriousness in her voice. Her eyes were studying her son's face.

[requesting Suyashi]

Sushi would only be able to look at his mother... as she kissed him and such it would be painfully honest to him what was going on and things would not get better as time would carry on. His mother was getting older, and he was as well. He never considered she could get old... but here he was thinking that he had an immortal mother... which was grossly becoming untrue. She told him not to worry and he would only nod, she would be able to see the writing all over his face. If she had his nose she would be able to smell his concern. She was in the hospital. Her hair was nearly grey from the jet black he'd grown to know it to be.

"...Mother, How can I not be worried? I thought something had happened, and this doesnt look like just a fall... It looks much worse..", but as she sat herself upon the bed side she would ask him something he didnt expect, "I've learned a great deal of things. I'm a researcher for the Medical Branch... my travel to Kumo was easy but it reminded me of all the time we were out there travelling from village to village, coast to coast. It made me miss home... I've met the Raikage... and medical practioners all over the globe thus far. And I have still much to learn...", nodding he would stop there hoping this was leading to something but he was not concerned about himself at this particular moment.

"Whats going on Ma...?"
Oh he was worried. She knew he would be. Her little boy. No longer was he so little. He had grown and he had learned much. He had seen more of the world. She wondered if the Raikage was a new one? More than likely.

Masa would begin to cough and it took a few minutes for her to stop coughing. She took a long drink of water.

"I did fall.... turns out I have an infection in my foot. My bad one you know. Resistant to medical jutsu so don't even try." she would look at him her face set. That cold ANBU mask she had to pale on otherwise she would not be able to tell the truth. How could she?

"It's spreading. The Medical staff here says it could be a few months or a few years." Masa would say her face that cold passive mask. She couldn't allow herself to feel. Not now.... She still had a duty left to her people. to her son. To Mist's future.
Shaking his head he knew that this was bad, but as she spoke he would sink in his chair, but Suyashi was not a male that would give up on anything. He would devote this time to spending as much time with her as possible. "What do you mean? Dont try? I have to do SOMETHING MA! I WONT JUST LET YOU DIE WITHOUT DOING EVERYTHING I CAN!", nodding he would look to his mother before shaking his head, he knew she felt what he said, he wanted to do anything to protect and help her. She was all the family he had in this world... but in that moment he could hear Shinzo's voice in the back of his mind. 'Nii Chan' shaking his head, he would have to talk to Shinzo soon maybe he would be able to help him think about all of this.

"...So if you dont want me to do anything... What do you want me to do? I can do some research and figure out if there is a way to slow it down... Or... What have you thought in amputation? You may lose your leg... but you will be alive... We could replace it with a puppet limb... Something..", shaking his head he'd already be up on his feet pacing through the room back and forth... There had to be something he could do or surmise that could help her.
The natural ANBU mask would fade and she looked softly among her son. Growing up so fast but still so young.

"There is nothing to be done. You may talk to the medical sennin here but I imagine it would not do much good. There are treatments and I am getting the best help I can. Please stop pacing."

She would get up when he was close reach out to his hands grasping them in hers.

"I will not be amputated and there will be no puppet limbs. I could have done that when I was younger. You may think it foolish but it I still have my pride. I was the most fearsome swordswoman in Mist. Then I had that accident but I still trained myself. I refused to loose the foot. I will not rely on jutsu to stay standing. I fight and live on my terms. And it seems my son, my term is coming to an end." She would sit back down and raise her legs up on the bed.

"What I want you to do is listen and carry on. Carry on not only my will but all of Mist's. I have much to tell. Humor your mother while listening to the stories. But first."

She would reach out to her side table and pick up her cane sword.

"I give this to you my son. This is the weapon used by the Last Mizukage your mother. The blade that impressed your father enough to love me. It is yours. Use it or keep it safe it is up to you. Also, take this as it is another sign of your birth." from her hand a mask would appear. It was a mask of pure white with blue markings around the eyes and nose. It looked like an owl.

"If you go back to Mist find my vault. Open it and reclaim all that you can." she would say and she would explain how to open her vault without triggering any of the traps. "Now listen well." and so she would begin to talk of old Mist of times before he was born of how she grew up and how the village was ran. How she gained and lost Taro, how she was an ANBU and then ANBU Sennin, and then Mizukage. She would reminisce about their time traveling and going to Stone and then Leaf.

After a while she would grow silent and look at Suyoshi.

"I love you Suyoshi. So strong and full of potential. You will be a great shinobi. You are one right now who am I kidding? Should you have any children you will understand how time goes too quickly. I only ask that you visit me sometimes. But I want you to train! don't visit me here in this stuffy room when you can be out training and learning. Always keep your eyes open. Always be aware. What say you, my son? I am asking the worst of any child to a parent. Will you accept that I am going to die?"

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:39:01
