Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

No Longer Alone [Private]

Usho Hagami

New Ninja
Mar 13, 2016
The day was chilly, and frost hastely emitted from the heavens. Men hurried and finished there task before heading into there well established estates that were scattered around the district. There was but one settlement that stood out, and that was the district orphanage. The exterior was crafted beautifully causing the soil to reap the most finest grass infront of the building. The outside was built so amazingly inspectors would skip over the place and continue forth to there next task, but as children began there adventures into the inside, it bared the most uncivilized free housing for children possible. Children ran around with there arms straight back, jumping on the couch arms as if they were wooden branches. The floors creaked loudly as the children stepped, irritating the head dean of the house. The pearly white paint on the walls were no longer as children allowed there hands and other dirty body parts grind across the wall, giving it a light brownish color. There was only one mannered thing in the whole house that didn't jump on couch arms, wipe its hands on the walls, or make annoying sounds. That thing was Hagami, a fellow orphan left to rot.


Hagami sat on a stool that was located in the sturdy kitchen. He silently read a book that he acquired from a trip the orphanage took to a local library. All the information wow'd Hagami giving him detailed insight on multiple things for multiple topics. Hagami was always happy when he was grasping a informative book in his hands, I mean you probably wouldn't know he's happy due to the balaclava covering an important emotional area, the mouth, but he knew when he was surging with happiness via the mind.

As he was reading his book, a thick kid about three times Hagami's weight sluggishly came up. "What you reading?" He would attempt to snatch the book from his hands but Hagami swiftly evaded then carrying on by flipping the page. The boy would become enraged and attempt once more, being unsuccessful. He would let out a childish roar (scream) and succesfully grab onto the book. Hagami's would have a strong grasp onto the book, then continuing to flip the page. "Alright that's it!" The boy would raise his right arm, fist clinched. As he attemps to swing at Hagami, his arm would be stopped. "Hibi, must we settle everything with violence?" Hagami would look up to see the dean.

Hagami would point at Hibi. "His parents seemed to have had fresh soil but reaped dead crop." Hagami would whisper making sure only the three could hear what he said to the dean. Hibi would frown, not really understanding the statement. "Now you know that wasn't nice Hagami." The dean would give a distinct ( :/ ) expression. "Maybe you should apologize?" Hagami would look at Hibi for awhile, then back at his book. "I'd rather read about astronomy." The boy would grunt and walk away. The dean would shake his head and walk away. Hagami would flip the page of his book and carry on.
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:

Venturing through the Seki district to one of the many orphanages of kumogakure, Yoshi had the twins pulling along two wagons as he read wearing a complete blue outfit with red designs at the shoulders. One wagon was fill with books ranging from fiction, non-fiction, and some graphic novels. The other wagon held a load of supplies and toys the orphanage likely needed.

Everyone of the Tsuyoshi family was working today, playing a part of a bigger whole in the village. Luckily, Yoshi had it easy as he was doing nothing more than supervising the twins work for today and helping the dean in anyway possible as the orphanage was going down hill. Grunting, the twins were straining at the heavy load they were pulling. Observing his brothers, it was nice to see Yu using the job as training without complaining. Unfortunately, Rin didn't have that mindset as his lazy ass complained the entire way.

Finally arriving, Yoshi hit the button for the door bell a few times. Unfortunately, the stupid thing didn't work and Yoshi had to knock. Giving the door a few good thumps so it could be heard over the roaring children, Yoshi waited. "Yutaro, Rintaro, hurry up." Yoshi said as they were on their last wind giving it their all. Making their final steps before letting go of the wagon and falling down, the door opened.

"Hi Yoshi-san, over seeing the delivery today?"

"Indeed I am sir. So! Let's get this stuff in here boys!" Yoshi said in a cheery manor towards the twins as they were trying to rest.

"As always, it's a joy having the Tsuyoshi family in. I might have an interesting young one for you to meet."

"It's always a joy coming sir and oh really?" Yoshi said entering to continue things inside. Meanwhile, Yutaro and Rintaro were still catching their breaths. Attempting to tip-toe away, Rin was about to get the hell out of here before the unloading began. "Wow, Rintaro! You're on your feet already! That's what I like to see!" Yoshi said placing a hand on his shoulder after moving in a blank of an eye.

Listening, the trio could already hear excited children at Yoshis fast movement and the new stuff that just arrived. "Get to work." Yoshi said before heading back inside.

Topic Entered!
Npcs Used: Yoshi(Junko's Adopted Son) & Rintaro/Yutaro(Junko's twin sons)
It wouldn't have been the first place she wanted to visit so soon after getting out of hospital but during her stay she realized there was something she'd left behind in the heat of the moment. The tall teenage girl made her way down the roads of the chilled village, a hood of thin fabric her only protection from the falling moisture. She'd never been as bothered by the cold as others as her body was unnaturally cold all the time. As she came into the vicinity of the building, her mind started to flash through all the reasons she hated this building and the people in it.

She quickly recognized the twins, being led by an older man, into the house with some kinds of carts, if she was to get in this would be her chance. She wouldn't call out, trying to keep as inconspicuous as she could and walked behind the carts, if either of the twins noticed her she would simply bring a finger to her lips and shake her head quietly, letting them know the deal. She moved up to the door and waited against the wall next to it, waiting for the excited kids to come piling out and used that as a means to slip in relatively unnoticed. She made a beeline for the room where she had hidden the object, whilst not valuable as far as she knew it held some sentimental value to her, it was the first thing she ever owned that was just hers and she cursed herself for ever forgetting it.

Now in the building it was a case of getting where she needed to be before a scene was caused, though given how famous she was around these parts that wasn't likely to happen. She came upon the stairwell leading up quickly and as she put her foot on the first step up she was greeted with a shrill scream, one she recognized actually. She looked up to see a group of girls, at the forefront of which was a girl about the same age as her and she had a shit eating grin on her lips as she inhaled and screamed again. "The demon! It's back! Somebody help us!" Shinku blinked, a little dumbfounded but expected something like this to happen, she sighed and started up the stairs again, some of the girls in the group now running away, scared of her as they should be.

[MFT - 410]
The cool spring air had a bite to it this particular morning, a reminder that winter had only just released the mountainous region from its icy talons. Takeo was thankful for the cool air as he ran towards the orphanage. As the newest member of the Tsuyoshi Clan, he was already working hard to help out the less fortunate. He had spent the earlier part of that morning at a battered women and children’s shelter serving breakfast to the destitute souls that lived there and speaking words of encouragement to the children, in whose shoes he had only until very recently walked in himself. Once the meal was finished and the cleanup done, he rushed off towards the orphanage to help out Yoshi and the twins, Rin and Yu, who were supposed to be delivering books, toys, medical and hygiene supplies.

Takeo frowned at the very thought of the orphanage. He had only stayed with his abusive uncle for so long because he had heard the horror stories of how kids were treated there, and how the foster system could be even worse than the abuse he was already enduring. In his mind, it was better to stay and fight an evil you know, rather than risk facing one you didn’t. If he could bring some sort of joy to the kids here, if only briefly, it would be the least he could do to repay the kindness of the Tsuyoshi clan and his fortunes for bringing them together.

Takeo spotted the wagons in front of the building and rushed towards them. Just as he approached, he heard a scream from an open, second-story window, ”The Demon! It’s back! Somebody help us!”

Furrowing his brow, Takeo pushed a small surge of chakra into his legs and focused on the bottom of his feet, running up the side of the building and leaping through the open window. He skidded to a halt on a landing behind a small group of girls, one of which was still pointing at someone halfway down the staircase. Ready to do battle, Takeo was about to start forming handseals when he recognized the figure as Shinku.

”Hey, that’s not very nice!” Takeo said in his sternest “grown-up” voice to the gaggle of girls. He hoped they hadn’t noticed his arrival yet, and that he could give them a small, measured fright with his surprise appearance. When they turned around, they’d find him stern-faced with his arms crossed. ”It seems to me that you all are the real demons! A whole group of you ganging up on one person, how fair is that? Have you even tried being nice to her? Isn’t the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have done to you”?” It must look incredulous, a boy about the same age as the girls involved scolding them like some sort of mother hen, or stern father figure. If only they knew how pissed off he really was. If there was one thing Takeo knew about himself it was this;

He. Hated. Bullies.

Whether they apologized, ran off in a terror, or ran downstairs to help unload the goodies his newfound brothers were bringing, once the situation was diffused Takeo would approach Shinku, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and blushing a little. ”Sorry about that, it’s just, you know how I feel about bullies. And, it’s not like I could just stomp on them like Takeshi.”

Takeo paused while awaiting Shinku’s reply. The last time she saw him he was dressed in rags and unhealthily thin. Now he was wearing all new clothes; white tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a navy-blue hoodie. He also looked like he had eaten at least a few solid meals, and was starting to put on a healthy amount of weight. At least, he didn’t look skeletal anymore. Once she replied, Takeo would ask a simple question, though he was sure it would bring up some memories from the class they had passed together only a little while ago.

”How are you doing?”
Tsuyoshi Yoshi said:

Rp said:

A sudden presence was felt behind the twins as they were about to begin unloading things. Turning swiftly, the twins immediately spotted the still injured Shinku. The next thing coming was "Why the hell are you sneaking up on us! And why aren't you resting!", but she stopped the two by placing a finger on her own lips while shaking her head.

It was the universal quiet symbol. It was used a lot doing the twins toddler days and terrible two's as they tore up rooms. Keeping their mouths closed, Rintaro shrugged. It was none of his business anyways. Yutaro on the other hand had gained a bad feeling about things. Swiftly entering, only a matter of a few moments passed.

"The demon! It's back! Somebody help us!"

Hearing the agonizing screams and terror that flowed throughout the orphanage, the dean automatically went to red alert. At the same time, he knew the imagination of children. So, the issue was likely over exaggerated. In addition, some heat was building up as a "parent" was digging into a child's ass about bullying.

Already knowing the voice, Yoshi shook his head slightly as a few terrorized girls bolted passed them. Arriving to the scene with the dean, Yoshi had a dull expression as he stared at Takeo in mid-conversation with a girl.

"Oh....Shinku, you're back I see...and you brought a friend?"

Observing the dean, the old man took a rather huge gulp. In addition, his right hand somewhat trembled. As a Seikon, Yoshi was watching the deans fear pour out in slow motion. "Who the hell is this young girl?" Yoshi thought as she had to have some prior history with this place, which only meant one thing, she was an orphan. what was her history here was the real question.

"The boy is with me. He's family, and apparently doesn't use front doors anymore." Yoshi said after already taking note of the open window.

"Ah, he's apart of the Tsuyoshi clan as well!"

"Yes, and he's here to work. I believe his friend will be assisting us as well." Yoshi said with a smirk. "Just to end everything on a good note ya know." Yoshi said volunteering the girl. Despite not knowing her history, she couldn't leave this orphanage while being seen as a enemy. This was one big village at the end of the day, all connect like one big family. So what if we had differences at times.

OOC: I'll be continuing this thread. Hagami can pitch in whenever. If not, I'll leave him something to feed off of incase he returns
The group of girls fled the scene in response to Takeo’s fierce tongue lashing, and Shinku seemed surprised to see him there. It didn’t take long before the landing at the bottom of the stairs was teeming with people; one he didn’t know, and three he did.

”Oh....Shinku, you're back I see...and you brought a friend?” The stranger said, sweat forming on his brow and his hands shaking. ’Is this the dean?’ Takeo mused. ’Why is everyone here so afraid of Shinku?’ Granted, she was a strange girl, to say the least. Not to mention that her most recent bout at the hospital had awakened a bloodline that left her looking sort of like a walking stone golem. Was she really that frightening to the other children and the adults here?

”The boy is with me. He's family, and apparently doesn't use front doors anymore.” Yoshi said, barely containing his amusement.

”Oh! Yoshi-sama! I-just-finished-at-the-shelter-so-I-made-my-way-here-to-help-out-then-I-heard-screaming-so-I-went-to-investigate-but-it-was-just-a-bunch-of-girls-being-mean-to-Shinku-so-I-told-them-off-for-being-bullies-then-you-came-along-so-here-we-are-and…” Takeo explained, his words tumbling over each other in his effort to clarify what had transpired. Sheepishly bowing his head, Takeo sighed explosively. ”Sorry, Yoshi-sama. How can I help?”

[OOC: Sorry for the short post. Want to see how Shinku reacts to everything.]
As she made her way up the stairs and toward the girls who decided to try play strong, not that it bothered her, seems they'd simply grown ballsy in her absence and that was something she'd love to take from them oh so much. The girls continued to block the way and as she would come to a stop a few steps down from them, however before she could even say anything a familiar shape burst though the window behind them and began to lecture them. They of course were hopped up on stopping Shinku and gave little shit about some other kid their age. "Shows what you know!" One of them chided. "Shinkus beat up so many people in this place, you know!" A second added before the first spoke again. "No one ever did anything but try to be her friend and she beat them up! She's a psycho bitch and that's why she was kicked out!" She would scream at him matter of factly and Shinku behind would simply roll her eyes. "If you don't move, Kozo... I'll send you to Yatu." At that the girl seemed to freeze and the bitchy expression would turn clearly into fear in Takeos eyes. Shortly after she would run off followed hastily by the others and Shinku would step up to the same level as the boy. "I'm fine, sore but I can move well enough... I just fucking hate it here..." She answered him before beginning to walk again, up another flight of stairs just as she heard the one voice she'd not wanted too and she stopped, turning around on the step.

Her now black and red eyes glares down coldly at the Orphanages overseer, watching the fear just fall off him in chunks with her stone dead face but she wouldn't say a word, what do you say to a man you wished would die in a horrific way? Not by her hands of course as she was no murderer, she wouldn't shed a tear though. In the mean time the other man standing with him seemed to know Takeo, calling him family in fact which was strange because they honestly couldn't look less alike. He also proceeded to try dragging her into assisting them with their work, the nerve of it. Shinku could just feel the rage building inside, for someone to say something so insolent to her without even know who or what she was? Her stone grey fists clenched tight and she tried her best to keep her usual visage on and what was meant to come out as her telling him to shove it came out as something entirely different that even shocked her.

Stood on the step, halfway up to the next floor stood this girl, the demon of the orphanage and she was staring right at Yoshi and simply burst out laughing but it wasn't a normal laugh, it was clear that she was pissed. "What? Me help these piss ants? Ha! I'd sooner see this place burn to the fucking ground than lift a finger to help these little shits and their oh so merciful overlord. I am a fucking princess, not some lackey you can put to work without even knowing a thing about me, even if you are related to a friend of mine. You can't begin to understand the shit I dealt with in this hell hole for almost thirteen fucking years!" With that she would start to stomp back up the stairs, continuing on her way with anger written all across her face, this was the second time she'd had such an outburst and both times were within these very walls. "No fucking right!" She yelled out in frustration as her distance increased from the group and now more than ever she wanted to just get what she came for and leave and never ever look at this place again.

[Sorry for the wait, shouldn't happen again >.< at least not this long.]
’Woah… what the heck was that all about? ‘ Takeo’s exasperated expression matched the confusion rolling through his brain at Shinku’s little outburst. Upon completion, she blew past him and headed upstairs, stomping and yelling obscenities the whole way. Looking back to Yoshi and the twins, Takeo could see that they were confused as well, though Yoshi looked like his temper was starting to build under his usually friendly visage.

Placing his hands in the air in the universal “hold on” position, Takeo did his best to pacify his new family member’s anger. ”Uh, Yoshi-sama… I don’t know what that was all about, but please let me go talk to her. I think she’s going through some stuff right now, maybe she’ll listen to a friend.” He was a little surprised she had called him “friend” in the first place. Other than their common hatred for assholes in general, one shared class, and a hospital visit, they hadn’t spent all that much time together. There was something there though, some common experience that they sared having grown up in terrible situations that made them more kin than strangers.

Upon receiving Yoshi’s blessing, Takeo turned and headed upstairs after Shinku, following her angry footsteps and shouted curses. Once he caught up to her, he’d call out. ”Hey, ‘Princess’…” If or when she turned to address him, she’d find him standing with his arms spread out to his sides, shoulders shrugged, and an inquisitorial look on his face. ”What the hell? I get it, my brothers don’t know you, and it was kind of rude of them to volunteer you for something; but that’s no reason to be an ass to them. All they’re doing is trying to help people who need it. What have they ever done to you to deserve to be treated like that?” Takeo gave her some time to respond. Maybe his words would sink in, maybe she’d start shouting at him too. Hell, if she was mad enough, she might even hit him. Whatever her reaction was, Takeo would turn the other cheek.

He sighed. ”Look, you’re right. We don’t know what kind of shit you’ve had to deal with here. If even half of the horror stories I’ve heard about the foster care system are true, then you have every right to hate these people.” Takeo looked away, pursing his lips and furrowing his brow as he fought for words that would make her understand. When he finally responded, his voice was quiet, his mood dark and brooding. ”Trust me, I know what it’s like to live through hell.” If she looked into his eyes, she would know what he said was true. ”To wake up in the morning and not be sure you were going to survive until the night, constant beatings and abuse, never knowing when and where your next meal was coming from…” He paused, taking a deep breath as if to steel himself. ”Never having a single person who gave two flying rats asses about you… that was my life.”

His eyes glared, the intensity of them burning the air as he stared off into a thousand yards of nothingness. ”The anger… The hatred… The burning desire to have vengeance for your suffering. I know that too.” Another deep breath, this time to calm down, his unbridled rage fading from his face. ”Nothing could ever replace those years, all those precious wasted years. But, if we let those people and those experiences define us and control how we live our lives,” he shrugged, ”then we’ve let them win.”

”Listen, I’m not going to try and tell you how to live your life. It’s not my place. All I’m saying is, if you take the hatred that they’ve shown you, and then turn it on others who don’t deserve it either, then you’re no better than your own abusers. You just continue the cycle.” Would she hear him? Would his words have any effect? Would she fall to the darkness that had overcome so many before her, or rise up from the ashes a better person?

”Well, either way, I’m sure you don’t want to stay here any longer than you absolutely have to. Do you have someplace safe to stay for tonight?” Takeo asked, genuinely concerned for his friend. He had spent plenty of nights out on the streets. Sometimes it was less dangerous to stay with his abusive uncle than to brave the village or the forest at night. ”My new brothers are of the Tsuyoshi Clan. They adopted me when they found out about my… situation. The Clan’s all about taking in those who have been forged through hardship, and giving them a chance at a better life. I’m sure they would let you stay with us, at least until you find someplace safe to stay. Who knows, you might even like it there. Everyone’s really nice. All they expect is for everyone to pull their own weight, serve the village, and protect the Clan. Well, that and for everyone to show each other common courtesy and respect.”

Takeo’s whole demeanor changed once he started talking about his new family. The conversation became lighter, more friendly, as if the clouds that had been their previous conversation were lifted. He actually seemed happy, an emotion Shinku would never have seen on him before. Hell, he was even smiling.

”You know, a little humility goes a long way, Princess.” ’Hint-itty hint hit, you owe someone an apology.’ he thought. If Shinku had one major flaw, it was an overabundance of pride. Takeo had seen it first hand in their last class together when she’d thrown herself onto a pair of swords to prove some sort of point about how far she would go to show how indomitable she was. He his words would reach her, but all he could do was stand there and wait for her response.
Her knuckles turned white as they clenched tightly in frustration and anger, she knew she'd overstepped boundaries but it just all came out and she couldn't stop it. Takeo would quickly catch up to her as she stomped through the corridors of the building, she would come to a stop as he spoke but wouldn't turn to him and just listen. He was upset at her outburst as she'd expected, still she wouldn't turn though and instead she raised a fist and punched it against the wall causing a few small cracks and an indentation of her knuckles. "It's this place. Just being here is pissing me off and I can barely control myself..." She sighed and half turned to look at him as she lent up against the wall she'd just punched, the expression on her face was a mix of anger and pain, clearly a lot was going through the young girls mind since she was having to be in this place again.

She allowed the boy to talk, monologue almost as she tried to control her breathing and simmer down, not that it was easy as he was going over his own horror stories and she couldn't help comparing them in her head. "It was never about the physical abuse..." She started when a moment of silence arrived. "None of the kids could touch me, I could just naturally fight and I gave them everything they game me... It bothered me because I wanted friends but I wasn't ever good at talking so I was the quiet girl that one day they decided they would hate..." She pushed herself off of the wall and took some steps toward Takeo and placed a finger against her temple. "This is where they got though, all the tormenting and mind games they pulled... and that... prick down there, never believed I was just defending myself, that they were picking on me, picking fights with me... One persons word vs a few dozen... I was punished over and over again for doing nothing but trying to survive." She turned back around and took steps away from him once more. "Never once did I raise my voice first, nor my fists... until that day... Yatu got off easy because I very much tried to kill him and eventually, I will." With that she started to walk away but clearly wanted him to follow as he continued to talk, explaining a little about his family and what they do.

By the time Takeo had finished they had arrived outside of a door that Shinku was staring at intently. "I do have a dorm at the academy, it's worse that the rooms here if you can believe that... part of the punishment I guess." Without much hesitation she pushed her way into the room, which no one was in probably to Takeos relief. Once in Shinku would head to the bedside cabinet and pull it away from the wall. "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your offer, even after the first impression I gave downstairs but being around people... It feels weird to me, I've never had anyone, friends, family, acquaintances... I'm kinda scared of it all to be totally honest." As she was speaking she'd proceeded to slide one of the exposed floorboards before popping it from the floor all together and she would slither her hand into the gap then up into the wall. "I know he didn't deserve the attitude though, I just snapped... I was planning to apologize on my way out anyway." Eventually her hand retracted from the wall, then floor and in her hand she held a small, blue rag on cloth. She quickly put the floorboard and bed stand back and stood up with the object. "The one thing I ever had that I could truly call mine." She commented idly as she unraveled the rag and inside was what looked to be a gem of some sort, a smooth, green pebble. "It could be colored glass for all I know but... it's mine and that alone kept me from snapping a few times in the past..." She said with a slight chuckle. "Now, lets leave, I need to be out of her fast." and she would proceed to exit, waiting for Takeo so she could close the door.

[OOC - So, I made a post for this thread like, over a week and a half ago and I had no idea untill today that nothing had posted... so once again I am sorry, this time I really don't know what happened.]

[MFT - 722]

Current Ninpocho Time:
