Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

No harm in sparring with friends?

Kupaku grits his teeth as he misses his target yet again. I have to work on my accuracy... he thinks to himself as continues his assault. Kosho, for whatever reason, was not targeting him at all. He went after Kobyashi every time. I guess she has been the one doing all the damage.

[Actions Sent]
Round 4, Fight!
HP: 1950[lb][/lb]
CP: 930 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.25 [lb][/lb]
Status: Striving to be the Best Swordsman in Leaf
HP: 1993[lb][/lb]
CP: 2500 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Getting Beat Up by Kosho; Why Bully the Girl, WHY?!
HP: 3626[lb][/lb]
CP: 1960 [lb][/lb]
AP: 3 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Playing Jason Voorhees

What Happened?
[td=null,1]---0 Seconds: All passive recoveries of chakra and health occur![lb][/lb]
  • 129 HP and 60 CP for Kosho.
  • 108 HP and 127 CP for Yuuko.
  • 0 HP and CP for Kupaku, b.
---0 Seconds: Kosho takes bleeding damage![lb][/lb]
  • Damage: 34

---0 Seconds: Kosho maintains his blood weapon![lb][/lb]
  • Damage: 86

---4.17 Seconds: Kosho uses Cross Rip Mastered at Yuuko, but misses!
  • Kosho's Melee Accuracy: 9 (Secondary) + 5 (Roll) + 2 (Jutsu) = 16
  • Yuuko's Melee Dodge: 4 (Secondary) + 19 (Roll) = 23
  • CP Used: 205

---6 Seconds: Kupaku uses Dynamic Slash Mastered at Kosho and lands two clean blows. One of them was a critical hit!!!
  • Kupaku's First Melee Accuracy: 4 (Secondary) + 11 (Roll) + 1 (Jutsu) = 16
  • Kosho's First Melee Dodge: 7 (Secondary) + 3 (Roll) = 10
  • Kupaku's First Melee Accuracy: 4 (Secondary) + 20 (Roll) + 1 (Jutsu) = 25
  • Kosho's Second Melee Dodge: 7 (Secondary) + 4 (Roll) = 11
  • Bleeding Chance: 39 (Unsuccessful)
  • CP Cost for Kupaku: 80
  • HP Damage to Kosho: 378

---6.67 Seconds: Kosho uses Arcing Slash Mastered at Yuuko, but misses!
  • Kosho's Melee Accuracy: 9 (Secondary) + 6 (Roll) + 2 (Jutsu) = 17
  • Yuuko's Melee Dodge: 4 (Secondary) + 15 (Roll) = 19
  • CP Used: 75

---6.67 Seconds: Yuuko uses Pressurized Mist Mastered at Kosho, but misses!
  • Yuuko's Ninjutsu Accuracy: 5 (Secondary) + 1 (Roll) + 2 (Jutsu) = 8
  • Kosho's Ninjutsu Dodge: 7 (Secondary) + 11 (Roll) = 18
  • CP Used: 90

HP: 1950[lb][/lb]
CP: 850 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Striving to be the Best Swordsman in Leaf and Nailing Target
HP: 1993[lb][/lb]
CP: 2410 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Water Gunning It Up
HP: 3248[lb][/lb]
CP: 1680 [lb][/lb]
AP: 3 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Le Sad Little Stabbie Boy

  • Nothing.
As the fight went on Yuuko would smile at the events that transpired. Kosho would attempt to attack Yuuko, but she would ever so gracefully dodge the attack. Not only that, but right after that Kupaku would send an attack towards Kosho which would hit. The attack seemed to do quite a bit of damage to Kosho as well. Kosho would launch another attack at Yuuko that she would dodge just like the other. She figured that could be because he had just taken such a major hit. Though it seemed Yuuko wasn't aiming all to well with her attack either. She would attempt to use her water ninjutsu against Kosho, but she would miss quite horribly. Apparently Yuuko was much better at spitting fire than she was with spitting water. That didn't upset her though. She hadn't taken any hits from him either recently. Though of course the battle was still in it's early stages. The final outcome would be impossible to read as of right now. Yuuko was, however, confident in Kupaku's, and her own capabilities. 'I'm putting up a good fight so far!!!' Yuuko would think to herself as she prepared for her next move. Though of course she wouldn't think to much. Getting to caught in your headspace at a time like this could prove to be quite dangerous. Especially if this were to be a real battle against real enemies with an intent to kill. This fight wasn't quite that of course. Yuuko didn't doubt she would find herself in a situation like that sometime in the future though. This fight was definetely great practice. Especially since Yuuko had never been in a real fight before.

