Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Old times new times // Maru

Weeks were passed since his father had died and he had finally let it a bit behind. However, the male was less and less to be found on and around the market. Something he used to be around most of the time in the past.
The last day he was found somewhere else... Somewhere where he hadn't been for a while. He tried to poke his stomach, bicep, and cheeks. Giggle as he poked his cheeks but giggled without a single sound. Today he had been training too, but this time close by the Hokage rocks for some extra inspiration to even go on with this self-made training. A little huff eventually left him as he held a break. Many thoughts were going through his head and a lot of ideas at the same time. Shifting his head a little sometimes saying okay or no to his ideas. He sat down and took some water from his bottle and used it in the back of his neck to cool off a little. Along with the wind going over it, it was a rather quicker way of cooling down.

Today, however, he was found near the academy, getting back some old memories... He placed down his bow and grabbed a small instrument as he started to play on it. It was a small tune that he had made... Or rather a melody that he remembered somewhat of his childhood. Yet when he noticed someone was inching closer the male looked up and tried to see who it was.

The male that inched close was carried with him a sinister aura, the shadows growing darker as he made his presence known to the white haired boy who seemingly didn't come here to take any lessons nor was he here to study. Normally, Maru would just move along but that music was too hopeful for his taste, so he decided to approach the person who was making that terrible racket. Maru didn't recognize the boy at first, he looked extremely old at least to the puppet master. He didn't look like no academy student, he was probably some weirdo traveler or some failed homeless musician which explain the instrument.

“Mind explaining what the hell are you doing at the academy, don't remember there being any music lessons around here.” Maru said, puffing cigarettes smoke out of his nose. His eye passing over to the small instrument the the white haired man was holding. Maru flicked his wrist out to attach his chakra thread to the instrument, and tore it from the boy's grasp. The instrument landing into the gloved hand of the puppet master. “Or you're probably thinking of using this to blow up the academy huh?” A leering plastic smile stretched across the raven haired ANBU’s face, examining the instrument for himself. He didn't recognize that this was the same boy who he picked on for not being able to speak in Yukio's class.

[Instrument taken]
Izumi had his fun playing the tune on his ocarina. He seemed to be at peace as he was playing it, but the moment he had heard the other coming closer he stopped playing and looked up, there was an aura starting to loom over the scenery here one that felt like a stone on a stomach. Towards his surprise the music instrument it had been torn away out of his hands. He thought he could see some wires... Slowly he stood back up again and dusted off his own set of pants.

"Hmm...?" He said softly, thinking... Soon giving a neutral face. "If that had been the case... Wouldn't it already have blown up..?" He asked the other and he knew well enough who it was... He resembled towards Maru... "Since the last time I checked, playing music near a building isn't anything near a problem or anything that can be seen as an act of violence... Right, Mary?" He asked and got a soft smile towards his face.

"It is merely a flute instrument, this version is made out of clay and has 16 holes. Before you are asking how one works. The air enters through the windway, the air strikes the labium which produces a sound. air pulses in and out of the ocarina, as the vessel resonates a specific pitch would be heard. Covering certain holes make the pitch lower or higher... If you blow more softly it lowers it also, blowing harder raises the pitch." He explained it as if the other was stupid. Not this time, not anymore... He wouldn't be created by this man.
"And as you need both hands to even play the instrument... There isn't room for a hand-seal to be made... now is there? As it is an instrument and not a weapon with an effect."

He smiled even more bright towards him, held his hand out to see if he were to get back the instrument. "Of course... if you want I can use a doll to write it all down on if you wish to not forget... Or burn it down."
Cheeky brat ain't he… Maru thought to himself after the boy had nerve enough to call him Mary, already getting a idea of who this boy was. It was the sissy from Yukio's class, only old now, very old looking.

"You know that's a lot of big talk coming from a guy who learned how to talk in like what?... 15.. Or was it 18 when you finally learned how to say your name.” Maru place one had on his hip, and the other he took out his cigarette. Tossing the cigarette away from him, he narrowed his eyes at the old looking sissy in front of him. The white haired lad had reached his hand out, wanting his instrument back all in a while threatening his dolls. Not a great way to ask for something when the person above you has the upper hand.

Maru held the little instrument up, a leering grin passes his lips. "So you want your little toy back, hm?” He said in a mocking tone, waving it back and forth. "Well how about this. Get on your hands and knees, then start barking like a dog. Then you'll get this shit-made-out-of-clay you are ruining my day with. “ Maru pointed to where the boy had stood with his index finger, actually expecting the boy to bend to his will and embarrass himself. Of course, he would probably have another means in make the sissy do what he instructed but if the boy wanted a “peaceful “ ending it seems that this was the only option that Maru had for the boy. Guess some bullies just never change.
Izumi had been talking towards Mary... Explaining what the device did that was resting in the gloved hand. After he had explained it all... Izumi raised his hands in order to get the item back which was rightfully his. Yet that moment didn't come as soon as he had hoped... He listened towards Mary...
"Well.... At least I learned to behave before I could talk... Something that went wrong on your end of the story." He fired back and would slowly cross his arms in front of him. Looking with a tilted head towards him. He wanted him to do what now..? A chuckle left him as he signed a word but didn't explain it much as it wasn't a very positive work he signed. All fours huh..' He grinned a little before having this innocent look back again.
"You won't get me on all fours... If you are wondering the reason why... Well... If I were to look at us two right now, you are the one barking the loudest of us two... And don't get me wrong... I ain't like that anymore. You won't get me small anymore...Because Unlike someone here... I did grow." he smiled politely after he had made that comment. There had been rumors all over the place regarding maru and Izumi had been choosing his words carefully here and now.

“Well sissy seems you've gotten bold since our last meeting haven't ya.” Maru said, still holding the instrument in his hand as the boy continued to taunt him. A smirk came across the dark puppet master's lips, then he tossed his instrument at him without warning. Whether the boy caught the instrument or not he didn't know, and to be honest he didn't care. But he for the most part earned his little instrument back for standing up for himself. "Here take your stupid instrument.” He said, looks like he had to turn up his game in order to make the boy helpless but all good things come to those who wait. His favorite genjustu would do the trick for this situation.

"So you still haven't answered what the hell is your ass doing around the academy. Didn't you already graduate from the academy? “ Maru asked, folding his arms as he waited for an answer. He had a reason to be here because he was actually a person who teaches at the academy, Maru was well known as being a hard teacher that brings your nightmares to life and has intense training sessions for certain academy students in order to strengthen them with darkness. However this guy seemingly used this place to hang out and play his horrible sounding music. This was a ninja academy where students learn how to fight, not a chill spot. But then again he just wanted to mess with the boy, after all its hard to believe that a boy who threw a marker at him as retaliation for burning his notebook had changed that much.
After explaining everything regarding the instrument how it worked and how to actually use it. Izumi had held up his hand for the instrument. He saw it flying through the air and he, of course, would catch the instrument, glad he had gotten it back and did it in the right pouch he used it for. "Thank you..." He said with a humble smile and hooked the pouch back to his waist. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't who will tell..." He held it like this for now as he didn't feel in going too much into that subject because of his past. Regarding what the other might say.

"Now... to get back to that question you pointed out I need to answer..." he said as he started to place his hands in his pockets of the jacket. "Yes... I and my behind did succeed of this academy, however, it is still allowed to stay inside and around the building. Besides... I have great memories of this place, so every once and now, I start to feel nostalgic and come and go around." He smiled, kept smiling politely. "How are you doing this day? I assume it is all going great as the stories tell?" He had a moment back to the time a friend had said something to him. "Or... are you still stuck in the past of us?"

He wanted to know if the other had or hadn't let the past loose as for now. Since the past was something that had already been written in stone and couldn't be changed no matter how hard one had tried.

"Hmph” Maru huffed, the boy used to be a bit of a push over back in the academy but now he seemed to fight back which was different from the pipsqueak he met back in the academy. Perhaps he would be interesting to fight now that he's gotten a little power, besides he did beat Ziren who was weaker than him so perhaps if he fought someone more stronger it'll teach him a thing or two. But… if he was to fight the trainee for no reason at all he would probably be kicked out of the village. So he let go beating the boy for now. "So you came back here to relive the glory days, sounds like something an old man would do but now that I look at it you look about 30 right now. Yikes.” Although things seemed to be cooled down it didn't stop him from throwing insults at the boy.

“But as for today I'm doing pretty well, I'm pretty much around looking for students to train. Plus I have my own team and some dumb girl I'm in charge of keeping safe.” He scrunched his nose up at all the work he had to do, not to mention the sour face of Soku popped into his head. Horrifying. “But besides all the work, I have some time for fun. Since you asked me, how about you tell me how you been today since?” Maru asked, he was indeed curious what the boy had been doing since their last encounter. Besides he did ask him how his day was so why not?
"That might sound like it..." He said as a comment about the old guy things. "Yet... sometimes to close a chapter... You have to re-live it once more." He spoke with a soft tune in his voice. He then would tilt his head, he didn't even see it as an insult which maybe should have been. He would look it once more over as he then would have his full attention to the dark haired male in front of him.
"Train..? Girl..? Ah--wait... you can... actually be on top of one?" He replied a bit shocked as he didn't even know how to get close to one let alone teach them... young ones... were a different story, but once they his 14... that would turn out to be a problem for him... He swallowed a time and placed a hand under his chin. "How.... do you keep one save?" He asked a bit with a frown, yes this was a huge minor point about Izumi. "The one I met... said she wanted to smack me..."

"Hmm...? What have I been doing?" He repeated the question and thought a bit. "After you destroyed the notebook... you gave me the idea of growing more.... I was pent up with it and started to study language speaking by two persons, one actually taught me and the other saved me while I tried to talk more frequent... Moved from homes and got a new family..." He summed it up, nodded his head as he spoke about all this. Izumi had given it a spot as it was a while back now. "Did an exam too... Made it..." He muttered a bit lost in thoughts. "But... again... How did you do that with the female of the males?" Izumi literally thought at this point... "They scold at me and are ferocious... not... to mention... strange." He kept talking as it bothered him... the last 3 times he met a teen or older female he shut closed.

"Eh?” Maru simply said, the conversation quickly changed when the boy heard that he was training students and about him getting close to a girl. This made Maru puff his cheeks out at hearing him begin to ask him how to you save one because one threatened to smack him. “Well, the girl I'm protecting has threw a kunai at me on one occasion, threw water in my face, and yelled at me. Now i’m living with the Dragon Lady under in the same house, so don't go thinking my experiences are any better.” On the subject of girls Maru wasn't really an expert on the topic, so he shrugged and gave his answer. He literally agreed to living with Soku because Takeshi offered so he could keep eyes on her 24/7, pretty much acting as a bodyguard. But since the two had very bad attitudes, they get into screaming matches a lot. Her high pitch voice was enough to make ears bleed and Maru was loud enough to be heard through the entire clan houses. Two loud mouths with bad attitudes, it was a miracle that Takeshi hadn't thrown them out of the clan house yet. "So I guess to keep one you need to have some determination I guess.” Clearly that Maru thought the white haired boy had thought that he wanted to know how to protect some girl or deal with students so he didn't make too much of a scene.

He heard him talk about how he burnt his book, he didn't give names but some people actually had taught the boy how to speak. Then passed his exam to become a trainee, which probably wasn't that hard but he wouldn't have known. Of course, then his mind began to drift back on a subject that seemed to bother him however he took it that the boy didn't have thick skin. He raised a eyebrow, seemingly interesting what was the strange part. “Strange?... Strange how exactly?”
Izumi had been listening towards the other, it was a rather... funny story in his mind. "S-so... woaw.... So they really are... that dangerous? I mean... it did dare to attack you... Or all people..." His words were bluntly spoken and not to forget his body language said enough... A hand raised to be placed on his side and he swallowed for a moment. He tilted his head a slight bit to the left and slowly got a small frown on his face. "De...termination... huh..." He repeated the word and started to think a bit more and more about that... He did took note of his words in his mind and started to nod a few times. So... In order to stay on top on one another... you had to be determined instead of... something else. Otherwise, they would be on top of you... Slowly his way of standing changed and he had his arms crossing in front of him thinking... It was that the other spoke that he got back to here. "Strange..? Oh! yeah! They are strange... They have this... uhm, how do you say it... These Christmas ornaments with them all the time... Those huge balls on their chest... Yet when I saw one fall flat face they didn't shatter... Seemed more like a bouncing ball..." He started to explain a bit. "Yet... when that happened she got red in her face and instantly aggressive on the male next to her who had been laughing about it..." He looked with a frown towards Maru.

Once that subject had a little bit subsided he looked once more over Maru..."Say..." He said a bit hesitant. "You... did change from the last time I have seen you... haven't you..? You didn't age that much I would say..." He asked a bit.. careful since he never knew what kind of way Maru would go...
“Yup, you could say that they are pretty dangerous. But they aren't life threatening. “ Maru said before listening to what was strange about females to this guy. He nodded, slowly catching on to what he was talking about what these 'christmas ornaments’ were. It was either this guy grew up learning things pretty slow or he was some kind of pervert. Regardless the conversation on this subject was starting to get a little awkward, but then the dark puppeteer came up with an idea. “They aren't Christmas ornaments.” He explained with a sly smile on his face. "They are udders. You know, like how cows have udders right? Basically you can actually milk a female because they are cross breeds of cows, hence why I call some of them a heifer even though they find this insulting.” There was a hint of truth in his voice. “Tell ya what, you should milk one then come tell me how did it go… you'll be fine…. Probably. “

After the whole conversation, the boy told him that he was changed. Personally, he didn't feel that he's changed that much. Perhaps only a little, but it was minor. “Meh I'm not really changed, at least not fully. I'm still that same loudmouth, bad boy you met in that class. I would say that I had made minor improvements to my attitude.” Maru spent a little too much time here just talking, he decided to take his leave. “Anyway, I'd love to keep talking to ya but I'm busier than a one legged man at a butt kicking contest.” He began to walk away not looking back he waved bye, before saying ‘Laters.’ Simply leaving academy grounds before heading off to head towards the outer village.

[Left, unless stopped.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
