Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Ninjustu 101: But Soon the Sun Shines Again! [Class]

The thrill of the fight didn't last long as shortly after Tadashi landed his first hit against the clone, Sensei quickly called out to wait before dispersing them all with a snap of his fingers.

With an excess of adrenaline Tadashi pouted, stood up, and crossed his arms and started to quickly and impatiently tap his right foot on the ground. Very disappointed about his target practice being taken away he tried to calm himself and stay focused on what Shin Sensei was saying. It seemed like his idea to counter the elements with their disadvantage was missing a key piece of information— the difference between minor and major affinities. With a huff Tadashi plops onto the ground and takes a crossed legged seat in the sand with his hands on his legs locked in thought. I have to keep practicing my wind based jutsu so that it can beat anyone I come across...That move where you cover your fists in chakra seemed pretty straightforward... Maybe I could get the hang of that with a little practice...

After being lost in thought about how best to fight with his abilities, Tadashi snaps back to paying attention to what's going on in class just in time to hear Toji ask about Sensei's eye color and demeanor change. Tadashi perks up and listens closely as Shin Sensei explains his situation with his sister Kohana sharing his body.
Things made much more sense now as to why he suddenly acted like a different person— it's because they were a different person. Tadashi's frustration was replaced with intrigue and he began paying closer attention as his Sensei explained chakra alignments. This was information that would be useful someday should he gain access to one or encounter an opponent who uses one of these types. Knowledge was power after all.

Tadashi would wait to hear everything his sensei and classmates have to say and then rush home excitedly to train.

Post: 5/5
Word Count: 321
Total Word Count: 2,287
Shin let a smile take his face as his students showed concern and curiosity about his situation. "It feels like a dream, like falling asleep and dreaming of waking up..." He pondered for a moment before chuckling. "But the next time we all meet it will be taken care of, won't it Hina?" He smiled and looked at the caretaker of the Yurei Orchid. He was going to need her help to strengthen the seal he wore to provide more stability to his mental barrier that held Kohana at bay.

Clapping his hands together with a smile on his face he would continue. "But, that is going to be the end of class today! Your assignments for the week until our next class will be to continue to push your affinity until you can feel yourself mastering the element itself! Who knows, maybe one day you will discover that you have every element hiding within you just like your Sensei does!"

As he dismissed his class he walked over to Kazuma. "Unless I am mistaken I am already sensing an Advanced Elemental Chakra coming from you. How prodigious, keep training that and you will find yourself breaking through the ranks and leading a squad of your own before you know it."

With that Shin would begin performing various small jutsu to repair the damage the class had caused to the training yard as his students were dismissed and allowed to leave the Toraono Dojo for the day. His mind would wander into and out of the various proctors he would be meeting with soon. Perhaps Uziuke would be free to help host an exam.

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[OoC: Everyone has met the 5 posts and 1k words except Kazuma, who will meet that with 1 more post which you can use as an exit post. Students are not required to post again leaving the topic if they chose not to! Please link the post from Dominus into your trainings so that the Global Moderators can verify that you have in fact completed a class! Congratulations!]
"Like a dream huh?" the young boy looked lost in thought as he said it to himself. I can't even imagine what that would be like he thought to himself before gathering himself again. The young Santaru boy nodded to his teacher's reply "Yes it's a family trait, we share the ability to summon storm chakra" raising his hand and placing it behind his head. He quickly reached into his pack and pulled out a scroll, quickly jotting down notes on what he had learned today in class, after all this was the academy, in the hopes he can study them again later.

Before heading out He noticed the teacher cleaning up a bit and decided to help him, cleaning a bit of the destruction they had all caused in order to make up for being late to the class. Least I can do right? he thought as he gathered his things and headed off towards his home. The new lessons were racing through his mind and he tried to hurry back to care for his mother again, hopefully being able to get a training session in before the day's end.

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[PC: 191][WC: 1728][P:5/5]

Hina gasped a little at her Sensei mentioning her in front of the whole class. She quickly bowed in a respectful way, feeling very awkward about the whole situation. Hopefully nobody noticed that...I definitely don't want a target on my back.
Her eyes flashed to Sora and Toyota, knowing they were the two not only closest to Shin, but very competitive when it came to responsibilities in the Chikamatsu clan. She certainly did not want to get on their bad sides.

As Shin Sensei closed out class Hina quickly rushed away, hopefully avoiding any interruptions from her peers on the way to the arboretum.

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Toji would thank shin sensi for the lesson. He would then hurry home to get started on all the preparations he needed for his big plan with all his friends later that day

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
