Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Ochio del Dio [Osu]


Well-Known Ninja
Mar 19, 2016
It was a long time coming. In the past week, Kiri had been restless. At night, he would wake up with a startle, beads of sweat falling down his cheek, and all the while the beast inside him was awake. Even as he would train in the forest, to heighten his senses, his image of the beast before him would always be too real. Sometimes, they felt like dreams, but most of the time, he could feel his body move to the beast’s command. And then, when he knew it, he was already lying on his bed, unsure if the memory was real or he simply imagined it.

Power was definitely growing inside him and it was seeking ways to come out. His senses that need to be restrained would often get leave him in a trance because he couldn’t keep up with the sensation. Thus, when he had gone to the library one day to seek for medical journals and stumbled upon old journals of human body modifications, his interest was piqued.

“I’m not entirely against it nor for it,” said the beast as he walked along the streets of Seki District.

“But according to the report, a successful surgery allows for one to have better perception. And with all these visions and hallucinations lately, I think it’s a sign that your aura inside me just needs a better amplifier to get used to reality,” answered Kiri, turning around the corner.

“It is your choice, though as your brother I would rather you keep a healthy body and one that is unadulterated.”

“Too late to act brotherly. But be honest here now. You are just as eager as me to see how it will be. I can feel your restlessness. You want to quickly test it out somehow.”

No words but a deep laughter echoed in his head. Kiri was certain that the curse was feeding on the beast’s desires now, and perhaps on him as well. After all, if his wish was to have control, this decision could very well allow him to have a better grasp of it.

Arriving at the address that he was told to before, though Kiri wasn’t sure which apartment number it was. So he ended up standing there while looking at the upscale apartments lined up. For some reason, he felt so out of place there.

"Son of a bitch!" Chiai shouted for some extra energy as she made her way home with a grocery bag. Perhaps she should have listened to Osu when he said she should just call the hospital if she needed him to pick anything up on the way home. Twins Jashin above! How could two babies feel so damn heavy when she could easily throw her husband? Several months pregnant now her stomach seemed to be growing every day. Osu had begged her not to go leaving the house on her own but she honestly thought he was simply being overprotective. Dammit all she was starving. Come to think of it bringing her favorite halberd along may have served as an excellent walking stick and method of self defense but perhaps 30 pounds was a bit heavy for her to carry around as extra weight right now.

As she approached the building she realized she would now have to walk up all those stairs at the entrance or go all the way around to the back of the building to go up the ramp. "Jashin damn the bastards who designed this. I will rip out their damn entrails and feed their eyes to the crows," Chiai grumbled.

Either option was honestly a bit much for her right now, but she noticed some guy just standing at the top of the stairs just gawking at the building. "Hey you up there trying to catch flies with your mouth! Stop standing around and be helpful to society! If you forgot your card to enter I can let you in if you help me get these groceries up!"

Guy looked around just a bit older than her but she had learned they coddled their kids a lot longer around here than in the cult, they didn't really have to be adults till they were 18 or 20 or something like that. It was miraculous her own husband managed to be as independent as he was, though he followed orders rather easily. Shinobi villages were odd places indeed.

[Topic Entered with NPC]
That was definitely the problem. However, before he could find an answer to figuring out where Osu lived, he stumbled upon another, it would seem. A woman had suddenly called out to him to help. Normally, he would be a bit hesitant because he didn’t really live in this apartment complex, but seeing the woman pregnant and having to carry all those stuff around made him come to. With a stutter, he quickly agreed and hefted as many bags of the groceries as he could.

“Don’t worry, ma’am… uh… miss… uh… yeah,” said Kiri, trying to keep his balance as he would follow the woman. “You should be more careful,” he added, alluding to her baby bump. “You don’t have to carry the burden all on your own. But I suppose your child will be proud to know you’re quite the independent woman. Still, it would have been best if you asked help from your husband.”

He suddenly paused. Wasn’t that comment a bit personal. What if she never married? What if she was a single mother? What if she was… wait…. didn’t she look too young? Taking a moment to study her as he followed her, Kiri was sure that this woman or girl for that matter, was younger than he was. Was it like that in this village? He wasn’t sure. Even if he had been there for a couple of years already, he was still not accustomed to some of the customs, and so it made him think if he was weird for not having a family yet.

“Family, huh. I don’t want to burden someone with this blood,” he muttered at the thought as he remembered the curse of his bloodline. And from the looks of it, basing on the pattern, his particular bloodline in the clan is bound to only produce offsprings with cursed beast of ruin, meant to be exiled or killed upon sight.

Shaking the thought away, he would quicken his walk as to not fall behind, “Uh, sorry, but the truth is I don’t really live here. Rather, I’m looking for someone. My instructor and senpai… perhaps you know him since he is rather known in the village for some reason. His name is Osuteno.”
Ma'am? Who the hell was a ma'am? Miss was more appropriate for her age, especially since this stammering guy seemed older than her but honestly why wasn't there a better term to address a young but not single woman? Ma'am just sounded so old and miss makes it sound like she was single. And Jashin above could this guy put his foot in his mouth. "It is really none of your concern what I should and shouldn't leave up to my husband. I can get around still and felt like stretching my legs, soon I won't be able to for a few months, bleeding twins are heavy." Despite being about six months pregnant her stomach was as big as a woman with a single child right before birth.

The guy was mumbling to himself over something but she simply started making her way up the steps slowly while letting him carry her bags and her thirty pound halberd wrapped up in its cloth. Still when he began speaking to her again she simply sigh. How many things was that man going to heap on his plate? He was hardly home enough as it was due to work and now his work seemed to be coming into their home. Still, "Oh so you are looking for Osuteno? Yes I know where he lives though I am a bit curious by him being well known. I haven't lived in this village but for a few months and I don't know all the local gossip. Why don't you tell me what you know about him while we head up so I can put these groceries away?"

The elevators were thankfully very gentle, if annoyingly slow, so she listened for the minute it took to get up to her floor and had Kiri follow her to the apartment. She unlocked the door and had Kiri set the things in the kitchen counter. "If you can just help me put the things that need to be kept cold up you can sit in the living room while you wait for my husband to come home. I'm surprised you don't know he usually does a few quick checks at the clinics around the city after work each day. Oh and if you dare tell him about me heading out and having trouble on the way back I will remove my halberd from that cloth over there and show you why Osu has lost most of our spars."

That wasn't a very fair statement considering Osu had been physically impaired most of their fights and Chiai had become pregnant, ahem, soon after the first time Osu dominated her in a spar (she smiled with a bit of a blush just thinking about that day), but she was plenty tough. Just in nowhere near her best condition carrying their daughters around. Daughters! She was a little disappointed one wasn't a son, but she didn't give up hope, maybe they would still look like their father and be wittle Osu's. Actually it would be better that any of their children that looked like her husband were actually a girl. She got out a container of shiokara and removed the lid and seal. She found a spoon and dipped it into the tasty fermented squid bits and took a bite. Oh goodness that was the stuff. She had a feeling that a half a year before she would never have given the stuff a second look but her tastes had shifted dramatically since becoming pregnant and a single whiff was all it took to give her cravings. She sat down in her usual spot, one side of a love seat she and Osu often shared and began thumbing through a magazine aimed at housewives since she didn't really know anything on the subject while eating bites of her shiokara.

After a good twenty minutes there was a familiar sound of keys being brought out at a certain distance from the door and Chiai, with a bit more effort than she would have liked it to take, went towards the door and signaled Kiri to stay sitting where he was. When Osu opened the door he was wearing a yukata and a tired expression but smiled warmly upon seeing Chiai. "You should really relax, you don't need to greet me at the door. It should be getting difficult to anyway with these two growing so well." He said placing a hand on Chiai's stomach.

Chiai grinned mischievously and replied "Oh let me have this at least. Now, welcome home darling, would you like din-." But Chiai didn't get to finish that particular famous phrase as Osu picked her up gently in a princess carry and kissed her for a short while. It was very obvious that they had not left the honeymoon phase yet and it didn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

"You went out and got more shiokara again," Osu accused Chiai after they separated for a brief breather.

"I was fine, but I don't think I will try anymore, had to get help bringing the stuff up... Why don't you just keep on carrying me to our room for a little private time before we settle in for the evening?," Chiai asked before locking lips with her husband again tightening her hold on his back.

After a bit longer than the last time Osu separated his lips from Chiai's with a bit of nervous laughter while carrying her further into the apartment and sitting her down on the love seat as he had to escape her legs wrapping around his waist to keep him pinned close to her, "Goodness Chiai, calm down. Remember our agreement? We have to take things easy for a few months, just because you can be hit by a train and come out fine doesn't mean it is healthy for the children for you to move around so much. I promise I will make it up to you after the kids are born by doing whatever thing you want me to do, tying you up, spanking, using my... veins, whatever, but for now can you please just settle for cuddling? Now did you say you got help from one of the neighbors or someone? I should probably go thank..." It was at the moment that Osu stopped speaking gently to his wife while brushing his lips on her ear and noticed that right beside them was another heartbeat he had been too tired to notice. Osu was already blushing redder than most people would be capable of as he looked and saw Kiri staring straight at them.

The pitch of Osu's already womanly voice raised a bit as he awkwardly tried to will Kiri not to have existed in the room until the moment Osu noticed him, "He-Hello K-Ki-Kiri! What brings you here?" Oh Raiden no, oh Raiden no, oh Raiden no.

"This is why I told you to take me to the bedroom," Chiai said with a rather disappointed pout.
OOC: Topic Entered with Osu
Needless to say, with the authoritative tone, Kiri was quick to follow orders. Partly because he didn’t want to cause any inconvenience to the ma’am… girl… miss… and party because he didn’t want to be looked down on. And along the way, it seemed as though she was curious about Osu as well. “Well, I’m not sure about the other gossips but I did hear that he is a very good medic,” he said, trying to stay on the safe side. He wasn’t one to gossip badly about others, let alone his senpai. “Frankly, I try to avoid listening in to other stories because I respect Osu-senpai.”

Inside the apartment, Kiri would quickly notice the presence of a division. Unlike his small rented flat that was just one large room for everything, this apartment had a kitchen, a living room, and rooms! He quickly went towards the kitchen as instructed and helped the ma’am… girl…. miss… put the grocery in place. “Oh don’t worry, I won’t be telling him,” said Kiri with a thumbs up, though he was still unsure why he should be telling Osu. Was this woman related to him? Perhaps. That could explain why she was interested in the gossips. Guess it was a good decision not to talk about it.

After which, he would take a sit on one of the sofa in the living room, still wondering why he was told to stay there. He should be out to look for Osu. Then again, perhaps the ma’am…. uh… she would know and so he tried to be patient as he could, hoping he’d learn from her. But before anything else, there was a sound of keys clanking and the door opening, and to his surprise, it was Osu!

Inside, he was quickly putting the pieces together, which was rather quick and still shocking because he didn’t think Osu, who was younger than him, to have a wife, let alone a pregnant one. Now all those questions made sense to him. Still, it made him want to melt away and disappear as two were seemingly caught up into some romantic greeting and cold sweat fell on his face as he tried to find some alibi why he was there. All the more when Osu carried the woman to the love couch and were getting far too comfortable and intimate for his preference.

“Ahahaha! Look at them have a go at it,” said the beast inside him, making Kiri blush ever more and look away. Despite not wanting to witness such an intimate scene between the two, he couldn’t really dare to stand and move away since that would only make things far worse. Best to be invisible while he was treated invisible. “One day I shall have to teach you how to go about it. It’s about time too. You’re no longer a child and you need to keep being a healthy young man. Why, in my life, I was always–“

He had to slap himself just to ignore the rest of the commentary that his beast brother was saying in his head, but he ended up looking back at the couple who were getting quite comfortable by the couch. But at that point, his eyes locked upon Osu’s who saw him sitting there and he immediately paled, just as the other seemed to be shocked at his presence.

“Uh.. I… uh… er… the…. uh…,” Kiri tried to formulate words but he was blushing so badly, almost like Osu, to even begin what to say. Heck, he momentarily forgot what he came there for. And just when it couldn’t get any worse, it did. The blood pressure rose, he could feel like he was forgetting how to breathe and before he knew it, he fell backwards on the chair, fainting.

“Tch. I really need to get you into shape about these things. Wouldn’t be too manly for you to faint every time you get too embarrassed,” the beast would say but the boy was already out for the count for the moment.

When the would come to, he would bolt upright to a sit and remember his reason for coming to the place. “Osu-senpai!” he would yell, partially because it was a sudden thought in his mind, and partially because he had yet to adjust to the current situation, “Please give me a third eye!”
Rather impressively Kiri was somehow more embarrassed than Osuteno, and fainted into the seat.

"... Kiri? ...Kiri? Kiri." Yup it seemed that Kiri was out cold. As Osu began to turn to give assistance to the trainee his sleeve was caught in the steel-like grip of his wife.

