Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open New Beginnings [Class]

Feb 20, 2018
She hadn't done one of this in a while, a class, but Asuka did need a bit of a break from her usual job and this felt like one hell of a way to do it. In any case, she didn't want to simply walk up to a classroom and take over one of the classes. Instead this class would be an extra opportunity for the students to take the offer of being taught by her, possibly gaining in their abilities. Although, she would be a bit unorthodox while going about it.

That being said, it was open to anybody but she would wonder who would actually take it since most didn't like taking extra classes from a stranger they never met. Even that, she wondered what she would even teach, heck... she just realized she didn't have a training plan. Taking a sip from her tea Asuka shrugged. First lest see who showed up, second let's see who would actually be able to spot her in the tree.

[OOC= Alo! Welcomet to the class. Per class rules it's 1,500 words over 5 posts making it 300 words per post more or less. You can do 200 in one post and 400 the next to make up for it but it has to be 1,500 at the end! Have fun!]
Haniki nearly glowed with excitement. Lanky legs carried her through the halls of the academy trying her best not to run, but she couldn’t help it. Extracurriculars in themselves we’re always a delight, but an additional class from the Hokage herself? This was insane! How could she possible pass up the opportunity to learn anything the Asuka Uchiha had to offer.

Haniki trotted along, eagerly arriving at the academy training grounds. She refused to slow, allowing her momentum to bring her atop one of the training stumps. She spun on her heels and dropped into a seated position. Legs crossed over one another, back straight and hands folded neatly. Her face bore nothing but smiles and anticipation as she sat on the stump awaiting the start of the class. In all of her excitement, Haniki remained completely oblivious to the fact that the Hokage was already there before her.

[Post 1/5 | Words 149/1500]
Uchiha Asuka, the 5th Hokage, and the woman who stepped in the other day during his training. Sure, he was kinda being reckless but still. The genjutsuist in training was curious as to what the Uchiha could teach him, and hopefully the legendary Hokage was more than just a pyromaniac. He heard rumors that many Uchihas boost the strength of their genjutsu through the use of that tricky Sharingan but he wanted to see it for himself.

His pupilless eyes scanned the training grounds where he often practiced his newest techniques, but all he saw initially was a fellow student. Should he? He could... This would be the perfect opportunity to try that... The one thing that he has been the most excited about to learn from his parents... Mind Body Disturbance. He could send his mind into another, see through their eyes, cloud their mind with his own thoughts. Shusuke tapped his thumbs, index, and middle fingers together. He knew the single handseal. He let out a sigh...

Asuka was probably around here somewhere, it would be odd to have a teacher, let along the Hokage, be late to their own extra class. Not wanting to get caught by the Hokage for unsanctioned use of jutsu again Shusuke decided it was probably for the best to let this opportunity slide. Instead he would walk up and lean against the training log his peer was resting on. "So, have you seen the hag- I meant Hokage, lately. She's supposed to be here right? I didn't fetch her to be the late type." His eyes looked the girl over, a brow raised. Why was she so chipper? Was she part of some fan club or something? Shusuke rolled his eyes before looking down at his nails. Using his thumb he began to clean out from underneath one of his finger nails.

Haniki’s nose gave a small twitch at the initial comment. Misspeaking ‘hag’ instead of ‘Hokage’ wasn’t all that believable. Some of the other student didn’t share the same respect and sentiment towards their elders as she did, but what could she really do?

Haniki unfolded her legs, letting them dangle off the sides of the post. They swung gently one after the other. “I haven’t seen her yet, but I just got here.” She informed the other student.

She had never personally met Asuka Uchiha and a twinge of anxiety crawled up her spine. A million different scenarios ran quietly through her head, mind moving a mile a minute as it theorized every possible way this class could go. She didn’t even know what exactly the topic would be, so there were a lot of different directions.

Haniki let out a small sigh before swinging her legs up to dismount and drop back to the ground. Her hand stayed holding the top of the post as she glanced around the area to see if there was any sign of more participants or the Hokage herself. “I guess we’re still a couple minutes early.” She said softly.

[Post 2/5 | Words 345/1500]
Asuka was just taking a sip from her tea as she spotted the first student coming through towards the grounds, Haniki Nikku, a newer addition to the academy for sure but one that teachers had seen as quiet yet attentive to what was being shown. Certainly someone who she could keep her eyes on. Maybe a good addition to the forces or the downfall of such. Whichever it was. In the end it be interesting to see which way she went.

A couple of minutes later another one showed his face, interestingly enough it was Shushuke. The kid she had officially met not so long ago. More than surprised she was impressed at the bravery after having such an interaction with her, although she was definitely not going to take it easy on the boy. More so she was curious on his abilities outside of those that he had shown already.

Hearing him speak was another thing altogether, even though ha- and -ho were indeed very similar anyone with a little bit of a brain cell would be able to ascertain the nature of the word that was suddenly cut off in case eyes or ears were around. Unfortunately for the brat, eyes AND ears were around and they had heard everything. With a slight smile she took another sip of her tee and stood up, transferring just the right amount of chakra to her feet and slowly descending towards solid ground. "Insults are a powerful thing Shushuke." She started as crystals materialized around her. "They can be as powerful as shields, or a sharp as swords. Yet, to who is the real question." She spoke getting on solid ground. "In this case I really don't think that was a smart thing to do." She giggled as she turned to Nikku. "Don't think we've properly met!" She raised her tea cup glass a bit in greeting as she gave a warm smile. The crystals slowly turning towards Shushuke. "How about a class on medical jutsu and first aid." She suggested as the crystals slowly turned longer and sharper. "I can give perfect pointers, some even say the simulations are as real as one can get!"

Upon hearing her voice, Haniki immediately turned her attention to Asuka. She took a step away from the post and bowed politely in greeting, “Lord Hokage, a pleasure to officially meet.” Her voice was heavy with nervousness that suddenly flooded her. “I’m Haniki.” She continued, almost forgetting that part of meeting someone was introducing yourself.

She thought for a moment about Asuka’s comments and they certainly were true. Many times, diplomacy is of higher value that brute strength. Avoid a fight all together is ideal when it comes to defenses. Having a way with words was also a great utility for the offensive, whether it be in deception or simply mockery to deplete one’s confidence and composure. As far as she could see, Shusuke was really good at ticking people off with his demeanor. It only took a few seconds for her to be off put.

Haniki brightened at the prospect of a first aid class. First aid was essential and ninjas were always at risk of minor injuries out in the field. “I think that’s a great idea.” She chimed with a sweet smile.

[Post 3/5 | Words 530/1500] [MFT-185]
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He didn't notice a title or topic of any sort when he had placed his name onto the class roster. Even if they had actually been there he probably wouldn't have noticed it. The only thing he could see or think about was that Lady Asuka HERSELF was going to be the instructor. Shishiwakamaru wasn't exactly well informed in the ways of Shinobi, having being sheltered a bit and never being considered for the shinobi life until recent life events, but he was fairly certain that Hokages don't usually teach classes. He figured they were far too busy dealing with high level threats or some sort of political nightmare, defusing possible rumors of war. He could only imagine. In any case he was so excited about the prospect of learning under the Hokage he could barely sleep!


The blare of his alarm startled him awake, the white ceiling of his orphanage room was the first to greet him on this fine morning. Lazily he would flop his arm over and knock his clock onto the floor. It was enough to silence the noisy beast. Today was the day, the day he would get to learn from Lady Asuka! Sitting upright Shishiwakamaru would stretch with a exaggerative yawn. Rolling himself over out of bed his body hit the floor with 'thud'. "One... Two.... Three..... Foouuur..... F-fiiiiive...." 'Thump' His body hit the floor again as he barely churned out the measly set of pushups. He had never worked out a day in his life and it showed. But if he was going to be any sort of awesome shinobi in the future he would need to better himself. Not just academically, but physically as well.

Glancing over towards his downed alarm clock he would reach over and place it back onto his side table. Ah... 8:34 am, just enough time to make his 8:30 class.... "Oh no! No... No no no no no!" Tapping the side of the clock in some desperate hope that it was just malfunctioning he panicked further as the clock flipped to 8:35. As he scrambled to his feet he rushed to his closet and frantically pulled on clothes. The next moment he was hoping on one foot trying to get his other shoe own, but slipped on a pair of boxers and crashed back down to the ground. "Gahh!"

Running as fast as his young legs would take him Shishiwakamaru bounded down the streets towards the academy. He was late, he knew it, he could only hope that he wouldn't get in too much trouble. Sliding and skidding around a corner he could see a trio standing within the training grounds. One was an adult, the other had to have been other students. Perhaps they could see him barreling towards them at mach 1 with a worried look stricken across his face. He slowed down a bit as he got closer, having nearly knocked himself out a few times being careless in his stride. Panting as he finally came into talking distance he would pause and place both hands on his knees with labored breathing. Trying to raise a single hand he would announce his arrival. "Shi... Shishiwaka... Ugh... I'm here!" Now to see how far down his lateness placed him. Fortunately for him Shusuke was also here, and for one reason or another he seemed to draw in Asuka's attentions like a moth to a flame.

[OOC - Class entered - Post 1/5 - WC: 572/1,500 - MFT]
The astonishment was visible, despite being raised by shinobi Shusuke had never seen an advanced element actually used; he knew of them but seeing them was completely different. His eyes widened as the woman essentially threatened the boy. He didn't care, he was sure she was bluffing. What kind of Hokage would maim child? The boy's grin grew, he was excited. "Would you look at that, the fearless leader, summoned by a single word. I'll keep that in mind." He would tap the side of his head and attempt to use his Illusory Cantrip to throw a simple audial genjutsu at the Hokage. If it landed the much more powerful Uchiha would simply hear his voice in her own mind at the same time as he said it. Very much trying to show off that he had more to him than just the power to shatter a tea cup with lightning, though the lightning style looked more impressive.

His eyes shifted towards Haniki and he tilted his head slightly to help show the handle of his blade. "Yea sure, let's do a quick supervised combat and see who will need it Ki-Chan." He was teasing... kinda... not really... This girl was going along with the idea that the Hokage could just attack him and teach the class how to heal him, but if she wanted injuries how about the made the fight fair, student to stu-

His thought process was interrupted, Shishiwakamaru came brging into class, late. He grinned and threw a thumb over his shoulder to point at the newcomer. "If anyone should get impaled by your crystals it should be the one that can't show up on time. I was just trying to get your attention so we could start the class and in my eyes that was a success." He shifted his pupiless eyes to stare into Shishiwakamaru's eyes. "I can help it feel painless if you'd like. The two students probably don't understand Genjutsu much, but Shusuke had a pretty solid grasp on it, and thus a pretty solid grasp in how others would perceive the world. He was a Yamanaka after all. His eyes shifted back to the Hokage. "So, in all seriousness, what have we come out here to learn? If you're the teacher today I am assuming it's something special." His cocky grin began to shift into a more legitamite one. He was excited to learn from the Hokage.

[WC: 406, 714]
Haniki's brows furrowed at Shusuke's sudden aggression. Who was proposing a fight? Where did that come from? She had no intention of engaging in combat, not that she wouldn't retaliate if he started it. "What is up with you?" She muttered, a bit annoyed.

The student took a step back, making room for Shishiwakamaru as he came barreling towards them. She gave a small wave to say hello, but the kindness in it quickly faded as Shusuke spoke. Who said anything about getting impaled??? Did he have beef with the Hokage or something? All in all this was just getting confusing and she didn't understand the tension between Lord Fifth and this kid. She just wanted to take this class under the Hokage, not get in a brawl with another brat. Haniki's face did nothing to hide the questions flying through her head.

[Post 4/5 | Words 672/1500] [MFT-142]
With a warm smile Asuka looked at Haniki and gave her a giggle. "I know sweetie. And Asuka is fine. We ain't in any formal matters. Have never gotten used to the whole lady thing..." She giggled once as she looked over from her to Shushuke waiting for an answer. She gave a frightful smile as Haniki conceded. Although she was interrupted by another student joining the class. Fashionably late as always. Although she did find it a bit funny, hiding a smile under her kimono robe as the kid came into view. "Indeed you are Shishiwakamaru. Welcome... now... where were we."

Looking back upon her students she would hold shushuke by the arm, keeping him in place. As she listened to him speak, his grip on him only tightened, little by little. The kid was indeed interesting, interestingly annoying. "More like responding to stupidity." She answered him with a slight smile. She just couldn't believe the audacity of this student but she indeed needed to give him credit for his bravery. Fate adors the bold apparently. With a shaky, intense laugh she pinched the bridge of her nose. "You indeed are an idiot." Taking a deep breath she shook her head. "Even by holding back I can't guarantee you'll survive a fight against me. Heck, you don't seem to understand the predicament of your situation Shushuke." Looking up at the guy he was pointing at he did have a point, punishment would come to those who were late. But, not in the way he was expecting. She certainly was not expecting what he did after. As soon as the genjutsu hit she gave a smile. So that's how it was. Fine. The crystals dropped from the air and collapsed into the ground, shattering. "It is something special." She said walking a couple of steps forward, standing in front of Shushuke. Stretching her hands and fingers in different matter she looks up at Haniki "In all honesty I don't know."

Asuka shrugged and gave out a long sigh. "In all honesty Shushuke, I can't figure you out." She started "Either you're one of the smartest Shinobi I've met by trying to throw people off your pathetic scent. Or your the stupidest by attempting to make yourself enough of a clown to avoid conflict. But you did commit one VERY stupid mistake. I don't need stupid." She gave him a stern, angry look as she raised her hand. "Attacking the Hokage is grounds for treason. So here's your lesson children." She looked back at the kids, the angry look turning into a warm smile. "Don't act like a big shot." Bringing her hand down on a semi circular motion a black light suddenly appeared on her hand as a black scythe suddenly materialized. The sharrp end impailing Shushuke's abdomen. As soon as she felt the scythe go in Asuka gave out a sigh. "So this is indeed a medical lesson." She dropped a storage seal on the ground, with a poof of smoke medical supplies appeared. "Was gonna do it on a fish but I don't know, this seems like a lot more fun!" Giving a giggle she let go of the scythe and took a couple of steps back. "I am curious to what you've learned in the academy."

"Show me how capable you are to live in this world."

[Post 2/5]
The color drained from Haniki’s face. Amber eyes traced the motion, watching Asuka remove her crystalline hand from Shusuke’s body. She stepped forward to grip the boys shoulders and support him as she gently guided him to the floor, resting his back against the post she was sitting on just minutes prior

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. She could feel her heart beating in her ears and low tone rang as she watched the blood fall from his wound. Haniki opened her mouth to speak, but no words could make it past her throat. While she moved faster than she felt, Haniki grabbed for dressing and alcohol, sanitizing her hands before pressing the gauze to Shusuke’s wound.

“I’m sorry,” she breathed as she made contact. She wasn’t entirely sure if this would hurt any worse that it already did, but just in case her subconscious felt the need to apologize. Haniki’s expression remained stunned, neglecting eye contact with anyone and refusing to tear her eyes from Shusuke’s abdomen.

“Shishi…wakamaru… get help.” Her tone was monotonous, adrenaline keeping her from expressing her screaming interior. She only hoped that Shusuke was experience the same level of an adrenaline surge as to not truly feel the extent of his injury. An injury inflicted by their very own Hokage. What kind of paradox was this?

In that same eerily steady tone, Haniki spoke directly to the Hokage. “Lady Fifth, I’m going to politely ask that you vacate the academy grounds.” The most important part of ensuring your safety was to remove the immediate threat, correct? Haniki never thought once that she would consider their Hokage to be a threat, but that was supposedly wrong.

As the gauze in her hand grew wet with red, Haniki swiftly replaced it with a fresh pad. Another, “I’m sorry,” came as just a whisper.

[Post 5/5 | Words 981/1500]
Holy crap!!! Shinobi school was no laughing matter. First the events that transpired in Daiji'sensei's class, and now Lady Asuka literally impaling Shusuke! As Shishi was helpless to do anything he felt like time had crawled to a standstill. The Hokage was incredibly fast, in the blink of an eye the scythe was already inside Shusuke's stomach. Thankfully Haniki was quick to act and assisted Shusuke to a resting position, then grabbing supplies to try and mend Shusuke. Truthfully Shishiwakamaru had no idea what to do in this situation. Was this just a test, was this actually allowed? She was the Hokage and somehow he had attacked her. Going to get help wasn't going to do anything. She's the freaking Hokage! Why would they side with a bunch of children over whatever she has to say?

Taking a page from his previous experience he swiftly pulled out a flare and fired it into the air. Even if they would side with her, they wouldn't just let a kid die, would they? Hopefully whoever came had some sort of medical expertise, because between himself and Haniki they probably couldn't even wrap a broken leg properly, let alone stich up a stab wound while ensuring he had extra blood to compensate for his blood loss. Why did every class have to be instant hard mode instead of teaching the basics? He could barely control a crappy puppet, that was the extend of his skills.

His heart was heavy at the sight of Haniki's demeanor. He could tell she had a kind heart that felt for her friends, and fellow Konahans. After Haniki's plea for Lady Asuka to leave the grounds Shishiwakamaru would stand between Asuka and his classmates. "I apologize for the formalities, I can't help but call you Lady Asuka, or the like. It's a title you've earned and should be honored. Even so... What you did was not ok. Sure, Shusuke can be a knucklehead at times, but that's no excuse for this. Show him grace, as I'm sure someone in your life once did. Show him, show US the correct path to the greatness that is a Konaha Shinobi... Please..." He didn't know where this was coming from, it just kinda happened. He had to do something, Shusuke was basically dying and Haniki was busy trying to prevent it. Shishiwakamaru was the only thing standing between Shusuke's further injury and Asuka.

[OOC - Used a single flare]
A large black crystalline scythe was formed. A shift if the blade and an impact was felt by Shusuke. His abdomen was struck, and when he looked down he saw blood trickle down from his stomach. "So this is indeed a medical lesson. Was gonna do it on a fish but I don't know, this seems like a lot more fun! I am curious to what you've learned in the academy. Show me how capable you are to live in this world."

Before he could say anything the other students stepped in and began to tell the Hokage to cease her attack and leave. He looked up at Shishiwakamaru who was telling the Hokage that she was on the wrong path. He heard Haniki whispering apologies as she tried her best to apply basic first aid to this gaping wound.

A quick cough came from the boy’s lips as her went to cover his mouth his peers would see blood splatter from his lips. ”Are you serious right now?” Something was wrong. He looked down and made a single hand seal before grabbing his stomach and wincing. Nothing happened. His eyes darted up to meet the Uchiha’s before him. Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind…

”Are you serious?! Were these creepy ass eyes with no visible pupils and this blonde ass hair not enough?”
No words came from his lips but the Hokage could hear him as if he was speaking, but only the Hokage. These god damn Uchihas think they are special or something. Then it dawned on him, his classmates knew he was dying. He was dying and he was giving the shittiest look to the Hokage at the moment.

Letting go of the bloody wound he would reach up and tap the side of his head and his face shifted from a smug demeanor to a joyous laugh. Cackling, he bent over the scythe wound and continued to laugh.

How was he supposed to act in this situation? His peers were telling the Hokage to leave him alone. They just witnessed her placing a scythe into the child, and they chose to ask her to leave. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he continued to laugh. These two kids, these two classmates that he didn’t really know too well we’re standing up to defend him from the Hokage. What did they think they could accomplish. His eyes shifted towards the sky as the flare was launched.

Were these children becoming his friends? Was this friendship? At the very least they didn’t hate him. He wasn’t used to this. He wasn’t used to people defending him. Tears continued to poor from his eyes as he laughed. Asuka was something all right. She made a situation where people were coming to his aid. For the first time in his life.

[WC: 473/1187]

CRPJ's Effect: This allows the user to connect mentally with anyone within a close proximity, approximately half a kilometer. The recipient of this connection can feel Yamanka's extended use of Audial Genjutsu and the two may communicate telepathically by the use of hearing each other speak despite not being near one anoher, but the connection is easy to sever and requires no more effort than it does to blink to break the said connection. As the connected individuals move further away the delay in the message increases and the volume in which the message is heard is diminished until the limits are met and the connection is automatically severed.

Example RP of how it will be used: Running through the street Shusukue knew he was going to need help from his teammates. Can you hear me? The suspect turned left up ahead! The Yamanaka Focused as he sent out the spoken phrase to his teammates where we just a few blocks away. Damn, he wish they would just invest in some headsets.
Asuka simply stepped to the side as Shushuke started to fall, Haniki running towards him. Although this wasn't the initial reaction she was expecting, it was certainly not unwelcomed. It seemed as though this generation was closer than she thought. Without hesitation someone rushed to help a fallen comrade, now THAT is what made the difference. Yawning for dramatic effect as Haniki tried to tend to his friends wounds she simply looked. It would be pointless though, a wound like that needed a certified medic, or at least a first aid specialist. Resting her chin on top of her scythe she listened to Hikaru talk, or rather... "request". Man, she had manners... but the bravery was something else.

"Nah." She simply said "Thinking if I should have Shishiwakamaru tend to two injured annoying students instead of one." She giggled "Besides Hikaru, actions have consequences. Shushuke broke one of my cups and insulted me, a reaction like mine is common in our trade." She simple shrugged. "No point in apologizing to the dead."

She did see the other boy froze in his place. Well, that's an expected reaction to seeing an injury of that caliber for the first time. But he quickly got the wits with him and not only stood in her way but shot a flare into the sky. Gods all mighty, Soku was gonna have her ass for this. With a sigh she got into position, ready for another attack. "Oh you ignorant brat, grace... honor... mercy... apparently I need to change the academy curriculum to better suit our line of work. Starting by disposing of you three, I don't mind.... replaceable is replaceable." With a sigh she got into position, ready for another attack. Just as she took a step forward she heard a voice in her head.


Asuka gave out a loud annoyed sigh, looking up at the sky, pinching the bridge of her nose. "God damn Yamanaka's." Looking down warmly at the crying Shushuke Asuka gave a warm smile. "You're gonna be a pain in my ass, I can tell. But that's what makes all of this fun." Touching her neck, she activated her head piece. "False alarm on the flare at the academy. Missfire on a training class." She heard the response, confirming the order. Scratching the back of her head she shook her head. "No point now." With a snap of her fingers, the wound on Shushuke suddenly vanished. Her scythe slowly turning into a long wooden walking stick. "Sorry about hitting you with the stick." Asuka smiled, giggling. "Had to sell it."

Turning to the other two students she sighed. "First off." She gave each of the students a gentle 'bunk' in the head with the wooden stick, formerly scythe, "Really, would you think the Hokage, tasked with protecting you pipsqueaks, would stab an academy student over a childish insult?" Crossing her arms, she gave a pout. "Kind of insulted if anything." She looked over to Haniki "You, why the hell would you run towards danger? Didn't even consider the situation before rushing in." Asuka gave her another gentle bunk, turning to Shishiwakamaru. "You, standing in the open. Not doing anything. What do you think standing still like a target would accomplish?" Another bunk, turning to Shushuke "Although you were smart enough to figure it out, you didn't immediately communicate it with your team. Not only endangering your life, but theirs." One last bunk. She sighed, leaning down and cleaning the tears off Shushukes face. "But all of that are just lessons you'll learn over time. The bravery you showed me. Hikaru running to her fallen comrade. Shishiwakamaru running to protect his friends. That's instinct, not talent. THAT is what makes you different from the monsters out there." Asuka gave a warm smile and patted each of the other students on the head.

"To be shinobi, you have to think like shinobi. Fighting a bandit is all about who hits the hardest... but fighting another trained shinobi is much harder. It is not enough to hit hard, but you have to think hard. Mind games. Where did Asuka get the scythe? Does the wound look all right? Would someone really stab over some insults?" She gave a smile "Those and more are things you have to consider when you're out there. Rely on your team, play on each other. Because out there, your experience and gut is what will determine the outcome... not how many jutsus you know." Standing back up with and stretching she giggled. "Gotta be a master at seeing the underneath of the underneath."

"No, please stop." Haniki's voice shook as Shusuke curled forward in chaotic laughter. She tried to keep her hands in place as he moved, this internal panic still completely enveloping her. As Asuka snapped, the scene faded. The blood that covered her hands fell away almost like vapor returning to the air around them. The gauze pads had returned to their original white color, except for the first that was discarded and now filled with dirt and dust from the ground. Haniki retracted her hands back, hovering in front of her chest where loose fists trembled.

Genjutsu was not something Haniki had ever experienced. While, she knew of it from some of her studies, it wasn't something she had been able to conceptualize and thus hadn't put much focus into. The young girl could feel the adrenaline recede down her spine, nausea unpleasantly taking it's place. Aside from a quick twitch, Haniki barely reacted to the wooden stick striking the top of her head. Her voice was quiet as she began to speak coming across more so as muttering to herself, "Given the. . . the situation provided, compliance and lack of resistance was the safest option." Haniki sounded like she was reading directly off of a page of one of her notebooks. "Defiance resulted in injury, and threat to be tried for treason. Further retaliation could be promised to be met with the same response. We were instructed to provide aid; compliance was the safest option." With long pauses she was reciting her inner workings, the way her mind was working through the problem given the information that she had at the time. The shakiness of her voice would not cease, her hands gripping together and progressively tightening as she continued. In a way she was reassuring herself of her decisions, but there was no confidence behind it. Despite the illusion being gone, the sight of blood refused to leave her. She felt dirty.

[Words 1306/1500]
Collecting himself as Asuka wiped away the tears that were streaming down his face, he was shocked so much emotion came bubbling up so quick. Sometimes he forgets he is just an eight-year-old child. He wanted to do so much more; he wanted to be so much more that he often forgot who he was in the moment. He was a child. He was an Academy Student. Nothing more.

A sniffle slipped from his nose as he wiped his eyes one more time. His connection left that of Asuka and would instead try and reach Haniki and Shishiwakamaru. "I'm sorry... I should've said something as soon as I knew... I'm sorry you had to be concerned for my safety, again." As he sent that last part he looked towards Shishiwakamaru. Their relationship has been odd. It started with a lie. Shusuke just assumed he was better than this other boy, but now... but now Shusuke has seen time and time again when Shishiwakamaru was capable of something he wasn't. His idea of being a strong shinobi had been pretty linear; be he strongest by hitting the hardest. His eyes shifted back to Asuka, the Godaime Hokage.

She had a point. All of this was preventable. All of this stress could have been prevented if he had only trusted his peers, his allies, with the information he knew. It wasn't because he was smarter than them, it was a coincidence. If the Hokage had used a technique that Haniki's entire family specialized in that Shusuke hadn't seen before she would have said something, he was sure of it. He felt confident in his ability to defeat almost every student currently in the academy in a one versus one spar, but he apparently was failing where it mattered. He wasn't training to be a shinobi to take down local street thugs, he wanted to be the strongest shinobi from any village.

A sigh left his lips. He had a lot to learn. Seeing Haniki starting to spiral, Shusuke took a step to her. Ninja Art: Phantosmia. The scent of flowers filled the air. Not one in particular, not one that everyone smelled. Each person had their sense of smell filled with their favourite flower. "Haniki-chan... I'm okay." Starting this class he didn't give a shit about this girl, hell she could have died in the class and honestly he probably would have been unphased, but she changed that. The fact that she came to his aid, even though he was antagonistic towards her said a lot about her character, and in comparison said even more about his own. "Take a second and look at me." As he spoke he would attempt to grab her hand and try a forbidden technique. A jutsu that only took a moment to initiate, but needed the target to accept what was to come.

The world would fade into black for Haniki. Her eyes would find no purchase for just a second, a split second before the sound of torches being lit could be heard. Soft music playing in the background, some sort of Lo-fi for Witches filled the air. The room was dark and filled with shades of red. Haniki could see Shusuke sitting in the chair in the corner. He smiled softly and spoke. "Haniniki..." As he spoke he raised his hand and sitting within it was a sphere that played the attack in a loop. "Haniniki... We need to set this aside for just moment. I am okay, you're instincts were correct but your perception was wrong." As he spoke the glowing memory fluttered from his hand to hers. "Just for now we need you to push this to the side. If you want to talk about this, or needing some help seeing through things like this just let me know..." his voice trailed off as a door lifted from the ground beside Hanikie "Just for now. Put it away."

The illusions that Haniki was seeing were a representation of her mind. She wasn't taken to some far-off place, but instead Shusuke had stepped closer to her. The young Kunoichi would know that this door led to a different part of her mind. She could understand that this was his way of showing her her own subconscious. This door led to a recess that could push this memory down and out of her present thoughts, but the choice was hers to make. Regardless of her decision the darkness would return for a second, a split moment before everything would return to how it was before.

"I'm okay, seriously. Calm down." Not a moment had passed since Shusuke went to grab for Haniki's hand to try and snap her out of this downward spiral. Everything she might have took no time, after all nothing truly changed or happened. He simply tried to nudge her back to the moment. His gaze shifted back to Asuka.

"Okay, we know some of our short comings. Where do we begin from here?"

[WC: 833/2020]

CRPJ's Effect: This allows the use to make complete mental connections with a target they can make physical contact with. An advanced form of the Mind Possession Jutsu the Yamanaka are famous for, but through a different use. The Yamanaka's psyche enters the psyche of the target where they stand in the chambers of the target's subconscious mind. The user gains the ability to weave control of this portion of the mind temporarily so long as the target is willing and does not force them out. While in control, the target's consciousness manifests within the subconscious mind and can experience suppressed memories as they are being guided by the Yamanaka's Psyche. The control the user has is a complete facade as they cannot open the doors to memories or ideas without the target's permission, whether that be consciously or subconsciously given.
While her eyes were glossy, Haniki refused to let tears stain her cheeks. The grip she held loosened only slightly as she looked up to Shusuke. An odd sensation filled her nose. She couldn’t put a name to it, but a scent she associated with a trip long before completely overwhelmed her sense of smell.

She let go of herself and allowed her hand to taken, her vision fading to black almost immediately. The dark room appeared to her and despite the ominous aura it displayed, it was oddly comforting.

The orb moved its way towards her, gently resting itself within her cupped hands. Haniki peered into it for a moment before reeling back. She didn’t need to see it again. The doorway rose up beside her, inside held the appearance of a center walkway with rows and rows of shelving and bookcases on either side. It resembled that of a grand library. Just put it away? Haniki’s gaze would shift between the door, Shusuke and the orb. After a brief pause, she dropped the orb into one hand, wound herself up and with her entire body threw it as hard as she could through the door. An astonishing amount of pent of anger let itself out in that throw, not only from the days current events. Before she could even see it fall to the ground, her vision faded and returned to the waking word.

Haniki inhaled sharply as a sort of shock back to reality.

[Words 1553/1500]
Shusuke's laughter caught Shishi off guard, a strange response to being stabbed. Though if you though you were dying you might come a little unglued yourself. Glancing back towards his fellow classmates he saw the tears streaming from his eyes. Shishiwakamaru's heart sank into his stomach. It wasn't pity that he was feeling, no. Something closer to empathy I suppose. Deep down inside he knew, no, he felt that there was more that met the eye with Shusuke. There was more than just a headstrong, stubborn kid who thought himself one of the elite. Shishi was still too young to fully comprehend the situation happening in his mind, emotions were still a thing he had yet to master. He had a long way to go both personally and for his peers. Turning back to Asuka his resolve renewed from the sight of Shusuke, and Haniki frantically trying to help him.

Just as he feared, Asuka needed only to make a radio transmission to call off the flare that seemed to be their only lifeline. Such power and commanding ability, how could anyone stand against a rogue Kage? She continued to speak but the surge of emotions clouded his mind and he didn't hear what she said. But with a snap of her fingers the scene before them dissipated like ash being carried away by a strong breeze. The menacing scythe revealed to be nothing more than a long staff. Shusuke's wound mending instantly, along with the blood that until now covered the bandages and Haniki's hands. "G-genjutsu?" Falling to his knees in relief he mulled over the situation. Genjutsu, something he had little to no experience with. The bane of his existence. Ok, it wasn't that bad, but MAN did it suck to have your mind toyed with so easily!

A few gentle bonks on the head later and Asuka and pointed out numerous flaws in their choice of tactics. But offered something sweet to cull the bitterness of this event, her words of affirmation helped pull Shishiwakamaru from his pit of despair, feeling like he was just failing all over again. All of these were lessons they would learn over time, and the mentioning of him not being a monster restored some faith in himself. He wanted nothing to do with the monstrosities that preyed upon the weak, or assaulting village gates without provocation. Mind games, there was some hard truth to that. He needed to not only focus on bettering his physical skills as a shinobi

A familiar voice ran through his head, instantly he knew the source. Damn Yamanakas was right! Turning to Shusuke he would give him a thumbs up and a smile. "No worries, I'll always have your back. You can bank on it. Plus, like Asuka just said, we all have lots of room to grow and learn. Together we can overcome our shortcomings and support one another." And he meant it. Haniki on the other hand, he didn't really know how to help her. She seemed traumatized over the whole ordeal. He wasn't sure how to approach her after the other day. His... 'attempt' may have left a sour taste. He shouldn't have taken the advice from that other student when he tried to leave. Echoing Shusuke he also spoke to Asuka. "Agreed, we want to learn more, Lady Asuka." What an interesting day this turned out to be. So many twists and turns it was enough to make a sane man's head spin.

[OOC - Post 3/5 - WC: 1,552/1,500]

Current Ninpocho Time:
