Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Oh Hey Look! I'm the New Guy! [Open/Free]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The street lights were as bright as ever despite it being sunrise in the world above while a child below walked through the lit up streets looking around with his head held high in sheer curiosity. The boy had seldom seen such grand designs of light-work that allowed shops to beckon at you with colors, and only in the Fire Country. Just as well he had also rarely seen such generosity from the people that took him in.

From day one he had clothes. It was one think that these Sunan people had a love for and that was in clothing. The suit a tailor gave him, promising it was made from cheap material and thus no charge, felt like anything but cheap. It had class and style promising the boy that this year, the second and tenth year of his life, was going to be far more promising than the past eleven. If the clothes hadn’t been enough the village personally saw that his mother was given a moderate home in a good neighborhood, food, and a wave on the first two months of bills; in return all Tama had to do was join the academy. Apparently someone had found great potential in the boy simply by looking at him.

Now here he was. A doctor’s full body exam, a shot here, a pair of glasses there, and he had arrived. His eyes gazed up through the glasses perched on his nose as he tilted his head back to look up at the great looming building that stood before him. This was the academy…this is where his life would be forever altered into the role that he was to be fit into.

And so he turned around. To see an entire stampede of children running in his direction.

Panicked, Tama turned around and made a bee-line sprint for the doors. As he reached them and pushed them open a plethora of different colored skin, hair, and eyes assailed him from all sides as they pushed and shoved all heading in different directions as their schedule bound minds starting going down a checklist of places to be. The terrified new kid was doing his best simply to stay out of the path of all the random people that darted, shoved, and walked nearly over him. By the time he reached what he thought was the safety of the front desk his hair was disheveled and his clothes were bunched up in places. The female attendant behind the desk looked down at him with a quirked eyebrow and an equally quirked grin as she shook her head,
“New, huh?”
“How could you tell…” Tama said with a light tone of sarcasm inherited from his mother.
“I’d say it’s that ‘I just got crowd raped’ look you got going, but let’s just say I have good intuition. Anywho, here is your class schedule prep guide. Just give it a look through, check off anything that looks interesting, and hand it back in and we’ll have you a schedule prepared in an hour.”

The guide traded hands.

It was this moment that Tama would come to remember with the most fondest, as it was this moment that would lead him to become the crazy guy he was destined to become. Opening that first page and staring down at the appendix of all the different lessons was like magic. He flipped through the pages landing on the things he found interesting – Modern Machinery, Beginners Medical Training, Starter’s Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu training, Sunagakure History 1, The Study of Secret Techniques…the list went on. A pen had magically appeared in Tama’s hand and with a quick stroke of his wrist checks were going everywhere.

Five minutes later the boy strolled up to the desk clerk and handed in his guide to be checked. A pale look came over the woman’s face that was followed by a near mocking laugh as she turned and gave the book to a guy working at an inner desk behind her; his face reflected the clerk’s.
“Its…probably going to take more than an hour to fix this one up. If you want the library is just down the hall on your right…good luck by the way.”

Kioku Kasure

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
An old man entered the room, some of the staff saw him and were a little put off. He strode purposefully towards the desk but seemed put of by the general noise, frowning he motioned for the secretary to give him the pad. Smiling knowingly he nodded towards the youth, he did not have to word a question. Turning back to the secretary he immediately took charge of the situation.

"Could you get a sub to cover my first lesson, it's only orientation but try not to let them screw it up."

As the others hurried to do his bidding he walked over to the student in question. Assessing him as he went, stripping down the small facts he knew extrapolating and evaluating.

"I think judging from what you wrote, we need a talk, I am Kensai, I teach here. Tell me if you will a little about yourself."

[yay for school and teaching!]

Hitaka Fenikkusu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"Good morning mom!" Hitaka said as he came downstairs. "good morning my little bird!" she replied back from the kitchen. "Mom I'm 11 now. I'm not a little bird anymore!" he said as he gave her a hug. "You will always be my little bird. " she told him. "now hurry or u are going to be late. " she said as she handed him a slice of toasted bread with jam on it. He took it and shoved the whole thing in his mouth as he bolted towards the door. "Goff ye!" he tried to yell good bye with a full mouth.

Hitaka reached the school in record time. A benefit of being small and light, he was pretty fast. As he walked towards the door. He noticed a couple of other kids running to the door. They were both sprinting, but one of them noticed Hitaka and stopped. He also stopped the other one before they got to the door and almost hit Hitaka. "h..hey Hitaka." the first one said. "Hey Kuro. You almost got me there. " he said with a smile as he opened the door for them. "yea...thanks. " he said as they both quickly rushed in. As they went down the hall one spoke to the other. "Man that was close." he said. "yea Hitaka is notorious for payback. If we ran into him he would got us back later for sure." the other replied as they took off.

Hitaka walked inside. He knew they were talking about him but he didn't care. He looked to see another kid he had never met before and an older man. Quite possibly a parent or a teacher. He went to the receptionist who was runnIng around. "excuse me miss. Can I please have a class schedule? I'm starting here soon." he asked. Barley glancingat him she almost tossed him the pad. He took it. "thank you" he said and went to sit down close to the other boy and man. "Hello." he said politely and looked over the list.

OOC: sorry about any mistakes I did this from my iPhone.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
{Forgive me as my posts will be slow due to an 8hr job UNLESS I'm on my two days off. Also, HURRAH! PEOPLE TO RP WITH!}

The new student looked up as a voice was sent in his direction. Normally he would ignore such voices and continue along his merry way as he was taught in all his years of travel but, as he had to keep reminding himself, this was a new life with new rules. Politely the boy stopped in his pursuit of the library and turned to face the old teacher that called out to him. His amber eyes turned up as the man was still taller than he was (though it was no secret that he was a runt from his size-to-age ratio), and his head tilted a little bit,
“Talk? Why for, sir?”

It was indeed a puzzling question that an adult would approach him simply based on what he had checked off on his curriculum. Perhaps he had bit off more than he could chew and the man had come to tell him such; but then why would he then question about his personality/history? Somewhere in the midst of Tama’s racing brain another boy walked up to the desk and sat down to begin his class-checkery.

“There isn’t much to tell…at least from my perspective I suppose. I was raised and taught what I know by my mother while we traveled the continent looking for a home. It was a hard life…because we’re the last two surviving members of the nomadic Ryuu Clan and the other countries were wary of us. Supposedly at some point, according to my mother, we were once a very powerful and prestigious clan that was full of secret jutsu and the ‘unbound strength of freedom.’ We used to take on jobs that even the greatest military powers couldn’t handle…we were just that powerful apparently.
“However, as the story goes, my father took control over the clan twelve years ago and utterly destroyed it with his own two hands. I still don’t know the details of it all and probably won’t until I ‘come of age’ by Clan standards, but I was still taught read and write in three different common languages and the hidden language of our people along with mathematical skills, fast thinking techniques, and the such that made me who I am. Really, I’m nothing special compared to the rest of the students I’m sure.”

Except that he had probably been in more life and death situations than most of the population in Suna could recount. Traveling the world was extremely dangerous, even now, and it was nothing short of a miracle granted by their gods that brought them this far. Tama adjusted the little neck tie around his throat to loosen a bit before placing his hands in his pockets to see exactly what it was this elder wished of him. His amber colored irises did finally turn to notice the boy sitting there and would send a polite nod in his direction in case he was able to break away from that magical guide of possibility; Tama knew he couldn’t.

Kioku Kasure

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kensai contemplated, either the boy was an excellent liar or he was stating believed truths, he was capable of survival, no one could get through a desert caring for someone else, so he must have aided in that somehow. Most important was humility, this boy had the potential to go far, exactly how far was yet to be determined. Kensai noted another student enter, he seemed more familiar, perhaps he had seen him around last year. Back to the problem at hand Kensai smiled.

"So you have told me who you are" In a very roundabout way "Perhaps you should tell me why you took these choices."

Kensai was taking things slowly, no need to scare the boy. Perhaps he could handle the pressure these would give him, and if not, well he only had to say, and there wasn't that much pride showing so far.


Hitaka Fenikkusu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Hitaka was checking off his list while listening in on the conversation of the other two. It seemed the boy was not originally from Suna. That would explain why he had not seen him around before. As Hitaka finished his list, he got up and handed it to the secretary. She glanced over it and then sighed. "another strange one." she said under her breath. She then stared at Hitaka. "you signed up for all the classes but the ones that had to do with trapping and deception. Why?" she asked him. Hitaka simply smiled as he replied. " I would just like to learn things I don't already know." he said. She scoffed then looked at his name. Her eyes went a bit wide then normal. "your Hitaka?" she asked uncertain. "yes I am. Do you know me?" "my son is koga cassu." she said. "oh Koga! Yea I know him. We had a little disagreement when we were younger. A shame what happened to his arm recently. I heard it was a freak accident. Tell him I hope he feels better. " he said still smiling. "Yea..." the secretary whispered turning over the pad to the man behind the other desk.

Hitaka went and sat down still listening to the others. But makin it pretty obvious he was listening.

Matsumoto Mamoru

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Mamoru was in a huff. His schedule had been botched again. This was his fourth trip to the front desk and the walk to and from the various classes he'd been sent to wasn't getting any shorter. He grasped the slightly crumpled schedule in his rather large hands.

I guess it's not unreasonable that they thought I was in the second level, but come on! I told them I'm new and I checked the beginner classes. This is getting ridiculous.

Mamoru finally arrived at the front desk, barely noticing the child and apparent teacher conversing on the side, and he certainly didn't see the other boy leaning in to hear their conversation. His attention was focused entirely on the rather pretty but extremely poor at her job secretary.

"I didn't check these classes either. Can I please just get a schedule with the classes I want to take?" He spoke hurriedly and loudly, he wanted the secretary to know he was supremely pissed off. A pissed off 12 year-old may not sound like much, but one who's significantly tall and large for his age can be a little unsettling.

"What's the problem this time, Mamoru?" Of course she'd learned his name by now. He had, after all, spoken to her more times than anyone on this, his first day at the academy.

"I checked 'Beginner Taijutsu', and I didn't say anything about the 'History of Sunagakure' class. Why did you put me in 'Advanced Taijutsu' and 'History of Sunagakure III'? I told you this is my first day!"

The secretary looked genuinely confused.... again. Mamoru had to wonder if he, a 12 year-old academy student could do her job better than she did. He came to the quick conclusion that he most probably could.

"I'll get it straightened out, Mamoru. Just fill out another sheet."

Mamoru huffed as he took the fourth sheet of the day from the secretary's outstretched hand, grabbed the same pen he'd used the other three times, and went to sit and select his classes.... again.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Well that was an obvious follow up question,
“Because I want to learn! I want to have more knowledge than anyone else so that I can go on to do the great things my father should of done! Ever since my teaching began my mother always told me, ‘with great knowledge comes great power, and one must always use it for good.’ After the journey getting here I’ve come to realize that there has to be a better way to get around the world, or at least this country! With learning how mechanical things works I’ll be able to create something, learning about Suna’s history will allow me to know what I have to prepare for…everything else is because that’s what is expected of me. I am learning to become a part of the military to pay back for everything this village has done for us.”

Odd how he would respond to such a simple question with such a large answer, but honesty was one of the virtues he was taught. Not very ninja like, but then again Tama had no intent on becoming a ninja – just an inventor that could fight for his country.
Another kid, one who didn’t look anything like a kid at all, came up to the desk and demanded his schedual be fixed. Faced with a child that size Tama could only imagine doing what he asked because when the boy finally grew up there was no doubt in his mind that Mamoru would be a giant. It became a sudden realization that when he grew up he wouldn’t be anything like these students that were here now. His power was all mental so far…another reason why he was trying to learn everything he could with the hopes of turning it into a physical power.

“I checked off the medical field,” he decided to add on that thought, “In order to learn about my own body and how it can be enhanced.”

Kioku Kasure

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kensai spent the time the child was talking listening thoughtfully, this one definitely could go far, and he already had a sense of duty. Everything seemed promising, save perhaps for the last comment, but that was probably just thoughtless meanderings.

"You seem very determined, if you want to do all these, I won't stop you, though the stress caused will be high, you might not even have time to go out and enjoy yourself." Moving himself so he was speaking to Hitaka too, the old man continued talking. "Don't limit yourself with what you do, taking few choices will mean you are too specialized, but taking to many will mean you have no time to study each particular thing closely. Being too generalized is just as bad. Think about where you are going, visualize the 'perfect you' the place that person is, the skills they require, work towards that. I always wanted to play the role I play, so don't waste this time with pointless things."

Kensai hoped they understood his points, that they were going to take them, the sooner they did the sooner he could begin to teach.


Masuta Kurokku

New Member
Oct 25, 2012
In the midst of everything already happening a small girl stepped in through the large double doors wearing a emerald green dress that hung to her knees but lay delicately across her shoulders, highlighting a slightly bony neckline. Her long auburn hair was loose, though she wore a green ribbon tied around her head much like a headband to match her dress. Once she was in the building she took a moment to look around, there was one large boy filling out a paper, another boy just a little bit bigger than she was speaking to someone she could only assume to be an instructor and another boy listening in to their conversation. Then her ice blue eyes caught sight of the woman at the reception desk and she made her way to her.

Clearing her throat she caught the woman's attention before speaking, "Um...I'm new, I need to get my class schedule?"<i></i> Her voice was soft, but it carried fairly well in the large open space. As the woman handed her the papers to choose her desired classes, she explained what was needed and Kay nodded once before taking the paper and moving to have a seat away from the others.

Having read enough books on the different types of techniques she chose both beginner's nin- and genjutsu as well as a plethora of other courses that she was interested in, especially the course about Puppet Mastery. Once her list was done, Kay looked over it one more time before walking to the counter again to turn in her course choices and placed it in front of the woman without a word. Instead, she stood there as the woman looked over the sheets and gave the small girl a smile.

"Thank you, young lady, I'll have your schedule for you in about an hour."

Kay gave her another curt nod before turning back around to take her seat again, pulling a small screwdriver from the pocket of her ever present leather apron and began to spin it between her fingers as she stared at the ground, making plans in her head for the repair of her clockwork rabbit that normally followed her.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
“These are things I shall keep in mind, sensei,” Tama said as he gave a curt bow, “But I wish to know of all these things no matter how little time it gives me. The future I have in mind is reflected by the things that are checked off on that list and it shall be no different no matter what interferes with my world. Save, perhaps, some god-like figure.”

Ironic that he would mention that.

The boy felt honored to be approached by the teacher but also felt that his time spent here talking was taking up too much time he could be using to explore those glorious libraries that were just down the hall. He gave another short bow to the teacher before stealing a glance in the direction of the girl holding a screwdriver and fiddling with it. How…odd that one would carry around a tool like that everywhere they went. It was just a mild curiosity now but perhaps in the future she would prove to be something greater towards his plans. Feeling that their discussion had ended the boy turned away from the teacher to roam his way down the hall and towards the grand storage of ancient and recent knowledge…

[topic left]

Kioku Kasure

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kensai smirked, feeling an old scar on his hand itch, strange that the boy would mention gods, it had been a long time since he got that scar from one. He looked over to the girl that had come in latest, an engineer, probably a puppet user or a trapper. She would probably need help with that at some point, teacher sense tingling he walked over to her.

"So is there any reason you have that with you?"

Smiling he gestured at the tool, seemed like he would have to get to know more than one new face today. A teachers curse he guessed.


Masuta Kurokku

New Member
Oct 25, 2012
A voice broke into her thoughts and she looked up at the teacher that had been speaking to the white-haired boy before, now addressing her. "Hmm? Oh...I use it often enough that I've made it a habit to just carry it around."<i></i> Her voice was somewhat dismissive, not being one to enjoy conversations, much less respect authority figures. Her blue eyes were a bit annoyed, as she had been in the middle of planning improvements to her pet once she had finished her repairs.

Just as she had turned away from the teacher, the woman at the reception desk called to her. "Young lady? I have your schedule ready."

A small smile curved the small girl's lips as she stood. Looking at the teacher again, she spoke. "I make clockwork machinery, if that's more the answer you were looking for."<i></i> She added to him before giving him a curt nod and walking to the desk to pick up her schedule before leaving the building.

[topic left]

Matsumoto Mamoru

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Mamoru finished his form and turned in time to see a girl toting a puppet of some kind and the white haired boy who had been speaking with the teacher both leave through the same door he'd entered from not two hours ago. He glanced at his schedule, making absolutely certain he'd gotten all of the classes he wanted to take this time. Everything seemed in order.

Taking a deep breath, the tall boy strolled up to the now seemingly unoccupied adult. He wasn't sure exactly what purpose the man was serving at the school, but he figured it would be good to meet a teacher or two. Maybe he'd even run into one of the medical classes' teachers. Approaching from the man's rear, Mamoru put on his best business face and cleared his throat. He felt silly clearing his pre-pubescent throat.

"Sir, my name's Matsumoto Mamuro. I was wondering what classes you teach? I'm a little behind today because of schedule problems, (This part he said a little more loudly than was probably necessary, hoping the secretary overheard) and I want to see if I can get caught up. Do you know where I can find... um.... Beginner Taijutsu, Introduction to Anatomy, and Basic Tactical Theory?"

He hoped the man would turn out to be a molder of minds and not a dasher of dreams. It seems you can find both at most academic institutions.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
