Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open New Beginnings

Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank
It had been a few months since he was sent to the orphanage and Shishiwakamaru received a most perplexing letter in the mail. It wasn't anything negative, mind you, just... confusing. With no parents and the institution he was currently being housed only meeting bare necessities meant he was destined for a life of normalcy, plain living as a citizen of Konaha. While being the progeny of two chakra sensitive parents meant he was chakra sensitive, he would not have the opportunity to explore that life. Or so he thought...

The letter in question was an acceptance letter to the Konaha Academy. Initially he thought it was sent to the wrong kid, but he had never met anyone with a name as ridiculous as his. The seal looked legitimate, but there was really no way of telling for certain without going to the academy itself to investigate. While young and un-learned he still understood that this sort of schooling costed money. Money neither he, his late family, or the orphanage had. It was all too confounding at this moment in time.

And thus shishiwakamaru found himself just inside the threshold that was the Academy's front doors. It was much bigger on the inside than expected, a look of bewilderment quickly spread across the young Nara's face. The halls were empty, but he could hear the subtle sound of children in the distance, most likely in class. His sandals made a soft clacking noise has he slowly proceeded down the hall in search of... well, anything. Did he need to sign up himself for classes, was somebody supposed to reach out to him? Where was the information board, or some sort of office with a secretary of sorts. It wasn't long after he started he already found himself lost. "Ah man... Where even am I?"

It felt like ages since he arrived at the academy, in truth only the afternoon had passed. But Shishiwakamaru had spent the entirety of that time searching for an office, hoping somebody would bump into him and offer him assistance, but alas there was nothing and nobody. It was like he was walking in circles. Finally he found the entrance to the building, where he first entered, and gave up. Maybe the school was supposed to send him a message first? He honestly had no idea how this worked, even more so with an unknown benefactor. He had no guidance, no support, no anything. With a depressed look upon his face he would push open the doors and walk into the sunny afternoon. With slow strides he would start to walk home, kicking rocks out of the way as he went along his way. Maybe he wasn't destined to be a ninja after all, or maybe it was just a bad day and he was taking it to hard. Either way today just felt... lonely.

He made the long walk home back to the orphanage and pushed open the door. "How was school ShiShi?" One of the other kids living there perked up as he entered the building. With a solemn look on his face he would reply. "I don't want to talk about it, it sucked..." Plopping himself down next to the other kid he would relax his head backwards into the sofa and exhale with a audible sigh. "Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad. What did you learn, come on Shi, tell me!" Lazily leaning his head towards his friend he would begrudgingly began to regale the kid with the unfortunate day he had. Unable to find anyone to help him, unable to join a class. He was beating himself up over it to be sure. There was always tomorrow I suppose...

[OOC - MFT - Topic left]
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Current Ninpocho Time:
