Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

New Room for a Chained Man

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi entered the room with a small smile on his lips as he let the sun light hit his face. He allowed the smile to disappear behind his lips as he looked at the four corners of the room. In each corner stood what could have passed as a statute, the black robes of the Anbu didn’t move indoors as the four men stood sentinel around the room. Takeshi looked at the basic bed that was at the top of the room. Noting down the masks that they hid behind he allowed his own white hooded face to nod to each of them.

“So, you four are the ones selected. Not a bad bunch if I do say so myself, remember our duty is only to make sure he doesn't try to escape. Also remember that, for now, we say nothing and do nothing am I clear?”

The nods would have been all simultaneous the captain already knew that without looking around, as he stood against the wall directly opposite the bed. Waiting for the prisoner to be escorted back to this new room, it was more luxurious than where the Captain had brought him in the first place, but at that time it was fitting to take him to a place he could have ended up. On the flip side the sun lightly brushed over his black and red mask. Unusual colours for an ANBU but ones he had held for the last ten years of his training. Waiting patiently, he allowed some small talk between the ANBU it had been a while since he had spoken to them as well. Finding himself enthralled by the small talk the captain joined in. No point separating himself from the men, after all he was the one most of them responded to him may as well join their conversation.

The room was small but offered a nice clean bed, bedside cabinet and a light. It wasn’t anything special but the light allowed the sights of the village to echo threw them. In the far distance stood Hokage Mountain. It showed leaf well and would offer something different to look at for the user of the room during his stay inside the village. Smiling slightly, he allowed his eyes to glance over the face of his old teacher. Mugen, it had been too long since he had spoken to his mentor. Time had allowed his memory to nearly slip away from the Captain in those old days.

[Topic Entered]
[Kiri is detained into this topic only]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The general chatter of ANBU as silenced as the door opened, almost instantly each of the stopped what they were doing and stood to attention. For the hallway in walked their Captain, he was markedly different from the rest of them. Where their masks were white with red markings his, on the other hand, was black. His robes with the other difference between them the hood of his was a bright white, the contrast of it against the black made it stand out more. She grinned under her mask, it had been awhile since she had worked with the Captain on a professional level at least.

“So, you four are the ones selected. Not a bad bunch if I do say so myself, remember our duty is only to make sure he doesn't try to escape. Also remember that, for now, we say nothing and do nothing am I clear?”

She had heard those words many a time before, it was the mantra of an ANBU, they were the dirty little secret of every village, the ghosts in the night that no-one spoke about, the hands of the Hokage so he himself never had to dirty his hands with the blood of others. Yuki knew very little about that man that they were being told to guard other than that he had been involved in an altercation at the gates with the Captain himself, she knew that he was either very lucky either that or Takeshi was feeling incredibly sympathetic that day of him to still be breathing or at least in the position to be standing or walking. The Haku along with the others nodded to the male showing that she understood what he was asking of them, she watched him as he examined the room. It was an of a decent size which confused the female all the more if he was their prisoner then why was he given such a pleasant room to be staying in, than again she had been away from the village for a long time much had changed in her absence. She put this down to one of those changes, she adjusted her posture maintaining her stiff stance.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
As Kiri was escorted into the new room, he couldn’t help but feel sick. Not in the disgusted manner, but just sick. It was probably because he was weak at the moment, and even if the Hokage’s treatment earlier had stopped the bleeding, his body was bruised and sore. And so, it wasn’t much of a surprised that the first thing he really set his eyes on was the bed at the top of the room. Of course, he gave a glance at the guarding ANBUs, and that Captain from earlier, but the bed was enticing. But as he approached the center of the room in silence, he stopped and saw a reflection on the window.

There is a something that must be known about the Hasegawa Clan with cursed beasts– they can never see themselves in mirror or any form of reflecting surface. Instead, they would see the beast that resides in them. And for many years– majority of his life, in fact– Kiri had always depended on his brother to note if he looked fine or if he needed a haircut or the likes, because he could never really his own appearance. And as he watched at the beast, he found the lack of the voice in his soul rather lonesome. Then he would raise his hand to his head and remembered that he had bled there. Even if it was treated somehow, his hair felt sticky from it. Moreover, looking down, he could see that his clothes were a mess.

He sighed. Then, he looked back at the ANBU Captain and said, “Can I get a change of clothes and wash off some of this dried-up blood? I used to work the wards back at Kumogakure and bloodstains or other dirt on the bed is just troublesome. So let me, at the very least, spare your mednins any of this.” It was an outright request, no pun, no sarcasm, just honesty from experience. He’d spent most of his time learning the trade of medical jutsu, as well as hospital shifts from the simplest of bedpans up to emergency care and surgery, and if anything, he knew that the one of the tenets of the hospital is to avoid any form of contamination by being neat. And to that effect, he’d rather not have to stain anything in this rather set and ready and clean room.

