He had applied his ability to express patience and waited as a few classes were held in the training room of the academy. While the academy also had an outside training ground, the inside was use for more structured training when it came to combat. Kouza himself remained in the stands, watching the various matches of the youth who were far younger than himself with some applied interest. After some time everyone eventually would vacate the area as the days lessons were coming to an end leaving Kouza alone. He did not immediately move but decided to spend some time mentally reflecting as he stared at his surroundings from behind his gas mask. This trademark coupled with his layered attire made him a standout in this day and age within the academy because people knew him to be a long term student. What was more questionable was his reasoning for having not put in an application for a genin exam despite having all the qualifications for it, but instead had continued to take part in classes even repeating some courses which he already had passed. He was sure this left quite a few people baffled but he had his reasoning even if others wouldn't understand it.
"Still in pursuit..."
Pressing both his palms against his knees, he'd stand up and descend the stone bleachers to the sparring ground and walking somewhat to the center. He gazed around, staring at the various pillars and mentally replaying some of the moves and jutsu he'd seen the other students perform against one another previously. Mentally he was picking apart what he saw in hopes of adapting something new and useful to his skillset or possibly having an application breakthrough by comparing how others did something to his own. Extending his hand, sealing markers would flow around his palm and fingers before a single expulsion of smoke revealed a single blade.

He'd go through basic movements with his blade, reacclimating himself it's weight and feel though repetative motions. To someone looking in on him it would look as if he was fighting an invisible opponent..