Naoki felt like she'd been slacking off quite a bit lately. The training menu for the day was already done, at about 20 minutes more than half the time it took for her to complete it since the last time she made adjustments (which, admittedly was a very long time ago) and she kept feeling like she needed to do more. The genin wondered from time to time if she wasn't accidentally totaling the times and laps wrong, or if she'd failed to learn how to count properly at some point in her training. Am I doing well if it's always like this?
She wandered onto Academy grounds, hoping someone was already out of class and had time for her worries. Alas, it was the middle of the day and there wasn't much she could do but wait around. Huh... Oh well. No one's around at all though, kinda weird. Naoki searched for a secluded place to just sit down and relax for a bit, setting her bag down and rummaging through it for something to mess with. The most obvious thing was her kokyuu, the thing she'd brought with her ages ago and tried to learn, only to lose her eyesight along with much of her motivation to actually sit down and learn about it. In fact, between the trips to Sietch Zensunna and training, along with patrols and the occasional swim, she hadn't had any time at all to reflect on what she wanted to do with the rest of her career.
What do I wanna do...?
Absentmindedly, she reached for the kokyuu, gripping its neck and examining the dagger that came out of its base by touch. There was indeed no one around however, and she decided it might have been safe to try and practice, just a little.
I won't be loud anyway... Hrmmm... Posture somewhat bent around the kokyuu itself, she held the bow tightly with her left hand while her right attempted to figure out which strings to put pressure on. The first swipe dragged a strange screech out of it, while the next was a somewhat pitched down version of that screech. Rrgh... How'm I supposed to figure out how this works...
And the screeching continued, likely attracting attention from all walks of life, though not many would have wanted to approach its source.
[EDIT: Tag changed to Closed]
She wandered onto Academy grounds, hoping someone was already out of class and had time for her worries. Alas, it was the middle of the day and there wasn't much she could do but wait around. Huh... Oh well. No one's around at all though, kinda weird. Naoki searched for a secluded place to just sit down and relax for a bit, setting her bag down and rummaging through it for something to mess with. The most obvious thing was her kokyuu, the thing she'd brought with her ages ago and tried to learn, only to lose her eyesight along with much of her motivation to actually sit down and learn about it. In fact, between the trips to Sietch Zensunna and training, along with patrols and the occasional swim, she hadn't had any time at all to reflect on what she wanted to do with the rest of her career.
What do I wanna do...?
Absentmindedly, she reached for the kokyuu, gripping its neck and examining the dagger that came out of its base by touch. There was indeed no one around however, and she decided it might have been safe to try and practice, just a little.
I won't be loud anyway... Hrmmm... Posture somewhat bent around the kokyuu itself, she held the bow tightly with her left hand while her right attempted to figure out which strings to put pressure on. The first swipe dragged a strange screech out of it, while the next was a somewhat pitched down version of that screech. Rrgh... How'm I supposed to figure out how this works...
And the screeching continued, likely attracting attention from all walks of life, though not many would have wanted to approach its source.
[EDIT: Tag changed to Closed]