Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

One Foot Before the Other [Req. Entry/Open]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]To learn that this was the Kazekage, they believed it to be neither a good nor a bad thing for them.

On the one hand, this is the highest authority of the land and, if he would grant them sanctuary, nobody could overrule it but he. On the other, if they were banished... well, there would be no returning until a new liege came into play. And they did not know the politics of this Hidden Village to know however long that may be.

So an especially good impression it must be.

Be good children, befitting the name of your house, little ones.

They were told that once. And they used to take it to heart so much, acting childish in times when they could afford it. People looked down upon them for it. They underestimated them. That had usually been their last mistake. And it might do them well here; children were much more likely to be given sanctuary than a monster.

Though, perhaps, they did not find it terribly difficult to do so when they talked of brothers.

He was some, if not most, of the light spots that made up their spotty memories, making up for the dark, gaping holes where things not yet remembered lay. Just the thought of Tatsuya brought a warm feeling between them. A sense of calm and peace that nobody else, aside from each other had brought them thus far. Not the man Akane had been betrothed too and not even their own parents.

The amused expressions on their faces turned thoughtful, eyes halflidded as they trudged through the sand by the man’s side. Their hands clasped at each other, like one person’s hands would do, when they were wringing their own hands.

Akihiko was the first to speak, his gentle expression and tone as he looked up at the desert sky a complete contrast to the anger he had displayed when dealing with Matsu.

“Our brother is really kind. He was the only one who has been kind to us despite all of this. Even the others of our family found it hard to be... accepting or to be caring.”

“We were... lost a bit, separated from the group, when the clans of Mist traveled after the Great Freeze. Big brother was the one who found us and took us home.”

“I just wish he stayed with us longer.”

“Of course, we couldn’t expect him to babysit us. He’s got a life of his own, not just as heir.”

“Tatsu has a bit of a shameless playboy reputation.”

“Yes, one you tried to shamelessly mimic awhile back.”
Akane cut in with a snort and a roll of her eyes.

It certainly doesn’t take too much for them to chat about their elder sibling. It was almost as if they were little children boasting about their big brother.

“H-Hey! I was just kidding.”

“Oh, were you?”

Akihiko did idolize both his elder twin sister and elder brother. And if he got unsavory traits from either of them, well...

“It’s not like I’d actually sleep with that assho- buttcheek. Give me a break.”

“Even if you were to find someone else, I’ll have you remember we’re connected by the hip now, quite literally, in fact. And I’m not to tag along with your shenanigans unwittingly.”

Not to mention Akane... well she... seeing as her arranged marriage fell apart, it’s not like she’s been with anyone, putting family and duty first!

“And I’ll have you remember I behaved magnificently when you were engaged to the Mizukage! You didn’t see me complaining about that.”

“Why are we even talking about this? Ugh!”
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  • Got nothing for you here
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Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Some of my clothes are hand-me-downs from my older brother, but I've had to ... hem them or shorten the sleeves extensively."<i></i> He spoke as they talked about their brothers. There was a term that caused Sousuke's eyes to give a quizzical look. Playboy. He had heard the term before. It was something Nobu had mentioned from time to time. There was nothing wrong with being a playboy he would say, just make sure if you're courting more than one lady, that they don't know what is going on. Then again this was Lord Nobu. The man did not have the best marital life or status either, he was divorced now. Such a curious thing, the way how people acted and worked. Sousuke was certain he could say to himself, being that the way how he acted and spoke was going to someday be the study of another.

It was clear that these two loved their brother very much. Sousuke wondered if his love for Kuro could compare. He thought about it. There were two individuals here. Their love for their brother would double his own in this particular case. Though if there was only one of them, well it might be comparable in that case. The one of them regaled their tale of attempting to be a playboy but it did not go as well as it intended. Sousuke would listen to them argue it out. "You're talking about this because ... this is actually something different for me. Amusing rather, considering my undertakings and business has been quite grim. I am enjoying this quite a bit. Please do go on. This is a delightful. My family is not this animated."<i></i> He explained. His father was always a grim man, but apparently towards the end he had lightened up a bit. A difficult thing to believe. His father had perhaps done one of the most difficult things ever, become the villain of history. He took Sand underground, and left others on the surface. He had his reasons for doing that and it was to protect what he considered the most important things unto him: his family and his village.

"Do I refer to both of you as one entity now? Or do I just address you ... individually? I, too, would like a name. For the both of you, or individually."<i></i> He would rub the side of his head. He let out a short chuckle, which he did not seem to be capable of. "I was dating a girl once, and my brother he ... uh ... publicly denounced her. Her uncle was a terrorist, and she really had no control over the things he did but ... eh. I could have made a scene, but I chose not to. That ever happen to ... either of you?"<i></i> He would inquire next.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The two nearly forgot the Kazekage was there, obviously able to entertain themselves on their own. But that has always been their way, hasn’t it? Even before two became one. It was the two of them against the world. And no one else would understand each other as they did, even when brother took lovers or when sister was to be married.

“No, we suppose most people would talk about such trivial matters so easily with a Kage,” the boy piped up, amusement evident with the tilt of his lips and the roll of his eyes. “Really, one of the reasons I never took to the courts of home unless necessary. And sister won’t admit it, of course, but she is much the same in her hearts of hearts.”

Sister shushed him for that comment, a tinge of red on her cheeks. Of the two, he’s obviously the one who was never for formalities unless it was demanded of him.

And, as this Kazekage did not chide them for such familiarity, sister saw no harm if it endears them. “Fortunately for you, we aren’t most people. Our oddities not withstanding, of course. We’ve made... friends of politicians and leaders before. Why, my ex-fiance was our esteemed Mizukage, leader of the Isaki clan, before the Great Passing.”

At the mention of one entity however, some of the warmth in their expression fades.

They had introduced themselves as Shoukyou Akane and Akihiko, “But, of course, our apologies. We did not inform you who is which.” That had been spoken in unison, their smiles growing faint.

The left one (anyone else’s left, their right) then spoke first, right hand gesturing to themselves. “I am Akane, second born and only daughter.”

And the one on the right (anyone else’s right, their left) followed: “And you may call me Akihiko, third born and youngest son.”

Akihiko’s lips quivered, daring to speak of a third. The near monstrous personality that had kept them alive, all that time ago: Aka. But they agreed among themselves that bring them up would not be in their best interest, if they wished people to believe they were no monster.

“But, no, the Isaki I was betrothed to was rather honorable,” Akane said, more as an afterthought to Sousuke’s own anecdote. It was said in an aloof manner too; one that gave no illusion that there was anything left between the two of them. She did not even know where that man was after their abduction and she doubted she was in the state to be married to anyone. “Besides, denouncement of such an arrangement would have not been made public for us anyway. There is no need to involve commoner’s in the... dramas of the ancient families.”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Their love for their brother is so pure i cri
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Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Marriage proposals come up alot. One of my nobles, you met him just now. He has a daughter who he thinks would be a good match. I think he's being ... less forward about it. He treats me like a son of his, so I think the idea to him is awkward and off."<i></i> Yes. Nobu was quite hurt when he realized things were not going well in Sousuke's odd case with Yume. Sousuke spoke of her to the noble, but that was because he trusted him quite a bit. Nobu referred to Yume as a sweet girl. Yet with Yume out of the picture, his daughter Yukiko was up on the scale. The problem about being young, single, and playboyish? No. Sousuke did not consider himself a playboy. Far from it.

As the three? Yes. Three of them spoke a name came up. "Isaki? I think I've met one before. He had a staff, and seemed ... offput by myself. I did not threaten him or the like, but I think he saw something in me that troubled him."<i></i> He explained. Sousuke did not put it together that this man saw Sousuke as his opposite, and never would considering how well guarded this man was of himself. The two played a game of reading each other. It was exhausting. Sousuke said nothing out loud but he pointed to one of the siblings, mouthed out their name. Then pointed out the other and spoke the opposite. Good. "Sometimes names are ... difficult. I say this in the context of names being ... not gendered in the traditional historical sense, or one identifying with the name of ... it's odd and complicated."<i></i> He explained. His expression sank. "I once had a foreign dignitary ... confuse himself with one of my soldiers. He claimed she had a boy's name, but in these parts it is a female name. Bu foreign dignitary, I mean prince, and that prince in question was also ... uhm ... fascinated by the posterior of one of my other soldiers."<i></i> There was some semblance of frustration on Sousuke's face now. He held up his hands, and seemed to be making an apologetic motion? It was difficult to tell. "I am of an ancient family too, but we certainly did not consider the ... aspect of marrying commoners to be problematic. Is it problematic elsewhere?"<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Arranged marriages are... annoying things, though the two doubt they would have to worry about it anymore. Their family would rather hide them away from the rest of the world than have them represent their house. To think they had been such pretty, little things. And though they still are, it’s hard to overlook the fact that their bonded nature pretty much turned them into a freak.

“The Isaki with the staff would be my former betrothed. I do hope we don’t run into him lest things be... awkward,” Akane hums, her thins lip in a manner that showed she was not happy at the possibility of such.

“Ha! Awkward would be an understatement, sister mine,” Akihiko barks without much thought himself. “The last time he saw you, you and I were not like this. He might sooner strike you down now rather than woo you.”

“Oh, he wasn’t that bad of a man. A little too old for me, yes, but... let’s not speak of him anymore. I think our friend is getting frustrated with all this gossip.”
It seriously showed that the Kazekage wasn’t used to such trivial talks with how he acted. It was rather endearing, adorable even, if they were to be asked.

Besides, it put Akane out to think of a time when she was her own woman, quite literally. Though Isaki was her betrothed, that did not mean she did not have other suitors. There was a Minamoto boy even, though he would have never been given a chance considering how their families felt for each other.

Sister shook her head to get rid of such thoughts. They were surely unbecoming, to dwell of a past that would never be, and it did nothing to help their predicament. “Names are difficult, yes. But I find that onomastics, the study of names, can be of great help in learning about people – individuals and their cultures even. Names have meaning and meanings have power. For example, yours. Black Steel. Though we doubt it’s your real name. But even monikers are names, just ones given to us by someone other than our birth parents. A name such as that must mean to refer to your reputation, power or both.”

“Boring talk of names aside,”
Akihiko cut in, figuring this is a good time as any to do so, before Akane went off into one of her rare but infamous scholarly rants. “Yeah, the problematic nature of wedding a commoner really depends on the individual and the family they come from. Heirs, like our brother, would never be allowed by the elders to marry someone so plain and ordinary, for example. And sister’s marriage with the Isaki was arranged to further unify the two ancient houses of Mist. It’s all... boring old people talk.”

“Everything is boring old people talk to you, brother mine.”

“Well, it is! Boring, boring, boring. Give me a good mission over a meeting with the boring Shoukyou elders any day,”
brother spoke with a curl of his lips. “Speaking of which, I’m getting a bit bored with all this walking and talking. Where are we going anyway?”
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Happy Holidays!
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Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Oh we won't be running into him Lady Akane of the House Shoukyou. No this was many years ago now. I was not..."<i></i> He paused for a moment. "I was not even twenty-five at that time."<i></i> Time. It was an odd thing. Time passed so quickly for others, but Sousuke? He remained relatively the same. Sure he didn't wear his ear-ring back thing but that was because he didn't have it. The Kazekage wore a single gold ring on his right ear. A gift given to him by a 'small personage' but that would be another story. "I take it while he was an honourable man, that ... you did really, and I mean really were not fond of him in the slightest. I get it, there are people too who I would prefer not to be in the presence in."<i></i> Sousuke would indeed admit that the Isaki he met was indeed quite a bit older than the woman with him now. "My father was older than his mother by quite a few years. Ten, I think. My grandmother was ten years his senior. My ... grandmother was twenty when she had my mother, and didn't really raise her. She left her really, but my ... spiritual brother ... his mother acted most motherly like to my mother. They say that they were more like sisters, but I think it was more of an adopted mother and daughter relationship. I don't think that makes alot of sense but ... it is what it is."<i></i> Both Sousuke's parents were gone. AWOL really, but assumed dead. His grandmother did not mourn for either. She was a solider before she was a mother, a grandmother, and everything else. Her booze and her cigarettes came right after being a soldier.

"Black Steel was a rough translation. The full name was Black Steel the Conqueror who spared the Water than the Man. I fought against a group of mercenaries who were embroiled with a battle with Water Elementals, as the full name would suggest. I engaged the man, and fought him to the end."<i></i> A few hand seals, and Sousuke revealed the armour that would have led to him being called Black Steel. It looked quite heavier than what he was presently wear. It very much seemed that the Kazekage liked black. The truth of it was that he wore black when his anxiety was at its highest. Being that he wore black almost exclusively now? Well, it could be said that it was all-consuming now.

Sousuke remained in that armour as he walked. "I miss the ordinary. Old people talk is a lot better too considering high escalation. Well, with one exception. A particular Suna Uchiha elder who ... I'm quite happy with never dealing with him again. He made particular remarks about how when I was twenty-three did not make any open ... marriage proposals to his daughters, or grand daughters, or grand nieces."<i></i> Sousuke was then cut short by the brother. Akihiko wanted to know where they were going. By this time they would find a great tiger statue before them. "The house of my brother. Torano Kuro. I hope you like cats. He has a thing for large felines, and he has multiple bodies running about."<i></i> As they passed the statue, a tunnel would shift open revealing a passage of sorts. At least now they would no longer be in the sun. "My brother's riches are ... several times larger than my own. I like far more spartan than he does, but he does like to make sure that I eat and drink well, which is something I forget to do some times."<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Akane’s lips thinned at the mention of time. They themselves did not know how long they spent captive and they don’t know either how long exactly they spent in the ice. They say they’re twenty three because those are the years they are aware of but... they could have been frozen for years, for all they know. It’s better not to think about it.

“I was fond of him. As fond as one can be when they’re engaged to a much older gentleman,” she admitted, putting up her hand to her mouth. “I wasn’t really one for relationships back then.” Even more so now.

At any rate, sister was thankful for the distraction when the Kazekage revealed his infamous armor. The sparkle in brother’s eye at its sight is quick to temper any foul mood on her part.

“That’s pretty cool. Doubt it’s any ordinary steel though. How would you breathe in such a thing?” Akihiko thought aloud, his hand on his chin in thought. The Shoukyou specialized more in weaponry but it wasn’t too unheard of for the clan to dabble in armors and the likes too, of course.

Akane had ideas of her own, looking intently at what he wore. The two were hardly built for normal armor themselves. Besides, what need they have for it when the basic elements known to man, and then some, followed their whims? “Interwoven fibers, perhaps? Unless you use chakra to turn it into living metal, so to speak.” Not to mention they quite prefer the feel of flesh than that of such confining things.

Still, talk of armor is better than talk of old people.

“We’re more of a... dog... bird... snake people. Cats aren’t that bad, I suppose,” brother admits with a small shrug. Cats don’t like them very much. Perhaps it had something to do with cats being the gatekeepers between life and death or something like that. It was rare for a feline to like them.

The thing about multiple bodies did catch their interest however. But having a few secrets of their own, they know better than to simply pry. To them, it didn’t matter if this place held the riches of this entire village. The dark and cool feel of the tunnel was a welcome thing after the scorching sun of the desert. It put off the sun from their paper white skin and that is enough.

“Hopefully, your brother has cold cream. He must have some if he has cats,” Akihiko added as an afterthought.
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • You replied so fast! Aww, yeah!
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Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Usually it is the female who is the younger one, and the male that is older. I have to wonder sometimes what would happen if the roles were swapped. Those of the female gender, if at all sometimes, do have a limited time to reproduce. I say limited in the context of ... "<i></i> For a moment Sousuke would go silent. Mother Suna birthed? Did she give birth? Not in a human traditional sense. She was quite old, for a woman, and ... "Sorry. I was thinking of my nemesis. She is an older woman but can choose to look youthful. She ... her biology is quite different."<i></i> Mikaboshi on the other hand he sired half-ancient children, and somewhere down the line Kazuki was born.

The conversation evolved, and thankfully for that. "Not even remotely normal."<i></i> He answered at first. The breathing part? "I breathe normally. The mesh allows for normal air to come through, but if required I can add a tank. Luckily I was not drowned in blood or water at the time."<i></i> The sister then in turn had a question too. "That is how I get the flexibility I need. Living metal is more difficult. Mainly because I cannot have it fight against me should it get compromised which I have had not happen to me in particular, but a foe in the past had that skillset."<i></i> Yup. Magentica was indeed a difficult foe, and thankfully Sousuke ... lucked out? No. He had put her down with difficulty but luckily she was not punching the metal out of his framework.

"Speaking of dogs..."<i></i> Sousuke would see a welcome sight as his own canine companion would join them. A very handsome looking female husky would march her way up to them. Sousuke would kneel down to his dog and give her a hug. "This is Kitchy. She is my dog ... given than I have spoken heavily of cats. Kitchy say hello to Lord Akihko and Lady Akane."<i></i> The canine would tilt her head and would bark a hearty bark. "I'm sure if I pillage his pantry, I can find more than milk. Let's do that in fact."<i></i> Sousuke would lead them now down a hallway which was intersected by now many cross points. He would scratch his head and then take a series of lefts ultimately finding a room of sorts which contained his quarry.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Akane knew all too well how society perceived women, as nothing but servants of men and bearer of children. And she despised such thinking, knowing that a woman’s purpose could be so much more. But she held her tongue for the time being, in case Sousuke was an old fashioned man, as she did not want to insult the very man that might grant them sanctuary in his village.

It is a good thing their conversation has been shifted, to talks of armors and cream, cats and... dogs.

“What a... cute canine. And that is a curious name too: Kitchy,” Akane spoke up, trying to avert her gaze from such an adorable dog. This is coming from someone who finds snakes as adorable, of course.

It is a quick thing, to see their schooled features soften in delight, making them look more like the children that they were. But it is a split second thing as they try to remain stoic... more adult. And it takes everything for them not to kneel down and reach out to the husky to pet and play with it.

Judging by the bright, wonder filled gleam in their eyes, it was a hard and terrible battle to be fought.

Too bad brother’s already lost.

Akihiko kneels down, dragging Akane down with him in turn much to her chagrin, as he reaches his hands out enthusiastically. “Who’s a good dog? Taking care of a Kazekage of all people. It must be real hot for you in the desert with all that fur too, good dog. We’ll get some cold cream for you too, aye?”

It is difficult to control a conjoined body when the two minds are not cooperating. Thankfully, Akane was always good in reasoning with her twin.

“Well, brother mine, he won’t be getting any cold cream if you don’t get up to your feet,” sister urged, her pale cheeks turning pink at the thought of displaying further childish tendencies in front of a foreign dignitary though she too wanted to coo at the animal.

Brother was quick to react to that, all but pulling them both up to their feet this time and dragging an embarrassed sister along. “Of course, of course! Lead the way to our spoils, oh great leader!”

A series of lefts later and the pantry was in sight.

Normally, the two would have the audacity to do as they pleased, even if it is in another person’s home. It wasn’t such an uncommon story to hear the two of sifting through students’ and subordinates’ things back in Mist. They never complained for too long, growing used to it, as the two always sought to replace what they took.

But different environs and different individuals called for different manners. And they waited for instruction or permission.

Seeing the wares in the pantry however brought forth reminder of the hunger and thirst that they felt after so long wandering in the desert.

“If it is not too much to ask, perhaps some bread to go with that milk as well? We’ve forgotten we still have yet to break our fast.” And the for several days goes on unsaid.
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  • Marked for Training
    Words: 528
    Training Date: Dec 26-Jan 1
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Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would return after a few moments with a board of various foods and drinks, including the much desired cream. It seemed like Sousuke had procured a small feast of sorts. He would create a metallic table and a series of chairs. After their formation he would place down the meal that would soon be in their stomachs. He was no longer in his armour and seemed alot smaller now. He was missing most of his bulk now, and his tanned skin was very much present. He had about him a wiry body. There was muscle but it seemed stretched. Overworked was perhaps the better way to describe him. "I do believe I have covered all of the food groups."<i></i> He would announced as he reached forward and forked a cabbage roll. He placed the foreign meal on his plate and would "I believe I too have yet to break my fast."<i></i> He announced as he began to slice into his meal. The Kazekage devoured his meal with gusto but made obscenely quick work of it. He would look to the table once more before acquiring another one for himself.

"An older medic name, her name was Kendori Shuu, once came to sand for a time. She told me Mist had a more ..."<i></i> He paused for a moment as he was trying to consider the wording. "The diet was a rather fruit-filled one due to the tropical climate."<i></i> He would pause for a moment further. "Shuu was a rather curious woman. She wasn't as tall as I was in my armour, but she was of a ... frightening disposition ... she was angry. She I did see once. She had a frightening level of strength, let's just say if she had managed to hit one of my armours there would most likely be a dent in it. Nothing I could not repair though."<i></i> Sousuke would attempt to continue this small talk. "I had approached her in the Black Steel armour set, and welcomed her into the village. My companion Uri knew her, and suggested I not greet her so formally and with a cold response. That was my nature though. Wouldn't be the first time though, and it certainly will not be the last."<i></i> During this time Sousuke was still eating the cabbage rolls in between bites. "Shuu was ... mmm white haired, fair skinned, top heavy ... which most men are attracted to, but oddly enough they don't seem to realize the future pains women experience later in their lives."<i></i> Shuu and Katuso seemed attracted to each other, and she was a woman Sousuke would ... have preferred the 'Kazekage proper' would have dated in contrast to Naganisa. As he chewed and thought about it he seemed to frown. Yes, Katuso would have perhaps made better of all the situations Sand was in, even if he did not know the people ... Katsuo's ideals were much better than his own. Katuso was far more charming than he would ever be, and a far better with socializing with others. It was a trend as of late, Sousuke being the younger to both Katuso and Kuro and feeling jealous?


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
It would be a lie to say that the two weren’t relieved and grateful at the feast the Kazekage brought to them. Bread and cream alone would be a gift. But this is practically a blessing. And to think there had been a time that they could have anything they want, from the finest silks to the most expensive gems, that they’d not worry for food or drink.

They hardly batted an eye at the much smaller man, now out of armor, because of it.

Putting two of the created chairs side by side, they sat down, eager to fill their stomachs. But manners were a thing, hard drilled into their heads, ever since they were but babes.

“This is a generous spread. We thank you for the meal and for your hospitality,” they speak, with a bow of their heads, before they each pondered over the choices before them.

The cabbage rolls were given a pass, though Akihiko stopped himself from wrinkling his nose out of politeness. He wasn’t one for vegetables himself and he went straight for the meat and bread instead.

The thing about being conjoined is that they only had a hand each to themselves. Basic things such as eating were made tricky because of it, unless they wanted to share the same chopsticks. That, in itself, wasn’t something they minded in private. But in the face of a Kazekage, Akihiko assumed that his sister would not be too keen to do it right now.

So he patiently tore at the bread and picked at his meat, as well as one could with the one hand.

But assumptions always had the chance to be wrong.

As Akane took a bite of fish she had selected, chopsticks gracefully held in her right hand, she gave her brother a raised look. And, without a word, picked up a piece of meat to feed Akihiko.

Perhaps another person would find this demeaning, almost as if they were being treated like a child. But he was just grateful as his own left hand has always been his less dominant; something he would have to remedy if they were to remain in this state for an indefinite amount of time.

She said nothing of it, as she replied to their host, hoping to take his attention away from the very act. “The pick of Kirigakure food has always been vast and plentiful. There are plenty of local fruits and vegetables on the island nation, yes, and the seas have always been bountiful with fish and other seafood. The surrounding forests never lacked wildlife to hunt for meat as well,” she hummed. It was painful to speak of their country in the past tense but there was no doubt to the affection and pride in her words. And if there was ever opportunity to speak highly of it, she would take it, helping her brother eat all the while. “If there was anything ever lacking in our resources, it would be easy enough to acquire through trading with the traveling merchants and sea vessels that came and went.”

“Our sushi and sashimi was the best, of course.”

“That it was.”

The partaking of food and getting their fill had the unfortunate side effect, however, of reminding them what it was they were here for. The reason as to why they were playing nice with the man who played as their host.

Still, it might be in their best interest to steer the conversation back into that topic gently. So it was well and good that the Kazekage brought to them the opportunity.

The name Kendori Shuu was then brought up.

It was familiar. But not in a way that said they met this person before. It was just one of those names that you pick up on yet were wholly insignificant in all ways except the fact that such a person existed. Sousuke said they were a medic; perhaps the name was uttered during something related to that.

“I think it’s safe to assume that most kunoichi have a frightening level of strength. Some more than others, of course,” Akane said with a small twitch upwards of her lips. She did not think to comment further on the topic of female endowment however. Her own bosoms, as humble as they had been, were gone already. A necessity.

She disguised this pause by taking a drink, the milk very much welcome to their parched system.

Quietly, her brother offered Kitchy a plate of the stuff.

“Speaking of medics, perhaps it would be in your interest to know that my brother and I are practitioners in the field.” Are not were, of course. If one wanted to speak of weres, they too were a part of Mist’s ANBU forces but that was neither here nor there as they preferred the medical branch than that of the glorified police force. “Between the both of us, we have spent many years working in both surgery and in the hospital morgue. We’d be more than happy to lend our assistance if it... endears us to your people and makes us more welcome.” Of course, it needn’t be said that they were a dab hand with working in a pharmacy as well; that was very much basic.

On the other hand, they’d rather not speak in their dabbling of psychology as that particular branch of study held somewhat of a stigma with certain countries and they did not know how Sunagakure felt about it. As it is, they were in no state to help others with their mental health at any rate.

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training
    Words: 934
    Training Date: Jan 2-8

    Trying out a new posting style; this should be the first post on the third page, probably.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
(Erm ... for the record village access granted)

Kitchy would happily accept the table scraps provided. The husky would place her paw on the knee of Akihko to give him a thankful gesture of course. The canine would happily devour the meal present and not make an overly loud sound of doing so. They would eat in silence for a time, but Sousuke would listen to their offers. The offer of another aid in the medical field was something noted by Sousuke. Very much like Shuu this was. Sousuke would knit his fingers together. "My medical chief of staff is a gentleman by the name of Akujin. You may wish to collaborate with him and perhaps exchange some knowledge and some theories."<i></i> It was perhaps indeed the best that the concept of psychology was mentioned. Mainly because ... well, what Sousuke perhaps experienced was not exactly healthy. He once received a recommendation once to 'give release in a consequence free environment' which Sousuke scoffed at mainly because he always learned there was a consequence to every single action - including breathing. It was perhaps for the best no one tried to unravel the enigma that consisted of Takahashi Sousuke the third. "I'll inform Akujin that you may be visiting him accordingly."<i></i>

Sousuke frowned for a moment, and considered something. It was a project that he had been working on in the dark. "I do have a query for later, it is not really a thing that would be good for table talk."<i></i> He would mention on the side. "I suspect through the morgue you have had some ... disturbing sights of course. That is what happens in the field of course. I do not suspect of course you've seen ... mmm nevermind."<i></i> It was one of those questions that were best saved for later of course.

Sousuke would lean back in his chair now. He would close his eyes and hold his hands in almost a praying fashion underneath his chin. "Accommodations for the two of you will be either here in the dojo or at the Kazekage tower. The dojo at my tower are linked in more ways than one."<i></i> He fell silent for a moment. "I will warn you, our village is full of ... a very wide ranging variety of individuals. Some of them demonic in nature, and others are ... something elemental. Cousin Matsu somehow forgot to look around and considered those around him when he called you a monster. I apologize for that. Monster is a term that people use to describe things that cannot be described or are outside of their normalness. "<i></i> That was mildly putting it. Mikaboshi might be considered 'undead' in the context he was walking around in Katuso's dead body. One of Kuro's bodies was a tiger entity.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
A genuine and gracious smile softened Akane’s features, hearing how open the man was to the offer. It would indeed be beneficial to the both of them if they were able to work with the hospital of the village. Beyond rendering service so that they would be more welcome and giving a good impression of them, hospitals tell so many stories about the village that it served as much as any bar.

One could see how these people fell. To know if they lacked resources in food, if there were poisons and illnesses that were to be avoided or to be of use. A doctor would be able to see what injuries were brought about to a country’s warriors and be able to discern the who, the what and why.

The name Akujin was filed aside. And, make no mistake, they will probably visit the man sooner or later to assess how Medic Chiefs of these lands were like. They themselves were supposed to be Medic Chiefs, hindered only by age and by the fact that the Great Exile and the Great Freeze had occurred.

The accommodations offered were very generous too. Many would think twice before promising their own home or even that of the Kazekage’s to a foreigner, especially one as strange as they are. And never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, they had no plans to refuse.

“I promise that you will not regret your hospitality towards us, Kazekage-sama. We take care of ours... and those who welcome us,” sister hummed. Had she been able to cross her legs, she would have. Alas, such small things were impossible in this form. “We will accept accommodations in the tower or in your home, wherever you see would fit us, of course. To stay in this dojo, in your home though... well, I’m afraid we might be stepping over one too many boundaries for today. But if you do not mind our presence...”

It would be far too... intimate to stay in a clan home. But, then again, they were little bothered by such things. Then again, the other man might be more comfortable with a psuedo-professional arrangement at the moment. And they’d be able to move about much more freely, they believed, in the latter setting than the former. If monsters did roam these lands, it would be nice to... get to meet them. On the other hand, staying in the man’s family home... alliances could be made. Or, at the very least, they can endear themselves to the lawman. That is never a bad thing.

A damn tower though. Who wouldn’t want to stay in one?

Akihiko spoke up now, though his eyes didn’t leave Kitchy as he continued offering scraps to the dog. “I don’t blame him. There’s this saying, something something... better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t,” he said with a light shrug of his shoulder. Running a hand through his own hair, as soon as the husky took the last morsel of meat from him, he grinned. “So... why not get to know us? We can start with that question of yours, if you’d like. Sister and I aren’t the littlest bit squeamish. It’s hard to be when we’ve had to hold in our own entrails and stitch ourselves back up over the dinner table at least twice in our lives.”

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Entering Sand, though the topic continues! Time to cause some trouble in Sand! I mean... er... yeah, that's what I meant, lol.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would raise his hand and point to the roof, he needed to make a point of order. "Er... technically my home is the Kazekage tower. It's not ... as luxurious as one would think, considering I use a murphy bed. A foreign name and concept, but one that saves on quite a bit of space."<i></i> Sousuke used to live with his girlfriend, that was until they ... well, let's just say Sousuke wasn't exactly comfortable anymore with going into an apartment that was seemingly empty now. Yume, like many others in his life, had seemed to vanished. A concept that was getting old, and a troubling one indeed. People just seemed to become a faded memory. "My brother's real estate holdings are ... vastly larger than my own. His ... mother ... who is not my mother, but not the woman who ... laid with my father ... who is indeed my mother proper, is quite a figure of import of sorts. She is a noble of high standing and regard."<i></i> Sousuke would rub his chin with his palm. It was sometimes difficult explaining how he was the 'baby brother' in the Toraono clan. Some might think Sousuke was born out of wedlock. As a child Sousuke was quite fearful that he was not his father's or his mother's son. He did not show their qualities until he had gotten older, yes he did share his mother's hair colour, and yes he did acquire his father's sharp and grim features but ... one would have had to look at a younger picture of his father to figure it out. There was an age difference of ten years between the wife and the husband that would have spawned the now-present Kazekage. "I do not think I had described that in the best way possible. It is a fairly complicated relationship. That is to say ... my proper parents did not ... betray their wedding vows or ... got divorced. Let's use the term surrogate when it comes to describing my brother."<i></i>

Sousuke imagined the conjoined holding their own entrails and attempting to fix a great mess of sorts. "Well, when you put it like that, this pales in contrast to that. Are ... you do get along with your brother? I would have to think that no that was not the case."<i></i> Why such assembly was required at the dinner table was ... probably not going to be asked. The other matter of course, "I will refrain from making my other inquiry, I need to do some more research into the matter."<i></i> Sousuke would look down to his hands. Flesh was so very weak, and upon a time Sousuke was able to have his armour appear from underneath his flesh. It was a feature he missed, but considering his armour was bulkier as of late ... such a feature would not be quite useful.

Kitchy would come back to Sousuke after finishing up her scraps. She would placed her head on his knee. Sousuke would look down to his canine. It was a reminder of a future appointment. "Yes girl. I may have forgotten."<i></i> He would turn his head back to the twins. "Unfortunately I do head out. An appointment is to take place in ten minutes that I need to go to. The dojo is connected to the village, and gaining entry should not prove difficult."<i></i> With that Sousuke would make his departure. He would turn to Kitchy, "Just make sure they don't get lost."<i></i> He would add as he would pat her on the head before heading out.

[Topic concluded?]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
Finding out that the dojo was not the Kazekage’s home had them easily changing their mind. “Then we will gladly accept your offer to stay at the Tower. We would not want to be a burden to those who live here when they have not even met us,” Akane informed the man with a nod of her head. Besides, what use is it to stay here in the dojo if they could not watch out for their host, for one reason or another?

And, again, it is a damn tower.

They cared little for the intricacies of his family, though took note of it in case the knowledge may be of any use in future scenarios. Surrogate mothers and donor fathers were not such a foreign concept. They worked in the medical field, after all. But they listened patiently as the man struggled to explain himself even if there was no need to.

They cared, however, for how their brother was perceived and was quick to jump to his defense. “We cared and protected our brother. And, in turn, he too cared and protected us. We would not seek his company out, traversing a desert to do so on the off chance he is here, if that was the case.” Even through it all, loyalty to their family is bred into them.

More questions and restrictions were expected.

Much to their surprise, there were no more.

There would be no escort assigned to them. No warnings or threats to behave as well as they could. No chakra restraints or attempts to coax them into a disguise. They were only given a dog as a guide and that was it.

When the Kazekage made to leave, the two uttered a “Farewell.”

All the while wondering if the Kazekage had any idea what he’s just let loose in his village.

[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Left Topic; thank you for the RP!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
