Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Muruyama Kenta (Sand) ---> Sunaku Harupia (Sand)

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Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Old Character name Muruyama Kenta

Old Character Village Suna

Old Profile Topic Title Muruyama Kenta, and there was some random tidbit after it I think

Old Training Topic Title It also had some other title (Time to get serious or something silly like that) But it also had my Name on it, Muruyama Kenta

Old Dojo Topic Title Same as above, something Like Kenta's Abilites, Im sure it had my name in it

Any Relevant information that can aid us in finding your information Everything what matterd had at least Kenta around it, so it shouldn be to hard to find

New Character Name Sunaku Harupia

New Village Suna

Link to latest Voucher Here

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Kenta has unlearned Teamwork and has picked up Human Anatomy!

1. Dual Wield
2. Weapon Mastery- Short Sword
3. Ambidexterity
4. Duelist
5. Bull's Strength
6. Human Anatomy
7. Santoryu
8. Jutsu Creator
9. Strategist
10. Quick Healer

Current Stats
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 255/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

Name: Muruyama Kenta
Rank: Genin AiT/S-rank
Age: 17.5
Height: 6'2
Weight: 187lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Deep green
Blood Type: AB+
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Birthday: January 20th

Likes: Attention, causing trouble, training/sparring/brawling, swords, any meal including beef/chicken, noodles.

Dislikes: Having nothing to do, those who undermine him, being told what to do

Dreams: Proving his worth to the world by any means necessary

Hobbies: Hanging out with Raijin/Usagi, keeping his weapons and himself in the best shape possible

Kenta is a rather straight forward person. He’ll tell you right in the face he’s better then you, and keep on boasting the fact of his superiority to the world. No matter how tired and sick other people may be of it, there is only one focus in his mind: himself. He thinks he’s the best looking, most skilled, and just simply the best, and won’t stop shoving the thought into other peoples’ heads.

Through the years you might say he matured, if only slightly. He had learned to tolerate how the world works, and won’t act like a spoiled brat when being given commands, though he won’t be quiet if he disagrees with something...or generally won’t be quiet at all unless it’s required. He still talks as much as he ever did, though he is a bit more careful with his words due to some outside influence...but only a bit. And usually he is rather friendly to people from inside the village, growing more accustomed to people in general once he saw they all don’t suck like his family did...though he will be slightly more reserved when dealing with people from abroad.

Most of his actions if fueled by one goal: wanting to be acknowledged as the best. To do that, he is ready to do anything. While acting cocky with people, in solitude he focuses on training, wanting to make himself stronger than anyone else. If the right offer would be presented to him, he is very quick to bend the rules, or sacrifice another person because he needs to be faster, stronger, better by any coats necessary.

His views on family have also matured by now, having experienced some of these fuzzy emotions with the few friends he has. Though still slightly awkward and mellow about it, he just learned to accept that while his blood family wasn’t the best, he can choose the people with which life is more pleasant to be with...though in the back of his head, the thought about his true parents does creep back from time to time...

Still, as he grew, the things he liked and things he didn’t shined out more. He loves to eat, usually any sort of meat and noodle dishes, though he won’t really mind any meal he’s given. He also likes to drink, slowly making himself familiar with the more potent beverages the world has to offer. Still, despite of his indulgent, he has a lifestyle of a healthy shinobi, training as much as he can, striving to improve his knowledge of the shinobi arts, as well as making sure his weaponry is in tip top shape.

Kenta as a quite a petite figure, even for someone his age. Still, he isn’t really worried about it, often choosing cloths that don’t hide much of his chest. Usually one can see him donning an open, sleeveless vest, usually in a bright shade of lime. His favorite one includes an oversized hood, big enough to cover his face from his nose upwards. His upper clothing includes his hands, the right being covered by a black, finger less glove, while the left has it fingers wrapped in black tape, just below his nails.

It’s more of a weird fashion thing then trying to hide his face. It’s a pretty boyish one, a wide, cocky smirk usually plastered on it. His black hair is usually kept short, but otherwise it really left on its one, spiked in various directions. Perhaps the most distinguishable feature would be his eyes, emerald green in color, so deep it almost seems as if they shine slightly.

Not much else left to describe. He usually walks around in a pair of knee length, khaki pants, and walks around in a pair of simple, black sandals.

During his teenage years, Kenta's fashion sense had stayed pretty much the same, with only his brown vest being replaced with a black, even bigger one, covering him better from the sun. Also, now having gained his own Forehead Protector, he wears it proudly around his neck for anyone to see. The other additions is a large brown sash tied around his waist, and a pair of sheaths around each back, as well as at most four of them around said belt. And in them his prized collection of swords

Usually, a man’s story starts off in a nice, cozy home, where a men and women who love each other very much deiced to extend the human race, this story begins in a cheap, rather rundown in room, with a boy and a girl who, with their drink induced minds, wanted to get to know each other closer, yep, Kenta was up to a great start since day one.

One thing led to another, and the girl was now basically a woman, holding her little tumble of joy on her lap. Problem was, neither she, nor the lucky father, had any intentions of taking care of it. Both were ninjas, a young chuunin and a long time genin to be exact, and had better things on their mind then a child.

Ever since he could remember, Kenta was thrown from one side to another, one of the parents trying to throw down the responsibilities on the other. A whole myriad of different faces, uncles, grannies, all sorts of them, yet none of them are remembered. None of them really cared for them, he was just a useless trinket; a nuisance the best he remembers from his younger childhood is the constant quarrels in between his family.

One might think that a kid from such a home would be a withdrawn, shy little snot-nose, huh? Well, probably, but Kenta was different. He was quite an energetic child, running around and exploring the current house he was in, to the distain of whoever had to take care of him now. Nowhere close to being a true member of any family, most of his childhood was quiet and lonely but at the same time, awe inspiring. He was brought up in the surrounding of Shinobi; people who were strong, who were the blood of their villages. just seeing them move in and out from mission, the tools, weapons, he knew he was someone different then all the other kids out there; someone better.

Ever since he came to contact with other kids his age, the bottled up energy and the need for companionship came out two fold. He was everywhere, chattering to every kid he could find, trying to prove just how good he was in all of their childish games and activities. While not having any family, he drawn the attention, his energy and outright goofiness working like a magnet. He was the leader of the pack, or at least the most popular kid on the block.

But of course, he got older, and so did the world. Bigger, stronger kids came by, and wanted to cast him aside, branding him as a wannabe, a loser. Quite simple childish stabs, yet for someone whose world was based only on his popularity, with no real guidance of a loving, caring adult, it was a strong blow one which he quickly retaliated to.

Kenta once again became a nuisance for his parents, this time because of the amounts of fights he would get himself into with other kids his age. Sometimes he was the culprit, sometimes he was the bruised. While this caused even more annoyance and fighting over the matter for his parents it helped in gaining him some more reputation. He always managed to find a group of kids to follow him, and harass other children no matter if they loved him or hated him, He had attention and that was what he craved for

The carefree time ended once it was decided the best way to temper his attitude was to send him off to the academy and luckily for his family, it did. While still an attention hog, and troublemaker, he realized this was the first step on his road to true greatness and he wouldn’t want to waste it now, would he?

Time passed by, and Kenta grew and learned at the academy, slowly and surely inching his way towards being a true Shinobi. Along the way, admits his rather brash and unfriendly behavior, he managed to get on the good side of a slightly older kid called Raijin... with the years this acquaintance would turn into a bond of true friendship, one of the very few in his life. With him he met another boy named Eiji... but before he could grow to really like or dislike Raijin’s other close friend, he had died, killed in a rather unsettling manner...while it didn’t struck him as hard as Raijin, it was the first time he had to deal with the death of someone he knew, so it did have a certain impact on him. Also somewhere in that period he had met a rather dark individual who he thought would lead him to something interesting...but alas, it was a short lived acquaintance. But most importantly, he managed to achieve one major goal at that stage of his life... he had completed his education at the academy, and was now a proud Genin of his village.

Mind you, his beginnings as a ninja were nothing out of the ordinary; with the typical mundane task genins were given. Still, it was a start; he and he worked harder on moving forward. A lot of help came from Raijin, a frequent partner in his training, and also a milestone of sorts, someone he could try to impress with his skills, and if given enough time, surpass in terms of ability. But it was all rather friendly competition, which bonded them closer. He also made a few more acquaintances, of which the most prominent being Raijin’s younger brother Teji, and a girl named Usagi, who rather quickly wormed her way in between him and the blond giant, making them quite the dynamic trio.

And event which helped build that dynamic between them was the Eclipse incident which struck Suna. It was a rather violent time, filled with panic, and anguish and aggression. While it was a time of strife, Kenta did get some enjoyment out of it. It was the first time where he could truly showcase his abilities he soon gained a small infamy surrounding him and the way he dealt with the rioters though most civilians seen him not for the skill he showed, but for how he tended to maim innocent civilians when fighting them. In his mind, if you raised a weapon against someone, you couldn’t really be innocent, but it didn’t matter much. He just enjoyed the small buzz around him.

After the eclipse though, it quitted down slightly, and he sort of mended his relations with the civilian population of Suna with his work during the reconstruction of the village. He guessed that if everyone as to do it, he would do it better than anyone. Whether that was true or not, he did contribute his fair share into the reconstruction. Besides that, the only thing worth of notice was his chance meeting by of the Kage of their village. During a rather violent scuffle with some of his family members, Iyo Tsuki had come to him in order to invite him personally to an upcoming chuunin exam and during their conversation; he even decided to spare him a room to live in his own family estate. Kenta was of course happy to oblige with his leaders kindness.

The next major event which happened after was the short, but intense conflict his village had with the being known as Orochi, who had lead his army of reptile-like creatures against Suna, hailing from the once mythical city of Babylos. as it soon turned out it was not the best move for the creature. The response from Suna was as fast as it was devastating, the best sons and daughters in the land, as well as the other shinobi, from younger to old, including him, were sent to fend of the danger. For Kenta this was the first time he truly felt like he was taking part in something important, something that would shape history for many generations to remember...which was mixed with a sense of frustration and anger as he still was but a simple cog in the machine, a mere foot soldier in the great least until something happened. Something he has yet to truly comprehend until today. Whatever happened, it unlocked something deep inside of him, a part of his heritage he had no idea of, and an awesome power he could not truly harness yet. it had been useful to him though, as he along with several younger students entered the city during the battle, and because of this mysterious heritage, he managed to activate the dormant machines in at least part of the even if no one truly acknowledged it, he had a slightly bigger part in the event then anyone could suspect...yet the secret of just what exactly was this power of his was still to be unveiled.

These weren’t the only things to change. He and Raijin had found themselves getting tied closer and closer to the dealings of the mysterious Myakashi clan...he along with his friend, due to the new policy of the village, had begun their road on the way of the ANBU, with first successful tasks being performed...He is slowly growing to understand just what it means to have a family, thanks to his friendship with Raijin and Usagi, as long as the work of Inuzuka Seitoshi, who became the first person he truly recognized as a mentor... he had managed to make enough of a living to move to a place of his own, small but it suited him well...and now he was off to set his foot outside of his homeland, and travel to other countries in search of a few stray lambs of Mother Suna...He was ready to take on the world, and he hoped it was ready for him as well.

Character Level: 19

Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 248/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

Power Level: 3258
Stat Average: 522
Action Points: 10,5

Desert Mutilator
HP: (66+lvl) x stamina: 51000
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control: 32,400
Class Bonus: + 2 Accuracy, 10% Melee damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Evasion, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty

1. 1-56 (56 from last level)
2. 57-126 (69)
3. 127-208 (82)
4. 209-304 (95)
5. 305-412 (108)
6. 413-534 (121)
7. 535-668 (134)
8. 669-816 (147)
9. 817-976 (160)
10. 977-1150 (173)
11. 1151-1336 (186)
12. 1337-1536 (199)
13. 1537-1748 (212)
14. 1749-1974 (225)
15. 1975-2212 (238)
16. 2213-2464 (251)
17. 2465-2728 (264)
18. 2729-3006 (277)
19. 3007-3296 (290)
20. 3297-3600 (313)

Item Slot 1: Belt Pouch 1
Item Slot 2: Belt Pouch 2
Item Slot 3: Smoke Bomb x 3
Item Slot 4: Exploding Note's x 4 (Prepared via Strategy)
Item Slot 5: Headset
Belt Pouch 1 Slot 1: Soldier Pill x 2
Belt Pouch 1 Slot 2: Health Pill x 2
Belt Pouch 2 Slot 1: Energy Drink x 2
Belt Pouch 2 Slot 2: Blood Pill x 2

Sheath Slot:Chisomizue
First Hand (Prepared via Strategist)
Augment 1: Jagged
Augment 2High Quality
Augment 3Forged Twins

Sheath Slot:Chisomizue
Second Hand(Prepared via Strategist)
Poison Slot: Black Lotus
Augment 1: Jagged
Augment 2High Quality
Augment 3Forged Twins

Sheath Slot:Sword Breaker
Augment 1: Crippler
Augment 2User Friendly
Augment 3Flexisteel

Sheath Slot:Chisomizue
Mouth (Used when using Santoryu Style)
Augment 1Heavy
Augment 2High Quality
Augment 3Natural Material

His two main hand weapons, and his favourite blades, had them since his day's of a genin. While difrently desinged they were made by the same smith, and both seem like perfect matches for eachother, idel for using both at once. Sheathed both at his sides

A slightly smaller blade the the others, this is the one he must often uses prefroming his trademark "Santoryu" style, placed on his back so he can quickly reach for it with a turn of his head

Partly a mechanical contraption, partly blade, it is shaped to look slightly monstrous, with the blade opening in a way to imitate a creatures maw opening, can use it to try and disable a weapon of his opponet. Place on his back as well, crossing with the short mouth blade


Level 1
Stab-Rank 3
Level 2
Strength Slash- Rank 3
Level 3
Cross Slash- Rank 3
Impale- Rank 3
Level 4
Power Lunge- Rank 3
Feint Slash- Rank 3
Level 5
Piercing Rain- Rank 3
Ascending the Tower- Rank 3
Level 6
Descending the Tower- rank 3
Hi-Low Strike Rank 3
Level 7
Spin Attack- Rank 3
Iaijutsu- Rank 3
Level 8
Higuma- Master Rank

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


Level 1
Charge-Rank 3
Level 2
Breath Control - Rank 3
Level 3
Block Rank 3
Strength Boost - Rank 3
Level 4
Chakra Extension Rank 3
Level 5
Aura - Rank 3
Shadow Dance - Rank 3
Level 6
Awakening the Dragon - Rank 3
Burst Of Strength - Rank 3
Level 7
Counter Strike - Rank 3
Endure - Rank 3
Anabolic Frenzy - Rank 3
Level 8
Limit Break - Rank 3
Myriad Aura - Rank 1


E Rank
Wind Slash Master Rank
Pressure Burst Master Rank
D Rank
Whirlwind Spin Master Rank
Air Bullet Master Rank
Shredding Touch Master Rank
C Rank
Wind Scythe Master Rank
Tempest Master Rank
GaleForce Master Rank
Wind Release Master Rank
B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


E Rank

B Rank

C Rank

B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


C Rank
Immunity Break Master Rank
Toxic Chaneling Master Rank
Poison Extraction Master Rank
B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


E Rank

B Rank

C Rank

B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


E Rank
Storm Bolt Rank 1
Thunderfirst Rank 1
D Rank
Thunderclap Rank 1
Electro Shock Rank 1
Electrocution Rank 1
C Rank

B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


E Rank
Transformation Mater Rank
Bodyswitch Master Rank
Basic Summoning Master Rank
D Rank
Cancel Master Rank
Signal Flare Master Rank
Contract Summoning Master Rank
Combination Transformation Master Rank
Crystal Eye Master Rank
Spirit Lantern Master Rank
C Rank
Stunt Double Master Rank
One Element Sealing Master Rank
Elemental Clone Master Rank
B Rank
Withering Seal Master Rank
A Rank
Five Element Seal Master Rank
Morality Sealing Master Rank
S Rank

0. Shadow Tactics
1. Dual Wielding
2. Ambidexterity
3. Weapon Mastery- Short Sword
4. Duelist
5. Bull's Strength
6. Santoryu
7. Jutsu Creator
8. Strategist
9. Quick Healer
10. Human Anatomy


Reckless fighters are known for their crazy life risking maneuvers, and their somewhat insane style of fighting, which is known for hitting exceptionally hard - but usually at a cost to their own body. Reckless fighters are able to boost damage in all aspects, but these bonuses often come at a cost.
Points Used: 20/20

Endurance - Boost (1 point) Rank 3
Restriction- Can be purchased up to three times
Effect: +6 HP modifier
3 point spent

Huge Power - Boost (1 point) Rank 3
Restriction- Can be purchased up to three times
Effect: +10% melee damage.
3 point spent

Bloodlust - Passive (3 points)
Restriction- C Rank and up
Effect: Exhaustion effects only apply half the penalties. Ignores up to rank 3 bleeding
3 points spent

Mastered Offensive Stance - Special Move (3 points)
Restriction- C Rank and up
Effect: Allows user to gain +1 accuracy per -1 dodge, up to a maximum of +4 accuracy and -4 dodge.
3 points spent

Unbalancing Strike - Special Move (2 points)
Effect: Allows the use of any physical (Ninjutsu or Taijutsu) attack as an unbalancing strike, inflicting a -3 dodge on the user for that round. If the user takes 10% of their HP in damage that round, the strike fails automatically. If the strike hits, the user may immediately follow up with any physical attack at +1 accuracy and +20% damage for -1AP. Can only be used once every round.
2 points spent

Bleed Out- Special Move (3 points)
Effect: Upon a successful basic weapon hit the round this is activated, opponent's bleed penalties are treated as 1 rank higher than they are and opponent takes an extra 50% bleed damage each round. Effect lasts for three rounds. If opponent bleed level increases while the effect lasts, this effect adjusts to the new bleed level. Does not stack with itself. Costs 300 chakra to apply to a weapon. Can only be used twice per battle.
3 points spent

Double Edge - Dependent Special Move (3 points)
Effect: Grants the next normal attack or taijutsu by +50% damage buff, but also inflicts 1/3 of the total damage back on the user. Can only be used once every 2 rounds.
3 points spent

Class Bonus: + 2 Accuracy, 10% Melee damage

CA Passive's:
+ 6 Hp Modifier
10% melee damage

Weapon Buffs:
Kodachi- +2 dodge against bladed weapons


Weapon Mastery: Short Swords
- The user becomes a master of their weapon, and increases a weapon types innate effects (This is listed in the Battle rules under 'Weapon Types and Effects')
- The user must specify a specific weapon type when this ability is learned.

Short Sword: All shortswords may be equipped for no Ap. This only applies when drawing the weapon, not from picking up a disarmed one. Shortswords have a 5% chance to be treated as a sneak attack.
- With Weapon Mastery, they may be equipped and dequipped for no Ap. This does not apply to picking up disarmed weapons, in which case the Ap cost is halved. Shortswords have a 10% chance to be treated as a sneak attack.

Dual Wielding
70% main hand, 70% off hand, -3 Accuracy.

+5% Damage and +1 accuracy when Dual Wielding

- The user gains +2 dodge so long as they and the target attack only each other
- While fighting one on one, the user's attacks have a 10% chance to auto-hit, overriding auto-dodge and auto-miss.

Note: Clones are considered to be an extension of their user in concerns to this ability and attacking them will not negate the above effects.

Bull's Strength
- +5% Physical Damage dealt, , +5% Chance of Bleeding/Suppression.
- All base weapon Accuracy penalties are reduced by half. (A giant Blade would only give -1.5 Accuracy for example)
- Their enhanced strength causes more damaging penalties than normal. Bleeding damage is increased by +10% Damage and Suppression causes an additional -.1 Ap to be lost.


+ 10% Bleeding damage

90% Damage
+1 Accuracy
Additional -.1 Ap loss via suppression
5% Bleeding/Suppression chance


- Hate
- Dislike
- Acquaintance/neutral
- Likes
- Respects
- Idolizes
- Friend
- Desires

- Guroichi, Katoma
- Haruhiro, Katsu, Eiji, Inuzuka Hanone, Yamazaki Iori, Roze Shajiku, Muryo
- Naga
- Satsumaru, Iyo Tsuki, Midori Minato
- Inuzuka Seitoshi
- Raijin, Usagi, Teij

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
And heeere weeeee go o-o

Old Character Name: Muruyama Kenta
Old Village: Sunagakure
Old Character Class (if you have one): Desert Mutilator: HP: (66+lvl) x stamina: 51000
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control: 32,400
Class Bonus: + 2 Accuracy, 10% Melee damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Evasion, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Sunaku Harupia

New Character Name: Sunaku Harupia
New Village: Sunagakure
New Character Class: Sand Artisian
HP: 60
CP: 40
Class Bonus: 10% Ninjutsu damage, -5% Cp cost
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Medium: Taijutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Resist, Evasion
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
New BL/CA: Sunaku

* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
Harupia was born within the clan of the Sunaku, an off-branch of the ancient clan of the Sunahoshi. The two clans lived in close friendship, perfecting the art of sand manipulation together. The people believe both clans were equal with their ability to manipulate the predominant element of their land. However, as chosen of Mother Suna vanished, the Sunaku found themselves unable to tame the storms the Diamond Maelstrom, thus proving that the power of the Sunahosih overshadowed theirs by a unimaginable margin.
Some of the Sunaku accepted this fate, other tried their best to improve their skills, to try and achieve the same degree of mastery. One of these was Shigeo, the current head of the clan. However, as he grew older, he realized he was not destined to achieve that goal. So his focus went over to his son, Harupia. Being a stern and suborn men, the clan head pushed the younger child to train as soon as possible, wanting him to exceed any Sunaku who preceded him. While at first the clash of a young, innocent calm child and a stern father with unfulfilled ambitions spelled disasters, the influence of his mother and his awakened passion came just in time.
Using the sand as a canvas for art, Harupia grew to love his ability to manipulate him, and trained as hard as he could, with discipline, but also enthusiasm. While his father was a t first skeptical, he did notice that his skills progressed greatly with this attitude. So he allowed him to do as he pleased, as long as he didn’t neglect training in the more military arts of the clan.
Two decades later, While a soft spoken and gentle Shinobi, Harupia is not someone who would let his skills rust. His constant usage of his abilities, along with the discipline and the ambition to try and achieve what no one in his clan could before, made him treat his talent very seriously. And the years of dedicated education and Shinobi missions had given him a firm control over his bloodline.

ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: None, Main Branch right here

* * * * *

Gender: Male :D
Quick Character Description:
[spoilername="Character description"]Much to his dismay Harupia is not quite as athletic as his line of work would like him to be. He is far from being out of shape, but there is not much muscle on his average sized frame. His facial features are soft and pleasant, with a certain youthful, hopeful vigor to the way he smiles, and in his eyes. His skin is a bit more tan then the one of the average Sunan, as he spends quite some time on the surface levels whenever he gets the chance. Besides that there are no distinct marks or scar’s on his skin, as of yet at least. While he knows it rather impractical, he prefers keeping his hair rather long, if only because he usually doesn’t feel like cutting it down. When needed he tends to tie it up in a ponytail, reaching as far as to the base of his neck when needed. As for clothing, he also tends to go for ascetics ore then practicality, usually in favor of somewhat elaborate robes in various colors. When more practical attire is needed, he simply settles for standard Issue Jounin attire…though he plans making some slight modifications to it.

[spoilername="Personality"]:At the very basic level, Harupia is a rare breed of “good guy”. Seemingly always cheerful and smiling when you talk to him, ready to land a hand if you need assistance, patient both with people who either ask him questions or are going out of their way to annoy him. Always well mannered, soft spoken, first one to seek a peaceful solution and last one to resort to violence. Always out there to greet and meet new people, and hopefully make new friends along the way. Some think that it is merely a façade hiding the men’s frustrations…which is partially true. Harupia can get annoyed, and through out the years has gathered a large amount of pet peeves. However, his calmness and cheerful spirit is part of him being raised in a somewhat noble setting, and partially because of his outlook on life.

Simply put, he tries his best to stay nice and positive, while seeking to vent any stress he might have when he is alone. Of course there are some way’s to try and push his nerves somewhat, from the most obvious such as hurting or offending someone from his family, through trying to downplay any initiative or idea he firmly believes in, to making fun of his work. Either way he is quite a patient man, but once his patience is pushed to its limit the results can be quite violate, like a bottle of pop you shake for to long.

That also ties with his general outlook on life. To put it short he firmly believes everyone should live life to its fullest, and he tries his best to do just that. There is hardly ever a moment he is not doing something. Be it a mission, him working on his own projects, perfecting his control over chakra, trying to improve his physical prowess, reading, listening to music, he feels a compulsion to be active. This also pushes him to try and do his best in the Shinobi way of life, trying to prove himself as a valuable member of the village. Seeing someone “wastes their time” or as he sometimes would say “potential” is also a bit of a nuisance for him, but it only drives him to try and motivate the person to work harder. This can lead to mixed results.

This lust for activity is mostly visible in his free time work, which mostly consists of him working on various pieces of art. Mostly involving his control over the abundant element of sand, statues, sculptures, figures, anything, even portraits. While he sometimes plays around with more traditional art he always leans back to the element he feels’s closest with. Though he himself lacks any real talent for music, he simply loves listening to it. Either way, he likes to be left in peace during working on his projects, but he is reasonable when the issue is somewhat important. And if not…well, there is still patience.

This appreciation of life seems’ to clash with the way of the Shinobi to most, and indeed it can be the case. While Harupia appreciates the Shinobi and martial arts for representing how humans can bend the energies of the world and their own selves to the height of their potential, he dislikes combat, especially taking away the life of another. Though he had grown to cope with the deed of taking someone life, it is always the last resort for him. The very thought of someone’s dead body is enough to case his stomach to churn, and taking the life of someone often forces him into seeking solitude from the outside world at least for a while. Granted, it is not the physical aspects of a wounded, bloody body, but rather the fact someone life has come to an abrupt end which causes him this distress.

There is one more trait to Harupia which is not as overt at first glance. He is a rather ambitious man. He knows he has shortcomings, but that only pushes him more towards working even harder. Whether it is a Shinobi mission or a piece of his art his working on, or even being locked in combat with someone, he aims to perform as well as he possibly could. Also, there is the overarching feeling of a lot of expectation being put on him, so he works even harder. Sometimes a bit too much, neglecting rest and whatnot. He is ambitious, hardworking, and will do his best to achieve his goals. Though how far he would be willing to go remains to be seen.[/spoilername]
Character History: [spoilername="History"]:
The dessert had been quite a cruel mistress to the natives of Suna…the hotness, the vastness, had made their life though, but it also made the people strong. And with the blessing of the Mother, and the guidance from the Sunahoshi, they could maybe not as much control it, but appease it enough to let them live in piece…but alas, the Sunahoshi had vanished, and the dessert had grown much more harsh. Even the closest relatives of the Sunahoshi, the Sunaku, were still for some reason outside the grace which The Mother of Sand bestowed upon the descendants of the First Men. Although they tried their hardest, none of the clansmen, even those with the most power and control over the sand, could not appease the dessert and stop the raging storm’s which ultimately drove Sunan’s underground.

The most skilled and powerful of the Sunaku of his generation, Shigeo, in spite of the failure to appease the dessert, would soon become the head of the clan as it was their tradition. And soon after and 5 years after the relocation of the village, he would have a son. Shigeo, being one of the most powerful and ambitious men of the clan didn’t take his failure to well. And as some father’s do, he would see his son as a way to redeem his own failures. So ever since he was little, his father pushed young Harupia to train. The first attempts started at the age of 5, but his mother managed to sway her husband from the idea. However, when he was 6, he was put into a life of hard work, his toy’s and fun replaced with mock weapons, exercise, spar’s, and trying to move around Sand.

Such a rapid shift from a relatively careless childhood did not go over well with Harupia. While he did try his best, he was a rather peaceful child, quite, polite, like a proper child of a noble family was expected to be. Still, when he had the chance to let lose he was full of energy and cheer, and also easy to lose focus on his task, especially if he didn’t enjoy it, like any other child Still, he wanted to make his father happy, so he was torn between trying to please him and his own inability and dislike towards the constant exercise, the big scary people telling him to smack his fists and legs into things, and causing them to lift sand without using his hands. This anxiety was weighing him down and making him perform poorly, which caused the growing irritation of his father. A cycle which could turn out rather badly.

However, as mentioned before, Harupia’s mother was alive and present in his life, a women name Kanade. A women who never showed much potential as a Shinobi or a proficient user of the Clan’s blood ability, but her beauty and kindness garnered her the affection of Shigeo. While the father was stern and demanding of Harupia, she was always there to try and make him feel better, keep his spirits high. But she was also wise enough to see that this rift between them grow wider and was quite worried about the father and son growing distant…but as she spent time with her young son, she noticed one of his favorite pass times was drawings. Especially after a particularly stressful day, she would come to his room and find the floor littered with various pictures, childlike at first, but as time went on he became more and more proficient. And then an idea came to her mind.

One time she when she and the young Harupia were spending time together, she showed him one of her favorite pastimes when she herself was a child, and using her Sunaku abilities to form a small statue, akin to an origami. And then she made another one from the same sand, to the awe of the young boy. As she urged him to try it himself, he managed to duplicate the shapes she showed him rather quickly. Seeing her child so happy, discovering his skills could be used for something more than just knocking things over as his father told him made her was just what she was looking for. She didn’t except just how far her little lesson would move through. The morning next day, she and Shigeo were summoned to the boy’s room, in which the boy himself was laying on the floor, clearly looking exhausted, as if he just passed out…and in the room was an almost life like statue of his mother, made entirely out of sand, slowly crumbling away, but otherwise it was the most impressive feat the young boy had ever managed to perform since he began training.

This was a turning point in the childhood of the young boy, as now he managed to find a true passion in the skills of his clan, working hard to improve them, his control over the Sand growing rapidly, both in terms of him creating statues or constructs of it, and in more combat terms. These results pleased his father, which caused him to relive how much he pushed the boy. He was still unhappy he wasn’t showing much interest in physical prowess, but the way his mastery of the Clan techniques grew was a good start. He could tolerate some of the antics if he grew into a strong shinobi. And thus father and son trained together, and as for Harupia, his passion for art, as well as his ambition to make himself better, at first to please his dad, but later on simply to be able to perform grater feats on his own, was born.

He joined the academy as most of the Shinobi at the age of 9, but he stayed there a bit longer then you average child, until the age of 15. While he was a keen student and his Ninjutsu and chakra based skills were more than sati factionary, he was lacking in physical ability, which caused him to fail his first Genin exam. The last two years were a time of focus on his body, both in Academy and at home, his father pushing him to do his best. This time though, it was a welcomed encouragement, as the boy managed to mature through the years. Along academy education he was taught within the clan hall’s to become a worthy member of the Sunaku clan, his mother saw to that. Lessons in proper etiquette, and also history, where he learned about the First Men, the blessing of his far cousins, and the void which was caused by the disappearance of the Sunahoshi, as well as the general tradition and lore of their clan, and the village in general as far as they knew. This fascinated him, and at the same time it helped his young mind understand what why his father had such high hopes and expectations for him. He was the son of the clan leader, but if he wanted be respected by the clan, he needed to earn it. And so he tried hard, in time growing to appreciate the Taijutsu as being as important of an aspect of a Shinobi’s life as Chakra and Ninjutsu, and also being as beautiful in execution. To him, being able to use you own body to spring into the air in a flurry of kicks and punches could be as exhilarating as him bending the sands to his will. And thus, he managed to shape himself to a respectful enough level that he passed the Genin exam at the age of 15.
Not losing much time after his promotion to Genin-hood, he threw himself into the fray of a Shinobi’s life, seeing that as the best way to improve on what he was lacking. During the next few years his character developed, the etiquette he gained from his younger years, the influence of his kind mother, and his general observation that a lot of people seemed to be frustrated by their lives and then they unload it on other people…all of this lead to creating his positive outlook on life…well, and the fact in general he was a nice person. Also, for the first time he felt like he had some more control over his own life. Granted, he loved and respected his family and father, but now he could make his own friends, earn his own funds, pass the time how he liked it, which usually was perfecting his craft of using sand. And in all hat he remained humble, trying not to let his somewhat noble linage get to his head, working his best to prove himself as his own man. Life was good for Harupia.

There was still one event that shaped Harupia into the men he is today. In retrospect it was simply another of his mission, he was 18 years old; it was his second month as a Chunin. A routine task, apprehending a bunch of black market merchants. Only that things went wrong somewhere along the line, with the criminals having backup of some unknown Shinobi as well, which culminated in a battle which left most of the merchants and two of his team member’s killed, with the rest heavily wounded, Including Harupia himself. Everything was a bloody, still mess. What struck him the most was the fact he himself had killed one of the foreign Shinobi as he reflexively defended from his attack. The sand he loved to use for creating and joy had pierced through another men, and he could see the life slowly fading in his eyes. A normal sight for a Shinobi, but this was the first time Harupia saw death in its true, gruesome manner. And he didn’t take it to well.

The next month he spent in seclusion, in the small apartment he was living in, spending his days either trying to fall asleep or work on some kind of picture, statue, anything. But whatever he did evoked the memories of the disfigured bodies, the lifeless eyes…he just couldn’t take the thought. It took his father practically bashing through the door of his house to get to him. And for the next 3 days, he and his father talked, not just like father and son, but like two men, two Shinobi. While berating his son for being so easy to panic, he understood the difficulty of taking a life, and how people take for granted the readiness of a Shinobi to take someone’s life. But that was how it was meant to be. He was a Shinobi, a Sunaku, one who would most likely lead the clan when he was gone.. He needed to do his best to help his village thrive, which also meant defeating its enemies. And not all of them would be put down by simply subduing them. It was a harsh, but in a way cleansing experience, as his father put it. He had met death face to face, and now he had to choose if he would grovel in fear, watching it consume everything and everyone he held dear, or try and fight back, try and make a difference as much as one could. And with that, Shigeo managed to bring back his son's resolve.

After that, Harupia returned to being an actively working Shinobi, and gradually reformed to his old, cheerful self. Throughout the next years, he would serve his country well, and work to improve himself as a Shinobi, both in body and spirit, in order to serve his country and try to bring his family the respect he believed they deserved. In the meantime he had managed to gain a reputation for his pieces of work, his sand sculpting and pictures quite a popular sale on the Sunan bazaar’s. He also was taking a more active role in the internal dealings of the clan, spending more time in the clan household, though still keeping his own house and workshop, getting himself known as a reasonable but determined man, and often being asked by his father to aid him with advice, clearly wanting to prepare him to take over the mantle of the leader of the Sunaku eventually. And for his dedicated and effective work as a Shinobi, he had gained quite a degree of respect, even in spite of his somewhat goofy disposition. He was in all sorts of missions, escorting, protection, combat oriented. He never faltered, and he always gave his best. He did look quite uncomfortable after a bloody fight, but besides wanting a quick wash it didn’t impair his abilities in an way. At least as far as his partners and superiors could see. What truly gained him recognition was a task where he, as the commanding chunin of a team, on a mission to track down a possible group of Shinobi trying to defect, escaping through a crack in the wall separating the city form the Diamond Maelstrom. As the reports shown, the group of five managed to trick the rest of the team and capture them, leaving only Harupia to fight them. In a turn of events not many really expected from the happy go lucky Shinobi, not only did he manage to defeat the Shinobi and subdue them without taking the life of any of them, but also venture into the Mealstorm, where one of the defectors ran of two with one of his team as a hostage, and bring them all back alive and with only moderate damage, shielding them with his sands while he took the backlash of the dunes himself. While he was hurt quite a bit, he managed to recover well. And after such a remarkable performance, He was granted the title of Jounin at the age of 23. 2 years after that Harupia could smile looking at his past, and hopefully look into what the future held. Spending time between missions and art work, though he had yet to prove his true mantle on a Jounin level missions. Still, he was ready willing and able if the need would come.[/spoilername]

* * * * *

Death thread: N/a Profile thread:N/a
Training thread:N/a
Dojo thread:N/a

* * * * *

If you have special permission to remain on a usergroup, please let us know by showing us the URL where the decision was approved. Otherwise you may be DISOWNED of ALL usergroups.

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Old Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 248/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
New Stats (Earning me ranked status, and as Eiji counted 174Capped points):
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 248/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Jutsu Swaps:
Sand Jutsu
Sand Stars (2 Mastery Points)
Sandstorm Veil (2 Mastery Points)
Cluster Attack (2 Mastery Points)
Desert Deflection (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Missile (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Clone (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Shower (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Coffin (2 Mastery Points)
Desert Tendril Unleash (2 Mastery Points)
Terror of the Dunes (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Tsunami (2 Mastery Points)
Desertification (2 Mastery Points)
Earth jutsu
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (2 Mastery Points)
Earth Flow Wave (2 Mastery Points)
Rock Golem (2 Mastery Points)
Earthen Coating (2 Mastery Points)
Bedrock Coffin (2 Mastery Points)
Weighted Rock Technique (2 Mastery Points)
Earth Spiker (2 Mastery Points)
Antlion Sinkhole (2 Mastery Points)
Fist of Gaia (2 Mastery Points)
Earthen Magnitude (2 Mastery Points)
Earthslide (2 Mastery Points)
Petrification (2 Mastery Points)
Wind Jutsu
Wind Slash (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Pressure Burst (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Whirlwind Spin (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Air Bullet (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Shredding Touch (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Wind Scythe (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Tempest (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Gale Force(Mastered Pre- Hack)
Wind Release (Mastered Pre- Hack)
None Elemental Jutsu
Transformation (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Bodyswitch (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Basic Summoning (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Combination Transformation (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Crystal Eye (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Cancel (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Contract Summoning (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Spirit Lantern (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Jutsu Sealing
Stunt Double (Mastered Pre- Hack)
One Element Sealing (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Elemental Negation
Elemental Clone (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Energy Transfer
Leech Seal
Chakra Shield
Chakra Blast
Rasengan (2 Mastery Points)
Perfected Rasengan (2 Mastery Points)
Five Element Seal (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Morality Sealing (Mastered Pre- Hack)
* * * * *

Name of any Contract you currently own: None Sadly

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Nada

Name of Kinjutsu you own: Null (as in nothing)

If I did anything wrong or Im stil missing stuff please let me know o.ob


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Name, Class, Bonuses, Jounin Rank, descriptions, history, capped points

New stats are wrong. They should all be capped now.

You have used 48 of your 52 masteries. You can master 4 more jutsu. If you need help with mastering jutsu, talk to me via skype.

(dont just edit, copy and repost your OCR with the changes)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Old Character Name: Muruyama Kenta
Old Village: Sunagakure
Old Character Class (if you have one): Desert Mutilator: HP: (66+lvl) x stamina: 51000
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control: 32,400
Class Bonus: + 2 Accuracy, 10% Melee damage
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Evasion, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Old BL/CA (if you have one): Reckless

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Sunaku Harupia

New Character Name: Sunaku Harupia
New Village: Sunagakure
New Character Class: Sand Artisian
HP: 60
CP: 40
Class Bonus: 10% Ninjutsu damage, -5% Cp cost
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Medium: Taijutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Resist, Evasion
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
New BL/CA: Sunaku

* * * * *

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character:
Harupia was born within the clan of the Sunaku, an off-branch of the ancient clan of the Sunahoshi. The two clans lived in close friendship, perfecting the art of sand manipulation together. The people believe both clans were equal with their ability to manipulate the predominant element of their land. However, as chosen of Mother Suna vanished, the Sunaku found themselves unable to tame the storms the Diamond Maelstrom, thus proving that the power of the Sunahosih overshadowed theirs by a unimaginable margin.
Some of the Sunaku accepted this fate, other tried their best to improve their skills, to try and achieve the same degree of mastery. One of these was Shigeo, the current head of the clan. However, as he grew older, he realized he was not destined to achieve that goal. So his focus went over to his son, Harupia. Being a stern and suborn men, the clan head pushed the younger child to train as soon as possible, wanting him to exceed any Sunaku who preceded him. While at first the clash of a young, innocent calm child and a stern father with unfulfilled ambitions spelled disasters, the influence of his mother and his awakened passion came just in time.
Using the sand as a canvas for art, Harupia grew to love his ability to manipulate him, and trained as hard as he could, with discipline, but also enthusiasm. While his father was a t first skeptical, he did notice that his skills progressed greatly with this attitude. So he allowed him to do as he pleased, as long as he didn’t neglect training in the more military arts of the clan.
Two decades later, While a soft spoken and gentle Shinobi, Harupia is not someone who would let his skills rust. His constant usage of his abilities, along with the discipline and the ambition to try and achieve what no one in his clan could before, made him treat his talent very seriously. And the years of dedicated education and Shinobi missions had given him a firm control over his bloodline.

ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: None, Main Branch right here

* * * * *

Gender: Male :D
Quick Character Description:
[spoilername="Character description"]Much to his dismay Harupia is not quite as athletic as his line of work would like him to be. He is far from being out of shape, but there is not much muscle on his average sized frame. His facial features are soft and pleasant, with a certain youthful, hopeful vigor to the way he smiles, and in his eyes. His skin is a bit more tan then the one of the average Sunan, as he spends quite some time on the surface levels whenever he gets the chance. Besides that there are no distinct marks or scar’s on his skin, as of yet at least. While he knows it rather impractical, he prefers keeping his hair rather long, if only because he usually doesn’t feel like cutting it down. When needed he tends to tie it up in a ponytail, reaching as far as to the base of his neck when needed. As for clothing, he also tends to go for ascetics ore then practicality, usually in favor of somewhat elaborate robes in various colors. When more practical attire is needed, he simply settles for standard Issue Jounin attire…though he plans making some slight modifications to it.

[spoilername="Personality"]:At the very basic level, Harupia is a rare breed of “good guy”. Seemingly always cheerful and smiling when you talk to him, ready to land a hand if you need assistance, patient both with people who either ask him questions or are going out of their way to annoy him. Always well mannered, soft spoken, first one to seek a peaceful solution and last one to resort to violence. Always out there to greet and meet new people, and hopefully make new friends along the way. Some think that it is merely a façade hiding the men’s frustrations…which is partially true. Harupia can get annoyed, and through out the years has gathered a large amount of pet peeves. However, his calmness and cheerful spirit is part of him being raised in a somewhat noble setting, and partially because of his outlook on life.

Simply put, he tries his best to stay nice and positive, while seeking to vent any stress he might have when he is alone. Of course there are some way’s to try and push his nerves somewhat, from the most obvious such as hurting or offending someone from his family, through trying to downplay any initiative or idea he firmly believes in, to making fun of his work. Either way he is quite a patient man, but once his patience is pushed to its limit the results can be quite violate, like a bottle of pop you shake for to long.

That also ties with his general outlook on life. To put it short he firmly believes everyone should live life to its fullest, and he tries his best to do just that. There is hardly ever a moment he is not doing something. Be it a mission, him working on his own projects, perfecting his control over chakra, trying to improve his physical prowess, reading, listening to music, he feels a compulsion to be active. This also pushes him to try and do his best in the Shinobi way of life, trying to prove himself as a valuable member of the village. Seeing someone “wastes their time” or as he sometimes would say “potential” is also a bit of a nuisance for him, but it only drives him to try and motivate the person to work harder. This can lead to mixed results.

This lust for activity is mostly visible in his free time work, which mostly consists of him working on various pieces of art. Mostly involving his control over the abundant element of sand, statues, sculptures, figures, anything, even portraits. While he sometimes plays around with more traditional art he always leans back to the element he feels’s closest with. Though he himself lacks any real talent for music, he simply loves listening to it. Either way, he likes to be left in peace during working on his projects, but he is reasonable when the issue is somewhat important. And if not…well, there is still patience.

This appreciation of life seems’ to clash with the way of the Shinobi to most, and indeed it can be the case. While Harupia appreciates the Shinobi and martial arts for representing how humans can bend the energies of the world and their own selves to the height of their potential, he dislikes combat, especially taking away the life of another. Though he had grown to cope with the deed of taking someone life, it is always the last resort for him. The very thought of someone’s dead body is enough to case his stomach to churn, and taking the life of someone often forces him into seeking solitude from the outside world at least for a while. Granted, it is not the physical aspects of a wounded, bloody body, but rather the fact someone life has come to an abrupt end which causes him this distress.

There is one more trait to Harupia which is not as overt at first glance. He is a rather ambitious man. He knows he has shortcomings, but that only pushes him more towards working even harder. Whether it is a Shinobi mission or a piece of his art his working on, or even being locked in combat with someone, he aims to perform as well as he possibly could. Also, there is the overarching feeling of a lot of expectation being put on him, so he works even harder. Sometimes a bit too much, neglecting rest and whatnot. He is ambitious, hardworking, and will do his best to achieve his goals. Though how far he would be willing to go remains to be seen.[/spoilername]
Character History: [spoilername="History"]:
The dessert had been quite a cruel mistress to the natives of Suna…the hotness, the vastness, had made their life though, but it also made the people strong. And with the blessing of the Mother, and the guidance from the Sunahoshi, they could maybe not as much control it, but appease it enough to let them live in piece…but alas, the Sunahoshi had vanished, and the dessert had grown much more harsh. Even the closest relatives of the Sunahoshi, the Sunaku, were still for some reason outside the grace which The Mother of Sand bestowed upon the descendants of the First Men. Although they tried their hardest, none of the clansmen, even those with the most power and control over the sand, could not appease the dessert and stop the raging storm’s which ultimately drove Sunan’s underground.

The most skilled and powerful of the Sunaku of his generation, Shigeo, in spite of the failure to appease the dessert, would soon become the head of the clan as it was their tradition. And soon after and 5 years after the relocation of the village, he would have a son. Shigeo, being one of the most powerful and ambitious men of the clan didn’t take his failure to well. And as some father’s do, he would see his son as a way to redeem his own failures. So ever since he was little, his father pushed young Harupia to train. The first attempts started at the age of 5, but his mother managed to sway her husband from the idea. However, when he was 6, he was put into a life of hard work, his toy’s and fun replaced with mock weapons, exercise, spar’s, and trying to move around Sand.

Such a rapid shift from a relatively careless childhood did not go over well with Harupia. While he did try his best, he was a rather peaceful child, quite, polite, like a proper child of a noble family was expected to be. Still, when he had the chance to let lose he was full of energy and cheer, and also easy to lose focus on his task, especially if he didn’t enjoy it, like any other child Still, he wanted to make his father happy, so he was torn between trying to please him and his own inability and dislike towards the constant exercise, the big scary people telling him to smack his fists and legs into things, and causing them to lift sand without using his hands. This anxiety was weighing him down and making him perform poorly, which caused the growing irritation of his father. A cycle which could turn out rather badly.

However, as mentioned before, Harupia’s mother was alive and present in his life, a women name Kanade. A women who never showed much potential as a Shinobi or a proficient user of the Clan’s blood ability, but her beauty and kindness garnered her the affection of Shigeo. While the father was stern and demanding of Harupia, she was always there to try and make him feel better, keep his spirits high. But she was also wise enough to see that this rift between them grow wider and was quite worried about the father and son growing distant…but as she spent time with her young son, she noticed one of his favorite pass times was drawings. Especially after a particularly stressful day, she would come to his room and find the floor littered with various pictures, childlike at first, but as time went on he became more and more proficient. And then an idea came to her mind.

One time she when she and the young Harupia were spending time together, she showed him one of her favorite pastimes when she herself was a child, and using her Sunaku abilities to form a small statue, akin to an origami. And then she made another one from the same sand, to the awe of the young boy. As she urged him to try it himself, he managed to duplicate the shapes she showed him rather quickly. Seeing her child so happy, discovering his skills could be used for something more than just knocking things over as his father told him made her was just what she was looking for. She didn’t except just how far her little lesson would move through. The morning next day, she and Shigeo were summoned to the boy’s room, in which the boy himself was laying on the floor, clearly looking exhausted, as if he just passed out…and in the room was an almost life like statue of his mother, made entirely out of sand, slowly crumbling away, but otherwise it was the most impressive feat the young boy had ever managed to perform since he began training.

This was a turning point in the childhood of the young boy, as now he managed to find a true passion in the skills of his clan, working hard to improve them, his control over the Sand growing rapidly, both in terms of him creating statues or constructs of it, and in more combat terms. These results pleased his father, which caused him to relive how much he pushed the boy. He was still unhappy he wasn’t showing much interest in physical prowess, but the way his mastery of the Clan techniques grew was a good start. He could tolerate some of the antics if he grew into a strong shinobi. And thus father and son trained together, and as for Harupia, his passion for art, as well as his ambition to make himself better, at first to please his dad, but later on simply to be able to perform grater feats on his own, was born.

He joined the academy as most of the Shinobi at the age of 9, but he stayed there a bit longer then you average child, until the age of 15. While he was a keen student and his Ninjutsu and chakra based skills were more than sati factionary, he was lacking in physical ability, which caused him to fail his first Genin exam. The last two years were a time of focus on his body, both in Academy and at home, his father pushing him to do his best. This time though, it was a welcomed encouragement, as the boy managed to mature through the years. Along academy education he was taught within the clan hall’s to become a worthy member of the Sunaku clan, his mother saw to that. Lessons in proper etiquette, and also history, where he learned about the First Men, the blessing of his far cousins, and the void which was caused by the disappearance of the Sunahoshi, as well as the general tradition and lore of their clan, and the village in general as far as they knew. This fascinated him, and at the same time it helped his young mind understand what why his father had such high hopes and expectations for him. He was the son of the clan leader, but if he wanted be respected by the clan, he needed to earn it. And so he tried hard, in time growing to appreciate the Taijutsu as being as important of an aspect of a Shinobi’s life as Chakra and Ninjutsu, and also being as beautiful in execution. To him, being able to use you own body to spring into the air in a flurry of kicks and punches could be as exhilarating as him bending the sands to his will. And thus, he managed to shape himself to a respectful enough level that he passed the Genin exam at the age of 15.
Not losing much time after his promotion to Genin-hood, he threw himself into the fray of a Shinobi’s life, seeing that as the best way to improve on what he was lacking. During the next few years his character developed, the etiquette he gained from his younger years, the influence of his kind mother, and his general observation that a lot of people seemed to be frustrated by their lives and then they unload it on other people…all of this lead to creating his positive outlook on life…well, and the fact in general he was a nice person. Also, for the first time he felt like he had some more control over his own life. Granted, he loved and respected his family and father, but now he could make his own friends, earn his own funds, pass the time how he liked it, which usually was perfecting his craft of using sand. And in all hat he remained humble, trying not to let his somewhat noble linage get to his head, working his best to prove himself as his own man. Life was good for Harupia.

There was still one event that shaped Harupia into the men he is today. In retrospect it was simply another of his mission, he was 18 years old; it was his second month as a Chunin. A routine task, apprehending a bunch of black market merchants. Only that things went wrong somewhere along the line, with the criminals having backup of some unknown Shinobi as well, which culminated in a battle which left most of the merchants and two of his team member’s killed, with the rest heavily wounded, Including Harupia himself. Everything was a bloody, still mess. What struck him the most was the fact he himself had killed one of the foreign Shinobi as he reflexively defended from his attack. The sand he loved to use for creating and joy had pierced through another men, and he could see the life slowly fading in his eyes. A normal sight for a Shinobi, but this was the first time Harupia saw death in its true, gruesome manner. And he didn’t take it to well.

The next month he spent in seclusion, in the small apartment he was living in, spending his days either trying to fall asleep or work on some kind of picture, statue, anything. But whatever he did evoked the memories of the disfigured bodies, the lifeless eyes…he just couldn’t take the thought. It took his father practically bashing through the door of his house to get to him. And for the next 3 days, he and his father talked, not just like father and son, but like two men, two Shinobi. While berating his son for being so easy to panic, he understood the difficulty of taking a life, and how people take for granted the readiness of a Shinobi to take someone’s life. But that was how it was meant to be. He was a Shinobi, a Sunaku, one who would most likely lead the clan when he was gone.. He needed to do his best to help his village thrive, which also meant defeating its enemies. And not all of them would be put down by simply subduing them. It was a harsh, but in a way cleansing experience, as his father put it. He had met death face to face, and now he had to choose if he would grovel in fear, watching it consume everything and everyone he held dear, or try and fight back, try and make a difference as much as one could. And with that, Shigeo managed to bring back his son's resolve.

After that, Harupia returned to being an actively working Shinobi, and gradually reformed to his old, cheerful self. Throughout the next years, he would serve his country well, and work to improve himself as a Shinobi, both in body and spirit, in order to serve his country and try to bring his family the respect he believed they deserved. In the meantime he had managed to gain a reputation for his pieces of work, his sand sculpting and pictures quite a popular sale on the Sunan bazaar’s. He also was taking a more active role in the internal dealings of the clan, spending more time in the clan household, though still keeping his own house and workshop, getting himself known as a reasonable but determined man, and often being asked by his father to aid him with advice, clearly wanting to prepare him to take over the mantle of the leader of the Sunaku eventually. And for his dedicated and effective work as a Shinobi, he had gained quite a degree of respect, even in spite of his somewhat goofy disposition. He was in all sorts of missions, escorting, protection, combat oriented. He never faltered, and he always gave his best. He did look quite uncomfortable after a bloody fight, but besides wanting a quick wash it didn’t impair his abilities in an way. At least as far as his partners and superiors could see. What truly gained him recognition was a task where he, as the commanding chunin of a team, on a mission to track down a possible group of Shinobi trying to defect, escaping through a crack in the wall separating the city form the Diamond Maelstrom. As the reports shown, the group of five managed to trick the rest of the team and capture them, leaving only Harupia to fight them. In a turn of events not many really expected from the happy go lucky Shinobi, not only did he manage to defeat the Shinobi and subdue them without taking the life of any of them, but also venture into the Mealstorm, where one of the defectors ran of two with one of his team as a hostage, and bring them all back alive and with only moderate damage, shielding them with his sands while he took the backlash of the dunes himself. While he was hurt quite a bit, he managed to recover well. And after such a remarkable performance, He was granted the title of Jounin at the age of 23. 2 years after that Harupia could smile looking at his past, and hopefully look into what the future held. Spending time between missions and art work, though he had yet to prove his true mantle on a Jounin level missions. Still, he was ready willing and able if the need would come.[/spoilername]

* * * * *

Death thread: N/a Profile thread:N/a
Training thread:N/a
Dojo thread:N/a

* * * * *

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* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Old Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 248/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
New Stats (Earning me ranked status, and as Eiji counted 174 Capped points):
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Jutsu Swaps:
Sand Jutsu
Sand Stars (2 Mastery Points)
Sandstorm Veil (2 Mastery Points)
Cluster Attack (2 Mastery Points)
Desert Deflection (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Missile (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Clone (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Shower (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Coffin (2 Mastery Points)
Desert Tendril Unleash (2 Mastery Points)
Terror of the Dunes (2 Mastery Points)
Sand Tsunami (2 Mastery Points)
Desertification (2 Mastery Points)
Earth jutsu
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (2 Mastery Points)
Earth Flow Wave (2 Mastery Points)
Rock Golem (2 Mastery Points)
Earthen Coating (2 Mastery Points)
Bedrock Coffin (2 Mastery Points)
Weighted Rock Technique (2 Mastery Points)
Earth Spiker (2 Mastery Points)
Antlion Sinkhole (2 Mastery Points)
Fist of Gaia (2 Mastery Points)
Earthen Magnitude (2 Mastery Points)
Earthslide (2 Mastery Points)
Petrification (2 Mastery Points)
Wind Jutsu
Wind Slash (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Pressure Burst (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Whirlwind Spin (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Air Bullet (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Shredding Touch (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Wind Scythe (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Tempest (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Gale Force(Mastered Pre- Hack)
Wind Release (Mastered Pre- Hack)
None Elemental Jutsu
Transformation (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Bodyswitch (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Basic Summoning (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Combination Transformation (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Crystal Eye (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Cancel (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Contract Summoning (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Spirit Lantern (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Jutsu Sealing (2 Mastery Points)
Stunt Double (Mastered Pre- Hack)
One Element Sealing (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Elemental Negation
Elemental Clone (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Barrier (2 Mastery Points)
Energy Transfer
Leech Seal (2 Mastery Points)
Chakra Shield (2 Mastery Points)
Chakra Blast
Rasengan (2 Mastery Points)
Perfected Rasengan (2 Mastery Points)
Five Element Seal (Mastered Pre- Hack)
Morality Sealing (Mastered Pre- Hack)
* * * * *

Name of any Contract you currently own: None Sadly

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Nada

Name of Kinjutsu you own: Null (as in nothing)

That took longer then it should x.x Stats adjusted, 4 more jutsu masterd
Jutsu Sealing
Leech Seal
Chakra Shield

If anything else is wrong please let me know of course
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
