Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Office Talk [Private]

Aug 24, 2012

Diligently the medical chief crudely traces an outline on the drywall, to the best of her ability and certainly not one to mock at. Admittedly the crude uneven lines were far from beautiful, but they would suffice as a guideline. Streaking outwards, her gloved hand slices through the air vertically twice and horizontally twice as well – resulting in a lurching tone. Wind based techniques were quite handy when it came to piercing through materials, a single leather boot presses against the wall. In turn, the structure crumbles outwards, the platinum mane female quite pleased with her handy work, only to discover her view was not as expected. “The patient courtyard?” she tilts her head, taking note of the state of shock the patients were in, Mikasa giving an apologetic smile to the recovering patients.

“No wonder I was told to not use the blue prints, these are not accurate at all.” she mutters in disappointment, dry wall particles litter the office and more importantly her figure. “Now I understand why Lady Yomi were to locate me to another office.” she sighs, the petite office losing a majority of its value in her mind. Never the least would the medical chief clean up the mess, having a team aid her in replacing the dry wall. Once the task had been completed, Mikasa would attend to her own disheveled self, it was time to tidy herself up and play the role she were to become.


“We are having an important guest this afternoon, don’t mind the mask, she is to be directed to my office.” she states in a kind tone to the receptionist, long after the repairs had been made and the patients offered additional accommodations for the fright, “Thank you, very much.” she murmurs in a kind dove tone.

Awaiting Yuki would be the medical-nin’s usual ivory office, rosewood desk space, a single ivory cabinet, and her trademark single stargazer lily in a vase upon the workspace top. If the ANBU Captain were to examine close enough, the texture of the wall behind the armchair in which Mikasa sat, Yuki would be able to deduce the slight difference in paint hue. Daintily the woman rummages about for a quill and piece of parchment, placing the duo upon her desk, awaiting for the guest to arrive. Hopefully they would be able to formulate a better course of action to search for the Hokage, outside of endless sleepless nights of nonproductive attempts.
The Haku was glade the it was a relativity cold day not only was it far more pleasant for her, but the chill was keeping her from falling asleep on her feet. It was a short walk from the Foundry to the hospital and she was hoping there was a ready supply of coffee there or she was not going to make it through the meeting, and she was sure that falling asleep as her first official role as ANBU Captain doing that wouldn’t exactly make a great first impression. It wasn’t long before she had reached the main entrance of the hospital, it was probably the first time that she had been there since her return to the village she tried to avoid hospitals if she could.

As Yuki entered the main entrance the first thing that hit her was the smell of cleaning product and disinfectant, the next was the noise if it wasn’t people laughing then there was crying all over lapped together topped with the sound of announcement every now and again over the speaker system. Not having any idea where she was going she ask the people at the front desk where a nurse was kind enough to lead her to where she was looking for.

“Here we are, Miss Tsukasa office, is there anything else I can do?”

“No, and thank you,” The nurse smiled and wondered off leaving Yuki standing outside the door. She knocked and then peered her head around the corner seeing her host sat at her desk, realising this was probably the first time she had seen her without her mask on. “Ah yes, introductions. I am Haku Yuki, or the face that belongs to Haku Yuki” She smiled and held her hand out,

The faint tapping upon the door was enough to shift her attention towards that of the scarlet beauty, initial confusion and for a brief moment Mikasa undergoing the feeling of dread – had she forgotten an appointment? Without thinking the kunoichi extends her hand outwards in unison, to greet forest green eyed ANBU Captain, “Ah, wonderful. I was a bit concerned I overlooked a few details for my day.” she laughs gently, shaking the hand with her ungloved. Playfully the gloved hand rises upwards, blocking the direct view to the face of the captain, “ANBU certainly are interesting.” she admits, before settling into her armchair.

“Oh! My apologies.” she murmurs, outstretching an index finger towards the door. In swift movement her digit lurches back, a faint thread of chakra would be visible to the trained eye of a captain and streaking through the air a pot of coffee from the depths of the corridors. Instinctively the maidens hand lurches upwards to clasp upon the cusp of the pot, “I hope you don’t have a preference.” she addresses, settling the beverage container on the desktop. A momentary pause, forgetting the necessities, leaning forward the medical chief would rummage about her drawers, producing two cups and questionable packets of sugar. Just another average day in the life of the recently promoted Medical-nin.

Her fingers fan out towards the hot liquid, “You may help yourself, if you wish. I am sure you have to work equally long nights these days.” she states in a wafer tone. Truth to be told, Mikasa was not much of a coffee drinker, she still had a childish mentality when it came to beverages and longed for a juice. “I for one am getting used to my new position and I have learned the difficult way sleep is a privilege.” the lass chuckles hardheartedly. “I appreciate you coming on such short notice, I don’t wish to keep you long, Yuki-san.” she addresses, they both were quite busy as is.

“I am going to conduct a Forensics on the scene in where Lord Umashi disappeared. Outside of that, I want to cooperate as much as possible with the ANBU branch and this is where my inquiry comes to light.” The medical kunoichi leaning forward, “What is it that the medical branch can do to aid you? I wish for us to form a stronger bond that seems to be lacking between the branches.”
Yuki grinned it was normally the reaction of people that saw her out of her mask even she had to admit that being out of her ANBU gear she wasn’t exactly an imposing figure being out of the black and without the mask she just looked so normal, it was actually very useful.
“There is really no need to apologize, in fact I take it was a compliment after all people aren’t meant to know who I am,”
She took the offer of a hot drink and poured herself a coffee she, leaving it black but adding an absence amount of sugar to it, she was hoping that the mixture of caffeine and glucose was enough to keep her awake at least of the length of this meeting.
“Yes, you will find that with that the more responsibility you have the less sleep you get. Not to mention everything that is currently going on. I think Yomi has kept the whole village awake.” She smiled trying to keep the conversation as light as she could the last thing she wanted to do is upset her host, not while she had open forum.

Yuki brought the cup full of the almost black liquid to her mouth taking in a breath of the coffee the smell filled her nose, she took a mouthful and sighed. It was damn good coffee. She wished that her coffee was this good.
“I think that a full scan of the crime scene would be an excellent idea, give pass whatever information that you have to us and we will track down whatever we can find. It is the only good thing about having your fingers in so many pies there are lots of people that owe you favours.” She smile hoping that the female would understand what she was getting at without her having to explain the more questionable method the ANBU has of gathering information. “Strong bonds are what is lacking between us and all other branches, unfortunately suspicion comes with the territory. The only thing that you can aid me with is your friendship and support.” Yuki smiled again looking at the female, there was little else that she needed other than knowing that she had least had a friend among the other branches was really all that mattered. “So what have you discovered so far?”
In turn the medical-chief would mimic the scarlet hair ANBU Captain, adding far too much sugar for either of their good health. Tenderly the rim of the cup would press against her bottom lip, sipping lightly and doing her best to guise her distaste for coffee in general; unfortunately her facial expression foretold a different tale. An apologetic grin would be aimed towards the guest and the cup settling against the table, “Do you care for juice? I have orange.” she begins, allowing herself to make an excuse to swivel about in the arm chair, rummaging about in the cabinet to produce a fresh orange and two cups in hand. At times her own file cabinet a mystery.

Wasting no time would she twirl her index finger about, as if conducting a private symphony, and the end result the fruit slicing via the near invisible threads of chakra. “My apologies, I am a big child at times.” she admits, staring at the amount of pulp within her cup – although she were far more content with said beverage than the previous. “Agreed, she certainly is making it difficult to rest.” she laughs gently, unsure of the relation between her and Lady Yomi.

The topic would quickly reach its climax, rather one of many potential, “Regrettably it does, but trust begins with one simple beginning.” she counters, leaning forward in the chair, “I would love nothing more than to do that, Yuki-san.” she happily chirps, “What have I discovered? A most interesting factoid.” she nods, quite proud of herself despite the simplicity of the action she took.

Pausing for a moment she allows herself to begin building the bridge of trust, regardless of the outcome. At the very least Mikasa would place her best efforts forward to bringing the pair closer, “Lord Umashi’s chakra signature isn’t fixated in a single location.” The rim of her glasses are adjusted gently upon the bridge of her nose, “Those that can view chakra will see its spread over a grander portion of the village – spreading quite rapidly.” she comments. Mikasa wouldn’t go into detail of she came into possession of the medical coat their former Hokage wore, nor mention the uses it had in tracking for the time being. “It’s as if his chakra is outstretching over the village. I still have further investigations to perform though.” she admits.​
The female grinned slightly watching the Med-Chief trying her hardest to show her disgust at the coffee, it wasn’t to everyone’s taste. Her emerald eyes watched as Mikasa conducted the orchestra to create the fruit juice it wasn’t personally to her taste, but she wasn’t about to turn down something that has been so masterfully created. Yuki appreciated the beauty of the art about all things, she would have been more than happy watching the blue-eyed female doing this all day. She had found herself quite distracted when Mikasa spoke again turning the female’s attention back towards her.
“Other than then a significant decrease in the activities of the criminal underground unfortunately nothing. It was like he was just plucked from existence.” She leant back in her chair a little “While that is obviously a good thing it only makes my job harder, a lot of our sources have gone to ground with the higher level of activity.” She yawned, her lack of sleep catching up with her causing the female to sit up straight again. Yuki wanting to avoid getting comfortable, but there was something about the office that relaxed her, she wasn't sure if it was the sunlight that beamed through the window of the smell “I have gathered the Uchiha’s but that has yielded no information to take note of. Only problem of being a Haku in a houseful of Uchiha’s I may be married to the Clan head but the chances of them tell me anything is slim however I doubt it would be them if any of them would be been capable of creating that black fire that was seen we would have been aware of them for a while now”

Yuki listened to the information that had been provided, about the Hokage’s charka signature, it was strange that it was everywhere yet nowhere all at once. Then again from what she knew of her meetings with Umashi he was an enigma wrapped up in a mystery, he was talented in many aspects of the ninja world, who knows what else he could do.
“Mikasa, you have asked what I am wanting from your branch, I have to ask what do you want from the ANBU, beyond partnership in getting to the bottom of Umashi sudden disappearance I mean?” She smiled at her, it was always nice to know what people expected from you Yuki wanted to build bridges with the other branches, but she needed to know what the other branches wanted from her and the ANBU.
Silently the woman listens, not wishing to interrupt the Haku. When the opportunity presents itself does she allow herself to speak, “I am unsure of the enemies Lord Umashi created, but I will not allow myself to accuse an entire clan with little to no evidence.” she explains, leaning forward in the armchair, taking note of Yuki’s disposition. Gingerly Mikasa adjusts her spectacles, raising a digit against her crow’s feet, “They are not the most beautiful of marks are they?” she teases and gestures towards the ANBU Captain’s.

The medical-chiefs attention directs towards the inevitable inquiry of the two branches could provide for one another, “I for one am tired of the huge separation between one another.” She begins to raise the flat of her hand upwards, daintily waving across the face of the scarlet beauty – at least from her perspective due to the distance between them. “Who are the ones behind the masks? Does this method strike fear or protect your privacy? Why do we need to be in the shadows and distant?” she murmurs gently, lowering her hand to settle against the surface of the desk. Clasping her hands together the maiden scoots forward within the armchair once more, "I for one find it far more frightening to view the face behind the guise." she admits.

Gently her hands grasp upon the glass, raising the rim against her lips to indulge once more in the sweet nectar. Tenderly she pats away the excess liquid, “Of course I can’t ask of the ANBU branch to change their ways, but I would very much so wish to be a part of it in some shape or form. Is the thought of sending our shinobi and kunoichi on dangerous missions without a medical-nin not outlandish? It’s not impossible to fathom an ANBU participating in the medical field missions.” she streams her explanation, indulging in a much needed breath of air afterwards.

""This crisis has our two branches separated enough as is, let us brainstorm a remedy for the future. Unity, even if a slightly higher degree." Mikasa finalizes.​
Yuki brought the glass to her lips and takes a mouthful of the juice, it was a pleasant balance between sweet and sour she had to admit it was quiet lovely, she chuckles a little at the female’s words, it was refreshing to hear another take on the way things where.
“We have to operate in the shadow, we are tasked with carrying out the tasks that no-one else will. We operate in the places that we should be carrying out task that the village would rather not know about. The mask is not only to protect our loved ones but also the village.” She pouts a little “And besides my face surely isn’t that frightening” Yuki giggles taking another mouthful of the fresh orange juice. The Haku finishes her glass and places it on the desk in front of her.

Once Mikasa had finished speaking Yuki sighed, while it was horrible knowing that in very many cases she was sending her people out to die she and they knew that it was, unfortunately, an occupational hazard she wouldn’t allow to risk the lives of anyone else that had not signed themselves but for it.
“I completely agree Mikasa, however, I cannot allow you to do that when we join the ANBU we know that every time we step foot outside of that gate our lives are forfeit. While I hate having to send people to what could very well be their deaths. I won’t allow you to lose any of ours in a similar fashion, we all know what we have signed ourselves up for.” Her smiled slipped for a few moments before returning to her face. “However, saying that if you ever need support in any of your field missions whether that be a little extra muscle then my troops are yours. All I need to you is treat my wounded and just don’t ask any questions,”. Yuki yawned again the chat had been a nice one, but it was the time that she made her move. “I look forward to it, hopefully when all this mess has been sorted we can pick this up, however I have been away from my post too long, no doubt my presence is needed,” She stood up and extended her hand and bowed “It has been a pleasure, Mikasa, if you should ever need anything then please my door is always open”
Mikasa understood all the formalities of items pertaining outside of the village, yet she would never come to an agreement while ANBU operatives in the village; a significant amount of trust required for one to reveal themselves in the village, but not outside. Pausing for a moment, the maiden allows a thin grin to form on her features, "Of course not, even I am jealous of your crimson locks." she jests, taking notice of the continuous yawns - signifying their closure was inevitable.

Truthfully, the medical chief knew the conversation would never pan out in her immediate favor, it was foolish to believe one opinion could triumph above all else; however to partake in a logical conversation was a much needed reprieve from the usual mindless banter. "I didn't expect a different response, just affirmed a few items on my end." she admits with a wispy sigh, coming to a stand she wouldn't allow her guest to leave the Byoin by herself as that would be significantly rude. Opening the door for the captain, "I'll hold you to that statement, we always are in need of aid." Mikasa murmurs gently, adjusting her spectacles.

The maiden wouldn't bother her guest with any additional banter as they made their way to the exit of the hospital, to even have an opportunity to speak to Yuki was an experience she truly grateful for. Pivoting about upon her heel, the platinum mane kunoichi gestures towards office she currently occupies, "My office door is always open as well, feel free to come in for some juice if you find yourself awake in the midst of the night." she chuckles, bowing her head respectfully, signifying the end of their initial journey together, "Until we meet again." she calls out in a brisk tone, her warm smile spreading further across her features.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