[Actions Sent]
Yudo was sliced from the side, twice! One of the cuts inflicted pain that she’d never felt from a blade before. Kupaku certainly turned out to be quite effective with a blade. Yudo had now taken major blows from both her opponents still without causing barely any damage to either of them and to top it off her own blood was the only blood spilled on the battlefield. Perhaps it was time to take a different approach. Yudo closed her eyes focusing on the flowing blood of her opponents and planned her attack.

[Actions Sent]
Round 5, Fight!
HP: 1950[lb][/lb]
CP: 850 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Striving to be the Best Swordsman in Leaf and Nailing Target
HP: 2101[lb][/lb]
CP: 2537 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Water Gunning It Up
HP: 3257[lb][/lb]
CP: 1760 [lb][/lb]
AP: 3 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Le Sad Little Stabbie Boy

What Happened?
[td=null,1]---0 Seconds: All passive recoveries of chakra and health occur![lb][/lb]
  • 129 HP and 60 CP for Kosho.
  • 108 HP and 127 CP for Yuuko.
  • 0 HP and CP for Kupaku, b.
---0 Seconds: Kosho takes bleeding damage![lb][/lb]
  • Damage: 34

---0 Seconds: Kosho maintains his blood weapon![lb][/lb]
  • Damage: 86

---3.33 Seconds: Kupaku switches to Defensive Stance![lb2][/lb2]

---4.17 Seconds: Kosho uses Cross Rip Mastered at Yuuko and lands a clean hit! Oh no, Yuuko is bleeding!
  • Kosho's Melee Accuracy: 9 (Secondary) + 17 (Roll) + 2 (Jutsu) = 28
  • Yuuko's Melee Dodge: 4 (Secondary) + 17 (Roll) = 21
  • Bleeding: 8 (Successful)
  • Damage to Yuuko: 620
  • CP Cost for Kosho: 205

---6.67 Seconds: Yuuko sets a Ninja Wire Trap!
  • Yuuko's Stealth: 0 (Secondary) + 5 (Roll) = 5
  • Kosho's Awareness: 5 (Secondary) + 8 (Roll) = 13
  • Kupaku's Awareness: 3 (Secondary) + 3 (Roll) = 6

---8.34 Seconds: Kosho uses Cross Rip Mastered at Yuuko and lands it cleanly!
  • Kosho's Melee Accuracy: 9 (Secondary) + 13 (Roll) + 2 (Jutsu) = 24
  • Yuuko's Melee Dodge: 4 (Secondary) + 15 (Roll) = 19
  • Bleeding: 78 (Unsuccessful)
  • Damage to Yuuko: 620
  • CP Cost for Kosho: 205

---10 Seconds: Yuuko recovers some HP!
  • CP to HP Conversion: 62

HP: 1950[lb][/lb]
CP: 850 [lb][/lb]
AP: 2.0 [lb][/lb]
Status: Just idle turtle-ing it!
HP: 923[lb][/lb]
CP: 2475 [lb][/lb]
AP: 1.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Set Up a Toy for Later!
HP: 3248[lb][/lb]
CP: 1350 [lb][/lb]
AP: 2.5 [lb][/lb]
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Laughing Internally for He Is One With the Slash

  • Per their OOC agreement, Kosho and Yuuko will finish this fight via RP-only. Kupaku is fine with this as well.
Instead of depending on her eyes Yudo tried using the sound of her opponent’s blood to determine her attacks. With her eyes closed she allowed the sound of flowing blood to plot out both Kupaku and Yuuko’s bodies from head to toe. Before making her next assault Yudo wanted to focus on Kupaku and make sure she was prepared to dodge whatever he tried to attack with next. But it seemed that Kupaku had frozen up with fear in the face of battle, perhaps he feared that Yudo was too fierce for him to handle. Either way this discovery was fine Yudo would trust the sound of his blood believing that he stopped movement altogether.

With the knowledge of Kupaku’s hesitation Yudo ran over towards Yuuko again as she had done many times before in this battle. Yuuko’s body was very alive with movement unlike Yudo’s other opponent. Yudo could hear that certain areas of Yuuko’s body were now increasing blood flow and the distance of the sound was slightly moving as well. This gave Yudo an idea of what movements Yuuko would make slightly better than if Yudo used her eyes.

Having finally closed the distance Yudo was in range to unleash her attack. She focused chakra into her legs and both her blood swords striking first with her right sword then with her left quickly after, making a X shaped strike. Upon cleanly landing her strike Yudo heard a small surge of blood flowing from Yuuko’s body. Finally opening her eyes Yudo saw Yuuko buckle slightly from the strike it seemed to cause good damage, but only moments later Yuuko setup another trap. Yudo wasn’t too keen on finding out what way Yuuko planned on using this trap against her. Continuing her assault chased Yuuko landed the same attack did seconds earlier, but this time her attack didn’t cause further bleeding.

MFT: 313
As Yuuko was beginning to lay down her trap she'd notice Kupaku freeze up in the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure what had come over him. Perhaps the fear of battle? Maybe his initial adrenaline rush at the start of the fight had gone away now. Either way he seemed to be quite frozen not moving to attack, or really doing much of anything. This was a bit disheartening to Yuuko. Not because she was worried about losing the fight, but because she didn't want something bad to have happened to Kupaku.

Yuuko would take a strong hit from Kosho which she felt made her begin to bleed. After that she would set down her second trap still caught up in the heat of the moment. Though after that she would take another hit hurting just as much as the first. After taking those hits she would stand firmly with some distance between her, and Kosho. She'd breathe heavily taking in the scene around her. Though she didn't want to do it she seemed to have no choices left available to her. "I surrender." Yuuko would say with a pained smile placing her hand over her fresh wound. "It seems this fight was a bit to much for Kupaku so I'll go ahead, and surrender. I'm almost out of energy myself anyways." She would say to Kosho as she looked at Kupaku a bit concerned. It didn't seem like Kupaku was gonna want to do any talking. "What do you say Kosho? Wanna call it a day?" She'd ask him still smiling despite the amounts of damage she had just received by his hand.
Yudo glanced again at Kupaku noticing he still hadn’t moved it seemed he had lost the will to fight. Yudo thought that if he couldn’t continue a fight in a simple sparring match then he probably wouldn’t make it as a shinobi.

Meanwhile Yuuko a worthy training opponent also seemed to notice that Kupaku was out of it. Maybe Yudo had the wrong idea when she invited him to spar with them. Nonetheless Yuuko decided she was ready to surrender. The green haired girl was noticeably winded appropriately so Yudo had just land two of her strongest attacks one after the other resulting in drawing Yuuko’s blood.

Yuuko was an exceptionally experienced fighter compared to Yudo this battle had shown Yudo applications of ninja tools that Yudo had never thought of before today. This was indeed a fairly educational experience for Yudo, with that said inviting Yuuko to train was a smart decision for the growth of Yudo as a shinobi smart enough to make up for inviting the boy who had frozen mid-battle. Yuuko and Yudo would be seeing much more of each other she was a much more knowledgeable shinobi than Yudo, so the friendship would benefit Yudo greatly. Not to mention Yuki seemed to really enjoy her company and felt more confident with her around as well.

Yudo dispersed her blood blades and relaxed herself, removing her battle stance to a more casual posture. She then walked toward the entrance of the open field where she had first entered earlier this afternoon. Again glancing back at Kupaku as she grew near to Yuuko “I’m fine with stopping here. Are you planning on doing something with him? If you aren’t we could take a walk together I’d like to pick your brain, you’re a really talented fighter I could learn a lot from you.” Yudo said stopping for a moment to awaiting Yuuko’s response before walking back toward the entrance again.

MFT: 323
Yuuko would smile listening to Kosho respond to her. She was glad that he had decided it would be alright to call the match. She was quite tired from the fight even though it was relatively short. Yuuko was amazed at just how strong Kosho was. The fight was a good learning experience for her, and she hoped Kosho enjoyed it too. The only problem with the fight was the fact that Kupaku didn't seem okay. Yuuko hoped if they gave him some time he'd get over it though, and be better. With that being said Yuuko would feel at her own wound which was bleeding. It surprisingly didn't seem that bad. Besides Yuuko had been working on learning a healing technique. She didn't feel confident with it enough to use it in battle, but would attempt to do so now. She'd bring her hands down, and use her handseals to initiate the jutsu. After that chakra would flow from her hands allowing her to heal herself. It certainly wasn't perfect, or as strong as it should have been. It was enough for Yuuko to feel okay with just walking her wounds off though.

"Sure I'd love to go for a walk!" Yuuko would say excitedly with a happy smile. She loved being with her friends, and loved learning and teaching new things to them. "I'll come back, and check on him later. You didn't hit him so he should be fine once he snaps out of it." She'd say looking over to Kupaku. She'd look back at Kosho thinking a bit. "Speaking of that. Why didn't you hit him? Fightings no fun if you only attack one of your opponents. Besides he probably would have been easier to hit than I would." She'd say not sounding angry, but geniuenly wondering why he didn't attack Kupaku. Though they could discuss that on their walk. Afterall that's what the walk was for. Having discussion, and bettering themselves for the future.

Current Ninpocho Time:
