Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

My return [Contract Search]

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
How long had t been since the tragedy within the water country? Sairasu had lost count of days, weeks, and even months. Had it been years? He didn’t know. The new life he was living seemed to keep him busier than he had ever been before. For quite some time now, he has been protecting small traveling caravans at a mercenary. The people he met, the places he went, and the things he experienced only seemed to bring joy to his life. Of course, there were hard times, but the little things made everything better. Helping others, growing small crops, and experiences the world; was the tragedy of the water country that terrible? After all, he had filled his life with an excessive amount of experience and fond memories.

“What about my brethren?” Was a question he asked himself pretty often, but never really decided to look into. The last thing he knew was his kin and former village family had split into groups and headed to different countries. Some went to The Hidden Sand and others went to The Hidden Cloud. Maybe it was time for him to join them, and with the success of his recent mission he found himself scaling a mountain side within the lighting country. There was a blistering wind blowing with the force of a typhoon against his body, but he continued anyway. The fear of falling off the cliff, several hundred feet up didn’t phase him in the least bit.

Determined and somewhat arrogant, he continued on his marry little way. Truth be told, he didn’t have a single clue as to if he was going in the right direction, but at this point he really didn't even care. For a while now he had went wherever life had taken him. “My family’s gone, but perhaps my friends have survived. Maybe the strength of the hidden mist still survived on within their hearts”. Sairasu’s loyalty still belonged to his birth country and village, but for the time being he would lend it to another country and village. Should they betray him or his people, he would do the same to them. He would bring pain, mass destruction, and chaos to them. However, if they did the opposite, he would remain a faithful, loyal, and productive shinobi to their village and country for the rest of his life.

As he continued to walk against this fierce wind, he began to sing out loud. "My grandfather was a drinker, back in the day he put 'em down. But a war is known to change a man and the whiskey is known to change a man!" He continued, as loud and proud as he could be. This was a song he had learned some time ago, but he had forgotten the name of the artist. Regardless, for a young man with no history with music, he sand like a pro. Even with the wind continually getting stronger, and colder, with each step he took up this old beaten path, never once did he stop to take a break. The life of a mercenary was a harsh one, and the weather was nothing he cared for. The Santaru clan themselves could unleash hell onto him, and he would still stand tall. This mountain, this weather; it was nothing to him. Sairasu was relentless in his journey. Eventually, he would find the hidden cloud village.

[Wc: 500+ words] [Marked for Training]

[insect or Bear]


May 11, 2014
The region known as the Monumentum Deo was a formidable adversary, even for those born within it’s shadow. The further you ascended the more arduous it became, in places the wind actually strong enough to blow a man towards a crushing death and eroding the cold mountain side into a smooth, texture-less surface. Those who persevered would be rewarded with a scenic vista and a smooth downhill trek to Kumogakure, which sat nestled in the mountains themselves. Of course, this was no path for the faint of heart, most merchants and civilians preferring to take the lowland approach into Cloud, enjoying the last bit of warm weather they would find until departing the village once again. Those brave enough to face the cold mountain pass head on were rewarded with an objectively quicker approach to Kumo, but that was assuming they were not waylaid by some unforseen circumstance.

I think you see where I’m going with this.

Over the din of wind and rustling snow, the trained ears of the large shinobi could detect something faint, barely noticeable through the rush of air and ice. With a little patience however, it wouldn’t take long for the man to guess direction the noise was coming from, though just what was making such a distressing sound would be difficult to ascertain. Though it was hard to be certain, it seemed as though the noise was coming from above, the source without a doubt further up the sheer mountain wall. The question was, would the bear of a man take the time to investigate, already assailed by wind and cold? And if he did, just how would he ascend? At the base the wind was manageable, but above there was no cover from the relenting force.


Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Suddenly, he stopped; his ears had picked up the faint sound of distress rather it be words or movements. "Whats going on?" He thought, as he paused and waited. The loud road of the lighting countries blistering cold winds only seemed to cover this strange noise. "This weather is a tad bit annoying." He thought to himself, while he waited. Closing his eyes, he focused his attention to his surroundings. Sighing, he felt the affects of this weather against his bare chest. Pulling his jacket shut for the first time since entering this hell hole, he stopped himself from shivering. "I made a promise to help everyone I came across in my journey, so I can't ignore this." He thought, as he finally came to his sense and realized which direction these noises were coming from. Taking the lead, he quickly rushed to the aid or whoever it might be. The noises were coming from above. Taking the path before him, he continued head forward.

"Rama, this is the same sort of situation that brought us together. Since walking this peaceful path, I've met nothing but good people and found nothing but fond memories. Little brother, be with me here in spirt." He thought to himself, as he remembered his furry little friend and the rest of his new found brethren. As this broad figured shinobi walked this bitter path, he kept an eye out for anything odd.

Forming hand seals, he froze a portion of the cliff above him to create a barrier from the harsh winds. Climbing up beside it, he lowered his head and hurried.

[OOC: Fuu, don't make this easy on me. Give me your best because I want nothing less than that.][Wc: 250+] [Marked]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
The cold was biting, down to a man's very core. Breath condensed in the form of thick tufts of clouds. It seemed so much more than just the basic chill of the mountain top. So, what exactly was going on in this outer area of the country of Lightning? It was not one's typical to and fro of weather, but would someone truly clue into such a fact when they were unfamiliar with a land? It depended, really. As the cliff above was frozen over, Sairasu would find a temporary relief from the onslaught of winds that threatened to bring about frostbite and other such disfiguring issues. As the thrall of chakra touched the atmosphere, however, there seemed to be an immediate pick up in the wind of the area that caused the very foundations of the area to shake. More and more shards of ice and snow would begin to pick up in the air, but thankfully Sairasu had managed to shield himself from the bulk of the onslaught. As the man trudged his way up the mountain side, it could be noted that bits and pieces of the barrier that he created had began to crack and crumble under the force of the wind.

Whatever had been up at the very point of that mountain did not like the approaching feeling. Furthermore, it would give even more of a guttural sound of distress as Sairasu grew closer and closer. The wind would whip and bite at the barrier, and that seemed as though it was the very pinnacle of whatever was making these sounds was trying to get rid of. Who could blame a creature in distress, though? Surely not this man. After all, Sairasu was taking time to trudge through the frozen hell to help whatever it was out. Too bad the creature did not understand as much. As the large man pressured onwards, parts of the frozen barrier would begin to crack and fall, allowing more of the wind and sharp ice to attempt to gouge into the man's flesh. Oh dear. It seemed he would have to hurry, or the wind would soon be turned onto him next...

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
“Damn this wind.” He thought to himself, as he watched the wind pound against his barrier. “Before long, I could be pushed off the side of this mountain.” He thought. Looking against the side of the mountain, he quickly formed hand seals and sank into the side of the mountain with his Inner earth reflection lure (M) technique. ”This winds not gonna blow this mountain over.” He said to himself as he continued to follow the path he was once on, except now from within the mountain itself. What a simple fix to his situation, though it blew his mind as to why he hadn’t thought of it before. His Chakra alone sustained him within this mountain, and allowed him free movement throughout it.

[OOC: Thanks for taking it over!]



Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Ah, how the elements were a harsh mistress, no? Luckily, it seemed that we had a man who was smart enough to use his head to avoid the harsh winds. It was really a kudos to him. Almost like it came incredibly naturally to him to simply just slid beneath of the surface of the ground to continue his tread up the side of the mountain. One thing that he would notice as he continued climbing his way up the side of the mountain was a crashing sound. The very earth around him seemed to shake harshly as the sounds of broken ice would be the very end of what was going on here. At least, that was what it seemed to have been. Whatever the presence was seemed to be a better bit of upset due to the fact that it could still feel a presence approaching. It was hard when someone or something just didn't catch on, right? The presence was pissed off, so why did it have to endure these people continually attempting to approach it? It was true, though, the wind wouldn't be able to push the mountain over. There came another rushing sound from above. It seemed that there had been some kind of avalanche triggered by the manner by which the wind was blowing along with the crashing sounds of the ice below. Sairasu was safe within the confines of the mountain.

As the man continued to press on forward there in the mountain, he would feel something oddly sticky and wet. It seemed to have been coming from above. Would there be enough light for Sairasu to see what the substance was? More than likely not. It seemed at the time the only option was to pop up and see what was going on at the surface there.

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Moving forward, towards his destination, he continued on the same path he chose earlier. The winds and ice outside the mountain were so strong, he was practically forced to take refuge within the mountain. His heart felt nothing but sorrow for the poor soul trapped within this freak storm, rather or not it was accustom to it. Nothing should be forced to endure this type of hell, though it was still less than what he endured within the water country on that fateful day. Before breaching the surface, he stopped the thought to himself. “Considering the wind speed, the frost, and whatever this creature may be, I need to be careful. Jumping up out of no where could cost me my life, so I definitely need to be careful.” He thought, as he prepared to body switch with any incoming danger.

”One….Two….Three!” He said to himself, as he broke through the surface. What awaited him, he had no clue, but he was prepared. The Basic, among basic, techniques known as the Body Switch Jutsu would protect him from at least one danger that presented itself. Would there be more? Probably, but he was prepared as well. Anything that threatened his life, regardless of the type of injury he could sustain, he could heal it. Limbs, organs, blood; everything could be regenerated with his greatest Medical Ninjutsu ‘Healing Wish’. A jutsu he spent years developing, and one that he had yet to reveal to the world. Sairasu was a talented Ninja, and this healing technique was all that he needed to show the world his truth, but today it might be used to save his life.

[Wc: 275] [Marked]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Ingenius as the idea was, it did not stop the man known as Sairasu from becoming stained with blood and other such fun things that trickled down and into the ground. The amount of blood was staggering, enough to make any man flinch in a manner by which was not to the status quo. Even from beneath the ground, Sairasu would be able to hear the roars of agony. They were laced with something that meant so much more than bleeding or pain. No, it was something that reeked of loneliness and despair. Eerily haunted is a good way to explain it. Soon there after, the man would take it upon himself to pop up from beneath of the soil. Now standing up on the ground, Sairasu would be able to see a very strange sight. A bear would sit in the eye of the raging winter storm, standing overtop of another brown and furry body that looked worse for wear. The body was shaking, bleeding, and there were a few different weapons that stuck out from the bear's body that dug incredibly deep into the flesh. Admittedly, the future was not looking like an option for the bear that lay there on the floor. As soon as Sairasu would pop up, though, there seemed to be a moment of silence in the roaring that echoed through the very mountains of the outerlands of Cloud. Then, angry and wild eyes would soon lock onto the man who made his appearance. A growl would echo through the silent air between them, and then the brown fur clad creature would make a very sudden and mad dash towards Sairasu.

With an angry bear charging at you in attempts to cleave your face off, what would Sairasu do? The tromping of the animal's feet against the ground was like thunder as they crashed into the ground and it would become very apparent that this was no ordinary bear. He was much bigger than the one that lay on the ground, and it seemed that the blistering cold followed him like a cloud. The wind would carry the sharp ice that flowed in the air in the direction of the man in attempts to cut through the clothing he wore to slice open his flesh. Apparently it was blood for blood, and right now he was covered in blood that he should not have been. Yikes.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
