Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

New Boss, Who Dis? [Requesting Medical Sennin]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
To say that Daisy was up to date on anything within the hospital, nevermind Konoha, was so far removed from reality, that you'd literally have to be brainless to believe it. She kept to herself, in her studies, and occasionally running point on a floor, if need be. She was a very accomplished doctor, but, her bouts bouts of lucidity was few and far between. The previous Medical Sennin had kept her around mainly to keep an eye on her, and to ensure that she was not poisoning students like she was known to do. It was all in the name of science, the Yamanaka would say to Yomi, Yomi would just nod, and allow her to conduct her dangerous experiments on her person. There was next to no chance that Daisy could hurt the woman, so, she just chalked it up to it being a part of her Sennin duties. Eventually they both developed medicine that could help Daisy become more sane, however, that didn't help her social skills.

That was the problem.

Daisy had not seen her victim volunteer in some time. She knew the experiments had to stop because Yomi was with child, so the Yamanaka tended to her Black Flowers, cultivating and creating new species out of her own lab. Daisy was quite good at that stuff these days, and she was itching to get back to human trials. So she went to go see the only human she knew to be able to help her.

Pushing open the door to Mikasa's office, Daisy began to talk, not noticing that Yomi was not the one sitting in the seat.

"Yoooomiiiiii, surely you've had the babies by now? Yes? Yes?" Daisy began with a slight whine, her amethyst eyes closed in utter pain, clearly hurt...clearly.

[Topic Entered as NPC Yomi V1 - Med-Nin aka Daisy (obviously to avoid confusion)]
The current state of affairs of Konohagakure's well being plague the mind of the medical Sennin, Mikasa can be found leaning back against the snug armchair to gaze towards the ceiling. Sprawled on the desk space were documents pertaining to more experienced medical personnel and little to no surprise, the files were far fewer than the kunoichi wished. Words of Tamashii plague her thoughts, while she knew he could have spoken the same words during Yomi's reign of the Medical Branch, he choose to bite his tongue due to potential feelings. Never the least, a petite mental blow would need a few days to scab over.

Gently her fingertips glide along the vanilla envelopes, beginning to collect the handful. The Sennin took her responsibilities to the village very seriously, however she was well aware she were not a saint. To attend to the gardens and ensure the seedlings to sprout would once more become her main priority, despite her opinion of herself doing so failing to yield competent results. A few hopeful prospects would set her mind at ease, if only in the tiniest of fragments.

Unfortunately her train of thought would be cut off to an unfamiliar voice, rather one she had only heard potential a few times prior. The words spoken definitely through her for a loop, Lady Yomi had long been out of the village and Mikasa taken over a considerable amount of time ago. Locking her sky blue optics against the amethyst, a radiating grin is given towards the abrupt intrusion, "Your sense of time is a bit off, I am afraid Yomi-sensei is not in the Byoin. Perhaps I may be of assistance?" she replies, not wishing to give away too much information regarding her departure to Tea Country an unknown amount of time ago.

Another note worth item was the terminology of 'sensei', the young Sennin still respected her greatly and adopted to the honorific out of respect when not speaking her to directly. Mikasa was a curious one.​
Daisy blinked a few times before pressing her tragus against her inner ear in an attempt to unclog it. Surely she was hearing things as that voice was not that of her friend's. The med-nin took a step back, unaccustomed to Mikasa's piercing gaze and began nervously playing with her own fingers.

"Well...who are you then? Why are you in Yomi's office and where is she? I went by the cabin, she told me I can stay there any time, but she hasn't been there in forever. I've been watering her plants and making sure to protect the grave in the back." Yomi Daisy was talking a mile a minute and then simply paused for a second; a dark thought took over her mind and her eyes widened with fright.

"Is she dead? Did he kill her?! Did she leave me alone?! No...Noooo!" Daisy put her hands up to her face and began wailing as she dropped to her knees. Shortly thereafter, she began hyperventilating as her dainty hands grasped at her chest.


Daisy was crying and having a panic attack at the same time. She tried to count her self down to a level of calmness that the previous medical sennin had gone through with her, but, without her friend, she instead began repeating what thought Yomi would say in this time.

"You can do it Daisy, breathe in..."
"Good job. See, easy...calm..."


Daisy had calmed enough to where she could wipe her tears as the streamed down her face. Wiping her tears on her white lab coat she fumbled through the pockets and pulled out her asthma pump to use. Her blue black hair stuck to her face as she sat on her heels and looked up to the ceiling still trying to return to normal breathing.

"My name is Yomi too...that's how we became friends, but, now she's dead and he did it. I don't want to be here anymore..." Daisy began to crawl out of Mikasa's office.
An odd sight ensues, the Medical Sennin merely tilts her head out of confusion as the display of the other Yomi is extreme; rather beyond the norm of the spectrum. Hesitantly the kunoichi leaves the comfort of her armchair to kneel relatively close to the crawling Daisy. "My dear, Yomi-sensei is merely traversing the land and enjoying herself." she corrects doing her utmost to relieve the uneasiness the dark hue hair kunoichi was experiencing. Tenderly her digits caress through the locks to tidy the disheveled woman, "Do not fret, I am sure she will return." the world eventually left out for multiple purposes.

Coming to a complete stand, she leans forward to offer a hand to the medical nin Yomi had warned her of earlier in her career. The fabled Yamanaka who was enthralled flora to similar extents as Mikasa were herself. "Would you care to walk through the patients garden? I am sure your expertise can aid me me greatly as we catch you up to speed, Daisy-san." the cheerful vocals of the woman seem to illuminate the room and to many a source of comfort. The strangest notion were that she was uninformed of the changes within the branch and how one could possibly be stuck in the past that occurred two years prior. It would appear either the unstable woman took her work very seriously or was socially awkward? Difficult to determine.

Never the least, each within the branch was her family and her responsibility was to see to there comfort - for better or for worse. "Who would he be, Daisy-san?" she inquires, mostly out of curiosity as a childish grin is given. In that moment the rays of sunlight peer through the bay window of the office, illuminating her platinum mane and her piercing azure eyes shimmering. "Come now, the floor is no place for you."
[ooc: Ty for your patience as I dealt with all the stuff we spoke about]

Sprawling out on the floor, Daisy listened to Mikasa's comforting words. Yomi not being dead was good news, but, she was sure that a lot of other things had happened that she had missed. The offer of walking through the garden was a nice gesture, seeing as Daisy was being the absolute worst.

"Okay, a walk would be very nice." She said as she stood up slowly, wiping down her lab coat and checking to make sure no syringes fell out of her pocket. She eyed Mikasa, wondering if it would be safe to divulge exactly who HE was. To Daisy's knowledge, there were exactly three HE's to be worried about but only one would make sense to Mikasa. Before Yomi would give Mika the answer she sought, she decided to ask her own question.

"Well, who is in charge now? Of the village I mean?" Yomi's eyes widened as she had no idea who was really running things since her friend had been out gallivanting across the country. It didn't really matter one way or the other. Yomi was the only one who ever paid her any mind and therefore that was where her loyalties were. She was too much of a scaredy cat to go ahead and actually leave the country, so, she would more than likely remain here until Yomi's inevitable return. For now she would try to make friends with Mikasa and see what happens. If Yomi could trust one more person in Leaf then she would consider that a win.

Fishing in her pockets, she pulled out a slightly withered black daisy, and presented it to Mikasa. A token of her appreciation for putting up with her tantrum.

"So far, Yomi is the only one to to not look at me funny. You would be the second. I grow these. Only in Konoha can they flourish." Pushing the flower towards the Medical Sennin, Yomi hoped that the pale haired woman would accept it. Yomi would be pleased if the woman accepted it and wary if she did not. It would determine if Yomi answered truthfully about who HE actually was.

Pausing to think, she smiled at the Sennin. "Do you think you can write to Yomi for me? Tell her that I demand her presence in Konoha at once?" A weird request.
An obsidian daisy is presented to the kunoichi and in kind she accepts the offering with a vibrant grin. Delicately she hands the gift, tucking the stem safely behind her left ear, accenting her platinum hair with the stark contrast, "I merely hope that I do justice to the beauty of the flower." she murmurs in a lukewarm tone. Lightly she treads through the corridors towards the patients garden, welcoming scents of lilies would be the initial greetings. In that moment her cerulean eyes would brighten considerably, to behold dirt, sweat, and tears blossom into such elegance made the entire fruits of labor worthwhile.

"Currently leading the village is Uchiha Takeshi-san." she responds honestly, unsure of what sort of reaction were to take place. Never the least she guides the woman along towards Mikasa's personal section of the garden she contributed towards. Stargazer lilies can be seen nestled in a crook, a coral watering can located close for convenience sake. Kneeling onto the soil, her ivory lab coat becomes of a mixture of hues, "Silly that most medical coats are ivory, is it not? Still, my fault for not taking it off initially." she chuckles gently.

Retrieving the watering can, she begins to nurture her vegetation, dipping closer to indulge herself on the rich sweet aroma. Unfortunately a shade of orange would stain her nose, unknownst to her. "I would be honored if you would grow your black daisy's in the garden for others to enjoy. I am sure I am not the only one who would find them lovely." Mikasa insists with gentle prodding. On another unrelated note, she begins to ponder when the last instance she had actual conversations with Lady Yomi, it had been at least two years if not more. "Of course, I would love to speak with her once more. In fact, why don't we both write on the same letter? It may have greater impact, no?" her smile widens.​
[ooc: Posting from my phone FYI]

Yomi gave a wide grin as the Medical Sennin graciously accepted her token of appreciation. Hopefully this would be he stat of something beautiful between them. Her mind wandered a little, thinking of all the possibilities that could be if she made a new friend. The wishful thinking quickly gave way to something darker than her flowers as Mikasa went on to tell her about who was running the village now.

"Oh...OH!" Her eyes widened as she clutched her own lab coat closed. In her dramatic fashion Yomi's, that is Daisy's, eyes began to fill up with tears.

"We're being punished!" The med-nin began nodding frantically trying to make sense of the news she just heard. "We did something wrong and we're being punished!" She covered her face with her hands and began to cry again, louder and more intensly this time.

As she cried into her hands the woman blindly followed Mikasa into the garden trying to get her tears under control. Surely Mikasa didn't say anything wrong or even mildly troubling that would cause this kind of response, yet the Yamanaka was devastated by the news. Thinking of the new friend that she was trying to make, she again tried to regain her composure and looked at her senior.

"I'm sorry Mikasa....I just....I can't tell you how much that news hurts my feelings. Medical Ninjas have always held the position since after the disappearance of Lord Kami. They've been very good to the Village. No war, no harm to us, extremely prosperous. A non-medical ninja as Hokage is an Omen. A Uchiha is surely more than an Omen, it's a herald of the destruction of Konoha as we know it! It will end in darkness and ruin and pain!" Spoken through a trembling broken voice, all the Yamanaka could do to stop throwing tears from streaming down her face was bite down on her bottom lip, piercing it with the force.

Sighing as Mikasa offered them both to write a letter to Yomi she nodded in defeat.

"Yes, it's more dire than I thought. I hope she won't let us burn..." Eyeing her new boss she wondered if Mika had any idea what Yomi was. It wasn't exactly a secret but not everyone knew and Daisy had only learned of it through their various medical experiments.

"Ok, we will both write to her. She needs to come home NOW."
Gently she nods her head, understanding the predicament the Yamanaka were internally facing. "A letter seems appropriate, considering the circumstances." she agrees with a faint trickling of a grin; however she were not going to burden herself with weighing down Lady Yomi's thoughts more than needed. After all, her children are her current priority and what had become of Konohagakure no longer important to the retired kunoichi.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
