Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Normal Ice-cream with a Normal Friend [open/requesting Maru]

Maru chuckled at Maikeru's reaction to him licking his neck, he seemed responsive to him furthering the rogues belief that this was indeed a dream. There would be no way the real Maikeru would be having goosebumps and would be biting his lip. It was just funny seeing his poor confused student face change from confusion to shock. It was also fun when the young uchiha tried to push his face away as if that would do any good in stopping him. It wasn't until he actually bit the Uchiha's neck did things actually seem to get interesting since his student started to get violent, rewarding the rogue with a hard elbow to the stomach which caused Maru to back up a couple steps clutching his stomach with a grin on his face. Now that was more like Maikeru to try to put up a fight, he guess now Kawaii wanted him to tackle him, pin his hands behind his back, then continue. Maru's looked up with a crimson aura, his eyes flashing red with lust and was about to pounce on the uchiha so he could please his mistress Kawaii but he then looked on the ground to see Airi. 'Wait….’ Maru thought. Now Kawaii was by no means interested in no kids, especially with a scene Maikeru acting unwilling and the lady that looked like some lady he knew turning into Airi. Now Maru's hard limit was he won't do children, siblings, or anything with horns. Well the horns were a soft limit buy still no children. "Wait... so this isn't a wet dream?” Well damn, the rogues demonic aura calmed then he hunched over looking at his student disappointedly. Calling him a moron unimpressed with his little transformation thing he was going through, acting like it was HIS FAULT that he thought this was a dream.

“Yanno you could've elbowed me a bit sooner, didn't think you'd be the type to be like ‘....Oh…’ to me licking your neck and try to push me away with that girly strength of yours.” He shot back, the guy had a girlfriend and he thought he'd be the type would at least body slam him when he started to say that he wasn't strictly into women. If Maru went for married women would he care if a guy was taken? Probably not. Good thing he stopped him when he did otherwise things would've REALLY gotten out of hand if Maikeru kept up with acting the way he was acting and more importantly if Airi didn't change back. Needless to say Maikeru would probably would've put up much more of a fight to get Maru off him from what he thought was happening. Now that everything was sorted out he felt slightly bad for acting that way in front of Airi, poor girl saw way more than she needed to see but he guessed might as well learn early since he'll be shooting for some modeling gig. When Maikeru mentioned how he showed Airi some scene from some strange Yaoi hentai the rogue scoffed.

“That was more of a Yaoi romance manga, if it was hentai our clothes would be off or I would've been on your lap. Speaking in which I gotta pay for my subscription for my membership to get some fox girl hentai. Gotta have my Foxy Nine-Tails.” the rogue explain, what he did was nowhere near the level of hentai. It would be like one of those manga when you get to the real juicy part it will cut off two the couple in the bed cuddling or something like that. More of a off camera kind of thing with vs hentai that shows nothing but the hot parts. With Maikeru gone Maru gathered his money and the deeds then stuffed them underneath his mask. Jeez once finished with the ice cream jumped on Maru's head when he picked up the youkai summoning scroll. He looked down at the poor fainted Airi, then reached down to scoop the limp body of the young Kunoichi with a "Up you go.” Then cradled her in his arms as if she was a newborn baby so he didn't accidentally bump her head into anything. Carrying the young lady in his arms out of the ice cream shop he began heading into the direction of where she showed him she was staying. Thinking back to what Maikeru said about how they lived in a world of evil people and like how they had to train Maru believe if less people wanted to be a shinobi fewer people will die. Bet the mastermind would still be alive if those women weren't trained killers and just stayed home. As a matter of fact would mastermind be dead if the traitor that he was broadcasting words wasn't a ninja trying to rebel against the hokage but instead some song writer? More importantly would children be doomed to become soldiers to the village if we didn't teach them how to be killers? Being a academy student substitute teacher all kids ever go on about was how they want to be a shinobi, be a great shinobi to be like my dad. Become a great shinobi to restore my country to its former glory. I wanna be a great shinobi to become Kage one day. I want to be a great shinobi to protect the people I love. And a good majority wind up dead, killed by rogues rogues, blasted by Jinchuuriki's, killed by officials. It wasn't his place but he just had a feeling that Airi should just relax on the more dangerous missions and wanting to fight people. It's one thing to train someone but learning through getting beat up wasn't the answer. Sure as hell didn't work for him at least. But it wasn't his place… After all he wasn't the girls father right?

[OOC: Left Topic with Airi to carry her unconscious body home and tuck her in bed.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
