Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Namikaze Shin [Leaf] -> Raharu Tao [Stone]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Namikaze Shin
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: Rebirth (retirement due to stonenessness)
Last Known Where-abouts: Leaf Gates
Old IC Rank: Genin

New Character Name: Raharu Tao
Preferred Username: Raharu Tao
New Village: Stone (nessness)
New BL/CA: Spiritualist
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[b]HP:[/b] (45+5+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+5+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Accuracy, +2 Dodge
[i]High:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Evade, Genjutsu Save, Genjutsu DC, Melee Accuracy
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: Jounin

Character Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Tao has long silver hair and a slim figure, his eyes are gray and he has a light skin tone. Normally he wears old rags and pieces of old fabric that he received from his master when he was a slave. But all of that is his outer shell that not only appears like of a real human but also feels like it as well. But under his shell he is formed out of a mass of energy as brilliant as light itself with a core center which appears in a shape of an light orb, the form he was born as. While he managed to gain a human external form, he cant actually change it into a different appearance, despite that it ages normally like any other human would for reasons unknown to him. Tao, being the very "special" guy he is, he cannot actually feel pain, but he can feel heat and cold.
Character's Mental Description: If Tao could be summarized down to a couple of sentences, I could say that he is kind, he likes serving people as a habit from when he was a slave. He is more concerned about other people's safety rather than his own and hates to see others suffer. He is extremely bad at controlling his temper at the rare occasions that it actually erupts and is easily influenced by others considering the fact that he knows so little about the world.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:

Chapter 1: Birth of a Star

Tao's story begins not too long ago, in a place not once touched by the light within the dense woods of the forests at the foot of the many mountain structured outside of the Iwagakure's landscape. A creature that was lurking the woods, radiating with light and guiding lost souls who got lost in those very woods. Not once, it wondered what it was like to be like one of those... creatures that it guided for decades, they made many expressions, many noises that it simply did not understand, or rather it simply couldn't comprehend at all. At some point, it began adapting to those tall creature's language and motions, understanding them purely by being presented with a collection of sounds and hand motions, but never once it actually interacted with them - still, it always wondered, what are they, what was it like to be them, what they were feeling. But the small creature could never achieve it's dream, after all it's whole purpose in life as far as it knew was to be a guide for those who needed it most.

But at some point, the creature's curiosity grew more vast then ever before and an idea popped into it's head, what if it could learn all about these creatures first hand without leaving the woods it was bind to, it would be ideal. While the thought occurred to that curious creature, it couldn't do a thing to realize it. As time past, the imagination of the creature grew more colorful and vivid by the day, and the more it encountered by passers, the more it managed to learn about how they look, how they move and how they speak, it kept rotating images of those humans in it's mind and one day something quite odd happened, an orb of light appeared in front of it, it was small and frail and little did it know that it was the product of the creature's imagination manifested out of the powers the creature knew so little of.

The orb of light constantly rotated around the creature and kept chaising after random creatures that lived in the forest, it kept frightening them off not because it was mean but because it was curious, much like it's parent. But there was this one creature that didn't run away from it, a man with white hair and light skin, lost and broken just like the rest of the humans who passed through the forest, his body was exhausted from the journey and the lack of food and water, but these woods had strange properties that let him keep walking despite all of that. The small orb of light kept dancing around it happily while it was completely ignored by the human who just followed the guide just like the rest. As time passed, the orb of light began changing and growing into various shapes, trying to mimic that odd creature's behavior, at first it had a small star shaped form, where the two bottom ends kept moving as if it was walking, then they became longer and began to bend. And soon enough it became a miniature version of that person, but instead of having skin, it was glowing out with powerful rays of light, still the human never paid any attention to it.

Chapter 2: He who bathes in Light

The small humanoid being, shining ever so brightly kept following the man out of the forest, for some reason, the angelic-like being didn't follow him, instead it stopped somewhere near the end of the woods and went back silently. But the small light being didn't stop, it wanted to know what is that creature who doesn't fear him, why wont he notice him, where was it going. He like his predecessor was extremely curious about the outside world, with little knowledge that he had, he yearned for more information. He was suddenly in a place with so much light, everything seemed to be shining ever so blindingly, after 25 long years of wandering around the deep woods, he couldn't adjust himself to such a different environment. He tried to hide from it and taking cover in shades or under that person's cloths but nothing really helped. Now, the creature started to grow larger every so often, it began to adapt to more complicated shapes like fingers and ankles, slowly turning more and more like the person it followed all this time until it became exactly like him. Still, it was never noticed by anyone, no living soul knew that the small orb of light who later on took a form of a human ever existed in this world. It was odd, while animals could clearly see it, no human managed to see it. It tried to touch them but the moment it made contact with them, it's hand began to fade away. It didn't understand what was wrong with it, it was like a ghost living in the realm of the living.

A year has passed and the man died in an inn near the woods out of some illness, the creature didn't understand why the human stopped moving but it stayed by it's side. Later that day the corpse was found by innkeeper and was removed from the inn discreetly. The being of light kept sticking to the corpse in hope that it'll move again, but it never did, no matter how much time passed, it just kept lying there, motionless and lifeless. The creature at that point began developing skin pigments and began to form a shell around itself to appear as if it was a human, at first it made the outer skin, then the hair, then the cloths and the easily visible inner sections of the body like nostrils and mouth. The now completely human-like creature began walking around town, looking for more humans to follow, it wanted to learn more, it wanted to interact with someone since it practically knew nothing about the world as a whole. But now unlike before, humans could see him, they tried to talk to him but he couldn't understand them so it tried to make random noises in response which lead to confusion on both ends. What it did notice is that there was a specific collection of sounds that continued to repeat in every conversations, Ta-O. That was the first word it learned to pronounce which later on became it's name, the name of the man who died not too long ago and suddenly was walking around again as if it was reborn into a clueless creature.

Chapter 3: A new life filled with Terror

Tao, a creature who has recently established it's own identity and slowly began learning about the world. Little did it know that the world isn't as colorful and blissful as he initially thought as a new group of people has entered the town. They had large carriages and colorful cloths. They preformed something similar to unbelievable acts of acrobatics and agility, what would later on be known to him as a circus. While watching their show, he was accidently pushed off balance and tripped over his own foot, but while he didn't feel any pain as he didn't even know what pain was, his skin shattered and from the shatters came faint light of the creature that was hiding inside that shell the whole time. The performers took a special note to that and took him in under their wing to travel along with them being the freak of nature that he was. Tao often found himself locked within a cage, lifted up with chains above the ground and had his skin repeatedly shattered with the hits of a whip to expose the light from within his body, but now something was different. Almost instinctively Tao thickened his skin so that not only wont it break as easily as before, but also it wont expose him for who he really was. He didn't emit light anymore, it made the ring leader quite furious as he was losing money because of the poor execution of his acts. Tao got frightened when he was shouted at and as a defensive mechanism he began to emit light out of his skin, making him glow from his entire body, starting from his hair and eyes and then quickly covering everything else. The crowd was raging with excitement and the ring leader was pleased, but Tao had little understanding of what transpired on that day, all he knew that people will be happy if he shines at them. And so he did, the moment the curtains were off of his cage, he would begin to shine brightly and the crowd would get ecstatic.

A couple of years passed by and they have traveled long and wide, by then Tao was already given a nick name: "The living lantern" or "The star of the show" because his unusual affinity to light. At this point, Tao already managed to learn the commonly spoken language and some basic mannerisms like bow before the master, bring the master a whip when he is angry with which he would hit Tao repeatedly until he is satisfied and cook for the crew and never disobey them. He was more like a slave to them now, rather than being a performer. He would often listen to their conversations from afar while trying to not get caught. They often were speaking about how they steal from others and how funny it is to see them cluelessly walking away without knowing what actually happened. Tao never even once wondered why he had to serve them and why it was okay to being treated the way they treated him. Over the years he has been with them, he managed to encounter more slaves who were kidnapped by them before, they always had a frightened expression, especially when they saw the whip, it was almost as if they were mere animals in the eyes of the crew, objects to that could be used and disposed off as they saw fit.

Chapter 4: First Step

With time, Tao became attached to his fellow slaves, he shared meals with them despite the fact that he never actually had the need to feed and conversed with them as much as the liked. He was like the single ray of light within their empty dark lives that gave them the strength to keep going. But on one faithful night a horrible tragedy occurred. One of the slaves tripped while serving the ring lord his food and spilled it on the ground, the ring lord picked up his whip and began hitting the slave repeatedly. To Tao it was common sense that the slave would be hit, after all it was her fault that she tripped, so he was taught at least. But the ring lord didn't stop hitting, he was especially angry on that night for reasons unknown to Tao. A hit after hit, the girl twitched on the ground, she screamed in pain until she bite her tounge off and died from choking on her own blood. Tao for the first time felt anger, his entire being was shaken by the sight of the poor girl dying and he could not coupe with that new emotion, it was consuming to the point where he couldn't control himself. Light erupted from his body in pulses, they began to shift the metallic bars surrounding his cage sideways until it broke down. He began to walk towards the ring lord who just noticed the broken cage, he couldn't believe that his obedient tool broke one of his cages, he didn't understand why he would do such a thing now of all times, but he did know this; he was frightened, if Tao could break the cage, he could break him too. So, he ran and shouted out for help.

Tao, enraged for the first time in his life didn't know what to do, he felt like he had to avenge the poor girl's death, he wanted to hurt that man so badly. Tao began running at him, chasing him down the roads and pushing away anyone who would get in the way. It didn't take him too long to reach the ring lord, he wasn't running that fast anyway. Tao pinned him to the ground, his expression twisted with anger and his eyes opened widely. He began radiating light, brighter then ever before, but unlike before where it was entirely harmless, it crushed the man and the ground under him, blood splattered all around him in a neat red circle, but Tao couldn't stop there, he kept on pushing further and further, he didn't know how to fight yet, but he had the next best thing, waves of energy that apparently pushed so powerfully that it'd crush the man's bones and grid him into dust. Tao, now covered in blood from top to bottom got up and look around. He very quickly calmed down after the man turned into a puddle of blood and flesh, but apparently everyone around him was frightened by him. "Monstar!" that word kept repeating around him, a word he heard for the first time up to that point in his life. People were throwing stones at him and wishing him to disappear. All Tao could do was go away, he couldn't stand being hated, he wasn't built that way. And to this day, he keeps wondering alone to an unknown destination, in hope to find someone new to follow.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ:

Special Usergroups: Leaf Council, Stone Council

Old Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 469/600
Genjutsu: 350/600
Chakra Control: 560/600

PL: 3179
Average: 529.83
Character Level: 14
AP: 10

Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: N/A (free OCR)
New Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 300/600
Genjutsu: 479/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

PL: 3179
New OOC Rank: S

Justu Mastery Swaps:
Current Jutsus:
[-- Taijutsu --]
Unarmed Taijutsu:
E Rank
  • Uncalled for Shot [Mastered]

A Rank
  • Dance of the Waxing Moon [Mastered]
  • Falco~n PUNCH!! [Mastered]

Taijutsu Baffs:
E Rank
  • Charge [Mastered]

Taijutsu Baffs:
A Rank
  • Devastating Aura [Mastered]

[-- Ninjutsu --]
Medical Ninjutsu:
E Rank
  • Mystical Hand [Mastered]
  • Coagulation [Mastered]

ANBU Ninjutsu:
E Rank
  • Mask Summon [Rank 1]
  • Critical Exposure [Rank 1]

None-Elemental Ninjutsu:
E Rank
  • Transformation [Mastered]
  • Body Switch [Mastered]
  • Basic Summoning [Mastered]

D Rank
  • Cancel [Mastered]
  • Combination Transformation [Mastered]

C Rank
  • Stunt Double [Mastered]
  • Jutsu Sealing [Mastered]
  • One Element Sealing [Mastered]
  • Elemental Clone [Mastered]
  • Barrier [Mastered]

B Rank
  • Rasengan [Mastered]
  • Shadow Shuriken Replication [Mastered]
  • Leech Seal [Mastered]

A Rank
  • Stardust Nova [Mastered]
  • Perfected Rasengan [Mastered]

Water Element Ninjutsu:
E Rank
  • Pressurized Mist [Mastered]

Lightning Element Ninjutsu:
E Rank
  • Storm Bolt [Mastered]
  • Thunderfist [Mastered]

D Rank
  • Thunderclap [Mastered]
  • Electroshock [Mastered]
  • Electrocution [Mastered]

C Rank
  • Zeus Flash [Mastered]
  • Lightning Torrent [Mastered]
  • Thunderstruck [Mastered]
  • Volt Charge [Mastered]

B Rank
  • Gigavolt Cannon [Mastered]
  • Chidori [Mastered]
  • Lightning Beast [Mastered]
  • Amp Field [Mastered]

A Rank
  • Raijins Revenge [Mastered]
  • Chidori Control [Mastered]
  • Kirin [Mastered]
  • Thunderdome [Mastered]

Metal Element Ninjutsu:
C Rank
  • Steel Slam [Mastered]
  • Mercury Poisoning [Mastered]
  • Steel Clone [Mastered]

B Rank
  • Iron Breakout [Mastered]
  • Density Crush [Mastered]
  • Alloy Spiral [Mastered]

A Rank
  • Silver Flash [Mastered]
  • Superalloy Tempest [Mastered]

Blood Element Ninjutsu:
C Rank
  • Red Tide [Mastered]
  • Blood Clone [Mastered]

B Rank
  • Red Rain [Mastered]
  • Sanguine Shield [Mastered]
  • Curse of Anemia [Mastered]

[-- Genjutsu --]
Level 4:
  • Detect Pulse [Mastered]

Actual Swap:
[-- Taijutsu --]
Unarmed Taijutsu:
E Rank
• Uncalled for Shot [Mastered]

A Rank
• Dance of the Waxing Moon [Mastered]
• Falco~n PUNCH!! [Mastered]

Taijutsu Baffs:
E Rank
• Charge [Mastered]

Taijutsu Baffs:
A Rank
• Devastating Aura [Mastered]

[-- Ninjutsu --]
Medical Ninjutsu:
D Rank
• Mystical Hand [Mastered]
• Coagulation [Mastered]

None-Elemental Ninjutsu:
E Rank
• Transformation [Mastered]
• Body Switch [Mastered]
• Basic Summoning [Mastered]

D Rank
• Cancel [Mastered]
• Combination Transformation [Mastered]

C Rank
• Stunt Double [Mastered]
• Jutsu Sealing [Mastered]
• One Element Sealing [Mastered] <-System Shock [Mastered]
• Elemental Clone [Mastered]
• Barrier [Mastered]

B Rank
• Rasengan [Mastered]
• Shadow Shuriken Replication [Mastered]
• Leech Seal [Mastered]

A Rank • Stardust Nova [Mastered] <- Corona [Mastered]
• Perfected Rasengan [Mastered]

Water Element Ninjutsu:
E Rank
• Pressurized Mist [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery

Lightning Element Ninjutsu:
E Rank
• Storm Bolt [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery
• Thunderfist [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery

D Rank
• Thunderclap [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery
• Electroshock [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery
• Electrocution [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery

C Rank
• Zeus Flash [Mastered] <- Skeletal Fortification [Mastered]
• Lightning Torrent [Mastered] <- Anesthetic Infusion [Mastered]
• Thunderstruck [Mastered] <- System Restoration [Mastered]
• Volt Charge [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery

B Rank
• Gigavolt Cannon [Mastered] <- Mystical Force [Mastered]
• Chidori [Mastered] <- Medical Assistant [Mastered]
• Lightning Beast [Mastered] <- Tranquilize [Mastered]
• Amp Field [Mastered] <- Medical Ward [Mastered]

A Rank
• Raijins Revenge [Mastered]<- Resuscitate [Mastered]
• Chidori Control [Mastered] <- Angelic Blessing [Mastered]
• Kirin [Mastered] <- Regeneration [Mastered]
• Thunderdome [Mastered] <- Pristine Aura [Mastered]

Metal Element Ninjutsu:
C Rank
• Steel Slam [Mastered] <-Light Flare [Mastered]
• Mercury Poisoning [Mastered] <- Flashbang [Mastered]
• Steel Clone [Mastered] <- Luminous Shine [Mastered]

B Rank
• Iron Breakout [Mastered] <-Clandestine Concealment [Mastered]
• Density Crush [Mastered] <- Starstrike [Mastered]
• Alloy Spiral [Mastered] <- Mirage Manipulation [Mastered]

A Rank
• Silver Flash [Mastered] <- Illumination [Mastered]
• Superalloy Tempest [Mastered] <- Rainbow Flash [Mastered]

Blood Element Ninjutsu:
C Rank
• Red Tide [Mastered] <- Invisible Shell [Mastered]
• Blood Clone [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery

B Rank
• Red Rain [Mastered] <- Radiant Shatter [Mastered]
• Sanguine Shield [Mastered] <- Blank Mastery
• Curse of Anemia [Mastered]<- Blank Mastery

[-- Genjutsu --]
Level 4:
•Detect Pulse [Mastered]<- Blank Mastery
Name of any Contract you currently own:
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
None whatsoever!!

Additional Notes:
1. Any "Blank Mastery" mark on the jutsu swapping section regards the fact that I currently don't have a jutsu that I would like to replace it with at this time and I request them to be recorded as blank masteries which I could later on convert into free masteries of the same on jutsus on equal ranks.
2. Any jutsu who doesn't have anything marked on it in the jutsu swapping section means either that I would like to keep it as it is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Namikaze Shin [Leaf] -&gt; Raharu Kiraya [Stone]

Okay, I believe that I'm finally done!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
I don't personally have a problem with what appears to be your character being "created" by the Kami(?) contract. I just honestly don't know if even I can authorize such a thing as it borders on the whole not being 90% human rule. Which basically was made for DA . . . which came long before the Spiritualist CA did. If you're 90% human, 10% Kami . . . so be it but again, that's an admin thing as the rule says Demons specifically.

Admin please? Perhaps this is one of those things where the rule might need to be changed to just 90% human, 10% spiritual being instead of being biased towards the so called "darker" things.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
Rules update in finalization for the Do's and Do Not's section rewrite. Giving Approval to proceed with the OCR now with the rules update incoming to the rules following.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
I'll approve as the second since I asked several questions to verify no shady business from 'Bright Man'.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