[Topic Entered]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked over to Yuki for a few seconds before noting the appearance of the prisoner. Sighing under his mask he wondered how long this matter would take to clear up. Though he had been moved the impression he got was still one that he wasn’t happy with. Allowing himself a few seconds to recover his thoughts he pondered for a few seconds the reply he would give to the man. He seemed to want to stop the hospital wasting time but still did he even deserve nice treatment. Takeshi headed out the door and grabbed the nearest set of scrubs he could find. Light blue and very basic at least it was something he could change into. As he wandered down the corridor he looked into a few rooms before returning back.

“These will do, for now, I believe Yuuto left you some books to read as well. I suggest that you read them, it might bring some insight to how to live your life”

His voice always cold under the mask, as he threw the clothes onto the bed to allow Kiri to get changed. It wasn’t anything special at all, in fact he was trying to be kind but apparently, this wasn’t working anymore. Yuuto wanted to give the man a lesson and Takeshi hoped that he learned his lesson from this incident. As he allowed himself to glance out the window he pondered on things for a few minutes.

“You realise that Yuuto and Umashi are trying to help you. You were given a second chance something rarely seen these days”

[MFT- 265]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Kiri could tell that the ANBU may have been staring at him far more than necessary. Perhaps even glaring underneath that mask. He didn’t really care because he was just trying to be considerate at the moment. If they would deny his request then he would just have to deal with it. But much to his surprise, the said ANBU Captain seemed to have quickly left the room to find some spare clothing before returning and handing them to him. He nodded with a smile as he accepted it, a brief thank you leaving his lips. And even that small reminder about Yuuto’s considerate offer to let Kiri read some self-help and guide books was taken well because of it. Normally, Kiri may have spatted on it. But books… were rather important for him.

He proceeded towards the lone sink in the room. Placing the spare clothing on a desk nearby, he would first roll his sleeves and wash his hands, feeling a bit of a sting as cool water met bruised flesh. He then washed his face, soaking a bit of his hair as he felt for the sticky dried-up blood along his locks. When it was done, he wiped on the hand towel hanging by the wall and then proceeded to unbutton his shirt.

He paused for a moment as he realised they were still there but with the silence, he somehow got the idea that they wouldn’t mind him changing so openly. So he took off his dress shirt, folded it and placed it on the desk. He then took the change of clothing and revealed that it was a plain bluish yukata, so he slipped into it. But then he remembered about his trousers and boots and so he took them off as well, stacking the folded trousers on top of the shirt from earlier. He would then proceed to tie the yukata when he could hear some footsteps approaching the door to the room.

He trailed his eyes on the door for a bit longer as his hands would quickly finish tying the knot on the yukata. He then proceeded to walk towards the bed, already feeling the fatigue coming onto him, but along the way, he would spot one of those books that the ANBU Captain mentioned as it was on top of the bedside table. Something about meditation and inner peace. He grabbed it and then sat on the bed for a while, reading the cover and then placing it on the bed as he sighed and looked around once more.

While he appreciated the thought, the current situation cannot be forgotten, and something told him that this was all going to be..

“Troublesome,” he sighed again before picking up the book, leaning on the headboard and starting to flip the pages as if to lose his troubled thoughts into it.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his eyes to watch the man, time ticked by first by the minute. Soon that minute transplanted to an hour, as the sun begin to set in the background Takeshi watched the guards change, four new ANBU came in to replace the four watching Kiri. Finally, the night came, though Kiri was too busy to sleep. This probably had taken its toll on him, but it also had effected everyone in the room. Without even realizing he managed to let a yawn escape his lips, it wasn’t supposed to happen easily but of course he had a long trialling day as well by his accounts.

“New guard same rules apply, this man is watched all the time by you, take a corner and stand watch nothing more nothing less”

Once he finished addressing, he let his back touch the wall directly opposite Kiri’s bed as he slumped down the wall, allowing his knees to come to his chest. This position more comfortable than before he still refused to allow himself to sleep. Before the Uchiha knew it, birds were tweeting the wakeup call as the sun glared threw the windows. It seemed the new day was here as the light settled in, the hospital awoke with the sound of noise and people running around doing their chores. For the last twenty-four hours this room had seemed to hold the Captain he hoped that would change soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
This was all becoming such a big drag, but all in all Yuuto had to do this, it was apart of the job. He was dressed in a striped black and white leather jacket and a white t-shirt underneath. The material of his shirt looked like silk. That wasn't good for his skin right? Regardless, Yuuto was dressed like he was about to go out to an event not deal with a prisoner. Even so he still had his utility belt that seemed to have an enormous amount of XXS Summoning Scrolls along with a 3 eyed anbu mask on his waist. The Sennin waltzed into the hospital casually, strolling past the normal greeting center going straight to the room that had Kiri in it.

No one really spoke to him at the moment, they knew who he was and that he was going to the boy who only had Anbu attending to him. This boy not only had 4 Anbu guarding him, but the foreign Anbu Sennin and Hokage making trips to him. Regardless rumors would spread of this poorly isolated situation, a detainment center was more than needed now.

Eventually the trio would come to a door on the third floor. "Here we are, now remember don't do anything rash no matter what Kiri says. (More so speaking to Hoshi)", Yuuto tapped on the door three times before opening it, there was nothing specific about the taps, he just felt three was enough. When they entered the room Junko and Hoshi would see it was an average room that had 4 cloaked Anbu one of which was wearing a white cloak unlike the normal black. Kiri was clean and alive, with books and elite killers to keep him company.

The Sennin observed that Kiri was wearing a nice blue robe surprisingly. Yuuto brushed the thought aside not giving it weight or reason. "You try your hardest to look different every time we see you. Still have your tongue it seems like" instantly combating any slick comment Kiri would have to say. This would be the constant reminder that Kiri would have to live with the weight, consequences, shame, and results of his actions. He would have to remember that every time he spoke it was due to his decision to live in a world that he would have to play the redemption game. It was a game Yuuto had done too many times and was over it now.

"I present the Medical Sennin of Kumogakure and my pupil Hoshi. Well you already know them as father and brother it would seem. Speak toyour family, I'm sure they have a lot to discuss with you." Yuuto would then turn to his Anbu, "You may leave, you've all done a great job watching over Kiri overnight. Suicide Watch is over, go home guys get some rest and enjoy your families today. Leave your comms open, especially this Thursday I have a big announcement for Anbu. That's all, dismissed." He would attempt to fist bump, or handshake, hell even hug his Anbu as they walked out. They were his new family and he'd treat them as such.

Yuuto would then lean against the wall while Kiri, Junko and Hoshi had a heart to heart

-The Anbu are dismissed thank you for watching Kiri

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
Entering the hospital, a chill went down the young genin's spine. He straightened himself out and maintained a blank face. A face without expression, no resentment, yet no happiness, calm yet on edge. His eyes half low, as if to hide the windows of his soul. He would appear, an empty canvas. Prior to this moment he already mauled through all of his thoughts and had accepted this to be Shinobi duty. He could only hope for his brother to watch his tongue.

Yuuto adorned in scrolls with black and white linens lead the way. Hoshi wore his traditional daily garments, a kimono top with loose fitting pants kept together by a grey apron which played as utility belt for to belt pouches at his waist, to the side. Hoshi wore his Kumogakure headband across his forehead, half lidded pale Hyuuga eyes looking straight at all times. The third floor lead them to a door. In and out through his nose, Hoshi took a silently deep breath. They walked in, Hoshi immediately spotted Four anbu, one different from the others whichever Hoshi quickly deducted as a leader. They were masked, even more still, silent and emotionless than Hoshi's little get up. Even then, Hoshi never broke his focus, even when those narrowed Hyuuga eyes searched into the room and spotted Kiri. He wanted to shake his head, but he didn't. He wanted to speak up, but chewed his tongue vigorously. He looked to the leader, without moving his eyes he sized him up. The one with a white hood, must've been the one who showed mercy to Kiri. Still, Kiri looked beaten and tattered, he wanted to click his teeth, or clear his throat, instead.... His gaze loosened and searched the remaining three. Hoshi nodded, giving a bow after being introduced.

Yuuto sent the Anbu off, and if Hoshi could he would walk past them without making a glance, only seeing them from within peripheral view until he made his way to be face to face with Kiri behind a mirror. This would be the first time seeing each other after an extended time away.

Hoshi would look at Kiri intensely. He had so many emotions but felt it better to keep his mouth shut and burst out while Konoha anbu were present, and Junko and Yuuto. Things he wanted to say or do, had to be done another time and place. Until then, the hyuuga would stare his brother down until he was acknowledged by him. He examined Kiri who seemed to have grown over time, although physically looking mature it seemed he still didn't act it. To Kiri, Hoshi would have appeared to have grown a lot over time too. In height, masculinity, muscle mass and maturity. The cold stare continued fell the hyuuga.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Going into the chilling air conditioned air of leafs hospital facility, Junko felt right at home. He loved the hospital, it was his home away from home, and his place of paper work. Oh yeah... paperwork...damn...he'd likely have tons of that upon his return home and knowing Karin, she had it set to the side nice and neat for his return. Meanwhile, Akane would likely feel the pressure of work weighing on her body as Junko assigned her to quite a few extra assignments before his departure. Since Junko was gone, she was one of the only individuals with most of the qualifications to fill his shoes as far as specializations go. Which was understandable, she was the sennins student after all.

With each step, Junko thought of home and the report he'd have to make involving this issue. Man, this was a headache, but Junko would be the aspirin to put an end to the pain. Through the corridors floor upon floor, the trio had finally arrived to a door. As the ANBU sennin gave three small taps, he entered and the Tsuyoshi followed him in. Looking at Kiri in his nice blue robe, Junko held a blunt expression as usual as Yuuto made his remarks and had the room cleared out.

Grabbing a rolling chair, Junko slid it his way. Putting his leg over, he took a seat in the chair backwards and crossed his arms to lean on the back of the chair. Simply looking at Kiri, Junko allowed silence to fill the room until it overflowed. "Let's skip the mess up, the chew out, and begin focusing on making things right. What went well? What went bad? What have we learned? and what do you feel needs to be done to make things right? Lastly, what do you feel needs to be done to ensure we're not in this position again because this is strike two." Junko asked bluntly. In a way, this would allow Kiri to retrace his steps, learn, and grow. Meanwhile, Junko would simply evaluate before he continued further. This wouldn't get Kiri out of hot water, but this meeting would determine Junko's decision.

[Topic Entered]
WC: 361


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Strange. He didn’t expect he’d be drawn into the book as much as he did. Before he knew it, he was unconsciously fighting the sleep in him as if each page spoke to him. Then again, it was always like that with him, even when he was studying those tomes under Osu. He would get sleepless nights because of them. The only difference was that instead of reading about guts, innards, life-threatening diseases and visuals that were mostly red and bloody, this was just a paperback with ink. And in each page, there was nothing more than words that were written so elegantly that he couldn’t believe was possible. It was almost as if those monks in the monastery were talking right out of the book themselves.

But alas, he drifted into a light sleep, his head leaned back at the wall as he was sitting against the headboard of the bed. It was the tweeting of some birds outside that woke up. He really did not know that he slept but as he glanced at the sun rays entering through the windows, he somehow made sense of things. Also made sense now that he felt still slightly fatigued. Lack of sleep and perhaps the sore muscles. But as he would glance back into the room, he would find the ANBU Captain still there, staring at him from behind the mask, he supposed, though sitting on the ground, almost ready to pounce at him at a moment’s notice.

Just then, there would a knock on the door and Kiri’s attention was diverted. His eyes were fixed on the opening door as he caught sight of familiar faces. Despite being groggy, his mind was quick to comprehend the scene as he locked eyes with the man known to him as his now adoptive father. Even with Yuuto introducing the guests, Kiri never let his eyes leave the man’s visage. It was only after a few more minutes when he did glanced upon Hoshi, eyes widening a bit in surprise as he took in the growth of the boy, the changes and the maturity. Though a frown played on his lips when it reminded him of what happened back then and his eyes looked away.

He took a deep breath, settled the book on the bed, and then slowly looked up again to find Junko taking a seat to his side. With the man’s ever stoic face and cold tone, he really felt like he was back to that night in the cell in Kumogakure. Ah, but it was still far better than how his real father would have acted. Then again, he knew very well that Junko could also just decide to kill him for the safety of everyone, including himself.

It was… annoying. He was annoying. His pride was annoying. But to deny himself would also mean to deny his life.

“I don’t know,” answered Kiri, looking straight into Junko’s eyes before lowering his eyes onto his hands, seeing a bruise form and still feeling some of the pangs of battle, ignoring altogether. “I didn’t want to become a burden so I thought I should get stronger, but I’m still not. And in the end, I’m still making more trouble than anything. I can’t even tell what I’m doing wrong all the time. And just when I thought I could learn more about myself, I realise that it’d just be useless.” Then, he clenched his hands as he looked up to glance at Hoshi and back to Junko, for once trying to fight the tears that were welling up. He bit his lip as he furrowed his brow before finding his voice again. “I promised… I promised Osu I would live to become better but… But I don’t want to hurt anyone I care about again. What if Osu was wrong to ask of me that? What if you and the Raikage were right all along? What if I’m better off dead?”

He paused and gasped for air as he tried to contain the emotions, a single tear falling and he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand. “Sorry. I’m not strong. Even when I wanted to prove my words with my strength, in the end I was still not strong. Does that mean I’m lying to myself? That my body won’t fight for what I believed in?” Looking down, he would clutch his chest. “Sorry. I really don’t know what to say. I’m just a useless vessel. I don’t know how to fix myself. I don’t know how to live.” He paused and gave a chuckle, though it failed miserably. “When I was young, the chains on my hands felt so heavy and cold that when I took my first step of freedom, I didn’t want to ever feel so trapped again. But now… my hands feel so empty… it hurts. I think the weight and the cold would be better.”

He paused again before looking back to face Junko in the eye. “Sorry. You wanted to know what I truly think, right?”

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

After sitting down his books, Kiri began. He was full of emotion as his mind diverted away from Junko's simple questions. He was still only a boy and his emotions were similar to Hoshi. Out of control, but perhaps that was only because they weren't receiving the bumps in life that would make them a man. Nevertheless, Junko was already beginning to make another psychological evaluation just like he did the night in Kumogakures. With a mastery in psychology, Junko would soon be able to tell the right direction to go with the lad.

Kiri responded with I don't know despite showing no time to even thing of his response. The young one believed he was weak and constantly tapped on the door of what if.

“Sorry. You wanted to know what I truly think, right?”

"Calm down, take a deep breath, and think this time." Junko said with a smirk as he slightly lightened his tone. "We are focused on making things right and evaluating accordingly." Junko said reaching out and placing a hand on Kiri's shoulder.

"What went well? Obviously you're still alive and surrendered. Let's be grateful and appreciate life. Can't fulfill any promise, get stronger, be useful to anyone, or protect your love ones close to you if you're dead. Am I right?" Junko said slowing things down further. Junko had been with the lad for quite some time, his common sense would kick in soon.

"What went bad? Well, a lot right? If things didn't, you wouldn't be in here in the first place. So obviously, wrong decisions were made Right? What were those wrong decisions? Ohhhh I don't knooow....Perhaps, fighting while knowing that you don't have control? Junko said removing his hand from Kiri's shoulder and beginning to connect the dots for the lad.

"What have we learned? Well, dying isn't the answer. We've cleared that. Fighting right now is a no no. We've cleared that. Am I right?" Junko said with a pause to await the boys conformation.

"Knowing this, what do you feel needs to be done to make things right?

Annnndddd what do you feel needs to be done to ensure we're not in this position again because once again, this is strike two. Think first. Then answer the question at hand."
Junko said with a nod very calm, cool, and collected.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Light ninja, dark ninja, faux ninja, real ninja~
Strong ninja, weak ninja, village ninja, rogue ninja~
Still ninja . . .
Still ninja . . .

Walking into his home away from home, Umashi greeted the medics as he passed them by and did his normal early morning rounds. Though he was the Hokage, serving as Co-Medical Sennin allowed him a certain closeness to the people that he served, especially the young and elderly. Checking on a certain younger patient of his, the teenager was going on and on about this new album that he had and the lyrical flow that the artist was portraying concerning the realities of the world that he was living in. Though the kid had a very serious lung condition and was facing the possibility of a very real and very scary surgery, the excitement that he felt about the new album was contagious and despite the pain that he must have been in, the kid kept up with every lyrical bar as Umashi listened with rapt attention. "You wanna know what's more important than throwin' away yen at a club?" The question though rhetorical was actually quite intriguing. Shrugging his shoulders, Umashi waited for the punchline that the kid would deliver. "Credit . . ." Ouch! "You ever wonder why the Daimyo own all the property in the world? That's how they did it!"

Umashi gave a low whistle at the diss at the elite, but on he listened. When the free show was over, Umashi gave the kid his daily update on his health among other things and encouraged him to work on his flow so that one day it could be him that the kids would listen to. A nod to the kid and a bow to the medic-nin who would take his place in the room with the parents now making their way into the room, Umashi would continue down the hallway and enter through one doorway as he climbed a flight of stairs and made his way to the hallway that held what was effectively their prisoner. For a fact Umashi wasn't happy to be here and it showed on his face as he rounded the corner and entered the room, short sleeved medical scrubs and everything. Seeing the usual suspects of Yuuto, Kiri and surprising but not surprisingly Junko, Umashi gave a curteous nod but immediately crossed his arms and leaned up against the nearest wall as he yawned and gave Kiri the death stare. "Strike two, and possibly the last . . . I'm open to options though." Some of the best parts about being a ninja was walking mid-way into a topic at hand and following up on a conversation that you weren't around to hear the entirety of.

OOC: Topic Entered, although I'm going out of town this weekend so don't expect any post from me between Friday and Monday.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from Junko to respond, but he was quite surprised. While the other was sincere and made sound arguments, he could tell that it was for his own good. Actually, it felt like how a father would reprimand a child. Or at least how he thought it would feel like and Kiri couldn’t help but feel confused. He wasn’t sure why he would deserve to have met with these people. Even as the Homage had shown himself, once more, Kiri gave his utmost to the man who took him in as his own son, his mind working to piece out the words he must say. Then, eyes wander from Junko to Hoshi, reflecting a strange nostalgic glance, perhaps remorse, perhaps guilt, perhaps a yearning for redemption.

What to do? To cry. I want to go home. Where is home?

Then, those eyes would sharpen and glance back to Junko as he would speak once more, his voice slightly low, “Train. Work harder. Aspire to become better… for everyone… and for myself.” He paused in consideration of his words before he continued as he raised his hand once more to his chest, this time not clutching but with his palm wide open. There had always been a strange warm connection there. People say many things about where souls exist in the human body. Some say its at the stomach and it was why warrior cut open their bellies. Others say it is on the head so you feel the soul departing from the dead when you touch it and it is the last thing that remains warm. But for Kiri, his brother’s voice was from inside, from his heart that hurts and laughs and cries along with him.

“For my brother, my family, and the village. I can only choose to move forward and become better,” he said. He let out a sigh as he closed his heads for a moment, feeling the exhaustion wash over him again though he would not let it win. And opening his eyes, he would look back at Junko once more.

In the past, he would be the one to point to others what was need to be done. In the past, he would berate or correct Hoshi, or even go as far as try to reprimand Komora for her behavior. And so, when he thought about it. He never had a moment to ask for help from anyone in his life before. His brother may have guided him but there was never a person in the real world to give him a hand or for him to ask for help. Everyone was just a faceless person, until he met those slowly made a mark in his life. Even if Osu had his own strange methods, sometimes even conflicting with his own, they still made him feel like he could depend on Osu, even if he would not outright say it. Hoshi, whom he was slowly getting used to as that annoying friend and brother, was another whom he could attest as someone he could connect with in the village. And then, there was Junko, who started it all by showing him the struggles with the lack of strength. But it was more than that. He was slowly realising it. All these time, it may not have been entirely be about gaining strength, but gaining faith and trust. This man who took it upon himself to make him part of his family, to take his burden and make him realise the world was far larger than what he knew.

Finding his voice, Kiri would say, “I can only ask for help. Junko… can you… help me?”

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
Hoshi just stood, the cold eyes searching to and fro the hospital room. There was a back and forth exchange between Junko and Kiri. Hoshi finally stepped back, his gaze becoming soft and falling to the floor. He just listened to the two, trying to understand Kiri. He was no position to say anything, Hoshi was barely able to control his own forbidden technique. The boy sighed thinking of the worst happening to Kiri.

The door swung open once more and Hoshi's head turned quickly to see. The Hokage entered, immediately Hoshi turned to the Shinobi and bowed out of respect. Strike two, Junko also said the same. Hoshi looked at both the Kage and Junko, lastly to Yuuto. He was confused on this strike two thing they kept bringing up. A chill went down the boy's spine and he shivered, now hovering over a seat, he sat down. Hoshi was slowly becoming restless and really just wanted to get out and get some fresh air.

Kiri fully explained himself, what he said sounded like what anybody would want to hear. The question is, would Konoha accept this and what was going to happen? It was very likely that Kiri could be executed in Konoha, his bottom lip began to tremble. His hands cupped together, Hoshi began to play with his thumbs like a game of war, nervously. Still chewing his lip, a tapping of his left foot, clearly he was in uneasy. Hoshi inhaled deeply, as he exhaled he leaned back until the back of his head rested upon the wall behind him. Kiri's final words, was a request for help. Hoshi looked over to Kiri, then to Junko, he kept his tongue and said not a word. Hoshi began to pace around the room, hands behind his back gaze fixated upon the floor as he moved around. Occasionally he'd pause, and look over to Kiri. He wondered how similar they were, foster children begging for something to hold onto.

Kumogakure itself could only provide so much family, but for these two, Hoshi and Kiri, they both needed more. Hoshi understood this, which is why he sought out Yuuto and found himself in Konoha the first place. It's what lead him to adopt the Tsuyoshi surname and accept his position in a family. At that thought, he began to miss home and the family he was blessed with. He continued to pace around the room.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

Entering the room really smooth, calm, and collected holding his death stare while wearing scrubs, Umashi was in. Giving the Hokage a nod in agreement as He mentioned that this could be Kiri's last strike, Kiri was given the opportunity to continue.

“Train. Work harder. Aspire to become better… for everyone… and for myself.”

Hearing those words were good. Really good. Yes that would help, but what about leaf right? That was the actual situation at hand that needed to be made right. Right? Watching as Kiri placed a hand over his heart, the boy continued.

“For my brother, my family, and the village. I can only choose to move forward and become better,”

“I can only ask for help. Junko… can you… help me?”

Creating a fist, Junko placed it on Kiri's chest right over his heart as he removed his hand. "Of course, That's why I'm here in the first place and why we left the village son." Junko said with passion as any father would. "Umashi is a good friend of mine and partner. Our bond and work has now led to something even bigger. And you come to his new home causing trouble? So, let's make things right." Junko said allowing his fist to drop from the boys chest.

"You've been beaten up. Served a little time I guess, nothing drastic. Umashi if you would, allow Kiri 500 hours of community service, with no pay, and accompanied by two ANBU operatives." Junko said with a nod as he looked to Umashi. The boy caused trouble and had to suffer. As a Tsuyoshi, you had to work hard. Instead of working hard in Kumogakure, he'd be working hard in konoha helping them rebuild. For the headache the boy caused, they should at least get some work out of him right?

"You choose when he put in his time, it could be after some more training, up to you. A lot of people are working hard here, I'm sure they'd love the extra hands. Now, as far as this not occurring again." Junko said before looking back to Kiri. Once again, Junko would become cold. "Kiri, I do know you have the control to choose when you utilize your brothers power. You're simply depended on the power that you can not control. It's how you've survived for so long. So, this I say unto you." Junko said before standing to his feet. Turning the chair, Junko sat in it properly and leaned forward. "You are only to use the power in life or death situations. Not spars, not to prove anything, nothing. Life..... or death. The next episode in which you utilize this power and it's not in defense of your life or in defense of cloud or leaf and you go berserk.....Causing destruction, chaos, or confusion." Junko said with a pause allowing the boy to devour everything Junko was saying.

"By the power vested in me as Kumogakure medical sennin. I personally, shall remove your Kinjutsu and separate you from your brothers soul. I have my ways to preserve his soul for you, but you would no longer be a jinchuuriki as it would be proven that you cannot handle the power. Do I make myself clear? " Junko said with seriousness. Hopefully it would never come to the removal of his kinjutsu, but if the lad opposed during the time of its removal, Junko would have to put Kiri down. Permanently.

OOC: Best thing I can come up with. Kiri do have the power to choose to utilize the power, even in modded combat. Now, OOCLY I'm not trying to control the way you spar/fight etc. But due to IC actions, Junko is restricting Kiri's Jinchuuriki usage IC

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the conversation for a little while, though it seemed that he had other matters to attend and now being dismissed. As the others filed out he stayed a little bit to overhear things but it seemed everything was in order. This much to be said allowing the ANBU Captain to depart. As he walked past Yuuto he took the new Sennins offer up of the Hug. Giving the Sennin a nice solid strong hug as he pulled the man close.

“I’m taking off today, if you need me summon me. I look forward to hearing your address and congratulations. It looks like our destiny’s may be entwined from this moment onwards. Maybe we can celebrate over a few drinks”

Takeshi’s voice nothing more than a whisper to Yuuto. As he allowed himself to walk out the door glancing one more time back to Kiri on the bed. Sighing he knew this would probably be the last time he saw the man that had started such drama in the village. Yuuto was now in control of this situation and happily he would take the man’s offer to spend some time with Yuki. From this morning at the gates to now he had barely been home. Family time was much needed and he appreciated the offer of getting some. Walking down the corridors he began to whistle to himself.

[Topic Left unless stopped]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Crossing his arms, Umashi would allow things to play out as he nodded at Junko's mentioning of their relationship to which Umashi suddenly had to question why so many of his friends were from Kumo. None the less, Umashi would close his eyes and begin to shake his head when he finally found a point where he had to interject. "No . . ." Without adding too much inflection on it, the answer was just enough to convey his complete lack of understanding about the situation. "While I can understand that the boy does indeed need his . . . brother removed, what I cannot allow is for him to do this community service to make up for what he's done. In fact . . ." Kicking off his perch, Umashi uncrossed his arms and laid eyes first on Kiri and then on Junko.

Although his demeanor was more matter of fact than offensive, his words were probably just as alarming.
"I'm going to have to ask that you pay the price for your ward, Tsuyoshi-sama. I need need to know that you are able to handle him while he is within the Fire Country without any further incidents." Extending a hand towards the door, Umashi beckoned Junko with the other to follow him. "If you'll follow me, the path to our coliseum, Kitsune Park, is just this way. If I find your skills to be sufficient then Kiri is free to go while under your care. If not then he will stay imprisoned until I hear official word from Ayumu." While the ball was entirely in Junko's court, Umashi was really hoping that they'd be able to solve this entire situation in minutes rather than longer deliberating hours. After all, how long did shinobi fights actually last?

OOC: Requesting to leave topic with Junko, spar and then return after a few rounds, obviously not till death.
Topic left with Junko unless stopped.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013

No, Umashi responded. To the Hokages response, Junko simply listened as he took the floor. This was Umashi's village and Junko only made a suggestion to the boys punishment, nothing was set it stone. It was all on umashi.

"I'm going to have to ask that you pay the price for your ward Tsuyoshi-sama. I need to know that you are able to handle him while he is within the Fire Country without any further incidents."

With a simple nod, Junko understood. He was responsible for the child and their was no harm in taking precaution. Umashi knew Junko's skills as a medic, but as a fighter, he knew very little. In fact, no one truly knew the fighting skills of the Prodigy Brother. Yes, he had defeated many, but he was such a humble, blunt, quiet, and private man that his power was a mystery to all.

"If you'll follow me, the path to our coliseum, Kitsune Park, is just this way. If I find your skills to be sufficient then Kiri is free to go while under your care. If not then he will stay imprisoned until I hear official word from Ayumu."

A part of Junko wanted to smirk. The moment Umashi challenged him, it became less about Kiri and more about battle. Battle was the one thing Junko truly enjoyed more than chocolate chip cookies. Perhaps Umashi had the strength to make Junko's smirk turn into an actual smile again. We'd soon see.

[Topic Left with Umashi]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto stood there watching as Kiri and Junko had their long heart to heart. It felt like a bunch of worthlessness to Yuuto but it had been a long time since he had been in Kiri's shoes of not being able to control power.

He was a master at this bit of the game now and his trials did not lead him to situations Kiri found himself in. Prison was Yuuto's choice, he could have stayed an Exile and simply killed anyone chasing him unless they stretched their manpower that thin. However he chose to come back and serve his sentence. He couldn't view Kiri more than a child who had power they didn't need. Whoever did this to the boy wasn't thinking straight.

He perked his ears up about Junko's suggestion. He wouldn't agree to those terms, cleaning up didn't change the fact that Kiri was a creature of impulse, and lately proving that bad decisions were in his habits. So they couldn't trust a flight risk to stay in check.

Then Umashi spoke, he said no, Yuuto was delighted. However when the two decided to spar Yuuto couldn't stop them, even though he wanted nothing more than to leave this situation he was stuck. "Is this a trend of his? Abandoning people on a whim." Yuuto sighed and went to go sit down in a chair. He didn't plan to be all up in Hoshi and Kiri's business but he had to stay in the room for now.

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
Hoshi listened as the conversation delved deeper within itself. Kiri’s judgement was soon to be told, he was becoming ancy. The Anbu made a move for the exit, Hoshi looked his way for a moment. He whispered some words to Yuuto and made his exit. Hoshi was sure to bow during his departure. It wasn’t long until he was back to a distressed thought process about everything happening currently.

The Hokage responded with a stiff, No, denying the community service. Hoshi wanted to chuckle, he also thought it was a terrible idea for punishment, maybe in Kumo, but in Konoha this situation became more, difficult. Hoshi crossed his arms and slid over to a wall where he perched and stared at Kiri. It appeared the Hokage elected to test Junko’s combat abilities. His thoughts ran back to a faithful day in Kumo, his gaze averting from Kiri to the ceiling. He was a young shinobi enlisted in a combat med-nin class the days before he decided on a branch. Junko was the teacher, along with Osuteno, Kiri, Yutaro, and Hoshi were the students. He rubbed his nose thinking of how hard Junko sensei whacked him.

His thought ended as his face straightened up and focused on Kiri once more. The Hokage and Junko left together making an exit. Yuuto gave a smart remark and took a seat. Hoshi pushed off the wall and walked up to the window, he punched at the glass, but not with any force at all to shatter or damage Konoha property.

“Dammit Kiri-Kun who do you think you are?! Y-you can’t just come to a shinobi village and fight Anbu while you’re still just medical ninja in training yourself! Y-you could’ve died!”

His hand opened into a palm on the window pane, his head leaning against it now, a few tears he had to hold back. He hadn’t seen Kiri in a while, and just when he thought their friendship was building the last thing he remembered was being attacked by, a different Kiri.

“What happened back in Kumo, huh? And then I hear, Junko has also adopted you into the Tsuyoshi family. DID YOU KNOW YOU LEFT ME IN HOSPITAL BED FOR MONTHS?! I was on a wheel chair! Ugh! I-I couldn’t train for weeks!!”

He was lost in so many thoughts, so much time had passed since that fateful day with Kiri’s imprisonment and Hoshi’s recovery. And come to find out they share the same foster father and now have traveled to the same country separately. His hand closed into a fist against the window. His emotions were running rampant and he couldn’t fight the tears streaming down his cheeks anymore. He shut his eyes tightly.

“You remember when we first met? And you tried to kill me at that time too… Well, Kiri-kun… I’ve been training… And I’m just as strong as you now. I’ve learned a lot of things, since training with Yuuto. I’ve learned to suppress my powers, and fight without them. You can’t just go…. Waltzing around places with forbidden techniques like that… Don’t you feel bad for what you did… to me?”

His voice turned cold. It was an answer he needed. He needed to know if Kiri secretly hated him, and maybe that’s why he was always assaulted by Kiri. Although, the first time, Hoshi was asking for it. Had it not been for Haji sensei, Hoshi’s training would’ve ended as early as eight years old. His fist opened to a palm, and slid down the window. Hoshi sniffled, backed away and revealed his face, his strained hyuuga eyes.

“I’ve… I’ve enlisted into the ranks of the Anbu… just so ya know… So… I might not… Always be around anymore. Well, that’s if you do care… Anyway… Whether you hate me or not… We are going to have a rematch. Heh.”

WC 644

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
