Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

One Foot Before the Other [Req. Entry/Open]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Mouths dry and tongue swollen, neither sibling can even voice a complaint. Their two hearts beat erratically in their chest and it was taking everything they had to keep on going, one foot before the other. Sluggish, sweaty... sick. It’s already difficult to move on a normal day but this was even worse.

It’s a horrible time to be lucid.

To be Akane and Akihiko and not Aka... stuck in a desert with no end in sight.

They didn’t know where they were going.

Aka didn’t even know why they had left that place that smelled of home and of safety.

Maybe because we- they weren’t creatures of safety. They remember all the blood and the gore, flesh on their tongue and screams in their head. The adrenaline pounding, rushing, blood flowing. Burning and drowning and suffocating and crushing and every pain imaginable.

No, they don’t take to safety for too long less they be driven mad (more than usual) by the restlessness and the boredom.

We’re thirsty, sister mine. And blood will not sate.

There is no water, brother mine. We must keep going before the sands consume us.

Is there even an end if they keep moving forward? They’ve chosen one direction and trudged on.

There was no thought to it. Just the burning want (need) to go in one way, hands itching to do something, to find who was responsible for their current state (together, together at last, as they’ve always been but not like this, oh god, not like this).

They wanted and did not want to be Aka.

But now was a good time as any to retreat. To black out and forget.

But Aka didn’t like the heat, scorching their pale skin. All it knew was dark and cold and loneliness.

So the sister and brother kept moving forward.

Until they couldn’t and collapsed in the sand.

|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 313
    Training Date: Nov 21-27

    I'd very much like to RP a bit before I'm let in, please and thanks dearies!
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Oh heavens. Travelers always dying in the heat. Normal, I suppose. Perhaps, today, I will watch. Matsu's mind wandered as he gently strode up towards the body in the sand. Or whatever it was. He didn't particularly care. Watching it perhaps die in the sand would be something he simply hadn't experienced. He was almost always exclusively below ground. Rarely on the surface. Rarely, rarely. Quietly his body sat cross legged in the sand. Picking up a scorpion that seemed to neglect his presence, he pulled its tail from its body without much worry. He place it back on the ground as it continued to freak out wondering why it was no longer whole. With disinterest, Matsu's eyes fell back on the soon to be corpse. Or perhaps it wouldn't. Maybe it would decide that life was worth living. Show me what is worth life. Show me what drives you. Are you a monster or are you simply mortal?

Matsu was no stranger to the strange. Growing up with his family and being estranged from them, well, that was a feat. He supposed Takahashi was more a title than it was a name at this point. Not a single person he knew in his family line was actually related by blood. Or was he? He couldn't remember. Praise be to the sun above. Matsu raised his hands up and prayed, welcoming the warm rays from the gods above, waiting and watching his quarry. What would occur he had no idea. All he knew is that it'd be interesting. Silently he would wait only observing. His breathing was minimal. Perhaps the scorpion or splitting of its body would have propped the other to stir. He gave no true indications of existing beyond them.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke was returning to the village, but he was not alone in his return. With the black armoured Kazekage stood a taller meaty man who too was armoured. The difference between the two was that Sousuke's armour looked far more advanced, and was far more pointy. The larger man's armour was a mixture of leathered, and some plates. The two of them walked side by side, and taller of the two carried a dead animal over his shoulder. It would seemed that the two had been hunting wild game. "A good hunt always puts one in better spirits." Spoke the larger man. His face visible, and with it the glory of his bald headedness. He was sweating, but he did not seem to mind it. He did not wipe his brow merely he allowed it to drip down his face. "Sousuke, you know you always talk to me if you're in the mood to grieve or express a discontentedness about your break-up. That Yume girl was sweet, but I never could quite get it out of my head that she was related to that monster." Sousuke would stop and eye his noble. Nobu had good intentions yes. His sons were indeed murdered by the Cabal, and he was welcome to his anger. Sousuke's face was hidden beneath his hood, which was further more covered by a mail mask of sorts. Nobu had realized what he had said. "Yes... yes. I know lad, you thought she was the one. I did too when I met Tomoko, and here is she ... entertaining a new younger man who will burn through her resources. Divorcing her was the best thing I could have done."

Sousuke held up his hand. "Hold."<i></i> Sousuke would speak as he would see something in the distance. A body. Collapsed. Wait. Two bodies? Sousuke would motion for Nobu to wait as he would approach the bodies. He was unarmed, but that was something he could easily change. The Kazekage would pull back his hood, and his mail mask would deconstruct itself. His dark eyes were uncertain of what he was seeing. Two bodies. Joined together? Yes. Conjoined. Sousuke had never heard of conjoined twins? Yes. Twins outside of birth. It was an incredibly rare situation that happened, and the two would usually be separated. It was at great risk, and sometimes one of the two did not make it, but sometimes both infants would make it. Sousuke hesitated for the moment before noticing Matsu. He scratched his head. "Hey Matsu. Been a while. Still doing that ... tattooing craft? Grandmother wanted to book you, but you ... uhm ... vanished. She wanted a face tattoo, and then something on her knuckles so she can swear at people in a different way."<i></i> Mako was not Matsu's relative. Mako was from his mother's side of the family. The old veteran who drank, swore, and refused to get a metallic arm. He would gesture over to the body. "There is no carrion. I have to assume this has not been here for that long."<i></i> He proceed to make a one handed clapping gesture which involved his fingers smacking the palm of the hand of which they belonged to. It was commonly known as the joke answer to what is the sound of one hand clapping. It was one of those things he did when he was uncertain, which was to say not often at all. Matsu may have seen him do it once or twice before. Sousuke would turn around to Nobu. "Nobu, just head back into the village. Good hunt indeed."<i></i> With that the Akamichi would head back into the village with game skill slung over his shoulder.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Did these Sand folk have no hearts?

What kind of people would find a body out there in the desert and not think that they might be in need of water? Is it considered past time for their people to watch as bodies died and decayed in the sands, only to disappear and never be seen again?

Well, if so, they might not just get along! That was so boring, like watching paint dry.

If they were just going to let them die, well... they didn’t take too kindly to the idle.

Lying there, face down in the sand, they could feel their body dying and repairing itself, slowly but surely. It is a good thing, perhaps, that they aren’t able to die by such mundane means... dehydration and starvation.

(And oh, they had tried that, hadn’t they? Locked themselves in a room, shying away from their own family, hoping against all hopes that they would just fade away in this grotesque bodies of theirs. But being too proud – too afraid, though they would never admit it – to take their own lives by their own hands.)

But when sister came to, brother still unable to regain consciousness, she raised her head – the left – to find who owned the voice.

Two men... or was it three? Two in their metal armor, cold and unfeeling.

Words swam in and out of her head. It has always been difficult to understand other people, other humans, ever since their creation. But the simple task was even made more difficult with how unwell they were.

“W... Water,” came the girl’s voice, hoarse from dehydration and misuse.

There had been no need to speak for a long time. Not when words weren’t a necessity between the two of them.

Red eyes, unfocused, wandered over to the tailless scorpion and promptly crushed it under her palm and she grit her teeth, bemused with another croak of “Water. P-Please.”

|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Two Sandies to pester. Excellent!
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"It wishes for life. I wonder how hard it'll fight. Killing insects is no feat." Matsu chuckled as he stood. His cousin made the sound of one hand clapping which, every time, seemed to pull laughter from his lungs. "It's your decision to save it. You know my principles on strength. To enter into the desert with water asks for death. To survive otherwise is the challenge." His bright red eyes locked on the body and not truly looking over at Sousuke. Face tattoos and finger tattoos? Oh wonderful. He was quite good at such things. Underneath all his leathers he was covered from head to toe in tattoos. On the inside of his mouth, eyelids, and every other piece of skin he could reasonable tattoo would get covered and recovered with Runic Terran seals that...probably did nothing.

Matsu would stretch, arms reaching towards the sky once more to bask in the violent, deadly sun. He had been tested by the sun and came out ahead and quite stronger than most. Perhaps this view is what made him so callous to those that died underneath his harsh master. "You should let her know that I am back. I'd spent time deep below in the opposite of the glorious orb of radiance. I...woke up a few days ago. I came out to relish in my merciless gods gaze and found this...dying. I wished to watch it die, but you're far kinder than I. To die out here would show it too weak to given respite." Matsu laughed once more. None of the words he said would sound cold. They would be filled with some odd sense of mirth. He truly believed that the sun was the truest god. Harsh and uncaring without demands outside of simple survival. "Those red eyes may mean it's full of carmot like me...that would be quite dangerous. Could be unsafe" came the goading words. He was curious what his cousin would do.

Matsu, however, made no aggressive moves. He simply stretched as various parts of his body cracked and popped as if he was limbering up just in case.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Matsu seemed to be entertained by Sousuke's hesitancy as evidenced by the sound of one hand clapping. The desert in the old times relied upon the law of survival of the fittest. To some it was cruel. Others it was ... the way it had always been. Sousuke didn't say anything at first. This was the rule of some of the Ancient courts. Sousuke always wondered if some Ancient out there grew dissatisfied by the one rule. The rules of man changed, but man lived a lot shorter. "Your principles have logic in them but are deeply rooted in history."<i></i> Matsu might have been less mechanical than Sousuke in terms of mannerisms. Matsu might have been his social superior. "I'll send grandmother to your shop. Hours still the same?"<i></i> It didn't surprise Sousuke that Matsu had spent his time underground. He knew his cousin had his ways, and he would stick to them because it was in his nature. "I'm pretty sure the sun will outlive all of us. The darkness existed first, and then the light. I'm certain there is some philosophical point to be had in all of this."<i></i> He paused for a moment. He turned himself to face his cousin as he made a curious remark. Did he just compare himself to ... a sandworm? No... No... maybe? "I know I can count on you to say something most thought provoking. A muse of sorts."<i></i>

Then came the request for water. Matsu warned him it could be dangerous. It probably was too. Sousuke reminded himself of his grandmother's words followed by Matsu's. This thing here. Creature? Human? Human. It looked human, two in fact. He was fairly certain it was not a demon. Curiously there was fight in it still. The human, in question, crushed the tailless scorpion which was of his cousin's original making. He looked to Matsu to see if he saw that as a challenge of sorts. Sousuke would find himself reached for his pack and producing a cylinder of water. He would hand it down, and would merely observe now.

Whereas Matsu wished to observe it die, Sousuke merely wished to watch it to live. It was a curiosity that was before him. Did one side drinking water constitute enough for both sides? He suspected he would soon find out. Yes indeed. This wasn't on the same threat level as Magnetica, the Cabal, or even an Ancient.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012

No, they were born with these red eyes and this inhuman paleness that made them burn under the desert sun. Many had found them beautiful in their youth, because of it. The royal albino twins of the Shoukyou, proud and esteemed daughter and son of the mighty clan.

And if the red of their irises bled stronger than those born with the condition, one would suppose it is because of all the blood they have history with in their pursuit of the dark arts.

Those were stories and concerns for another time though.

The girl drank eagerly from the cylinder, the precious water healing.

(And that wasn’t putting it poetically. For the moment the water touched her lips, it pulls her – them – from the brink of death in which they would have stayed in, had no one interfered.)

Quickly, the water was soon brought to the other head too, with soft whispers of “brother, drink”. Though they shared one stomach, a parched mouth was still a pain and an inconvenience.

Between the two of them, the drink was emptied, and it took a while as they struggled to stand up. At the very least, they managed to sit up. It was with some difficult that they stayed, even on their arse, each of their hands propping them up precariously so that they don’t go falling on their back.

Now that they weren’t face down in the ground, it was easier to see their faces. The high cheekbones, straight noses and full lips spoke of their class. Their short, shoulder length hair was limp, a far cry from the black silken locks they once boasted of. A white cotton shirt and an odd pair of twin shorts was all they had on them, the clothing seeming like it was made just for them as it snug fitly despite the fact that they were joined from the shoulder down to their hip. They would have been beautiful if it weren’t for their gaunt conditions.

Large red eyes, cloudy and unfocused, stared back at the two Sand people in a mixture of wariness and curiosity.

The blank, if pained, look on their faces changed then.

The right head, brother’s, twisted into one of utter amusement. And the left head, sister’s, turned into one of concern.

“There are metal people, sister mine. Hello, metal men. Where are your horses? Are you to help us or to take us prisoner? The latter, many have tried.”

Brother spoke, uncaring of their company, and forgetting that no words were truly needed because of amusement (and delirium).

“Silence, brother mine.”

Sister reprimanded. Warned.

|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Nothing to see here; move along.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Danger, danger."<i></i> Matsu simply shook his head as he stood. Those words did not bode well. That spoke of violence which was something else entirely at this point. There's a reason people try to take you hostage. Thoughts, thoughts. His body popped ever so slightly as he stared at them with uncaring gaze. They should have just died in the desert as was natural. Instead his cousin felt it best to let them live for...whatever alien reasons he had. Matsu, unlike Sousuke, was not metal nor did he have any metal visible on his person outside buckles to his scabbard. He was simply clad in animal leathers that fit well and allowed for ease of movement. He was a hunter. He kept most of his body concealed, but this was far more reasonable in the devastating heat than metal. "Horses would be as useless as riding either of you into the sands."<i></i>

Matsu chuckled to himself. Cruel to say, but a truth. Some horses would be fine in the desert. There were breeds. It was all useless compared to the world they lived in. His mind wandered a bit as his eyes fell back upon his cousin. He did not agree with his choices, but generally he had to follow. He was the boss after all. "Yes, a point. The sun peels everything away. It would be the usual hours. If she comes outside them, I will make an exception."<i></i> He smiled beneath his mask, though it'd be hard to tell given how little his clothing tended to give away.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke upon being called 'metal people' would place both his hands on his head. This was one of those moments. This was one of those moments, wasn't it? Aside from realizing that the water was not shared between bodes, and then being called a metal person, something in Sousuke's mind proceeded to hammer the 'nope' button. Nope. Nope. Nope. Where are your horses, the male? Yes. The male spoke. "My horse is a creature that does not heed my call normally. She hates the mundane."<i></i> Sousuke would speak. Upon finishing the sentence, a crack of thunder could be heard and a bolt of lightning struck the ground next to Sousuke. At this point he covered his face with his palms. Really? Really? Standing to his left was a larger than life horse that crackled and coursed lightning. "Ignore that. She is not really. She is not here to spite me."<i></i> Sousuke spoke of Rolling Thunder. Sousuke puffed his cheeks. This was annoying in the extreme. "I do have to agree with my cousin of course."<i></i>

The second question. Sousuke would exchange a bored look with his cousin. Capture them? Was this a joke? Surely. Help them? Maybe. "You enter my domain, and inquire if I'm here to take you... and you? The two of you? Prisoner?"<i></i> His head would swap glances between the female head, and the male head. This again was one of those things. How do you even talk to an entity like this in the first place? Taking to a Rikkudo Sennin was a challenge on its own already. This was absurd. Was this a botched Rikkudo Sennin? Surely? Certainly? Maybe not. Sousuke was now scratching the back of his head.

Enough. It was time for him to ask question. "Before I decide to aid you, I must inquire what is your designation and function? What is your purpose in the Westerlands?"<i></i> Sousuke gave Matsu that look, yes, maybe he was right mayhaps he should have left them to perish here. Then again ... that is not what Katuso would have done.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Often, brother would be subservient to sister. She was older, wiser and that has always been the way. But the heat of the desert must have loosened his tongue that it was any wonder it didn't loll out like a dog. He could certainly look the part of a mischievous one if he tried.

That, or a hyena.

“I don't know about useless. You riding me would definitely be... fun,” he purred, the wicked grin stretched his lips further that it looked almost painful. And, for a moment, a long pink tongue stuck out, running along his lower teeth in a manner that could be interpreted as lewd or menacing. The way he now looked at Matsu would make a lesser man feel like an insect under a microscope.

Akihiko was always the promiscuous of the two, before they became this.

Sister's distaste for it was evident enough with the scowl on her face. But she let him watch over the other, as she focused on the only actual metal man of the two Sand folk.

The horse, made of thunder and lightning and of probably not flesh was given a cursory, if interested glance. She meant to comment and there was no doubt her brother would too, if he hadn't set his sights on the other man. But there were more important matters at hand that even such a wonderful horse may wait.

Hearing Sousuke's words, the half dazed look in Akane's eyes sharpened. Wit and intelligence and, more importantly, awareness shone in them. A shadow of the Shoukyou lady was evident and anyone who knew who the twins were wouldn't be to blame if they almost forgot the ghastly state the two were in.

“Forgive my brother. We have been held... captive for a while before. It is a precaution, though he could use more subtlety about it,” the girl spoke in a voice courteous and cultured, if it weren't for the wryness in her tone. “But you speak of your domain. I take it you are one of those who lead the law of these lands? If so, I must request sanctuary for the both of us, for a time. If only, from the desert.”

She paused then, not knowing as well why they were here.

It was Aka who had started their journey. The two were just unlucky enough to be the ones to finish it without really knowing what it was for.

Akane nudged her brother through their mental link, for all that they were already one in all but soul.

Akihiko's gaze wavered from his subject of interest for a moment as his gaze fixed on Sousuke. Two pairs of crimson eyes looked at the man, both now holding calculating looks.

At times like these, the old saying that two heads are better than one couldn't be more true.

He was a man of the law; though they didn't know just yet that he was the Kazekage. No doubt, he must see them a monstrosity, a danger to his people. Many did. Even their own family, especially of the lower branches, would look at them with such disgust.

No, they couldn't stay with them, when they were always being watched.

It took a moment for the two to come to an accord, going for the diplomatic answer. A half truth, they suppose. And they spoke, chiming after each other.

“We're looking for our dear big brother.”

“He didn't say where he went.”

“We only know from whence he came.”

“So we roamed the lands.”

“And we came upon here.”

“We bring no harm to your people.”

“As long as they don't harm us.”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 615
    Training Date: Dec 5-11
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"They're gonna harm you. I'd have let you die because I have sense. They'll strike out and try to erase you for whatever monster they see in their eyes."<i></i> Matsu's more jovial, albeit callous, nature slipped away for the moment as his eyes narrowed. He knew what it was like to be considered a monster and know what repercussions would come from it. He definitely wasn't one to make the decisions, but he was one to see truths that others didn't see. "Self defense or not, that's a problem. That's like inviting someone to toss a nest of hornets welcoming into your home while your family has no say"<i></i> came more stern words. Matsu shook his head and looked at his cousin with a questioning gaze. It was his decision. Matsu was no longer an Anbu, nor did he hold authority now nor at any point in the past.

Matsu's body became more rigid and on alert. He didn't care what the one half of the body said. Matsu was generally disinterested in everything. Now, the problem was safety. His entire purpose was to keep their village safe and offer some kind of council given that he was an educator first. He was ready if things were to not be considered. It would potentially be a defining moment between he and his cousin in terms of what they thought the true path was. "I am sure we can offer respite...but, I'd advise against bringing them into our home. Regardless of what they're looking for, it will end poorly for everyone. I'm only suffered, I'm sure, because I'm family. Imagine what others would do to them based on what was done to me."<i></i>

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Did he just make a cat noise? He did. He made a gesture towards Matsu that made him that was most questionable. His cousin made no response to it, which was the wiser thing to do here. Given the current crisis with the Soverign and their monstrous sizes, forms, and everything. There was something that ticked in the back of Sousuke's mind. Was this a Sovereign? No. This person did not fit their description. The other problem of course was that this person could indeed be a Sovereign in disguise. It could have been a rather large set up really - which was indeed quite a possibility because everything that had been occurring as of late was a part of a very elaborate plan. Sousuke rubbed his eyes. Right. The conjoined twins.

Okay. "Who is your big brother?"<i></i> He asked for starters. Maybe he was a celebrity. Maybe he was Shouki. Maybe he was some hobo? "Where was he before, and where did he frequent?"<i></i> He inquired next. Sousuke was going to dissect this piece. This was going to take time. "Where did you come from for that matter?"<i></i> During their monologue? Duologue? His head was swapping between each sibling as they spoke one after the other. "Yes. I speak of this being my domain, and yes I do lead the laws of this particular section of this country."<i></i> This particular section of the country. Something was rotten in the country of Wind. Something that lurked in Soragakure. A tyrant of sorts, who had been warring with Sand for some time. It was an exhausting experience, and overwhelming. Sousuke would, like he would against the Ancients who threatened humanity, would have to fight this thing into the ground. Was it rebellious to reject a state of non-existence? Yes. It was.

"There is an elephant present, the metaphorical sort. I am considering your request of sanctuary... but there is more than just people here. There is the land, and its resources."<i></i> Buildings had a habit of exploding recently. Exploding a building with no people was still harmful to the community. "Do people often times try to harm you?"<i></i> He would inquire next.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The torture and experimentation they had gone through had addled them so, especially the younger brother. Being the elder and a woman, Akane had already been subjected through much, even going through a failed engagement... they never did find out what had happened to the Isaki.

But we digress.

It had addled them so that Akihiko could be likened sometimes to a dog on a leash; one that his older (by twenty one minutes) sister held tight. Even when the red in his eyes bleed and light aflame, even as he bared his teeth like a beast and even as every fiber of his being tells him to limb this insolent bastard limb from limb, he submits to her will. So when the brother lashes out “We’re not a monster! Don’t you dare-”, all it takes is a simple pull from sister’s mind to rein him in.

It speaks volumes how easy sister can calm brother down. Because he remembers, the first weeks, months, after when they awoke and finding themselves as this thing. Shambling out of the ice and cold, it had numbed their bodies but not their minds or their souls.

The first person they had happened upon while stumbling up to a gate weak and hungry, much like they were now, did not take kindly to their appearance. And neither did the next one or the next and the next. All those times, they were denied sanctuary. Only their brother had looked upon them with such kindly eyes, welcomed them back even after what they’ve become. Even their mother fears they’ve been tainted by dirty demon blood; what else could have kept them alive?

(Oh, and they did like fear. It was intoxicating. But they rather that people feared them from what they’ve done, not what they are.)

In a moment, Akihiko snaps to attention and their emotions and reactions smooth over, mimicking each other. And they spoke in unison:

“We are the honorable daughter and son of the Shoukyou head family. Shoukyou Tatsuya, esteemed heir of the noble and most ancient clan of Mist, is our brother. No doubt, if we are reunited with our brother, he will be pleased. Though our country has fallen under a great winter, it would do you well to be in our good graces, for our proud family still stands strong.”

They would provide proof. But documents from a dead country seem useless now. And it had been stripped from their person when they were taken, even if they were to be accepted in the first place.

Akane alone speaks now: “People sought to harm us for who we were, you understand. And now people seek to harm us for what they perceive. Like your companion has pointed out; they will see a monster. But, if you are law of the land, surely we can come to an accord.”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"][/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"You're far from helping your case acting like that. My job is to hunt monsters and gut them from reality. You're hitting every single checkpoint on my list by now."<i></i> Matsu's lips were curling into a snarl under his mask and his voice was becoming more agitated. Where he was once simply on guard and not making any aggressive moments, his left hand was now upon his hilt. "You do not get to talk like that when asking for respite"<i></i> and those words came out as terse as Matsu was able. Matsu simply shook his head before he locked eyes back on his cousin. This was definitely going to cause problems depending on his decision.

"It is always your call, but you know what will happen. This will be inviting disaster. Known disaster."<i></i> He would take a few steps away from the being before him. While he was on edge, he would not act until his cousin had made a decision. While he wanted nothing more than to drive this beast off, it was not his decision. At least this one was rational. Carnasaurs didn't care a single bit about what was logical. "Nobility means nothing here. It would do you well not to threaten in such subtle fashions. It would do you well to be in our good graces here. Your slights gain you no favour with me."<i></i> His brows had become furrowed and he stared at his cousin with his angered expression, but never without keeping the other in his sights.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Every once and a while, Sousuke would go off the deep end. For the most part he was a positive thinker, but sometimes that "Monster is a relative term. We're all monsters in some sort of way. Be it physically or our belief structure."<i></i> Sousuke answered most grimly. He observed the sudden stop in speech from the conjoined twins. Did the share a mental link? Maybe. Maybe they just knew each other that well to stop when necessary to avoid being slapped. " Man is the cruelest animal."<i></i>

Sousuke listened to the twins speak. They were the children of nobility much like the Takahashi, they had deep roots in the village. So. They were from Mist. "I am aware of the Omega Event that destroyed your homeland. I've hosted people from Mist before, and none of them were trouble makers."<i></i> He announced. He seemed to be mulling things over in his head. He was thinking and thinking hard about how to address the matter of this individual. He had always been kind enough to give Mist nin a place to rest their wary heads. Why was he so hesitant with this one though? Was it because times had changed, or was it because he feared what the reaction of the people would be. "How does the transformation jutsu work out in your particular case?"<i></i> He would inquire. More of a curiosity really. He wondered if the two before him would become one person, or would the transformation ultimately be another conjoined entity? The Kazekage would await an example to be shown to him.

He would stand and watch. He wondered if the two were ever separated would the two of them suffer from an extreme case of anxiety? He looked over to Matsu. "I'm playing with concepts in my head. I need to make the necessary observations before I make my final decision. Their country is frozen and dead. Leaf was destroyed, but they have returned. It is always possible that Mist may return to its natural form as well."<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]It seemed that both brother and cousin has chosen to defer to their elders, lest they choose to tear each other apart due to perceived slights. Already, he can feel his sister’s disappointment at his actions.

If Akihiko ever spoke up again, it is only to speak alongside Akane. For now, he, as an individual, held his tongue to keep things from escalating. She was the borne diplomat of the two, though they were both educated (bred) to the high standards of their family.

“The people of our land were... a good lot, except perhaps for the Minamoto. They did not deserve the fate that befell us,” sister spoke in a manner that showed fondness and sorrow at their loss.

News have traveled fast that Leaf has already begun to return to glory. The same could not be said for Mist, however, and it pained them so. The world was a great place, truly, with a lot to offer. But the promise of having a home to come back to was lost for those who were born and raised in their motherland. To know that it all lay beneath ice and snow, in ruins, allowed coldness into their hearts.

Now, they were in a foreign land, at the whims of another sovereign power. As proud a people as they are, they are smart enough to know when a proud neck must bend for it to not break. “You will find no unnecessary quarrel with a Shoukyou. Such petty things would be beneath us.”

“But you ask of transformation. We will not agree to mask our being unless it is the utmost necessary. To have us do so is a grave insult. And I do not think saving another person’s sensibilities from being... offended is a necessity. We may be one but we are also two.”
On this, sister’s tone was firm. “However, we are not under the illusion that we hold the upperhand here. But we might be able to find and agree upon a compromise, if you will be so kind?”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 342
    Training Date: Dec 12-18
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Rejection is my compromise. If they enter, they will cause problems. I assure it."<i></i> Matsu simply nodded at his cousin, brows still furrowed and his hand on his hilt. However, instead of continuing to hold his aggressive stance, he would simply turn and begin to walk away. "They're actually monsters wearing noble clothes. Should have killed me. Should reject them."<i></i> His free hand would lift and wave as he turned his back completely on them both to leave. He'd leave next to no impression in the sand as he went and with minor breezes his path would be wiped away from the sand entirely. Perhaps he'd get further away and get to leave. Perhaps he wouldn't. He didn't care outside of being annoyed.

With that, Matsu would begin to leave barring being stopped. He wasn't in the mood to deal with this situation anymore. When he was closer to being on the edge of earshot, he'd simply talk into his microphone and hope his cousin would head. "Manipulation is a noble game we shouldn't play. Know that I will hunt them if they enter our home. They are a pure threat."<i></i> Perhaps their potential guests would have increased hearing or his cousin simply wouldn't have his headset on. Who knows? All he knew is that he needed to perform his due diligence to try and convince his cousin otherwise. If he chose to let them in then, without question, Matsu would go against his cousin's word. It was simply not something he could abide. How could he? It was asking to invite a carnasaur or sandworm into your home for dinner. If he was left to leave on his own then he'd venture back on down into the village through back means so that he'd be difficult to follow. Matsu knew the caverns and underground better than most. He would be returning to teach as he had classes that needed to be culled and for students to be placed properly. However, were he to be stopped, his already agitated tone might spark into something more. He was quite done playing their little political games.

[Topic left unless stopped]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Matsu had no charm. No tact. Sousuke knew people who had both of those. There were reasons why his place in the family was the way it was. He would eventually find himself in some dark hole and stuck there for some long amount of time once again. He had a habit. He slithered in and slithered out. His words were not missed by Sousuke who would respond in kind. Family had that thing about bringing the worst out in you from time to time. Matsu was a black sheep, but there were many others. Maybe Sousuke himself was a black sheep. It did not really matter anymore. "Focus your desire for murderous intentions on another source. Soragakure would suffice. Mist village isn't organized and their position of power is far less problematic than that of Soragakure, which is even a purer threat. Go do something about that, as I've been doing for several years now."<i></i> He was done being annoyed with Matsu.

Either way he was not entirely pleased with his 'guests' either. "Well. Let's put it this way then. My cousin. He wants to murder you, truly and utterly. He thinks you're a threat. I informed him of a bigger threat. He obsesses over things that are different and foreign."<i></i> Sousuke placed his hands together. He began to pace. "That being said. If I didn't happen to show up when I did, you might have simply perished and my cousin would have done absolutely nothing."<i></i> He reminded them, not that he was being rude just that he was giving them the facts of the situation. "Walk with me. We have much to discuss."<i></i> He would motion for the twins to follow him. This was going to be a long walk, one filled with ... complications of all sorts. "Tell me about your household. This Shoukyou clan. Tell me about them. Your brother, what kind of man was he? A paragon of his time?"<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Brother held his tongue, no matter how he wished to scream at the man to watch how he speaks especially to his dearest sister. She wasn’t a monster. It wasn’t her fault, never her fault but his.

He managed, at the very least, to mimic sister’s expression – that of vague amusement, small smiles and narrow eyes – as they let him leave without even a good riddance, just... watching. They would not forget him soon. Though they would not seek him out, it would be wise to know who they should keep an eye or four (or maybe even more) on.

But, as soon as Matsu had left, all eyes were on Sousuke, amusement still on their faces and the expression ringing much truer this time for Akihiko now that the pest was gone.

“Many have wished to murder us before.”

“Even when we were but mere babes.”

“Yet, here we are.”

They’re fully capable of taking care of themselves if the need arises, of course. Though they really rather not, so soon after-

S̑ͬ̉͜ḧ́ͪͯ̾҉̪͓̯i̎̆ͮ̂̾ ͇̘̋s̯̩͎͗̄̆̔̔́h̛̲ͩͩ̎ͬ̂͑i̤͓ ͮs̰̣͍͔̔͝ḥ̵̙͔͙̑ͧ̾̇ͦ̀i̙̩̣̱̠̠ ́͊ͬ͋ͥ̚s̰̪̜̦̭ͤ͂͆͠hͮ̄̈́ͬ̂͊ͯi̡̲̣̥̖͉̫̼̾̂̿ ̴̪s͚̳̠̮̅͆̽ͨ͞h̵͔̲͔̣̯̠̾̈́̈̃i̮̟̻̫ͨ́̓ͣ̚ ͓̜̰͙̺͆ṡ̭͂̇̔ͬͅh̨̟̰̥ͬ̈́ͅi͕̘̮̙̹̬̋ͨ̍ͯ̀̚ ̮̜̼̯͉͚̒͟s͍͈̰̣ͣͧ̅h͇̗͉̫͑̓̍͊ͯ͌i̪̬̞͖͈͆̔́ ͔̜͔̾͆̄͆̇͐̈͡s̍̃̏͏͉̮͕̮h̟͕͆̑͑̇i̜͈̥͓̥͇ͣ̅̓ ̝̩̜̹̞͕́ͨ̂̈͒ͮ́̚s̪h͔͎̼̱̦̼ͮ́ͧ̀ͅi̦̣͓̼͙̜̪͗̈ͥ ͍̓ͭ́̋̂͡s͙h̫͈͉̓͠ị ̸̮̪̣͙͚͎̜̌͗ͤ̊ͤ̌̐s̝͚̟̯ͥ̐̉̍͢h͒͌ͥ̓̆҉i̤̣ͮ͊͊́ ̠͙̪͕͓̋ͪ̋s̸̰̳͇͎̖̞̋ͣh͙͈̟̣̖̪̯͂i̳͉̞̭͙ͥ̒ͪ̿̈́͠ ̗̞̰͍̪ͤ̃s̭̜͍͈̣̮ͩ́̈ͬ̃̀͝h͕̲̝͔̀͒̈́͐͗̈́ǐ̽ͫͨ̔ͬ

Though they were far from pacifists, they really rather not fun. It was much more fun to play with the dead.

As Sousuke invited them to walk, they were quick to comply. Although, with their mismatched strides and shorter stature, they were hard pressed to keep up with the larger man’s pace. If anything, it made them look all the more childlike despite their appearance. By Shinobi standards, they were an adult not younger than twenty one summers. But that didn’t change the fact that they were so... small.

“You ask so much of us.”

“When you’ve yet to even introduce yourself.”

Perhaps they thought they would not notice. There was a power in names, after all. And they had already offered theirs. It would only be polite, if they wanted the two to speak more.

“Our brother was a good man.”

“And an even greater brother.”

“But our lips are sealed until we know-”

“What to address you with.”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 346
    Training Date: Dec 19-25
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Celebrities or nobility have been this habit of being on the hit list of many. Absent mindedly it too just occurred to Sousuke that this was the case for himself. Kaito. Urufuu. Shouki. Magentica. Just to name a few. They were all stopped. Two of them were dead. One of them was present in Suna. The thought of killing Kaito did cross his mind from time to time. It was one of those things. It was really quite incredible that Kaito lasted as long as he did. Sousuke could have had him poisoned, but no. He merely let Kaito live out his final days. Alive. He was still alive despite having being interfered with by a member of the Sovereign. Was it the right thing to do? Allow Kaito to live for so long? He wasn't a threat to Sungakure. Not at least at this moment in time. Sousuke would blink. He realized he had phased out for a moment. "Clearly they have all failed, otherwise you would not be here."<i></i> He spoke in regards to that matter.

So they would go for their walk. They had mentioned he had yet to give them his name, "Mmm. Oversight. Those happen from time to time."<i></i> He would say at first as he mulled it over in his head. "I have several names. Some negative. Some positive. Some in the middle. Let's go with those."<i></i> He would hold his hands behind his back. "Mmm. Let's go with Black Steel for the time being. Been a while since I was called that. Although that was a lose translation from elementals. Their native tongue was bubbly, and very ... gurgling. A difficult thing to translate, I assure you."<i></i> He shook his head from side to side. He was weighing in on it a bit more. "I used to be called the Steward, that was until my position changed... being that now I'm the Kazekage. Yes. There is Guardian Protectorate of the realm, but that is a very long and tiring name to use. "<i></i> He had yet to give his birth name, but some people lately had been advising him to use his title. He was far too casual, that is what they said.

"So, then esteemed members of house Shoukyou."<i></i> He would pause, "We have something in common, good brothers. Mine though is ... well you would never imagine him to be my brother by first look. He is ... kind hearted, but he is in a brooding depression of sorts as of late. He is a man of great strength ... and feline qualities."<i></i> On the horizon they would find a great building in the distance. The Toraono dojo.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
