Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mysterious Missing-nin Mayhem[M-S-Mission]

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
By the orange light of early evening, Yuii had answered the summons of the Kagetsu Clan head. The meeting with Kogami, Ayumu along with the newly appointed Medical and ANBU sennin had happened earlier that morning and Yuii still felt emotionally drained by it. Perhaps it had been the way Ayumu callously toyed with them, or the way Junko had taken her by surprise but Yuii had found her good humour stretched thin. Then there had been her follow-up meeting with Ayumu and Sunuke, hours of tutelage from her small army of staff and the quiet despair it all caused. She arrived feeling less capable of filling the shoes of sennin then ever before.

In poor humour, Yuii was forced to sit in front of the small council of Kagetsu elders while they explained their reasoning for her succession to Main branch Sennin. It was as she had guessed; the clan had been tailing her since her return and had found out about her little nephew Haru's arrival. He was a weakness Yuii had known the clan would use but not in such a callous way. They would destroy his career in the shinobi village before it even began no punish Yuii if she did anything outside the carefully outlined expectations and rules they presented her. The clan had learned from their mistakes with the last Kagetsu they'd left unchained in a leadership position in Cloud, and they would not repeat them.

Appearance and demeanor were heavily stressed in her new rules. Yuii was encouraged to make friends with the people they told her to, and undermine the rest. She was to not be overtly biased, but should a good mission come between Kagetsu and another shinobi she was to always favour her clan. She had to always look the part of her new rank, never offend anyone, and most of all make her family look good. The village and Raikage came first, to say otherwise would be treason, but her clan was an unquestioned third.

Under that duress, she was forced to recount the events of her first Sennin meeting. What had been a silly prank twisted into a terrible joke that put Yuii as the punchline when told to Kagetsu. Marry her? To the Santaru clan head? Ha. Yuii knew her raikage had meant it as a lighthearted prank, but right then she had cursed his name.

When they finished, the blue haired lady had been ready to escape to her tiny, homely apartment to lick her emotional wounds, but the clan head had other plans for her.

So now, exhausted, downtrodden, and defeated she sat before the only person who terrified her. Kagetsu Ishiyo, illustrious head of the Kagetsu clan sat reclined in lush embroidered cushions, her resplendent traditional robes enshrouding her gaunt, elderly frame. Ishiyo had never had the blessing of great beauty like her elder sister Kiyo and at nearly seventy, her face as a map of lines that told a tale of her difficult life. Her long, grey hair had retained none the charcoal colour it had been in her youth and her green eyes while still a brilliant hue was dulled by her age-creased eyelids. A great effort had been made at covering her various age spots and moles with cosmetics and eye-catching clothing which was a testament to Ishiyo's own vanity. Yuii had witnessed the arrogant matriarch change her entire image to that of a humble, modest grandmother when the situation called for it but this was her natural form.

Time nor age had done nothing to dull Ishiyo's mind, nor had it curbed her predisposition for manipulation and intrigue. Unlike her privileged sister, the younger sister of Kagetsu Kiyo had fought and schemed her way to becoming the head of their clan; using her sheer force of personality in tandem with carefully orchestrated blackmail to get her way. Her life was a string of untraceable disappearances, coercion, and bribery that kept her once all-powerful clan firmly embedded as a pillar of power within the village. She demanded nothing less than perfection from her family and dealt heavy punishment for any who could not meet her high expectations.

Yuii should know.

A breeze touched the red leafed ancient maples that had been retrieved from the mountains of Marsh decades before to be grown and guided to create a protective awning in the clan head's garden. It seemed to Yuii as if the quiet rustling of the leaves was a roar in the silence of the moment. A beautifully crafted GO board sat between them, the first dozen pieces laid in their match. Ishiyo enjoyed playing games during their meetings; it had once been a way to confound and distract Yuii's younger self but now it had become a ritual that Yuii was obligated to lose.

The younger Kagetsu's knees already ached from kneeling on the one thin mat given to her in opposition to Ishiyo's comfortable arrangement. Antsy to leave, she was beginning to wonder about the point of their meeting was beside the pointless board game, when the elder finally spoke. "I want you to get to know them." she purred, her voice smooth like silk despite her age, "The Santaru one in particular. If he would marry 'you', then the clan must be desperate. It is an opportunity." The Kagestu senior sneered with contempt as she spoke their rival clan's name laid her black coloured piece.

The white coloured stone in Yuii's hand fell and rolled to the edge of the board with a pleasant clink as her mind stumbled and she lost her grip. She scrambled to retrieve and set it, unconcerned with her placement. Ishiyo would win, she always won, so there was no point in trying. "Santaru, Yoshi? I already refused, Obasan." She answered, her ears burning with shame as she pretended to scan the lined board. The earlier exchange was still freshly burned into her memory, but worse had been her earlier report on the meeting. The scornful smile on her Aunt's face would give her nightmares for weeks.

The clan head gave a derisive laugh and played her move, setting off the fourth line in an aggressive move that would play out in her favour. "You? Ancestors no. I wouldn't marry you to a flea-ridden Inuzuka, little Kusogaki. No one should be so insulted. One of the others; Ami or Ina perhaps? Maybe Mai, if he likes your sort. I'm sure to have the right girl." Ishiyo chuckles to herself, pleased with her joke at her niece's expense, "The other one too, Tsuyoshi yes? New clan but they may be worth my time. Even Kogami is unma-"

The reaction Ayumu's name caused was abrupt. Yuii surged to her feet, brandishing her Go stone like a weapon in the face of the fearsome woman "Not Ay- Kogami, I won't!" As far as Yuii could tell, Ayumu was as ignorant to clan politics as a shelter puppy. She would not let their leader get sucked into Ishiyo's meddling or a loveless union if the Kagetsu matriarch got her way.

"Sit down!" The last of the evening light faded behind the false horizon and the garden lanterns sputtered to life. The orange light cast and ugly glow across her great aunt's face that made her reminiscent of an ogre kabuki mask. Yuii hesitated, familiar fear crawling up her spine and gripping her chest. One word from Ishiyo was all it took. "I was unaware you had a choice." Ishiyo hissed, her voice carrying the cadence one used to warn a small child.

No, she had no choice, but she stood her ground anyways. Her outburst seemed to have surprised her great aunt, so it bought her a moment to collect her thoughts and create an argument. Yuii knew Ayumu, knew he really loved his son and woman who had carried him. The idea of trying to strong arm Ayumu into a loveless union was beyond sickening. She could not fathom how she was going to do the same to the two bachelors Sennin, let alone him. "They have a child together. She isn't dead. I will not upset him." Yuii insisted, making no move to sit, "I. will. not."

"With your tactlessness, you would achieve just that." The grey haired materfamilias conceded, her mouth forming a thin line as she repressed her anger. Ishiyo had ordered her beaten for less as a child, but steadfastly Yuii reminded herself that she was a Jounin, no, Sennin now and an attack on her person without provocation would not go unnoticed. "Sit, Make your move." she was ordered, and primly Yuii obeyed though she hated herself for it.

Silence descended on both of them as both took a moment to control their emotions. Yuii knew Ishiyo and her temper; someone would take the fall for her insolence today. It irked her that she could not protect whatever innocent had become her elder's new punching bag. That had been Yuii once; small, clumsy and easy to blame. Did the new whipping boy get switched for pouring tea wrong or breathing too loudly too, she wondered, or had that just been her.

"I'm not a matchmaker, Obasan. Isn't there someone else with the proper tact to do this for you?" Yuii muttered, breaking the silence. She knew the answer, but for her own conscience, she needed to argue. She had to know she'd done everything she could before their trump card was pulled and the choice was removed.

She set her next stone but knew it gave her no advantage

"You are in the best position to glean the information I require." Ishiyo snapped, setting her next piece with a definitely snap. The old woman was clearly displeased with Yuii's attitude and lack of deference.

Oh, and Yuii hadn't noticed before but that piece, it left two of her groups of stones as dead. She had to choose which to save within two moves. Ishiyo betrayed nothing by her placid stare, but she must know she had the advantage. Oh, but maybe if she distracted her with a different move?

"And how am I supposed to be taken seriously as Sennin if I'm spending time asking questions like 'What is your ideal wife?'" The question, she hoped, was an important one. She could not jeopardize her working relationship with her fellow Sennin this early on, or ever as far as she wanted, and that feeling was aligned with the requirements of the clan.

She asked while placing in an entirely different area of the board. Much to her frustration, Ishiyo did not take the bait and positioned herself for the kill. Yuii bit her lip in frustration and fixed her aunt with her best 'non-insolent' stare.

Ishiyo snorted, still not amused or placated "Nothing so crass or obvious, stupid girl. If that is the best you can manage Raiden help us all this village is doomed." Yuii's next move, like her question, did nothing to distract the clan head, and the next stone sealed the fate of her first

"I don't like it." she breathed, moving in an attempt to save her second group but floundering for a solution.

"I don't care what you like. This is not a debate, or have you forgotten. How difficult is it to get to know two men? Iwoto led me to believe you had a shred of capability, should we have chosen someone else?" Yuii bit back her immediate answer, which was 'yes'. Yes they should have picked someone else, yes she was awful at manipulation and coercion, yes she hadn't forgotten. She had taken missions that let her face people and speak to them as honestly as she was allowed because she hated the alternatives. She could manage with civilians if she had to though, but with someone as highly trained as Yoshi she was doomed.

But Ishiyo wasn't going to take the relative skill of the other Sennin into account. Yuii's silence pleased her and she continued speaking with a satisfied grimace. "The Santaru one will see our meddling as a gift; unlikely his own family has thought to ask him what he likes. I was not asked, you will never be. That's the way of things." The clan head-set her next piece, taking a large portion of Yuii's stones. The elder scowled over Yuii's next move, one that threw the game.

Yuii ducked her head and turned a shame induced crimson. It wasn't that she felt a desire to be married off, but having the option taken from her stung along with all the others removed from her. As someone who strived to be free, her life was becoming the opposite. "I don't want to be, anyways," Yuii muttered under her breath, which received an amused scoff.

"Nor will you be. The Santaru, however; must be as he is clan head. It is surprising they would nominate their leader for Sennin and not someone more expendable as we did. They are going about things in the wrong order." Ishiyo shook her head and set her last piece. The disappoint on her face was easy for anyone to read and Yuii was quietly pleased to have robbed her aunt of an earned victory. No one liked having a game thrown in their favour. "That is the match, you have lost. Do better next time, if you're even capable of it."

"A stunning victory as always, Obasan." Yuii returned, bowing deeply to her aunt. She waited, forehead pressed into the mat, and realized her arguments had been subverted. Too late now; the end of the game always marked the end of their meetings.

"Kusogaki. I want a progress report before next month. Get what I want; I don't care how you do it. Better they don't know." Yuii raised her head enough to nod, replying with a muffled 'yes Ma'am'. She could only imagine the disgust on her aunt's face now, but she had no doubt it was there. "Leave, you exhaust me." she snapped, and Yuii raced to obey.

What a day.


Over the weeks, Ishiyo's 'request' remained in the back of her mind, but the opportunity to gather what her clan head wished never arose. They were all far too busy learning their new titles to spend time together, even for a drink. Two months in and Yuii had practically forgotten all about it except for the infrequent waspish reminders. She decided she was quite content to avoid them altogether if she could. It wasn't hard really, there actually was very little the branches needed to interact for that couldn't be done by a lackey.

The energetic woman threw herself into learning her work. It was complicated and not at all what she'd ever expected to be doing.. As a sennin, Yuii needed to know the codes for everything, read back on decades worth of political information, become aware of the current situation in parts of the country she hadn't even heard of; all just to be able to read even the most simple mission requests. She could not mark a mission as D-rank that requested help with crop removal when the area that sent the request was known for civil discord and general dislike for shinobi for instance. It would be on her head if one of their shinobi were lost needlessly to someone else's cause.

Luckily as Ayumu had predicted she was managing if only because of a veritable army of help from her Branch. The disappointed frowns were becoming rarer each day as she learned. By her clan's dictation, she tried hard to look the part of her rank. She didn't like it but her branch seemed much more comfortable when she appeared and acted as expected. It made her happy that people were happy with her, so she continued to try.

Which brought her to today. It had taken some time but the young woman had managed to make her office what she would consider a livable space but by none of her own skill. She had absorbed none of her Aunt Kiyo's taste for art, nor her caretaker's love of plants and books but she was practical. A week later everything was streamlined and colour coordinated with a nod to the old gothic architecture that dominated Kumogakure but was lacking in the new legation.

Yuii's only imprint of character was a corner nest of rainbow pillows and a fold out lap table which she lounged amongst now while doing her daily allotment of reports. Her tiger companion curled around her back, happily lending her warmth to the always chilled Sennin.

As Junko had predicted, her arm hurt from all the paperwork, but she tried not to let it get to her.

If she thought of them like stories the work went faster, and so Yuii found herself drawn into the haze Read, stamp, sign. Oh, the genin in this mission had managed to take down three criminals? Read, stamp, sign. She wanted to be reimbursed for what? No, no way did anyone need to be backwashing expensive wine. Read, stamp, sign. A strange confrontation in a factory that had been sabotaged? How exciting. Read, stamp, sign. Six passport requests for a mission in the north? Easily done. Read, stamp, sign. A small town requesting aide after being attacked by a number of unaffiliated shinobi in the last few month-


This was Sunuke's village Kamirai no mura and one of Yuii's past jurisdictions.

"Megumi, when was this sent in!?" Yuii yelled, forgetting the inconvenient intercom all the way on her desk. She paused, listened, then crawled across her office to smash the button and repeat herself. Megumi raced in a second later, scarlet-faced and worried.

"I'm so sorry about that!" Megumi gushed, hiding behind her ever-present clipboard, "How can I help?"

Yuii crawled up into her desk chair and held the mission request form out for her secretary. "When was this sent in?" she asked, face etched with concern. Yuii wasn't smiling; Yuii never stopped smiling.

"T-top of the paper, Sennin-sama, there's a date," Megumi answered, crossing the room to point out the date to Yuii. The blue eyed woman winced, feeling like an idiot now, but recovered. "That arrived today and thought you would want to see that before it was sent to ANBU. Missing-nins are their jurisdiction." The green haired woman explained, peering over her glasses anxiously.

"You were right. Thank-you," she answered, tapping her fingers against the wood of her desk while her mind raced. This wasn't the first attack on the tiny, remote village by missing-nin. Sunuke had told her a story of a man riding a toad who had also tried to invade. There could be other instances too that she didn't know about; but it begged the question: what was so important in Kamirai no Mura that it was being attacked so often. By her recollection, the little town had no tactical advantage, nor did it have any great resources. Just a tiny ancient shrine and perhaps one hundred and fifty people in residence who happily ignored the passing of the world.

"Arrange train passage to the north-east and a caravan of supplies to follow in a week's time as a relief effort. We can bill their Daimyo for most of the costs; he is a good-hearted sort. I'll contact you with the mission rank for an escort of the items." Yuii ordered, internally surprised by how quickly she gave orders now.

"Wait, what? But shouldn't ANBU do this?" Megumi squeaked, making note of Yuii's requests dutifully despite her misgivings.

The blue haired sennin shook her head no and dug out a set of forms from her desk. One to transfer her branch into Ayumu's immediate care for a couple days, one to outline the reason for her absence and a third to request the things she needed. In neat lettering, she wrote only the minimum on each and signed them before passing them off to her bespeckled companion. "They won't trust an ANBU but they know me," she explained.

"B-but- it's just a small town. Surely and ANBU could go?" the little secretary protested weakly, already aware after weeks of working together that Yuii could be headstrong but she could be bent by reason.

With a reassuring smile, she gathered a few items from her desk and filed them away in a shoulder bag. The delicious knowledge that she would be on the road soon did not cloud her reasoning but the anticipation was sweet. "Trust me; can you alert them I need supplies for, hm, two. Have it sent ahead to the train. We'll discuss naming a second in command when I return so we are not in this situation again." Yuii answered, already halfway out the door. She looked happy, almost too happy.

As she raced to pack her own things, Yuii considered her next move. ANBU wouldn't know how serious an attack on such a little village was. They wouldn't know this was at least the second such attack in the last year. They would not know that her friend revoking residency in the small town had apparently gone noticed by the wrong circles. She had to interject so the would not send the wrong unit.

Because Kamirai no Mura was different. She had always known it was special. There was something there needing protecting.

Amidst a mess of her possessions, Yuii sighed to herself and fumbled with her headset. Her fingers ran over the smooth metal, traced the contours of the ear piece and settled awkwardly on the call button. The sennin sat on the precipice of a decision, one that she bitterly regretted needing to make, and the leap made her stomach twist. She DID need an ANBU for this. Missing-nin attacking any place was their immediate jurisdiction but Yuii could and would not be left out. So the Main Branch Sennin needed someone she could trust, or at least coerce into agreeing with her. The trouble with ANBU was they kept themselves all wrapped up in their masks and cloaks. The only person she could name was the ANBU Sennin in training himself.

"Raiden, help us all," the grinning woman muttered, hitting the button. Was she really going to do this? "Kagetsu Yuii here, I need Santaru Yoshi for an immediate mission. It isn't an emergency, but I need his help with a delicate matter. Tell him to meet me at the train two hours from now and to be prepared for a three-day mission in the north-east mountains and to expect combat." There was no way he'd come along was there? Maybe? He was probably too busy, but that would get across the severity of the mission. She could try though and at worst they would send an ANBU without the skills she needed.

She would have to deal with Ishiyo's request now. What a nuisance.

Having packed and prepared quickly to avoid any obstructions to her leaving, Yuii arrived at the train station well before expected. So after arranging for seats she bought herself some doughnuts, a cup of tea and found herself a small stone bench island for herself amidst the ocean-like bustling crowd. Pack at her side and mission dossier in her lap she enjoyed passing time eating her sweets and people watching. She found comfort that very few people paid her any attention back.

It was beginning to get cold in the northern country of Lightning. Yuii could feel the chill of the day through her wool leggings and nose. She had dressed practically for the travel with her fur-lined jacket, boots, scarf, and hat but the well-travelled woman always seemed to be cold regardless of preparation. Lucky for her the first half of the trip could be done by train, which rolled in with a hiss of steam and clamor of steel.

