Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open No Rest for the Wicked [Req Shin]


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Sep 13, 2023
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Ever so slowly the sun peeked over the distant spires of stone that dominated the mountains, it's golden kiss stretching down from the sky onto the oldest forest within Kumogakure with a gentle familiarity as the golden rays slowly cleansed the leaves of the early morning dew. Birds happily flittered to and fro through the trees going about their business while down below deep within the shadowed bows of the woods large animals hunted and in return were hunted by the ninja of the village in a deadly back and forth that provided both food and training. However todays events take place in the much safer outskirts of the woods where the relative peace of the words was interrupted by a young voice shouting at the top of her lungs. "Fight!" In response to the wide a multitude of voice rang back in response. "Ho!" The apparent chant repeated over again and again with the girl screaming fight and the responding crowd shouting back Ho as the group ran through the forest for their morning exercise.

Tsunade ran happily at the front of the pack with a group of twenty people of all genders following her as they made sure to keep pace with the diminutive girl always making sure to reply back to her shout. Each member of the group was clad in a spandex bodysuit with each person proudly sporting a different coloured suit but they all had the insignia for the Asakusa theatre proudly stitched to their back showing that they were civilians despite the fact they were training so hard right now. "Ok guys were almost at the halfway point lets loop around the big tree ahead and get back to the theatre. Fight!" The response was an enthusiastic cheer as the group picked up pace but as they approached the tree Tsunade noticed a figure slumped down against the roots of the tree. Deciding to see if the figure is ok Tsunade broke away from her group as they continued to lap the tree before heading back knowing that their little miss would catch up with them soon. Taking a moment to take a breath Tsunade absent mindedly wiped the sweat from her bow before crouching down to the apparently sleeping dark haired boy before roughly poking him in the cheek. "Hey you ok?"

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Oct 26, 2023
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The dark head boy merely gave an annoyed groan when subjected to a thorough cheek-poking. His head moved a little, side to side, mumbling indistinctly.

"S'too early. Mnh, geddoff...."

With one particular hard poke, Shinsetsu's eyes flicked open.

"GAH!" He yelped suddenly, eyes widening at the sudden appearance of a face so close to his own, almost making him jump out of his skin, "don't do that! 'Sides, usually when people are sleeping, they wanna be left alone."

The boy heaved a heavy sigh, decompressing from the sudden shock like a tyre being relieved of air. He squinted against the sunlight while his eyes adjusted, making it easier to take in the girl's appearance. She looked no older than he did. Well, he'd rather be woken up by her, than an angry sensei demanding to know why he hadn't turned up for class. The other thing he noticed was the sweat on the girl's brow; she must've been out here training today, the very thought of which, exhausted him. Why would you spend all day working up, lifting weights, running until your feet bled, punching trees, and other stupid crap when you could recline under your favourite tree with a big book of Osteopathy, and let the sweet swan song of anatomical knowledge whisk you away? Because he was a lazy so-and-so.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just tripped over this tree root and decided, while I'm already on the ground, might as well pass out," he said, grabbing a large textbook from a short distance away, and which looked like it had been haphazardly dropped, propped open on its pages, "oh, uh, you're from the Academy right? You just out here train-?"

Shinsetsu paused, his eyes drifting down slowly to the flamboyantly coloured spandex bodysuit she was wearing.

"What... the hell are you wearing?" He asked slowly, trying to restrain a smile, not wanting to offend her by laughing.
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Sep 13, 2023
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Tsunade almost leapt a foot in the air as with a mighty poke she had accidently startled awake the boy she had found sleeping within the woods. Tilting her head as the boy exclaimed people wanted to be left alone while sleeping Tsunade just smiled at the statement and just laughed in a good natured way. "Ha don't be silly beds are for sleeping and the woods is for training." As Tsunade spoke she punched the air a few times as if to cement her words as her hands cut neatly through the air showing that she had trained in Taijutsu for a while already despite her age.

The boy then went on to ensure that he was fine before getting distracted by her outfit as finally took in her appearance. Looking down at herself Tsunade had forgone her usual outfit to day in order to wear training clothes with the rest of the theatre performs leaving the girl wearing a very garish pink bodysuit with purple arm and leg warmers wrapping around her shins and arms in order to hide the training weights she was using at the moment. Smiling proudly at her outfit Tsunade put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest.
"Ah I've see you have an eye for peak fashion!" Tsunade happily announced as she threw herself into a backflip landing a few feet from Shin with her legs in I a shooting bow shape, her arms held diagonally across her body before she jumped up and began running on the spot, her body staying dead still while her arms were held out in parallel with her shoulders. "What you see before you is the glorious training uniform of Asakusa theatres one and only golden flower, Behold the majestic of the rising hero known as Tsunade the Majestic." Each word was punctuated with a new movement as Tsunade went through a series of Sentai pose before ending in a one legged pose with her hands pointing towards the sky her index fingers extended.

Silence permitted the forest as Tsunade finished her introduction before she left her pose with a self satisfied smile as she took a notebook out from the neck of her uniform most likely hidden with a strap.
"Heh yeah that felt good and the response was speechless." Tsunade mumbled in a please manner to herself before snapping the closed and looking at Shin. "With such a discerning eye you must want to join us and luckily I have a spare uniform." Tsunade happily said as she reached into a pouch on her hip and began pulling out a bodysuit that was banana yellow.


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Oct 26, 2023
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"A bed is what you make of it."

Speechless was certainly the word for it, albeit that Shinsetsu's speechlessness probably wasn't for the reason Tsunade suspected. In fact, he had a look on his face that suggested he was trying to work out whether he was still asleep or not, having some sort unhinged daydream. No. He didn't have the imagination to make this kind of shit up.

"Uhhh, well... Tsunade... I can't lie; that certainly was... majestic," he said, trying his best to be courteous despite the slightly deer-in-headlights look in his eye. He'd never been one for the theatrics a lot of shinobi seemed to put on; they were soldiers, and they had a job to do. Frankly, it wasn't very professional. But he had to give the girl credit, she certainly played the part well, and he didn't find it at all difficult to see that she possessed quite a lot of theatre training, judging by her delivery of each line. However, what Shinsetsu took to be a psychedelic interpretive dance routine was a little harder to be charitable about. Still, she looked like she was having fun, and it wasn't his job to take a fat dump over her sense of whimsy.

And then the spandex suit came out.

"Aha," laughed Shinsetsu awkward, suddenly standing upright as though jolted by electricity. He really was having a visceral reaction to the colour of the thing, imagining himself, for a frightening second, actually wearing it. He backed up against the tree as though Tsunade were brandishing a live python at him.

"You make it sound so tempting, but uh, I don't think all the exercises and... tight latex are really.... for me. It sounds like a lot of work. But uh, I'm touched by the offer! But if you don't mind me asking, what's a theatre troupe doing shuttle-runs in the woods for?"


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Sep 13, 2023
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Tsunade just smiled happily as the boy jumped to his feet in a hurry once he saw his brand new bodysuit, her cheeks becoming rosy from how hard she was smiling at how excited he seemed to be at the thought of getting such a great present and this particular bodysuit has been made by Tsunade herself with some help from her mom so Tsunade was extremely excited to give the suit to someone. 'Yosh he looks so excited to get this on and get to exercising though he seems a little shy about it.' Tsunade thought to herself not realising what Shin was experiencing was revulsion not excitement because to Tsunade everyone loved exercise, an outlook that had been fostered by an extremely energetic and health focused up brining.

Taking a few steps forward while brandishing the banana man suit Tsunade held it out for Shin to take her eyes full of stars and sparkles as the weight of expectation would bear down on poor Shin while the boy asked a hurried question.
"Hm The Asakusa Theatre manager says a healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body so it's mandatory for all members to exercise regularly between performance practice. Since I started my shinobi training I've been taking the team out on runs for fun." Throughout Tsunade's explanation she had kept the bodysuit held out towards Shin.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