"Darling," she said simply. And with that Osu froze on the spot. It wasn't the same darling she used earlier, but a much more serious one.

"For the past few months I have been overwhelmed by a number of hormones and urges that you can talk to me about but cannot possibly imagine yourself. I have been constantly tired, sick, hungry, and horny for months. I have slept a lot today, my stomach is calm for once and I am not having any senseless food cravings. There is but one thing I want at this moment and if you do not pick me up and take me into that bedroom to satisfy that want, we will take advantage of your detachable anatomy and I will be taking THAT into the bedroom with me and you might get it back in a few months after the babies are born."

She wouldn't really do that would she? She should know that he needed that... There was no way she would... She was more reasonable than...

About an hour and 45 minutes later Osu walked out of his bedroom, being careful to close the door quietly as to not wake Chiai up, while buttoning up a white long sleeve shirt he liked to wear around the house along with some black dress pants. Kiri still seemed to be out on the couch so he made his way to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

Out of nowhere Kiri began shouting and Osu threw his hand across the apartment to cover Kiri's mouth and looked towards the bedroom.

... Alright it seemed that Chiai was not woken up by that. He hand let go of Kiri's face and... "walked" back to Osu and reattached itself to his arm.

"Keep a bit quite," Osu said in a quiet voice while handing Kiri a cup of tea, "Chiai just went to sleep. Now what is this about a third eye? Are you talking about a third eye in the spiritual sense or a third eye socket because those are two very different issues... Mostly... Though I suppose theoretically one could establish a catalyst... Though that would require a certain disposition in the first place by which to manifest it... generally an esoteric concept one might be able to possess what some have rather improperly named a sixth sense, but a third eye is a slightly more supernatural phenomenon. I'm sorry I got a little carried away there, I have taken up studying up on the occult as of late, and I have only been able to talk much about my ideas with my sister who is... a less than enjoyable person. You were saying?" Osu sipped his tea.
Indeed, it took him a moment to finally get his head in order before he noticed that what struck him was a hand. A dislodged hand. Eyes grew wide in surprise before he looked at Osu by the kitchen and nodded as he was instructed to keep quiet. Then, the hand would just drop down and start walking back to Osu, attaching itself as if it was the most normal thing to happen in the world. Then again, this wasn’t the first time he had seen this before but it still surprised him.

When things seemed to have settled down, Osu came over with a cup of tea and Kiri thanked for it. He took a sip from it and steadily tried to calm down even more. His mind was finally getting back into order and he could remember what his goal for coming was.

“I read in a medical journal from the library that in the past there were some shinobi that had undergone a surgery to have a third,” Kiri started as he raised a hand over to his forehead, “And that mostly it was a way to give leeway to their demons. So I thought, maybe it could help me too… uh… not that I have… I mean.”

Sometimes Kiri would find himself wondering just what exactly is his relationship with Osu. He respected the man enough to come to him for help, but there were some things he was still not open about. After all, not everyone who had known him in the past had appreciated the fact that there lived inside him a cursed beast. Perhaps in his clan, had he gotten two of the beasts, he would be an asset, but that didn’t work out.

He glanced at Osu once more, “The thing is… I read that it would help greatly, especially in the way I could perceive the situation. Also, I could further extend the range of my senses. And lastly, it could be a good asset right? I also read that some of the shinobi were known to have… this sort of dark entity in them. So I thought it’s the most natural thing to do.”
Osu lowered his cup when Kiri started stumbling with his words after mentioning demons. That wasn't really an uncommon reaction, it was actually hospital policy not to use the word if it could be helped because it sometimes triggered episodes for those who lived through the demon invasion. Still he didn't know why Kiri himself got so hung up on the word. He didn't really know much about Kiri to be honest. He seemed to be a good kid, which was a bit odd for Osu to think since he was younger than Kiri, and he seemed like a serious and studious person. Other than that though, almost nothing. This talk of inner darkness and normally metaphysical concepts led Osu to move towards a more personal line of questioning.

"Kiri-San... What exactly is your lineage like? I don't really mean to pry but some of the things you are describing aren't really problems one typically finds with strictly human ancestry. I can help, don't feel afraid, I just want to make sure I know what you are needing. I wouldn't call any way that we would actually go about doing this would be considered natural anyway, though what can I really say on that subject?" Osu said while raising his hand and turning it back and forth as if saying somebody should put a ring on it if they had liked it.

"Honestly unless I find real cause for concern, I won't really delve much into the why behind this research of yours, nor the particulars of why the subject applies to you. I only need enough information to determine the how of the procedure you desire. I am available to talk with though at almost any time should you wish to. Just make sure you do so before you get into any trouble if possible."
Kiri waited for Osu’s reply, hoping the latter wouldn’t pry deeper. As if. He should have known better than to say those words. He should have rehearsed what he would be telling his senpai. Heck, maybe he should have… no. If there was anyone in this village that he trusted to operate on him, it would be Osu. And so, if he trusted Osu that much, then he should be able to say it openly, right?

He seemingly held his breath for a moment as the words that escaped from Osu’s lips dug deep into him. So once he got to breathing again, he lowered his eyes and hung his head, trying to form words. “I… I am not from Kumogakure,” was how he began it. “That’s why I don’t really understand what’s normal around here. But…”

Was he still trying to lie his way out? But he did vow he would move on and not look back. Yet, it felt like he was betraying his senpai if he were to simply turn away and lie. Would it be really okay? And that last speech of Osu just made it all the more harder for him. His senpai was just good. No words could say otherwise. And damn him should he not trust the latter.

“The truth is… I have a beast inside me…” started Kiri, though what he was referring to was his clan’s beast (for he was yet to be aware that the beast had in fact become a demon that resides in all jinchuuriki). “It’s… how do I say this… uh… it’s part of my family. Either you are born with two or none at all. Then if you are born with this certain one without the other, it’s troublesome. The cursed beast of ruin can only destroy, nothing more, is what they said,” he added with a deep sigh. “But my brother… I mean, I know that the soul of the beast is my brother’s so… I know he’s not evil. But it’s been hard lately. Sometimes the curse itself is corrupting him, and influencing me… So when I saw those medical texts, allowing a bit of freedom for the pent up energy of the beast inside me, I thought it would be best for both of us.”

He raised his eyes onto Osu, seemingly waiting for a reply, a harsh one at that. “Sorry. I never told anyone ever since I was exiled but I’m from the Hasegawa Clan of Leaf Country. You see, I’m a taboo child. I never had the cursed beast of creation, only of ruin and it was either my father had to kill me or banish me. That’s why… I want to be better to make Kumogakure my new home.” He hung his head low again. “Sorry.”
Osu had not known Kiri wasn't from Kumogakure, though if anything that made certain things stick out more. That of course went right out of Osu's window of importance with what followed. Hearing precisely what Kiri was saying...

Osu had to put his tea down and began rubbing his temples with his eyes closed. Kiri, Kiri, Kiri, Kiri.... Alright maybe this wasn't as bad as it sounds... Maybe it was simply... Just... Maybe... Osu was having a hard time convincing himself this wasn't as bad as it sounds.

"Kiri..." Where did he go with this?

"... Alright... We should... You should..." Ahhhh if what Kiri was saying... This was a bit of trouble if this was what he thought it was.

"You should... Talk with Junko about your... brother." Osu didn't have the proper tools or experience for testing anyway. It could be something completely different and he could be getting worked up over nothing. He brought out a packet of medication for lowering blood pressure (which solved most of his ailments these days rather conveniently) and gestured for Kiri to open a cabinet which also served as one of many bookshelves while he ingested it for his growing... well headache would be the closest comparable thing for normal people to understand.

Inside Kiri would find various sized brushes, large rolls of ninjutsu parchment, and a small fortune of ink. Thankfully Osu had managed to get these items as work expenses for research purposes. "Middle sized bone and bamboo handle Kiri, about 2 meters of parchment, 2 smaller containers of ink from the left side, grab the one that has been used some and resealed. Take them to the kitchen, broader counter you can lay down on. Spread the parchment out and weigh down the corners. I'll... be there in a minute." He then closed his eyes for a bit.

Then Osu was in the library of his own mind staring face to face with his sister, who had an annoyed but curious expression on her face. "I am rather surprised we are getting to put our research into practice again so soon. You really are wanting to get to get more direct experimentation before we submit our findings?"

"Not really, but it seems like he needs the help, and this could do it. We just need to try and determine the dimensions and location for the stone... This would be much simpler if occult natures and natural energies were more compatible."

"If that were the case we wouldn't have to study how to apply natural energies to the treatment of occult issues now would we? Also you better be damn careful with this. If this goes well we may be able to get funding to start our own department. Maybe even get assistants."

They spent around ten minutes determining the equations and styles to use before Osu opened his eyes again and walked to his kitchen, where Kiri had hopefully followed Osu's directions and he began applying ninjutsu formulae to the scroll with a slow and careful hand. "Kiri this will... take a bit... can you go over to my medical cowl over there at the coat rack and fetch my scalpel case? Also in that bathroom on the left there will be some sterilization chemicals and anesthetic below the sink, syringes in the top of the medicine cabinet."

It shouldn't have taken Kiri long to follow his directions but Osu would still be working on the scroll for a bit. "You probably want to know what all of... this, is for. basically... well are you familiar with the concept of natural and occult energies? Almost all ninjutsu belongs in the realm of natural energies, almost. But there also exists specimens that hybrid with occult energies, such individuals sometimes have unique ancestries or certain predispositions, such as being descended from partially demonic lines or possess the ability to see ghosts respectively. There are actually more varieties of energy but this isn't really the time for a lecture and my research has much progress to be made. What you need to know is that traditionally only the sealing arts are a broadly, and I use that term loosely, usable means for using natural energy to manipulate occult energy. Unfortunately they are incredibly crude tools as they are and not terribly precise. I have studied seals quite a bit though while I can design them to a degree and understand the formulae behind them actual scribing is still a bit beyond me. But they are not what we want anyway. Instead I will be attempting to follow the paths of occult energy in your body to a particular point near your mind and set a... I suppose we can refer to it as an arcane focus. The location is actually easy to guess, but I prefer precision and what I can't just guess is the dimensions needed of the arcane focus without close examination... Any questions?" Just a bit more and it should... yes it should definitely be correct. Most likely.
He felt rather scared now that he said those to Osu, but all the more when he could tell that Osu was feeling rather skeptical about these things. So now, he was advised to tell Junko about it and that was calling a rather difficult shot there. Kiri had yet to truly trust Junko even if he was the medical chief. Unlike others who willingly believe their commanding officers, Kiri was the peculiar one who preferred to reserve his judgment until he could truly say how a person is. Still, if Osu was willing to suggest it to him, he may have to think consider it for the near future.

Given instructions, Kiri quickly got up from where he sat, albeit a bit enthusiastic suddenly, and went over to the shelf to locate the said items. For a moment, he stopped and was in awe as he looked at the collection. He wondered if he’ll be possessing these items as well if he truly becomes a mednin, but for now he’ll have to settle with being amazed by his senpai’s collection. So first was a middle-sized bone and bamboo handle brush, then two meters of parchment, then 2 smaller containers of ink, of which seemed to have been used and resealed.

“Got them,” he said as he would carry them over to the kitchen, finding the broader counter and preparing as instructed. He was a bit confused as to how this would work out but he did so anyway. Then he looked at the area and thought rather odd to be operated in the kitchen. “No way. Is he planning to eat me?” He suddenly felt a chill down his spine, “No, couldn’t possibly… right?”

Before anything else, Osu arrived and seemingly ready to get things started. As he begins to write onto the scroll, he gave Kiri a few more instructions, to which the latter would comply. He found the coat rack where the cowl was kept and searched for the scalpel case. Then, following the directions, he would find the bathroom and on the left side were some sterilisation chemicals. He looked hard and read to make sure and the grabbed a few, including the anaesthetics below the sink. Then on top of the medicine cabinet, he would find the syringes.

He carefully brought them back and laid them on a smaller counter next to where Osu was writing on the parchment. And almost as if reading his head, Kiri would reply, “Yes. I was wondering why?” But as he tried to listen in on the explanation, Kiri found himself all the more confused with questions. Needless to say, though, he summarised that he would need a more specific surgery because of his bloodline. That would make sense, he figured, and perhaps that was all he needed for now.

“I think I understood what was necessary,” he replied as honestly as he could. “Is there anything you need to do to help you determine the arcane focus or something?”
“No we have a surprisingly applicable material on hand for this particular procedure,” Osu commented while checking his work one last time. “Remove your shirt and hood please. Now there are a number of arcane foci but the most efficient all typically are of an outside nature. Some worldly materials like bone or particular varieties of stones or crystals may be used but are rather limited in their scope of use. Those reasonable available to us don’t really fit what we need them for, particularly the materials with more… I suppose the best term would be emotional value. We can’t really put the last unread letter written by a fallen soldier on the eve of battle to his unrequited love in your forehead. That sort of thing is mostly used to make deals anyway since it has very little use to mortals. Instead… well some time ago I received some blood belonging to a cosmic entity in a rather one sided and ill fated trade. Might as well make something useful out of it… Though I wouldn’t really share that information with anyone versed in the occult or you risk them wanting to dig it out of your forehead should they be greedy enough. Rather the only reason I am even telling you that much about it is so you will understand you shouldn’t draw too much attention to it… Rather if someone you can’t handle does recognize it for what it is and seems determined to have it… well just send them my way with the promise that I have more should you remain safe and free and I will deal with it.” Since there were so few practitioners of the occult the chance of that was as rare as stumbling upon an oasis in the grand deserts by accident and even then they might not recognize the worth of the material, Osu wasn’t really worried. Still, better safe than sorry.

“Alright everything looks good, lay down in the space there, don’t smear the ink.” Osu was very obviously talking about the empty space in the parchment that looked to be just the right size for Kiri’s silhouette should he keep his arms to his sides and a little bit of space beyond that.

Waiting for Kiri to get situated Osu once more brought out the brush and simply said, “If you are ticklish warn me before your reaction gets beyond your control so we can give you a little break, don’t jerk about and do not smear the ink. I know I already said that but it is rather important. If I didn’t need you to be aware for this procedure I would have knocked you out instead. Just keep still as best you can.”

Osu started from the final gate and the easiest for him to find, the heart, and began to draw sigils over Kiri’s chest. He used runes to trace over a slightly curved path down Kiri’s stomach following where the main chakra line would flow. It was at about this time that a few of the symbols Osu drew on the scroll lit up and helped light up the path of Kiri’s main chakra path.

He followed the slight curve to where the seventh gate was located, just slightly above the waist straight below the belly button and put some broader sigils over it. Up through the sixth, fifth, fourth, and third gates Osu used runes both small and large to trace a straight line right up to the center of Kiri’s collar bone. From there the paths branched, careful to gauge Kiri’s reactions, Osu traced up the neck, over the chin and up to the right side of Kiri’s temple where the second gate. He then went back to the fork and mirrored the same path on the left side of Kiri’s face.

As that was being finished more runes on the scroll lit up. “Now I need you to do something a bit strange for me. You know how you are taught to focus your chakra in certain parts of your body? Attempt to focus it on your perception. Not your eyes, but if you do indeed have a talent for that sort of sense try and focus your chakra there. Really concentrate… It’ll probably take a few tries if you have never done so before. Then, as counter-intuitive as it sounds, I need you to focus on the sense itself to the point you don’t notice anything else.”
As he listened to Osu explain to him about arcane foci, he couldn’t help but imagine it. Certainly, it would be strange to have a dead lover’s written message somehow lingering in him or something. What if it ends up consuming his mind and he would end up becoming a tragic romantic whose out to get revenge or something? That definitely didn’t seem to be a good idea, nor did he think his beast brother would appreciate. Another suggestion about some shady deal that could end up him being some kind of wanted goods for an occult, wasn’t so appetizing, but it was seemingly the only option.

Kiri could nod as the other said so, finishing up taking up off his shirt and hood and carefully laid on the parchment, making sure not to touch or smear any of the inked areas. He wondered if he was about to be sacrificed to some demigod or something. “Feels like a sacrificial altar,” he joked with a chuckle though he sounded a bit worried. It was difficult, of course, since the only empty space was just about his right size so he had to be very, and extra careful, not to slip nor stretch or accidentally roll over the parchment.

Good thing push-ups weren’t a problem and he merely had to turn around and make sure he laid his back carefully and properly. Glancing from side to side, he could almost see that the inked writings were just beyond his figure.

The next warning was rather odd. Ticklish? He was certain he could hold his own from suddenly jerking about in laughter. In fact, he can’t remember having to have done so in his entire life. Then again, the comment of being knocked out seemed more probably. “I’ll leave everything to you, Osu-senpai,” he said as he gave a quick thumbs before putting his hand back down next to him.

With the procedure starting, Kiri felt the cool touch of the brush and ink on his skin. He gulped and then concentrated. He closed his eyes for a moment as he allowed himself to imagine it using his sense of touch. Strangely, it was both cool and warm.

As more of the patterns were drawn, and seemingly coming right up, Kiri held back a sudden jerk. Strange really. He ended up holding his breath for a few minutes, trying to get the chill off his mind as he kept a constant awareness of the trail of the brush. Somehow, it was getting from cool to hot in quick succession, though still bearable at the moment. Just as he opened an eye to steal a glance, Osu began on his neck, so he quickly shut his eyes closed and desperately tried to remain still. At this point, even breathing seemed hard, and he could feel his pulse against the ink along his neck. With the brush reaching his face, Kiri tried to empty his thoughts for a moment, get a good sense of what was happening and remain at peace.

And then, another odd command. “Huh?” Kiri almost spoke out loud, but stopped midway as he would have ended up opening his mouth and smearing the inklines, perhaps. He slightly opened an eye before closing it again and then tried to think on the words.

It was difficult. How could he focus into a kind of perception without his eyes. So first, he tried to gather his chakra and for a moment tried to visualise the room using his sense of hearing. But there was only so few humming that he could barely make out anything. He tried to remember the details of the kitchen area with his memory, but that too was rather too limited. And so, he decided on creating an image before his eyes, even if they were closed. He tried to make out the lines, the objects, the arrangement of everything as it would be seen with his two eyes, though most of the colors were mismatched and perhaps even some were misplaced. Still, he tried to remember the sensation of it and began to pour his chakra along his visual sense. And as instructed, would then take long deep breaths as he begins to focus of the sense of seeing.

It was difficult but he persevered. He kept trying. Not to open his eyes but to let his power burn along it. It felt strange because he was beginning to lose touch of his sense of touch along his legs and hands. His focus was merely along the eyes and visual imagery that he was forgetting about his body, how he was lying on the parchment. And strange as it sound, he was beginning to forget about cool ink on his skin, or the humming of his heart. He was purging those sounds and senses and simply trying to etch this undefined visual symphony that was luring him by the second.
Osu waited. And waited. Then waited a bit longer. Ah finally.

Kiri finally seemed relaxed and disconnected enough for him to continue, Osu concluded as he praised the brush back up to Kiri's face. It should be right about... Osu looked at which of the runes on the parchment were glowing as his slowly moved the brush along Kiri's forehead... So... it was about... this size. Osu finished tracing the border of where Kiri's inner mind focused its worldly perception.

Now it was time to get to work... though he felt a bit bad about tricking his student. He was not going to be using anything to numb the area, since nothing could be allowed to interfere with Kiri's ability to perceive. Still he should currently be disconnected with the physical plane enough to not notice while Osu cut a hole and slit into Kiri's forehead to implant the focus... at least not until after he was done. Then... well... then it was going to sting a lot. But he could safely give Kiri pain medication then... and maybe a head cone so he doesn't touch it for a few days.

From here the work was simple enough. A small hole in the middle, two curved slits above and below said hole, carving a little hole that opened up a bit on the inside to give anchor space, pouring ichor into the hole and solidifying it to make the anchor, manipulating the blood in the main gem portion to have tiny air pockets inside in the shapes of the appropriate runes to complete the eye itself and then working with the flesh he took from the hole in the center the help reconnect the slits he made to give the focus space under the flesh. Whenever Kiri finally attuned himself to the gem... well he should be much more aware of the world around him. Including the harsh stinging he probably had waiting. Oh he almost forgot. Osu took the brush and a bit of the blood he had collected from Kiri and drew a fine red line through a few runes on the parchment. All the runes on the parchment and on Kiri suddenly rushed into the focus. Now it should be working.
As he began on focus on the strange sensation that made it feel as though he was sensing everything and yet nothing, Kiri somehow felt at peace. It was a different sort of peace. Not the one that you’d get from simply resting. It was like as if a long battle inside him had somehow stopped. It was almost as if he had long been so restless and for once had felt what it was like to breathe fresh air. It wasn’t long, though, when the operation would have finished and Kiri could feel the focusing power along his forehead. But as it did so, there was something else. By focusing, his senses heightening, and perhaps because he was starting to return his consciousness to the present, he felt pain.

His face contorted as he felt a sudden shock of pain on his forehead. He even almost slapped his face as he raised both hands but remembered and just managed to just let them hover in front of his face. He took in a long deep breath before exhaling like he was trying to cope with the pain. Even with closed eyes, he was ready to shed some tears but that wasn’t manly. Instead, he continued to gasp for air as he was trying to will the pain away. And only when he was a bit composed would he slowly open an eye.

Adjusting his vision, Kiri would look at Osu’s direction and say, “I didn’t… think it’d hurt… so bad…”

Current Ninpocho Time:
