Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

No harm in sparring with friends? [Spectating]

Sep 2, 2018
[No harm in sparring with friends?]

Being a member of the Main Branch, Ryoku found himself in or around the Ninja Academy rather frequently. It was usually for some boring task, but it was one of the few tasks he didn’t mind. It allowed him to observe the academy students. He liked watching them strive to get better, and every now and then, if one was struggling, he would give as much advice as he could to cheer them up. They wouldn’t get any stronger if they got too frustrated and gave up.

On the rare occasion, he would see a student with superb skills. Skills that Ryoku could have only dreamed of having when he was a student. He passed his exam with flying colors, but he knew that some of these students were still way better than he was at that time.

Walking by a field close to the academy, a few students caught Ryoku’s eye. The group consisted of a scrawny boy with white hair, similar to Ryoku’s but shorter; a slender girl of similar height to the boy and dark green hair; and a blue haired boy approximately 30 centimeters taller than the other two and much more fit. If Ryoku had to guess, this one was training to become a taijutsu specialist and he had already put a lot of work into it. Was this older-looking academy student challenging the other two to a 2 versus 1 sparring session? Ryoku stopped to observe. If they were going to spar, he wanted to see what they were capable of.

They didn’t seem to speak to each other for long before the shorter boy distanced himself from the other two. They moved away from him as well and all three students got into battle stances. “So the scrawny one is sparring them solo?” he thought to himself. “This should be interesting.”

Then it began.

The blue haired boy drew a sword, and the scrawny one created one out of.. “Is that blood?!” Ryoku exclaimed somewhat quietly, a smile creeping across his face. “I knew this would be interesting!” Without hesitation, the kid sprung forward with impressive speed and began striking at the girl, who was attempting to lay a trap. The trap was laid pretty well, but Ryoku could tell that the boy still noticed that she had set it as he distanced himself from her, possibly to avoid it. The blue-haired one seemed to amazed by the scrawny one’s speed to act, but it only caused a few seconds of hesitation. Potentially deadly in actual combat, but nothing experience wouldn’t remedy.

The two boys charged each other, but before the scrawny one could strike, his blood weapons disappeared. He seemed to be extremely surprised by this, leaving an opening for the blue-haired one to strike. He got one hit in, but the small one seemed to shake the surprise off long enough to dodge his next two swings before getting caught by one more swipe of the blue-haired one’s sword, knocking him into the girl’s trap and covering him in oil. Not only that, but he was bleeding. “Shake it off,” Ryoku mumbled to himself, quietly cheering him on. It would be so cool to see this tiny kid take on two kids at once, one of them being twice his size.

The small one made another set of weapons out of blood again. He definitely wasn’t giving up. Ryoku smiled. But, like a baby dragon, the girl exhaled a small burst of fire at him. It hit him and caused a minor explosion as it caused the oil covering him to combust, but that didn’t slow him down. He charged straight through it towards the girl. The blue-haired one swung his sword a few more times to try and slow him down, but he dodged every attack and kept charging the girl. This one had a lot of fight in him. Once he finally reached the girl, he swung his blood blade at her twice, landing both swipes, then brought the other blood weapon in his off hand up for a third strike, landing that one as well. This kid was fierce and it was not something Ryoku expected of an academy student. It left him speechless..


Hearing a commotion nearby Akemi walked over towards the noise and noticed a white haired boy with a blue mask was watching in the distance at something. As she got closer to the boy she simply stood next to him quietly wondering if he even noticed her there. Looking on towards the fight she watched as it seemed one much smaller boy was taking on two others. He seemed to have the upper hand in the fight so far. The girl didn't seem to be as aggressive as her male counterpart who had landed one blow on the much smaller boy. He appeared to have a blood red blade of some sort but was it actually made of blood?

Still watching the fight she began to speak to the white haired boy. "Do you know any of the students in the ongoing spar you're watching? Or did it happen to just catch your eye as you caught mine passing by? It appears the smaller boy has an edge and is much stronger by himself over each one of them but with them together they may have a chance it does seem. Anyways my name is Akemi and your's is?" With that she continued staring at the fight watching as the smaller boy seemed to still be on the offensive against these two.

“Huh?” Ryoku said, blinking his attention away from the battle for a moment. He felt that someone had approached him, but he didn’t feel threatened enough to pay attention to them. But when the person spoke to him, his attention was pulled naturally. “Oh yeah,” he said with a goofy smile. “I’m Hitsugaya Ryoku, and I don’t know any of these guys. I was just walking past and figured it would be interesting. I’m not disappointed so far.”

He turned his gaze back to the fight and noticed that the female had avoided another attack. She was slippery to say the least, but that didn’t seem like the reason the boy was missing. He was faster than her, Ryoku could see it. So he should be able to hit her, but he was sloppy. “That attack that the boy just attempted was no joke. If he lands that a couple times, the girl will be in trouble. And I’m not entirely convinced that dodging that attack was because of her speed. She might be getting lucky out there. If they play their cards right, they’ll overpower him, especially if he keeps fumbling around. But if he starts to focus enough to land those attacks, he could probably take them both out.”

Ryoku didn’t fully notice that he began speaking out loud to the girl beside him instead of to himself in his own thoughts and probably wouldn’t until she responded. “Right now they’re just chipping away at him. They really just need to last long enough to tire him out without tiring themselves out.” He began to watch carefully at what would happen next. “I have a feeling the outcome of this battle will be quite a surprise.”
Just as Ryoku had predicted, the small boy slowed down for a second to focus, closing his eyes. Closing your eyes is normally not the best strategy in combat, unless one is specifically trying to rely on their other senses. What sense was this boy relying on? Did it have to do with his blood abilities? Could he smell their blood, even though he had yet to draw any? Or could he hear it flowing through their veins?

Without opening his eyes, the boy began to move on the blue-haired one with a graceful speed. Unfortunately, that boy seemed to freeze up in response. The scrawny one seemed to have sensed this, even with his eyes closed, and decided to ignore that boy and go for the girl. The blue-haired one had left his teammate out to dry and essentially turned the battle into a 1v1. A shameful response.

Upon reaching the girl, the scrawny one landed a very effective blow, finally drawing blood. The boy finally opened up his eyes and followed that attack up with another one, just as effective as the first. The boy’s senses were impressive. Judging by the look on the girl’s face, she couldn’t go on much longer, and with her teammate being a statue on the other end of the battlefield, her following surrender was her best option to prevent serious injury.

“See?” Ryoku said looking over the the white-haired girl who had spoken to him. But she was similarly frozen. She hadn’t responded to anything he had said and was standing their, looking at the fight like a useless zombie. “Uhh..” Ryoku began as he uneasily began to walk away. “Okay then. That’s over now so.. I’m gonna go.” The girl still didn’t speak or move so Ryoku left, satisfied with the performance of the scrawny boy and the green-haired girl. They were going to make fine shinobi.

MFT: 316

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
