Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Observations [Open][Req Juko]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank


He had applied his ability to express patience and waited as a few classes were held in the training room of the academy. While the academy also had an outside training ground, the inside was use for more structured training when it came to combat. Kouza himself remained in the stands, watching the various matches of the youth who were far younger than himself with some applied interest. After some time everyone eventually would vacate the area as the days lessons were coming to an end leaving Kouza alone. He did not immediately move but decided to spend some time mentally reflecting as he stared at his surroundings from behind his gas mask. This trademark coupled with his layered attire made him a standout in this day and age within the academy because people knew him to be a long term student. What was more questionable was his reasoning for having not put in an application for a genin exam despite having all the qualifications for it, but instead had continued to take part in classes even repeating some courses which he already had passed. He was sure this left quite a few people baffled but he had his reasoning even if others wouldn't understand it.

"Still in pursuit..."

Pressing both his palms against his knees, he'd stand up and descend the stone bleachers to the sparring ground and walking somewhat to the center. He gazed around, staring at the various pillars and mentally replaying some of the moves and jutsu he'd seen the other students perform against one another previously. Mentally he was picking apart what he saw in hopes of adapting something new and useful to his skillset or possibly having an application breakthrough by comparing how others did something to his own. Extending his hand, sealing markers would flow around his palm and fingers before a single expulsion of smoke revealed a single blade.


He'd go through basic movements with his blade, reacclimating himself it's weight and feel though repetative motions. To someone looking in on him it would look as if he was fighting an invisible opponent..
Lying in one of the corners of the room, Juko didnt exactly seem like he was much interested in the fights going on in the training room. Rather it seemed like he was hiding from another student or perhaps a teacher that was out to punish him for something stupid that he had once again done. In reality however, he liked to believe that he was studying and observing the other students fight.
Ah man, time sure passes quickly with all those academy classes and anbu lessons piling up one after another... The boy yawned and scratched his lower back with one hand whilest the other rubbed his eyes. Despite his interest in seeing the various techniques and skills that the other students were employing it just seemed like he just had trouble concentrating on the fights today. For a while he watched two of the girls that were around his age fighting against each other, however after a while their fight turned into a catfight, including the pulling of hair, at which point he blinked sluggishly and moved his eyes around the place to find another interesting confrontation.
With all the young kids trying their best to overcome each other his memories slowly trailed back to his fight in the tourney with Shinzo and the meeting with Takeshi soon after. Being recruited into the Anbu had done little to change his life, other than bringing more work into it. Lesson after lesson had been thrown at him and the other newcomers, in order to forge them into the sharp swords that they had to be to guard the Village against all threats, be it from withhin aswell as the outside.
Altough, it did have some advantages, didnt it? Without Yukios help i would never have managed to gain access to this new segment of jutsus that i now have... or maybe i woudl have, but at a later time... His hands covered each other momentarily as he rubbed them to warm up. The black hoodie that was covering his body was warm, but the cold he was feeling now was from being inactive for to long. Watching all those pupils exchanging jutsus and the sound of swords and kunai hitting against each other were slowly grinding against his own will to fight, until he couldnt bear it anymore.
Grinning broadly he looked around to find a suitable victim.
As he rose into a full stand and took a step down towards the main area his feet suddenly got tangled up and with a loud yelp of surprise his body tilted towards the ground. Only his quick reaction allowed Juko to turn the fall into a roll down the stairs which ended with him landing face down in the sandy arena.
Doesnt this just remind of sometime long ago?... Guess old habits dont die... Aaaah... that hurt...
Groaning silently he got back on his feet with a quick jump that so betrayed the pained expression on his face.
Directly in front of him was standing a boy, his body hidden behind multiple layers of clothing and his face covered by what seemed to be a gas mask. Oh? An unfamiliar face? Here in the academy? Did he move here or what? Jukos eye flit from the boys unrecognizable face to the weird sword that was in his hand and back again. Thats an interesting looking sword you got there! Not exactly looking like your everyday ninjaweapon, haha! He raised a hand and did a one handed fingerpistol at the person standing before him before turning the fingerpistol into an open palm. Shaking hands was after all part of good manners.
Im Juko, nice to see you, altough i dont think ive done so before... Are you new around here?
Itd be just perfect if you were! Time to see if all the time i spend practicing was worth anything at all!
Juko smiled his brightest smile.

After a while it seemed like the boy in front of him just was not going to react to his invitation causing Juko to receed his hand after a few moments. Alright, i see your busy haha, sorry, didnt mean to bother you! Pff, probably got scared...
Nodding his farewell the blonde boy swiftly took off to practice somewhere else.

[Leaving Thread again]

WC: 716​

Current Ninpocho Time:
