Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Needles, Bandages, and Medicine! Oh My! [Pvt]

Aug 24, 2012
Despite being dusk, the Konohagakure Byoin was well lit, a constant beacon for those in need and the medical chief stands at the main entrance awaiting for Uchiha Miyako. On this particular day, Mikasa would begin to test the kunoichi's knowledge thus far to better understand a proper starting point to further develop the lass. Upon the medical chiefs shoulders were the usual garb of an ivory coat, beneath her generic attire. Under normal circumstances the maiden was to neatly braid her platinum mane and showcase her spectacles, however it were to early in the day for that particular nonsense.

Tenderly the woman aims a wisp of air to ruffle her locks, a few strands attempted to plague her vision, only to reveal her developed Sharingan - the three tomoe. Truth to be told, there weren't many who knew of this particular gift, rather knew Mikasa possessed the ability and the other focal point of their interaction today were to observe the damaged Uchiha child's optics. In the distant, the sky ways begin to melt into a plethora of colors, vibrant coral and oranges mix together and within that moment did she feel at ease as the village seems to illuminate before her.

Trudging forward, the woman becomes fully alert, more specifically all the way awake. There had been a letter delivered by the Hokage the morning prior, foretelling a journey to the land of tea, yet the maiden would leave last minute as her priorities lay elsewhere. To educate her new in training personnel was a far more important task than a mundane martial arts tournament. Never the least, Mikasa takes notice of a distance figure, assuming it were Miyako, does she raise her hand gradually into the air to wave to and fro, "Good morning, welcome to the Konohagakure Byoin. Today you are no longer a patient, but a medic!" she calls out in an excited tone.​
Knowing that the sun is about to set behind her, Miyako trudges towards the Konoha Byoin. She sprinted most of the way here, having come from her almost perilous encounter at the gates. Now, she walks fairly slow up to meet with her new Sensei, her hair quite a bit of a mess and her clothes not much better. Seeing Mikasa lift her hand into the air and wave made Miyako smile, Maybe she won't be mad that I'm so late... she thinks adding a small bit of pep to her step as she gets closer. It is safe to say that she looks as if she has just gone through a war, but the smile on her face reassures that there's no serious damage the small girl. Her hand moves upward to about the height of her shoulder and she offers a quick wave in Mikasa's direction, "Sorry about being so late.. My mission was supposed to be a quick one, but some bad stuff ended up happening..." Her smile sticks, and it stands out in high contrast, her white teeth almost brightened by the amount of blood, soot, and dirt on her facial features. Some of her hairs are curled up from exposure to heat, the long strands curling upward towards the top of her head.

Meeting with this woman was another check on Miyako's success chart, recently she has been feeling fairly accomplished of herself and her self confidence has been through the roof. Well, in all aspects beside combat, she can't seem to find her niche when it comes to fighting with a team or even on her own. Hopefully, before or after her dojutsu is analyzed and screened for problems, she can begin her training as a medical ninja; and learn how to fight with a team, on her own, and in high-stress situations.
A swift inspection of the Uchiha lad would leave the medical sennin to believe she were in quite the predicament prior to arriving at the Konohagakure Byoin. Furrowing her brow, Mikasa circles Miyako, "I don't mind that you were busy, but do tell me, what sort of mischief caused your current condition?" she murmurs, rummaging about her pockets to remove a handkerchief. A simplistic suiton technique would ensue, dampening the ivory cloth and without a word the kunoichi begins to tenderly wipe, "Experiencing any pain?" she inquires in a gentle tone while finishing the delicate motions. Fortunately a majority of the crimson and debris collect against the fabric, exposing a far different Uchiha Miyako, at least in the eyes of the branch leader.

Furthermore, Mikasa begins to gesture towards the lasses eyes, leaning her former inquiry towards the state of the delicate Uchiha heritage. Turning about, the kunoichi strolls forward towards the main entrance of the Byoin, readying herself to do a thorough investigation. Motioning for the lass to follow, the kunoichi slows down her pace to walk beside the younger woman, "A bit different now that you are part of the branch, isn't it?" she questions, a few faceless waving as they pass. Soon enough the pair would arrive at a typical examination room, closing the door behind them.

Settling onto a rolling chair, the sennin withdraws a clipboard to jot down some notes, "Tell me, Miyako-chan." a pause, "Miyako-san." she corrects, wishing to give her the respect she deserves regardless of the difference in rank. "What sort of symptoms have you been suffering since the tournament? Soreness in your eyes? Perhaps a pressure of some sort?" she lists a serious of questions, "Are you able to activate the Sharingan for me? I would like to observe them close up."
Miyako sighs and watches as Mikasa circles around her. She dusts her arms off and her expression deepens a little bit. "I was on a mission with this boy I've never seen before and another boy from the cloud, we were tasked with clearing all of the weeds in front of and around the gate.. Once we were almost finished the boy that I had never seen, his name was Kabashi, activated a cursed seal and just started attacking us! Saito, the boy from the cloud, and I ended up taking him down, but we used a ton of chakra and that boy Kabashi was hitting us really hard..." She ehxales after giving the explanation of her appearance. "I'm not in pain, just a little sore all over." Miyako flinches back slightly as Mikasa dabbles at her face with the damp cloth, shying away from each swipe that this Sennin has to offer. Soon though, Miyako realizes there's no escape from the maternal aura of Mikasa and simply lets this happen.

Miyako takes a few quick steps to catch up to Mikasa, the woman's long legs are hard to compete with, especially when you're equipped with the height of a gnome, from Miyako's perspective. She offers smiles to the mednin that appear along the hallways, though she obviously doesn't look very presentable. She looks up to Mikasa as she's reminded that she's a part of the branch. "It almost doesn't feel real! Everything happened so quickly!" As her superior leads her into the examination room, she steps over to the chair-bed thing and settles down on the very edge, her feet dangling freely above the floor.

"Well, during the tournament, the boy I was fighting hit me with a taijutsu directly in the side of my face, here." She lifts a single finger and points to her right temple, just out of reach of the outermost part of her eye socket. "It's not necessarily soreness, but sharp pain every once and awhile while my Sharingan is active, and my vision blurs while I'm exerting myself, especially when casting genjutsu with my Sharingan." After the bombardment with questions, Miyako nods, "I don't know how long I'll be able to maintain it, I had it activated for a very long time during my last mission." And like that, Miyako's eyes widen and she strains slightly, her Sharingan rolling in to take the place of her dark-colored irises. Her left eye has a total of three tomoe, while her right only possesses one. Small drops of blood well up in her tear ducts and she winces, still feeling the fatigue from her most recent fight.
Mikasa was certain fractures or any significant damage to the orbital socket would leave the Uchicha well aware, thus the medical sennin dismissed the notion. Curiously she obverses the odd phenomenon, the left eye far more developed than the opposing. Unsure of the condition of the younger kunoichi, she gets a bit too personal, her own eye as close against Miyako's as possible. Taking notice of the tear ducts producing crimson liquid, the maiden acts hastily, creating a distance between the pair, she quickly raises both hands upwards, "I want you to follow my hand with both of your eyes." she comments, swiftly blurring her movements through the use of chakra.

Naturally the three tomoe would be able to keep up with the jolting movements, the other her primary concern and certainly would cause a strain on the patient; however this were necessary to confirm her suspicions. If the single tomoe eye unable to follow properly, that would indicate an unequal growth taking place, "That should suffice, Miyako-san, you can deactivate your Sharingan."Mikasa begins, returning to her swivel stool, having given the subject of eye trauma serious thought prior to the medical-nin in training's arrival that day.

Jotting down a few notes, she didn't wish to leave the young lady out of the loop, for if she were in her shoes then surely the maiden would wish to know every detail. "Another quick test, a simple one at that." she beams, raising her index into the air, "Close your right eye and follow my finger, please." the sennin declares, performing the standard left to right, followed by a vertical movement, "Good, now your left." she murmurs, carefully observing as she slides closer. Hopefully a glaring factor would point itself out, to do a retinal scan may be the only choice available.

"Everything happened so fast? she is reminded of the conversation when they were first entering the room, "There isn't anyone I rather have join the branch than you." she admits.​
As Mikasa gets close, it doesn't necessarily make Miyako uncomfortable, she knows that this is her job and Miyako hopes that with this close investigation can help to solve the issue that she's currently working through with her dojutsu. She dabbles at her own blood with the sleeve of her shirt, a soft sigh escaping her as Mikasa distances herself from being directly face to face with her. As the vision test is mentioned, Miyako does as she's told and follows Mikasa's quick movements easily with her left eye, her right eye struggling to keep up and forcing the young Uchiha to closer her eyes, wincing sharply and placing her hand over her right, lesser developed eye.

As Miyako deactivates her Sharingan, she hopes that that simple test will suffice in helping her problem to be solved. Mikasa seems to be calm and collected during this entire process, a small grin slowly spreading across Miyako's lips. Another short test, hm? She thinks, doing as she's told. Without her Sharingan active, she can easily follow Mikasa's slow-moving finger. Both of her eyes are functioning completely normally while lacking the Sharingan.

Mikasa's compliment makes her beam brightly, her teeth even showing as she smiles. She lowers her chin just a bit and can't help but to let out a small giggle, she had no idea that she was so sought after to join the branch even after losing her fight in the tournament. Maybe she showed that she can deal and take damage, but needs the support of other ninja and the help of medical ninjutsu to help her to better her resolve if she's ever to get into a fight in the near future.
Miyako's eyes functioned normally without the activation of the Uchiha heritage; however upon tapping into the genetics it become crystal clear that medical trainees right eye would continue to be an issue. Within the realm of thoughts the Sennin deduces two logical courses of action, neither an easy task. Leveling with her trainee, the platinum mane woman gestures towards her own eyes, "I would recommended only utilizing a single eye, not an easy task." she begins, wincing as only her right eye swirls into a crimson and allowing the opposing to remain the natural hue. Taking a brief pause, the kunoichi continues, "This will allow you to attempt to develop the eye as we observe the state of damage to a higher extent. I can't be sure there isn't more than meets the eye, no pun intended."

Deactivating the genetic trait, her digits adjust the stray locks of Miyako, enjoying her cheery disposition despite the extremity of the situation. Holding up a duo of fingers, "The other immediate option is that we can do a transplant, higher risk with a determinant solution." sighing at the thought, the higher up didn't wish to resort to an extremity without proper research of the teen's situation, "However, I would offer my own. As a member of the family, nothing is more suitable." the sennin finishes, allowing for Miyako to have the moments of silence to reason with herself as to what course of action she deemed appropriate.

Trying to usher out the gloomy, once the developing kunoichi speaks again, a grin settles on her visage, "Of course we are still to begin our teachings today. That is exciting, the basic mending may prove to be another avenue you can explore for your own personal situation." she further adds, realizing how frightening her previous statements truly were.​
Only a single eye to cast her Sharingan? Impossible!. "How will I manage to learn that? To see Sharingan in one eye and normal vision from the other?" Miyako huffs almost angrily. She watches as the Sennin before her activates only a single eye of the Sharingan, she must be skilled with it. This situation begins to stress Miyako out, how will she learn to cast genjutsu and the like from only one eye without even activating the other! She sighs outwardly and looks up to Mikasa with an expression that could cut glass as she begins to explain what this will do for Miyako and the effect that it will have on her damaged eye.

It is true that Miyako is excited to join the medical branch and finally begin her training after this exam, but on another note she's scared that she could lose one of her precious eyes, one of the things that makes her who she is as a shinobi and as an Uchiha. Honestly, she does not want someone else's eye. She wants to keep her own! However, if this can't be done, then she doesn't want to just take one of Mikasa's eyes. She shakes her head, "If a transplant is an option, I'd rather not jump directly to that and see if things can be resolved before that has to happen." Miyako takes this moment of silence as if it were a gift, quietly contemplating her options and even portions of her life.

Watching Mikasa grin practically forces Miyako to return a grin. There is no reason to dwell on this right now, right before her first bit of training is to begin. Miyako rubs her forehead with four fingers and hops down from the examination bed, "We should get started then!" Miyako says, her tone hinting at a bit of angst, but she's for the most part serious and excited to begin learning. The only reason her tone reflects such an emotion is because of her personal fear and internal struggle. Miyako doesn't wish to let this show in training so for now, she bottles it up and sticks it at the back of her mind.
A strong will was a necessity for a medical nin, Mikasa having presented an easy route to redefine Miyako's future; if she were to press further inquires of the surgery the Sennin would have been disappointed. The lass swift to leap from the examination table, leaving the superior little time to act, turning about she rummages through a few drawers to reveal a simplistic eye-patch. A widening grin settles on the features of the kunoichi as she holds the obsidian strap outwards, "Each time you wish activate your Sharingan cover your stronger side. Simple and fairly effective as your weaker side catches up." the maiden explains.

Prior to handing off the eye wear, "No one expects you to instantly to be able activate a single side, it was for example purposes. My apologies on causing worry." she places her hand upon the shoulder of the developing medic in training. "Not to worry, merely keep this on you at all times and activate your Sharingan a few times a day while practicing. Initially it will feel as if your are handicapping yourself." allowing for Miyako to grasp a hold of the decoration, she heads to the opposite of the average sized room.

This would be the woman's up close examination of Miyako's abilities and what she knew thus far. Revealing a wrapped cloth object, the sennin takes the utmost care to unravel to reveal a meadowlark, the avian motionless and eyes at a close. Upon further inspection would the Uchiha kunoichi be able to observe the puffing of feathers to indicate life in the creature, "Both wings are broken, poor thing, but it currently sedated." the superior explains, gesturing for her student to come closer, "Today's lesson will be mending the bones within the wings, a far cry from an actual human sized one, but this will do as a starting point."
Miyako approaches the powerful woman before her after removing herself from the table. As Mikasa turns to offer her a string band with a small patch sewn onto it, she at first doesn't understand. She extends both hands forward and almost creates a bowl for the eye patch to be dropped into. She pulls the thing towards her and takes it into both hands, listening to Mikasa's instructions. Miyako nods, seeing this as a tool to her recovery! She continues to fumble with the object even as Mikasa strides across the room, but stops when her superior comes to a halt and produces what looks like a dead bird.

Before tucking the eye patch away in her pocket, Miyako takes a few quick steps forward, now able to see the being's subtle breathing. As the state of the bird is told to her, she takes a few more steps towards Mikasa, being gestured to so. "Okay!" Miyako reaches her hands towards the bird, though stops before getting too close. She takes a deep breath and focuses on the animal, her eyes steadied on its core. She exhales, though this is just before she realizes that she has no idea what she's doing in terms of medical ninjutsu. The young Uchiha retracts her hands and offers a somewhat awkward laugh, "Sorry.."
Inwardly Mikasa feuds with herself to contain laughter at the energetic medic to be, Miyako eagerly thrusting her hands outwards to no avail. Placing the palm of her hand upon the lasses shoulder, the sennin smiles gently, "Not to worry, I started off as you were. Today will be the first page of a new chapter." the maiden comments in the usual brisk tone. Maneuvering past the raven hair locks, a distant memory comes to mind of the one who began the journey she now aids others in traversing.

Refocusing her thoughts on the present, her fingertips waltz upon the feathers of the creature, "You have to focus your own chakra, imagine you are nothing more than a river. Allow your energy to flow outwards, a delicate stream." the sennin begins to explain to her pupil, "However be cautious, if not careful you will overwhelm the other as your chakra is foreign and has to bond against the one you mend." she summarizes, although admittedly not the greatest of explanations. Turning towards Miyako, the Sennin's sole ungloved hand halts before the weaker optic of the lass. The crackling of energy ensues, a teal veil begins to flow outwards to tickle against the teen, similar to the sensation of mist. In due time the chakra provides a soothing sensation towards the injury she treated on their prior encounter with the trio of students.

Withdrawing her hand, the kunoichi gestures towards the creature, "This one is a deep sleep, but I don't expect you to get a perfect score on the initial attempt." a brief pause, "Outstretch your hand towards mine, if you don't mind." she continues, intertwining their digits together. Breathing in lightly energy resonates, flowing through her system to brush against the palm of the lass, gently seeping into her own, perhaps Miyako would feel empowered; either that or invaded. "Now, push my chakra out with your own. Focus on my palm against your own."
Miyako nods quickly, this is the beginning of a new chapter of freedom in her life as a woman and as a shinobi. As Mikasa's hand dances through her hair, she can't help but to feel her stomach fluttering. The firm hand on her shoulder shakes her back to reality and she brings herself back with a brisk bob of her head. For most of her life as a shinobi, she has been capable of calling forth massive amounts of chakra to connect with either nin or genjutsu. She cracks her knuckles and steps forward once again, preparing her palms outwardly as Mikasa speaks about how to go forth in taking care of this unconscious bird. This moment is really want Miyako wants when it comes to a mentor. The two of them seem oddly compatible and this is only the beginning of their lessons together.

Mikasa's power moving deep into Miyako's eye feels as though its almost been shined on by a divine light. She can't help but to let her jaw drop open at the sensation, it is a much different feeling than the usual pain that she feels in that eye. Bringing herself back to reality once again, Miyako wipes her face with her hands and nods confidently. Her arm reaches forth, her fingers wrapping around the crevices that Mikasa's knuckles form between her own. Her heart throbs in her ears, her fingers gripping a slight bit harder as her chakra begins to flow against Mikasa's hand. The amount of chakra that the small girl puts out is almost ridiculous, though before the lithe woman could say anything, Miyako would dial it back quickly, until she was just allowing a small bit of chakra to seep from her palm. "Like that?" She asks, a grin slowly creeping onto her features.
Astonishment wouldn't even be the proper word to describe Miyako's output of chakra, Mikasa merely blinks in disbelief at the sheer amount of energy that tickles against her palm. The medical sennin was prideful of her own brilliant hue chakra, yet surely this was a glimpse at a higher ceiling than her own; terrifying in a pleasant way. Chuckling the kunoichi nods her head, "Cheeky, aren't you?" she murmurs, "Make sure when you perform healing you begin at this current flow before dialing it up a notch." Untangling the mess their hands create, the maiden takes a step back to gesture towards the fowl.

"A petite amount of chakra, allow it to course through the creature. You must not allow it build for one so small surely can not contain a larger amount." Mikasa warns, holding her own hand out, a veil of teal surfaces. "Your chakra will increase this ones naturally healing process. There is only one chance." she explains before faltering to the silence. To view how the Uchiha lad would react in this situation was crucial to her future developments. In this case, any life held worth, but if she unable to attend to a tiny creature than the road before her would be full of obstacles; however the sennin would guide the lass through each.

Moments such as these remind the woman of her own training, learning to heal a simple feline she clutched in her arms during the time of the samurai regime. Mikasa had been left alone, rather the technical response released to grow into the dream she sought. Along her journey she acquired a mentor and that she would be for this raven hair lass. Adjusting her spectacles, she awaits for results that may or may not come at this time.
Miyako takes in a deep breath, reaching out for the bird this time, a very small amount of chakra surrounding the palm of her hands as she does. Her breath pauses and she sets her hands on the small being, allowing her chakra to seep through the feathers and into the life force of the bird, coaxing its body to begin to repair itself at heightened rates. She continues holding her breath, her eyes focused on the small fowl and her mind is dedicated to sharpening her chakra to the perfect amount, even though she's most likely offering too much chakra, though not an excessive amount.

Hopefully this training in the future can help her to heal one of her teammates with precise chakra instead of too much. This moment means the world to her, something that can help her to change not only her own life, but possibly even save the life of another. As Miyako inhales, she pulls her hands away and steps back, a sharp sigh escaping after she catches her breath. She pushes her hair back out of her face, her bangs standing straight up after her hand passes through them, "Well, how was that?" She asks curiously, hoping that she did okay.
The raven hair lasses performance was admirable, despite the difficulties of controlling chakra output, Miyako fairs better than the sennin expects. In response to the inquiry the maiden gestures towards the avian. The petite fowl ruffles its feather, puffing outwards to increase the potential of holding heat against its body and after a few moments flutters its wings before natural instincts take over. Naturally the fowl circles above them hastily searching for an exit to no avail, Mikasa gently opening the nearest window to allow the freedom the creature desperately sought after and in that moment the true beauty of the Uchiha's results showcase themselves.

Streaking out into the sky the bird chirps, catching against the sunlight and disappearing from the kunoichi's view, "Quite well I would say. Don't you agree?" she smiles gently, turning about to allow the fresh air to caress against the flesh of her neck; truly refreshing. Strolling forward the older woman raises her hand upwards to reveal another thin veiling of teal chakra, "What you just performed is what we in the medical field call mystical hand, the most basic of healing." Mikasa explains, "This is primarily used to heal wounds and light areas, but in most cases you won't be able to mend bone with this particular technique unless of a creature of that size."

Reaching into her medical robes the kunoichi swiftly brandishes a kunai to rotate the steel vigorously before slashing across towards her opposing arm. Crimson liquids streak through the air, her face grimaces, the droplets pitter patter upon the ivory attire below them. Extending her arms outwards the intent was clear, the shinobi tool creating a deep gash. Carefully her opposite arm steadies herself to a table, settling down, "Come, aid me." she murmurs, "You will have to close the wound and mend the flesh."
Miyako grins widely, her chakra ending its flow from her palms as the bird decides it's well enough to take flight. She watches the bird float about the room, that smile plastered to her face for the entirety of the time between Mikasa releasing the bird from her hands and long after she releases it back into the wild. Her chakra as an Uchiha is most of the time utilized to perform massive ninjutsu attacks or to maintain her own genjutsus, but in light of this lesson, her massive amounts of chakra can be utilized in a way opposite of dealing damage. As the window opens, Miyako breathes in deeply, the fresh air a good change from the typical air of a hospital.

As Mikasa compliments the jutsu that Miyako has just performed she can't help but to smile again, "I think so!" She replies happily. Mikasa begins to explain what she's just done, Miyako only nods, not wanting to interrupt at all. The kunai is quickly whipped out and spun around in a extraordinary fashion. Mikasa's arm is slashed open and Miyako almost grimaces, but steps forth to extend her palms and place them just above the wound on her mentors arm. Her hands are trembling and she sighs out loud before chakra begins to exhale from her palms. Once again, she begins with too much of her own chakra and dials it down in time, using about the same amount of chakra that she did for the bird, in hopes that it'll work for the slash in Mikasa's arm. While exerting chakra, Miyako makes subtle motions with her hands, moving them as if her hands were on the wound and she was forcing it closed. She bites down on her lip as she continues, hoping that she can heal the wound of the Medical Sennin herself.
Mending a petite creature and immediately shifting towards addressing a wound, despite the lack of severity it held, was not an simple task; especially for one learning a basic technique. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of the raven hair lass, Mikasa's gash closes partially, clotting the injury and leaving the Medical Sennin to her own devices. Utilizing her opposite hand, the kunoichi begins to mend the lingering stinging sensation, "You did well, Miyako-chan. You should be quite pleased with your first attempt. I only expect you to get better as time progresses." the superior speaks in a dove tone.

Brandishing the deadly steel, Mikasa settles down upon a stool to stare directly against the obsidian orbs of Miyako, "This is our first lesson and upon mastering this technique will I begin the next stage of that particular technique. Consider it your personal homework assignment, despite no longer being in the academy." she explains in a brisk tone. Gesturing towards the eye patch, the woman softens her expression, "Please do utilize this, at least for a few weeks to exercise your less developed Sharingan while we work towards a permanent solution." the sennin addresses one final time before leaving that particular conversation at rest.

With that being said, their lesson was coming to an end, fairly generic, however most introductions were. "Eventually, I will be sending you out of the village to another to begin further studies. When the time comes I will allow you to choose which, I hope you look forward to it." she comments gently. Rolling herself across the room upon the mobile stool, she eventually comes to a stand and heads towards the door, "I look forward to see how long it will take for you to master that particular technique. Don't keep me waiting too long." Mikasa chuckles lightly.

[OOC: Topic Left unless stopped]​
Having learned her first medical ninjutsu, Miyako is very proud of herself and her abilities up to this point. She has been working very hard to make herself a better shinobi, but at this rate, she's going to have the chance to move up in no time. She looks forward to her next meeting with Mikasa, even though it may actually be awhile until she sees her mentor again. With a small sigh and a smile, Miyako bows to the Sennin, "Thank you Mikasa-san." She honorably gestures just before Mikasa heads out of the door.

Miyako heads out as well, time to get ready to go to Tea country! She leaves in the morning for her first time out of the village and with her lesson being wrapped up, this makes everything go so much more smoothly. She can't wait to show Shinzo what she's learned in terms of branch jutsu, but she hopes it doesn't make him too jealous!

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