As she watched the chaos of unloading freight and passengers it suddenly occurred to Yuii that no one may show up. It could have an insult to demand any ANBU's time so suddenly and without explanation.

"Oh no," She muttered as the train cleared and people waiting to board began to push forward. Should she double check? Should she go ahead? The mission had to go on, didn't it?

(TL;DR we goin' on a mission, woo woo. Don't be bothered with the spoiler stuff if you don't have time. It's all garbage fluffy I needed to put somewhere. Suppose this is starting as more of a Free-RP to start, but I'll get to the actual modding when we get there.)


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Settling down, into his office was difficult at first. Having been secluded within his mansion the majority of the past decade, none of the other ANBU had even given him the light of day, not recognizing him or acknowledging his presence. It was almost as if there was something entirely different going on, which Yoshi had no perception of witnessing, some test or mission he had yet to undertake to get some actual respect within the order.
He feared that Ayumu had thrown him to the wolves, like he expected him to fail miserably, perhaps even give up on ever returning to the ranks of Shinobi. A dreadful thought indeed, especially for the leader of one of the great clans of the village.

While the gates to his home remained locked to all outsiders still, he found it weirdly frustrating every hour he spent at the Sileo, especially seeing as he had yet to actually have a talk with Kouin whom had been absent and/or never committed to an audience as of yet.

A restless sensation urged upon him one morning, as he was looking over books on protocols throughout the years to learn on the different strengths and weaknesses of different techniques in communications protocols the ANBU Branch had used and is still using, he heard a knock on the door.

A small boy, assistant to Yoshi by the name of Junji. Not older than twelve years. A strangely enough communication’s expert and one of the only people in the entire branch that actually respected Yoshi came in, and reported a message from the Main Branch Sennin, Kagetsu Yuii, Junji held out a thin and narrow piece of paper with notes written on it which he read off-of.
"She says to meet her in two hours at the train station, prepare for three-day mission, at north-east Mountains, and to expect the potential of combat scenarios."
Yoshi had held his breath as Junji spoke, and breathed out heavily in a sigh as the message had been delivered.
"Sounds good, I could use the break from studying, make the preparations Junji, I’ll begin packing" After bowing, Junji walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.

Yoshi began packing a few of his belongings, ensuring he had the necessities. He head yet to make or get a mask of his own, identifying him as a proper ANBU, but there were blank slate ones he could bring easily. Unfortunately for any in the knowhow would recognize it as an AiT mask. Either way, he packed food from the kitchens, and clothing from the barracks, and utilizing it in unison with his own usual style, giving it a bit of a twist. Alas, he wouldn’t reveal it, as he put on the clothing and pieces of armor beneath his regular attire to make his rank and position at least hidden to the public eye.

Remembering he was to travel to the colder and more northern villages, he made his way to his home, and found the proper attire for warmer climates, boots, heavy scarf, tight and fine leather gloves, and a heavy long fur coat. All packed up into a large rucksack which he took upon his own back, instead of relying on the support of servants, as he had insisted countless other times.

Approaching the train yards, he remembered, he hadn’t actually used the trains at all yet. He had usually travelled with an entourage to visit the capital, and to see the lands and villages their clan owned. He didn’t care much for it, as all he wanted at those times, was to be out on a mission with fellow Shinobi. It was one of the few things he enjoyed above all else as a Shinobi, which was the traveling tied to the work, seeing strange buildings, unique architecture, and fighting glorious battles against Raiden-knows-where with who-knows-what purpose. All of these things providing great inspiration for his writings, but also providing good experience, training, and sharpening his mind further.

Following protocol, he walked by the walls of the train station, trying to spot for Yuii, but couldn’t see her. Perhaps she would be seated? He smiled as he saw a train push into the station, he had a feeling that might be the one they were to take.

He scanned across the building’s interior again, analyzing the placement of people, he was looking for someone seeming stressed or concerned. Maybe he was late, or maybe an entire group was with her. He had no idea. He couldn’t immediately see her.
And decided to simply walk towards the train, through the crowd, shuffling people aside as they were making their way outwards.
He came next to a small bench, where his eyes scanned, and there she was. Sitting all alone, wearing clothes already prepped for the journey ahead, fur-lined clothes all the way.

Yoshi came up dressed in a bright red cloak resting upon his white undershirt and dark tight clothing with light armor pieces across the chest, shoulder and lower arms, hidden away. Holding a larger rucksack across his shoulder with his right hand.

His golden hair seemingly in the way of his eyes a little bit, he blew it aside with a quick huffle and leaned on the back of the bench, keeping his face mere inches away from hers, awaiting her to turn towards him. And then, with a smile and a grin he commented towards her
"Hey, seems like you’re waiting for someone. Would that happen to be me?" In the most Adonis-fashion he could ever conceive.

"Ready to go?" He jerked his head towards the train.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The little hair fibres on Yuii's scarf straightened and she felt the skin oh her arm pebble. Despite that, she still jumped at Yoshi's sudden appearance. "Oh!" She laughed, momentarily entranced by his face, "I was starting to worry!" It was a relief he'd showed up and was on time, though she couldn't quell the nervous fluttering in her chest. There would have good company now, she assured herself, instead of some dour, masked ANBU.

Hurridly, She hopped up from her seat, brushed from the doughnut crumbs on the front of her jacket and nodded her agreement. With the dossier tucked under one arm and her backpack shouldered on the other, Yuii lead the way to the passenger car furthest to the back. They didn't necessarily need to be segregated from the civilians in the rest of the train but this railcar was the best bet to privacy and was more or less officially dedicated to shinobi. "I'm sorry about the short notice. I hope it wasn't too much trouble?" she asked, queuing up behind a trio of excited genin with their mission leader, a sombre pair of chuunin and couple statue-like ANBU. She couldn't recall where any of them were travelling to, but she was certain to read about it later. She felt terrible for knowing none of their names too, especially when half the main branch ninja recognised her and nodded.

Yuii fished their tickets from her jacket pocket and held them out to be checked. The ticket inspector did a double take but took them. "Oh, you! Boss said next time that beast of yours puts claw marks in the seat we're sending you a bill. Better keep her in that scroll." he warned, handing back. Yuii chuckled sheepishly, remembered her last trip and the awful mess Oniyuri had made. She had actually had an entire compartment to herself and anticipating it might be awhile until she left the village again she'd let her striped friend out to enjoy the ride. That had turned out to be a damaging mistake. "Fine, but she was doing you a favour catching that mouse!" Yuii answered, passing the second ripped stub off to Yoshi then scampering into the sunny metal and wood carriage.

Tracing her fingers along the windows, she led him to the only compartment left unoccupied and slid the door open. "Gorgeous blondes first," she chirped, giving a playful bow.

Once they were both inside she locked them in and with a snap, she drew the thin curtain across the single window looking in from the hall. Inside was enough plush, garishly upholstered in green, seating for six with a well-polished table between them. Some kind soul had turned the heating on, and Yuii felt her face flush from the sudden change in temperature. She tossed her bag onto a metal luggage rack above, shed her outer layer of clothing then stretched out along her side of the seats.

"We're going to Kamirai, it's this little village in the eastern mountains." she explained flipping through the booklet she'd been carrying, "It's tiny. Maybe a few hundred people altogether? Last Census was 263 but I'm pretty sure I saw more faces than that around. Most people don't even know it exists and only the more official maps even bother marking it down. Ah, here it is." Yuii held the map page open, her pointer finger hovering over the tiny text of the village name. They were at least four hours away from the stop nearest there and then it would be a lengthy climb through the mountains. "Don't worry, I know a shortcut. We should get there by midnight latest."

She pulled the book back and held it possessively against her chest.

"They were attacked sometime in the last few days by unmarked shinobi assumed to be missing-nin. They sent a request for help, which I must stress is very odd given their propensity for self-reliance. This isn't the first attack, for instance, but it's the first they've officially reported." If it wasn't for Sunuke's bragging about dealing with a missing-nin Yuii wouldn't even have known they had been targetted so recently. Otherwise, she'd always sort of known there were odd things happening in the little village. Buildings burned down and walls sustained damaged much more often than a normal place. Only Sunuke had been willing to half-admit they had troubles. "That's why I'm coming along. This was one of the villages I used to look after so there isn't much on record that wasn't written by me. It took me nearly three years before they would even speak to me and I doubt most of them have even seen an ANBU. No offence but those masks don't exactly embolden one to small talk, so I have a feeling one look at anyone your branch sent and they would have clammed up. I'm not even certain they'll be open to talking to me still." They might be a bit angry she stole away Sunuke after all.

The train lurched into motion and Yuii felt a bit of the tension she had grown accustomed to leaving her neck. She loved Kumogakure but much of that affection could be felt from afar,"I couldn't dig up any information on who their attackers were. Their short request didn't give much information but I know the last attack was carried out by a shinobi with giant toads and it would be a safe assumption that they were involved again. Megumi, my secretary, is looking up any references to the guy but a cursory look hasn't brought anything up. He probably isn't a Kumogakure shinobi. I think that is everything. I think ultimately our goal is to deal with the people who attacked them, but I'd also like to find out why it keeps happening. I think thats all of the boring parts. Any questions?"


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
After her laugh and a relieved look came upon her and saying she was getting worried, he calmly retortet "I never dissappoint!" with a self ascerting grin.
She queried, as they approached the train car if it was trouble to join her which he promptly replied to with "Oh no, I needed to get out of there either way, and there's no better excuse than to do an interesting mission with a beautiful maid."
An eyebrow raised as the conductor commented on her presence. Something about a beast within a scroll, but decided to not inquire about it. Following along the train behind Yuii, they ended up at an empty compartment. Perfect for privacy worthy of their positions. He thought to himself.
Her comment on gorgous blonds made him smirk and bow, before he entered the compartment first and sat down at the couches in the side of the room after placing his rucksack in the compartment above. The heating didn't bother him much, his tight fit anbu clothes and extravagent outer layer had perfectly reasonable breathing space and simply opening the outer layer a bit or tightening it regulated him fairly decently.

Yuii began describing the mission, which Yoshi listenend intently on and took mental notes of the details described. nodding affirmatively as she proclaimed they would arrive around midnight.
"Perfectly reasonable, I'd say. And I may not be a full fledged ANBU, not yet at least, but you can trust me regarding this endevour. At the very least. With both of us, I would assume this is about the most famous visit they would ever receive" He couldn't help but consider out loud.
"Two Sennin, deigning them a visit for a request for assistance, they should be honored of the attention to support you deign them."

"I think my only concern is if there are any nobles within the village? And if so, which ones, and would we need to concerned with appearances except for simply being shinobi and being there to help?"

Yoshi looked out of the thin curtain as Yuii answered his query and saw as the train properly left the terminal and began the downhill ride across the side of the mountain Kumogakure lay upon. If there was any time to be excited to leave the village, this would be the time.
He could hear the thump of the train tracks as the train rode across it, as well as the laughing and joking of the genin further down the corridor within the railcar.

He turned and looked upon Yuii, with a warm smile stricken upon his face. "Whatever happens Yuii, I understand you have some personal ties to the village, know that I'm here to help, and I'll do my best. I trust that you are aware what my presence and lack thereof means for my clan especially in missions such as these. I'm not saying it like some overruling monarch or great lord deigns his visit upon the common-folk, but more in the sense that honor is a big part of what I am and what I represent."
He paused for a breath as he reached up and pulled out a small board from his rucksack, with an attached small pouch and pen. Setting the pouch aside he took the pen and began to draw a single line upon the paper. Then looked up at Yuii again.
"I'm here for you, not them, not the village, but you." Then turning his attention back to the paper on he board and began to sketch further, quickly moving his eyes to her, then the paper, and then her again, again and again. While he was drawing he would, with confidence say "If we are to successfully lead the village branches properly and with the right tools, we need solid teamwork and good companionship to lead by proper example."
He paused and then went back to sketching again for the duration of the trip.

While able to answer questions during the journey, his attention would mostly be on the board he held in front of him.
Occasionally he would take a small water pouch, take the content of the other pouch attached to the board, and reveal the contents to be pens and ink, which he would utilize for the sketch he was working on.

[If yuii were to try and sneak a peak, Yoshi wouldn't allow and it would either turn the board away from her, or simply lower it further down if she were to look around or stand up to try and see.]

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yuii leant back in her seat and tugged at one of her blue locks of hair thoughtfully. "There are, but their title is pretty minor. A connection by name mostly," She wondered if Yoshi had ever experienced a small village before. Kamirai was the sort of place that operated on a hierarchy divorced from the rest of the country. It was a merit and skill-based system that was not unlike shinobi rankings. Yuii had always liked that about them.

She stood and tucked her notebook carefully into her bag above."I don't think you need to worry about appearances, so conduct yourself however you like. Shinobi are shinobi for them," she hummed, sitting back down twisting her hair through her fingers again, "I had to explain the difference between Chuunin and Jounin when I became one for instance. I don't think they care. I'll warn you; their priestess and blacksmith, amongst a few elders, are easily the most respected there. Their request for help is an emergency, but I assume they will listen to them before us if there is a conflict of opinions."

As she mused, the train left the last signs of civilisation behind, giving way to steep mountains and dark spruce trees in a bed of mist. Yuii peered out, rapt with the scenery and delighted to be away from the village. Excluding the possible dire circumstances ahead, she couldn't help but be excited. She had not put in a lifetime of training to be couped up in an office signing off on expenses with no fun. Yuii would decidedly need to find a second in command so that she could indulge her love of travel more.

She turned to say she loved this part of the trip and to ask if he knew of anyone suitable in her branch for the drudgery of administration but words failed under the full force of Yoshi's smile. Even the usual plucky, playful compliment failed to form this time, and all she could manage was her best impression of a gasping fish. She hadn't been ready for that one. Her mind stuttered as he spoke and fetched a drawing board, which wasn't fair.

By her understanding, he was trying to reassure her that he was there under no ulterior motives except to work on teamwork? Unless she was wrong which would be embarrassing. "I understand I think, and I appreciate that you're here," Yuii answered, feeling her cheeks turn a rosy pink. "Everything does go much smoother when you work together, doesn't it? I owe you one for sure. There was always the chance you didn't show up, so I'm happy for my serendipity."

As expected, Yuii did crane her neck for a peek at his drawing but when he turned the board away she sat back and nursed her unsatisfied curiosity. It took a lot of willpower not to climb across the table and force a look. Applauding her effort, She took to watching the landscape stream past and enjoying the dreamy lull that the silence created. She managed half an hour of gazing at the steadily passing countryside before her head began to feel heavy and her eyelids drooped.

It would be a long night to top off an early morning; she drowsily thought while resting her head in the cradle of her arms on the table, so it wouldn't hurt to rest awhile.


Twenty minutes after the eighth stop Yuii sat up abruptly and peered groggily at the far too bright light overhead. It had become dark while she rested, and she had the feeling they were close but sleeping left her sense of time disjointed. A moment later there was a rap on their door.

"We'll be stopping soon, miss and sir. There are a few things to offload, so you will not have to jump it this time," called the man that had taken their tickets hours before. He immediately disappeared, followed by the banging of doors as he left the carriage.

In the haze of awakening, she stared at the door as if it had grown a face and spoken in ancient Kumo. Would not need to jump? That was good; she didn't want to jump anywhere. "Oh," Yuii grunted sleepily. She remembered the train didn't always fully stop out here, so they were avoiding a leap.

While fighting the urge to close her eyes, the tired sennin fumbled her jacket on and managed to tie her scarf back into place. She had the door unlocked and opened before realising she had forgotten her bag. She backtracked to retrieve it then stopped again for a glove that didn't turn up. Lucky that she had too, as there was her hat along with it. Altogether it took her as much time to get ready as it did for the train to slow, stop and open for disembarkment.

She gestured for Yoshi to leave first. This time it was to steal every last second of warmth before descending out onto the snow covered slab that served as a platform.

There was sparse civilisation out here. A pair of men dressed in uniformly grey jackets and caps offloaded a dozen crates into a pony cart. Snow blanketed everything, from leaf-bare trees to the trio of tiny houses belonging to the few people that manned this place. Anything the gold lights of the train did not touch glowed white from moonlight. It was easy to see there was no 'road' from here, only twisting paths that veered off in different directions.

"Ah, cold, cold!" Her breath came out in puffs and her nose burned as the cold assaulted them. Like a grumpy hedgehog, Yuii buried deeper into the warmth of her scarf and tried not to glare at everything.

She led him not to one of the paths, but towards the forest of trees. "Quicker to go over it." she explained, winding her way into the stalwart defenders of the mountain beyond, "up, over, not the whole way up but better than around. Around is long and still goes up."

It was slow travelling at first with the canopy of needles and maze of tree trunks to hinder them. Those thinned as they went higher and soon it was just stone, snow, and the wind. From there Yuii set a fast pace, using chakra to keep herself afloat in the snow. It wasn't a pleasant stroll, and as she finally woke up, fully Yuii had the sense to wave apologetically. At least the view of the stars and land below was stunning.

It was nearly a four-hour 'walk' by the time she wound them back down into the trees. The pathways would have taken twice as long, but that didn't make Yuii feel any less tired and frozen. She slowed to a walk as they reached a crest of stone that gave the first real glimpse of Kamirai.

Immediately Yuii stopped. There was an absence of smoke coming from all but one of the two dozen stone and timber buildings below. No one in the right mind went without heat in this cold. She strained her eyes to see in the dark and thought she picked out damage to the horseshoe shaped stone wall protecting most sides of the little town. Nothing was moving that she could see, and Yuii looked to Yoshi to confirm.

"That's not right," she hissed, pointing at the single stream of smoke, "Blacksmith's house. Think it could be a trap?" She paused and scanned over the buildings again but saw nothing. It must have snowed early that evening because there were no tracks to be seen. Assuming the attackers were shinobi, they wouldn't leave any either. "The shrine is there." She pointed again at a black tiled roof set at the base of the mountain below and apart from the rest of the town, "It's the only place big enough to hold the entire population." Unless most of the population was dead but that was a possibility Yuii didn't want to explore. That was why Yoshi was here.

She took a moment to attach her headset. "Plan?" She asked, fiddling with the frequency, "I could check below, or should we stick together?" Yuii leant towards the later, but even half trained Yoshi had rank in this situation. She had not dealt with other chakra users

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
